Raccoon Love . MBTI INFP Enneagram 4w5 Sep 30, 2009 #26 The Machiavelli personality test has a range of 0-100 Your Machiavelli score is: 56
mastermind Regular Poster MBTI INTJ Jan 18, 2010 #27 Machiavellian Intelligence http://www.salon.com/books/it/1999/09/13/machtest/ Your Machiavelli score is: 86 "high Mach", you endorse Machiavelli's opinions. Most people fall somewhere in the middle, but there's a significant minority at either extreme.
Machiavellian Intelligence http://www.salon.com/books/it/1999/09/13/machtest/ Your Machiavelli score is: 86 "high Mach", you endorse Machiavelli's opinions. Most people fall somewhere in the middle, but there's a significant minority at either extreme.
Reon Midnight's Garden MBTI Questioning? Enneagram 5w6 Jan 18, 2010 #31 "high Mach", you endorse Machiavelli's opinions. Most people fall somewhere in the middle, but there's a significant minority at either extreme.
"high Mach", you endorse Machiavelli's opinions. Most people fall somewhere in the middle, but there's a significant minority at either extreme.
aeon Amoureux des Chatons Staff member Administrator MBTI ENFP Enneagram 947 sx/sp Jan 19, 2010 #36 34