Sorry the paper the rand corporation wrote was called 'a project for a new american century' you can read about it online and even on wikipedia
The philosopher behind the neoconservative movement was called Strauss
Students of his included Bush (father and son presidents who both waged wars against Saddam hussein who previous to that had worked with the US especially when the US supplied them in a war against wonder Iran hate the US!), Rumsfeld (architect of the blitzkreig approach of the second iraq invasion) and Paul Wolfowitz (later to become chairman of the world bank)
These guys got into powerful poisitions in government and the cia. BBC journalist Adam Curtis made a fantastic documentary about this which can be found online called 'the power of nightmares'
Strauss used to love watching westerns......he loved the black hat, white hat morality of a good guy versus a bad guy and he saw this as a very good way of moulding public perceptions. He knew that to lead the public to war you have to weave a narrative in which you are the good guys and the guys you want to crush or control are the bad guys
The neo-cons believed that to galvanise a population you need certain things: a flag to rally round, a strong sense of national identity (children salute the flag froma young age in the US), a religion (so the neo-cons courted right wing christians because they saw religion as a tool to us to create unity and integrity of national character and also because they were a massive voting block) and finally an ENEMY to define yourself against and to use as a bogeyman to scare the public to get them to follow your orders
Thats what the film 'the village' was about made in the wake of was about creating bogeymen to control people
The nazis had formed the enemy before then the russians provided the perfect bogeyman (the 'red scare') and with the collapse of the USSR a new enemy was needed.
The CIA had funded and trained mujihadeen fighters against the russians in afghanistan and now they could use these as the new enemy so islam was cast in the role of the new enemy....the new bogeyman. Terror could lurk anywhere we were constantly told.....the police were foiling plots everywhere we were told.....lots of arrests were made (but very few convictions!!!)
The reality is that most 'terrorist attacks' are state sponsored or carried out by secret services.
The 'neo-cons' are simply part of the power elite though. They are part of an unholy alliance between wallstreet, the corporations and government. The power elite is basically a merging of corporate power with government power which by some peoples definition is fascism
It might as well be called neo-fascism!
So people are now waking up to all this which is why there are more and more protests going on. The occupy movement has called it the 99% against the 1% but really its probably more like 0.01%
the puppet masters are the people at the very top of the pyramid. They exercise their power thorugh many channels (not least through government and the federal reserve bank) for example think tanks that advise the government. One such think tank is the council on foreign relations. Please look this up on wikipedia and click on the link to see who the members are as you will see a long list of corporations....thats because it is a corporatocracy running the US
The philosopher behind the neoconservative movement was called Strauss
Students of his included Bush (father and son presidents who both waged wars against Saddam hussein who previous to that had worked with the US especially when the US supplied them in a war against wonder Iran hate the US!), Rumsfeld (architect of the blitzkreig approach of the second iraq invasion) and Paul Wolfowitz (later to become chairman of the world bank)
These guys got into powerful poisitions in government and the cia. BBC journalist Adam Curtis made a fantastic documentary about this which can be found online called 'the power of nightmares'
Strauss used to love watching westerns......he loved the black hat, white hat morality of a good guy versus a bad guy and he saw this as a very good way of moulding public perceptions. He knew that to lead the public to war you have to weave a narrative in which you are the good guys and the guys you want to crush or control are the bad guys
The neo-cons believed that to galvanise a population you need certain things: a flag to rally round, a strong sense of national identity (children salute the flag froma young age in the US), a religion (so the neo-cons courted right wing christians because they saw religion as a tool to us to create unity and integrity of national character and also because they were a massive voting block) and finally an ENEMY to define yourself against and to use as a bogeyman to scare the public to get them to follow your orders
Thats what the film 'the village' was about made in the wake of was about creating bogeymen to control people
The nazis had formed the enemy before then the russians provided the perfect bogeyman (the 'red scare') and with the collapse of the USSR a new enemy was needed.
The CIA had funded and trained mujihadeen fighters against the russians in afghanistan and now they could use these as the new enemy so islam was cast in the role of the new enemy....the new bogeyman. Terror could lurk anywhere we were constantly told.....the police were foiling plots everywhere we were told.....lots of arrests were made (but very few convictions!!!)
The reality is that most 'terrorist attacks' are state sponsored or carried out by secret services.
The 'neo-cons' are simply part of the power elite though. They are part of an unholy alliance between wallstreet, the corporations and government. The power elite is basically a merging of corporate power with government power which by some peoples definition is fascism
It might as well be called neo-fascism!
So people are now waking up to all this which is why there are more and more protests going on. The occupy movement has called it the 99% against the 1% but really its probably more like 0.01%
the puppet masters are the people at the very top of the pyramid. They exercise their power thorugh many channels (not least through government and the federal reserve bank) for example think tanks that advise the government. One such think tank is the council on foreign relations. Please look this up on wikipedia and click on the link to see who the members are as you will see a long list of corporations....thats because it is a corporatocracy running the US