@Sandie33 Three cars from me to my right had three sevens. Can we find other numbers, or must we look for them? 33 is in our mind, is it not?
Do we wish to share the number 3 with another number 3? We may or may not wish. Either way is fine.
@just me

In following Numerology the numbers generally follow us not us "looking" for them. This is the beauty in the mystique of numbers and their meaning.
One of the hard sells in esotericism, or metaphysics for the matter, is the resonance of the 'catalyst' that is bringing the thing into our awareness. When we are open to the channel that such things move on we yend to notice them more and more around us.
I akin it to the difference between spiritualism and religion. Religion is like learning textual content in a classroom, whereas spirituality is putting those teachings to practice in real-life situations.....think of an accountant for example. An accountant learns the differences between credit and debit, acrual and depreciation values, equity and expenditure....as is with we humans trying to put the things we learn about ourselves into practice of living.... do they add or subtract from who we are at our core?
To answer regarding 33. The number 33 is a Master Number the same as 11 and 22. 'Master Number 33 is signified by the word altruistic. This number has a high energy and is concerned with doing good in the world. Those with Life Path Number 33 are more likely to want to use their life to raise the consciousness of as many people as possible.'
'Those with life path number 22 are natural leaders. They are confident and can inspire others to achieve their goals with their great ambition. Additionally, they are also creative and resourceful deep thinkers. They are often visionaries and can see the potential in people and situations.'
'The Life Path Number 11 is a mighty number which has a great potential to be an inspiring soul for others. People with 11 life path number have the ability to be magical and impressive with their skills and capabilities. You can be both a source of energy and a source of light for others and irradiate them with your wisdom. You are not only energetic, but you have a certain aura that fills up the room you enter as you have the ability to pass on the energy with others around you. It may not be less of a remark, but you may not be aware of the potential you have inside of you. You can inspire, influence and affect many people, though you may have been misunderstood since your childhood, which is why you are bashful and reserved in your essence.'
The above is just a couple online blurbs hinting at what a Master Life Path Number means. As with any learning and development, one with a Master Number Life Path can be stuck into a 2, 4 or 6 Life Path modality if unaware, or subconsciously refusing to utilize the gifts a Master Number brings.
As with any subject, One gets out of it what one puts into it. If an individual is willing to invest time and energy into researching, and comparing reliable sources, the efforts expand the mind into higher learning. Albeit Religion or Spiritualism leads us to the Source of what tickles our senses to find the answers of who whe are and what the heck are we doing here? It also can lead us to the blueprint of our d3sign and how we can utilize the knowledge to leave a legacy for others to follow while mapping their I own path.
From a personal perspective, I feel blessed by Source to have the attributes of an INFJ, LP#11, a Pisces Sun, etc. The uncanny similarities amongst all of these things when weighed up against one another is beyond comprehension at times. Many times I've been called eccentrics to *#%& witch

I don't mind because the perk of being a Life Path #11 is the Leadership quality.....destined to lead others to the journey of expanding their own mind regarding those deep-seeded tickles prompting them to ask Why?
Hopefully this shines a light on things for you and orhers.....I'm still learning she says with tounge in cheek.