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IDK. Everytime I take the test I get a different answer. I've never actually gotten estp, but then again I've never really answered it the way I'm supposed I think. I always try to figure it out first. Only thing is: I make quick rash judgements, and didn't someone say thats Fi? But ESTP has Fe. But I knew I had fe to begin with.

Then answer it the way you are supposed to and find out your type. Its that easy.
Or better yet, try not to over-analyze what they're saying and just click the first answer that comes to mind or feels "right."
Not knowing what feels right could indicate low Fi.

Fi does not have to do with making judgments quickly, it has to do with making judgments based on personal feelings rather than rational analysis (Ti), efficiency (Te), or how it effects others (Fe).
OH. Well, I think it is safe to say I have successfully shot out any career of ever being a typist. :D

I've been loooking into ESTP and its actually quite amazing o.O And I've come to a realization that may once again be off. But I am an ESTP (I thought about being an ESTP very heavily but dismissed it because I thought I had intuition) ESTPs are known to make harsh and quick judgements. Says famous personality site o.O

Hmmm, wow this makes a lot of freaking sense. Its why I kept on getting INFJ when I was testing during school, I was under a lot of stress. And I think I am a T, but I wish I was an F? I wish I was more comforting of peoples emotions, but I just don't care.

Also, enfps hate rules. Apparently, so do estps.

ESTPs are action oriented, pragmatic, outgoing and realistic people. They use their quickness and flexibility to find the most efficient route to accomplishing whatever needs to be done. They are lively, entertaining, and fun. They like to be where the action is and participate fully in what is happening. Characteristically, they are direct with their comments and mince no words. They are at their best in situations that require an orientation to the present and a direct, no-nonsense, pragmatic approach.


ESTP children are rambunctious, energetic, and freedom-loving individuals. They do what they want to do when they want to do it. ESTP children like life to be action packed and fun. They stir things up when they find life too boring. They do not like to sit still and are often involved in energy-intensive sports and other activities with their many friends. They seem unfazed by whatever comes along and prefer to hold a challenge or two. They usually enjoy lively activities in which they can use their motor and observation skills to respond quickly to the moment.

ESTP children experience and do things in order to learn about life. They are particularly inquisitive about inanimate things. They like having nice toys, games, and equipment, and take care of these material possessions willingly.

School is important to ESTPs as a place to meet their friends and to be involved in activities, and is less important to them as an educational or academic experience. ESTPs can exasperate their parents and teachers, who appreciate their abilities and want them to apply themselves so as to excel academically. However, ESTPs have different needs and wants. Pleasing themselves is their aim, not necessarily achieving top grades for others. Generally, they want to do things their own way and in their own time, and they are rather direct in telling others what is on their minds.

As teenagers, ESTPs continue to be action oriented. They are likely to be on sports teams or involved in other after-school activities. If they have a part-time job, they use the money to purchase or save for the things they want, such as sporting equipment, clothes, stereos, cars, and college education.

As young adults, ESTPs tend to fall into their careers. If they are mechanically oriented, they may find a career in mechanics; if their friends are going to college, they are likely to go to college; If their friends are joining and armed forces, the ESTP may go along as well.

ESTPs look forward to their independence and are likely to leave home as soon as they can afford to. Being pragmatic types, however, they may find that home, if less restrictions can be negotiated, is a practical and good place to be, because it is cheaper and allows them more money for other important things.

In adult life, ESTPs often focus on work, where they can directly or vicariously experience high risk and high reward. These risks may be physical, intellectual, personal, or financial. They are likely to look for loopholes, special niches, or other unusual opportunities for finding high rewards for the investment of their time. They are willing to play by the rules but only the point of using the rules to help them be or do what they want. They often fill their lives with many activities besides work. They are busy primarily with their families and with friends when they have time.

If and when life becomes too routine for ESTPs, they find ways to jazz it up, either through their own actions or those of others. They may take unusual trips or add to their lives some excitement or big-game hunting. They like life filled with zest. They may choose to retire early so that they can have more time for activities that they consider fun. They enjoy being around others in pursuit of a good time.


ESTPs learn best in situations in which the subject matter applies directly to one of their interests, where the expectations are realistic, and where the explanations are clear. They like observation and hands-on experience, and have little tolerance for theory and material that could be, but that is not currently, useful. Teachers' comments that knowing certain ideas or theories will someday pay off leave most ESTP's cold. They want few constraints put on them. They prefer teachers who are entertaining and make learning active and fun.

One of the ESTP's main strengths is using the five senses to notice what is happening, to find any flaws and inaccuracies that may exist, and to act quickly on them.


At work, ESTPs contribute a straightforward attitude that calls on people to make things happen quickly. They keep things lively and are willing to take personal and organizational risks. They enjoy crises and like to dive right in and skillfully negotiate through them. Because ESTPs notice and remember factual information, they often contribute a realistic assessment of what is actually happening.

ESTPs value a quick response, they operate under the organizational principle that it is easier to beg for forgiveness after committing the act than to ask for permission in advance. The parts of their work environment or homes that are well-organized tend to relate to their interests.

The ESTPs' final product, event, paper, or other accomplishment may be excellent, but it belies the ESTP process. ESTP's tend to leave a trail of papers, piles of resources, and messy files and closets, but usually their work is well put together in the end. One ESTP said, "I hate a clean desk. My desk is workable and is organized and categorized as needed."

ESTPs prefer occupations that allow flash and dash, ones in which they can respond dramatically with speed to the present needs. If they choose an occupation in which this is not the case, they bring these characteristics to their work. They do not like to be constrained in their activities and generally seek work that gives them a great deal of latitude.

Some occupations seems to be especially attractive to ESTPs: auditor, carpenter, craft worker, farmer, laborer, marketeer, law enforcement officer, sales representative, service worker, transportation operative, and other occupations that allow ESTPs to use their action-oriented sense of expediency.


ESTP leadership style is one that charge readily, especially in crisis. They have a direct and assertive style, and they move ahead without necessarily paying attention to all of the rules. They find the immediate cause of problems and seek immediate solutions. They can react to any given situation, expedite it, and make it work. They hear different sides of the problem, make decisions and keep things moving.


ESTPs love leisure, and they do all they can to maximize their leisure time. They are usually involved in activities, particularly sporting ones, either as players or as spectators. They may enjoy out-of-door, risk-taking activities. ESTPs may collect tangible things related to their hobbies.

ESTPs enjoy spending time in active pursuits, not necessarily needing others but not minding if they are there either. They like to be associated with individuals who have taken physical risks, even if they choose not to do so themselves.


For the ESTP, love means finding someone to have fun with, sharing life's ups and avoiding life's downs. When an ESTP sees and intended partner as one with whom many exciting experiences can be shared, the ESTP will use persuasiveness and his or her outward, fun-loving orientation to impress and win the chosen partner. The ESTP may view this as a challenge and may use whatever expedient means are available. ESTPs enjoy falling in love but do so quite practically by finding common ground with their loved one. This companionship aspect, in which activities can be jointly pursued, is important to them.

Generally, ESTPs can be fairly straightforward about the more sensual side of love, regarding it as a major part of life's enjoyment. They may like parties, and entertainment that has an earthy undertone, seeing these activities as a part of life not to be taken too seriously. For ESTPs in relationships, too much daily routine can feel confining and boring. When this happens, they are likely to"liven" things up by surprising their partners with a second honeymoon, a large or extravagant gift, or some other tangible expression of their love.

When scorned, ESTPs may wallow in their grief for some time, then decide that such behaviour is impractical and therefore cut their losses and move on. ESTPs usually approach the breakup of a relationship with a fairly straightforward and realistic orientation. After they have dealt with the emotional part, it is as if fate has taken its course. It is as though they might say, "The relationship is over. Life dealt me a blow, and it's time to move on."

Profile by David Keirsey

ESTPs are men and women of action. When someone of this personality is present, things begin to happen. The lights come one, the music plays, the game begins. And a game it is for the ESTP, the outstanding entrepreneur, the international diplomat, the conciliator, and the negotiator par excellence. Approximately 13 percent of the general population are of this extraverted, sensing, thinking, perceiving type, and if only one adjective could be used to describe ESTPs resourceful would be an apt choice.

Life is never dull around ESTPs. Their attractive, friendly style has a theatrical flourish which makes even the most routine, mundane event seem exciting. ESTPs usually know the location of the best restaurants, and headwaiters are likely to call them by name. ESTPs are socially sophisticated, suave, and urbane and are master manipulators of the external environment.

ESTPs are uncanny at observing people's motivations, somehow hypersensitive to minimal nonverbal cues which other types might miss. And they are masters at using these observations to "sell" the "client." The eye of the ESTP is ever on the eye of the beholder, and all actions are directed toward this audience. Witty, clever, and fun, ESTPs seem to possess an unusual amount of empathy, when in fact this is not the case; rather, they are so acutely aware of minimal signals from others that they are usually several jumps ahead in anticipation of another's position. And ESTPs can use information gained to the ends they have in mind-apparently with nerves of steel, engaging in what seems to others to be suicidal brinkmanship. Other types may find this exhausting, but ESTPs are exhilarated by working close to the edge of disaster. ESTPs are ruthless pragmatists and often offer the ends as justification for whatever means they see as necessary-regrettable, perhaps, but necessary. Usually, however, ESTPs do not care to justify actions, but prefer instead to get on to the next action.


ESTP's are outstanding as initiators of enterprises that bring people together to negotiate. They make invaluable itinerant administrators who can pull troubled companies or institutions out of the red very quickly, and with style! They can sell an idea or project in a way no other type can, but won't follow through on the tedious administrative details of a project. This characteristic often causes ESTP's to be unappreciated for the extraordinary talents they have, for people lose sight of the idea contributed and focus on the details left undone, becoming critical of ESTPs' weaknesses rather than appreciating their strength. Few enterprises which are institutionally based use ESTP's as they should be used. When they strike out on their own, however, they do not always succeed, for their unwillingness to bother with follow-up details may cause an otherwise excellent project to fail. ESTPs need to be sure they have someone who will take care of follow-up if at all possible.

If the promotional, entrepreneurial capabilities of ESTPs are used to constructive ends, an institution is fortunate for their presence. If their desire for excitement is not met constructively, however, these energies may be channeled into destructive, antisocial activities such as those of the confidence rackets-counterfeiting, bad-check artistry, safe-cracking, and swindling. A movie of the early 1970's which caught this use of the ESTP's talents was 'The Sting'.


ESTPs live in the immediate moment and as mates lend excitement-and unpredictability-to the relationship. The ESTP mate is usually extremely attentive in public and smooth in social rituals. They carry on amusing repartee, and laughter surrounds them as they recount from their endless supply of clever jokes and stories. Charm radiates from ESTPs. Nothing is too good for their friends, although family responsibilities may, at times, be given second priority. The ESTP's mate may in time come to feel like an object-the female a chattel and the male a negotiable commodity. Deep commitments do not always occur in the lives of ESTPs, although they are always popular and know many, many people by name. Relationships usually are conditional, and the condition is the consideration of what the ESTP has to gain from the relationship. Anything gained, however, is shared freely and generously with the mate. The unexpected gift, the impulsive trip to Paris, the extravagant surprise at Christmas-all these an ESTP brings to a mate. Fun, excitement, laughter, and that element of unpredictability are characteristic of their relationship. The ESTPs have a low tolerance for anxiety and are apt to avoid or leave situations that are consistently filled with interpersonal tensions. ESTPs are usually somewhat of a mystery to their mates and to others. Few people comprehend this unique personality. ESTPs themselves understand well the maxim, "He who travels fastest, travels alone." Still, ESTPs are not likely to be lonely for long. ESTPs meet life with a hearty appetite for the good things of the world, searching out excitement, perhaps as a warrior, an athlete, an adventurer, or as a professional gambler, but always seeking the thrill of courting Lady Luck in one fashion or another. A theme of seeking excitement through taking of risks runs through the lives of ESTPs.


At midlife ESTPs may want to work at consolidation of resources-emotional and economic. Long-term planning on the part of ESTPs may well destroy the essence of their strength-the impulse-but ESTPs may want rationally and logically to seek out a partner who will follow through on details, who will stabilize projects undertaken, and who will conserve the ESTP energies. ESTPs may want to work at developing a few, deep relationships even though these cause an ESTP entrepreneurial restrictions.


The relative rarity of the ESTP's opposite on the intuitive side, INFJ (about 1 percent compared to the ESTP's 15 percent), means that such matings will be quite infrequent, as they should be. Imagine an oracle married to a wheeler-dealer! We should, however, be mindful that, whatever our own political beliefs, our more spectacular Presidents (J.F. Kennedy, L.B. Johnson, T. Roosevelt, F.D. Roosevelt) were ESTP "promoters" without peer. It would be a fascinating study to check on the temperament of their wives to see if any married their oracular INFJ opposites.

The seemingly correct-and, we can assume, attractive-choice is the ISFJ "conservator." Such complementarily should work out rather nicely, especially if the promoter is male and the conservator is female.
Judging from your OP alone, I'd say you are definatly ISTJ

A sign that you are introverted at heart is if you feel more comfortable being by yourself and thinking than constantly being in contact with others, which you mention. Introverts need to be by themselves to recharge their "mental batteries" while extroverts need to be involved with others to do the same. Of course you can have an "extroverted introvert" but the key difference is really what makes you feel most refreshed. If the concept of being around a lot of people often daunts you, then you are probably introverted at heart.

By the fact that you are making large posts and closure is such a huge deal to you, then this pretty much confirms for me that you are a J type as well. P's would never put a lot of serious interest in such matters. I mean it's something that would cross the mind and may even be a "topic for the day" but I don't believe they are the types that require closure. Being on time to things all the time is also a sign of J - you judge yourself in compairison to your surroundings/others to try and make it the best as possible. P's have less of a tendency to do this I think.
Well one thing is, I know extraverts are excited by new people, but I'm not. I HATE meeting new people in a sense. Like I enjoy meeting new people, (lol) but I dislike where we are first first meeting. When I am in a crowd I am unfamiliar with I do not branch out to anyone at all. When I am in new scene whatsoever I keep very very very much to myself. I spoke perhaps 5 words the entire semester at school.

However, in an atmosphere where I have determined I am welcome/appreciated, I am almost garish. I am very very outgoing, happy chappy, always smiling joking around etc. I also notice when I am in my I mode I'm a very J ish, and my E mode very P ish. but can you switch shadow functions that quickly?

But I'd say I'm a P though, because I do see possibilities everywhere (its why I thought I was an N), while my ISTJ brother, no matter how much we get along we he thinks possibilities are pointless.
I still think you are introverted - most people do feel more extroverted around people they know. You are looking too into it - introversion is really defined by what makes you feel refreshed and appealing to you. If the concept of being around your friends every day for most of the day will tire you mentally (even if you love their company), and if you tend to be timid/to-yourself around others you don't know from a comfort standpoint (i.e. not doing it because you don't care about people in general), then that's confirmation to me that you are an introvert.

Different types have differeing levels of introversion. ISTP's are extremely introverted even around their friends (friends to them tend to not be people you talk with all the time, but people you do things with), while INFJ's are known to be the most extroverted of introverts. Around people I know and feel like I've "figured out" (and therefore know the boundaries) I can appear very extroverted and silly and I love the idea of going out to do something with someone I know as long as it's not all the time. However I HIGHLY value my personal time, and constant direct contact with others really wears me down. I need my me time and I need to be able to have a "way out" to give myself a small break for a few moments.

I don't think seeing possibilities everywhere is nessicarily a P trait, but I don't know much about P so it very well could be. I always associated such things with an S trait. S+P combo's I have noticed though are very day-to-day thinkers, they don't plan on things much and need to be spontaneous (and are spontaneous all the time if they get their way). Adventure seekers, tend to be messy and forget to put the milk away, etc. :p
Ok. I thought this was a joke thread, but you’re actually serious.

MBTI is based off of behavior. You could be an ESTP who acts like an ISTJ, and scores ISTJ on all your tests. Test are erroneous in the fact that they don’t take into account what the test taker erroneously sees in himself/herself. I mean blah blah blah blah. I could go on, but you COULD read the link I originally posted and start from the ground up:

Yea you could read...*jabs at Limit* :)
I dunno if us T's wanna claim....oh nevermind, was I typing that out loud?

I think you are a Feeler for sure...
I still think you are introverted - most people do feel more extroverted around people they know. You are looking too into it - introversion is really defined by what makes you feel refreshed and appealing to you. If the concept of being around your friends every day for most of the day will tire you mentally (even if you love their company), and if you tend to be timid/to-yourself around others you don't know from a comfort standpoint (i.e. not doing it because you don't care about people in general), then that's confirmation to me that you are an introvert.

Different types have differeing levels of introversion. ISTP's are extremely introverted even around their friends (friends to them tend to not be people you talk with all the time, but people you do things with), while INFJ's are known to be the most extroverted of introverts. Around people I know and feel like I've "figured out" (and therefore know the boundaries) I can appear very extroverted and silly and I love the idea of going out to do something with someone I know as long as it's not all the time. However I HIGHLY value my personal time, and constant direct contact with others really wears me down. I need my me time and I need to be able to have a "way out" to give myself a small break for a few moments.

I don't think seeing possibilities everywhere is nessicarily a P trait, but I don't know much about P so it very well could be. I always associated such things with an S trait. S+P combo's I have noticed though are very day-to-day thinkers, they don't plan on things much and need to be spontaneous (and are spontaneous all the time if they get their way). Adventure seekers, tend to be messy and forget to put the milk away, etc. :p

I must spread reputation around before giving to Korjax again.

Ok as O_q pointed out on someother thread, (and I agree) I have no understanding of mBTI, despite spending all my free time studying the types.

As of this point in time, this is what I believe to be the meaning of each letter.

Introversion: To gain energy and importance from the subject.

Extroversion: To gain energy and importance from the area encompassing the subject.

Intuiting: To notice patterns subliminally, and to piece them together to gain a more clear and advanced grasp of the situation, that before would not be previously possible.

Sensing: To notice patterns externally, and to dissect them as to how they work, then manually place them together, to understand the situation as the patterns directly tell you.

Thinking: To base your decisions upon the definition of an idea, and utilize the process in a way your "head" tells you to.

Feeling: To base your decisions upon the aura of an idea, and to only utilize a definition, if it fits into the process, in a way that causes minimal stress on pre existing systems.

Perceiving: To notice each possibility, and to place importance on drawing out each possibility to discover merit if there is any.

Judging: To notice the importance of pre existing situations, and the merit of bringing the situations to a close, in order to be able to move to the next area completely.

I think my F one might be off the most. I was really trying to not use the same word in the definition. But that is how I see each MBTI letter. PLEASE correct me if I'm wrong... I'm not saying I'm right in the slightest, just what I have perceived.

Also, [MENTION=3112]KorJax[/MENTION], I don't think I'm an ISTP. Because as my mom has correctly pointed out I would go completely crazy if I had a career with no people in it at all. The ISTPs I know are completely ok with that. (So are the ISTJs) Though the part about the inability to express emotions for ISTPs does fit me quite well.

[MENTION=2873]SouloftheLaurel[/MENTION], how do I compare to Enoch?
Also the JCF test:

Cognitive Process Level of Development (Preference, Skill and Frequency of Use)
extraverted Sensing (Se) ********************************************** (46.3)
excellent use
introverted Sensing (Si) ************************* (25.6)
average use
extraverted Intuiting (Ne) ****************** (18.7)
limited use
introverted Intuiting (Ni) ***************************** (29.7)
average use
extraverted Thinking (Te) ************************************* (37.9)
excellent use
introverted Thinking (Ti) *********************************** (35.1)
good use
extraverted Feeling (Fe) ******************* (19.4)
limited use
introverted Feeling (Fi) *************************** (27.9)
average use
Summary Analysis of Profile
By focusing on the strongest configuration of cognitive processes, your pattern of responses most closely matches individuals of this type: ESTP

edit: though to this day I'd have to say my Fe is higher than Fi, but no test tells me that.... But wat.

You and Enoch seem NOTHING alike. I could be wrong after this post though lol.

He's more introverted than you are, but you both can be fairly spontaneous.
He's extremely detail-oriented, likes to put things together, like sports, is planning on becoming a surgeon. When he thinks he's right, your argument doesn't matter even if you have internationally-acclaimed evidence, He's stubborn, reluctant to arrive early, likes be right on time (I leave at 7:00 for a 9 o clock class, he leaves at 7:15 for an 8 o clock class). He'll be civil to you if you are a stranger (unless you give him reason otherwise), but become close friends with him, and he'll sacrifice for you,(usually time)
Conveniently you get results corresponding with whatever type you think you are at the moment.
Briggs and Myers tried to develop preferences based on “what” a particular person does and then translate these preferences into bipolar dichotomies: Introversion and Extraversion, Sensing and Intuition, Thinking and Feeling, Judging and Perceiving. This leads to numerous misconceptions and erroneous assumptions that people of the same type will behave similarly or possess identical preferences.

We have to understand that a 20-minute multiple-choice questionnaire cannot test for these ideas since there is no way to objectively or accurately assess one’s own understanding of their perspectives and mindsets. So the test results you posted, are a good step, but mostly meaningless.

You need to read through this thread, specifically my posts: http://forums.infjs.com/showthread.php?t=14632

Then you need to do research on Se, Si, etc. You’ll find out soon that Si and Se are so different...

If you’re ESTP, then you’ll realize that your functions are Se, Ti, Fe, Ni. You’ll need to research how each one of those functions work within’ their position.

Typology is about strengthening your inner observer. You may have to do a “Dante” and walk through each level of type to finally understand...

Oh, I wanted to add that being an “F” doesn’t mean you are void of logic. You can look around this forum and see plenty of NFJs who are probably smarter and more logical than most of the NTs here ;)
Also, @KorJax, I don't think I'm an ISTP. Because as my mom has correctly pointed out I would go completely crazy if I had a career with no people in it at all. The ISTPs I know are completely ok with that. (So are the ISTJs) Though the part about the inability to express emotions for ISTPs does fit me quite well.

I am completely not ok with that what so ever.
I think you are trying too hard and you seem to think in black and white terms while things are usually grey.

Relax, give yourself some time to ponder on profiles and all the information you can find, it's not like you have to know tomorrow what type you are, and it's not like all the things that bother you will disappear once you discover what type you are. Some of the members offered you here some great links to learn more. And also in my opinion what others may think your type is is irrelevant, or it should be, you live with yourself everyday 24/7 and if you stop to think and reflect on yourself for some time you'll probably have much better insight in who you are than anyone ever will about you.

You and Enoch seem NOTHING alike. I could be wrong after this post though lol.

He's more introverted than you are, but you both can be fairly spontaneous.
He's extremely detail-oriented, likes to put things together, like sports, is planning on becoming a surgeon. When he thinks he's right, your argument doesn't matter even if you have internationally-acclaimed evidence, He's stubborn, reluctant to arrive early, likes be right on time (I leave at 7:00 for a 9 o clock class, he leaves at 7:15 for an 8 o clock class). He'll be civil to you if you are a stranger (unless you give him reason otherwise), but become close friends with him, and he'll sacrifice for you,(usually time)

I can be like that though.

Conveniently you get results corresponding with whatever type you think you are at the moment.

I know. I can achieve whatever type I want to be, it's not hard to figure out what questions are aiming for.

Briggs and Myers tried to develop preferences based on
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