I just had a motherfucking Ni moment people. The whole thing just kinda clicked.
First off, I noticed the one major thing that fucked up the entire thing for me:
I had assumed that F/T/S/Ni was based on internal things, and F/T/S/Ne was based on external things. Which is in a sense true. But not the way I looked at it.
For example, I thought Ti was for math problems, that kind of thinking, and Te was thinking when dealing with people. The same with Ne, I mistook Fi for Ne, aka when I had a feeling about external things. I thought Si was basically Fi, and Se was a combination of Fe/Te. I mean I had the whole thing fucked up, haha. ( I found a site that explained them all)
Or like:
If I was very cold and cruel to a person, that was Te.
If I was very aware of the world around me, that was Se. (It still kind of is, but not the way I was thinking it was)
Ne, was Fi. Aka "i get a feeling about this person..." my Fi is shot to hell, luckily my Ne is still good
That being said, these are the JCF I use the most:
Now I just have to figure out what order I use them, and I just ay find my type. Ima lol if its a type I never considered, like ESFJ or something.
Although, just a prelimnary guess (may be wrong) I'd say the order I use them is
And I'm also putting F back on the table, though I'm very sure I'm still a T.
But I've not looked into "pairs" people keep on talking about.
I'll get back to you guys about this.
Edit: I am now getting back to you guys about this.
With those 4 functions being used, I come up with the following types: Wait...What? You can't have Ni and Si? hmmmmmm................. I guess I'll go with Ne then... But then is it Te or Ti...? Actually... I think It's Ti. Because while I use Te a bit, when I really think about it... I'd have to go with Ti.
ISFJ— Protector Supporter
Si Fe Ti Ne || Se Fi Te Ni - LOL! This is the first type I ever got.. hehehehehehehe.
ENTP — Explorer Inventor
Ne Ti Fe Si || Ni Te Fi Se - Hmmm. HMMM! This makes semi sense, because when I get really stressed out I go so fucking Si on everything. Wait a sec... "The Aspirational Role (Inferior) (sometimes referred to as the 4th function)
The aspirational role usually doesn’t develop until around midlife. We often experience it first in its negative aspect of projecting our “shoulds,” fears, and negativities onto others. The qualities of these fears reflect the process that plays this role, and we are more likely to look immature when we engage in the process that plays this role. There is often a fairly high energy cost for using it—even when we acquire the skill to do so. As we learn to trust it and develop it, the aspirational role process provides a bridge to balance in our lives. Often our sense of purpose, inspiration, and ideals have the qualities of the process that plays this role."
Well that's how I use Si. So perhaps Si is my last function, and because I've been so stressed out I've flipped it into 1st gear?
INTP — Designer Theorizer
Ti Ne Si Fe || Te Ni Se Fi -Hmmm, I never thought about this one... Intriguing. (also my Fi is fucking awful. haha.)
ESFJ — Facilitator Caretaker
Fe Si Ne Ti || Fi Se Ni Te <- LOLOLOLOLOL!!!
edit: god, sorry for all these edits people.
What if the reason I got ISFJ when I took it backk in high school was because I was mad stressed, and I'm an ENTP? (opposite of isfj ofc)