MBTI Pet Peeves

It's disgusting how some people fetishize certain MBTI types, as if they are actual things in reality rather than just vague concepts that clumsily fit over the frames of real human beings.

Also. I wrote about this elsewhere, but I think the MBTI represents more the traits that we value or the traits that we think we should value or associate with ourselves, than who we actually are. It's way too easy to overlook and misinterpret traits in ourselves. When you see someone's MBTI, all it tells you is "this is how this person thought that they should answer about themself". There's no reason to believe it's going to actually give you information about who they are.

The real MBTI test costs money to take too. I'm beginning to feel like it's all a scam.
MBTI seems more and more like its not a tool people use to try to understand (as flawed as it is) but as some sort of ridiculous masturbatory ego booster MBTI in an operational sense is pure narcissism. At least that's the way people use it. Especially INFJs.
I don't like it when people think that just because someone is an N or a T, they are automatically the most gifted and insightful person in the room.

I have others, but I will sum them up and say that mbti has turned into a very divisive, narrow way of looking at people.
MBTI types?

More like different collections of prejudices and insecurities.

First it became wrong to hate on your neighbouring village and they banned pillaging. Then, in modern society, racism, sexism, and sexual orientation discrimination became socially unacceptable. We need to find new ways to be hatin'.

FYI - don't trust people wearing hats.
I don't like it when people think that just because someone is an N or a T, they are automatically the most gifted and insightful person in the room.

Well, we kinda are.

According to the MBTI I'm a god damn mastermind.
There are enough divisions and false pedestals in the world; we do not need more. Besides, the diagnostic tool itself is a polluted dilution of Jung's work.
when people talk about e verus i, t versus f etc. The letters are vague and completely useless as descriptors and ways to understand people. For me personally, mbti is about the cognitive functions. We all think and feel! We all use our intuition and senses. Its about how your cogntive functions interact and operate together

when people dont understand or care about the cognitive functions and they then try to type others

when people say xxxx are always like that etc. Thats just silly. People arent always like anything

when people claim to speak or represent everyone within their mbti type. theres so much nonsense on the web about how types supposedly are based one one person's specific experience and view. ' I am infj and infjs always do this when ...' Cringe.

when mbti is used to excuse behaviour. We are always responsible and accountable for our behaviour! Trying to understand behaviour is about awareness and growth, not about making excuses and coping out of responsibility.

when mbti is used to judge and limit. people can become prejudiced about mbti types. i went through a stage where i became wary whenever i was around a certain type too based on past experience. Then i met lots of other people of that type and got over my prejudice real quick.

when mbti is used to predict behaviour. it cant. the best you can make is a guess. you cant say that someone will definately do x or z based on their type.

when mbti is used to put people into neat little boxes and then people think the file is closed. mbti is only ever the beginning of understanding personality etc. People are always changing and growing.

when people think that their mbti type somehow makes them superior to others. it doesnt. ever. it just makes other people cringe at your narcissm.

when mbti is used as just another tool to divide and build walls. Really mbti can be a great tool to get rid of those walls, not make more!

when people are wholly identified with their mbti type. they think that their type is who they are. its a bit creepy. like they use the profile as a manual on how to be and live.
I hate it when people say that the J and P counterparts of types are completely different from each other and imply that it should be very easy to differentiate the two types.

Like when people are all, "WELLLL, in REALITY, INFPs and INFJs are TOTALLY DIFFERENT cuz they share NO FUNCTIONS hur dur."

Shut the fuck up, you are wrong and you are not helping.

INFJs and INFPs, the most commonly brought up example, look very similar on a superficial level. They're both typically kind of quiet and emo and nerdy relative to the rest of the general population. They're both introverted, intuitive feelers. If it were the case that they are ACTUALLY totally different, then there wouldn't be so many people who are confused and mistyped for all eternity.

And besides that, in many approaches out there, people are seen as using all the functions.
I like how this thread went from "what do you find annoying about aspects of MBTI?" to "Why do you think MBTI is bullshit in 50 words or less?" :D

To be honest I'm still happy with MBTI as a way of explaining differences between people and difference in ways they deal with people and situations. It has made the world make a lot more sense to me.

One pet peeve: people who think they are mind readers and feel confident telling people that they're not the MBTI type that they think they are.
When people think moody or emotional backlash= INFP

It could happen with any type *cough ahem* hormones
All introverts are shy, unfriendly, and like to be left alone. False.

All extroverts are loud, obnoxious and happy all the time. False.

If you're likable then you must be extroverted. False. If you don't talk much then you must be introverted. False.
I do think it a bit ridiculous when I see a "omg where can I find my own infj girl to cuddle with" thread.
I love it when people blame INFPs for their lack of sensitivity or douchery. They think they should be able to say whatever they want however rude or assholery, and when someone calls them on how insensitive it, their response is to label it typical INFP sensitivity or oversensitivity.
Person X clicks well with person Z. Person X types person Z with a type that they hold high respect for in their own simplistic mind. Person Z then does one thing that annoys/bothers person X. Person X now labels person Z as a type they look down upon/"dislike".


INFP and sensor hate
"ISTJ's are boring and too focused on doing the same things"

Pffffffffffffffft. Some of my best bromania has been with them and they've always managed to throw me for a loop, and be there for amazing emotional support.
Labelling anything someone does as automatically an example of their type even if it's nothing to do with their type - could simply be a matter of personal preferences, while ignoring other aspects of their person which doesn't fit the preconceived views of that type.
I find it annoying when a person pretends to be 'emotionless' to fit into their MBTI stereotype which states that they are (more or less) 'emotionally dead' (intj and intp are perfect examples). Way to limit yourself through a stereotypical type description, people!

You know as well as we know that you have feelings. NO MATTER WHAT TYPE YOU ARE. STOP IT.

Yes, we process and express our feelings differently than other types, but we still have them.

Unless you are telling us all that you are a sociopath. If this is true then I would say that you are not any of the 16 types.
When people mistype as plastic and I can't tell if they really are or not.