MBTI third option theory

If your I and E are close to equal, your dominant and secondary functions are close to equivalent, but also your tertiary and inferior functions are close to equivalent each other, though less than the former.

If your Perceptual functions are close to equivalent, then you're perception functions are likely your secondary and tertiary.

If your Judging functions are close to equivalent, then you're perception functions are likely your secondary and tertiary.

If your J and P are close to equal, your extroverted reasoning and your introverted reasoning functions are close to equivalent.

Also notice that many people who have ambiguous I and E, also have ambiguous J and P, due to balanced cognitive functions.

that's interesting...

What I put in bold : I think that only works for extroverts whose dominant function is the extraverted one.

introverted perceivers (IxxPs) have a primary J function, and IxxJs have a primary P function (given the function that determines the last letter is the main E function, which is the secondary one in introverts, right? ex INFJ = Ni Fe Ti Se)

therefore for Is, a J and P close to equal would rather mean that they are heavily relying on their primary function, rather than their secondary one, no?

example :

I am an INFJ. I score with a high P. It means I must be using my main perceiving function (which is introverted intuition) quite a bit more than my main judging function (extroverted feeling), or that at least I am using Fe in a very, very Ni manner no?

I don't know, really, I'm not sure at this point function talks means anything at all, but analysing them makes me feel good :D :m197: (inner INTJ must put everything in boxes!!)

also, could you explain the reason for what I put in purple? I don't understand but I'd be interested to hear your theory.
that's interesting...

What I put in bold : I think that only works for extroverts whose dominant function is the extraverted one.

introverted perceivers (IxxPs) have a primary J function, and IxxJs have a primary P function (given the function that determines the last letter is the main E function, which is the secondary one in introverts, right? ex INFJ = Ni Fe Ti Se)

therefore for Is, a J and P close to equal would rather mean that they are heavily relying on their primary function, rather than their secondary one, no?

example :

I am an INFJ. I score with a high P. It means I must be using my main perceiving function (which is introverted intuition) quite a bit more than my main judging function (extroverted feeling), or that at least I am using Fe in a very, very Ni manner no?

Yes. You are correct.

For example, when INFJs mistype as Ps or simply have strong Ps, it is because their dominant Ni and inferior Se are stronger than their Fe and Ti combined.

This is not uncommon at all. With any Introverted type, the J and P functions commonly mistype in reverse. For instance, ISTPs often mistype as ISTJs because their dominant function is Ti, which is a J function.

This phenonmenon with the MBTI is the reason why Socionics does their Introverted functions in reverse, letting the J or P indicate the nature of the dominant function, regardless of whether or not it is the extroverted function (as the MBTI assumes). In Socionics, INFJs are listed as INFp (notice the lower case p to make clear that this is not the INFP of the MBTI), meaning the person is an Intuitive Feeler, with a dominant fucntion that is both an Introverted and Perceiving function, which would be N and i, or Ni.

Sometimes I think this might be a better way to approach the MBTI. The J and P functions are the most unreliable axis of the MBTI, especially with respect to introverts.
also, could you explain the reason for what I put in purple? I don't understand but I'd be interested to hear your theory.

Von Hase - The Awesome! said:
If your Perceptual functions are close to equivalent, then you're perception functions are likely your secondary and tertiary.

If your Judging functions are close to equivalent, then you're perception functions are likely your secondary and tertiary.

If your N and S functions are closer to being equal than your F and T functions, then you're likely a Judging function dominant, especially if the difference is drastic.

If your F and T functions are closer to being equal than your N and S functions, then you're likely a Perceiving function dominant, especially if the difference is drastic.

For instance, if your N is 35% greater than your S, but your F is only 11% higher than your T, then you likely have an N, F, T, S function order. What this does is chart the difference between primary and inferior vs the difference between secondary and tertiary.
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What if the MBTI types were given a third option for each axis that is slight to mild?

Introvert, Extrovert, Ambivert.
iNtuitive, Sensing, Biperceptual.
Feeling, Thinking, Conscientious.
Judging, Perceiving, Discerning.

And therefore, a fully balanced person would be an ABCD.

I would be an ANFJ because I'm very close on my I an E axis.

My INTJ friend who has a very strong F function would be an INCJ.

It would be a better description than the usual x, but would open up the scale to a ridiculous amount of more types (81 to be exact).

After having a few days to let this percolate in my Ni, I've realized that my theory was kinda dumb because aside from one factor, it leads to more ambiguity, rather than more specificity.

Introvert, Extrovert, Ambivert creates a situation where people who have strongly developed dominant and secondary functions to such a degree that it is difficult to distinguish have a distinct personality description. Ambiversion is a natural progression in cognitive development. While it is rarely the case that anyone begins as an Ambivert, the end result is still a personality that is at once as much an introverted and extroverted form of their type.
This would create the possibility of 8 more types. ASTP, ASFP, ANFP, ANTP, ANFJ, ANTJ, ASFJ, and ASTJ, all of which are hybrids of their respective I and E types.
The big distinction between an Ambivert and any of the other types would be that they have strong preference for both their dominant and secondary functions but a clear dominant function is that an Ambiverted person is capable of using either function as their dominant function, situationally, and switching back and forth.
I don't know how sound this theory is, and only have myself as an example. I could be wrong about my own Ambiversion, or even the possibility that this could be the case with anyone.

iNtuitive, Sensing, Biperceptual is simply a guide to point at perceptual secondary and tertiary functions, while making the type more ambiguous.
Feeling, Thinking, Conscientious is simply a guide to point at judging secondary and tertiary functions, while making the type more ambiguous.
These two possibilities are really only tools to help discern inherent J and P axis if it is in question. Applying a B or a C to type code would only muddy the water even further.

Judging, Perceiving, Discerning is possibly the worst idea I had, as it creates a situation where one of two polar opposite sets of functions are existent. To apply a D to type code would create the most ambiguous description possible.

Sorry guys. I hope I didn't confuse anyone with my wacky theory.
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:D Hey, it's never a problem to throw some new ideas out

If your N and S functions are closer to being equal than your F and T functions, then you're likely a Judging function dominant, especially if the difference is drastic.

If your F and T functions are closer to being equal than your N and S functions, then you're likely a Perceiving function dominant, especially if the difference is drastic.

For instance, if your N is 35% greater than your S, but your F is only 11% higher than your T, then you likely have an N, F, T, S function order. What this does is chart the difference between primary and inferior vs the difference between secondary and tertiary.

Of course it makes sense now that I think about it. Thanks :)
Thoughtful idea, Von! I probably would remain the same, though :X

Hm. Like Indigo said earlier, I wonder if this really would end the use of the 'x' in one's typology.

It is kind of like in surveys
Sweet, INFD for me! What a soothing idea. I explained in great length to a friend recently why I am an INFP and not an INFJ and he didn't fight any part of my explanation, but he did mention that he thinks it's clear that my J and P are close.
I actually might be ABCD because whenever I take the tests I have a lot of trouble answering, if there's an option like "i'm a bit of both" I usually choose that. But the description for INFJ suits me so I'll stick with that

Does anyone have a theory why a lot of people are conflicted about the F/T?

Does anyone have a theory why a lot of people are conflicted about the F/T?

Well, it's necessary in real life to use both F and T functions; that, and for INFJs, if you consider the preference order:
Ni Fe Ti Se

The Fe and Ti are very close to each other. INFJs are usually pretty successful at analyzing things for NF types -- if we didn't use our Ti, we'd probably end up constantly being doormats for other people. That, and Ti coupled with Ni works very well for understanding how things work.

That's the way I see it, anyways
Well, it's necessary in real life to use both F and T functions; that, and for INFJs, if you consider the preference order:
Ni Fe Ti Se

The Fe and Ti are very close to each other. INFJs are usually pretty successful at analyzing things for NF types -- if we didn't use our Ti, we'd probably end up constantly being doormats for other people. That, and Ti coupled with Ni works very well for understanding how things work.

That's the way I see it, anyways

Well, it's necessary in real life to use both F and T functions; that, and for INFJs, if you consider the preference order:
Ni Fe Ti Se

The Fe and Ti are very close to each other. INFJs are usually pretty successful at analyzing things for NF types -- if we didn't use our Ti, we'd probably end up constantly being doormats for other people. That, and Ti coupled with Ni works very well for understanding how things work.

That's the way I see it, anyways

Sounds good to me :m059: