And I thought I was pessimistic
Seriously though, if it were any other woman I might agree. But my wife has rather... unique circumstances. Fortunately due to the circumstances and her personality I can trust her implicitly.
As said in the Dating thread Brit created, I have a much higher bar for any other woman. I wouldn't trust the way I trust my wife with any other relationship.
But with her, I know I'm safe.
I can't go into the details because they are of a personal nature to myself and her. Maybe if she's willing I'll talk to you about it one day, but basically neither of us would be who we are without the other, we've survived together and surviving together breeds a form of bond you don't get if you haven't suffered with someone.
I do say if others had gone through half the stuff my wife and I had gone through, both together and alone, their relationships wouldn't survive. Very few could come through what we've been through, on many levels. And I'm not just talking the immigration, though that alone would break many.