- Enneagram
- Warlock
I love "is the house burning down?" That is great. I remember I got myself caught up in a crisis-mode mentality while I was waiting for my dad to die. I was constantly bracing for the inevitable call, and I completely shut down all "non-crucial" mental systems to conserve energy so I would be prepared to handle any emergency that came up. Even after he died, I felt like I was running on emergency backup systems, like all the lights inside of me had been turned off, and I was just doing the bare minimum I needed to do to keep my job, just going through the motions. It's funny to me how easy it is to fall into a mental habit like that and not even realize there's another way to be.
This sounds so challenging! To not be able to do those physical activities would be very difficult. I admire your commitment and persistence. On halting the downward spiral, I'm no expert but I have been working on recognizing signs that I'm getting out of balance. The earlier I can catch it, the easier it is to turn around. For me, I tend to get very caught up in my mind, and it can help me to take some sort of action in the physical world. Sometimes it's as simple as just washing the dishes, or taking care of some other mundane chore. When I'm feeling drawn away from the present and into the past or future, I often start to feel very disconnected from my physical body, so anything that can bring me back in and ground me physically is helpful.
My Dad passed away in 2008 and those last few weeks it was kind of…any minute now…but that lasted and lasted…when he finally did pass away, my body shut me down…gave me a terrible migraine…I believe it was forcing me to just lay still in the dark…to let that tension go.
They leave such a gap in life don’t they?
The pain dulls with time…but their absence never seems to leave.
I clean and do exactly what you explained as well…the dishes or whatnot…totally.
I find that singing is my own best medicine!
I put music on here all day long…even when I did surgery, I had to have some music going.
Studies show that not only does listening to music stimulate your Dopamine receptors…but just anticipating listening releases it too!
Singing…adds a third factor as it can really stimulate the Dopamine providing you are really singing with emotion!
I need my music.
It’s the best way for me to feel happier in general.
All my life I have felt like I was just a bit more melancholy than the rest of them…and I have come to accept this about myself…the music picks me up to a higher idle I guess you could say.