DEA Bans Another Life Saving Plant
Filed in Matrix Articles by MichelleWalling on September 8, 2016


By Erin Waage
Guest Writer,,

The Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) announced August 31 that they plan to ban kratom in the United States as of September 30, 2016 causing panic and outrage to the thousands who use the leaves as medicine. Kratom is a plant native to Thailand and closely related to the coffee plant.

When taken in small doses the effects can be mildly stimulating. When a higher dose (4 to 6 grams) is consumed one can receive pain relief due to the naturally occurring alkaloids binding to our body’s opioid receptors. However, there are no opioids present in this herbal supplement. It simply binds to our opioid receptors.

The DEA is falsely claiming that the plant contains opioids and that it will be placed in the same category as heroin, a schedule i drug, and has no medical use.

Advocates of kratom argue that this plant is a great alternative to traditional and addictive pharmaceutical pain relief. It has also been used to treat some psychological disorders and significantly relieve those who suffer from anxiety.

There have been zero deaths due to kratom consumption alone. An overdose of kratom would result in nothing more than a little nausea and regurgitating the plant matter. Withdrawal symptoms have been reported, although they are mild to mediocre- nothing in comparison to opiate/narcotic withdrawals.

Consumers of kratom cannot be categorized into one group. We are veterans, lawyers, teachers, healthcare workers, young people, old and everything in between.

Many believe that by taking this plant medicine away, innocent and valuable members of society will lose their lives in the process.

On a personal note, I have made drastic improvements to my life with this herb.

Throughout my years of taking kratom I have..

1) Quit all prescription medications

2) Quit drinking alcohol

3) Quit smoking cigarettes

4) Started meditating

5) Recovered from a life threatening disease

6) Took on full time employment

7) Joined a gym

8) Started a youtube channel to promote health

Please help to keep this plant accessible as a choice for those who may benefit from it like I have. Please sign the petition linked below.

To get further involved in this matter please visit the American Kratom Association facebook page. And search #iamkratom, #kratomsaveslives

Related article: How Erin Waage Holistically Beat Candida

I have never heard of Kratom before. It turns out that it was banned in Sweden in 2011 according to old articles on the Internet that I found. I do not need pain relief of any kind so it is of no interest to me. People should be allowed to choose their own medication though. This prohibition is not logical.
Consequently, the business relationship between Gene Roddenberry and Leslie Stevens, suggests that Star Trek was initially based on information gained by Admirals Botta and Stevens. A future U.S. Navy space fleet would be developed that would actively cooperate with Nordic extraterrestrials in an alliance that would counter the Nazis and their Reptilian allies. In the Star Trek series, the Nordics were depicted as Vulcans, the Reptilians as Klingons, while the Nazis were represented as genetically enhanced humans.

I understood that the genetically superior people represented the Nazis. I was 10 years old when I saw "Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan".

Mad Magazine called that film "Star Blech II: The Wreck of Korn". The satire is usually better than the original.

Despite the supposed superiority, I will never forget the scene where 'Spook' says about 'Korn' "He's intelligent, but not experienced. His pattern indicates two dimensional thinking..." and then Captain 'Kurt' orders the firing that leads to the demise of 'Korn' and his crew.

DEA Bans Another Life Saving Plant
Filed in Matrix Articles by MichelleWalling on September 8, 2016


By Erin Waage
Guest Writer,,

The Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) announced August 31 that they plan to ban kratom in the United States as of September 30, 2016 causing panic and outrage to the thousands who use the leaves as medicine. Kratom is a plant native to Thailand and closely related to the coffee plant.

When taken in small doses the effects can be mildly stimulating. When a higher dose (4 to 6 grams) is consumed one can receive pain relief due to the naturally occurring alkaloids binding to our body’s opioid receptors. However, there are no opioids present in this herbal supplement. It simply binds to our opioid receptors.

The DEA is falsely claiming that the plant contains opioids and that it will be placed in the same category as heroin, a schedule i drug, and has no medical use.

Advocates of kratom argue that this plant is a great alternative to traditional and addictive pharmaceutical pain relief. It has also been used to treat some psychological disorders and significantly relieve those who suffer from anxiety.

There have been zero deaths due to kratom consumption alone. An overdose of kratom would result in nothing more than a little nausea and regurgitating the plant matter. Withdrawal symptoms have been reported, although they are mild to mediocre- nothing in comparison to opiate/narcotic withdrawals.

Consumers of kratom cannot be categorized into one group. We are veterans, lawyers, teachers, healthcare workers, young people, old and everything in between.

Many believe that by taking this plant medicine away, innocent and valuable members of society will lose their lives in the process.

On a personal note, I have made drastic improvements to my life with this herb.

Throughout my years of taking kratom I have..

1) Quit all prescription medications

2) Quit drinking alcohol

3) Quit smoking cigarettes

4) Started meditating

5) Recovered from a life threatening disease

6) Took on full time employment

7) Joined a gym

8) Started a youtube channel to promote health

Please help to keep this plant accessible as a choice for those who may benefit from it like I have. Please sign the petition linked below.

To get further involved in this matter please visit the American Kratom Association facebook page. And search #iamkratom, #kratomsaveslives

Related article: How Erin Waage Holistically Beat Candida

I have never heard of Kratom before. It turns out that it was banned in Sweden in 2011 according to old articles on the Internet that I found. I do not need pain relief of any kind so it is of no interest to me. People should be allowed to choose their own medication though. This prohibition is not logical.

Didn’t work for me.
Tried various doses and ways of taking it.
Not even close to an opioid IMHO...which they hand out prescriptions for like fucking candy.
I’m surprised there is even a crack-down going on...I mean, we already have several states (including my own) that have legalized pot.
It must be cutting into someone’s profit margins.
Didn’t work for me.
Tried various doses and ways of taking it.
Not even close to an opioid IMHO...which they hand out prescriptions for like fucking candy.
I’m surprised there is even a crack-down going on...I mean, we already have several states (including my own) that have legalized pot.
It must be cutting into someone’s profit margins.

At this point in 2016, it's a wonder anyone takes the DEA seriously. It's only a matter of time, I think.
At this point in 2016, it's a wonder anyone takes the DEA seriously. It's only a matter of time, I think.

Lackeys for the drug companies.
The original reason weed was banned was by heavy lobbying by companies like DuPont...with many stupid racist and factually wrong in every sense of the word, statements being made on the floor of Congress.
Such as - “It might make a black man look twice at a white woman.”
Any natural product such as Kratom...that anyone can grow themselves (which would be my suggestion to those that it helps), or like Marijuana, etc., cannot be patented and therefore no company can hold a monopoly distributing and cannot gouge you in the pocketbook.
There were a whole 14 Kratom related deaths last year...and the details of the deaths is not available...I would guess there were other substances or health issues related, but that’s an assumption.
How many Oxycontin related deaths last year?

National Overdose Deaths—Number of Deaths from Prescription Drugs. The figure above is a bar chart showing the total number of U.S. overdose deaths involving prescription drugs from 2001 to 2014. The chart is overlayed by a line graph showing the number of deaths by females and males. From 2001 to 2014 there was a 2.8-fold increase in the total number of deaths.
National Overdose Deaths—Number of Deaths from Prescription Opioid Pain Relievers. The figure above is a bar chart showing the total number of U.S. overdose deaths involving opioid pain relievers from 2001 to 2014. The chart is overlayed by a line graph showing the number of deaths by females and males. From 2001 to 2014 there was a 3.4-fold increase in the total number of deaths.

Yep...go get those Kratom users...highly dangerous...I’m sure the gangs will be selling it on the streets...hahahaha
Astral Plane


The astral spheres were thought to be planes of angelic existence intermediate between earth and heaven.

This article is about a plane of existence.
In the context of Unicode, astral characters consist of planes above the
Basic Multilingual Plane.

The astral plane, also called the astral world, is a plane of existence postulated by classical (particularly neo-Platonic), mediaeval, oriental and esoteric philosophies and mystery religions.

It is the world of the planetary spheres, crossed by the soul in its astral body on the way to being born and after death, and generally said to be populated by angels, spirits or other immaterial beings.

In the late 19th and early 20th century the term was popularized by Theosophy and neo-Rosicrucianism.

The "Barzakh" or inter-world in Islam, the "World of Yetzirah" in Lurianic Kabbalah, the "Spirit World" in Spiritualism and the "Fairy World" of Celtic spirituality are all related concepts.


Plato and Aristotle taught that the stars were composed of a type of matter different from the four earthly elements - a fifth, ethereal element or quintessence.

In the "astral mysticism" of the classical world the human psyche was composed of the same material, thus accounting for the influence of the stars upon human affairs.

In his commentaries on Plato's Timaeus, Proclus wrote;

"Man is a little world (mikros cosmos).
For, just like the Whole, he possesses both mind and reason, both a divine and a mortal body. He is also divided up according to the universe. It is for this reason, you know, that some are accustomed to say that his consciousness corresponds with the nature of the fixed stars, his reason in its contemplative aspect with Saturn and in its social aspect with Jupiter, (and) as to his irrational part, the passionate nature with Mars, the eloquent with Mercury, the appetitive with Venus, the sensitive with the Sun and the vegetative with the Moon."[1]

Dante's heavens and hells
symbolized the astral spheres and their associated virtues and vices.

Such doctrines were commonplace in mystery-schools and gnostic sects throughout the Roman Empire and influenced the early Christian church.
Among Muslims the "astral" world-view was soon rendered orthodox by Quranic references to the Prophet's ascent through the seven heavens.

Scholars took up the Greek Neoplatonist accounts as well as similar material in Hindu and Zoroastrian texts.[2]
The expositions of Ibn Sina (Avicenna), the Brotherhood of Purity and others, when translated into Latin in the Norman era, were to have a profound effect upon European mediaeval alchemy and astrology.

By the fourteenth century Dante was describing his own imaginary journey through the astral spheres of Paradise.[3]

Throughout the renaissance, philosophers, Paracelsians, Rosicrucians and alchemists continued to discuss the nature of the astral world intermediate between earth and the divine.

Once the telescope established that no religious heaven was visible around the solar system, the idea was superseded in mainstream science.

The astral plane and astral experience

According to occult teachings the astral plane can be visited consciously through astral projection, meditation and mantra, near death experience, lucid dreaming, or other means.

Individuals that are trained in the use of the astral vehicle can separate their consciousness in the astral vehicle from the physical body at will.

In early theosophical literature the term "astral" may refer to the aether.
Neo-Theosophy, as developed by Annie Besant, C.W. Leadbeater, and later Alice Bailey, makes the astral finer than the etheric plane but "denser" than the mental plane.

In order to create a unified view of seven bodies and remove earlier Sanskrit terms, an etheric plane was introduced and the term "astral body" was used to replace the former kamarupa - sometimes termed the body of emotion, illusion or desire.

According to Max Heindel's Rosicrucian writings, desire-stuff may be described as a type of force-matter, in incessant motion, responsive to the slightest feeling.

The desire world is also said to be the abode of the dead for some time subsequent to death.
It is also the home of the archangels.

In the higher regions of the desire world thoughts take a definite form and color perceptible to all, all is light and there is but one long day.

In his book Autobiography of a Yogi, Paramhansa Yogananda mentions the astral plane.
When one dies the soul moves to the astral plane where the result of past actions or karma is reaped.

The astral plane in popular culture

The Astral Plane is referred to in the song Draw the Line by Aerosmith, Dream Weaver by Gary Wright, Legend of a Mind by The Moody Blues and in rap artist Method Man's song Bring the Pain, which was later quoted by rap artist 2pac in the chorus of his song "No More Pain".

The two songs Astral Plane and Astral Plane Pt Deux by Morphine Machine are specifically about it.

"Astral Plane" is the name of song on the debut album of Jonathan Richman and The Modern Lovers and the term provided the title and informed the lyrics of Van Morrison's Astral Weeks.

"The place where earth and heaven meet",

from Flammarion's Popular Meteorology, 1888.

In the Marvel Universe, Doctor Strange has practiced astral projection since his inception in 1963.

Illyana Rasputin [alias Magik] was able to astral project her own consciousness in New Mutants (Series 1) #15.
Other mutants such as Professor X, Emma Frost, Jean Grey, and other powerful psychics, have access to the astral plane.

Professor X imprisons the Shadow King on the astral plane.
There are beings who live there such as Cassandra Nova.

In the DC/Vertigo Universe, the Astral planes are used for travel and magic by a certain number of individuals such as Doctor Fate, Zatanna, and Doctor Occult, though use of astral projection is mostly illusionary.

In the standard Dungeons & Dragons RPG planar cosmology, the Astral Plane is a dimension coexistent with all others, used as a means of transportation between planes.

The Astral Plane is the final level of the computer game NetHack.
In Ironclaw some characters can use an astral body.

The Apple II and PC video game Windwalker identifies the Astral Plane as a dimension through which a character called the Alchemist can summon demons, influence dreams and cause evil.

The Astral plane is featured as a level in the video game X-Men Legends.

In R. A. Salvatore's series of books based in the Forgotten Realms, the main character Drizzt Do'Urden has a black panther named Guenhwyvar who resides in the Astral Plane and is "summoned" through a small, onyx figurine.

The Astral Plane is featured in the surreal 2000 comedy film The Nine Lives of Tomas Katz.
It is a major part of the musical "The True Story of the Bridgewater Astral League" by The World/Inferno Friendship Society.

It is featured in the television show Charmed, in which it is described as a realm of "spirits and energies".[4]

Planes of existence
Subtle bodies


1. Divine plane: Deity Spirit; Word
2. Oversoulful plane: Holy Spirit
3. Spiritual plane: Spirit
4. Soulful plane: Soul

5a. Higher mental plane: mind
5b. Causal plane: Causal body
5c. Mental plane: body, projection

6. Astral plane: body, projection
7a-b. Etheric-Material plane:

Ethereal body, Material body, OBE


  • The 7 Worlds & the 7 Cosmic Planes
  • The Seven-fold constitution of Man
  • The Ten-fold constitution of Man

  • Body of light / Thelemic mysticism
Surat Shabda Yoga

  • Cosmology

  • Sufi cosmology

  • Lokas - Kosas

  • Buddhist cosmology

  • Atziluth -> Beri'ah -> Yetzirah -> Assiah
  • Sephirot
Fourth Way

  • Ray of Creation
  • The Laws
  • Three Centers and Five Centers
Dungeons and Dragons

  • Inner Plane
  • Prime Material Plane
  • Outer Plane

  • Heindel, Max, The Rosicrucian Mysteries (Chapter III: The Visible and the Invisible Worlds), 1911, ISBN 0-911274-86-3
  • Powell, Arthur E. The Astral Body and other Astral Phenomena
  • Steiner, Rudolph, Theosophy: An introduction to the supersensible knowledge of the world and the destination of man. London: Rudolf Steiner Press. (1904) 1970
  • Twitchell, Paul, "ECKANKAR - The Key to Secret Worlds" Eckankar, 2nd Ed. 2001. ISBN 1-57043-154-X
    • Occult Science - An Outline. Trans. George and Mary Adams. London: Rudolf Steiner Press, 1909, 1969
  • Tommaso Palamidessi, Come sdoppiarsi e viaggiare nei mondi soprasensibili, Vol. III, ed. Archeosofica, 1989.

  1. Quoted in; G.R.S.Mead, The Doctrine of the Subtle Body in Western Tradition, Watkins 1919, page 84 (Slightly adapted).
  2. The Brihadaranyaka Upanishad: There are two states for man - the state in this world and the state in the next; there is also a third state, the state intermediate between these two, which can be likened to the dream [state]. While in the intermediate state a man experiences both the other states, that of this world and that in the next; and the manner whereof is as follows: when he dies he lives only in the subtle body, on which are left the impressions of his past deeds, and of those impressions is he aware, illumined as they are by the light of the Transcendent Self
  3. Seyyed Hossein Nasr, An Introduction to Islamic Cosmological Doctrines, University of New York Press, passim. Idries Shah, The Sufis, Octagon Press, 1st Ed. 1964.
  4. The Power of Three Blondes
Planes of existence
Subtle bodies


1. Divine plane: Deity Spirit; Word
2. Oversoulful plane: Holy Spirit
3. Spiritual plane: Spirit
4. Soulful plane: Soul

5a. Higher mental plane: mind
5b. Causal plane: Causal body
5c. Mental plane: body, projection

6. Astral plane: body, projection
7a-b. Etheric-Material plane:


When I see that table of seven planes of existence, I remember this picture that I saw at I outlines where each mental ability resides in the planes. It is detailed and a good illustration for discussing how communication of the multidimensional self occurs across of planes.

Some things that I notice are:

* Ether is not a plane in its own respect. It is a set of subplanes in the physical planes.

* The location of a plane agrees with the corresponds location of a chakra.
** Wisdom is in second plane, corresponding to the third eye chakra.
** Will and ego are in the fifth plane, and power and identity are associated with the solar plexus chakra.
** Matter is located in the physical plane and physical existence is related to the base chakra.
** Personality is in the lower planes, also the case of the lower chakras.

* There are some disagreements that I have though when it comes to plane-chakra agreement.
** Intuition is located in the Buddhic plane, no 4. But intuition is something that I generally agree with the sacral chakra (gut feeling) and third eye chakra/crown chakra when you get a sudden solution to and idea that you have been thinking about.
** Strangely enough, there is nothing of your soul located in the divine plane. I do not know how to solve that.

What comes to your mind when you see that picture?
Last edited:

by Larry A. Park

Terra Research
Oregon, USA

extracted from Nexus Magazine,

Volume 13, Number 3 (April - May 2006)
from NexusMagazine Website

Mysterious Earth signals that are precursors to earthquakes and volcanic eruptions can be detected by
"sensitives" whose physical symptoms can provide accurate warnings.
Meanwhile, new technologies are being developed that can tune into these subtle energies.​

About the Author

Larry A. Park is a principal engineer with 24 years of research and development experience in the high technology semiconductor and computing industry in the "Silicon Forest" near Portland, Oregon, USA.

Larry started research into earthquake and volcanic precursors while working as a senior systems hardware engineer at a massively parallel supercomputer company not long after the Pacific Northwest was struck by a rare M5.6 earthquake in 1993 near Scotts Mills, Oregon. In 1994, while investigating rare failures of the supercomputer disc array power modules, unusual energy impulses were discovered coming through the utility power grid and were severely damaging microelectronics in the power modules of the massively parallel supercomputer. Tracking these mysterious and rare energy bursts yielded insights into the development of unusual sensors that led to further insights of the unusual physics of these bursts. Larry has conducted a number of years of research into earthquakes and volcanic eruptions with this new technology in the Pacific Northwest and in the volcanic region of Long Valley Caldera in California.

Larry is author of the book Forbidden Secrets of the Earthquake Revealed (Terra Research, 2002). He is an inventor and holder of two earthquake precursor sensory system patents, with another pending as an ongoing R&D effort in this new field of technology, with patents funded privately through Terra Research.

Larry A. Park may be reached through the website

Physical symptoms and advance warnings

In the past five years, Suzanne Smart has endured two CAT scans, two EEGs, one audiogram and a host of other medical tests by specialists seeking to determine why she suffered from rare and mysterious migraines, screeching ear tones and intense ear pain. After a big earthquake, the symptoms would disappear.

"For years my family thought I was experiencing phantom symptoms," Suzanne said. "They encouraged me to seek medical advice."

After the litany of sophisticated tests, her doctor concluded her to be normal and healthy.

"Initially, I did tolerate a bit of ridicule and was the subject of many jokes over the past few years," she said. "I have been rather careful in whom I choose to engage in conversation on this subject. I generally only communicate with other sensitives," remarked Suzanne.

Such is the life of individuals who experience physical symptoms prior to earthquakes or volcanic eruptions. After initial ridicule and disbelief by others, a more powerful drive makes these sensitives seek to make their plight known to science. It is the guilt of killer earthquakes.

"The worst effect I've ever suffered as a sensitive has not been from the precursor symptoms I detect, but from the insecurity associated with my inability to know exactly where the epicenter is and the exact day and time," said Suzanne. "The reality is, sometimes people are going to die and sometimes there's very little if anything you can do about it."

Sensitives feel a responsibility to try to save the thousands of potential victims before the quake strikes. Afterwards comes a sense of guilt.

Family members started to believe when they found Suzanne's prediction accuracy remarkable.

"However, lately they have occasionally and quietly asked me if I'm picking up anything for certain locations, particularly if it happens to be a vacation destination they are traveling to," she said.

Suzanne's doctor is now encouraging her.

"At my last visit about a month ago [November 2005], she actually said that she thought it 'really neat' that I could hear these tones and experience these symptoms and try to use [them] to predict earthquakes to save lives," Suzanne said.

Reliable predictions from ear tones

Another "sensitive" is Petra Challus in northern California. Petra is out to show science that earthquakes can be reliably predicted by human body symptoms. She communicates with and coordinates a group of sensitives, who all experience internal "ear tones" prior to an earthquake, to help triangulate the epicenter. Undaunted by some seismologists' reactions to this research, Petra is determined and she is full of energy.

"My least favorite response to my reports of hearing this sound in person occurs when the person I'm speaking to leans their head back, thinks for a second, rolls their eyes and then says it's not possible," said Petra in an email. "Then I ask them to check my prediction record and they still don't believe it's possible to predict earthquakes by sound."

Petra continued: "For the most part, even when I have made very accurate predictions, they normally say that I'm guessing despite giving clear details and accurate parameters on all of the required specifics, i.e., date, place and magnitude."

Petra issued a prediction prior to the Parkfield, California, earthquake of September 27, 2004.

"In the late afternoon on 9/27/04, I heard a five-second right-ear tone. It had an earthy quality to it, and due to mapping for quite some time I knew this sound belonged to Parkfield, California," said Petra. "I had never heard a sound like that for Parkfield before, so I wasn't sure what the highest magnitude might be. So I set it at 4.8 and issued a public prediction on 9/27/04 at 8:54 pm," she added.

"The resulting earthquake was the long-awaited 6.0 occurring on 9/28/04 at 10:15 am, 11 hours after I made my prediction," she said. "This earthquake was expected for 38 years by scientists, and not one of their instruments detected anything prior to the earthquake. To date, I have not received credit from any of the Parkfield scientists for doing what they could not do with a budget in excess of $40 million and 38 years of research."

Petra is refining the predictive formula behind the mysterious emissions that cause the internal sensation of ear tones. She has found a formula that helps identify how far distant the epicenter will be located. The magnitude 6.8 Nisqually, Washington, earthquake of February 28, 2001, was the key to realization of the formula.

"The most dramatic event I have experienced was hearing a 20-second left-ear tone on 02/28/01. This occurred two hours prior to the 02/28/01 10:55 am Nisqually 6.8 earthquake," Petra wrote. "I heard a very loud, highly electrical sound, much like one might imagine sound traveling through a fiber optic wire. On a scale of 1 to 5, this sound was easily a five. It was the loudest sound I've heard in six years," she said.

"Though I had no time to predict the earthquake prior to its occurrence, it was as a result of this event that I finally understood that by counting the seconds heard by the ear tone recipient, it measured the distance to the earthquake at 37.70 miles per second. This was the greatest breakthrough in predicting earthquakes using the method," she said. "Today, for ease in mapping, I use 37.5 miles per second of sound heard."

Petra Challus has found some scientists interested in her research. Her ear-tone-sensitive group is participating in a study to determine the viability of her method.

"Our most promising time was last month [December 2005] when we had one miss and only one report expire [a prediction without a quake]," said Petra. "For us, that is phenomenal."

Below is a recent map of ear tone rings to earthquake research plots from Petra Challus. The circle centre represents the location of the sensitive at the time of sensing the ear tone. The size of the circle represents the distance formula applied to the duration of tone. The color code of the circle represents the particular person and the tonal direction sensed by the person in the research group.

All predictions are documented prior to the earthquake(s).


Roller-wave sensations

Perhaps the most dramatic type of sensitive is one who can feel the earthquake's rolling precursory waves as sensations and can determine from which direction they are coming.

Sandy Awerkamp in southern California is one of these "roller wave" sensitives, and her accuracy is uncanny.

"Back in '97 I was still trying to figure out why these movements, which I now call waves, increase every time we are close to having a major earthquake," said Sandy. "After a couple of years of taking notes and correlating them to earthquakes, I knew then that these waves were in fact correlated."

"The most dramatic by far was the Northridge earthquake [January 17, 1994, M6.7] because of the lives that were lost," Sandy continued. "The Friday prior to the quake, my day had ended at work and I was about ready to walk out the door when I paused for a moment because I had gotten more dizzy. As I stood there for a second, my receptionist asked me what was wrong and I blurted out, 'You're going to think I'm crazy but LA is going to have a large quake within the next few days and the quake is going to be different.'

"She of course laughed at me, but she asked me how I knew and what I meant by saying a 'different' earthquake. I didn't know how to explain it to her that I get really dizzy before large earthquakes, but this time it was a dizzy feeling of being pushed hard from north of us, which pointed to LA," she said.

"The following day after the earthquake I returned to work and I was greeted by her, saying 'Get away from me, psycho woman!' The look on her face and what she said made me realize from that day on that it really scared her and now she didn't look at me as the same person," said Sandy.

"Months prior to the Hector earthquake [October 16, 1999, M7.0], I got my first computer and found a website where you could post predictions. It was the night of the Hector Mine earthquake that I posted my first public prediction calling for within 32 miles of Big Bear, 6+ magnitude, and within 24 hours. The instructions said that if you didn't put in a percentage it was considered 100%, so I didn't put a percentage in," she said. "That morning when we were jolted out of bed, I was fighting back tears."

Sandy continued:

"The emotions at first were excited yet scared, because I finally made it public and I wasn't sure how people would accept it. Those emotions shortly turned into being mad, because people were congratulating me by saying 'Nice hit!'. I didn't know how to respond to that because, in my eyes, predicting an earthquake isn't something to be proud of."

With her accuracy proven, Sandy is concerned with how others deal with information prior to a potential killer quake. She trusts her family with the information.

"My family will periodically ask if there will be any earthquakes soon, but I ask them to keep any information to themselves because I know they can handle it and won't panic."

Sandy has concluded that posting her predictions isn't the way to go.

"I've realized that posting predictions on a website isn't going to prove anything to the scientific world, so the last few years I have focused more on finding someone who has the right instruments that can detect these waves."

Earth emissions are real

For the past few years, I have studied and compared Sandy's sensing ability with specialized instruments that indeed see these waves prior to earthquakes.1 Sandy exceeds the performance of the sensors by a factor of 100. She can sense and follow the directional emissions of the waves as they travel up and down the San Andreas fault, even though she is at a distance near southern Los Angeles.

It has taken 13 years of development at Terra Research to create specialized electronic sensors that can detect the presence of these mysterious emissions, yet Sandy can easily point to an area and state the nature of the waves—whether "roller" or "jerky" waves—and the magnitude of the pending earthquake. I continue to marvel at the human body in how it can react to stimuli.

Wendy Park in Portland, Oregon, is also a roller-wave sensitive. She is a student in her second year in the RN nursing program at the University of Portland. As Wendy has been trained to read the FFT (fast Fourier transform) plots from the precursory seismic instruments at my research site, she is familiar with the phases of these types of Earth emissions. Wendy has the luxury of calling in to the lab when she is experiencing strong roller-wave sensations, since the instruments and data can confirm to her when the Earth is active. For other sensitives, it may take years before they realize their symptoms are connected with the Earth. Wendy's sensations also provide an ideal research comparison opportunity with instruments.

At the lab in northern Oregon, instruments run 24/7 and detect these Earth emissions in the Pacific Northwest. A secondary instrument system is connected between the utility power grid and the Earth's crust. This secondary system is energized in a special resonant state such that the Earth's crust and the power grid form a super-large antenna system stretching from southern California to Canada. Strong Earth precursor emissions are detectable even as far away as Alaska and the Aleutian chain. The effective antenna system looks into the Earth's crust.

The size of the antenna is an equivalent 333,396 square miles. It is the largest antenna system on Earth. Distant, strong precursors will couple to the Earth's crust and then will enter into the antenna system indirectly.

The same unique character of ear tones that sensitives experience is reflected in the antenna system's recordings of the captured Earth emissions. Each latitude of the Earth has its own frequency and harmonics to the emissions. This character is revealed in a decomposition of the tones and the harmonics using spectrum analysis equipment that does FFTs.

Exploring the signals

So what is the nature of these mysterious Earth signals? Is it sound, or is it an electrical pulsing in the ear's cellular tissue that mimics sound?2

Researchers have encountered this same dilemma in a small percentage of people who experience a sensation of low rumbling or idling diesel-engine sounds in their ears in an area near Taos, New Mexico. It's called "the Taos Hum", and it was first noticed in the early 1990s. Scientists equipped with an array of sensitive instruments have found no sound nor electromagnetic signals to explain the symptoms.

Yet the scientists have never doubted the existence of bouts of nausea, dizziness, headaches and ear tone symptoms that these "sensitives" experienced. A congressional investigation was conducted in 1993–94 into the cause of these mysterious emissions, but no conclusions were drawn. Other reports and investigations have occurred in latter years, even as recently as 2005. To some sufferers, the emissions have been intensifying since 1999–2000.

Scientists will continue to be baffled as to the nature and existence of these emissions until they change the type of instruments they use to look for the signals. The signals are not sound; nor are they true radio waves. Current mainstream physics looks to sound waves and radio waves, as they seem to be the only explanations that still fit within popular physics. But using sensitive microphones or radio-wave-type sensors, whether magnetic or even electrostatic, means that finding the true, stealthy signals will only continue to be elusive.

Medical doctors are aware of a sudden onset of dizziness and nausea in patients when they move briskly while near the very powerful magnetic fields of the modern-day MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) machine.3, 4 Yet the Earth signals do not have a powerful magnetic field and still they can cause the same type of effect with sudden onset of nausea and dizziness.

In search of these Earth signals, scientists have used some of the most sensitive, super-cooled magnetic sensors available to detect any extremely weak magnetic field changes but, to date, they have found nothing.

Scientists are using the intense external power of magnetic fields and pulsed radio waves in the MRI machine to reach into the atom and excite it into resonance. But they are not thinking of the already existing powerful electrostatic fields within the atoms themselves. No batteries required! The atom has its charge within.
The sudden onset of dizziness, nausea or other symptoms comes from within the atoms themselves.

The signals from the Earth disrupt the existing powerful electrostatic fields of the atoms. This is the secret to understanding the mysterious signals. The signals disrupt existing strong magnetic fields or existing strong electrostatic fields. The other secret is that the strength of the field and the density of the atoms (or tissue, in the human body sense) form a selective tuning to the type of Earth signal. This is why some people experience the symptoms differently or not at all.

Modern electronics uses the same tuning principle in a device called a "varactor" diode. Its name comes from "voltage-variable capacitor". The voltage or charge across this device changes its tuning in a precise manner by moving a charge barrier in the doped silicon of the diode. This is the same principle as that which governs how the cellular tissue of the human body can tune into the Earth signals. This is also the foundation to how the unique sensors are designed for detecting the Earth signals.5, 6

For scientists to start to see the true Earth precursors that sensitives respond to, the instruments and sensors have to have an existing field present. The strength of the field determines the tuning frequency of interest. The utility power grid forms an ideal antenna system since the energy of the power grid constantly stimulates an electromagnetic field. The Earth precursory emissions will change the 60-cycle power grid electric field itself and create the resulting signals of interest.

Science will face an interesting revelation on these signals. If we're to understand what the signals do, the foundation of our physics must look more deeply into the phenomenon of "the Lamb shift" as a wider coherent wave. The Lamb shift was discovered in the 1940s by physicist Willis Lamb.7 This phenomenon is where the atom changes the rules momentarily when the quantum states of the electron will shift in a linear amount instead of a quantum jump. In other words, the electron orbits shift outwards like a person breathing out, then back in.

Now imagine a signal that causes a large-scale breathing out and then in on trillions of atoms in the body. This signal is in the medium that is the foundation of particle physics itself. The explanation given in the Lamb shift is the capture and then re-emission of a "virtual photon" in the atom. Scientists then get into the theory of quantum electrodynamics, as discussed by the great modern physicist Richard Feynman.8

This is the right path to understanding the nature of the earthquake precursor signals to which sensitives respond.

"Scalarbeamer" generates the same mysterious signals

Amateur experimentalists have stumbled across the true nature of these Earth signals by building a simple device called a "Scalarbeamer".9 What the experimentalists didn't realize is how biologically dangerous these emissions can be from a device such as this. One experimenter induced extreme sedative effects, besides experiencing a "buzzing in the head" sensation while in the "beams", where he dropped into a sleep all day, all night and into the next day from a brief exposure to the narrow, xenon gas–amplified side "beam" that emanated from the sandwich layer of the pulse-stimulated "bucking" magnets.

By changing the design a bit, the effects were changed to extreme stimulation—described by the experimenter as like having two to three cups of strong cappuccino or espresso. The most alarming event was inducing complete numbness in the hand and the whole arm, which lasted for over an hour from just five minutes of experimenting.

I strongly caution any experimenters to be extremely careful with this device. Science will learn of this in time, but a level of "resonance poisoning" can be induced in biological tissue in these strong scalar types of emission fields. The Earth generates a much lower base frequency of these types of emissions, but the emissions also carry an harmonic content that reaches into the optical spectrum.

It is the upper harmonics of these base emissions that cause "sensitives" to react and experience symptoms.

Biological equivalent sensors

Other amateur experimentalists are on the right track in designing sensors that detect these rare, mysterious Earth signals. The sensors are called "Barkhausen effect scalar detectors".10 These detectors look for small magnetic changes or sudden "flips" of magnetic domains in the polycrystalline structure of the detector's core material that is held in a very strong external magnetic field. They have heavy shielding to prevent outside radio waves or magnetic waves from disturbing the internal magnetic field. Thus, only waves that originate within the detector are able to disturb the internal magnetic field. Science today says these types of waves cannot exist. Yet they do exist.

Another version of these types of detectors is the "electrostatic field–based scalar sensor".11 To date, these detectors are not perfected or understood by amateurs. However, these types of sensors are what the human body naturally has within its electric cellular structure. Strong electrostatic fields create migration of charge in cells and powers the exchange in the tissue from electrochemical gradients.

As a matter of fact, the human mitochondria cell contains one of the marvels of nature: a 12-pole motor-generator that can pump electrochemical charge in either direction.12 Scientists call this marvel one of "the smallest motors known to science".13 The torque of this unique charge pump is so incredible that a spoonful of this protein motor generates as much torque as a Mercedes automobile engine! This cell can create very powerful volts per centimeter of electrochemical fields (or electrostatic equivalent).14 A 0.1-volt charge across a 5-nanometre cell membrane gives an electric field of 20 million volts per metre.15

These powerful fields are the ideal environment for interaction with a biological version of an electrostatic scalar detector. The Earth emissions interact with these pre-existing electrostatic fields in the ions at the atomic scale in either positively charged or negatively charged ions.

This interaction creates the symptoms that "sensitives" experience.

Modern Electrostatic Scalar Detector

After 13 years of development, a modern electrostatic scalar detector creates pristine viewing of the mysterious Earth signals. This detector is modeled after the same structure in the biological make-up of the human cell's electrochemical fields. The detector relies on a beam-embedded charge into a Teflon base material to create an equivalent 78,740 volts per centimeter of the precision electrostatic field. The head has a special nickel alloy with a specific tension and thickness. Modulation of the electrostatic field by Earth signals creates a mechanical reaction in the tensioned drum alloy. Critical to the correct operation of this type of design is a ratio of charge, tension and density, forming a charge density ratio.

This sensor is put inside a shielded metal box that forms a Faraday shield against any outside radio waves or electrostatic fields. The shield box and sensor are placed in a heavy vault in the earth to provide for the best coupling to the Earth signals which like to travel near the surface, similarly to how the "skin effect" occurs in electrical conductors.

This type of electrostatic scalar detector can detect precursory emissions from the Earth in a radius of 800 to 1,000 kilometers. This device is what is currently used to monitor the Pacific Northwest. It is the equivalent of a round-the-clock human "sensitive".


Photo of Terra Research Electrostatic Scalar Detector/Sensor

A mobile version of the electrostatic scalar detector is based on a different form of an array of cells of tens of thousands of volts per centimeter that are impervious to vibration. This sensory system is used to map unknown faults in the Earth. Faults are strong emitters of these mysterious Earth signals. The strength of the fault emissions is proportional to the readings of the large antenna monitoring system.

By driving over faults with a specially instrumented vehicle and this mobile sensor array, you can detect emissions that reveal which faults are resonating and how strongly. This same detector array allows triangulation of a pending epicenter, as the epicentral location will reveal itself with intermittent "chirps" in the emissions. Most chirps occur in an approximate 20 minutes to an hour interval spacing, one to three days prior to the earthquake. The periodic reception of the impulses along with the amplitude reveals which region the epicentral location is in.

It should be noted that these sensors are fully shielded in a Faraday shield or a Faraday cage. They do not react to radio waves or electrostatic or electromagnetic fields. Only the unique form of these waves that can penetrate a full Faraday cage is able to cause a signal to be detected.

Again, science says these waves do not exist. In time, science will learn of the reality of these waves: longitudinal scalar waves.16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22

Ridicule or Revelation?

Only by scientists discovering the existence of these real signals will the attitudes towards sensitives be changed. A bigger hurdle to earthquake scientists will then be trying to understand how these signals are generated in the first place. The existing brittle fracture theory has it that the rock is teetering on the edge of instability. How can the Earth know ahead of time how big the earthquake will be before it occurs? Sensitives know the magnitude in advance, thus the emissions reflect the size or the power of the pending earthquake.

There is much that mainstream science will learn after the ridicule is changed to excitement in discovering an underlying active physics, as the Earth is already communicating to "sensitives".23


1. Longitudinal Scalar EM Waves: Strong Earth Emissions are part of Quakes and Volcanics, at
2. Insight into the Mystery of Ear Tones prior to Earthquakes – how they occur and why, at
3. Of Mice and Magnets, at
4. High Field MRI: Technology, Applications, Safety, and Limitations, at
5. Longitudinal Scalar EM Waves, op. cit.
6. Earth: Killer of Micro-electronics, at
7. The Lamb Shift, at
8. The Lamb Shift, at
9. Scalarbeamer, at
10. Notes on Scalar Detector Designs, at
11. ibid.
12. UC Berkeley: Hongyun Wang's Research on Molecular Motors, at
13. Protein Motors, at
14. The Cell, at
15. The Energy of Life, by Guy Brown, at Energy of Life.html.
16. The Wave Structure of Matter: Wheeler and Feynman's Response of the Universe", at
17. Quantum Physics: Richard Feynman: Explanation of Feynman's Quantum Electrodynamics (Spherical Electromagnetic Vector Waves) with the Wave Structure of Matter (Spherical Scalar Standing Waves), at
18. Feynman path-integral representation for scalar-wave propagation, PMID: 9961420, at
19. Observation of scalar longitudinal electrodynamic waves, at
20. On Casimir Forces for Media with Arbitrary Dielectric Properties, at
21. Probing the Strong Boundary Shape Dependence of the Casimir Force, at
22. The fragmentation of wires by pulsed currents: beyond the first fracture, at
23. God's Firmament & the Earthquake, at
Speaking of being sensitive to your environment...yesterday was off the fucking chart for me.
Went to the Doctor cause I have a sinus/throat something going on...gave me antibiotics since I get the IV Remicade infusions - which is most likely the culprit (besides my son going back to school and Sensiko working at the library - who knows?).
Anyhow...besides not feeling super great physically, my anxiety level was in the red zone and no amount of meditation (or medication) would make it subside.
I often wonder about my environment and what I may possibly be sensitive to on a PSI level?
I give some credence to phases of the stars and moon, though to what level they effect us I’m unsure personally.
Now this morning I had like a transient anxiety burning in my chest, though it seems to have finally gone away and I feel alright now.

I know, increases in my physical pain = increased anxiety...there is a neurochemical process that takes place with chronic pain people.
So I’m not sure if I just felt shitty from the sinus/throat thing and that triggered this constant bombardment of anxiety yesterday, or if it was something else altogether?
It’s very frustrating to me, because I want to feel normal physically and that will never happen, I can only reach levels and moments of normality as far as how I function physically. So I do my fair share of meditating and a good portion of those are trying to clear negative energy and align my chakras; I’m still very actively practicing going into a lucid dream mode - though this past week has been too much to get in good practice.
The thing is, I don’t want to focus my meditations on healing myself or trying to eliminate my anxiety...I want to devote them to bringing love and light into the world.
Life likes to push it’s own priorities on you sometimes...I just have to concede that I must focus my attentions on healing and balancing myself for the most part...because how am I going to help anyone else blah blah blah...

I just have to trust that one day I can reach that point where I no longer have to focus on myself at all...oh how I long for that moment!

That was my rant/question/rambling....thanks for reading.
Much love.
Let’s hope it is available soon and it isn’t crazy expensive!!
(Guess what though?)
It's a patent holding semi synthetic Kratom alkaloid.
To protect profits is the reason Kratom is being banned

New opioid douses pain without being addictive or deadly in primates

In monkeys, the drug is a highly effective pain reliever without downsides.

BETH MOLE - 9/4/2016, 7:00 AM


While the opioid epidemic continues kill more than 40 Americans every day, researchers and health experts are frantically searching for ways to curtail use of the highly addictive, pain-quenching drugs. In March, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention even released new guidelines directing doctors to simply refrain from prescribing opioids. But if a new study holds up, the health agency may be able to reverse course.

According to a report in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, an opioid drug referred to as BU08028 was able to alleviate pain in a dozen monkeys just as well as other opioid painkillers, such as morphine. Yet, unlike every other opioid drug, BU08028 showed no signs of being addictive. Even at high dose—at which other opioid drugs inhibit the respiratory and cardiovascular system, which can be fatal—BU08028 was harmless.

"Based on our research, this compound has almost zero abuse potential and provides safe and effective pain relief," Mei-Chuan Ko, a professor of physiology and pharmacology at Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center and lead author of the study, said in a statement. "This is a breakthrough for opioid medicinal chemistry that we hope in the future will translate into new and safer, non-addictive pain medications."

In pain experiments, which involved dipping monkeys' tails into hot water, BU08028 was a potent pain-killer. A single dose relieved pain for up to 30 hours. Next, in experiments in which the monkeys were trained to self-medicate, BU08028 proved no more habit-forming than a control dose of saline. Scientists forced one group of monkeys to take BU08028, while another group was forced to take morphine. When the drugs were taken away, the monkeys who had taken BU08028 showed no withdrawal symptoms, unlike the monkeys who had blazed on morphine.

BU08028's lack of nasty side-effects may hinge on its dual-action biochemistry. Like other opioids, it controls pain by targeting the nervous system's classic μ-opioid peptide receptors, called MOP receptors. But BU08028 also targets “nonclassical” opioid receptors, called NOP receptors for nociceptin receptors, in the nervous system. These receptor proteins generally don’t interact with opioid drugs, yet they share similarities with the receptors that do. NOP receptors regulate pain, like their MOP counterparts, but they are also involved in a host of other brain functions, such as memory, cardiovascular functions, and anxiety.

“To our knowledge, the present study provides the first functional evidence in nonhuman primates that BU08028 with mixed MOP/NOP agonist activities is an effective and safe analgesic without apparent abuse liability or other opioid-associated side effects,” the authors conclude.

Next, the researchers hope to test BU08028 at treating chronic pain without risks of addiction or overdoses. Regardless of BU08028's fate in subsequent trials, the researchers are hopeful that the strategy of co-activating NOP and MOP receptors will eventually lead to a safer painkiller.

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2016. DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1605295113 (About DOIs).
This kind of bullshit needs to END...NOW.

Big Pharma’s Patents on Kratom Alkaloids Expose Real Reason DEA is Banning this Plant

Washington, D.C. – As the Free Thought Project reported last week, the U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) just announced they will ban the popular pain relief supplement kratom by placing it on the Schedule 1 list, which denotes “no currently accepted medical use and a high potential for abuse” – the most restrictive classification under the federal Controlled Substances Act.

This move to ban yet another highly beneficial plant by the DEA has been met with heavy backlash and multiple petitions. The backlash is entirely justified as this plant has many amazing benefits — including a potential cure for opioid addiction.

A notice of intent to classify kratom was placed on the Federal Register on August 31, with plans to temporarily categorize the supplement as a Schedule I substance on September 30, according to a filing by the DEA:

Notice of Intent

The Administrator of the Drug Enforcement Administration is issuing this notice of intent to temporarily schedule the opioids mitragynine and 7-hydroxymitragynine, which are the main active constituents of the plant kratom, into schedule I pursuant to the temporary scheduling provisions of the Controlled Substances Act. This action is based on a finding by the Administrator that the placement of these opioids into schedule I of the Controlled Substances Act is necessary to avoid an imminent hazard to the public safety. Any final order will impose the administrative, civil, and criminal sanctions and regulatory controls applicable to schedule I controlled substances under the Controlled Substances Act on the manufacture, distribution, possession, importation, and exportation of, and research and conduct of instructional activities of these opioids.

This “imminent hazard,” as cited by the DEA, is all but non-existent. Yes, the CDC reported in July that kratom can be abused and that poison control centers have received over 660 calls between 2010 and 2015 regarding kratom intoxication. However, these numbers pale in comparison to the extreme death that follows prescription opioids, and, there has yet to be any conclusive evidence showing kratom to be deadly.

So why would the DEA worry about a beneficial plant that is pretty much harmless? The answer is quite clear — Big Pharma.

Cannabis is a schedule one substance but the pharmaceutical industry can manufacture a synthetic version of the same active ingredient in cannabis, THC, and it magically becomes legal.

Currently, the pharmaceutical industry is using kratom alkaloids to manufacture synthetic opioids.

As Cassius Kamarampi points out, three synthetic opioids, in particular, were synthesized from the alkaloids in kratom from 2008- 2016: MGM-9, MGM-15, and MGM-16.

They were synthesized from kratom’s alkaloids Mitragynine and 7-Hydroxymitragynine: to make what is essentially patentable, pharmaceutical kratom.

The first study, published in 2008, took Mitragynine and used it to synthesize “MGM-9”. The study says:

“Mitragynine is a major indole alkaloid isolated from the Thai medicinal plant Mitragyna speciosa that has opium-like properties, although its chemical structure is quite different from that of morphine. We attempted to develop novel analgesics derived from mitragynine, and thus synthesized the ethylene glycol-bridged and C10-fluorinated derivative of mitragynine, MGM-9 [(E)-methyl 2-(3-ethyl-7a,12a-(epoxyethanoxy)-9-fluoro-1,2,3,4,6,7,12,12b-octahydro-8-methoxyindolo[2,3-a]quinolizin-2-yl)-3-methoxyacrylate].”

The second study published in 2014 synthesized MGM-15 and MGM-16 from kratom’s other primary alkaloid, 7-Hydroxymitragynine. The study says:

“In this study, we developed dual-acting μ- and δ-opioid agonists MGM-15 and MGM-16 from 7-hydroxymitragynine for the treatment of acute and chronic pain.”

One can find dozens of studies from the past few years, in which researchers synthesized new opioid compounds and tested them on monkeys (primates). This is a huge market.

From one of many studies, testing the opioid “TH-030418”:

“Numerous efforts have been made on the chemical modification of opioid compounds, with the ultimate goal of developing new opioid analgesics that is highly potent and low/non-addictive. In a search for such compounds, TH-030418 [7α-[(R)-1-hydroxy-1-methyl-3-(thien-3-yl)-propyl]-6,14-endo-ethanotetrahydrooripavine] was synthesized.”

From another study testing an opioid called “SR 16435”:

“We identified a novel nociceptin/orphanin FQ (NOP)/mu-opioid receptor agonist, SR 16435 [1-(1-(bicyclo[3.3.1]nonan-9-yl)piperidin-4-yl)indolin-2-one], with high binding affinity and partial agonist activity at both receptors.”

From another study testing an opioid called “Cebranopadol”:

“Cebranopadol (trans-6′-fluoro-4′,9′-dihydro-N,N-dimethyl-4-phenyl-spiro[cyclohexane-1,1′(3’H)-pyrano[3,4-b]indol]-4-amine) is a novel analgesic nociceptin/orphanin FQ peptide (NOP) and opioid receptor agonist.”

Another one of the plant’s alkaloids is Speciofoline. It just so happens that a patent was filed for Speciofoline on August 10, 1964. The patent claims the “alkaloid has useful pharmacodynamic activity, particularly analgetic and antitussive activity.”

The patent was filed by Smith Kline, of Glaxo Smith Kline, & French Laboratories.

Aside from a patent on Speciofoline, US 20100209542 A1 is an application that was entered for University Of Massachusetts Medical School, University Of Mississippi in 2010. The application recognizes kratom as a treatment for opioid withdrawal. US 20100209542 A1 goes on to claim that kratom could be used to help withdrawals from other drugs as well.

See the pattern yet?

As the legal pain medication epidemic sweeps the nation killing thousands every year and converting its users into heroin addicts, the pharmaceutical companies are scrambling to find an alternative. Kratom could be that alternative.

However, since kratom can be grown in your backyard, pharmaceutical companies can’t monopolize it — unless the government outlaws it.

On September 30, kratom will be illegal, but the synthetic patented and monopolized version will not.

While the mainstream media often acknowledges that these drug companies charge exorbitant prices for their medications, they conveniently leave out the reason they can do so is because they have the full support of Uncle Sam.

Instead of looking at the corrupt government, who has the unique ability to create and sustain monopolies, the evil drugs and the market are blamed.

How many more people will have to die of opioid overdose before Americans stand up to the DEA and refuse to obey their tyrannical and corrupt laws?

Please share this article to wake other people up to the fact that the DEA is only operating as the guardians of the big pharma monopoly!

Goode has previously described efforts by many global elites, who he describes as criminal syndicates, to escape to safe underground locations in Antarctica and South America in early 2016. Based on what he had just witnessed he believed this would be unsuccessful:

* I was thinking to myself that it would be impossible to hide underground from this energetic wave, no matter how deep below the surface or shielded by advanced technology you were.

Apparently many of the global elite thought the same since earlier in 2016 many of them tried to flee their underground facilities. This led to a battle between opposing space programs over Antarctica when some elites attempted to escape in tear drop shaped ships belonging to the space program described as the Dark Fleet, which emerged out of a Nazi Germany and Draconian extraterrestrial alliance from the World War II era.

Battle over Antarctica about which Goode received a briefing about unknown chevron shaped spacecraft attacking Dark Fleet space cruisers

Goode next relayed how Raw Teir-Eir stated that the effect of the cosmological events currently underway would impact humanity:

* I expected the next communication to be about the scene I had just witnessed. Tear-Eir then communicated that our co-creative mass consciousness was playing a part in what was and soon will unfold. Tear-Eir then communicated that the increased energetic waves were causing behavioral changes on Earth, as well as on various bases and vessels that resided within our star system.

Among the effects Goode was told about, was that the energy waves were impacting a “mind control” or “behavioral modification” grid that has been used to control humanity for thousands of years. The result was that it was becoming harder to influence humanity to take desired collective actions:

* This also was interfering with the “behavioral modification” grid that has influenced the thoughts and behavior of people on this planet for many thousands of years. As a result, this grid had to be turned up to its maximum power level to have the desired effects on the population, which I was told would also increase its side effects.

The energetic changes and increased power to the mind control grid were causing people to begin to behave erratically, and become apathetic and ineffective.

It is well known that World Wars have been sparked in the past by xenophobic nationalism, religious fanaticism or other forms of extreme collective human behavior. While such behavior appears to be happening today in many areas of the planet such as the Middle East, Goode is telling us that the side-effects of the mind control grid being impacted by cosmic energy waves, is mitigating what the global elite have intended. This suggests that elite plans for a World War III will not happen.

Goode was next told about a small time period humanity has to co-create the optimal timeline:

* He stated that our co-creative consciousness was directing us toward a choice of which temporal reality we will ultimately experience. We have a small window to push ourselves through in order to jointly experience the optimal temporal reality.

What Goode was told next is going to be very disturbing for many concerned about a possible “Ascension Event” that impacts all humanity:

* Among the topics we discussed was the shockingly low percentage of humanity that would be ready for Ascension if it occurred at the current time. It would only be approximately 0.042 percent – less than one out of every 2300 people. It was apparent that time was short for all of us to process our karma and increase our own service-to-others polarity.

Indeed, it is shocking to hear what percentage of humanity is ready for what the Sphere Being Alliance views as a defining event for our planet and humanity in general.

Goode elaborated further on what was needed to create the optimal time line and better prepare for an Ascension Event:

* I asked if there would be a way to tell if we had directed ourselves to the optimal temporal reality. Tear-Eir simply replied that “if the world is shaken” around David and I, we would then know that our mass-consciousness had chosen an “other than optimal temporal reality.”… It is important to note here that we do have the ability to steer our future into the “optimal temporal reality.” It involves pushing for Full Disclosure and doing our part to increase our own positive polarity and Ascension.

It is good to see that the higher Schumann frequency is having an effect on the general population. When people are thinking for themselves, they will be more difficult to manipulate. They are waking up. This will make it more difficult to initiate an operation for the Looneynati. There will be fewer operations.

But I would also think that the higher vibrations make any such operation more difficult to conclude. You see, any low vibration event will have a lower chance of success. Low vibrations do not thrive in a high vibration environment.

So the effect is twofold, I think.


During their encounter, Gonzales gave Goode the latest information about negotiations between the Earth Alliance and the Cabal:

* Gonzales then went into recent details about negotiations between the Earth Alliance and the syndicates that make up what many of us refer to as the Cabal. These negotiations seem to be going nowhere fast. They are now debating the fates of the syndicate members and those that had worked under them – both wittingly and un-wittingly. These syndicates insist that either everyone in their groups are given full immunity and pardoned from prosecution, or no one should receive immunity.

Goode went on to describe the Cabal’s argument for partial disclosure:

* They also continue to insist on a controlled, partial disclosure that would gradually unfold over the next 100 years. They opposed any type of document dumps, insisting that this would de-stabilize the entire socio-economic system on the planet. They argued that a full disclosure would lead to chaos and many deaths from rioting and the anger and panic from countries victimized by the Cabal. A large number of the Earth Alliance members have similar fears of these scenarios taking place in the event of a full disclosure.

Goode describes the plan hatched by Cabal/Syndicates in case mass document dumps were to occur:

* Gonzales then went on to state that the syndicates had already prepared for a massive document dump. They have developed a kill switch for the internet, and can knock out communications and even electricity in certain regions to stop the data from being viewed. They can mitigate any response from those who had viewed the data, such as through their controlled establishment media outlets. They can also manicure and remove videos, articles or social media posts that contradict their agenda.

Goode revealed that the Panama Papers are part of a Cabal orchestrated plan to thwart mass document dumps by preemptively exposing prominent members of the Earth Alliance:

* Gonzales said that the document dump event may start off as a data-dump war. The Panama Papers seemed to be the Cabal’s first strike to let the Alliance know that they also had incriminating evidence that could put many of them on trial as well.

According Goode, this means that the new strategy adopted by the Earth Alliance is to have a sequence of document dumps that is spread over a period of time:

* It is now believed that document dumps need to occur in spurts in order to have a higher possibility of actually reaching the population.

Goode described emerging efforts and threats by the Cabal which are being thwarted:

* These syndicates have been continually pushing for WWIII, without gaining any success. They still continue to make threats to cause natural disasters, which includes detonating charges that would cause two super-volcanoes to erupt, causing an extinction-level event on Earth. I highly doubt that this would be allowed to occur, but most of the Earth Alliance does not feel like they can gamble on it. Skirmishes are continuing to occur in our upper atmosphere and various areas around Earth and other celestial bodies in our star system.

Both the Earth Alliance and Cabal fear that an advanced spacecraft will crash into an urban populated area due to the many skirmishes that are happening in the upper atmosphere.

* The fear of an advanced craft crashing in a populated area is very real to both of these groups. Both sides have members of their groups that are ready to pounce if a crash does indeed occur.

* They have cooked up cover stories involving nuclear-powered satellites crashing and causing contamination in large areas. This could compel people to either flee or stay in their homes until informed otherwise….

When the Looneynati are planning such operations, the higher vibrations will counteract their chance of success, as explained.

Have you heard of Murphy's Law? It states that Anything that can go wrong, will go wrong. Well-planned operations are no exception to this law.

I am sure that we will see what Rummy to as "Unknown Unknowns" acting as spanners thrown into the well-oiled machinery of the Looneynati.


Reliable Russian and CIA contacts both told the White Dragon Society that the top bosses of the Khazarian mafia are seeking to trade shelter in Russia for gold. This is just the latest in a whole slew of signs Khazarian mafia rule of the planet earth is crumbling. The White Dragon Society and its allies will continue to press the offensive with the aim of permanently ending their rule as early as this autumn.

Another big sign of Khazarian mafia defeat has been the degrading treatment given to UNITED STATES OF AMERICA corporate spokesperson Barack Obama in Asia and elsewhere. Obama was literally denied red carpet treatment on his arrival in China for last weekend’s G20 summit. This was in sharp contrast to the super VIP treatment given to Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau who has been recommended to China by the WDS as a better leader for North America than either Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump. Trudeau was treated like a superstar in China during a one week visit that resulted in Canada publicly dumping its support of the US corporate government by announcing its intention to join the China led AIIB.


There is a lot more humiliation and hopefully oblivion in store for the US corporate government as the September 31st fiscal year end approaches. Efforts to finally bankrupt them center on international dumping of US Treasury bonds combined with gold buying. There is also a huge campaign under way now to make sure the supply of drug and oil money to the Federal Reserve Board and its US corporate government subsidiary is cut off so they will be unable to kick the bankruptcy can down the road any further.


The situation has reached the point where the handlers of Hillary Clinton contacted the WDS to say they were planning to end Hillary’s bid for President. They are either going to use her poor health as a reason for her to quit or else they will have her assassinated in a way that makes it look Donald Trump was involved, the Clinton handlers say. Recent US corporate media headlines indicate it is the heath option they are going to choose.


In any case, the usual suspects are unlikely to be able to manipulate events in the US or elsewhere the way they have been used to. The rejection of in the US and Europe of the TTIP and TTP fascist treaties negotiated by the Khazarians is a clear sign of this. These treaties are being rejected because they place a special tribunal, controlled by the Rockefellers etc. above elected governments.

The EU crack down on tax cheating by US corporations like Apple, Google, Amazon and McDonalds is yet another clear sign of a European break with the US faction of the Khazarian mafia. The G20 countries have all agreed that use of tax havens by multi-national corporations to avoid taxes is going to end, and the Europeans have shown the way.

The Europeans have also been systematically shifting their financial assets to China. Nathaniel Rothschild and his side (Jacob) of the Rothschild family, for example, have shifted most of their assets to China during the past 18 months, Mossad sources in Europe confirm. The Rockefellers, Bushes, Clintons and the “dark side of the Rothschild family” (Evelyn) are now negotiating with the Chinese, the source says.

The Looneynati are running out of money and having trouble to control political events in the world.

Will that make them initiate an end-of-the-world scenario?
Not saying I disagree with these folks being on a “bounty list”.
Just be careful posting things that could be misconstrued later as a “hit list” if any of these folks should be eventually grievously injured.

Saturday, July 30, 2016
Terms of Surrender Update

There are some clarifications that need to be made about the terms of surrender.

First, the mass arrest plan is still valid and in full force. The Light forces will not wait for any dark individual or Cabal faction to surrender, they will arrest them as soon as they can do that in a way that is safe for humanity to go through the transition. Those members of the Cabal that surrender before the mass arrests will have more favorable conditions. It is very unlikely that many individual members of the Cabal will surrender before the Event because they fear the revenge from other Cabal members, as they will be perceived as „traitors“.

There is a certain possibility that the Rothschild faction as a whole will surrender and start cooperating before the Event. The Rothschilds are fallen angels from the Rigel star system in the Orion constellation. In the past, many members of the Cabal originating from Rigel have surrendered to the Light when they were shown that Light is stronger than darkness. The Rigelians have a tendency to side with the one that is stronger and many of them, when arrested or faced with strong enough opposition, will actually show signs of relief that finally someone was powerful enough to stop their negative actions. This will be a proof to them that Light is stronger that darkness and will begin to cooperate. The Rigelian race descended from spirit into mater by implantation process, their connection with spirit is still there to a certain extent and many of them will be able to ascend when this duality nightmare is over.

The Jesuits, the Archons and the Chimera all come from negative races from Andromeda Galaxy. They are all fallen angels, meaning that they have descended from spirit into matter by implantation process, and quite many will be able to ascend when the duality is over.

The Chimera group is not involved in the surrender negotiations because no surface positive faction is strong enough to be able to deal with them. The Resistance is dealing with them directly.

The Rockefeller faction is Draconian by its origin and will never surrender, they will fight back with their false flags until they are removed into the Galactic Central Sun. The Draconian race has evolved from dense matter and the more negative members of that race do not have sufficient contact with the spirit to be redeemed.

Second, the Cabal members that surrender willingly will go through a psychological transition to become part of the Light forces and will be treated fairly. They will all be stardusted so if any of them tries something funny before they fully accept the Light, they will be paralyzed immediately and then removed from the planet. During the reconciliation process they will need to fully disclose their past actions and come face to face with people's anger, but will not be allowed to be treated violently and will not be punished. The biggest punishment for them will be their conscience after they wake up and fully realize what they have done. They will go through a psychological healing process and will live the rest of their lives in service to humanity and Light.

Third, the bounty for the capture of the Cabal members will most likely not work because the other side has put even bigger bounty on some Lightwarriors on the surface of the planet. This reflects a centuries old treaty with the Chimera that says „we will not touch your leaders and you will not touch ours.“ It is expected that this deadlock will continue until the Event when finally the breakthrough will happen and the Chimera will be check-mated.

Victory of the Light!

The gold bounty may not work.
This kind of bullshit needs to END...NOW.

Big Pharma’s Patents on Kratom Alkaloids Expose Real Reason DEA is Banning this Plant

Here is another one being patented:

The Latest Bio-Piracy: Big Pharma Co-Opts Ancient Flower that Heals 96% of All Diabetics
Sep 13, 2016

When pharmaceutical companies can’t recreate mother nature’s astounding healing abilities, they simply co-opt them. Of course, they do this so that they can patent a drug, when a real plant is freely available to the world in a non-pharmaceutical form, to make billions off of their ‘invention.’ Big Pharma’s latest attempt to profit from the offerings of the natural world comes in the form of an ancient flower. This stocky, furry-stemmed plant with yellow buds has been found to practically cure diabetes Type 2. Does the modern medical establishment promote the use of the whole flower? Nope. They can’t make any money off of that remedy. Instead they eagerly take it to a lab and start trying to mimic its ‘active’ compounds and isolate them.

Israeli scientists conducted studies on Chiliadenus iphionoides, also known as sharp varthemia. Dr. Jonathan Gorelick of the Judea Research and Development Center recently presented the published findings at a conference. They concluded that, “Chiliadenus iphionoides exhibits considerable anti-diabetic activity, although the mechanism of action remains to be determined.”

This is the rub. Scientists often can’t figure out exactly how a plant does its magical, miraculous healing, so they dissect it to bits, and create a drug. The problem is that the isolated phytoactive compounds are often either chemically reproduced, or they simply don’t account for the synergistic way that multiple plant compounds and phytonutrients work together to make a plant’s medicine efficacious.

Though scientists who studied sharp varthemia discovered the flower worked on both cellular and animal models to help control blood sugar – the researchers admit they don’t know exactly how this is possible. That didn’t stop Big Pharma from jumping on the findings to try to recreate a marketable drug.

Laughably, the flower proved to be more effective than any diabetes drug currently on the market. 71% of patients were taken off all diabetes drugs and 96% of type 2 diabetics were able to completely alter their blood glucose levels for the better.

This simple flower isn’t the only plant that helps cure one of the most profitable diseases for the pharmaceutical industry in the world. Bitter melon, ginseng, milk thistle, guggul, loquat, banaba, prickly pear, garcinia kola, bilberry, fenugreek, chamomile, tulsi, onion, and cinnamon have all been shown to effectively control blood sugar levels.

If you are in the pharmaceutical industry, diabetes is the ‘perfect’ disease, because it has reached epidemic proportions.

“Such a big market provides an incentive business-wise and the patients are the beneficiaries,” says Dr. Nathaniel Clark, a spokesperson for the American Diabetes Association (ADA)

The beneficiaries of what? A 10,000 percent mark-up on drugs to treat something that diet, exercise, and a few herbs can cure without any side effects?
This Woman Sees 100 Times More Colors Than The Average Person
A unique genetic mutation and a well-wired brain mean that Concetta Antico is like no other artist on Earth.

By Alexandra Ossola October 13, 2014


To tetrachromatic artist Concetta Antico, the world is, "like a mosaic of color."

When Concetta Antico looks at a leaf, she sees much more than just green. “Around the edge I’ll see orange or red or purple in the shadow; you might see dark green but I’ll see violet, turquoise, blue,” she said. “It’s like a mosaic of color.”

Antico doesn’t just perceive these colors because she’s an artist who paints in the impressionist style. She’s also a tetrachromat, which means that she has more receptors in her eyes to absorb color. The difference lies in Antico's cones, structures in the eyes that are calibrated to absorb particular wavelengths of light and transmit them to the brain. The average person has three cones, which enables him to see about one million colors. But Antico has four cones, so her eyes are capable of picking up dimensions and nuances of color—an estimated 100 million of them—that the average person cannot. “It’s shocking to me how little color people are seeing,” she said.

"You might see dark green but I’ll see violet, turquoise, blue. It’s like a mosaic of color.”
Although tetrachromats have more receptors in their eyes, their brains are wired the same way as a person with normal vision. So how can a brain like Antico’s change to see more colors? Like anything else, practice makes perfect, even when it comes to neural pathways.

For years, researchers weren’t sure tetrachromacy existed. If it did, they stipulated, it could only be found in people with two X chromosomes. This is because of the genes behind color vision. People who have regular color vision have three cones, tuned to the wavelengths of red, green, and blue. These are connected to the X chromosome—most men have only one, but most women have two. Mutations in the X chromosome cause a person to perceive more or less color, which is why men more commonly have congenital colorblindness than women (if their one X chromosome has a mutation). But the theory stood that if a person received two mutated X chromosomes, she could have four cones instead of the usual three.

This is the case with Antico; researchers confirmed that she is a tetrachromat in 2012. One percent of the world’s population is thought to be tetrachromatic, but it’s not easy to demonstrate empirically. “The difference between [the color dimensions perceived by] a tetrachromat and someone with normal vision is not as dramatic as the difference between someone who is colorblind and someone with normal vision,” according to Kimberly Jameson, a cognitive scientist at the Institute for Mathematical Behavioral Sciences at the University of California in Irvine. She and her colleague Alissa Winkler at the University of Nevada in Reno have been studying Antico for about a year to better understand tetrachromacy. The differences in color perception are hard to detect because they’re small, Jameson said, but the tests that are currently used are not designed for more than three pigments--red, green and blue.

Based on Antico's genes, Jameson has determined that Antico's fourth cone absorbs wavelengths that are "reddish-orangey-yellow, but what it appears to Concetta is uncertain at the moment," she added. Since the tests aren't calibrated for this wavelength, empirically demonstrating tetrachromacy is still really difficult.


"Rainbow Gully, Mission Hills, SD"

Jameson and Winkler are on the hunt for more tetrachromats in order to better understand how their brains work. Jameson became fascinated with how people are able to form and communicate concepts, especially when the way they perceive the world can vary so widely. “If you have an extra cone class in the retina, that greatly complicates how that signal might be taking shape as it leaves the retina. We want to understand how that’s happening,” she said. This likely has to do with how the brain wires itself when it receives certain signals frequently over time—a concept called neuroplasticity. Lots of studies about neuroplasticity in animals and some in humans have shown that two individuals with the same capacity for visual perception can have drastically different vision later in life just based on what they were exposed to early on. Researchers still aren’t totally sure why this is the case. “One possibility is that the system learns how to use these signals—the wiring creates the proper code so they can be used in the cortex,” Jameson said.

So even though many more tetrachromats may exist in the world, they may not have exceptional color perception, because they haven’t trained their brains to pay attention. Antico, in this case, presents a rare exception. “I was different than a regular 5-year-old — I was painting at age 7, I was so fascinated with color,” she said. For years, she was exposed to exceptional color, so her brain became wired to take advantage of her tetrachromacy.


"The Cat's Meow"

Antico has a personal stake in the continued research of tetrachromacy. Five years ago, when Antico’s daughter was 7 years old, the family learned that she was colorblind. “I didn’t think it had anything to do with me, but she’s colorblind because of me. I have a mutation,” Antico said. The more she helps scientists understand tetrachromacy, she figures, the better they will be able to help people like her daughter. “If we understand genetic potential for tetrachromacy and how their perception differs, we can understand quite a lot about visual processing of color that we currently don’t understand,” Jameson agreed.

But Antico may have stumbled upon a different way to help those who are color deficient. She is a professional artist who has been teaching painting for over 20 years, and she has a number of students who are colorblind. “One of the things that has been made apparent by looking at their artwork is that they have a good appreciation for color, unlike any other individual who I’ve ever seen that is color deficient,” Jameson said. “It’s very possible that by being tuned in from a very early age to color differences, [Antico] may have acquired some understanding and articulation for how to help them do that.” This hypothesis still needs to be proven empirically, of course, but Jameson is intrigued by the prospect of improving people’s perception of color through the training that neuroplasticity allows.

In addition to spending her time helping researchers better understand tetrachromacy, Antico hopes to open an art school for the colorblind and create an online platform for people around the world to discover if they are tetrachromatic. “I want to be sure before I die that I’m able to define tetrochromatism,” she said. “There have to be more tetrachromats out there. Maybe I can lead the way for that.”‏/

I am an old-fashioned trichromat.
Hidden codex may reveal secrets of life in Mexico before Spanish conquest
Hi-tech imaging has revealed exceptionally rare manuscript overlaid by 16th-century deerhide document held at Oxford University

Part of the front of Codex Selden, the manuscript that concealed the newly discovered images for almost 500 years. Photograph: Bodleian

One of the rarest manuscripts in the world has been revealed hidden beneath the pages of an equally rare but later Mexican codex, thanks to hi-tech imaging techniques.

The Codex Selden, a book of concertina-folded pages made out of a five-metre strip of deerhide, is one of a handful of illustrated books of history and mythology that survived wholesale destruction by Spanish conquerors and missionaries in the 16th century.

A covered-up page with a page from the Codex Selden. Photograph: Bodleian

Researchers using hyperspectral imaging, a technique originally used for geological research and astrophysics, discovered the underlying images hidden beneath a layer of gesso, a plaster made from ground gypsum and chalk, without damaging the priceless later manuscript.

The underlying images must be older than the codex on top, which is believed to have been made about 1560 and was donated to Oxford’s Bodleian library in the 17th century by the scholar and collector John Selden.

The codex is one of fewer than 20 dating from before or just after the colonisation, which were saved by scholars who realised the importance of the strip cartoon-like images, a complex system that used symbols, stylised human figures and colours to recount centuries of history and beliefs, including religious practice, wars, the founding of cities and the genealogy of noble families.

One Spanish witness of the destruction wrote that people were distraught to see their books – and their history – burn, anguished “to an amazing degree, and which caused them much affliction”. Of those known to have escaped the bonfires, the Bodleian had five, the largest group in the world – and now it has six.

Scholars at the Bodleian and the universities of Leiden and Delft, in the Netherlands, are still analysing the newly revealed images, but believe they are unique, a previously unknown genealogy that may help unlock the history of archaeology sites in southern Mexico.

Some of the pages have more than 20 characters sitting or standing, similar to other Mixtec manuscripts – from the Oaxaca region of modern Mexico – which are believed to depict kings and their councils, but uniquely in this case depicting men and women. One so far unidentified figure appears repeatedly, and is symbolised by a twisted cord and a flint knife.

Other pages include people walking with sticks and spears, women with red hair or elaborate headdresses, and what appear to be place names with symbols for rivers.

The researchers, who publish their work this month in the Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, had been trying a variety of non-invasive techniques to unlock the secrets of the codex, but x-ray examination had revealed nothing.
August 28, 2016
Two large underwater pyramids discovered on the ocean floor off the coast of New York

Two large structures resembling pyramids / obelisks have been found under the Atlantic Ocean about 200 kilometers from New York.

The two almost identical pyramids are hundreds of meters high and the distance between them is 45 km. As these huge structures stand out from the rest of the ocean floor it is unlikely that they are natural formations.

Another very interesting fact is that their location is in a straight line with the Great Pyramid of Giza in Egypt and the Pyramid of the Sun in Mexico.

In our article: Ley Lines: The Key To Unlocking the Matrix we suggest that there is a connection between ancient monuments across the globe and it is quite possible that these monuments like pyramids, obelisks and megaliths are connected with other structures that are hidden beneath the ocean.

Some time ago they found another similar structure on the bottom of the ocean, located exactly at the opposite side of the earth measured from the Great Pyramid of Giza.

Imagine there is a complete network of pyramids, obelisks and other monuments hidden under the ocean, all connected to ancient monuments on the surface of the planet.

Google Earth coordinates:
38°59'13.84" N 71°50'27.49" W
38°44'56.41" N 72°14'3.16" W

First video: Two large pyramids off the coast of New York.

Second video: Large pyramid opposite side of the earth measured from the Great Pyramid of Giza.

More geometry.
Cuba’s Sunken Atlantis: The Underwater City Mainstream Scholars Ignore

Over 15 years ago a team of explorers found anomalous structures off the western Coast of Cuba. Sonar survey showed a set of intricate stone formations 650 meters beneath the Caribbean Sea.
Strangely, no one has ever explored the sunken city after it was found.
National Geographic published an article about the sunken city when it was found and promised to perform follow-up investigations, strangely, they to pulled out of the investigation.

It isn’t news anymore that there are countless sunken cities scattered across the globe. From Asia to the Americas, there are legends of great cities that were swallowed by the ocean, forgotten in time and history.

While some of these cities have been found –mostly due to better equipment researchers have— in recent years, there are still many more cities waiting to be rediscovered and brought back to life.

Different ancient texts belonging to various ancient cultures speak of massive floods that swept over the earth in the distant past. Evidence of that deluge can be found today, and it is a global phenomenon that is believed to have changed life on Earth forever.

The countless submerged structures found on our planet in recent years point to a much different time on Earth when our planet’s oceans were different then they are today.

Tales and legends of sunken empires like Atlantis, Mu, and Lemuria, have captivated the imagination of past generations and continue to do so presently.

Scientifically speaking, researchers have not –yet- found traces that would indicate this alleged might empires ever existed, however, many believe that this doesn’t mean they never existed, it just means we must keep searching.

One of the most fascinating discoveries in the last decade was made just off the coast of Cuba, when a team of underwater explorers using sonar equipment picked up a staggering formation of stones located some 600 meters beneath the Caribbean ocean.

Over 15 years ago, the company, Advanced Digital Communications discovered peculiar structures beneath the Caribbean Sea. Based on sonar surveys, they suggested that the structures found off the western coast of Cuba were ancient monuments of an unknown ancient civilization.

Symmetrically arranged stones, which appeared to be remnants of some ancient urban development indeed point towards a highly developed society that could have inhabited the region in the distant past.

The submerged structures seemed entirely analogous compared against the barren ocean floor and seemed to display symmetrically organized structures reminiscent of urban development. All of this was found 600 meters beneath the surface.

When word of the discovery got our, a media flurry soon ensued with media reporting headlines like ‘Atlantis Discovered in Cuba’ and ‘Lost City of the Caribbean Found’, captivating the interest of numerous governments, museum and popular magazines like National Geographic who showed great interest in exploring the sunken ‘city’ and promised further research and exploration.

However, these promises were just that, empty stories that lead nowhere as no one decided to go down there and further investigate the anomalous formations off the coast of Cuba.

You just dont make that type of discovery and pull out just like that. If sonar picked up structures underwater than the least we can do is go down there and see if there really is something down there. We could be looking at one of the most important underwater discoveries in history yet for some reason, we arent exploring it any further. —author Ivan Petricevic

Over 15 years after the initial discovery was made, the story about the sunken city of Cuba disappeared into obscurity.

The question no one seems to have asked is… What happened to the alleged sunken city near the coast of Cuba? Were the mysterious structures ever fully investigated? Is it possible that without public knowledge, someone explored these enigmatic sunken structures? And why is it that such a sensational discovery fell into obscurity so fast?

Geologist Manuel Iturralde remained open-minded saying: “These are extremely peculiar structures, and they have captured our imagination,” said Iturralde, who is director of research at Cuba’s Natural History Museum. Iturralde has studied countless underwater formations over the years, but said, “If I had to explain this geologically, I would have a hard time.”

Estimating that it would have taken 50,000 years for such structures to have sunken to the depth at which they were said to be found, Iturralde added: “50,000 years ago there wasn’t the architectural capacity in any of the cultures we know of to build complex buildings.” A specialist in underwater archeology at Florida State University added “It would be cool if they were right, but it would be real advanced for anything we would see in the New World for that time frame. The structures are out of time and out-of-place.”

Here are some images of the discovery:




Featured image credit

Mission images

Atlantis image credit

When I see that table of seven planes of existence, I remember this picture that I saw at I outlines where each mental ability resides in the planes. It is detailed and a good illustration for discussing how communication of the multidimensional self occurs across of planes.

Some things that I notice are:

* Ether is not a plane in its own respect. It is a set of subplanes in the physical planes.

* The location of a plane agrees with the corresponds location of a chakra.
** Wisdom is in second plane, corresponding to the third eye chakra.
** Will and ego are in the fifth plane, and power and identity are associated with the solar plexus chakra.
** Matter is located in the physical plane and physical existence is related to the base chakra.
** Personality is in the lower planes, also the case of the lower chakras.

* There are some disagreements that I have though when it comes to plane-chakra agreement.
** Intuition is located in the Buddhic plane, no 4. But intuition is something that I generally agree with the sacral chakra (gut feeling) and third eye chakra/crown chakra when you get a sudden solution to and idea that you have been thinking about.
** Strangely enough, there is nothing of your soul located in the divine plane. I do not know how to solve that.

What comes to your mind when you see that picture?

Click to enlarge the photo
Click to enlarge the photo

I will take a couple of years to go through all the details of that picture. If you are not around by then, I hope that there will be other INFJs to confirm or reinterpret details of the image.

Thanks, :smiley:.