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A Fool’s Guide To Lucid Dreaming


PEOPLE often want us to specify the criteria for lucid dreaming, asking, "Was this a lucid dream?" and describing some definite non-rationality in the midst of a lucid dream.

Webster's definition of lucidity is: "clearness of thought or style," and "a presumed capacity to perceive the truth directly and instantaneously.”
However, the lucidity referred to in the term "lucid dreaming" as coined by Frederik van Eeden in 1913, refers only to perception of the truth that one is dreaming.

This is much like the usage of the word "lucid" in psychiatry to describe a patient who is well oriented to time, person and place.

Knowing that you are dreaming, however, does not automatically guarantee full rationality.
Then again, being awake doesn't ensure good thinking, either.

Nonetheless, we get more comic relief out of the errors we make in dreams, even lucid ones, than the ones we make while awake.
Why do we do stupid things in dreams?

One of the possible reasons is that we are less familiar with dreams and how they work, because most of the time in them we assume we are awake and so miss out on many opportunities to learn the ropes.

Another possibility is that the dreaming brain is actually less intelligent than the waking brain, at least sometimes.
Perhaps there is something about the activity of the brain in REM sleep that, on occasion, makes the dreamer's actions seem like those of a brain-damaged person.

The "brain damage" theory is plausible, given that the electrical activity of the brain varies tremendously in REM sleep, from less to more than in waking. Maybe our inner experiences change along with that activity, ranging from dull and irrational, to ecstatic and sharp-witted.

On the other hand, the majority of mistakes made in lucid dreams are probably the result of "dream naivete," that is, a lack of understanding of what is and is not appropriate to the time and place of the dream world.

Until you have accumulated sufficient experience at testing the boundaries of dream reality, and overcoming inhibitions from waking life, then you are likely to misinterpret situations and overlook chances to try something new.

One way to look at rationality in dreams is to classify different levels of lucidity.
At the highest level, the dreamer would not only be aware of dreaming, but also possess complete understanding of the implications of this knowledge, and would behave in accordance with that understanding on all levels from thought to action.

The lowest, minimal level of lucidity would be realization of dreaming, but without understanding how dreaming is different from waking, and without acting on the lucidity at all, mistaking events, characters and consequences with those from waking life.

Yet, degrees of rationality vary from moment to moment in dreams, so that one wishing to use a scale of levels of lucidity would have to rate each decision, action, or response of the dreamer independently.

Averaging the lucidity levels in a dream might be a way of establishing a lucidity "score" for the dream.
All of this is for future research to decide.

As a start on approaching this issue, I picked 38 instances of irrational thoughts and actions from lucid dreams.
Half came from my own dreams (so no one should feel I'm picking on them), and half from the lucid dreams submitted for the "Minds & Machines" experiment written up in this issue's Research Update.

I have classified them into categories of different types of errors.

Three categories covered most of the examples.

1. Being Afraid of "Physical Harm"

There are certain kinds of situations in which action is reflexive, not awaiting decisions from the conscious mind.
Fearful circumstances are one example.

It is much better for our skins, in general, if we respond quickly to danger, in a way that will increase our chances of avoiding harm, usually running away, less often fighting.

Consciousness can override behavioral impulses resulting from fear, but is unlikely to do so without good reason, decided on in advance.
For example, some people decide that, for the pleasure of skydiving, they will ignore the terror involved in jumping from an airplane 10,000 feet above the ground.

I go into the closet and throw myself out the window.
Briefly, I doubt if I'm dreaming, again, and get stuck halfway through the screen.

Wow, what if I weren't dreaming, I think; I'd be killing myself!

I became aware that I was lucid and started to change my size and quasi flying with the Jeep.
When I noticed the other cars I became worried and pulled over for concern of safety.

I lost lucidity...

I want to go into the house, so I fly up to a window on the second story and try to fly through.
I bump into the screen.

I tell myself that I should be able to get through.
I'm banging against the screen with my hand and scraping myself up a little.

I'm not entirely lucid because I think even though I'm dreaming it's probably not wise to get cut up like that.

...I reflect on the lucidity itself as being so effortlessly stable that I don't even have to try or struggle to maintain it.... I am in a cafeteria type place and remember my intention to look for lottery numbers... [looks for lottery numbers]... I ask if there are any Lotto 6/49 machines around am told there is one--at a nearby tourist centre on the edge of the [military] compound.

I go there and find myself walking down a slightly wooded lane.
There are some men doing something that looks covert.

I hesitate, then proceed and seeing others around am reassured....

The next example illustrates how lucidity can help negate irrational fear:

Spinning is easy.
I see a chart of words--which seem to be possible dream selections.

I choose the one that says, "Joy Traveler" and don't remember any others.
I come to a scene in my parents' living room with Fred standing next to me.

The light is dim blue.
Fred has no shirt on, is tan, with golden highlights in his hair and no hair on his chest--he looks good.

I go outside with him, to the front yard.
I say, "Fred, you never have lucid dreams. Indeed, you rarely remember your dreams."

He agrees.
As we're crossing the street, Fred ahead of me, I see a car at the corner backing up.

I tell Fred to watch out; this car is backing up towards him.
We fly up into a tree and hold on.

The car drives back at us (going forwards now), so I figure it really was trying to hit us.
I tell Fred to fly higher into the tree.

I realize I am feeling some fear and it's of this car.
I decide I should deal with it rather than going somewhere else.

I yell to Fred, "Merge!" and as we dive at the car, I hear him making a grunt of surprise and shock.
The car comes up slowly.

A flap opens in the top and shoots projectiles out.
Then a stereotypical terrorist with a gun leans out the back.

I note all this and keep falling at the car.
When I hit: "POOF" and the scene vanishes.

I see notes on paper float before me and think, these are of no interest to me and I feel myself wake up.

2. Being Afraid of "Social Consequences"

Social interactions are another case in which behaviors are automatic.
As children, we learn how to behave in a variety of social circumstances, the difference between public and private, and the consequences of breaking the rules.

Parents discipline their children to train them to act "correctly," and peers punish with ridicule, exclusion and violence when a child does something "forbidden," such as urinating or crying in public.

As we mature, we internalize this training to make it unconscious, because even a momentary slip-up can cause severe social consequences. Once social rules become unconscious, only deliberate conscious decisions can override them.

The people populating our dreams are only mental images of people, with no power over our social standing in waking life, yet they look and act completely real.

It can be extremely difficult to ignore the dictates of our social training when faced with wholly realistic "people.”
The following analogy might make the challenge understandable in a waking context: Imagine you are in a room with a window into another.

It is a one-way window that allows you to see into the other room, where a group of people is sitting, looking in your direction as if watching you.
However, they cannot see you, because their side of the window is mirrored.

How would you feel about undressing, using the toilet, picking your nose, having sex, or, say, singing, in such a situation?
Now imagine that the "audience," although they cannot see you and do not know what you are doing, have shocked or amused expressions on their faces as you carry on with your embarrassing activity.

Dream characters are mental images of people that we endow with the social reactions we have learned to expect from others.
Thus, if you decide to take your clothes off in a dream, the dream people around you might act astonished, because that is what you would expect in waking life.

Your knowledge that there are no actual people there is purely intellectual, contradicted by the evidence of your senses, which see and hear a social situation and automatically define for you appropriate and unacceptable behaviors.

It takes solid lucidity and a strong will, at least initially, to overcome the internalized mental constraints of society in the essentially private world of dreams.

Wandering about again, I see some money on a table--a big stack, with a $1 bill on top.
A minute later, it's a smaller stack with a $20 bill on top. I pocket it.

Around this time the light flashes (DreamLight) and I reflect that it doesn't matter what I do 'cause it's a dream.
But it doesn't sink in yet, and I'm a bit worried about being caught.

I find myself saying over and over, "This could be a dream," and say, "This is a dream.”
But I continue with the story because I'm very emotionally involved in it.

I'm with B, approaching the place where M is going.
B says something about B being with M and me and M replies with something about taking off as many clothes as we can when we get there.

I wonder at this lack of discretion.

I'm in a foreign country staying at a hotel and I know there's a nice French girl in the reception area.
I know I'm dreaming and I'm in a hurry to meet her before I wake up.

I run through the building.... I find the girl and decide to go back to my room.

[Risks losing the girl to the instability of dreaming, probably because of a lack of awareness that there is no need to go to a private room for sex in a dream.]

Then the old woman says it's 21 something.
Then she thanks me, and gives me some ... money, towards something.

She doesn't look as though she can afford it so I don't take it at first, but then accept it so as not to hurt her.

3. Thinking Another Dream Character is "Really" There

One research aim in child psychology is to identify when children recognize that other people are like themselves in having emotions, needs, pain, pleasure, etc.

Before that time, presumably, we treat ourselves as the center of the universe, and everything else as being important only in how it affects our well being.

Once awareness of self and other dawns, our choices generally reflect concern for others, although the degree of consideration we show others varies greatly.

Fear of social consequences reinforces our social deference, which in common parlance we usually call "goodness.”
Being "bad" is being selfish or cruel, that is, not considering the feelings of others.

Another way of describing this aspect of human psychology is to say that we learn at some age that other people are "real," like us, and to treat them accordingly.

And so we do in our dreams, too.
Of course, as long as we think dream characters are "really there," we are likely to be concerned about social consequences, as described above.

I believe that B is also dreaming and aware and thus we are having a "mutual dream."

Inside with M, we decide we're both dreaming and attempt simultaneous signals.
I can't understand some of what he says, then he mutates to look like some food by Chef-Boy-Ar-Dee.

I see an arm coming from behind a tree, and tell myself, "That's him.”
So, sure enough, when I get there, it is S.

He is wearing a belt with an amazingly shiny buckle in some angular pattern--this startles me a bit.
We embrace and kiss--this is sort of insubstantial.

Now he wearing shiny silver mylar pants, and looks like a slick cowboy.
I am not too clear about it being only my dream.

I have a few thoughts like--he'll remember this, too.
He is very sharp and clear and startlingly real.

I ask him to come with me and we'll fly.
He doesn't believe it will work.

I know it is me who is causing him to be uncooperative.
I tell him it always works with my dream characters.

I take his hands to pull him up.

I run down the hall into the kitchen, deciding on my way that I will do a back flip in mid air when I get there.
I do it smoothly and land on my feet. ...I am full of energy but I don't know what to do next.

I say that I want to do something little.
At some point I eagerly suggest to M "Let's go wake up your sleeping body!”

I mention something about flying through people.
M says, "You can't fly through me unless you are some alien who can get up my nose.”

I begin to think something like "I don't think anyone can fly through you (if you're real) not even aliens" but fear saying it before "one appears and proves me wrong.”

I tell M that I've flown through dream people before and if they were real it must have been an offensive act.
(This seemed logical at the time; that the dream people could be real.)

If they were real then I am sorry that I flew through them.

As the bad guys get out of the truck, we fly into the air.
I call to my dog, and he flies up to me, and we fly and fly.

It's all so easy and I'm very relaxed.
Knowing that I'm dreaming, I try to think of other interesting dream places I've been to so that I can show them to my sister.

I lucidly fly out of the dangerous dreams I remember and take her to some fun places.

I know I'm dreaming as I fly about with R and others.
I encourage R to try to remember this experience [not lucid enough to realize I'm talking with a dream character].

We hover in front of a striking glass picture of pale green hues, with flower designs embossed into its surface.
I tell R that lucid dreams are even more easy to recall than non-lucids.

I was walking in a building.
I was going to meet with some people.

My plan was to meet in a dream with people I was going to meet in waking tomorrow.
Then, I would compare the waking meeting with the dream meeting.
(I don't know from where this idea came. I never considered this experiment.)

... I lost lucidity.

Steve and I and Sasha and Shane are doing laundry downstairs in Ethel's basement, where there are dozens of washers and dryers stacked against the wall.

Sasha takes the grocery cart I've hung our clothes on because she wants to use it to hold the helium tank for blowing up balloons.
I blow up a few balloons, Sasha and her friends blow up a few balloons, but they keep popping for some unknown reason.

I start wondering what's happening with the balloons and notice a boy using the tank on a single balloon which gets larger and larger until it's the size of small hot air balloon.

He finally pulls the balloon away from the helium tank and I remember thinking that the balloon was so huge it would carry him away.
The next thing I know, Steve and I are looking up at the sky and there's a white parachute coming down--as it gets closer, I can see two people on the chute--one has skis on and is doing flips.

I'm wondering aloud to Steve how this is possible and explicitly say, "This must be a dream--we're dreaming--this is a lucid dream! We're both in the same lucid dream.”

I waited for Steve to come to the realization that he was dreaming (i.e. the logic was that we're in the same dream because we each put ourselves there, not because I, the dreamer, had constructed this experience).

I wanted Steve to write down that this was a dream so we'd remember.

In the meantime, I'm still watching the two boys with the parachute come in for a landing.
They landed off behind trees in a distance in a mountain of popcorn, which exploded when they landed.

I again say to myself and to Steve that this is a dream--I remark on how stable the environment is--I find it hard to believe.
We're in a beautiful lush canyon area--lots of blue-greens and purples, water below--we stop to watch the ocean and a surfer who seems to grow out of a wave.

I remember the environment as exceptionally vivid and detailed and satisfying.
I "check back" to see if I'm still dreaming--determine that I am, and say to my husband that I'm going to fly a little more as long as I'm lucid.

The environment switches to the Southwest and the colors change to mauves, sandstones, etc.

...a creature that looks like a deformed elephant seal comes toward shore.
Some guys are trying to capture it.

My son and I are watching, spellbound.
From behind the creature comes a giant octopus, at least ten feet in diameter.

We back away from the water's edge, but it comes right out of the water and at us.
It is purple and I can see the lighter colored suctions on the underside of it's raised tentacles.

We are trying to back up into a tree.
Due to the intense emotion, I become lucid.
I tell my son, "Relax, we're dreaming and octopi don't climb trees.”

Now, more aware, I know my son isn't dreaming with me....

[As the level of lucidity changes in a dream, it is possible to correct an error of thinking a dream character is real.]

I decide to fly and go straight up toward the roof of the warehouse.
There's something hanging there; I think it's a representation of a human, art work of some kind.

I say, "Are you the teacher?”
Then it's a little girl of four or five who's flown up with me but is suddenly scared to fly down.

I hold her in my arms and bring her back to safety.
I want to make sure she gets home safely and ask her where she lives.

She doesn't answer at first and I think she may be confused and overwhelmed.
Then she says, "San Jose." "San Jose!" I repeat, wondering how in hell I'm going to get her back there.

The last example above of a lucid dreamer treating a dream character as a real person, in this case, a frightened child, raises an interesting question.

If dream characters are based on our expectations, experiences, and biases about people, then our interactions with them can help us illuminate the blueprint we use in approaching others, and possibly even our models of our selves.

Therefore, it may not always be the best idea to dismiss dream characters as figments of the dreamer's imagination.
They may be valuable representations of facets of your mind.

If so, then dream figures are still not "real people," in the sense that they will affect your social situation in waking life, and so do not require adherence to social dictates, but an attitude of respect and curiosity may help you to discover how you see people and your relationships with them.

Once again, the advice is to utilize consciousness to choose the most effective approach.

Several other types of flawed thinking appeared in the lucid dreams reviewed.
Some of them may be examples of "functional brain damage" in the REM-sleep state.

For example, there were some cases of irrational thought, like believing a firewood log is a god in disguise, or thinking that the dreamer's body is acting out the dream actions.

In one case, the dreamer could not add beyond 200, and there were several instances of incorrect recall of waking life conditions (sleeping place and whether something really exists).

Yet, the majority of errors fit the description of following unconscious patterns set up early in life to protect our lives and social status.

Perhaps this exposé of habits inappropriate to dream life can serve as a guide to oneironauts as they stretch their mind-wings into new realms of experience.
I like to think that we are all evolving (at least some of us)...sometimes it seems so much so the opposite.
Time will tell I suppose...

5th Dimension Consciousness


by Trish LeSage

About the author:
Trish LeSage is a best-selling author on Amazon and a writer of magazine articles on Metaphysics, spirituality, and self-improvement.
She has recently published her book, "Traveling To Parallel Universes", which is a true,
detailed account about traveling to and living in alternate realities (parallel universes).​

We are living during a monumental time in which humanity is experiencing a shift to higher consciousness.

We are shifting from 3rd dimension consciousness to 5th dimension consciousness.
The following is what one may experience once they have reached 5th dimension consciousness and beyond:

When a person reaches 5th dimension consciousness, they may experience existing in a permanent state of peace, bliss, love, and joy.
No effort is required on their part to remain in this state.

This takes place naturally and automatically.
All dissonant energy is automatically filtered out.

In addition to automatically existing in a permanent state of peace, bliss, love, and joy, people who have reached 5th dimension consciousness may begin to automatically see themselves in everyone whether it be humans or animals.

They may also begin to automatically feel love for everyone.

Furthermore, no negative thoughts stream into the mind of a person who has reached 5th dimension consciousness. In fact, all negative thoughts are automatically filtered out of their mind.

The mind is also automatically quiet without the constant chatter that flows into the 3rd dimension mind.

In fact, there are not very many thoughts that enter a mind that has reached 5th dimension consciousness unless the thoughts are necessary in moving them from one event or moment to the next event or moment.

5th Dimension Consciousness
When a person reaches 5th dimension consciousness, their perception of time may slow down considerably.

Time on the clock of the wall may seem to pass by more quickly, but the mind does not perceive that very much time has passed.
This may be compared to what is said happens when a person experiences physical death.

During physical death, a person transitions from 3rd dimension consciousness to 4th dimension consciousness.
It is said that while years may pass on the Earth, it may seem like only minutes have passed in the spirit world.

Our perception of time slows down as we transition from 3rd dimension consciousness to 4th dimension consciousness during physical death.
This is why it may seem that not much time has passed in the spirit world while a lot of time has passed on the Earth.

Those who have ever had a close brush with death as a result of an accident or nearly being in an accident, may have noticed, that their mind starts moving more slowly in these situations also.

Everything appears to happen in slow motion.
The soul is getting ready to transition from 3rd dimension consciousness to 4th dimension consciousness in these situations so that the person may exit through the portal of death.

Hence, their perception of time slows down.

Sometimes a change to the divine plan for the person's life is made, however, and they miraculously barely escape from harm often at the last second.

One may also notice that if they use Self-Hypnosis or meditation, it may also seem as though not much time has passed, but according to the clock on the wall, a lot of time may have passed.

Again, in these cases, the mind is transitioning beyond the 3rd dimension.

The same phenomenon happens while we are physically alive in a 3rd dimension body on the 3rd dimension Earth, and our energy vibration increases, and we ascend to 5th dimension consciousness.

Our perception of time slows down.

When a person reaches 5th dimension consciousness, they only live in the present moment with no reference to the past.

They can access past memories if they need to, however, a person who has reached 5th dimension consciousness does not dwell in the past.
Their mind is automatically focused on the present moment with no effort required on their part at all whatsoever.

It is simply a state of being that they automatically live in.

Since a person who has reached 5th dimension consciousness is automatically living in the present moment, they also do not have any reference to the future which means that they do not have any worries on their mind about the future neither.

They simply live from moment to moment and from one event to the next event.

A person who has reached 5th dimension consciousness may also experience increased psychic and intuitive abilities.

They may experience any of the following:
  • Clairvoyance (seeing beyond the 3rd dimension/3D)
  • Clairaudience (hearing beyond 3D)
  • Clairsentience (feeling beyond 3D)
  • Clairgustance (tasting beyond 3D)
  • Clairalience (smelling beyond 3D)
  • Clairempathy (feeling what others feel)
  • Claircognizance (Information that a person had no prior knowledge of flows into their mind automatically from an unknown source)
  • Telepathy
  • Premonitions
  • ESP (Extra Sensory Perception)
  • Prophecy
  • Split consciousness
  • Kinetic Energy (moving physical objects without touching them physically and without intending to move them)
  • Psychokinesis (moving physical objects without physically touching them when intending to move them)
  • Psychometry (touching an object and being able to feel the energy that has been absorbed by the object),

    ...and other psychic phenomena.

A person who has reached 5th dimension consciousness may also shift from a state of mind based on belief to a state of mind based on intuitive knowing. Intuitive knowing goes beyond one's belief system.

It is an inner knowing.

Similarly, one may also automatically know whether information is true or false based on how the energy of the information resonates, as everything in existence is simply energy.

There is nothing in existence that is not energy.
Even our thoughts are energy.

Manifestation is also much easier when a person reaches 5th dimension consciousness.
No meditations, visualizations, rituals, putting a lot of energy into statements of intent, nor any focus on nor knowledge of the Law of Attraction is required either.

Just a simple, light thought about what is desired is enough to manifest it into physical reality, and in a lot of situations, no thought about their desires is even required, as everything is simply synchronized so that what they need is there for them exactly when and where they need it.

This is indeed a very interesting time in which to be alive on the Earth.

We are headed to a state of existence that is free from the dissonance and the restrictions of the 3rd dimension, and it is a wonderful and beautiful state of existence to live in.
Why We All Have...
Psychic Powers
~ How Thought Premonitions and Telepathy are More Common Than We Thought ~

by Rupert Sheldrake

Like many mothers who feared for their family’s safety during World War II, Mona Miller was evacuated from London to the peaceful seaside town of Babbacombe in Devon.

It seemed like a wise precaution but, shortly after her arrival there with her young children, Mrs Miller became increasingly uneasy.

‘I had a feeling that I must leave Devon and return home,’ she told me.

‘At first I dismissed the idea; why leave when I was so happy and contented despite the war going on around me?

I’ve long believed that presentiments, premonitions and other psychic phenomena such as telepathy should be taken more seriously by my scientific colleagues.

‘But the feeling increased. The walls of my room seemed to speak to me: “Go home to London.” I resisted the call for about four months then, one day, like a flash of light, I knew we must leave.

‘On a Saturday in late 1942, we travelled back to London and a few days later I received a letter from a friend in Devon.

‘“Thank God you took the children on Saturday,” she wrote. “Early Sunday morning, Jerry dropped three bombs and one fell on the house where you were living, demolishing it, and killing all the neighbors on either side.”’

Mrs Miller was far from the only person to experience such forebodings during the war.

Three years later, in the spring of 1945, U.S. serviceman Charles Bernuth took part in the invasion of Germany and, shortly after crossing the Rhine, found himself driving along the autobahn one night with two officers.

He described how a ‘still, small voice’ within him told him there was something wrong with the road ahead.

‘I stopped, amid the groans and jeers of the other two. I started walking along the road.

‘About 50 yards from where I had left the jeep, I found out what was wrong.

‘We were about to go over a bridge - only the bridge wasn’t there. It had been blown up and there was a sheer drop of about 75ft.’

Both Mrs Miller and Charles Bernuth had experienced presentiments - feelings that something was going to happen without knowing what it would be.

These differ from premonitions, where the person involved has an insight into what lies ahead, as when 16-year-old Carole Davies visited a London amusement arcade during the Seventies.

‘While standing looking out into the night, I had a sense of danger,’ she recalled.

‘Then I saw what looked like a picture in front of me showing people on the floor with tiles and metal girders on them. I realized that this was to happen here. I began to shout at people to get out. No one listened.’

Together with her friends, Carole hurried out and went to a nearby cafe.

As they sat inside, they heard sirens in the street outside. A weakness in the arcade building’s structure had brought its roof and walls crashing down on those within.

‘We all ran down the road to see what had happened,’ Carole remembered.

‘It was just as I had seen. A man I had shouted at was being pulled from under the debris.’

Like Mona Miller and Charles Bernuth before her, Carole was convinced she owed her life to her mysterious sixth sense, a notion which you might expect a scientist of my background to dismiss out of hand.

I am a biologist who has studied, researched and taught at both Cambridge and Harvard, and held senior academic posts on both sides of the Atlantic.

Yet I’ve long believed that presentiments, premonitions and other psychic phenomena such as telepathy should be taken more seriously by my scientific colleagues.

My fascination with this subject began during the Sixties when I was a graduate student in the biochemistry department at Cambridge University.

This was not long after the South African writer Laurens van der Post had published his accounts of life with the Bushmen of the Kalahari desert.

Like most traditional societies, theirs was one in which telepathy was not only taken for granted, but put to practical use, as van der Post saw when his hosts hunted down and killed an eland antelope many miles from camp.

As they were driving back in a Land Rover laden with meat, he asked one of the Bushmen how those back at camp would react when they learned of this success.

‘They already know - we Bushmen have a wire here,’ he replied, tapping his chest. ‘It brings us news.’

He was comparing their method of communication with the white man’s telegram or ‘wire’.

Sure enough, when they approached the camp, the people were singing the ‘Eland Song’ and preparing to give the hunters the greatest of welcomes.

Many other travelers in Africa have reported that people seemed to know when loved ones were coming home. The same would occur in rural Norway, where the inhabitants developed a special word - vardoger - for the anticipation of arrivals.

Similarly, accounts I read of the ‘second sight’ of some inhabitants of the Scottish Highlands included visions of arrivals before the person in question appeared.

But none of this convinced me, converted as I was to the dogma of ‘materialism’ which has dominated scientific thought since the late 19th century, and still does so today.

According to materialists, science will eventually explain everything in terms of physics and chemistry.

And anything that cannot be thus explained can be dismissed as illusory.

Educated in this tradition, I adopted the standard dismissive attitude when the subject of telepathy came up in the laboratory tearoom one day.

I was gently taken to task by Sir Rudolph Peters, one of the doyens of British biochemistry. He was a kindly man with twinkly eyes and more curiosity than most people half his age.

He told me of an ophthalmologist friend who had a severely disabled and mentally retarded young boy as a patient.

Although he was almost blind, he seemed able to read the letters on the optician’s chart very well, but only when his mother was looking at them.

The only explanation appeared to be some form of telepathic communication between the two, and in 1968 Sir Rudolph conducted an experiment in which the boy correctly guessed many of the written numbers or words shown to his mother, even though they were sitting on either side of a screen which prevented him from picking up any visual or auditory cues.

Sir Rudolph concluded that this telepathy had developed to an unusual degree because of the boy’s extreme needs and his mother’s desire to help him.

But, as I discovered, even laboratory experiments involving strangers had produced results which, if less marked, were still compelling.

For example, the years between 1880 and 1939 saw something of a boom in early psychical research, with the publication of more than 186 studies involving trials in which subjects guessed which randomly selected cards a ‘sender’ was looking at.

When the four million individual results were combined in a statistical procedure called meta-analysis, the overall results were hugely significant because they were considerably more accurate than would have been expected from random chance.

Later experiments during the Seventies involved subjects sleeping in a soundproofed laboratory while a ‘sender’ in another room, and in some cases another building, opened a sealed package containing a randomly selected picture and concentrated on it, trying to influence the subject’s dream.

Sometimes the thought transference was very clear: one subject described having dreamed about buying tickets for a prize fight while the sender was looking at a picture of a boxing match.

Occasionally, it was more symbolic, as when the subject dreamed of a dead rat in a cigar box while the sender was looking at a picture of a dead gangster in a coffin. But in 450 such trials the overall results were very significantly above the chance level.

My research has included more than 4,000 cases of psychic phenomena. Many, like Mona Miller’s near-miss in the Blitz, involve mothers.

Hundreds told me that during the months they were breastfeeding, they’d know when their baby needed them, even from miles away, because they began secreting breast milk.

With the help of a midwife, I studied nine nursing mothers in North London during a two-month period, and found that their unexpected ‘let-downs’ of milk when they were separated from their babies very often coincided with their infants experiencing distress.

The odds against this occurring by chance as often as it did were a billion to one, and this telepathic connection makes good evolutionary sense.

Mothers who could tell at a distance when their babies were unhappy would tend to have babies that survived better than those of insensitive mothers.

Such connections often seem to continue even when the children have grown up, with many stories on my database concerning mothers who had an urge to get in touch with their children when they could not have known by any conventional means that they were in trouble.

Many would do so by telephone, the method of communication most commonly mentioned in reports of telepathic experiences in general.

Many people told me they had thought of someone for no apparent reason, and then that person rang in a way that seemed uncanny. Or they knew who was calling when the phone rang, even before they picked up the receiver.

I designed an experiment to test this, a simplified version of which you can try through my website.

This involved asking subjects for the names and phone numbers of four friends or family members before placing them alone in a room with a landline telephone with no caller ID.

I then selected one of the four callers at random and asked them to phone the subject, who had to say who was on the line before answering.

By guessing at random, subjects would have been right about one time in four, or 25 per cent.

In fact, the average hit rate was 45 per cent, very significantly above the level of chance, and these results have been replicated independently at universities in Germany and Holland.

In attempting to explain such phenomena, we need to look far beyond the traditional scientific view that everything is essentially material or physical, including the human mind.

That materialist approach was summed up by Francis Crick, who in 1962 shared a Nobel Prize for the discovery of the structure of DNA.

‘You, your joys and your sorrows, your memories and your ambitions, your sense of personal identity and free will, are in fact no more than the behavior of a vast assembly of nerve cells and their associated molecules,’ he wrote.

Crick spoke for the scientific mainstream, as did influential neuroscientist Susan Greenfield when she described seeing an exposed brain in an operating theatre.

‘This is all there was to (the patient) Sarah, or indeed to any of us,’ she reflected in a paper published in 2000.

‘We are but sludgy brains and somehow a character and mind are generated in this soupy mess.’

Yet this idea that our minds are fixed physically inside our heads, and that consciousness is nothing but a by-product of the activity of the brain, runs contrary to our everyday experience.

When we look around us, the images of the things we see are outside us, not in our heads. The feelings in my fingers are in my fingers, not in my head.

The human intuitions I have described fit better with the ‘field theory’ of minds.

We are used to the fact that fields exist both within and outside material objects such as magnets and mobile phones, and there is reason to believe that our minds have similar fields which have their roots within our brains, but also extend beyond them.

Extraordinary though this sounds, it’s supported by studies of another remarkable psychic phenomenon - the sense of being stared at.

Most people have felt someone looking at them from behind, turned around and met the person’s eyes. And most people have experienced the converse: making someone turn around by staring at them.

In extensive surveys in Europe and North America, between 70 and 97 per cent of adults and children reported such experiences.

In a series of interviews with police officers, surveillance personnel and soldiers, I discovered most felt that some people seemed to know they were being observed, even though the watchers were well hidden.

‘A lot of times the crook will just get a feeling that things aren’t right,’ I was told by one narcotics officer.

‘We often have someone look right in our direction even though he can’t see us. A lot of times we’re inside a vehicle.’

Surprisingly, laboratory tests have shown that the sense of being stared at works even when people are looked at on screens, rather than directly.

Our emotional response can be measured by the activity of our sweat glands and this increases in many subjects being watched on CCTV, even though they are unaware of their response.

All this suggests that, whether through direct staring or CCTV, we are capable of ‘touching’ each other with our sight - further evidence that our minds are not confined to the inside of our brains.

With telepathic communication, it seems that these fields somehow interact at a distance, picking up feelings, needs or thoughts across space.

As for presentiments and premonitions, these imply links across time, as we tune into our future mental states. That such links are real was suggested by a series of experiments in the U.S. and Holland over the past 20 years.

These measured responses to a series of noxious smells, mild electric shocks, emotive words and provocative photographs, interspersed with calming stimuli which had no physiological effect on subjects at all.

No one, not even the experimenters, knew what kind of stimuli the computer involved would produce next, but in a significant number of cases the subjects reacted to the unpleasant stimuli some three or four seconds in advance, somehow connecting with their future selves who would be experiencing the stimuli for real.

These findings are fascinating in themselves but, as I will explain in Monday’s Mail, psychic phenomena are not restricted to human beings.

There are amazing stories of telepathy and premonitions of disaster in many other species, including pet dogs.

As for exactly how such phenomena operate, it may be years before we understand them, but an important first step is for scientists to acknowledge that they exist, and that the minds of both animals and humans interact in as yet unexplained ways.
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Goode was next told about a small time period humanity has to co-create the optimal timeline:

* He stated that our co-creative consciousness was directing us toward a choice of which temporal reality we will ultimately experience. We have a small window to push ourselves through in order to jointly experience the optimal temporal reality.

What Goode was told next is going to be very disturbing for many concerned about a possible “Ascension Event” that impacts all humanity:

* Among the topics we discussed was the shockingly low percentage of humanity that would be ready for Ascension if it occurred at the current time. It would only be approximately 0.042 percent – less than one out of every 2300 people. It was apparent that time was short for all of us to process our karma and increase our own service-to-others polarity.

Indeed, it is shocking to hear what percentage of humanity is ready for what the Sphere Being Alliance views as a defining event for our planet and humanity in general.

Goode elaborated further on what was needed to create the optimal time line and better prepare for an Ascension Event:

* I asked if there would be a way to tell if we had directed ourselves to the optimal temporal reality. Tear-Eir simply replied that “if the world is shaken” around David and I, we would then know that our mass-consciousness had chosen an “other than optimal temporal reality.”… It is important to note here that we do have the ability to steer our future into the “optimal temporal reality.” It involves pushing for Full Disclosure and doing our part to increase our own positive polarity and Ascension.

It is good to see that the higher Schumann frequency is having an effect on the general population. When people are thinking for themselves, they will be more difficult to manipulate. They are waking up. This will make it more difficult to initiate an operation for the Looneynati. There will be fewer operations.

But I would also think that the higher vibrations make any such operation more difficult to conclude. You see, any low vibration event will have a lower chance of success. Low vibrations do not thrive in a high vibration environment.

So the effect is twofold, I think.

0.042 percent is about 3.1 million people out of 7.4 billion people on the planet. This is not many. Adronis mentioned that 45-55% of people will ascend into 4D Earth (

Oh, I forgot to think of one thing: the 100 Monkey Effect. That could speed up the process and increase the percentage really fast. Otherwise, there will be many people on the other planet where younger Earth souls will incarnate after Planetary Ascension.
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0.042 percent is about 3.1 million people out of 7.4 billion people on the planet. This is not many. Adronis mentioned that 45-55% of people will ascend into 4D Earth (

Oh, I forgot to think of one thing: the 100 Monkey Effect. That could speed up the process and increase the percentage really fast. Otherwise, there will be many people on the other planet where younger Earth souls will incarnate after Planetary Ascension.

BAH! Youtube links are automatically turned into videos. Irritating!

The thing is that we are entering 4D on Thursday, 22/9, obviously. This process will be completed on Winter Solstice, 21-23/12.

Adronis mentioned those dates in the video. Now we have a confirmation from a second source. Well, channeled information cannot be confirmed until after an event has occured.

It will be a very, merry X-mas, this year. No presents to you if you are a member of the Looneynati. :mxmas:

Planetary Shift Timeline
In5D September 18, 2016 Spiritual Awakening

by Romeo Baron,

The Fall Equinox 2016 will allow another huge acceleration of ascension energies to blast through the Christic Grids of Mother Earth. And then the Winter Solstice, the final BLAST of cosmic light energy coming from the Collective Consciousness of the Elohim Guardians, including the alliance of the cosmos. When this great explosion of divine light flows throughout the planet, Everything Will Change!

* This Fall will bring the first stage of the planetary shift; the opening of Ascension portals that will allow all the Star gates to activate. The opening the Ascension Portals will be completed and this will allow the original Christ light consciousness to REMOVE anything that is not in harmonic alignment with the original divine plan for mother Earth. This is what will truly shift us into a new Earth reality.

* The great awakening commences between September 22nd and October 21st. The big energy wave will unleash the Truth and it will mark the end of the false reality and the outdated modalities. It will mark the beginning of the new Earth reality in the unified field of consciousness.

* In this Ascension cycle, the soul will see past events transmuted into the frequency of completion. We will transmute all previous experiences and emotions in the highest frequencies of Source. There will be a Huge activation of Cosmic Memory for many thousands of human beings. This is the time of remembering who we really are. Our Starry Families will make sure to make it to our Graduation at the end of this year 2016.

* When we speak of the “Second Coming of Christ”, it means we will be returning back to the vibration of God Source, the frequency associated with the Absolute Divine; Christ Consciousness. This is what we have to look forward to in the Fall of 2016, the return of the Cosmic Christ Consciousness.

* The Cartel will be exposed. Corrupt Pharmacy will be exposed. All Corruption will be exposed. Everything! This will continue on through the second half of 2016. And then a brand new Earth reality will appear after the Truth Sets us free from the layers and layers of lies that we have been living in.

* By the end of 2016 after two high dimensional frequency waves of the Cosmic Christ Light consciousness pours into the Christic Grids of Mother Earth, the collective consciousness will be changed so much, that the controllers will just Loose their control.

* There will be a mothership that will arrive in the 4th quarter 2016. The City-Size Ship was created by the Elohim Guardians with the help of the Galactic humanities of the cosmos. The good people will live their until the earth changes are completed. We are in the FINAL STAGE of this process that will complete by the end of 2016.

* The 5D frequency jumper will commence in the Autumn Equinox and we will completely merge with Earth’s 5D parallel body – new Earth in the Winter Solstice of 2016. We will separate from the third dimension and it will not seem as if reality is quite right. There will be a strange Feeling that we have moved some place and the world will seem brighter.

Have you been getting any weird sensations recently, Skarekrow? Have you been seeing any strange things. Has Sensiko?


I have not told you about my true identity. I am not IB, I am WorkEraks, your counterpart in a parallel reality.

You cannot defeat me. I will win. Have sweet dreams.

[The creepy laughter from the end of Michael Jackson's song Thriller]

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Have you been getting any weird sensations recently, Skarekrow? Have you been seeing any strange things. Has Sensiko?

I have not told you about my true identity. I am not IB, I am WorkEraks, your counterpart in a parallel reality.

You cannot defeat me. I will win. Have sweet dreams.

[The creepy laughter from the end of Michael Jackson's song Thriller]

Not in the last two week, unless you count fleeting moments or split seconds of a feeling?
Have been meditating but it’s mostly been putting me to sleep lately, still taking antibiotics for my throat - so that is probably what my body needs more than lucid dreaming or astral projecting.
I have heard two strange noises the past two days...but it could have just as likely been one of my cats for the first noise.
The second one I heard today...almost sounded like a woman’s voice but it was very a word being cut off.
I paused for a moment and shrugged it off.

As far as giant spaceships coming to take us as we transcend this dimension...I would be first in line...I guess I, like many people are waiting to see if anything does indeed pan out like some of these predictions predict.
So far, I have not seen the shift of consciousness yet...I feel we are on the edge, but we are still too ignorant and violent.
People have lost faith...and I can’t blame them...this world has some really fucked things happening in it right now.
Let us hope that once this farce of an election here in the US is over then people will have had enough of all the bullshit and then we will see the sprouts of the seeds being sown right now.
At least I hope’s hard not to be pessimistic...cynicism and apathy are rampant...but IMO that is because they have not been empowered to feel strongly about making drastic changes.
Hopefully that will change soon too.
*fingers are crossed*
Meditators Focus Good Thoughts on People,
Effects Studied


People who talked of a thoughts as influencing a person’s health were once ridiculed.
But the placebo effect helped change that.

Now it’s commonly accepted that some such connection and impact exists.

When Guglielmo Marconi developed long-distance radio communication at the turn of the 20th century, he had to go to great lengths to prove that it worked.

When he said he could transmit his voice many miles, through the air, people thought he was lying.
When he demonstrated it, they even accused him of trickery, of hiding the wires.

These are two examples of advances in science—initially viewed as woo woo—that Jason Yotopoulos brought up in setting the background for a study his Merraki Institute is currently helping sponsor.

The study combines the power of the mind to influence health and communication at a distance: advanced meditators are directing positive intentions at people from a distance and the impacts on those people are being observed, measured, and studied.

Stanford Professor Emeritus William Tiller has spent decades researching intention.
He is working with psychotherapist Dr. Gabriele Hilberg and Dr. Paul Mills, a behavioral medicine professor at UC San Diego’s School of Medicine, to conduct the current study.

The study is also supported by Body Mind Me, a new digital wellbeing company co-founded by famed author, physician, and alternative-medicine advocate Deepak Chopra.

Yotopoulos is a former venture capitalist, who founded the Merraki Institute when he realized the importance of consciousness studies and decided to help researchers in this field.

Over the course of 18 months, meditators will focus positive intentions on study participants spread across the world.

A control group of half the participants will not be the target of any intention for the first six months.
This ensures it is not the placebo effect at work.

Based on previous intention experiments, the effects are expected to include positive shifts in overall wellness among participants.

Chopra wrote in an invitation to garner participants: “No effort is required on your part. While the mechanism of this subtle energy effect is not yet fully understood, it appears fundamentally to be a non-local resonant energetic process, which may catalyze shifts at multiple levels of your being.”

Subtle energies are defined by Tiller as “all those [energies] beyond those active via the four fundamental forces of today’s orthodox physics.”

Hilberg explained that Eastern traditions have long talked about qi or prana, and this may also be considered “subtle energy.”

But Tillerian physics has brought these concepts into modern times and put them in modern terms.

Tillerian Physics

Tiller’s experiments have shown that human intention can cause fruit fly larvae to grow 30 percent more quickly; it can change the pH-level of water by one point.

Yotopoulos underscored the significance of the experiment: “If we change the pH of the blood in our bodies by one point, we die.”

Tiller has theorized that a moiety, or new type of particle which he calls a deltron, may exist in the space between molecules and atoms.

We can’t see deltrons with our conventional measuring devices, but they are activated by human intention and then have an impact on things we can measure (like pH levels).

Like a Prayer

Several studies over the last few decades have also found that praying for someone’s health may help that person’s health improve.

For example, Leanne Roberts at the University of Oxford’s Hertford College conducted a meta-analysis published in 2007, titled “Intercessory Prayer for the Alleviation of Ill Health.”

Roberts found significant results: the odds that the improvement was due to prayer and not chance were greater than 100,000 to one.

She concluded: “The evidence presented so far is interesting enough to support further study.”

Hilberg described the intention sent out in the current study as a “non-denominational, technology-amplified prayer.”

The technology comes in with the use of a so-called “intention host device.”
This is a machine Tiller says can be imprinted with human intention, and then can broadcast that intention 24/7.

Intention Host Device, Previous Experiments

It is an electromechanical crystalline-based device.
In a white paper on Tiller’s website he explains: “It is important to note that the specific electric circuit … is not properly connected to operate efficiently in our normal physical reality, spacetime. However, it functions very well for subtle energy purposes in domains of nature beyond spacetime.”

Tiller had used similar devices for more conventional purposes in his study of lasers.
He decided to go out on a limb and try using this one to store intention in his pH-level changing experiments.

He found the device, when imbued with the intention, had the same effect as a person directing intention. Other devices he tried did not show the same results.

He doesn’t yet know exactly how it works, but he says his results have shown that it does have an effect.

Others have used the device to conduct intention experiments.
Among them is Dr. Dean Radin, chief scientist at the Institute of Noetic Sciences.

Radin conducted a double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled experiment to investigate “whether chocolate exposed to ‘good intentions’ would enhance mood more than unexposed chocolate.”

His findings were published in 2007 in a study titled “Effects of Intentionally Enhanced Chocolate on Mood,” in the journal Elsevier.

He found that the chocolate purportedly imbued with intention via the device led to significantly improved moods among the participants, as compared to the chocolate that was not imprinted with intention.

Cynthia Reed and Norm Shealy, M.D., Ph.D., tested the device on people with anxiety and depression, publishing their findings in the journal Subtle Energies and Energy Medicine.

They found a significant reduction in both conditions.

Tiller has also tested his device on autistic children.
His findings are detailed in white papers on his website; he found that the odds against the childrens’ improvement being due to chance instead of due to the intention were 1 to 10,000.

Hilberg helped conduct a study in 2014 with the device that provided a good basis for her work on the current study.

The 2014 study was a pilot study without a formal control group and did not follow all the top-notch protocols. But the preliminary data indicated statistically significant outcomes.

And to her, the many testimonials were important.

“I’m a clinician, I’m here to help people,” she said.
Whatever the mechanism behind it, however air-tight the proofs are or aren’t, if participating in intention experiments helps people and they report positive changes in their lives, that’s what’s important to her.

Her study focused on helping the participants increase self-compassion, which Hilberg feels is at the root of many problems people face.

One of the testimonials read: “I did not get the email that the study had started, but last week I woke up with intense thoughts ‘nobody gets to criticize me, nobody gets to put me down.’

That was an epiphany, and I don’t have these often.
I also had the thought that I am fine without a romantic relationship; I don’t feel so needy and desperate.”

Another read:
“I have been getting things done.
My procrastination has decreased tremendously.
I go through the day being more organized. … It’s not who I used to be at all.”

The current study has about 200 participants, and the researchers are looking to recruit another 100 or so in the next few months.

It uses an innovative crowd-funding approach, having the participants also help fund the study.
They pay $33 per month for the potential benefits of positive intentions and to help the science of intention progress.

The study has been sanctioned by an Institutional Review Board, a type of committee that approves, monitors, and reviews biomedical and behavioral research in the United States.

Anyone interested in participating can find more information at

Hilberg also recommends the self-compassion test at
and the personal values assessment tool at
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Fake af dude

Which one of the seven deadly sins did I commit: lust, gluttony, greed, sloth, wrath, envy or hubris?
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Not in the last two week, unless you count fleeting moments or split seconds of a feeling?
Have been meditating but it’s mostly been putting me to sleep lately, still taking antibiotics for my throat - so that is probably what my body needs more than lucid dreaming or astral projecting.
I have heard two strange noises the past two days...but it could have just as likely been one of my cats for the first noise.
The second one I heard today...almost sounded like a woman’s voice but it was very a word being cut off.
I paused for a moment and shrugged it off.

As far as giant spaceships coming to take us as we transcend this dimension...I would be first in line...I guess I, like many people are waiting to see if anything does indeed pan out like some of these predictions predict.
So far, I have not seen the shift of consciousness yet...I feel we are on the edge, but we are still too ignorant and violent.
People have lost faith...and I can’t blame them...this world has some really fucked things happening in it right now.
Let us hope that once this farce of an election here in the US is over then people will have had enough of all the bullshit and then we will see the sprouts of the seeds being sown right now.
At least I hope’s hard not to be pessimistic...cynicism and apathy are rampant...but IMO that is because they have not been empowered to feel strongly about making drastic changes.
Hopefully that will change soon too.
*fingers are crossed*

I sometimes imagine that I hear somebody calling my name in a crowd. Then I look around but there is nobody whom I recognize. Someone is playing jokes on me, I reckon. One of the Tao's great mysteries, or perhaps just a snotty in the astral.

I wonder how big spaceships can get. On UFO documentaries, they only show you small ones. Corey Goode spoke of them and said that they long. I do not remember the biggest size, a few miles long perhaps like in Star Wars. The thing is that the Looneynati make nothing novel. They only copy stuff and steal secrets from other sources. They can only use their lower chakras which makes it impossible to come up with new stuff. The big mother ship in Independence Day was 1/4 the size of the moon, so I would expect that the SSPs have encountered such sizes.
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For not doing your due diligence in research and understanding

and maybe

for wishing you had been there.
And for answering the way you have, probably

It is really a shame that they do not have symbols and stuff on their ships so that they can be identified properly.

We are still toddlers in terms of space travel and the public has been kept in the dark when it comes to important stuff and higher knowledge. One day we will know more.
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Anonymous - Native American Hopi Prophecy - Elders Speak

"Time evolves, and comes to a place where it renews again. There is first a purification time, then there is renewal time. We are getting very close to this time now.

We were told, we would see America come and go... In a sense America is dying, from within, because without the instructions of how to live on Earth.

Everything is coming to a time where prophecy and man's inability to live on earth in a spiritual way will come to a crossroad of great problems. It's the Hopi belief, it's our belief, that if you're not spiritually connected to the Earth and understand the spiritual reality of how to live on Earth, it's likely you will not make it.

When Columbus came, that began what we term as thee first world war. That was thee first world war when Columbus arrived. Because along with him came everybody from Europe.

By the end of the 2nd world war, we were, in America, we were only 800,000... from 60 million to 800 thousand. So, we were almost exterminated here in America.

Everything is spiritual, everything has a spirit. Everything was brought to you by the creator, the one creator. Some people call him God, some people call him Buddha, some people call him Allah, some people call him other names, we call him Konkachila... grandfather.

We're here on Earth only a few winters, and then we go to the spirit world. The spirit world is more real than most of us believe. The spirit world is everything.

Over 95% of our body is water. And in order to stay healthy you gotta drink good water. When the Europeans first came here, Columbus, we could drink out of any river. If the Europeans had lived the Indian way when they came, we'd still be drinking out of water because water is sacred, the air is sacred.

Our DNA is made of the same DNA as the tree. The tree breathes what we exhale, when the tree exhales, we need what the tree exhales. So, we have a common destiny with the tree.

We are all from the Earth... and when the Earth, the water, the atmosphere is corrupted, then it will create its own reaction. The Mother is reacting. In the Hopi prophecy they say that the storms and the floods will become greater.

To me it's not a negative thing to know that there will be great changes. It's not negative, it's evolution. When you look at it as evolution, it's time, nothing stays the same.

We always say, that might be your ancestor but it's not our ancestor. He is a relative, but not our ancestor.

You should learn how to plant something, that's the first connection. You should treat all things as spirit.

Realize that We Are One family.

It's never something like the end, it's like life, there's no end to life."
Mirrored from Secret Anonymous Idea

I know that you are familiar with this one, Skare. But I reckon that many Americanos are not.

I recall listening to a commentator during the 1994 Soccer/Football World Cup who said that 10% of Americans knew about the WC before the event, 20% during and they were estimating 50% after the WC. The exact percentages might be different. I just want to say that Reaganism did a great job of dumbing down the general populace by making them turn to guns, religion, big cars, supersized hamburgers, TV and other stuff.
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An Elementary School Has Kids Meditate Instead Of Punishing Them and the Results are Profound
John Vibes September 18, 2016

Baltimore, MD – It was recently reported that Robert W. Coleman Elementary in West Baltimore will be taking a new and holistic approach to disciplining students. Instead of punishing them or sending them to the principal’s office, administrators will now be sending children to “the mindful moment room” where they will be able to meditate and wind down.

The new policy has been in place for over a year, and in the time that the meditation room has been set up, there has actually been no suspensions throughout the entire year.

The program is an initiative organized by the Holistic Life Foundation, a Baltimore-based nonprofit organization committed to nurturing the wellness of children and adults in underserved communities.

Andres Gonzalez, one of the organizers of the project, says that children are even bringing home what they are learning to their families.

“That’s how you stop the trickle-down effect, when Mom or Pops has a hard day and yells at the kids, and then the kids go to school and yell at their friends,” he says. “We’ve had parents tell us, ‘I came home the other day stressed out, and my daughter said, Hey, Mom, you need to sit down. I need to teach you how to breathe,‘” Gonzalez said.


Interesting. And you see the social effect of meditation spreading in families and along friend networks.

I have no religion; no religion has me.​
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One day we will know more.

Hubris again.
Maybe I already know more. You don't know what I know.
Don't pretend I don't understand your backhanded slight.
I will call you out. Just like I called out your obv fake video.
Passive aggression makes you a relatively worse human, not a better one.

If you want to promote an agenda at least try to keep reality (the one most people live in) at the forefront of your mind or nobody is going to take you seriously.
That's all I'm getting at here. Promoting bullshit helps no one. Try harder. You think that video is legit, prove it.
I'm not trying to pick on you personally, but there has to be lines drawn somewhere between sanity and bullshit.
That video is super undeniable bullshit and the fact that you can't recognize it immediately is worrisome to me.
I am fighting for your sanity, the sanity of everyone trying to understand fringe topics, which is probably wrong of me.
But I am that person. I hold these things dear to my heart.
I want to believe.
Okay...let's not argue about spaceships.
Until they land or some shit...or I get abducted and molested - I can’t buy into the giant spaceships and space wars happening.
I am however interested in the possibility of aliens visiting us...or at least us traveling through time to study our lesser evolved selves.
I find both to be plausible - especially if there is some kind of multiverse travel or dimensional travel.

Maybe there are...IDK...time will tell.
Everyone be nice to each other.
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Okay...let's not argue about spaceships.
Until they land or some shit...or I get abducted and molested - I can’t buy into the giant spaceships and space wars happening.
I am however interested in the possibility of aliens visiting us...or at least us traveling through time to study our lesser evolved selves.
I find both to be plausible - especially if there is some kind of multiverse travel or dimensional travel.

Maybe there are...IDK...time will tell.
Everyone be nice to each other.

Well skarekrow, I've always thought that you're...out of this world. Yuk yuk yuk.

I think alien life is more than likely. The universe is a very big place, it's seems reasonable that other lifeforms exist on another planet. The thing though is whether we'll ever come across one (like I said the universe is big) or if we do that they'll be either evolved to the point where communication is possible or be so alien to us that no relationship is possible.