Merkabah | Page 256 | INFJ Forum
There is a Swedish pronoun that goes "many small brooks make a big river". We should be hoping for the snowball effect.

For example, it was interesting to hear that Bill Tompkins confirmed many details that Corey Goode spoke of earlier. Independent verification is a step forward. We need more technical proof really, that is lacking.

It sure was interesting to hear Bill Tompkins. His whole story is fascinating to listen to as he recounts his childhood involvement on up. He's lived an amazing life!!!!

The technical proof will come to those who are ready to see it. In the meantime....we keep working on raising our frequency and many others will Light up and begin to withdraw from the control of the matrix.
THEN the proof will be able to reach the masses.
Weed Will Win Big in November

Marijuana legalization is on the ballot in five states next month. It could be a clean sweep.
By Phillip Smith / AlterNet
October 8, 2016


Photo Credit: Yarygin

A month out from Election Day, it's looking like marijuana legalization is going to be a big winner. Initiatives are on the ballot in five states, including California, and all indications are that they are going to pass in all of them, with one possible exception.

In what is the closest thing ever to a national referendum on weed, states on the West Coast, in the Southwest, and in New England with a total of more than 55 million residents will be rendering their verdict. That's about one-sixth of the national population.

The four states that have already legalized marijuana—Alaska, Colorado, Oregon, and Washington—have about 17 ½ million residents. Even if California were the only state to see a victorious legalization initiative—and it won't be—victory there would triple the number of people living in pot-legal states. A clean sweep would quadruple it.


How about Mr Weed for President???
Inner Earth Civilizations May Soon Reveal Themselves to the World

In a new interview by Coast to Coast am, author and researchers David Wilcock stated that an alliance of ancient civilizations is living inside the planet. These ancient civilizations have been calling the inner Earth their home for long periods of time and they are about the reveal themselves to the world. Wilcock explained that during the formation of all watery planets in the universe (and according to latest studies by NASA there are quite a few) hollow cavities are formed below the surface of the crust, with their very own biome with bacteria that is capable of giving off natural light.

“What this means is that you can actually live inside caverns in the Earth that have visible light,” he marveled.

Wilcock states that based on his research, it seems as if these cavities are utilized so that advanced civilizations have a place they can live while looking out for everything that happens on the ‘outer Earth’, the surface of the planet.

Wilcock firmly believes that during the long history of our planet, numerous advanced civilizations like the Atlanteans went underground in order to survive the chaotic times ruling over the surface of our planet. Eventually, they decided to settle down in their new subterranean habitat.

The existence of underground tunnels and passageways has been a subject of debate for centuries. Ancient civilizations around the world speak of these entrances that lead to entire new kingdoms, located far beneath the surface of the planet. Ancient mankind in Turkey seemed to have recreated these legends by building huge underground cities like Derinkuyu, or the largest ever found near Cappadocia Turkey.

Wilcock believes that the government has knowledge of their presence due to accidentally discovering them via clandestine projects aimed at building secret underground bases.

In the interview with C2C, Wilcock claimed: “They’ll have these tunnel boring machines and sometimes they break through into someplace they’re not supposed to go, and there’s already people there.”

While citing testimony of contactee Corey Goode, Wilcock claimed that the tenuous relationship between the inner Earth people and those living on the surface who know of their existence has become fractured in recent times.

“This military industrial complex had formerly worked with these people and had treaties with them and is now trying to kill them,” said Wilcock

This is why, according to Wilcock, these Inner Earth Civilizations have come together in order to respond to the great threat emerging in recent times, and are turning to interstellar entities in hope of gaining their aid to fight the forces which are trying to destroy them.

According to writings by C2C, Wilcock stated that a long sought after meeting between the two groups was finally held and Goode was allowed to observe the exchange. A stunning request was made by the interstellar entities after the meeting.

“The Inner Earth people came out of it quite shell-shocked,” Wilcock said, “they have been asked to reveal themselves to us as part of disclosure, should the subterranean societies comply with the request, he mused, “I think we are going to find out that underground bases are much more extensive than we thought and much more ancient.”
Psychopathic divide and rule has a best before date as we move into higher dimensions. It will soon no longer work.

It will be interesting to make acquaintance with the Inner Earth people. Jules Verne's books Journey to the Center of the Earth and From the Earth to the Moon are perhaps not science fiction at all given the Inner Earth people and the Secret Space Programs (SSPs).
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I didn’t take it as such.
When you meditate a lot you begin to have a different perspective on time.
You can begin to see that it isn’t as static and it’s not in a straight line as most seem to think it is.

I wouldn’t be surprised if 4D has a whole new set of rules concerning time.
That is part of a partial theory of mine that the reason we sometimes see ghosts, seemingly from another time period - IMO it isn’t because that person has been stuck on the earthly realm for hundreds of years, but rather they are free of the time constraint that we in this dimension and body are forced to obey.

I have been thinking about this post where you mentioned time. I will try to explain how time and space can be integrated.

Usually we regard time and space as separate. We know that time exists and we can describe it. Usually we think of linear cause and effect as described by Newtonian physics, aka classical physics. Classical physics deals with macroscopic objects. Then there is quantum physics that deals with microscopic objects. Quantum physics has a completely different set of rules and inner logic that butts head with Classical physics.

But then on the other hand, physicists such as Rupert Sheldrake try to show that time is an illusion and that certain exotic phenomena such as retrocausality is what we should be paying attention to. Freethinkers of quantum physics emphasize that mental powers - thoughts and feelings - govern quantum mechanical effects. Mainstream quantum physics is rather occupied with fancy mathematical equations and takes the view that many quantum physical phenomena can be accurately described by mathematics.

One way to view space-time is time sequence photography. Notice especially that the movements of the biker makes the image blurry. This also happens if you set high quality on a digital camera. Because it takes longer for the microprocessor to process the data from the lens, any movements by objects become blurry in the image. In old photographs, e.g. 19th century, people look stiff. That is because photographing was expensive and they tried not to move when taking a picture of their family which happened, perhaps, once every five years.


Time sequence photography​

Another way to view time is a grid of paths on a 2-D map as described by Tom Montalk (pictures below). Given that the present is all that exists, past and future exist as past memories and future plans. Because 3D is a solid dimension, you only see one image of the present. This corresponds to a photograph where nothing moves during the exposure.

Let us integrate time and space. For simplicity, we integrate only one timeline using linear time. This assumes that there is one past and one future. Now you obtain what is seen in the picture of the map below. That is a simplistic view of 3D time.

If we think of time as being flexible, you can change the past and the future. This corresponds to the pin needles on the image that you move as you wish. In 3D, you can change time with effort using the Law of Attraction. In 4D, you see the entire timeline at once and can change it as you wish. As such, you see the blurry picture of time sequence photography always.

In 5D, you see all alternate timelines. This is more complex to illustrate. It is difficult for us to visualize too many different past and future scenarios at once. Imagine that we have 3 separate timelines. In the time sequence photography, this would correspond to riding the bike 3 times in a row. Now there are 3 blurry pictures. Then, integrate all those blurry pictures and you have 3 different timelines. I think that this describes the point. In the map, this corresponds to 3 unique red lines. If you integrate all timelines, this corresponds to seeing all possible combinations of red lines at once.

This is my interpretation from reading the following excepts from


"The fourth dimension is time. From your personal perspective you could say your 4d body would be a long snake-like form. It begins quite small at the tail with a new born baby. Then moment by moment it grows longer and larger as you grow to be a young boy. Then it gets to its full girth as you become a young man. Longer and longer it gets with each day that passes for you. Its cross-section shape is your body at any given moment. So, though it ceases to get much taller after you became a young man it may well get somewhat wider as you progress into your middle years. The longer you live, the longer this snake grows. Maybe you can imagine it a little like a loaf of bread: each moment of your life is one slice and each slice is your whole 3d body. Moment-upon-moment the snake grows longer and longer until it eventually ends with the death of your body. From your perspective you live a linear life from beginning to end forming one long snake-like body."



"5d is an “expansion” or a “projection” of 4d. Let us use you as an example. There are many things you could have been, could have done, could have experienced but chose not to. You feel you are living the life of all the things you did choose and al the things you didn’t choose don’t exist. Well, on some level they do exist. On some level every single choice that could ever have been offered to you was taken and every single outcome to all those choices was experienced. And that level is the 5th dimension."

"In the 3rd dimension you are living one life with one set of choices. At 4d you are the whole of that time-line from birth to death. In the 5th dimension you are a cloud of potentiality in which all the probable and possible choices you could have taken exist simultaneously. Your 5d body is a cloud through which you could plot any number of possible time-lines. The choices that are closest to your Soul’s intent are nearer the centre of the cloud. That is where the most energy is expended. That is where you will find the most Life and the most vitality. The closer you, the 3d expression, are to this centre core, the more vital and energetic you will be and the more “flow” you will find in your life. You will feel more “right” about what you are doing and things will be easier to do. Move towards the outer limits of the cloud and you will experience hardship and a decrease in personal energy and vitality. As you approach the edge of the cloud where your Soul ceased to express itself so you will cease to be able to function. You won’t be able to go there. If you persist in trying you will experience a termination of the incarnation."
Let me add a couple of points. First, Zingdad also describes from the POV of 6D and 7D that you can read about in the link. Let me just say that time-space as discussed in popular TV programs and films means time from a 4D POV or maybe a simplistic 5D POV. You can make it a whole lot more complex if you want to.

Second, I am describing this from a Western POV. For example, in some languages, verbs lack past and future tenses. There is only the present.

Thirdly, we are still in the Matrix and it has its own rules of space-time imposed on us. Before the Matrix was started, I suppose that space-time were more flexible.

So, I have been trying to integrate time and space into higher dimensions. I think that everything is patterns in the end. I found this page that describes a 4D space-time in the shape of a torus. This in turn makes me think of sacred geometry. I have not studied sacred geometry, so I do not know what else to to show except this picture and text that I found.

Enjoy the reading:

The Torus of Space and Time

8: With a shape. Can you picture a torus?

Z: Yes. A donut-shape is called a torus.

8: That’s one kind of torus. I’d like you to imagine a shape that is halfway between a donut and an apple. Like an apple it is more-or-less round. It is slightly flattened at the top and bottom where it dimples inwards. Like a donut there is a hole that goes right through where the apple core would be. But the difference is that the hole tapers from both the top and bottom so that it meets in the middle at a point.

Z: Yes, I can imagine that.

8: Good. For what it’s worth, this is called a Horn Torus. And if you can imagine such a shape, then you are holding in your mind an image of the 4th dimension of the universe you currently inhabit.

The form of your universe is, at the 4th dimension, equivalent to the surface of a horn torus.

Perhaps this seems like a purely academic thought, but it has some striking implications that will actually give you access to insight and answers to some of the fundamental conundrums with which cosmologists at this point are still wrestling.

The difficulty that arises for anyone on earth that would ponder the nature of your universe is that you are 3 dimensional beings, living in, what appears to be, a 3 dimensional universe. It is nearly impossible for you to discern the form and nature of the 4th dimension and beyond. But coming to these understandings is what will allow you to begin to understand your own true nature and your place in creation. And that is what we will be doing in this conversation.

Z: Wow, okay! I look forward to having you explain that!

8: Good. But before we proceed, I want to make sure that everyone who reads this is on the same page with us, as regards this very special shape. So I am going to place an image in your mind and ask you, please, to find a way to draw that for our readers.

Z: Okay (I get the image), got it. That shouldn’t be too hard... (I go away and do some graphics work and then…).

Okay… what do you think of this?


8: Not a bad job at all. So, what you have there is a 2-dimensional picture showing a 3-dimensional object that represents a 4-dimensional surface. So it’s a nice picture, but please understand: it’s just a representation. The trick is to extract the understandings implicit in that representation without getting too attached to the universe actually looking like that from your 3-dimensional perspective.

Z: Okay. So, 8, if I understand you correctly then you are saying that the 4th dimensional form of the universe is represented by the surface of this torus. How so?

8: Yes. Let’s get into that. The first thing to be aware of, when looking at that image, is that you are looking at a representation of all of space and time right there in front of you. If you look at a normal map you look at a representation of a piece of land, right? Well imagine you could see a map that showed you that piece of land from the beginning of time to the end. Now imagine you can look at a map that shows you the whole universe for all of time. That is what you are looking at when you look at this illustration all of space and all of time represented in one picture.

If you travel inside the 4th dimension, as you currently are, you do so in a time-like fashion. The easiest way for me to explain that concept is to begin with the bright light at the centre of the torus. See that? That is the universal singularity and is also where the event commonly known as the “Big Bang” occurs.


The Universal NOW

All the matter, energy and light that you are able to perceive (directly or indirectly) is exactly the same age. Everything, from the matter in your own body, to the light that comes from the most distant of galaxies, was all expelled in the same moment from the singularity. You can only see (or in any other ways perceive) matter, energy or light that was expressed from the singularity at the exact moment that the matter that makes up your body was expressed.

Z: I don’t get that.

8: Stay with me. This is quite interesting and quite important. When you get what I am trying to tell you, you’ll understand something quite fundamental to the concept of space and time being the same thing.

The easiest is for me to give you another image; a very small variation of the first one. Here we go…

Z: (I get the image and draw it). Okay… How’s this:


8: Yes, that’s the idea. Now here is where it gets interesting. One of those lines - the one around the middle of the torus - represents the whole of the universe that you can interact with right now. Everything that you can see, or in any other way experience in each moment, is inside that one line. That line is one moment thick. And when you consider that a moment is one flicker of time and that each flicker is many trillionths of a second in duration, then you understand that this line is very, very, very thin indeed. And every single thing that exists within your universe is inside that line.

Z: There is a line just trillionths of a second thick and the whole observable universe exists inside it?!?

8: From the 4D perspective, yes, that is so. The universe you inhabit started out as a pulse of energy some 14 billion light years back at the singularity. It all started as a single point. Then, with its first moment of expansion, it became, on our horn torus, a very, very small little circular line around the inside of the horn. As the universe has expanded, so the circle has expanded; growing bigger and moving up the horn of the torus. The rate of expansion has been steadily increasing and so the circle has been getting bigger and bigger, faster and faster.

Lastly, I recommend reading the whole book that discusses densities, dimensions and time if you want to:
I have been thinking about this post where you mentioned time. I will try to explain how time and space can be integrated.

Usually we regard time and space as separate. We know that time exists and we can describe it. Usually we think of linear cause and effect as described by Newtonian physics, aka classical physics. Classical physics deals with macroscopic objects. Then there is quantum physics that deals with microscopic objects. Quantum physics has a completely different set of rules and inner logic that butts head with Classical physics.

But then on the other hand, physicists such as Rupert Sheldrake try to show that time is an illusion and that certain exotic phenomena such as retrocausality is what we should be paying attention to. Freethinkers of quantum physics emphasize that mental powers - thoughts and feelings - govern quantum mechanical effects. Mainstream quantum physics is rather occupied with fancy mathematical equations and takes the view that many quantum physical phenomena can be accurately described by mathematics.

I admit I cannot wrap my Thinking mind completely around Time. I can feel it's elusiveness and we play hide and seek. My experiences are more towards "feeling" the toroidal field and the intuition guides me.

After I finished reading your post this came my way....and I can relate to it very much...especially the following:

"You see, a collective of 12 in wave form pattern vibrating alike has 12 times more influence and creative ability to reorganize the information in the quantum field than one. What this means is, one vibrating in fear can create a potential equal to something that can be experienced by a collective. But a collective vibrating in love can reorganize that potential experience to something other than fear very easily, neutralizing its material time space manifestation...."

Here's her message.

"The following is a channeled writing through Micheila Sheldan from the Domatians. What the Domatians come to teach us is the power of our collective union in relationship to free will and creation. There are many predicting doom on the planet. How we choose to observe and further create the energy of fear around these predictions through thought form and emotional frequency has a tremendous effect on our reality, increasing the potential to match these outcomes in the quantum field. The process offered here goes far beyond pure positivity. It has everything to do with our power as a collective One consciousness to over-ride the free will of those not operating in the highest intention or full awareness, as well as our ability tore-organize timeline potentials into what we wish to experience here. And it is far easier than we think.

We are the Domatians
Domatia is a star west of the Pleiades yet considered equal to the Pleiadian star system. We call ourselves One with the earth. We are observers of your timelines through nature and we hold this connection through our consciousness. This is because we are your nature. Your nature is one with us. You see, Domatia is a network of actual protons coming together energetically though a One source consciousness of which we are a part. Your DNA is linked to various races and beings in many varieties of ways. The very earth soil upon which you walk is a consciousness and that consciousness has a beginning and an ending. We hold these experiences as truth as we were ones most closely connected to your being at a time in which the earth was formed. And we are observers of your progress, for it is our own.

Miles of space time separate your collective consciousness from our own, yet we are aware of how time interconnects us with you. As time on your planet is misunderstood, we wish to clarify the meaning of time space reality and how you operate within it. This definition is most misunderstood in relationship to time travel, future experiences and how potential timelines can be created as material existence.

There is a field you call ‘quantum’, or existing within all things. This field, for the sake of your understanding, we will call ‘space’. There is a space by which material and non-physical or light existence comes into one understanding. This field is the space by which time can be measured, not in numbers, hour or minutes as your planet observes, but by higher order universal law. Universal law operates as a quantum or space energetic structure. All things operate under universal law regardless of their vibratory make-up or speed of vibration. So, in other words, humans operate in the quantum field in the same way that other, higher order vibrational light beings operate. Yet there is a difference in the result for many reasons. Let us start with how these higher order beings operate and use the quantum field of universal law to create real time experiences.

First, the vibrational speed of a being must match the material outcome of potential that is being achieved. This is an important statement, for it is equal to your understanding of the Universal Law of Attraction. But let us say for a moment that the magnetic field by which you are operating did not exist. Even if this universal law was not a part of your reality, the way in which you create would be equal to your experience in the quantum field. This is because what is put there remains. And what is created there anew, is available. And when you enter that space, it is not to create. The creation has already been completed. You come into the quantum field and exist there to experience or to manifest a new experience. So in order to better understand time space reality, a being must understand speed of light and match the speed of light in which it wants to experience time, time being material energy brought from the quantum field into your density and observed.

What higher order light beings have come to realize is that creation matters not. We understand this is a significant statement to make amongst many previously stated interpretations. But we say this because you cannot possibly fathom the creative force that you are, and through your thoughts and emotions, the sheer amount of potential paths of existence you are placing into the quantum field. So for the purposes of human understanding, we would say this. You are creators whether you choose to acknowledge it or not. And if you are creators in each moment, this must mean that wave pattern form holds hundreds of thousands of potentials for you, and others, in the quantum field. So, if this is the case, you can image the destruction, the joy, the sadness, the excitement that lies for you in this field. Many do realize the sheer potential that exists, yet fall victim to their vibration in response to universal law and time space reality. They are operating backwards in a sense, creating and then vibrating to match only the time space reality that is equal to their current state of affairs.

Since all potential lies in the quantum field, higher order light beings understand that this is where the potential to exist in harmony and beyond the current state of affairs can be matched. And so, as masters of their vibration, they hold themselves in neutrality, in love and in harmony so as to match the ascension and evolution of their race for the highest good. You will notice we are not using words here such as thought form and emotion. Do higher order light beings have thought form and emotion? Yes they do. But the thought form and emotional states they experience have evolved into higher dimensional existence, connecting them to information that is different than the vibrational state of the human consciousness. In addition, the collective nature of these beings makes it easier for them to experience material time in harmony with one another. This goes beyond intention, although we would say intention is a very critical energy for the human consciousness to grasp and utilize. Quite simply, higher order light beings are vibrating more alike in their energy through a love frequency. Collective realities are also materialized in time space through the quantum field, and this is where the conversation expands.

Collective realities are the basis of the universe. When one race chooses to hold a DNA connection that so mirrors the singular make-up, this is an intention so strong that it becomes a creative force field in the quantum space. Think of it this way… as a singular being you hold a vibration. If 12 beings held that same vibration, something very beautiful and unique beings to happen. The vibration becomes a more active force in the quantum field, a stronger magnet if you will. And that means universal law operates differently. When a collective thought form vibrates into the quantum field as wave form, it can transcend time (material) creation and reorganize creative thought into a new potential. A collective being vibrating as One can take many points of creation (or timelines if you choose to call them) and reorganize them into an experience that is different than what was created or placed into the quantum field. The reason for this is that the intention of this consciousness or collective vibrating energy over-rides the free will of those in singular energy. And this is where we wish to place our emphasis on your understanding of potentials existing in the universe.

You see, a collective of 12 in wave form pattern vibrating alike has 12 times more influence and creative ability to reorganize the information in the quantum field than one. What this means is, one vibrating in fear can create a potential equal to something that can be experienced by a collective. But a collective vibrating in love can reorganize that potential experience to something other than fear very easily, neutralizing its material time space manifestation.

So the potentials matter not. And yes, there are many potentials that exist in the quantum field that are not in the highest good of the collective. But no one decision on your planet, such as the ones made in your political elections, has any bearing on what will be experienced here. It becomes the choice of the human consciousness to reorganize its collective power by intention to enter the quantum field and shift timelines. This is why we have talked so much about two separate dimensional realities existing here on the planet being a significant part of your history. We have observed that these pockets of collective consciousness already exist here. Some will manifest war, some will manifest peace. Not all humans will experience the same reality here because at this very moment, they cannot.

What is continuing to happen that we most observe is a consistent leveling of frequencies between singular humans. This fluctuation in consciousness has wreaked havoc on your planet. This has been your singular focus. Moving into a new dimension is only possible when that group of 12 beings becomes 15, then 100, then 1,000. This is how the mathematical odds of material reality being healed swings in your favor. It has nothing to do with what those in the lower vibrational energies are creating and everything to do with the collective consciousness that matches those creative potentials in the quantum field. This is how time, experience, material existence and history are created and observed here. And we see this beginning to change.

Our best advice to you continues to be operating within the power of your free will to choose neutrality within your current reality. Your singular experience is the basis of connection to others through your consciousness. So if you are addressing yourself and others from a love based frequency, in all aspects of your current timelines, you uphold the truth of your sovereign being. Sovereignty is misunderstood here. It is not a singular adjective applied to the self. If is your ability to be One with Source. So if you are operating from Source in all interactions with others, you are allowing your consciousness to move into a state of being in which the intention is for the good of all beings. To make it quite simple, when you operate within your truth from the highest place of love you honor all things. And that honoring of all things is the energy by which the human consciousness is reconnected to match the highest potentials in the quantum field. Those you wish to experience here.

Also, we remind you that consciousness and energy are tools of creation. So if you continue to grow a thought form connected to a collective reality and fuel that thought form with emotion, be absolutely sure this is a potential you wish to experience here. Creation does have an important part in the universal experience, coming before material manifestation. The potentials that exist in the quantum field carry a weight associated with them. That weight can be associated with a singular experience or a collective manifestation. Collective forms of consciousness are simply more powerful and magnetic. So the more you choose to acknowledge your consciousness and energetic currency as valuable creative forces, the more you will create in relationship to harmony. And this practice becomes the basis for a new society. One that is enlightened and at peace. And so it is. ~ Micheila Sheldan"
Lynn – We’re going to go with some questions to start off Cobra that are things that everybody wants to know about. The first question I have, this person asks; will The Event change the other negative races that eat humans or are very hostile towards humans?

COBRA – Yes, of course The Event is the final beginning of the end of darkness. At the moment of The Event, all negative beings that don’t want to change into positive will be taken to the central sun. So it will be the final filtering of negativity in this universe, so this is the game over. (yeah).

I have heard contradictory stories. Some claim that planet Earth is the final planet housing evil and other claim that there are a couple of more planets left. In the latter case, the liberation of this planet will be a game changer in future wars because this planet is exceptionally deep down in the shit. One thing is the toplet bombs. Benevolent ET races had to isolate this planet either after the downfall of Atlantis about 13,000 years ago or 25,000 years ago. Another thing is the myriad of races. The dominant species of most planets seem to have one race (the same skincolor, etc). But here, there are many races, cultures, languages, etc and that makes divide and rule more feasible to carry out for the Looneynati. Other planets are supposedly easier to deal with.


Lynn – Has there been any progress regarding the toplet bombs.

COBRA – Yes of course. There was quite much progress in this area. . . the progress has been such that the Chimera group lost a little bit of nerve in the beginning of September and they wanted to trigger full scale . . . the last remnant of the full scale galactic war in the solar system and they were not successful. Although September was quite a challenging month. Their goals were absolutely NOT reached. (wonderful)
Great that the counter-offensive of the Looneynati failed.


Lynn – In which dimension do the Chimera reside?

COBRA – Most of them are on the physical plane or many of them are on the physical plane and some of them are on the non-physical planes as well. (thank you)

Richard – Cobra, you mentioned before that the Central race is in a higher density than us. Are they at the same density as Pleiadians or Reptilians?

COBRA – No, the Central race is 7 and up dimension as I would term it and the Pleiadians are 5th and 6th dimensions and the Reptilians are the 4th dimension.

Richard – Alright, so how do the Chimera fight the Central race?

COBRAThey fight because they are manipulating the primary anomaly and nobody in this Universe has a complete understanding of the primary anomaly and they are taking advantage of that fact. (got it, thank you)

That was interesting to read. This is one reason why the Looneynati have succeeded for so long.


Lynn – Cobra, can you give us an update on the situation with the Demiurge Yaldabaoth?

COBRA – As this, I would say, the final leg of the Galactic conflict in the Solar system is playing out, the plasma body of the Yaldabaoth is being dissolved slowly. (awesome, thank you)

Richard – Cobra, are the cracks in the veil, still the same or are they evolving?

COBRA – Actually one purpose of this escalation in September was to close the cracks in the veil and this has been partially successful so the light forces are reactivating the light grid in this area to re-activate those cracks in the veil again and this process will take some time. (got it, thank you)

Yaldaboth is the plasma energy being living in this solar system that Corey Goode mentioned. It is slowly being dissolved. Great.


Richard – Cobra, you have said Trump is a Jesuit agent. (Yes) If Trump is a Jesuit agent, what part of the Cabal does he work for and why does the Cabal seem to be against him?

COBRA – He works for the Jesuits. Actually the Jesuits are creating . . . the game as usual that they are presenting him, for him to appear that he is against the establishment, against the Cabal when in reality he is just part of the other faction of the Cabal that is working not so publicly and is working behind the scenes. (got it).

Richard – If Trump is a Jesuit agent and Hillary represents the Bush-Rockefeller-Clinton faction, then, are we actually watching a battle between two factions?

COBRA – There is a certain amount of conflict between both factions but for, from Jesuit perspective, it doesn’t matter who wins. One way or the other they can further their agenda. (got cha, thank you)

Corey Goode mentioned that the Looneynati fear Trump and do not want him to win. I interpret it that he would be problem to them if elected president.

Perhaps that he is just meant to lose but, in case he wins, he would take orders from someone else anyway, not be independent.


Lynn – The United States public is basically in a no-win situation for the 2016 election because of the lack of good Presidential candidates. Well, it has been like this for a half a century since the assassination of John F. Kennedy. Trump has said recently that if he was elected he would give his full support to Israel and that he would recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. He is obviously an outspoken Zionist and therefore just another Rothschild puppet. Is he going to be allowed by the Light Forces to become President of the U.S. if he wins the November 2016 presidential elections?

COBRA – I’ll say, as I’ve said before, it does not matter who gets elected because this is just the public puppet for the Cabal. What is important is the whole situation needs to be . . . there needs to be a breakthrough in the form of The Event then it doesn’t matter who is president. Before The Event whoever is president will be the puppet of the Cabal. Obama now, Bush before or the new one that is coming in November. It does not matter.

Great, the near future looks positive.


Lynn – Have other planets had similar occurrence like The Event? It appears that other nearby planets were liberated without the big sneeze from the galactic central sun. Is this correct?

COBRA – Yes they were, but this planet is different because there is so much of concentration of various races and the Cabal here. So there needs to be a little bit more intense support for this to happen.

Lynn – Are the light forces “taking advantage” of the energy of the big sneeze to help liberate the planet?

COBRA – Yes, of course. (thank you)

Richard – Cobra, I believe you said once after The Event the human population would be diminished. Did we misunderstand you?

COBRA – I would say that at a certain moment, some people will migrate off the planet but there will be no mass extinction or anything of that nature.

This is also what Corey Goode says regarding the solar sneeze. It will most likely be a benign event. Because the future is probabilistic and nobody knows all likely future events, a worse outcome is possible. But then how people react shapes the future. There is a big responsibility on the shoulders of those communicating this information.


Lynn – Do the lion E.T. people communicate with our Earth’s cat population?

COBRA – They can and sometimes they do. (thank you)


Skare, do your cats show any abnormal kind of behavior by habit or been doing so recently? (Assuming that monkeys substitute for cats.)


No...the cats are just as odd as ever...they’re cats...they live in their own dimension anyhow.

Is this Cobra Commander we are talking about?

No...the cats are just as odd as ever...they’re cats...they live in their own dimension anyhow.

Is this Cobra Commander we are talking about?


So, is that your 3 y.o. Se vs my 3 y.o. Fe?

Here is my champ and his brand of Cuban GM tobacco is a heavenly experience!!!

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So, is that your 3 y.o. Se vs my 3 y.o. Fe?

Here is my champ and his brand of Cuban GM tobacco is a heavenly experience!!!


BTW...thank you for keeping this thread going (and my other one)((I appreciate it!)) while I have been feeling intense emotional and physical discomfort for quite some time now....I spend probably 3-4 hours in meditation, maybe twice that on some seems all I can do sometimes to process the intense energy that seems to be bombarding me and others currently.

So for anyone whom I haven’t answered who has asked me questions or quoted me in this thread and others...I apologize, I have been taking my days hour by hour most of the time in the past week and a half or so and just keeping up with the dishes and taking a shower is really fucking difficult right now.

On the upside of things...I believe that the large amount of meditating that I have been doing is helping me mentally and emotionally with really powerful results....I would also say that my lucid dreaming non-spontaneous induction I now am right around 45% now compared to me bing able to induce one at will at 33% last time.
Have reached vibrational stages of possible astral projection, possible raising of my vibrations to the next level or two up...not sure which is occurring.
One of the two, or maybe both - they could be correlated.
That seems to have a spontaneity about it, though it only happens while meditating so there is that...
As far as purposefully inducing that stage...I would put myself right around 20%...with successful OOBE around 5%.
Though, like I said...maybe being OOB is not what is occurring or the goal but maybe a side-effect or maybe it’s just easier to “get out” while your vibration is in overdrive?
Anyhow...I will be on here off and on...again, I’m sorry to those I haven’t gotten back to.
Rest assured - all things must pass.
BTW...thank you for keeping this thread going (and my other one)((I appreciate it!)) while I have been feeling intense emotional and physical discomfort for quite some time now....I spend probably 3-4 hours in meditation, maybe twice that on some seems all I can do sometimes to process the intense energy that seems to be bombarding me and others currently.

So for anyone whom I haven’t answered who has asked me questions or quoted me in this thread and others...I apologize, I have been taking my days hour by hour most of the time in the past week and a half or so and just keeping up with the dishes and taking a shower is really fucking difficult right now.

On the upside of things...I believe that the large amount of meditating that I have been doing is helping me mentally and emotionally with really powerful results....I would also say that my lucid dreaming non-spontaneous induction I now am right around 45% now compared to me bing able to induce one at will at 33% last time.
Have reached vibrational stages of possible astral projection, possible raising of my vibrations to the next level or two up...not sure which is occurring.
One of the two, or maybe both - they could be correlated.
That seems to have a spontaneity about it, though it only happens while meditating so there is that...
As far as purposefully inducing that stage...I would put myself right around 20%...with successful OOBE around 5%.
Though, like I said...maybe being OOB is not what is occurring or the goal but maybe a side-effect or maybe it’s just easier to “get out” while your vibration is in overdrive?
Anyhow...I will be on here off and on...again, I’m sorry to those I haven’t gotten back to.
Rest assured - all things must pass.

Sorry to hear things have been rough for you recently. I'm glad to see you're able to reach such mindfulness, while enduring so much pain. It honestly does humble me a bit. I've been going through some minor emotional stuff and it's caused me to lose balance. So it's good to see you can still remain centered going through what you are.
BTW...thank you for keeping this thread going (and my other one)((I appreciate it!)) while I have been feeling intense emotional and physical discomfort for quite some time now....I spend probably 3-4 hours in meditation, maybe twice that on some seems all I can do sometimes to process the intense energy that seems to be bombarding me and others currently.

So for anyone whom I haven’t answered who has asked me questions or quoted me in this thread and others...I apologize, I have been taking my days hour by hour most of the time in the past week and a half or so and just keeping up with the dishes and taking a shower is really fucking difficult right now.

On the upside of things...I believe that the large amount of meditating that I have been doing is helping me mentally and emotionally with really powerful results....I would also say that my lucid dreaming non-spontaneous induction I now am right around 45% now compared to me bing able to induce one at will at 33% last time.
Have reached vibrational stages of possible astral projection, possible raising of my vibrations to the next level or two up...not sure which is occurring.
One of the two, or maybe both - they could be correlated.
That seems to have a spontaneity about it, though it only happens while meditating so there is that...
As far as purposefully inducing that stage...I would put myself right around 20%...with successful OOBE around 5%.
Though, like I said...maybe being OOB is not what is occurring or the goal but maybe a side-effect or maybe it’s just easier to “get out” while your vibration is in overdrive?
Anyhow...I will be on here off and on...again, I’m sorry to those I haven’t gotten back to.
Rest assured - all things must pass.


If you are doing lucid dreaming, here is one way to test whether you are awake or not. BTW, you are worthy of our attention.
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Lynn – Thank you. Can you tell us a little bit of the history of the Sisterhood of the Rose? (SOTR) Where did this originate and who were members of this.

COBRA – OK. Basically, SOTR originates from the central rays, the central civilization. It is the first high spiritual develop civilization that has evolved in the central region of this galaxy and there were certain beings that belong to the central civilization that were spreading this understanding and spreading the light of the Goddess throughout the galaxy and one of those beings came to planet earth in Atlantis and has formed the SOTR in Atlantean times. And there were many temples of the Goddess on Atlantis and their purpose was to anchor the presence of the Goddess on the planet and after the Cabal destroyed those temples, this balance has been disturbed and this new dis-balance has actually resulted in the destruction of Atlantis. And after that the SOTR groups were present in many countries. It was in their mystery schools trying to keep that balance as much as possible. Now the time has come for us to re-awaken that feminine presence and to form new SOTR groups because this is very important for the time of the event. So I would like to ask as many people as possible to form those groups throughout the planet, to meet regularly on the physical plane and to anchor the Goddess energy on the planet as much as possible.


We better fix that energy imbalance soon.
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Sensiko discovers Skare trying lucid dreaming.
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The White House Just Issued An -Executive Order- officially Preparing For The “Event”.
October 14, 2016 by Edward Morgan

The White House
Office of the Press Secretary
For Immediate Release
October 13, 2016

Executive Order — Coordinating Efforts to Prepare the Nation for Space Weather Events

– – – – – – –

By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, and to prepare the Nation for space weather events, it is hereby ordered as follows:


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DEA Reverses Kratom Ban in Stunning Victory Against the War on Drugs
TOPICS:DEAdrug warJake Andersonkratom

October 14, 2016

By Jake Anderson

In a stunning reversal, the DEA has withdrawn its proposal to ban kratom and temporarily suspended efforts to make it a Schedule 1 drug. The move comes after an impassioned Internet-based protest by a decentralized network of advocates and activists who contend the southeast Asian plant has tremendous medicinal value. While not a permanent ruling, the reversal is extremely unusual for the government agency, which is known for aggressive enforcement of its drug policies.

DEA spokesperson Melvin Patterson confirmed that the intense public reaction fueled the decision. “That was eye-opening for me personally,” he said.“I want the kratom community to know that the DEA does hear them. Our goal is to make sure this is available to all of them.”

The suspension will allow for an extended timetable for public feedback and further analysis. This will include an evaluation of mitragynine and 7-hydroxymitragynine by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). A small team of government scientists will now determine whether Americans are allowed to use a curative herbal remedy that has been safely ingested for thousands of years.


Public attention can make a difference. Let ancient wisdom instead of corporate greed be the guidance of DEA.
An often overlooked role of Si is its perception of internal bodily sensations—the body as felt and experienced from within. Perhaps more than any other function, it provides access to the raw and basic sense of “being” that exists apart from thought or outward stimuli. Historically, Eastern philosophical and religious traditions have done a much better job exploring this dimension than those of the West. This feature of Si is brought to the fore during activities requiring close attention to one’s internal bodily state, such as yoga, Tai-Chi, meditation, or various relaxation techniques. INTPs interested in exploring this element of Si may find great delight and benefit from these sorts of practices. They are especially useful in developing the body awareness necessary to relax and control anxiety.

Skeletal details and tattooing
Ötzi had a total of 61 tattoos (or Soot tattoos), consisting of 19 groups of black lines ranging from 1 to 3 mm in thickness and 7 to 40 mm long.[23] These include groups of parallel lines running along the longitudinal axis of his body and to both sides of the lumbar spine, as well as a cruciform mark behind the right knee and on the right ankle, and parallel lines around the left wrist. The greatest concentration of markings is found on his legs, which together exhibit 12 groups of lines.[24] A microscopic examination of samples collected from these tattoos revealed that they were created from pigment manufactured out of fireplace ash or soot [25]

Radiological examination of Ötzi's bones showed "age-conditioned or strain-induced degeneration" corresponding to many tattooed areas, including osteochondrosis and slight spondylosis in the lumbar spine and wear-and-tear degeneration in the knee and especially in the ankle joints.[26] It has been speculated that these tattoos may have been related to pain relief treatments similar to acupressure or acupuncture.[24] If so, this is at least 2,000 years before their previously known earliest use in China (c. 1000 BCE).[27] Recent research into archaeological evidence for ancient tattooing has confirmed that Ötzi is the oldest tattooed human mummy yet discovered.[28][29]Ötzi

They knew it all back then. Why did we lose those ancient cultural traditions in Europe?
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Inner Earth Civilizations May Soon Reveal Themselves to the World


It will be interesting to make acquaintance with the Inner Earth people. Jules Verne's books Journey to the Center of the Earth and From the Earth to the Moon are perhaps not science fiction at all given the Inner Earth people and the Secret Space Programs (SSPs).


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We spoke earlier of the being technology to clean up the oceans after the Event. I wonder if such technology also exists for cleaning up space junk. There are all thousands of objects from microscopic sizes to car-size.

What technology will replace mobile phones and radio communication? We will not be able to develop telepathy in weeks or months and the magnetic field of planet Earth is too weak yet to support the range currently supported by radio and satellite communication. (Assuming that a strong magnetic field is required for telepathy.)
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The Secret Space Programs Shocking True Purpose Revealed [FULL VIDEO]

"The glory days of NASA are over! today the military industrial complex is marking towards world dominance through space technology on behalf of global corporate interest. To understand how and why the space program will be used to fight all future wars on earth from space, it's important to understand how the public has been misled about the origins and true purpose of the space program."

"This video tells the story about the history of the U.S. space program and reveals how the military has taken over the program in order to move the arms race into space."
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We spoke earlier of the being technology to clean up the oceans after the Event. I wonder if such technology also exists for cleaning up space junk. There are all thousands of objects from microscopic sizes to car-size.

What technology will replace mobile phones and radio communication? We will not be able to develop telepathy in weeks or months and the magnetic field of planet Earth is too weak yet to support the range currently supported by radio and satellite communication. (Assuming that a strong magnetic field is required for telepathy.)

My telepathy is getting stronger and stronger....and a friend of mine is reporting that hers is coming on strongly as well. It is disconcerting for her...but she's learning to deal with it. So I don't think the Earth's field "strength" has anything to with it.
We are integrating a new earth grid and while it's coming online the old stuff dependent upon the old grid will fall apart.
The new grid game rules include the idea of in fear of pain and hurting the body...but it will no longer support Power over Others concepts and beliefs. Mostly because people will be healed of their traumas and therefore become empowered Sovereign Beings. At least those that want to live on the Earth and choose that paradigm will go through this process. Those who still want to be powerful over another will go "elsewhere".... one way or the other.

I have this idea percolating in my mind right now. We all know the Earth's electromagnetic field resonance is in chaos and flux right now...and we also know it is rising numerically. I've heard a few numbers...but don't care about the details. My question is.... will the current methods of measurements and instrumentation work in the new frequencies? What if they're designed to look at a narrow frequency range and we shift up beyond that?
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