Merkabah | Page 257 | INFJ Forum
Sorry to hear things have been rough for you recently. I'm glad to see you're able to reach such mindfulness, while enduring so much pain. It honestly does humble me a bit. I've been going through some minor emotional stuff and it's caused me to lose balance. So it's good to see you can still remain centered going through what you are.

Oh please don’t make a martyr out of me.

Sorry that things haven’t been so great for you, I will pray/send good vibes your way next time I meditate.

As far as balance goes...I feel like I am way off balance...hence my scarcity on the forums.

I’m supposed to get a spinal epidural on Thursday so I’m hoping that will help with some of this uncalled-for excess pain.
Usually if anything the steroids they inject get me feeling good and energized for several days to a week, which is a nice change (too bad long term use will fuck you up big-time).

As far as my own mentality goes...I feel like I’m half here and half, the amount of time I spend asleep at night and then meditating for hours during the day definitely messes with the time schedule in my head. But I feel like I’m somewhere in-between those two places quite often now.
Hard to explain, but I think you get the gist.

Other than that, I just feel like I’m in hiatus...waiting for what?

I hope you are doing better now?
DEA Reverses Kratom Ban in Stunning Victory Against the War on Drugs
TOPICS:DEAdrug warJake Andersonkratom

October 14, 2016

By Jake Anderson

In a stunning reversal, the DEA has withdrawn its proposal to ban kratom and temporarily suspended efforts to make it a Schedule 1 drug. The move comes after an impassioned Internet-based protest by a decentralized network of advocates and activists who contend the southeast Asian plant has tremendous medicinal value. While not a permanent ruling, the reversal is extremely unusual for the government agency, which is known for aggressive enforcement of its drug policies.

DEA spokesperson Melvin Patterson confirmed that the intense public reaction fueled the decision. “That was eye-opening for me personally,” he said.“I want the kratom community to know that the DEA does hear them. Our goal is to make sure this is available to all of them.”

The suspension will allow for an extended timetable for public feedback and further analysis. This will include an evaluation of mitragynine and 7-hydroxymitragynine by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). A small team of government scientists will now determine whether Americans are allowed to use a curative herbal remedy that has been safely ingested for thousands of years.


Public attention can make a difference. Let ancient wisdom instead of corporate greed be the guidance of DEA.

Wow...that is really interesting...I kinda want to know the behind the door politics that went on concerning this whole debacle.

Thanks again for posting while I’m on sabbatical.
I thought this was as good a place as any to post this. The mainstream media is now picking up this bizarre story about how a conspiracy theorist died in Poland in July. His name is Max Spiers and he was only 39. Circumstances surrounding his death are somewhat suspicious. He was lying on a couch and then he suddenly started spewing black liquid and then he died. His girlfriend thinks he was poisoned. Apparently he was researching pedophilia in the US military and perhaps he hit a nerve. Plus he texted his mother shortly before his death that he thought he was in trouble. Anyway, you don't hear stories like this on Yahoo very often so it caught my attention. Anybody know anything about this guy? He claims he was a part of secret government programs. He could possess some real juicy secrets, or he could just be paranoid and delusional. Perhaps some of both. If you are in the mood for a trip down the rabbit hole check out this story. It sounds like a creepy thriller fall movie. Have fun.
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REPLICATORS TO FULFIL BASIC NEEDS ! Sheldan Nidle 10-18-16 Galactic Federation of Light

Dratzo! The Victory of the Light grows. Everywhere on your world, the emergence of the new financial system and never-ending waves of prosperity continues. Together with these marvelous changes is the prospect of a peace that almost didn't happen. In its closing moments, the dark tried, but was unable to instigate a global war. Fortunately, our liaisons and their earthly counterparts prevented this from happening. This surface world has also moved swiftly forward in the direction of first contact. You are entering an era when the requirement for money is to quickly disappear. This process is to be aided by the use of technologies, both yours and ours, that are to introduce the universal processor. This wondrous device is to render obsolete the need for farming, manufacturing and the use of Gaia's natural resources. Hence, your global societies are to be freed of the need to devote so much of their populations to these arduous and dangerous tasks. Gaia can expect to see much of her land returned to their original environments. This process will allow for the expansion of grasslands, swampy areas and forests. Therefore, more and more of your environments are to be reworked to add a number of habitats.

These changes are to improve the quality of your air, allowing the oceans to again sustain a teeming fish population. The water in lakes and rivers is to become cleaner as well. You are to learn to use your personal processors to prepare meals and replace furniture as you wish. This vast array of changes allows your Ascended Masters to teach you about your past and prepare you for our arrival. Our mentors intend to take this new knowledge to expand the way you look at yourselves, both individually and collectively. Your global societies need to fully evaluate the way they operate. Your great diversity is an opportunity to readjust how humanity can best get along with itself. You are then to be in transition to a world that can comprehend what these changes can accomplish. This will enable you to see Gaia as a split realm, and allow you to introduce the Agarthans to this outer realm. This alone is a giant step in the right direction. It means that the nonsense begun by the Atlanteans and sustained by the Anunnaki can at last be put to rest

Here is a mention of replicators. It confirms what Corey Goode has been saying.

I want a Schwarzwald (Black Forest) cake. (Have not come out of 3D yet. :m026:)
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Oh please don’t make a martyr out of me.

Sorry that things haven’t been so great for you, I will pray/send good vibes your way next time I meditate.

As far as balance goes...I feel like I am way off balance...hence my scarcity on the forums.

I’m supposed to get a spinal epidural on Thursday so I’m hoping that will help with some of this uncalled-for excess pain.
Usually if anything the steroids they inject get me feeling good and energized for several days to a week, which is a nice change (too bad long term use will fuck you up big-time).

As far as my own mentality goes...I feel like I’m half here and half, the amount of time I spend asleep at night and then meditating for hours during the day definitely messes with the time schedule in my head. But I feel like I’m somewhere in-between those two places quite often now.
Hard to explain, but I think you get the gist.

Other than that, I just feel like I’m in hiatus...waiting for what?

I hope you are doing better now?

Nope, too late. I'm going to lobby to have your name changed to Ghandi Malcom X King Jr of Arc.

Thanks, but I'm doing okay now. It was just a few problems snowballed, which caused me to wallow in self-pity and doubt.

Is the excess pain new, or is it old symptoms resurfacing? Either way it sucks you have to go through it. Do you find taking mushrooms still helpful to ease the anxiety and depression?

Sounds like you're going through a lot. I still think you're acting with a lot more composure that I would going through it. The fact that you can stay in a mindful state long enough to meditate says a lot. I hope it gets better. :hug:
I thought this was as good a place as any to post this. The mainstream media is now picking up this bizarre story about how a conspiracy theorist died in Poland in July. His name is Max Spiers and he was only 39. Circumstances surrounding his death are somewhat suspicious. He was lying on a couch and then he suddenly started spewing black liquid and then he died. His girlfriend thinks he was poisoned. Apparently he was researching pedophilia in the US military and perhaps he hit a nerve. Plus he texted his mother shortly before his death that he thought he was in trouble. Anyway, you don't hear stories like this on Yahoo very often so it caught my attention. Anybody know anything about this guy? He claims he was a part of secret government programs. He could possess some real juicy secrets, or he could just be paranoid and delusional. Perhaps some of both. If you are in the mood for a trip down the rabbit hole check out this story. It sounds like a creepy thriller fall movie. Have fun.

I have read articles on this fellow...he was actually digging into UFO conspiracies and would travel and give talks about what he found out.
But who knows?

Black liquid would suggest poisoning, though it could have been blood, which can look very dark (almost black, especially from a ruptured stomach ulcer or esophageal varicies...those that is a stretch.

Hopefully there is an autopsy that reveals something.
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Nope, too late. I'm going to lobby to have your name changed to Ghandi Malcom X King Jr of Arc.

Thanks, but I'm doing okay now. It was just a few problems snowballed, which caused me to wallow in self-pity and doubt.

Is the excess pain new, or is it old symptoms resurfacing? Either way it sucks you have to go through it. Do you find taking mushrooms still helpful to ease the anxiety and depression?

Sounds like you're going through a lot. I still think you're acting with a lot more composure that I would going through it. The fact that you can stay in a mindful state long enough to meditate says a lot. I hope it gets better. :hug:

I have been meaning to get some more’s just having to drive there and make arrangements that prove to be a pain in the ass sometimes.
Short answer, I would like to...but I’m unmotivated to go get some (even though they help immensely with certain things like depression/anxiety), I’m trying to meditate myself to the next level...the mushrooms are very good when the record of our lives starts to skip and you get stuck in a rut - it’s exactly what one needs to bump you out of it...I don’t feel like I’m skipping...I feel like I’m in that shiny space between songs.
Everyone wallows from time to time...don’t beat yourself up.
I’m glad you are doing okay.
I’m trying to do just about everything (including doing some Qi Gong ((online videos...ain’t got no money for shit like that))) to try and improve my physical, mental, spiritual self.
And while I advocate mushrooms done in a safe manner for the right reasons...they can only offer you a new perspective (which is important to see when depressed or in a highly anxious state), it is then up to you to make those changes that were revealed by thinking outside the box.
Not to say that I don’t find them highly important and effective every time I have taken them...but I try to only in certain circumstances...I do feel that each time you partake it should be in a wise and correct way...being in the right mental state ahead of time, stopping interactive drugs, etc.

Anyhow...I’m glad that things have improved on your side of things...PM me if you want to talk about it.
Be here on and off.
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REPLICATORS TO FULFIL BASIC NEEDS ! Sheldan Nidle 10-18-16 Galactic Federation of Light

Dratzo! The Victory of the Light grows. Everywhere on your world, the emergence of the new financial system and never-ending waves of prosperity continues. Together with these marvelous changes is the prospect of a peace that almost didn't happen. In its closing moments, the dark tried, but was unable to instigate a global war. Fortunately, our liaisons and their earthly counterparts prevented this from happening. This surface world has also moved swiftly forward in the direction of first contact. You are entering an era when the requirement for money is to quickly disappear. This process is to be aided by the use of technologies, both yours and ours, that are to introduce the universal processor. This wondrous device is to render obsolete the need for farming, manufacturing and the use of Gaia's natural resources. Hence, your global societies are to be freed of the need to devote so much of their populations to these arduous and dangerous tasks. Gaia can expect to see much of her land returned to their original environments. This process will allow for the expansion of grasslands, swampy areas and forests. Therefore, more and more of your environments are to be reworked to add a number of habitats.

These changes are to improve the quality of your air, allowing the oceans to again sustain a teeming fish population. The water in lakes and rivers is to become cleaner as well. You are to learn to use your personal processors to prepare meals and replace furniture as you wish. This vast array of changes allows your Ascended Masters to teach you about your past and prepare you for our arrival. Our mentors intend to take this new knowledge to expand the way you look at yourselves, both individually and collectively. Your global societies need to fully evaluate the way they operate. Your great diversity is an opportunity to readjust how humanity can best get along with itself. You are then to be in transition to a world that can comprehend what these changes can accomplish. This will enable you to see Gaia as a split realm, and allow you to introduce the Agarthans to this outer realm. This alone is a giant step in the right direction. It means that the nonsense begun by the Atlanteans and sustained by the Anunnaki can at last be put to rest

Here is a mention of replicators. It confirms what Corey Goode has been saying.

I want a Schwarzwald (Black Forest) cake. (Have not come out of 3D yet. :m026:)

A new spine would be all I want.
My contribution to my it has been neglected by me.

A new study has discovered that the area of the brain that enables self-reflection is larger in lucid dreamers — those people who can control their dreams.

According to researchers from the Max Planck Institute for Human Development in Berlin and the Max Planck Institute of Psychiatry in Munich, this means lucid dreamers might also be more self-reflecting when awake.

Lucid dreamers are aware of dreaming while dreaming, the researchers explain.
Sometimes, they can even play an active role in their dreams.

Most of them, however, have this experience only a few times a year.

For their study, the neuroscientists compared the brain structures of frequent lucid dreamers and people who never or only rarely have lucid dreams. They discovered that the anterior prefrontal cortex, the area of the brain that controls conscious cognitive processes and plays an important role in the capability of self-reflection, is larger in lucid dreamers.

(Skarekrow - Perhaps not surprisingly, it is the overacting of this area that also causes anxiety/depression...correlation? I think it has helped my anxiety immensely @Dragon ((sorry I haven’t answered you sooner...haven’t been myself lately)))

The differences in volumes in the anterior prefrontal cortex between lucid dreamers and non-lucid dreamers suggest that lucid dreaming and metacognition are closely connected, the researchers noted.

This theory is supported by brain images taken when the participants were solving metacognitive tests while awake.
Those images show that the brain activity in the prefrontal cortex was higher in lucid dreamers.

“Our results indicate that self-reflection in everyday life is more pronounced in persons who can easily control their dreams,” said Elisa Filevich, Ph.D., a postdoctoral researcher in the Center for Lifespan Psychology at the Max Planck Institute for Human Development.

In a follow-up study, the researchers said they intend to train volunteers in lucid dreaming to examine whether this improves the capability of self-reflection.

The study was published in The Journal of Neuroscience.

Dream Yoga: Lucid Dreaming in Tibetan Buddhism

Tibetan dream yoga is the original form of lucid dreaming.
It is a philosophical practice created in Tibetan Buddhism at least 1,000 years ago.

Just like lucid dreams, the aim of this is to awaken the consciousness in the dream state.
However, Buddhist monks have more esoteric goals in mind...

Their aim is to harness the power of the lucid dream state and then complete a number of set tasks to take them to the next level.

These tasks include:
  • Practice sadhana (a spiritual discipline)
  • Receive initiations, empowerments and transmissions
  • Visit different places, planes and lokas (worlds)
  • Communicate with yidam (an enlightened being)
  • Meet with other sentient beings
  • Fly and shape shift into other creatures
The ultimate goal in Tibetan dream yoga is to "apprehend the dream" (attain conscious awareness) then dissolve the dream state.
When you are deprived of physical stimulus (from the sleeping body) and conceptual stimulus (from the dreaming mind), you can observe the purest form of conscious awareness.

(Skarekrow - Which sounds an awful like Astral Projection...there is a difference I think was missed in this article)

That sounds like an excellent goal for any lucid dreamer.
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My contribution to my it has been neglected by me.

It is nice of you @Skarekrow to let others play in your playground. I think that I am running out of steam though. My (lifetime) depression finally lifted last week and I do not expect it to come back. I told it "If you come back in the future, you better bring a truckload of good jokes with you."

Thank you too, @Kgal. (I will answer your questions in previous posts, just some patience please.)

What I am writing here is mainly Ne. I want to do more Ti, and now I have the courage and ideas to do that. The same applies to the other thread. I am rather into history than current events in politics.

It has been really nice to write in your threads though. It gave me something to do and someone to talk to. I really liked using humor.

I will be writing here for this week, then taper off gradually.

I will return and write though when you least expect it, though Ti stuff. If you see the Swedish chef in your dreams, that is me painting graffiti on your threads.

Big Pharma's patents expose real reason why corrupt DEA wanted to ban Kratom
Tuesday, October 18, 2016 by: Ethan A. Huff, staff writer
Tags: kratom, DEA, patents


(NaturalNews) The Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) is now free to ban all access to a plant known as kratom (Mitragyna speciosa) that for centuries has served as a natural remedy for pain, and that's helped countless opiate addicts overcome withdrawal symptoms. The federal government claims that kratom serves no legitimate medical purpose, but a closer look reveals that not only is the opposite true, but drug companies actually hold patents on kratom's medicinal compounds. Public uproar after the DEA announced its plans has led to the agency saying in statements that it has no "timetable for officially listing kratom—it could be next week or longer—leaving users on the edge of their seats," according to ARS Technica.

The DEA plans to classify kratom as a "Schedule I" drug – the highest classification reserved for hard drugs like heroin – and claims that kratom has a high potential for abuse and serves no legitimate purpose in health. However, several patents, including one dating back to 1964, show that kratom's alkaloid compounds indeed exhibit pharmacodynamic activity.

Three compounds in particular – MGM-9, MGM-15, and MGM-16 – serve as proof that kratom holds therapeutic potential. Each of these synthetic opioid compounds was synthesized from various alkaloids present in the kratom plant; MGM-9 came from a compound known as mitragynine, while MGM-15 and MGM-16 came from 7-hydroxymitragynine. These two compounds are considered to be among the primary active constituents in kratom.

MGM-15 and MGM-16 have been shown in studies to aid in treating both acute and chronic pain, while others demonstrate analgesic activity in a highly potent, yet low- or non-addictive way. That's what makes kratom unique from the opiate drugs derived from it: It works, its safe and users don't become addicted to it.

The DEA needs to keep its hands off kratom!
The pharmacological potential of kratom is so immense that some of the first patents on its medicinal use were filed as far back as the 1960s, one of these concluding that a kratom alkaloid known as Speciofoline has "useful pharmacodynamic activity, particularly analgetic and antitussive activity."

U.S. patent 20100209542 A1 is another one filed by researchers from the University of Mississippi and the University of Massachusetts Medical School in 2010. It plainly states that kratom is an effective remedy for opioid withdrawal because it works like opioid drugs, except without the addictive and toxic properties.

The patent admits that "abrupt cessation of opiate abuse may be self-managed by using kratom." The reason for this, it adds, is because it contains components like mitragyinine that display "high binding affinity at mu, delta and kappa opiate receptors." In other words, kratom is therapeutically active in the body, which means that it's medically significant – the exact opposite of what the DEA is now claiming by categorizing it as Schedule I.

If kratom and its active constituents are so medically useless that they had to suddenly, without cause, be added to the Schedule I restricted list of controlled substances, then why did this study out of Japan conclude that mitragynine exhibits "opium-like properties?"

Or how about this study, which found that 7-hydroxymitragynine is an effective treatment for "acute and chronic pain?"

Could it really be that the DEA is just completely unaware of these studies? Hardly. The DEA knows full well that kratom is an effective pain reliever – and an exceptionally safe one, at that. It also knows that legal access to kratom in natural plant form eliminates all opportunities for pharmaceutical companies to bank on synthetic impostors made from the plant's constituents.

Be sure to check out the Health Ranger's new book Food Forensics to learn more about how to safely nourish your body with clean, whole foods and herbs rather than pharmaceutical drugs.

Here are the details to DEA's delisting of kratom as an illegal drug.
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I was addicted to oxy contin for years and then cleaned up over 7 years ago. 3 years ago I got a chronic condition that would mean to treat I would need to go on prescription pain killers, this terrified me as oxy ruined my life. I found kratom and did a great deal of research on it. I now have been taking kratom daily for over 3 years and it has been a life saver. There is little to no overdose risk and I am able to work full time and provide for my family. I could not have done that on [without?] kratom. Banning the herb would do serious harm to my life and my families. Kratom helps and so far I hear the dea says there have been 15 deaths from it but 14 of those 15 had drugs in their system. That doesn't make sense to me. If I have toast in the morning and then OD [overdose] on heroin later in the day was it the toasts fault?


The attempt to remove Kratom from being accessable to the American Public is more about corporate profit than protecting health. When my alternative to Kratom is hospital stay IVs [intravenous] and $4,000.00 a month Rx [prescription] pills the 10¢ cup of tea makes big pharmaceutical companies nervous. The move by the DEA attempting to forbid use of a plant leaf all the while big pharma break-off scientists are researching and developing and standardising the active ingredients. The reductionary way of thinking is a belief system a practice that ignores synergistic mechanisms of action. Great for business profits lousy for a patient. It assumes a patriarchal notion that a man in a lab coat that sees you for two minutes can tell you as the thousandth lab rat to walk thru the door how to regulate your body better than you can. Until they have a pill that cures stupid we are left with our own sense of agency. Those that ignore the risk benefit ratio of their own actions to escape pain do not learn how to work thru it and do not heal. Banning a truly helpful synergistic plant will not bring about a sense of agency in those that have no sense. A cup of coffee is addictive it would be the same thing if big pharma wanted to sell it's wake promoting pill caffeine and DEA banned kratom's cousin the coffee bean.


"Mitragynine, as an opioid, produces a very severe opioid withdrawal syndrome similar to heroin." No, for the majority of people, it does not. I've known people who use kratom precisely to get through opiate withdrawals, and it has been close to miraculous for them. It lets them get through the dreaded withdrawals with much greater comfort, and they are able to drop or sharply and quickly reduce the kratom with mild adverse effects. The anecdotal evidence in favor of kratom is considerable.

But let's remember that the DEA also classifies ibogaine as a Schedule 1 substance, which is totally absurd. Ibogaine will interrupt any addiction (except to benzos). In Canada, it is legal, thank goodness, and I know people who have undergone ibogaine treatment for opiate and cocaine addiction. It works every time. It should be the first line of treatment for addiction, and it has exactly zero potential for abuse (it's quite unpleasant). The DEA has it 100% wrong.

Big Pharma has long lobbied against kratom and ibogaine, for obvious reasons: both are herbs that they cannot patent and that could pose a huge threat to their profits from designer painkillers and maintenance drugs like Suboxone, which you have to take every day --- a much more profitable thing than ibogaine, which the patient has to take only ONCE. I am not a conspiracy theorist, but the government's bizarre position on these herbs makes me wonder if they're capitulating to corporate Pharma.


Your conclusion does not match your premise [in response to a Kratom prohibition supporter]. You say that kratom should be banned; yet you support this by saying that too many people are using this substance in isolation, without supervision.

Now I'm not sure if you've noticed yet, but making a drug illegal does not make it disappear. It simply forces people to use it in isolation, without supervision. You are not proposing a solution, you are adding to the problem; your conclusion does not match your premise.

Some interesting comments from an article about Kratom in NYT. I have tried to find anecdotal evidence of the supposed success of Kratom (and Ibogaine).

The decision to use drugs should be decentralized to the level of the individual.
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Stephen Hawking WARNS Artificial Intelligence may be humanity’s biggest disaster

According to renowned physicist Professor Stephen Hawking, one day, Artificial Intelligence could develop a ‘will of its own,’ becoming one of the greatest threats to humanity.

Professor Hawking issued a warning saying that artificial intelligence could become so advanced that it may develop a will of its own, which could conflict with that of humanity.

This could result in dangerous and powerful autonomous weapons, as he called out researchers to further study Artificial Intelligence and its possibilities.

However, Professor Hawking also said that if we do our homework and research enough, we could avoid potential dangers, which could result in a better way of life, saying that Artificial intelligence may help humanity ‘finally eradicate disease and poverty,’ he added.

Professor Hawking spoke at the launch of The Leverhulme Centre for the Future of Intelligence, which aims to research and explore implications in the fast development of artificial intelligence.

The Leverhulme Centre for the future of intelligence is a collaboration between several universities in the United Kingdom and the United States.

Their ultimate mission is to “create an interdisciplinary research community” which will work in close collaboration with business and government and try to determine, among other things, “the risks and benefits in the short and long term” of artificial intelligence.

The director of the Leverhulme Centre for the Future of Intelligence. Huw Price said that the creation of intelligent machines is a milestone of humanity and this center will try to make “the future the best possible.”

Among other things, the Centre will analyze the consequences of the rapid development of intelligent machines, such as robots or driverless cars which, while offering solutions to challenges of everyday life, also pose risks and ethical dilemmas for humanity since many people fear artificial intelligence could surpass human intelligence and take over.

‘I believe there is no deep difference between what can be achieved by a biological brain and what can be achieved by a computer. It, therefore, follows that computers can, in theory, emulate human intelligence – and exceed it.’
Professor Hawking stated that the potential benefits are great, and such a technological revolution could help mankind undo some of the damage we have done to our planet.

“In short, success in creating AI could be the biggest event in the history of our civilization,’ said Prof Hawking. “But it could also be the last unless we learn how to avoid the risks. Alongside the benefits, AI will also bring dangers, like powerful autonomous weapons, or new ways for the few to oppress the many. It will bring great disruption to our economy.And in the future, AI could develop a will of its own – a will that is in conflict with ours.”

“In short, the rise of powerful AI will be either the best or the worst thing, ever to happen to humanity. We do not know which, said Professor Hawking.”

“That is why, in 2014, I and a few others called for more research to be done in this area. I am very glad that someone was listening to me,” concluded Professor Hawking.

I have learnt more about AI from Corey Goode, Cobra and channeled messages than I ever did from the physicist Stephen Hawking. What is he doing as a researcher of AI anyway? That is not his specialty. And you always hear that AI might be danger in the future if it develops self-awareness. The supposed solution is that we [humans] need to observe and control AI. But who are controling those doing that work? The Swedish philosopher Nick Bostrom [Niklas Boström] also writes about that topic.

And BTW, does anyone of them know or suspect that they are compartmentalized?
Corey Goode made interviews with David Wilcock on Gaia and details were later verified by Bill Tompkins. Tony Rodrigues is guy who says that he worked for the Dark Fleet, the most secret of the Secret Space Programs (SSPs). Here, Michael Salla from Exonews interviews Tony in two videos.

My favorite is 28:50-30:10 in video 2. Tony talks about a battle scene where he was wounded and interrogated by an insectoid species.

TR (28:42): It [insectoid soldier] looked through chronologically through my memories and it eventually showed me my house that I had no memory of, that I grew up in, the house that I was taken from, it showed me when I was in that living room and there was nobody, there there was, and I'm standing and it said "this is who you really are" and it let me go and then I woke up and I was back into my painful state. You know, I was in pain. And it threw me down and let me go and I kind of was on, you know, on my knees. And one and the little ones, it looked like they were talking to it, they were getting ready to go and they all moved in unison. They moved together at once. When one of them moved through, all the other ones moved out of the way at the same exact time.

MS (29:22): In terms of that insectoid that let you go, I mean, there was no direct communication at all, I mean other than the communication that he's going to let you go and showing you those memories of your house. Do you think that it let you go because it became aware that you are part of some program run by those guys and reptoids that abducted you originally?

TR (29:47): What I gathered was that he thought that I wasn't some kind of badass. I wasn't a threat. I wasn't a warrior that was bent on killing them. I was just a cog in a machine. He said "I am going to let you go and I want you to tell your superiors that we're not that stupid." That was the message he told me. He said "make sure you tell them when they ask you when I said that we're not that stupid" and he left.

This says a lot about the Looneynati. The leadership in the lunatic SSPs is just as topsy-turvy as the leadership in politics, banking and industry on Earth. :m131:

The story lacks independent verification as of yet. Videos and article links below.

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My (lifetime) depression finally lifted last week and I do not expect it to come back. I told it "If you come back in the future, you better bring a truckload of good jokes with you."

Thank you too, @Kgal. (I will answer your questions in previous posts, just some patience please.)

This is good news to read! Your depression is gone????? Yay! I'm happy for you.
Have fun developing your Ti!
It is nice of you @Skarekrow to let others play in your playground. I think that I am running out of steam though. My (lifetime) depression finally lifted last week and I do not expect it to come back. I told it "If you come back in the future, you better bring a truckload of good jokes with you."

Thank you too, @Kgal. (I will answer your questions in previous posts, just some patience please.)

What I am writing here is mainly Ne. I want to do more Ti, and now I have the courage and ideas to do that. The same applies to the other thread. I am rather into history than current events in politics.

It has been really nice to write in your threads though. It gave me something to do and someone to talk to. I really liked using humor.

I will be writing here for this week, then taper off gradually.

I will return and write though when you least expect it, though Ti stuff. If you see the Swedish chef in your dreams, that is me painting graffiti on your threads.

Well thank you.
I a very happy that you have had a break in your is a wonderful thing to move past...just remember not to freak out and think it is permanent if you should have a run a depression in the future.
It will most definitely happen, and you should expect and go into that space with that mindset.
But also knowing that it is impermanent.

I haven’t forgotten your reading...I may be able to today, but I’m feeling Sunday evening would be best for some reason.
My injection went smoothly the other day, but now where I was injected is very sore today...which is normal for two days previous.
Anyhow...switched to different meds and they seem to be working for the time being, I appreciate your Kratom articles, I wish that it worked for me, I’ve tried it on several occasions from small to large doses, different kinds, etc. Not responsive in my system for some reason.
But that is always the issue with me and medications...they only last about 1/2 to 2/3 of the time it’s supposed to be at peak if something is supposed to last 6 hours, it works for 3 to 4 hours in metabolism has always flushed things out very quickly.
I am really, really glad you have found some form of contentment.
You deserve it.

There is one vibratory field that connects all things.

It has been called,
  • Akasha
  • Logos
  • the primordial OM
  • the music of the spheres
  • the Higgs field
  • dark energy,
...and a thousand other names throughout history.

The ancient teachers taught Nada Brahma, the universe is vibration.
The vibratory field is at the root of all true spiritual experience and scientific investigation.

It is the same field of energy that saints, Buddhas, yogis, mystics, priests, shamans and seers have observed by looking within themselves.

In today's society, most of humanity has forgotten this ancient wisdom.
We have strayed too far into the realm of thinking; what we perceive to be the outer world of form.

We have lost our connection to our inner worlds.

This balance, what the Buddha called the middle way, what Aristotle called the golden mean, is the birthright of every human being.
It is the common link between all religions, and the link between our inner worlds and our outer worlds.

Part one of the film Inner Worlds, Outer Worlds.

Akasha is the unmanifested, the "nothing" or emptiness which fills the vacuum of space.
As Einstein realized, empty space is not really empty.

Saints, sages and yogis who have looked within themselves have also realized that within the emptiness is unfathomable power, a web of information or energy which connects all things.

This matrix or web has been called the Logos, the Higgs Field (Higgs Bossom), the Primordial OM and a thousand other names throughout history.
In part one of Inner Worlds, we explore the one vibratory source that extends through all things, through the science of cymatics, the concept of the Logos, and the Vedic concept of Nada Brahma (the universe is sound or vibration).

Once we realize that there is one vibratory source that is the root of all scientific and spiritual investigation, how can we say "my religion", "my God" or "my discovery".

Part 2

The Pythagorian philosopher Plato hinted enigmatically that there was a golden key that unified all of the mysteries of the universe.

The golden key is the intelligence of the logos, the source of the primordial om.
One could say that it is the mind of God.

The source of this divine symmetry is the greatest mystery of our existence.

Many of history's monumental thinkers such as,
  • Pythagoras
  • Keppler
  • Leonardo da Vinci
  • Tesla
  • Einstein,
...have come to the threshold of the mystery.

Every scientist who looks deeply into the universe and every mystic who looks deeply within the self, eventually comes face to face with the same thing: The Primordial Spiral.

Part 3

The primordial spiral is the manifested world, while Akasha is the unmanifested, or emptiness itself.

All of reality is an interplay between these two things; Yang and Yin, or consciousness and matter.
The spiral has often been represented by the snake, the downward current, while the bird or blooming lotus flower has represented the upward current or transcendence.

The ancient traditions taught that a human being can become a bridge extending from the outer to the inner, from gross to subtle, from the lower chakras to the higher chakras.

To balance the inner and the outer is what the Buddha called the middle way, or what Aristotle called the Golden Mean.
You can be that bridge.

The full awakening of human consciousness and energy is the birthright of every individual on the planet.
In today's society we have lost the balance between the inner and the outer.

We are so distracted by the outer world of form, thoughts and ideas, that we no longer take time to connect to our inner worlds, the kingdom of heaven that is within (see The Pineal Gland).

Part 4

Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
We live our lives pursuing happiness "out there" as if it is a commodity.

We have become slaves to our own desires and craving.

Happiness isn't something that can be pursued or purchased like a cheap suit.
This is Maya, illusion, the endless play of form.

In the Buddhist tradition, Samsara, or the endless cycle of suffering is perpetuated by the craving of pleasure and aversion to pain.
Freud referred to this as the "pleasure principle."

Everything we do is an attempt to create pleasure, to gain something that we want, or to push away something that is undesirable that we don't want. Even a simple organism like the paramecium does this.

It is called response to stimulus.
Unlike a paramecium, humans have more choice.

We are free to think, and that is the heart of the problem.
It is the thinking about what we want that has gotten out of control.

The dilemma of modern society is that we seek to understand the world, not in terms of archaic inner consciousness, but by quantifying and qualifying what we perceive to be the external world by using scientific means and thought.

Thinking has only led to more thinking and more questions.

We seek to know the innermost forces which create the world and guide its course.

But we conceive of this essence as outside of ourselves, not as a living thing, intrinsic to our own nature.
It was the famous psychiatrist Carl Jung who said,

"one who looks outside dreams, one who looks inside awakes."

It is not wrong to desire to be awake, to be happy.

What is wrong is to look for happiness outside when it can only be found inside.

All 4 parts of the movie are combined...enjoy!

Not responsive in my system for some reason.
But that is always the issue with me and medications...they only last about 1/2 to 2/3 of the time it’s supposed to be at peak if something is supposed to last 6 hours, it works for 3 to 4 hours in metabolism has always flushed things out very quickly.

That happens in me, my sister, used to happen in my Mom, and I noticed Bill went through this issue as well.
I am sorry to see it happening for you too.

Let's agree (for the moment) we know the energies are here to shift us up to a higher frequency where many are calling the 5th Dimension - 5d.
We know we are "leaving" the old frequency dimension and phasing in to the higher.
In the meantime we're in the Chaos area where the two systems of dimensions overlap.
This suggests the chaos surrounding the old ways of doing and Being would experience ever increasing chaos as it falls apart.
This also suggests ways of doing and Being that resonate with the new dimension would be experiencing less and less Chaos as it builds to fruition.

We stand in the midst of Chaos and can Choose ways of Doing and Being that resonate with the higher frequency or continue to hold on to the old ways and watch the Chaos pummel us to death. Each moment we make the choice sends the signal to the universe this is what you prefer...and it brings it to you. We are at the baby steps of this...but it will happen fast once the first few get there. Woot!

I would also add that the fact your body is processing the chemicals faster than most could be interpreted as indicative of Time speeding up.
It will be interesting to see what happens here for you.
Will the drug wear off faster and faster and cause you more pain?
Or as Time moves faster and faster will you reach the Zero Point moment of pure awareness and heal your body in an instant?

I have zeese ideaz running through my mynde. Hahahahaha....
That happens in me, my sister, used to happen in my Mom, and I noticed Bill went through this issue as well.
I am sorry to see it happening for you too.

Let's agree (for the moment) we know the energies are here to shift us up to a higher frequency where many are calling the 5th Dimension - 5d.
We know we are "leaving" the old frequency dimension and phasing in to the higher.
In the meantime we're in the Chaos area where the two systems of dimensions overlap.
This suggests the chaos surrounding the old ways of doing and Being would experience ever increasing chaos as it falls apart.
This also suggests ways of doing and Being that resonate with the new dimension would be experiencing less and less Chaos as it builds to fruition.

We stand in the midst of Chaos and can Choose ways of Doing and Being that resonate with the higher frequency or continue to hold on to the old ways and watch the Chaos pummel us to death. Each moment we make the choice sends the signal to the universe this is what you prefer...and it brings it to you. We are at the baby steps of this...but it will happen fast once the first few get there. Woot!

I would also add that the fact your body is processing the chemicals faster than most could be interpreted as indicative of Time speeding up.
It will be interesting to see what happens here for you.
Will the drug wear off faster and faster and cause you more pain?
Or as Time moves faster and faster will you reach the Zero Point moment of pure awareness and heal your body in an instant?

I have zeese ideaz running through my mynde. Hahahahaha....

It’s not a new issue, it’s how I have always been.
If indeed we are moving toward a higher vibration then I would guess that we should also be able to heal others and ourselves to a greater and greater degree.
We shall see I suppose.