- Enneagram
- Warlock
I'm at home this morning instead of going to work.
I rarely eat breakfast anymore ...but was feeling strange so decided to have some. Now I'm really dizzy.
It turns out I may have something called Postprandial Hypotension.
Sigh... that's an old person condition allegedly. Granted my choice to ascend has taken a heavy toll on the body....but sheesh.... I had planned to go in to work today even if there was nothing pressing for me to do. Not going now.... My feelings of being unworthy and supposed to earning money are rearing up in me. On a higher level I know that's bullshit...but there are still vestiges of the lower energies roiling around in me. [rolls eyes] Oh well...might as well kick back and enjoy my day since I'm staying here.
On another note - the saga about Mt. Adams is continuing. Did you see Jimmy Church radio's video about something new appearing up on the mountain that they could see with their naked eyes?![]()
Pretty trippy....and Oh So Fun!
...and I'm listening to the Fade To Black show from last night with Jimmy and James Gilliland - owner of ECETI - talk about all of their experiences that happen up there. What a great conversation so far. Jimmy Church is laughing at himself for being a Male and freely admitting he saw Fairies. Hahahahahahahahahaha....
I tell you the world is changing right before my eyes!
Oh...and last night as I sat and listened to Sandra Walter describe her gate keeping experiences on the Beyond the Ordinary show - two reptilian humanoids came to sit with me. Heh.... The first one made me smile and I felt great when I saw him next to me. The second one scared the bejeezus out of me until he told me who he was. wow.... Immediately my fear evaporated and we three sat together listening to Sandra like we were at a movie eating popcorn.
Seems to me Disclosure and Contact is already those willing to experience it.
I hope you get a chance to listen to the show.
James Gilliland of ECETI Ranch with updates on the opening that was found on top of Mt. Adams...and there is some breaking news...
EDIT: NOTE: James appears after the 30 minute mark.
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I find the photos of the UFOs themselves more convincing than there being a supposed hanger door in the mountain.
I think it is most likely a shadow in the rock...that gives the appearance of “opening” at a certain time.
If they can catch it opening, then it would be much more convincing.
Just from my own experiences rock-climbing.
So you are chilling with the Reptilians now?