"One of the strongest needs of the soul is for community, but community from the soul point of view is a little different from its social forms.
Soul yearns for attachment, for variety in personality, for intimacy and peculiarity.
So it is these qualities in community that the soul seeks out, and not like-mindedness and uniformity."

~ Thomas Moore
Care of the Soul
“For if we think of this existence of the individual as a larger or smaller room, it becomes clear that most people get to know only one corner of their room, a window seat, a strip of floor which they pace up and down.”

~ Rainer Maria Rilke, Letters to a Young Poet​
LSD produces a new type of
‘harmonic’ order in the brain, according to neuroimaging study


Here, the brain's neural pathways have been reconstructed using tractography, a technique for modeling dt-MRI data.
New brain published in the journal Scientific Reports sheds new light on how LSD produces its psychedelic effects.
The drug resulted in the “emergence of new type of order in the brain,” the researchers found.

The study used a new mathematical method to analyze brain activity, known as connectome-harmonic decomposition, to examine how LSD caused alterations in consciousness.

A connectome is a distinctive pattern of neural connections — like a wiring diagram of the brain.

“I am generally interested in novel therapeutic tools that can help with the healing of psychiatric disorders, especially healing from trauma. I feel that as Western societies we generally tend to label and marginalise mental illness instead of seeing it as a rather normal reaction to extreme and abnormal circumstances,” said Selen Atasoy, a postdoctoral research fellow at the Center for Brain and Cognition at the Universitat Pompeu Fabra and lead author of the study.

“This, in my opinion, makes the recovery of a patient from trauma even more difficult, as this perspective of the society may further deepen the ‘dissociation’ – the withdrawal of the person, who experienced the traumatic event, from that painful experience.”

“As Dr. Gabor Mate nicely explains, trauma is not caused by the extremely painful experience itself but rather by our dissociation from that part of ourself that had to bear that experience. When I came across the studies about psychedelics, it was very remarkable to me to see how patients under the effect of psychedelics were able to reclaim and integrate their most traumatic experiences and how that led to a powerful healing process,” Atasoy told PsyPost.

“It is probably due to this effect of psychedelics that a very strong, natural psychedelic – ayahuasca – is considered a very powerful plant medicine in various indigenous cultures and has been used in shamanic healing ceremonies for centuries. On the other hand, neuroscience today has another very powerful tool; the imaging technologies such as functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) and magnetoencephalography (MEG) allow us to visualise the brain activity of a person.”

“My research focuses on understanding the changes in brain activity caused by psychedelics using these functional neuroimaging datasets,” Atasoy said. “In the future, my hope is that we can gain some insights into the neural mechanisms underlying the therapeutic effect of psychedelics and also of other therapeutic tools.”

The researchers analyzed fMRI data from 12 participants whose brain activity was recorded while they were under the influence of LSD and a placebo.

“We applied a new analysis, a harmonic decoding of fMRI data, which looks at neural activity in a new way; as a combination of harmonic waves in the brain that we call ‘connectome harmonics’,” Atasoy explained to PsyPost. “The connectome harmonics we used to decode brain activity, which was first introduced in a Nature Communication publication in 2016, are universal harmonic waves, such as sound waves emerging within a musical instrument, but adapted to the anatomy of the brain, i.e. to the human connectome.”

“Translating fMRI data into this harmonic language is actually not different than decomposing a complex musical piece into its musical notes. The connectome-harmonic decoding of the fMRI data under LSD showed that LSD not only increases the total energy of the brain but also enriches the repertoire of connectome harmonics – the basic elements of this harmonic language.”

“This repertoire expansion occurred not in a random manner but it was rather structured, which suggests a reorganisation of brain dynamics and the emergence of new type of order in the brain,” Atasoy said. “We also found that LSD selectively activated high-frequency connectome harmonics and caused the brain activity to self-organize at criticality, right at the balance between order and chaos.

“In summary, we found that what LSD does to your brain seems to be similar to jazz improvisation; just like improvising jazz musicians use many more musical notes in a spontaneous and non-random fashion, your brain combines many more of the harmonic waves (connectome harmonics) spontaneously yet in a structured way.”

But there is still much to learn about the brain mechanisms underlying LSD’s profound effects.

“I think this study was an important step towards understanding the effect of LSD, and potentially other psychedelics, in terms of energy, frequency and the repertoire of brain states,” Atasoy remarked. “It also provided the first experimental evidence to suggest that LSD tunes brain dynamics towards criticality – a delicate balance between order and disorder.”

“But in this study we haven’t yet looked at the neuronal mechanisms that cause these changes in the brain activity and in brain dynamics. I think it is quite important to link these findings to the effects of neurotransmitters, i.e. to the known effects of the psychedelics at a neuronal level.”

“Also, it would be of great interest to explore how and why these changes in brain activity relate to a person’s subjective experience such as mood changes under the effect of psychedelics,” Atasoy added. “Although this is rather a long term research question, it is a crucial one, as it can give us a better understanding of the roots of psychedelics’ therapeutic effect.”

Atasoy explained connectome-harmonics during a talk at the 2017 Psychedelic Science conference.

Watch below:

The study, “Connectome-harmonic decomposition of human brain activity reveals dynamical repertoire re-organization under LSD“, was co-authored by Leor Roseman, Mendel Kaelen, Morten L. Kringelbach, Gustavo Deco and Robin L. Carhart-Harris.
I always liked Plato's cave analogy and try to remember when I think I understand the truth. I'm just staring at the reflection of the truth flickering against the cave wall. That is, if I am lucky.
I always liked Plato's cave analogy and try to remember when I think I understand the truth. I'm just staring at the reflection of the truth flickering against the cave wall. That is, if I am lucky.
When I meditate sometimes I put on white or pink noise and I imagine that the sound is the innumerable particles and waves passing through in-between the particles that make up our structure without hitting them in most cases - they shoot right through us.
Occasionally they are absorbed, i.e. a sunburn, but others are as well.
Anyhow...after doing this for some time you start to lose your individual “self” for the time you are in trance.
I have a theory that some of these particles can “talk” or at least impart some kind of cosmic information - as some particles and waves have travelled from billions of light years away or further...perhaps that could explain why people think that people born at different times of the year have certain traits, not just in the zodiac but many cultures throughout our past.
Maybe they are getting a certain type of information at that time of year imprinted on their newly formed and empty brains...idk, just a thought to ponder.
Not sure how you would try to prove such a thing?
Also, this is part of my theory of how people can know certain things about people, such as mediums and psychics - most of whom are full of shit, but a few seem quite legit...like those that have helped the police solve cold cases and such.
But I take the stance that the brain is the receiver of the soul or spirit, not the producer of consciousness.
If I’m wrong...I will never know, so *shrug*...lol.
It just seems strange that the death experience has so many correlations between those who have died and come back to tell what they experience...even across cultures and religions and time, there are similarities that cannot be ignored or explained as of yet.
I also believe that the idea of particles becoming entangled fascinating - as both the US and China are developing working quantum radar systems, that use entangled particles shot into the air - so when they hit a plane the spin of the entangled particle back at the radar station changes instantaneously, faster than the speed of light (how is that possible? higher dimension?), no amount of stealth technology can hide a jet from this baby.
So the theory is, that the more you are around someone....those you love, your family, even your pets, the more your particles get naturally entangled...there are actual scientific papers on this - such as how a mother and baby can sync their heartbeats from something like 8 feet away, when the mother comes close enough (how the hell?), could be magnetic fields produced by the heart and brain and our body...that is what some think.
Anyway, being entangled with those you love and spend time with makes sense when you hear stories about those who somehow miraculously know that a son or daughter or parent or loved one has been seriously hurt or has died - from the other side of the world.
Twins exhibit this sharing of pain and knowing when the other is suffering or otherwise more than the average person.
On such a tiny level as the quantum plane...time is probably not the same as the time we experience...for all we know, such particles from elsewhere have all the time in the world as they pass by one another to “talk” or exchange information on some level.
Maybe become entangled, which could entangle you to a star out in space...no one really knows, it’s just my thoughts that spring forth during meditating and things I have read about and studied....lol.
Imho I think we will get to see what is making the shadows on the wall when we die.
One of the correlations that people share across near death experiences is the experience of that reality being “more real than” this reality we are in now - they describe it as being more real than any experience here on Earth...like we are usually unaware of the loss of detail and awareness of our dream state each night, so they feel they “wake up” from the dream that was this life, and see it for “so much fake fluff that it actually is”.
If not...then I will never know, so no big loss. ;)
Try that meditation...it’s kind of fun...takes your mind to interesting places.
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Here is my latest reading list and so far it is quite enjoyable.

I returned ‘Spook’ to the library unfinished and give it half a star being generous.
That is pretty hard to do when it’s a subject that I’m interested in.

Anyhow...the new books so far are great, maybe one will spark your interest and we can start a book club...lol.


Long-listed for the 2016 PEN/E. O. Wilson Literary Science Writing Award

“An important book that provides insight into key new developments in our understanding of the nature of space, time and the universe. It will repay careful study.” ―John Gribbin, The Wall Street Journal

“An endlessly surprising foray into the current mother of physics' many knotty mysteries, the solving of which may unveil the weirdness of quantum particles, black holes, and the essential unity of nature.” ―Kirkus Reviews (starred review)

What is space?
It isn't a question that most of us normally ask.

Space is the venue of physics; it's where things exist, where they move and take shape.
Yet over the past few decades, physicists have discovered a phenomenon that operates outside the confines of space and time: nonlocality-the ability of two particles to act in harmony no matter how far apart they may be.

It appears to be almost magical.
Einstein grappled with this oddity and couldn't come to terms with it, describing it as "spooky action at a distance.”

More recently, the mystery has deepened as other forms of nonlocality have been uncovered.
This strange occurrence, which has direct connections to black holes, particle collisions, and even the workings of gravity, holds the potential to undermine our most basic understandings of physical reality.

If space isn't what we thought it was, then what is it?
In Spooky Action at a Distance, George Musser sets out to answer that question, offering a provocative exploration of nonlocality and a celebration of the scientists who are trying to explain it.

Musser guides us on an epic journey into the lives of experimental physicists observing particles acting in tandem, astronomers finding galaxies that look statistically identical, and cosmologists hoping to unravel the paradoxes surrounding the big bang.

He traces the often contentious debates over nonlocality through major discoveries and disruptions of the twentieth century and shows how scientists faced with the same undisputed experimental evidence develop wildly different explanations for that evidence.

Their conclusions challenge our understanding of not only space and time but also the origins of the universe-and they suggest a new grand unified theory of physics.

Delightfully readable, Spooky Action at a Distance is a mind-bending voyage to the frontiers of modern physics that will change the way we think about reality.


This epic study unveils the esoteric masters who have covertly impacted the intellectual development of the West, from Pythagoras and Zoroaster to the little-known modern icons Jean Gebser and Schwaller de Lubicz.

Running alongside the mainstream of Western intellectual history there is another current which, in a very real sense, should take pride of place, but which for the last few centuries has occupied a shadowy, inferior position, somewhere underground.

This "other" stream forms the subject of Gary Lachman’s epic history and analysis, The Secret Teachers of the Western World.

In this clarifying, accessible, and fascinating study, the acclaimed historian explores the Western esoteric tradition – a thought movement with ancient roots and modern expressions, which, in a broad sense, regards the cosmos as a living, spiritual, meaningful being and humankind as having a unique obligation and responsibility in it.

The historical roots of our “counter tradition,” as Lachman explores, have their beginning in Alexandria around the time of Christ.
It was then that we find the first written accounts of the ancient tradition, which had earlier been passed on orally.

Here, in this remarkable city, filled with teachers, philosophers, and mystics from Egypt, Greece, Asia, and other parts of the world, in a multi-cultural, multi-faith, and pluralistic society, a synthesis took place, a creative blending of different ideas and visions, which gave the hidden tradition the eclectic character it retains today.

The history of our esoteric tradition roughly forms three parts:

Part One: After looking back at the earliest roots of the esoteric tradition in ancient Egypt and Greece, the historical narrative opens in Alexandria in the first centuries of the Christian era.

Over the following centuries, it traces our “other” tradition through such agents as the Hermeticists; Kabbalists; Gnostics; Neoplatonists; and early Church fathers, among many others.

We examine the reemergence of the lost Hermetic books in the Renaissance and their influence on the emerging modern mind.

Part Two begins with the fall of Hermeticism in the late Renaissance and the beginning of “the esoteric counterculture.”
In 1614, the same year that the Hermetic teachings fell from grace, a strange document appeared in Kassel, Germany announcing the existence of a mysterious fraternity: the Rosicrucians.

Part two charts the impact of the Rosicrucians and the esoteric currents that followed, such as the Romance movement and the European occult revival of the late nineteenth century, including Madame Blavatsky and the opening of the western mind to the wisdom of the East, and the fin-de-siècle occultism of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn.

Part Three chronicles the rise of “modern esotericism,” as seen in the influence of Rudolf Steiner, Gurdjieff, Annie Besant, Krishnamurti, Aleister Crowley, R. A Schwaller de Lubicz, and many others.

Central is the life and work of C.G. Jung, perhaps the most important figure in the development of modern spirituality.
The book looks at the occult revival of the “mystic sixties” and our own New Age, and how this itself has given birth to a more critical, rigorous investigation of the ancient wisdom.

With many detours and dead ends, we now seem to be slowly moving into a watershed.
It has become clear that the dominant, left-brain, reductionist view, once so liberating and exciting, has run out of steam, and the promise of that much-sought-after “paradigm change” seems possible.

We may be on the brink of a culminating moment of the esoteric intellectual tradition of the West.


How holographic patterns of information underlie our physical reality

• Includes myriad evidence from a wide range of cutting-edge scientific discoveries showing our Universe is an interconnected hologram of information

• Explains how consciousness is a major component of the cosmic hologram of information, making us both manifestations and co-creators of our reality

• Reconciles Quantum Mechanics and Einstein’s Theory of Relativity by showing that energy-matter and space-time are complementary expressions of information

Our understanding of the Universe is about to transform at all levels, from the tiniest Planck scale to the vast reaches of space.
Recent scientific discoveries show that the information that upholds all of our modern technologies is exactly the same as the universal in-formation that underpins, pervades, and is all we call physical reality.

Exploring how information is more fundamental than energy, matter, space, or time, Jude Currivan, Ph.D., examines the latest research across many fields of study and many scales of existence to show how our Universe is in-formed and holographically manifested.

She explains how the fractal in-formational patterns that guide behavior at the atomic level also guide the structure of galactic clusters in space.
She demonstrates how the in-formational relationships that underlie earthquakes are the same as those that play out during human conflicts.

She shows how cities grow in the same in-formational ways that galaxies evolve and how the dynamic in-formational forms that pervade ecosystems are identical to the informational structures of the Internet and our social behaviors.

Demonstrating how information is physically real, the author explores how consciousness connects us to the many interconnected layers of universal in-formation, making us both manifestations and co-creators of the cosmic hologram of reality.

She explains how Quantum Mechanics and Einstein’s Theory of Relativity can at last be reconciled if we consider energy-matter and space-time as complementary expressions of information, and she explores how the cosmic hologram underlies the true origin of species and our own evolution.

Concurring too with ancient spiritual wisdom, the author offers solid evidence that consciousness is not something we “have” but the fundamental nature of what we and the entire Universe are.

With this understanding, we can each transform our own lives and help co-create and in-form the world around us.
To go along with the reading material. ^^^^

George Musser: "Spooky Action at a Distance" | Talks at Google

In this talk "Spooky Action at a Distance: The Phenomenon That Reimagines Space and Time--and What It Means for Black Holes, the Big Bang, and Theories of Everything", George Musser sets out to answer that question, offering a provocative exploration of nonlocality and a celebration of the scientists who are trying to explain it.

He traces the often contentious debates over nonlocality through major discoveries and disruptions of the twentieth century and shows how scientists faced with the same undisputed experimental evidence develop wildly different explanations for that evidence.​
I think your ideas about particles and receiving info from them is so faciniating :hearteyes::hearteyes::hearteyes::hearteyes:

I cannot bear to think of such things for long. Tiny particles fascinate and repulse (true honest, create fear) me. The idea that the electrical fields generated by these paricles and how they connect things is what keeps everything together gives me the shivers.

I believe that "magic" is possible when people can exert influence over these tiny particles. It makes perfect sense that they would also contain information that can be accessed. I feel like if I really tried to think too hard about tiny particles that I would "fall into" studying or obsessing over them. Hence, the fear they create. They are the fire of my mind and imagination.
I think your ideas about particles and receiving info from them is so faciniating :hearteyes::hearteyes::hearteyes::hearteyes:

I cannot bear to think of such things for long. Tiny particles fascinate and repulse (true honest, create fear) me. The idea that the electrical fields generated by these paricles and how they connect things is what keeps everything together gives me the shivers.

I believe that "magic" is possible when people can exert influence over these tiny particles. It makes perfect sense that they would also contain information that can be accessed. I feel like if I really tried to think too hard about tiny particles that I would "fall into" studying or obsessing over them. Hence, the fear they create. They are the fire of my mind and imagination.

That is exactly what some people believe is taking place....that we have much more physical control/responsibility than we are consciously aware we do.
In fact my definition of “faith” is how much personal will you can exert over your environment - such as Jesus walking on water...or any number of “magic” related activity...but certain not to exclude things like healing through prayer and intention.
It is bizarre that on the quantum level there is really no separation of our particles from anything else...we’re all just vibrating at different frequencies really.
It can make one start to wonder about the things that make one up...our bigger organs like our brain, heart, liver, etc. made from muscles or other tissues, made from certain cells, made from molecules, made from atoms, made from quantum bits - where does the information that tells them all to create a person, or a tree, or anything begin?
How do they create and maintain that shape...not just shape, but life and even consciousness?
You can only go so far down as a reductionist before you run into some basic problems of physics not behaving as we currently understand it...but more and more it seems that consciousness itself is being interjected into the conversation as a co-creator of reality.
I can understand not wanting to go too far down that rabbit hole....it goes on forever.
Much love, hope you are feeling well today!
Since rooting around in my cupboard,- I finally found the book I wanted to let you know about Skarekrow. It's a good one and also has advice and techniques, as well as experiences and techno babble.

Since rooting around in my cupboard,- I finally found the book I wanted to let you know about Skarekrow. It's a good one and also has advice and techniques, as well as experiences and techno babble.

View attachment 41188
Thank you, thank you!
Ooooohhhh....found the PDF....I’ll list the link below for anyone else who might be interested!
I will add it to my list of current reading material....awesome!
How are things?
As always, let me know if I can help or lend an ear.
Much love!

Projection of the Astral Body
by Sylvan J. Muldoon


Links -


This fascinating book contains the remarkable account of Sylvan Muldoor's out of body experience,
scientifically edited by one of the world's foremost psychic researchers, Dr. Carrington.

Including both the detailed account of Muldoor's experiences and instructions on the technique of projecting the astral body,
this book is thoroughly recommended for inclusion on the bookshelf of anyone with an interest in the subject.​

Magic is the highest, most absolute, and most divine knowledge of natural philosophy, advanced in its works and wonderful operations by a right understanding of the inward and occult virtue of things;
so that true agents being applied to proper patients, strange and admirable effects will thereby be produced.

Whence magicians are profound and diligent searchers into nature;
they, because of their skill, know how to anticipate an effect,
the which to the vulgar shall seem to be a miracle.

~ The Goetia of the Lemegeton of King Solomon ~

Thank you, thank you!
Ooooohhhh....found the PDF....I’ll list the link below for anyone else who might be interested!
I will add it to my list of current reading material....awesome!
How are things?
As always, let me know if I can help or lend an ear.
Much love!

Projection of the Astral Body
by Sylvan J. Muldoon


Links -


This fascinating book contains the remarkable account of Sylvan Muldoor's out of body experience,
scientifically edited by one of the world's foremost psychic researchers, Dr. Carrington.

Including both the detailed account of Muldoor's experiences and instructions on the technique of projecting the astral body,
this book is thoroughly recommended for inclusion on the bookshelf of anyone with an interest in the subject.​
Brilliant, I am glad!!
I am well thanks. A bit done in after the long winter but trying to revive myself with exercise now the days are a bit longer. Scottish winters are severe mainly due to the lack of light! But otherwise I can't complain. I'm taking a herbal tonic too which is giving me a boost of the healthy kind. Hope life is treating you well too! I'm looking forward to coming back here and catching up on some of the talks and articles etc.
Brilliant, I am glad!!
I am well thanks. A bit done in after the long winter but trying to revive myself with exercise now the days are a bit longer. Scottish winters are severe mainly due to the lack of light! But otherwise I can't complain. I'm taking a herbal tonic too which is giving me a boost of the healthy kind. Hope life is treating you well too! I'm looking forward to coming back here and catching up on some of the talks and articles etc.

I’m hanging in there.
I think my gallbladder may be starting to act up...which is just another distraction and annoyance that eventually will end me up in surgery.
IDK, we’ll see....if I had to diagnose myself based on the pain and family history...it’s that.
Other than that....stuff isn’t too bad....the arthritic pain is still there constantly, but I have developed ways to deal.
The accompanying depression/anxiety I also have pretty much under control now, whereas before I had some very challenging days.
Been taking several herbal supplements myself since you mentioned your tonic.
Have you tried “golden milk”?
Not bad tasting...I’ll post up a recipe at the bottom for you to try should you want.

Anyhow...I take Turmeric/Curcumin (with black pepper extract to help absorption), Valerian root, Ashwagandha root, Tulsi aka Holy Basil.
Melatonin at night, and some good probiotics.
So far, so good...the Ashwagandha, and Tulsi are both Adaptogenic herbs - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adaptogen
I highly recommend them both for stress reduction and general well being.
Also take CBD oil sometimes as well.
Yes...I know about dark winters...the area of Washington state where I live gets quite a bit of rain so if you can’t hang with overcast and dark days it could be hard to live here...I however, love the rain...so I don’t care about the sun...lol.
I look forward to catching up as well.
Talk to you soon!
Much love,
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This lightly spiced drink (which is similar in flavor to chai) is packed with anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, thanks to a dose of peppery turmeric. A touch of honey adds just the right amount of sweetness, while the ginger and black pepper add a little heat.
Makes 2 cups
5 minutes
20 minutes
    • 1 cup unsweetened non-dairy milk, preferably coconut milk beverage or almond milk
    • 1 (3-inch) cinnamon stick
    • 1 (1-inch) piece turmeric, unpeeled, thinly sliced, or 1/2 teaspoon dried turmeric
    • 1 (1/2-inch) piece ginger, unpeeled, thinly sliced
    • 1 tablespoon honey
    • 1 tablespoon virgin coconut oil
    • 1/4 teaspoon whole black peppercorns
    • Ground cinnamon (for serving)
    1. Whisk coconut milk, cinnamon, turmeric, ginger, honey, coconut oil, peppercorns, and 1 cup water in a small saucepan; bring to a low boil. Reduce heat and simmer until flavors have melded, about 10 minutes. Strain through a fine-mesh sieve into mugs and top with a dash of cinnamon.
  1. Do Ahead
    1. Golden milk can be made 5 days ahead. Store in an airtight container and chill. Warm before serving.
Cooks' Note
Using fresh turmeric adds a clean, bright flavor to this drink, but dried turmeric can be substituted when fresh is not available. Keep in mind that dried turmeric will settle to the bottom of the mug, so stir well before drinking.
Here is another one...you can play around with the recipe...pretty good stuff!


Our family loves this turmeric tea recipe and it is a favorite staple in our home.
I used to mostly drink chamomile or green tea for the health benefits, but this tea with its earthy golden spice is perhaps an even more powerful (and soothing) remedy.

In fact, turmeric tea (or “golden milk” as it’s also called) has been revered since ancient times for its healing properties.

You’ve probably encountered turmeric in Indian or Asian dishes.
It is easily recognized by its bright yellow (and I mean very bright yellow!) color.

“Golden milk” is a great way to get the health benefits of turmeric even when it isn’t on the menu.
Prepared this way with warming spices like cinnamon and ginger, even my kids absolutely love the flavor.

We have this tea several times a week, depending on the time of year and what sounds good.
I love drinking this tea especially before bed because it aids relaxation and helps boost the immune system while sleeping.

Why Drink Turmeric Tea?

Turmeric tea is more than tasty…consuming turmeric (whether in tea or in curries, soups, sauces, or other cooking) supports digestion, immune function, liver function, and may even offer protection from some types of cancer.

This tea actually maximizes the natural antioxidant power of turmeric because it is served hot and is combined with other beneficial spices and a little bit of fat.

There are several variations as to how to make turmeric tea (given below), but here are the components you need to get the full benefits of turmeric: heat, the turmeric itself, some kind of fat for absorption, and a little black pepper to activate the turmeric.

Start with this base, and adjust spices and sweeteners to your satisfaction!


Turmeric Tea Recipe (How to Make Golden Milk)
prep 2 mins

cook 3 mins

total 5 mins

yield 4

Turmeric tea (also called golden milk) is a great way to get the benefits of turmeric daily.
Find out how to make this ancient health boosting drink in under 5 minutes!

  1. Blend all ingredients in a high-speed blender until smooth.
  2. Pour into a small saucepan and heat for 3-5 minutes over medium heat until hot, but not boiling.
  3. Drink immediately.
This may stain blenders and countertops.
The color will eventually fade, but making a thick paste of baking soda and water and scrubbing the stain can help.

Recipe can be halved or doubled if needed.