- Enneagram
- Warlock
Sorry I don’t really....but I see Sandie helped you so that’s good!@Skarekrow that looks good I think I'll try the first one it looks quite straightforward to prepare. I also have a nutribullet and would like to use that more but going by the recommended combination of veg, fruit and whatever else,- I ended up with something that tasted like lawn and haven't tried it again since. lol. Does anyone have any nice recipes for that?
I don’t put vegetables into my smoothies...I drink V8 juice for that...but my smoothies are just frozen fruit, kefir, and a bit of juice...I threw some beets in once and it was good...I just don’t have the willpower to buy and cook beets for smoothies and the canned shit is gross.
That is the first I have heard about it.Skarekrow, a friend of mine whose kids go to a Steiner School just told me an interesting fact. The guys (and girls?) in Silicon Valley who developed the iPhone all sent their kids to Steiner schools and never let them use an iPhone. I have no substantive facts to back this up but I guess it is a commonly known fact amongst Steiner School parents.
I know there was just a warning put out that it can lead to kids needing glasses (but reading books is just fine

Anyhow...I can’t say that I disagree with them totally...we don’t really know the long term effects that those people who bury their faces into their phone 24/7...I’m sure it can’t all be good for a developing brain.
Or do you think there is something about the phones that they aren’t telling us?
Thanks!It sounds like you are very up to scratch re health supplements, much more so than me! I'm seeing a woman who is a vibrational therapist and an intuitive and is very good, She's the one making the herbal tonic I've been going to her for a few years. I asked her what was in it and will ask her again because I accidently deleted her email:confused1: . Anyway from memory she said that it was supporting my nervous system and organ function and was anti-inflammatory and would help my body get in a relaxed (optimal state for repair, e.g. stress lowering). It's also got st johns wart in it. I can't remember the herbs she mentioned but I'm happy about what it's aiming to do!
I'm fairly healthy but aware of the things I can improve on. It just takes a bit of effort to implement doesn't it. It's good you've got through and over the anxiety and depression, I feel I'm in a similar place, although I still take the st johns wart. I was seeing therapist but she said I was doing really well and 'nothing wrong' with me so I discharged myself, lol. Sometimes I think just being in touch with what your feeling and what you need at these times can be a real help. Sometimes writing it out helps, or going for a walk ...or meditating or whatever. I'm sure the meditation is pretty much the best thing you can do as regards the chronic pain. It's a shame more people who live with chronic pain are not aware of these tools. Go well, and speak soon.
I also took a note of your supplements. One day I'll look into them properly and what they do. It's useful to benefit from these suggestions, thank you.
Yeah, they seem to help....though I stopped taking them the past few days due to the - probably gall badder younger...yes younger brother just had his out 2 months ago as well as my mom and various other family members...sigh...I really don’t wanna have surgery...but if I have stones there is really no alternative...most of the day yesterday was miserable...abdominal pain...upper right quadrant...could just be inflamed, or I could have been passing stones...I barfed once after I took a nap...then it hurt pretty bad right up till my bedtime, so I slept well and it doesn’t hurt right now, though I am weary to eat anything just yet...there is still a twinge of something going on.
I may go see the doctor today...ugh.
Another medical bill that will take years to pay off!
That sounds like an interesting tonic!
Just watch the St. John’s doesn’t have any interaction with any other meds you it is one that you shouldn’t take with SSRI’s or most anti-depressants.
If it works for you that is great!
The ashwagandha root is really great’s just a bit difficult to find other than online...though they have it at one of my local pharmacies so I don’t have to order it.
Tulsi can be hard to find also...Indian spice shops probably would be your best bet there.
Anyhow, I would be curious to see what else she puts in the tonic.
Yeah, I also saw a therapist for a while for the depression/anxiety caused by the chronic was helpful, but we reached a point where there just wasn’t anything else he could help me with - as the pain is the cause of the other two and he could only offer meditations for such things which I already did.
So I stopped seeing him and it was fine...he did help, but we ran out of pathways to explore.
Very similar to what you just described.
Glad you are doing alright!
Much love!