Happy 7000th Merkabah post everyone!!!!
Holy Crap!!


(good job @Stu)

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I find this interesting.
Let me know if you try it what it does for you and I will do the same!
(If I try it that is...looks intense)

Liber IV



According To Drunvalo Melchizedek

Beloved Son of Machiavenda Melchizedek

The Sublime Teaching on Spherical Breathing


Like the sun, we must breathe,
radiating out to all life.
And from all life we will receive our manna.

Begin by creating a place in your home that is used only for this meditation.
Make a space where no one will walk through or disturb you, possibly in your bedroom.

A small altar with a candle and a cushion or pillow to sit upon may be helpful.
Make this place holy.

It is here that you will learn to create the MerKaBa around your body and make conscious contact with your higher self.

Once each day, enter into this meditation, until the time comes when you are a conscious breather, remembering with each breath your intimate connection with God.

To begin the meditation, first sit down and relax.
Let the worries of the day go.

Breathe rhythmically and shallow.
Be aware of your breath and relax.

When you feel the tension begin to fade, begin to open your heart.
Feel Love.

Feel Love for all life everywhere.
Continue to breathe rhythmically, being aware of your breath, and feel the Love moving through your spirit.

When the FEELING of love is in your beingness, you are ready to begin to move towards the experience to the MerKaBa.
Without this Love, no amount of knwoledge will create the MerKaBa.

To the degree you are able to Love, will be the degree you will be able to experience the MerKaBa.

The following is an overview of the meditation to reach the MerKaBa.
There are seventeen breaths to reach completion.

The first six are for balancing of the polarities within your eight electical circuits and also for the cleansing of these circuits.
The next seven, which are quite different, are to reestablish the proper pranic flow through your body, and to recreate Spherical Breathing within your body.

The fourteenth breath is unique unto itself.
It changes the balance of pranic energy within your body from third dimensional to fourth dimensional awareness.

The last three breaths recreate the rotating fields of the MerKaBa within and around your body.

The following instructions will be broken down into four areas: Heart, Mind, Body and Breath.

First Breath


  • Heart: Open your heart and feel love for all life. If you cannot do this, you must at least open to this love as much as is possible for you. This is the most important instruction of all.

  • Mind: Become aware of the male tetrahedron (the apex facing up to thge sun, the point facing to the front for male, the point to the back for females) filled with the brilliant white light surrounding your body. Visualize it the best you can. If you cannot visualize it, sense or feel it surrounding you.

  • Body: At the same moment of inhalation, place your hands in the mudra of your thumb and first finger touching. Remember, lightly touch your fingers, and do not allow your fingers to touch each other or any other object. Keep your palms facing up.

  • Breath: At this same moment, with empty lungs, begin to breathe in a complete yogic manner. Breathe through your nostrils only, except at certain places which will be described. Simply put, breathe from your stomach first, then your diaphragm, and finally your chest. Do this in one movement, not three parts. The exhale is completed either by holding the chest firm and relaxing the stomach, slowly releasing the air, or by holding the stomach firm and relaxing the chest. The most important aspect is that this breathing must be rhythmic. Begin by using seven seconds in and seven seconds out, but as you get familiar with this meditation, find your own rhythm. The following instructions for a complete Yogic Breath are from "the Hindu-Yogi Science of Breath" by Yogi Ramacharake. Perhaps this description will be helpful.
Breathing through the nostrils, inhale steadily, first filling the lower part of the lungs, which is accomplished by bringing into play the diaphragm, which descending exerts a gentle pressure on the abdominal organs, pushing forward the front walls of the abdomen.

Then fill the middle part of the lungs, pushing out the lower ribs, breastbone and chest.
Then fill the higher portion of the lungs, protruding the upper chest, thus lifting the chest, including the upper six or even pairs of ribs.

At first reading it may appear that this breath consists of three distinct movements.
This, however, is not the correct idea.

The inhalation is continuous, the entire chest cavity from the lowered diaphragm to the highest point of the chest in the region of the collar bone, being expanded with a uniform movement.

Avoid a jerky series of inhalations, and strive to attain a steady continuous action.
Practice will soon overcome the tendency to divide the inhalation into three movements, and will result in a uniform continuous breath.

You will be able to complete the inhalation in a few seconds after a little practice.

Exhale quite slowly, holding the chest in a firm position, and drawing the abdomen in a little and lifting it upward as the air leaves the lungs.
When the air is entirely exhaled, relax the chest and abdomen.

A little practice will render this part of the exercise easy, and the movement once acquired will be afterward performed almost automatically.


  • Heart: Love

  • Mind: Become aware of the female tetrahedron, (apex pointing to the earth, point facing to the back for males, point facing to the front for females), also filled with the brilliant white light.

  • Body: Keep the same mudra.

  • Breath: Do NOT hesitate at the top of the inhalation to begin the exhalation. Exhale quite slowly, approximately seven seconds, in the Yogic manner. When the air is out of the lungs, without forcing, relax the chest and abdomen and HOLD the breath. When you feel pressure to breathe again, after about five seconds or so, then do the following:

  • Mind: Be aware of the flat equilateral triangle at the top of the female tetrahedron located in the horizontal plane that passes through your chest at the sternum. In a flash, and with a pulse like energy, send that triangular plane down through the female tetrahedron. It gets smaller as it goes down and pushes out the tip or apex of the tetrahedron all the negative energy of the mudra or electrical circuit, a light will shoot out of the apex toward the center of the Earth. The Mind exercise is performed along with the following body movements.

  • Body: Move your eyes slightly toward each other, or, in other words, slightly cross your eyes. Now bring them up to the top of their sockets, or in other words, look up. Also, this looking up motion should not be extreme. You will feel a tingling feeling between your eyes in the area of your third eye. You can now look down to the lowest point you can, as fast as you can. You should feel an electrical sensation move down your spine. The mind and body must coordinate the above mental exercise with the eye movements. The eyes look down from their up position at the same time the mind sees the triangular horizontal plane of the female tetrahedron move down to the apex of the female tetrahedron. This combined exercise will clean out the negative thoughts and feelings that have entered into your electrical system. Specifically, it will clean out the part of your electrical system that is associated with the particular mudra you are using. Immediately upon pulsing the energy down your spine, you change mudras to the next one and begin the entire cycle over again.
The next five breaths are a repeat of the first breath with the following mudra changes:

Breath Mudra

2nd Thumb and second finger together

3rd Thumb and third finger together

4th Thumb and little finger together

5th Thumb and first finger together (same as 1st)

6th Thumb and second finger together (same as 2nd)

The first part; the first six breaths, the balancing of the polarities, and the cleansing of your electrical system is now complete.
You are now ready for the next part; the next seven breaths.

Here an entirely new breathing pattern begins.
You do not need to visualize the star tetrahedron at this time.

Only the tube that runs through the star, from the apex of the male tetrahedron above your head to the apex of the female tetrahedron below your feet, needs to be seen and worked with.

This extends one hand length above your head and one hand length below your feet.
The diameter of YOUR tube will be the size of the hole formed by YOUR thumb and forefinger touching.

Seventh Breath


  • Heart: Love. There is another refinement here that can be used after you have perfected this meditation. It will be discussed in class.

  • Mind: Visualize or sense the tube running through your body. The instant you begin the seventh inhale, see the brilliant white light of the prana moving down the tube from the top and up the tube from the bottom at the same time. This movement is almost instantaneous. The point where these two light beams meet within your body is controlled by the mind and is a vast science known throughout the universe. In this teaching however, we will only be shown what is necessary, that which will take you from third to fourth dimensional awareness. In this case you will direct the two beams of prana to meet at your navel, or more correct, within your body at navel level, inside the tube. The moment the two beams of prana meet, which is just as the inhale begins, a sphere of white light or prana is formed at the meeting point about the size of a grapefruit centered on the tube. It all happens in an instant. As you continue to take the inhale of the seventh breath, the sphere of prana begins to concentrate and grow slowly.

  • Body: For the next seven breaths use the same mudra for both inhale and exhale, the thumb, first and second touching together palms up.

  • Breath: Deep rhythmic Yogic breathing, seven seconds in and seven seconds out. There is no holding of the breath from now on. The flow of prana from the two poles will not stop or change in any way when you go from inhale to exhale. It will be a continuous flow that will not stop for a long as you breath in this manner, even after death.

  • Mind: The prana sphere centered at the navel continues to grow. By the time of the full exhale, the prana sphere will be approximately eight or nine inches in diameter.

  • Breath: Do not force the air out of your lungs. When your lungs are empty naturally, immediately begin the next breath.

Eighth Breath


  • Heart: Love.

  • Mind: The prana sphere continues to concentrate life force energy and grow in size.

  • Mind: The prana sphere continues to grow in size and will reach maximum size at the end of this breath. This maximum size is different for each person. If you put your longest finger in the center of your navel, the line on your wrist defining your hand will show you the radius of the maximum size of this sphere for YOU. This sphere of prana cannot grow larger.

Ninth Breath


  • Mind: The prana sphere cannot grow larger, so what happens is the prana begins to concentrate within the sphere. The visual appearance is that the sphere grows BRIGHTER.

  • Breath: Sphere grows brighter and brighter as you inhale.

  • Breath: As you exhale, the sphere continues to grow brighter and brighter.

Tenth Breath


  • Mind: About half way through this inhale, as the sphere continues to grow brighter, the prana sphere reaches critical mass. The sphere ignites into a sun, a brilliant blinding ball of white light. You are now ready for the next step.

  • Mind: At the moment of exhale, the small sphere two hand lengths in diameter bulges to expand. In one second, combined with the breath talked about below, the sphere expands quickly out to the sphere of Leonardo, out at your finger tips of your extended arms. Your body is now completely enclosed within a huge sphere of brilliant white light. You have returned to the ancient form of spherical breathing. However, at this point, this sphere is not stable. You MUST breath three more times to keep the sphere stable.

  • Breath: At the moment of exhale, make a small hole with your lips and blow out your air with pressure. As you feel the sphere begin to bulge, all within the first second of this exhale, let all of your air out rapidly. The sphere will expand at that moment.

11th, 12th & 13th Breaths

Inhale & Exhale

  • Mind: Relax and just feel the flow of the prana flowing from the two poles and meeting at the navel and then expanding out to the large sphere.

  • Breath: Breath rhythmically and deep. At the end of the thirteenth breath you have stabilized the large sphere and are ready for the important 14th breath.

Fourteenth Breath

Inhale & Exhale

  • Heart: Love

  • Mind: On the inhale of the 14th breath, at the very beginning of the breath, move the point where the two beams of prana meet from the navel to the sternum, the fourth dimensional chakra. The entire large sphere, along with the original sphere, which is also still contained within the large sphere, moves up to the new meeting point within the tube. Though this is very easy to do, it is an extremely powerful movement. Breathing from this new point within the tube will inevitably change your awareness from third to fourth dimensional consciousness, or from earth consciousness to Christ consciousness. It will take awhile, but as I have said, it is inevitable.

  • Body: This mudra will be used for the rest of the meditation. Place the left palm on top of the right palm for males and the right palm on top of the left palm for females. It is a mudra that relaxes.

  • Breath: Rhythmic breath and deep. However, if you continue to breathe from your Christ center without moving on to the MerKaBa, which is what is recommended until you have made contact with your Higher Self, then shift to a shallow breath. In other words, breath rhythmically but in a comfortable manner where your attention is more on the flow of energy moving up and down the tube meeting at the sternum and expanding out to the large sphere. Just feel the flow. Use your feminine side to just be. At this point don't think, just breath, feel and be. Feel your connection to All Life through the Christ Breath. Remember your intimate connection with God.

The MerKaBa:
The Vehicle Of Ascension
The Last Three Breaths

You are asked not to attempt this FOURTH PART until you have made contact with your Higher Self, AND your Higher Self has given you permission to proceed.

This part is to be taken seriously.
The energies that will come into and around your body and spirit are of tremendous power.

If you are not ready, you could hurt yourself.

If your Higher Self gives you permission to enter into the MerKaBa, then don't fear, for you will be ready.

Fifteenth Breath


  • Heart: Love

  • Mind: Be aware of the whole star tetrahedron. Realize that there are three whole star tetrahedrons superimposed over each other. One is the body itself, and is locked in place and never, except under certain conditions, moves. It is placed around the body according to maleness or femaleness. The second whole star tetrahedron is male in nature, it is electrical, is literally the human mind and rotates counter-clockwise relative to your body looking out, or to put it another way, it rotates toward your left side. The third whole star tetrahedron is female in nature, is magnetic, is literally the human emotional body and rotates clockwise relative to your body looking out, or to put it another way, it rotates toward your right side.

    To be clear, we are not telling you to rotate the male tetrahedron one way and the female the other way. When we say rotate the whole star tetrahedron, we mean the whole thing.

    On the inhale of the fifteenth breath, as you are inhaling, you will say to yourself, in your head, the code words, EQUAL SPEED. This will tell your mind that you want the two rotatable whole star tetrahedrons to begin spinning in opposite directions at equal speeds at the time of the exhale. Meaning that for every complete rotation of the mind tetrahedrons, there will be a complete rotation of the emotional tetrahedrons.

  • Body: Continue the mudra of the folded hands from now on.

  • Breath: Breath Yogic and rhythmically an deeply again, but only for the next three breaths, after that return to the shallow breathing.

  • Mind: The two sets of tetrahedrons take off spinning. In an instant, they will be moving at exactly one third the speed of light at their outer tips. You probably will not be able to see this because of their tremendous speed, but you can feel it. What you have just done is to start the MOTOR of the MerKaBa. You will not go anywhere, or have an experience. It is just like starting the motor of a car, but having the transmission in neutral.
    Breath: Make a small hole with your lips just like you did for breath Number Ten. Blow out in the same manner, and as you do, feel the two sets of tetrahedrons take off spinning.

Sixteenth Breath


  • Mind: This is the most amazing breath. On the inhale, as you are inhaling, say to yourself, in your head, THIRTY-FOUR - TWENTY-ONE. This is the code to your mind to spin the two sets of tetrahedrons at a ratio of 34-21. Meaning the Mind tetrahedrons spinning to the left will go around 34 times while the emotional tetrahedrons spinning to the right will go around 21 times. As the two sets speed up the ratio will remain constant.

  • Breath: Breathe rhythmically and Yogic.

  • Mind: As you let out the breath, the two sets of tetrahedrons take off from their one third speed of light setting to two third speed of light in an instant. As they approach two thirds speed of light a phenomena takes place. A disk about 55 feet in diameter forms around the body at the level of the base of the spine. And the sphere of energy that is centered around the two sets of tetrahedrons forms with the disk to create a shape that looks like a FLYING SAUCER around the body. This energy matrix is called the MerKaBa. However, it is not stable. If you see or sense the MerKaBa around you at this point, you will know it to be unstable. It will be slowly wobbling. Therefore Breath Number Seventeen is necessary.

  • Breath: Same as breath 15; make a small hole in your lips, and blow out with pressure. It is at this point that the speeds increases. As you feel the speed increasing, let out all your breath with force. This action will cause the higher speed to be fully obtained and the MerKaBa to be formed.

Seventeenth Breath


  • Heart: Remember, unconditional love for all life must be felt throughout all of this meditation or no results will be realized.

  • Mind: As you breathe in, say to yourself, in your head, the code NINE TENTHS THE SPEED OF LIGHT. This code will tell your mind to increase the speed of the MerKaBa to nine tenths the speed of light which will stabilize the rotating field of energy. It will also do something else. This third dimensional universe that we live in is tuned to 9/10 the speed of light. Every electron in your body is rotating around every atom in your body at 9/10 the speed of light. This is the reason this particular speed is selected.

  • Breath: Breathe rhythmically and in a Yogic manner.

  • Mind: The speed increases to 9/10 the speed of light and stabilizes the MerKaBa.

  • Breath: Same as breath 15 and 16, make a small hole in your lips, and blow out with pressure. As you feel the speed take off, let all your breath out with force. You are now in your stable and Third dimensionally tuned MerKaBa. With the help of your Higher Self, you will understand what this really means.

Eighteenth Breath

This very special breath will not be taught here.
You must receive it from Your Higher Self.

It is the breath that will take you through the speed of light into the fourth dimension.
You will disappear from this world and reappear in another one that will be your new home for awhile.

This is not the end, but the beginning of an ever expanding consciousness returning you HOME to your FATHER.

If you share this information with others, please make sure they have all the knowledge leading to this understanding.
If they cannot get to a workshop, then let them see the videos of this workshop.

If they cannot do that, then at least lead them through with the photographs.
If I can be of help in any way, or if there is anything that is not clear, please give me a call or write.

In love and light I release this meditation from the veil of secrecy to reside in the light.

In love and Service,

PO BOX 1753
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Makes sense to me.

by Arjun Walia

"The day science begins to study

non-physical phenomena,

it will make more progress in one decade

than in all the previous centuries of its existence."

Nikola Tesla

A group of internationally recognized scientists have come together to stress the importance of what is still commonly overlooked in the mainstream scientific community - the fact that matter (protons, electrons, photons, anything that has a mass) is not the only reality.

We wish to understand the nature of our reality, but,

  • How can we do so if we are continually examining only physical systems?

  • What about the role of non-physical systems, such as consciousness, or their interaction with physical systems (matter)?
Fortunately, some scientists are studying non-physical systems, and the double slit experiment is a great example of this.

You can read more about that here.

A paper (Consciousness and the Double-Slit Interference Pattern - Six Experiments) published by Dean Radin, PhD, in the peer-reviewed journal Physics Essays, explains how this experiment has been used multiple times to explore the role of consciousness in shaping the nature of physical reality.

"Despite the unrivaled empirical success of quantum theory,
the very suggestion that it may be literally true as a description of nature is still greeted with cynicism,
incomprehension and even anger."

T. Folger, "Quantum Shmantum"; Discover 22:37-43, 2001

Just to reiterate, at the turn of the nineteenth century, physicists started to explore the relationship between energy and the structure of matter.

In doing so, the belief that a physical, Newtonian material universe that was at the very heart of scientific knowing was dropped, and the realization that matter is nothing but an illusion replaced it.

Scientists began to recognize that everything in the Universe is made out of energy.

This has been known in the scientific community for more than one hundred years.

"I regard consciousness as fundamental.
I regard matter as derivative from consciousness.
We cannot get behind consciousness.
Everything that we talk about, everything that we regard as existing, postulating consciousness."

Max Planck, theoretical physicist who originated quantum theory, which won him the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1918.

We are talking about what is known as post-materialist science, and the points made below summarize the problem with not recognizing, acknowledging, and examining phenomena that go past the borders of the physical material world.

These points were co-authored by,

  • Dr. Gary Schwartz, professor of psychology, medicine, neurology, psychiatry, and surgery at the University of Arizona

  • Mario Beauregard, PhD, from the University of Arizona

  • Lisa Miller, PhD, from Columbia University
It was presented at an international summit on post-materialist science, spirituality, and society.

They (and hundreds of other scientists) have come to the following conclusions:

  1. The modern scientific worldview is predominantly predicated on assumptions that are closely associated with classical physics. Materialism - the idea that matter is the only reality - is one of these assumptions.

    A related assumption is reductionism, the notion that complex things can be understood by reducing them to the interactions of their parts, or to simpler or more fundamental things such as tiny material particles.

  2. During the 19th century, these assumptions narrowed, turned into dogmas, and coalesced into an ideological belief system that came to be known as "scientific materialism."

    This belief system implies that the mind is nothing but the physical activity of the brain, and that our thoughts cannot have any effect upon our brains and bodies, our actions, and the physical world.

  3. The ideology of scientific materialism became dominant in academia during the 20th century. So dominant that a majority of scientists started to believe that it was based on established empirical evidence, and represented the only rational view of the world.

  4. Scientific methods based upon materialistic philosophy have been highly successful in not only increasing our understanding of nature but also in bringing greater control and freedom through advances in technology.

  5. However, the nearly absolute dominance of materialism in the academic world has seriously constricted the sciences and hampered the development of the scientific study of mind and spirituality.

    Faith in this ideology, as an exclusive explanatory framework for reality, has compelled scientists to neglect the subjective dimension of human experience. This has led to a severely distorted and impoverished understanding of ourselves and our place in nature.

  6. Science is first and foremost a non-dogmatic, open-minded method of acquiring knowledge about nature through the observation, experimental investigation, and theoretical explanation of phenomena. Its methodology is not synonymous with materialism and should not be committed to any particular beliefs, dogmas, or ideologies.

  7. At the end of the nineteenth century, physicists discovered empirical phenomena that could not be explained by classical physics.

    This led to the development, during the 1920s and early 1930s, of a revolutionary new branch of physics called quantum mechanics (QM). QM has questioned the material foundations of the world by showing that atoms and subatomic particles are not really solid objects - they do not exist with certainty at definite spatial locations and definite times.

    Most importantly, QM explicitly introduced the mind into its basic conceptual structure since it was found that particles being observed and the observer - the physicist and the method used for observation - are linked.

    According to one interpretation of QM, this phenomenon implies that the consciousness of the observer is vital to the existence of the physical events being observed, and that mental events can affect the physical world. The results of recent experiments support this interpretation.

    These results suggest that the physical world is no longer the primary or sole component of reality, and that it cannot be fully understood without making reference to the mind.

  8. Psychological studies have shown that conscious mental activity can causally influence behavior, and that the explanatory and predictive value of agentic factors (e.g. beliefs, goals, desires and expectations) is very high.

    Moreover, research in psychoneuroimmunology indicates that our thoughts and emotions can markedly affect the activity of the physiological systems (e.g., immune, endocrine, cardiovascular) connected to the brain.

    In other respects, neuroimaging studies of emotional self-regulation, psychotherapy, and the placebo effect demonstrate that mental events significantly influence the activity of the brain.

  9. Studies of the so-called "psi phenomena" indicate that we can sometimes receive meaningful information without the use of ordinary senses, and in ways that transcend the habitual space and time constraints.

    Furthermore, psi research demonstrates that we can mentally influence - at a distance - physical devices and living organisms (including other human beings).

    Psi research also shows that distant minds may behave in ways that are non-locally correlated, i.e. the correlations between distant minds are hypothesized to be unmediated (they are not linked to any known energetic signal), unmitigated (they do not degrade with increasing distance), and immediate (they appear to be simultaneous).

    These events are so common that they cannot be viewed as anomalous nor as exceptions to natural laws, but as indications of the need for a broader explanatory framework that cannot be predicated exclusively on materialism.

  10. Conscious mental activity can be experienced in clinical death during a cardiac arrest (this is what has been called a "near-death experience" - NDE).

    Some near-death experiencers (NDErs) have reported veridical out-of-body perceptions (i.e. perceptions that can be proven to coincide with reality) that occurred during cardiac arrest. NDErs also report profound spiritual experiences during NDEs triggered by cardiac arrest.

    It is noteworthy that the electrical activity of the brain ceases within a few seconds following a cardiac arrest.

  11. Controlled laboratory experiments have documented that skilled research mediums (people who claim that they can communicate with the minds of people who have physically died) can sometimes obtain highly accurate information about deceased individuals.

    This further supports the conclusion that mind can exist separate from the brain.

  12. Some materialistically inclined scientists and philosophers refuse to acknowledge these phenomena because they are not consistent with their exclusive conception of the world.

    Rejection of post-materialist investigation of nature or refusal to publish strong science findings supporting a post-materialist framework are antithetical to the true spirit of scientific inquiry, which is that empirical data must always be adequately dealt with.

    Data which do not fit favored theories and beliefs cannot be dismissed a priori. Such dismissal is the realm of ideology, not science.

  13. It is important to realize that psi phenomena, NDEs in cardiac arrest, and replicable evidence from credible research mediums, appear anomalous only when seen through the lens of materialism.

  14. Moreover, materialist theories fail to elucidate how brain could generate the mind, and they are unable to account for the empirical evidence alluded to in this manifesto.

    This failure tells us that it is now time to free ourselves from the shackles and blinders of the old materialist ideology, to enlarge our concept of the natural world, and to embrace a post-materialist paradigm.

  15. According to the post-materialist paradigm:
    1. Mind represents an aspect of reality as primordial as the physical world. Mind is fundamental in the universe, i.e. it cannot be derived from matter and reduced to anything more basic.

    2. There is a deep interconnectedness between mind and the physical world.

    3. Mind (will/intention) can influence the state of the physical world, and operate in a nonlocal (or extended) fashion, i.e. it is not confined to specific points in space, such as brains and bodies, nor to specific points in time, such as the present. Since the mind may non-locally influence the physical world, the intentions, emotions, and desires of an experimenter may not be completely isolated from experimental outcomes, even in controlled and blinded experimental designs.

    4. Minds are apparently unbounded, and may unite in ways suggesting a unitary, One Mind that includes all individual, single minds.

    5. NDEs in cardiac arrest suggest that the brain acts as a transceiver of mental activity, i.e. the mind can work through the brain, but is not produced by it. NDEs occurring in cardiac arrest, coupled with evidence from research mediums, further suggest the survival of consciousness, following bodily death, and the existence of other levels of reality that are non-physical.

    6. Scientists should not be afraid to investigate spirituality and spiritual experiences since they represent a central aspect of human existence.

  16. Post-materialist science does not reject the empirical observations and great value of scientific achievements realized up until now.

    It seeks to expand the human capacity to better understand the wonders of nature, and in the process rediscover the importance of mind and spirit as being part of the core fabric of the universe.

    Post-materialism is inclusive of matter, which is seen as a basic constituent of the universe.

  17. The post-materialist paradigm has far-reaching implications. It fundamentally alters the vision we have of ourselves, giving us back our dignity and power, as humans and as scientists.

    This paradigm fosters positive values such as compassion, respect, and peace. By emphasizing a deep connection between ourselves and nature at large, the post-materialist paradigm also promotes environmental awareness and the preservation of our biosphere.

    In addition, it is not new, but only forgotten for four hundred years, that a lived transmaterial understanding may be the cornerstone of health and wellness, as it has been held and preserved in ancient mind-body-spirit practices, religious traditions, and contemplative approaches.

  18. The shift from materialist science to post-materialist science may be of vital importance to the evolution of the human civilization. It may be even more pivotal than the transition from geocentrism to heliocentrism.

* This Manifesto for a Post-Materialist Science was prepared by Mario Beauregard, PhD (University of Arizona), Gary E. Schwartz, PhD (University of Arizona), and Lisa Miller, PhD (Columbia University), in collaboration with Larry Dossey, MD, Alexander Moreira-Almeida, MD, PhD, Marilyn Schlitz, PhD, Rupert Sheldrake, PhD, and Charles Tart, PhD.

** For further information, please contact Dr Mario Beauregard, Laboratory for Advances in Consciousness and Health, Department of Psychology, University of Arizona, Tucson, USA. Email:

*** The Summary Report of the International Summit on Post-Materialist Science, Spirituality and Society can be downloaded here: International Summit on Post-Materialist Science: Summary Report (PDF).

If you have never read this manifesto, I suggest giving it a read. - Skarekrow


Link - Manifesto for a Post-Materialist Science

Well good news...not liver or biliary cancer...yea!
Bad news, but still better than cancer are the gallstones that are present (but at least it explains the pain and symptoms).
I’m supposed to have a surgical consult on Monday unless it acts up - then I am to take my happy ass to the ER ASAP.
How much acting up am I supposed to have?
Anyhow...the stress of not knowing is gone, which is nice.
Feeling very tired lately, and not looking forward to the subsequent tests, surgery, recovery, and hospital bills.
But at least it’s able to be fixed, so that’s a plus.
Oh boy...can’t wait to be stabbed with trocars and inflated, fun times.
Not sure what they are going to do for pain control...I probably will just have to suck it up when I get home.
I feel some hardcore meditating will be in order! ;)
Much love!
That is a relief @Skarekrow even though there are still some challenges in the weeks ahead. This stuff goes in waves, I hope for a speedy return to some equilibrium for you!
That is a relief @Skarekrow even though there are still some challenges in the weeks ahead. This stuff goes in waves, I hope for a speedy return to some equilibrium for you!

Those bastards made me wait almost a week before finding
No one is ever in a rush unless it’s someone they know or themselves I guess? ;)

Yes...I ain’t skerd...I’ve assisted thousands of these surgeries’s rare that there is a situation that warrants an emergency, and I don’t think I have ever brought back anyone but one person in 12 years into surgery who had one done for physical complications or bleeding.
I found out that the Surgeon whom I was hoping to request is actually the one that was already assigned to me for my Monday consult, so that is pretty sweet...I feel confident in him, having done many of these with him (it’s amazing how many gallbladders we used to do, at least 3-4 if not more per day - you would think the city would run out, but we kept getting them daily!).
That is one know who is good and who to avoid.
I going to ask him to take it out ASAP.
The worst that could happen is they could cut the common bile duct instead of the cystic bile duct...but it’s not hard to determine which is which usually.
First they will stick an insulation needle in me and blow me up a bit with CO2...then they stab a 10-12mm trocar usually under the bellybutton...this is the port for the camera (until you take out the gallbladder then you switch to a 5mm lens and move to the upper port).
The lens is either 30 or 45 degrees giving you the ability to change angles and get into some tight spots.
(We had several new flexible super-HD $100,000 cameras we just started to use when I left, so we’ll see)
There is an upper port...usually 5mm, sometimes they use a 10, but less and less frequently as the years went by.
Then two 5mm ports running down my right a total (if it all goes well) of 4 stab wounds...the damn 10mm hurts the least when I had a hernia repair done in 2001.
Besides that, it’s the gas that is painful...they try to get out as much as possible but there is still some left will travel up to the highest up into your shoulders, upper ribs, neck even...and until it’s resorbed, it can hurt like a MF.
Generally you dissect a small upside down triangle of tissue around the base of the gallbladder.
You find the cystic duct first, with the cystic artery running through the space behind that, and the CBD is behind that which you DO NOT want to touch or cut - very very bad...immediate opening of the surgery and some serious lengthy repair work (never seen anyone do it thankfully).
The guy I got trains other surgeons, I have no doubt he will cut the right duct. ;)
Anyhow they place titanium clips two or more above and below where you cut...if they shoot X-rays to check for stones down the rest of the remaining cystic duct then they run a tiny little tube you can inject dye through and you grab it with a special clamp or some put on a temp clip...shoot X-rays, look for stones...if there are stones, you have to go back in a day or two and get an ERCP - scope through your mouth, not cool.
Then they cut the artery...the whole time there are two graspers working through the side port, one to grab the bulk of the gallbladder and lift it up to expose it under the liver and the ducts you need to get to...and the other to provide counter-torque while they dissect which is done through the top port, just below the ribcage midline around the falciform ligament (which mostly just a curtain of fat that hangs down and gets in the
Anyhow...once they cut they take the electrocautery and start to burn/peal from bottom up (unless it’s rotting, yes it happens), until the bastard is off.
They have a bag they put it in and pull in out the 10-12mm port...which sometimes isn’t big enough and they have to cut down more...ugh.
That go back and rinse it all out...check for bleeders...check the liver bed where the gallbladder was...make sure the cystic artery is not leaking or the clips have not come off (which makes it spray like a super-soaker and it always gets on the damn camera lens haha)...they rinse it out, over and under and along side the liver - any blood, clots, any bile that may have spilled out....sometimes the GB tears and then you have stones and bile everywhere, but it’s still fine...they scoop them out and flush them out.
Sew up the ports...done.
Some docs use 3 ports, but it always makes it more difficult without that 4th one...a stab is a stab...if I remember correctly this surgeon doesn’t use bladed trocars...not that one probably hurts less than the are still tearing through muscle and fascia, etc.
Takes about 30-45 mins from skin to takes longer to pre-op and post-op than the surgery itself usually takes.
(Man sometimes I miss doing that shit...I was really good at it!)
I’ll try to get some pictures for everyone!
Hopefully, I’ll get them to give me some stones anyhow...some are quite interesting...they vary in size, shape and color...some are quite beautiful and some are
I can imagine they might hold some energetic/mystical value...I’ll have to look it up.
They will have to send the majority to the lab though...I apparently am FULL of stones.
(Better than being full of shit)
It will take 3-4 days before I can get up and move around worth a shit...a week before I am cool to drive and such probably.

However, once this is done I will be able to start that new medication for my arthritis - Cimzia.
Can’t do it now with pissed off liver enzymes and pending surgery.
But that was something I found out recently too...I could never afford it was too much at the pharmacy to get there.
It’s one of those biologic self-injectables for in order to afford it, I worked out a deal with my Doctor and the insurance where I will come in once a month and nurse at the office with double up my injection (twice a month, given at once, doctors assures me it’s I don’t have to come back twice a month).
That changes the medication from being covered under pharmaceuticals to being under medical - it will literally save me tens of thousands of dollars per year - isn’t that crazy BS?
So that is exciting for me...when I first started Enbrel at age 28 (which is a precursor to this medication) it was like night and day as far as my pain and stiffness was concerned...however, I am weary of the side effects as these are the meds they advertise on TV that have side-effects like lymphoma, new or worsening heart failure, death, etc.

Feeling good in spite of all this shit though.
I’m hungry (cause I can’t eat normally - it will set off the GB), but I can deal.
Just very tired lately...probably from being hungry and my body being uber-stressed.

(Oh look, my bird feeders are covered in a swarm of Bush Tits...just like this picture)
220px-Bushtits_Salem_OR.JPG goes on.

That's wonderful news! Please let me know if there's anything I can do. All my love to you and yours! ❤
Thank you kindly!
And thank you as always for all the likes you spam me with from time to!
Just feeling worn out, tired, headaches, etc.
Gotta really watch what I eat, which is already it’ll be good to get rid of it and go back to eating lots of tasty things!
Much love!
Those bastards made me wait almost a week before finding
No one is ever in a rush unless it’s someone they know or themselves I guess? ;)

Yes...I ain’t skerd...I’ve assisted thousands of these surgeries’s rare that there is a situation that warrants an emergency, and I don’t think I have ever brought back anyone but one person in 12 years into surgery who had one done for physical complications or bleeding.
I found out that the Surgeon whom I was hoping to request is actually the one that was already assigned to me for my Monday consult, so that is pretty sweet...I feel confident in him, having done many of these with him (it’s amazing how many gallbladders we used to do, at least 3-4 if not more per day - you would think the city would run out, but we kept getting them daily!).
That is one know who is good and who to avoid.
I going to ask him to take it out ASAP.
The worst that could happen is they could cut the common bile duct instead of the cystic bile duct...but it’s not hard to determine which is which usually.
First they will stick an insulation needle in me and blow me up a bit with CO2...then they stab a 10-12mm trocar usually under the bellybutton...this is the port for the camera (until you take out the gallbladder then you switch to a 5mm lens and move to the upper port).
The lens is either 30 or 45 degrees giving you the ability to change angles and get into some tight spots.
(We had several new flexible super-HD $100,000 cameras we just started to use when I left, so we’ll see)
There is an upper port...usually 5mm, sometimes they use a 10, but less and less frequently as the years went by.
Then two 5mm ports running down my right a total (if it all goes well) of 4 stab wounds...the damn 10mm hurts the least when I had a hernia repair done in 2001.
Besides that, it’s the gas that is painful...they try to get out as much as possible but there is still some left will travel up to the highest up into your shoulders, upper ribs, neck even...and until it’s resorbed, it can hurt like a MF.
Generally you dissect a small upside down triangle of tissue around the base of the gallbladder.
You find the cystic duct first, with the cystic artery running through the space behind that, and the CBD is behind that which you DO NOT want to touch or cut - very very bad...immediate opening of the surgery and some serious lengthy repair work (never seen anyone do it thankfully).
The guy I got trains other surgeons, I have no doubt he will cut the right duct. ;)
Anyhow they place titanium clips two or more above and below where you cut...if they shoot X-rays to check for stones down the rest of the remaining cystic duct then they run a tiny little tube you can inject dye through and you grab it with a special clamp or some put on a temp clip...shoot X-rays, look for stones...if there are stones, you have to go back in a day or two and get an ERCP - scope through your mouth, not cool.
Then they cut the artery...the whole time there are two graspers working through the side port, one to grab the bulk of the gallbladder and lift it up to expose it under the liver and the ducts you need to get to...and the other to provide counter-torque while they dissect which is done through the top port, just below the ribcage midline around the falciform ligament (which mostly just a curtain of fat that hangs down and gets in the
Anyhow...once they cut they take the electrocautery and start to burn/peal from bottom up (unless it’s rotting, yes it happens), until the bastard is off.
They have a bag they put it in and pull in out the 10-12mm port...which sometimes isn’t big enough and they have to cut down more...ugh.
That go back and rinse it all out...check for bleeders...check the liver bed where the gallbladder was...make sure the cystic artery is not leaking or the clips have not come off (which makes it spray like a super-soaker and it always gets on the damn camera lens haha)...they rinse it out, over and under and along side the liver - any blood, clots, any bile that may have spilled out....sometimes the GB tears and then you have stones and bile everywhere, but it’s still fine...they scoop them out and flush them out.
Sew up the ports...done.
Some docs use 3 ports, but it always makes it more difficult without that 4th one...a stab is a stab...if I remember correctly this surgeon doesn’t use bladed trocars...not that one probably hurts less than the are still tearing through muscle and fascia, etc.
Takes about 30-45 mins from skin to takes longer to pre-op and post-op than the surgery itself usually takes.
(Man sometimes I miss doing that shit...I was really good at it!)
I’ll try to get some pictures for everyone!
Hopefully, I’ll get them to give me some stones anyhow...some are quite interesting...they vary in size, shape and color...some are quite beautiful and some are
I can imagine they might hold some energetic/mystical value...I’ll have to look it up.
They will have to send the majority to the lab though...I apparently am FULL of stones.
(Better than being full of shit)
It will take 3-4 days before I can get up and move around worth a shit...a week before I am cool to drive and such probably.

However, once this is done I will be able to start that new medication for my arthritis - Cimzia.
Can’t do it now with pissed off liver enzymes and pending surgery.
But that was something I found out recently too...I could never afford it was too much at the pharmacy to get there.
It’s one of those biologic self-injectables for in order to afford it, I worked out a deal with my Doctor and the insurance where I will come in once a month and nurse at the office with double up my injection (twice a month, given at once, doctors assures me it’s I don’t have to come back twice a month).
That changes the medication from being covered under pharmaceuticals to being under medical - it will literally save me tens of thousands of dollars per year - isn’t that crazy BS?
So that is exciting for me...when I first started Enbrel at age 28 (which is a precursor to this medication) it was like night and day as far as my pain and stiffness was concerned...however, I am weary of the side effects as these are the meds they advertise on TV that have side-effects like lymphoma, new or worsening heart failure, death, etc.

Feeling good in spite of all this shit though.
I’m hungry (cause I can’t eat normally - it will set off the GB), but I can deal.
Just very tired lately...probably from being hungry and my body being uber-stressed.

(Oh look, my bird feeders are covered in a swarm of Bush Tits...just like this picture)
220px-Bushtits_Salem_OR.JPG goes on.
@Skarekrow you know the operation so well, it's a shame you can't do it yourself in OBE!!

I'm glad your feeling ok
And glad you got the best surgeon!
@Skarekrow you know the operation so well, it's a shame you can't do it yourself in OBE!!

I'm glad your feeling ok
And glad you got the best surgeon!
Thank you!
Yeah...just feeling a bit puny like I
And yes, that was some excellent work on behalf of the universe arranging my preferred surgeon for me....hahaha.

If I do have an OOBE while in surgery, I certainly hope it’s that kind that you wake up from. ;)
But if be it, when it’s your time, it’s your time.

Nah...not stressing it...the worst part is the recovery...days 1-4 ugh.
Death is preferable to the first couple days hahaha.
But soon enough I will be able to eat all the fried and fatty food I desire!
Thank you!
Yeah...just feeling a bit puny like I
And yes, that was some excellent work on behalf of the universe arranging my preferred surgeon for me....hahaha.

If I do have an OOBE while in surgery, I certainly hope it’s that kind that you wake up from. ;)
But if be it, when it’s your time, it’s your time.

Nah...not stressing it...the worst part is the recovery...days 1-4 ugh.
Death is preferable to the first couple days hahaha.
But soon enough I will be able to eat all the fried and fatty food I desire!
... I forgot to say take care of yourself!! Let us know the dates so we can send healing vibes.. and yea to all the bad stuff to eat post op!
Here is an illustration of what I was describing....the upside-down triangle (Triangle of Calot ((the “T” is silent)).

They clip and cut the cystic duct in that region along with the branch of the cystic artery, then using electrocautery they peel the gallbladder upward off the bed of the liver.
It’s the common duct you don’t wanna mess with...that will turn a short surgery into a very long one.
We used to do so many of these it amazed me that there were any people left in town who still had a gallbladder, lol.
... I forgot to say take care of yourself!! Let us know the dates so we can send healing vibes.. and yea to all the bad stuff to eat post op!

Thanks again!
I talk to the surgeon tomorrow for my pre-op, so hopefully it will be some day this week!
I don’t wanna wait any longer than I need to with this’s not comfortable at all.
SOB woke me up early yesterday morning when I rolled over and started to hurt...I almost went to the ER, then it stopped...bastard!
I will let you know when I know!
Much love!
Oh dear, the pitfalls of being a patient with medical expertise! Lol
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