Q: I'm looking for clarity - some help to clear up my vibration around issues with my family.
A: You can't get there...
Q: I know.
A: You can't get to clarity from issues, it's a whole different end of the stick.
But do you know what clarity is?
Let's say that you meditated and you got into that quieted place, and you got an impulse.
Well, that impulse will lead to something that will lead to something that will lead to something, and in time there will be clarity.
A clear impulse will come to you - once you've meditated, you'll feel a clear impulse.
It will feel like something that you really want to do.
But the thing is, it won't be a satisfying answer to you because it won't be a clear answer to what's bothering you, because you can't get there yet.
But you will get clarity.
So you have to be willing to accept clarity on off topics that will lead to clarity on that topic.
Did you hear that?
That's so important because what you said and what you meant weren't the same thing.
You said I want clarity and we really like that - you can get clarity so easily - but what you meant was "I want clarity on a subject that I really have momentum going on, and has me all balled up and wadded up, and is far, far from clarity, but I want clarity.”
And we say just ask for clarity and you can do that easily.
You see, if you really wanted clarity, you could stay off that topic - there are lots of topics that you could focus upon where you have clarity.
Think about that - "I want clarity about this thing I don't have clarity about" - that's not even possible.
But you can say "I'll just take clarity, I'll just take general clarity, I'll take off-topic clarity, I'll take the sensation of clarity," because everything that you want, no matter what it is - an improvement in family relationships, it doesn't matter what it is - you want everything that you want because you believe you will feel better in having it.
So clarity is certainly feeling better, isn't it?
Clarity is feeling better, clarity just feels better.
So can you hear this?
Q: I can.
My question...
A: You're really not hearing it, so we're just going to wrestle you to the ground a little bit here. (Fun)
So, will you admit that you're really not looking for clarity?
Because if you were looking for clarity, we can take you right to it.
We could get you to focus upon that really unusual and quite lovely chandelier - this is a light fixture that is big and bold, and it's just right for this room.
And if you would focus upon it long enough, you would feel about it like we do.
We have clarity about that.
We can't think of a better fixture to be in this room than that one.
Sometimes they are dangly ones and they rattle in the air conditioning - that one is just exceptionally good. (Fun)
Now, it's annoying to you because you want to go to the topic that you want clarity about.
But if you'll be real with us and say I'll take clarity, then we say will you be willing to change the subject?
Because if you want clarity, you have to change the subject.
And once you get clarity, you can work your way back into that subject.
You have to go to clarity, and then stay there long enough that you own clarity, that clarity is you, that you are clarity.
And then in time, you can think about anything with clarity.
But if you want to take this subject to clarity, you can't get there.
Q: Is that why I got the big wobble, because I felt I was there, I felt that despite...
A: Yeah, because what you think you're doing is not what you're doing.
But today is a new day - everything that we said today, even though some of the words sound familiar, was to help you to realize that you have to put separation between what you're asking for and the Receiving Mode.
And if you’re asking and you're so balled up in what you need the solution to, you can't get into the Receiving Mode.
You have to put some separation between what your needs are or what your desire is and the Receiving Mode.
You have to give that vibration a rest.
And most people don't know that - they think "I'll work on this, I'll think about it, I'll write notes about it, I'll talk to other people about it, and in fact I'll talk to everybody about it, I'll join on-line groups about it, I'll lay awake in my bed at night and I'll think about it.”
And we say you just keep practicing the vibration of where it is, you just keep practicing the muddle.
So if you want clarity, you have to think about something that doesn't have a muddle, and you have to stay on those subjects, those muddle-less subjects, long enough that you have clarity, that you're really flowing, and that you now it.
And then you could focus upon any subject and maintain your clarity.
~Abraham speaking in Tarrytown, NY on October 7, 2017