Some good ideas.


Today’s topic is a sensitive one but it features one of my favorite topics I used to talk about a lot in the past, “Blackhole thinking”.
Black hole thinking is this concept I discovered after observing how we can displace ourselves from “time”.

I go much deeper in the video.
Let’s take a moment to talk about why healing anxiety is so important on the spiritual path.

Tons of people, myself included have went through feeling anxiety due to energy shifts.
This is actually one of the very common symptoms we first experience as we start awakening.

For instance, even before I knew what “Awakening” was or even what “energy” was, I started experiencing anxiety attacks around 2008.
This uncertainty created such an intense fear that I would go to the ER thinking something was wrong with me only to get checked out and discover i’m 100% healthy.


Little did I realize what I was actually experiencing was feeling the vibrations and tingling sensations moving through my body.
Basically I was feeling energy but this was such a foreign experience to me, I felt like I was having a deathly allergic reaction, out of nowhere.

Looking back at this, it sounds absolutely ridiculous but this is how my mind coped with the experience.

Anxiety can be tricky.
It can turn our world upside down and make us feel like we’re screaming from the inside.

Let’s face it, it isn’t pretty.

It often feels like your body is crawling out of it’s skin and it just plain sucks.
That is why today I wanted to touch on how to start healing your anxiety.

This is something I have gotten better with over time, in fact I wasn’t even reminded of my anxiety FOR YEARS until last week when I received a reiki healing treatment through my coaching session.

The universe brought all of these stories and memories for me to heal.
It was fascinating how I was brought this experience and yet I healed it through using my own Energy tools I have created.

The energy we hold is powerful, Don’t ever forget that.

Long story short,
Anxiety can be cured but we first need to learn to understand what anxiety is and how it can control us.

Let’s dive in.​


Full Disclaimer: If you do feel something is physically wrong or have continuous problems with anxiety, do not hesitate to seek medical practitioners or professional consultations. This is just my personal experience with anxiety and how I learned to heal it.​
Part one of five articles that I will be posting up throughout the day(s).
I agree with most of what is written, though this is a fairly subjective topic.
Comments are appreciated!


Awakening really can put us on the edge of insanity, but this is the point where things drastically start changing in our reality.

Awhile Back someone wrote a comment that resonated with me:

“What about the part where you go insane no one ever really explains that”.

Well my friend we’re going to explore the ins and outs of this topic.

One of the most mind-altering times on the path is when you start losing your old identity and the death of the old consciousness.
However that in-between phase where you’re straddling both worlds is the turning point on your personal journey.

We enter the Crossroads.
The Awakening process is filled with all sorts of twist and turns.
The most crippling is probably when you start to grapple with the feeling of losing your mind, literally and figuratively.

The mind is trying to process multiple realities at once which creates a bizarre dissociation.
Dissociation creates the realization that nothing is real or it creates the opposite, I am officially losing my mind, this is crazy!

Awakening is very real.
I am here to tell you,

You are not crazy and best of all you are not alone.

The stages often start out fairly innocent, you suddenly crave silence instead of the tv being background noise.
It changes more intensely towards wanting to pick up yoga or meditation classes.

Then it begins going deeper, obsession with astral projection, new age books, occult, magick and various spiritual practices.

Suddenly shopping is impossible, eating is a nightmare, new revelations, philosophies pour out of you and most of all you feel a deep disconnection. Illusions begin ripping apart at the seams….The ego shouts for conformity as you begin frantically going into a state of denial and comfort.

You begin to ask yourself:

“How Do I get my old life back? This isn’t what I signed up for…”

As we begin to shed off layers of conditioning, the mind/Ego is ready to fight back holding onto the past identity.
What’s peculiar is not only are you feeling you are losing your identity, suddenly you are disconnected from the world you once knew.

You are suddenly disconnected from your old conditioning and ultimately your old reality you grew up in.

The comfort blanket you held onto is gone, the bubble popped.

This is terrifying, often many in this phase truly contemplate their sanity, some seek counsel or even medicine to help them understand what is going on. It not only becomes a dissociative experience, it creates a loss of identity.

You are shedding lifetimes of old conditioning, that is going to take some time to replace.

The edge of insanity is about the ego being intimidated by the new experiences you are having, although you are also “remembering”.

The reason we feel crazy is this is something completely outside of our everyday experiences.
The ego sends up a red flag intimidated that there is something outside of my current reality?

This is the ego starting to lose bearings over your consciousness.
This process can feel terrifying and unsettling as your feel torn between the old consciousness of duality and the sudden birth of the new consciousness of singularity.

The things you once loved, you suddenly aren’t interested.
The mind begins craving different NEW experiences while at the same time, a resistance builds around not being able to let go of the old self.

Realizations may come but your mind is screaming, “I WANT MY LIFE BACK!”

The Identity Crisis phase is when all of this starts to become real, however the mind doesn’t know how to accept the new identity and experiences. Therefore the Resistance of the old energy can create a friction of chaos, where you now feel straddled between two worlds of thought.


  • I am suddenly unmaterialistic when I loved shopping!
  • The old obsessions I had with TV shows, watching the news or celebrity gossip bore me
  • I crave nature, silence and solitude
  • I find it harder to conform to society
  • I enjoy new studies such as meditation, yoga, mindfulness, spiritual practices and being more present.
  • I cannot focus on linear time.
  • Sudden visions or messages appear before me.
  • My old friendships keep disappearing. I cannot be around the people I once enjoyed hanging out with…
  • I can no longer stomach toxic behavior or relationships. I want out.
  • I find myself in tears and sad even though I cannot explain why?
  • I feel torn on missing a part of me that no longer exists.

What is basically happening is your mind is waking up to who you truly are, this creates a psychosomatic response which results in direct physiological changes throughout the mental, emotional, spiritual and physical body.

I began noticing there is a pattern to kundalini awakening.
People all tend to have different triggers of experience but the symptoms that accompany kundalini awakening are usually quite similar.

Basically the mind feels like it is losing itself because you are ripping away the old consciousness in place of the new evolved consciousness.

Its creating the death of the old soul.

It sounds crazy because it goes against our normal conditioning patterns that we have developed over time.
What happens is the mind essentially recreates itself through the mind.

So you think all these things are happening to you but in reality they are more symbolic in nature, almost like a dream.
You are waking up from a dream.

So your mind begins deconditioning itself from what you know and many face what is known as the dark night of the soul.
The Dark Night of the soul is the point where they face an identity crisis.

Everything that once interested them starts dissolving, old relationships, old friendships, interests and various old vibrations start dying and the soul urges itself to look inward.

It is common to experience this during the process.
Often this can create a state of dissociation where the mind begins facing unconscious wounds that are connected towards our soul blueprint.

Once we start facing these wounds, we trigger the subconscious long-term memory and start activating these hidden strands of dna where we begin remembering who we truly are as conscious beings having a human experience.


As we transition through the ascension process we are letting go of old thought patterns, old friendships, old relationships, old jobs, all these karmic ties are severing because they no longer match your vibrations.

While the emotional aspects are terrifying at first, this is actually positive in form.

Your mind is releasing the old identity to enter the stage of renewal.
Technically you aren’t really having an identity crisis, you’re finding yourself by digging into your subconscious long-term memory.

We must think of it as if you are straddling two different worlds or conflicting realities at once.
In a normal human who isn’t awakened this can lead to insanity which is often misunderstood.

However during Kundalini awakening we must find the connection between the two worlds, merging them together as one.

The old transforms into the new.

The good news is this will pass in time!

For some it can take years to come to grips with this connection while for others it can take only months.
An Awakening is different for every person, although many symptoms are similar the subjective experience may be different as each soul has a different path to take.

The best way to deal with these thoughts of identity crisis, is to stop resisting the new energy coming in.

Push through the resistance.

How do we do that?
We have to be receptively open towards surrendering to our emotional experiences.

This happens through acceptance, forgiveness and processing our emotions through observation.

If you think about when you are upset, you are stewing in your emotions of the past: “this shouldn’t happen, why did I do that, I shouldn’t of said that…” When you do that, you are resisting the present growth of the experience.

Okay what happens is the more you resist, the more the universe is going to give you that energetic lesson of your past.
A sad person is going to stay sad until they CHOOSE to let go of being sad.

Simple but extremely effective.

To surrender means to let go completely of the old identity.
This is imperative towards the soul’s expansion.

When you’re a teenager you can try to fight becoming a teen by doing childlike things like playing with dolls or throwing fits.
However at some point you have to embrace the surrender of new experiences that come with growing up.

This is what the Ascension process is like, the old soul is dying…death isn’t always pretty but it’s essential towards new beginnings.
The more you are in a state of mourning your past identity of the old consciousness, the more you will resist the new energy coming through.

This is what creates the polarized identity crisis.
Torn between two worlds the old identity and the new one.

We must Let go of our past identity.
So the best way to cope with this is by surrendering to these experiences.

It is also a good idea to understand what is happening is real and isn’t just you losing your mind which is a common problem many face.
A big comfort is by doing your own research through understanding what is happening to you, relating to others experiences{you are never alone} and connecting with people of similar minds who are experiencing what you are.

It’s the death of the ego losing bearings over your consciousness.

However the only way to make this process smoother is you have to STOP RESISTING.

We must accept, let go and surrender to it.
Otherwise…if you’re resistant towards change, it’s going to be a very bumpy ride.

When it comes to the Ascension symptoms, I think we really need someone to tell us calmly:

“it’s okay, RELAX, sit back and enjoy the ride” ;)
Part two...I will post the others later.
Take care and enjoy!


Okay we have to go into the topic no one wants to talk about..going deep into the Abyss of Fear.
The Void.

It’s not all bad.
Fear is actually one of our best cosmic teachers on the path because it allows us to see ourselves from the inside out.

The dark night is actually a precursor towards spiritual awakening but it can be revisited when we go through a deep transition period.

The Awakening Journey is very much like the Phoenix, who is a symbol of eternity.
The Phoenix reaches a certain age dies in the fire and is reborn from the ashes.

Our Consciousness is working similar.

In meditative thought a phase came to me, “The mind is recreating itself from the mind”.
I didn’t know what to think when I first heard that but the pieces started forming together.

The Awakening process is essentially the mind recreating itself from the inside out.

But how does that relate to the dark night?
Well to go into our Fears and start dismantling our illusions we need to be propelled into a trigger that unleashes a fight/flight response towards our adrenals.

The root of kundalini is stimulated by the adrenals and located at the base of the sacrum.
This is the triangular bone at the base of the spine.

Therefore the basis of the Dark Night of the Soul is ultimately about facing our fears and encountering a symbolic Death that is triggered by the collective unconscious.

The Dark Night connects into the previous article about Identity Crisis.
The Dark night of the Soul is a natural part of awakening, it is the shedding away of our old skin.

I always envision a snake taking off layer by layer of its skin.
It’s the ripping apart of the old soul to be reborn into the New evolved consciousness.

No one is ever quite prepared for the Dark Night of the Soul. at this point, no one likes their illusions ripped apart in front of them like smashing a mirror and all that is left is yourself.

Basically what happens is you are faced with your Shadow Self.
Our Shadow Self is the antithesis of our soul, it’s basically the fundamentally aspect of the unconscious that wants to destroy itself.

It is the projected mirror reflection of all of your desires, unconscious emotions, your wounds, past identity, karmic bonds and soul blueprint.

Your Shadow Self = The Illusion of Separation and Past Identity

What happens is you are faced with illusions of the Ego that are coming to the surface for clearing at a drastic rate in time.
Often these are unconscious wounds or Past Karmic bonds you still have that need to be healed.

If you were to think of all those emotional wounds you had growing up, amplified to an intense degree, thrown in a blender and put you in the middle of it. That’s kinda what it feels like…

The Dark Night of the Soul is where you are facing your own identity crisis as the old you dissolves and the New Soul is born.

As Carl Jung States:

“There is no coming to consciousness without pain. People will do anything, no matter how absurd, in order to avoid facing their own Soul. One does not become enlightened by imagining figures of light, but by making the darkness conscious.“

The Symptoms and Events can vary person to person, however the sequence is generally similar.

How It Starts:

There appears to be more chaos that enters into your life as the old you encounters the Resistance of Letting go.
This friction begins building and building.

It creates a desire to hold onto the old you, building a wall of resistance where you don’t want to let go which causes more and more entropy within your daily life.

The Mind literally becomes a blackhole.
Chaos Personified.

A Dark night of the soul creates an isolation with those around us, everything begins to rip apart within our reality, our friends, our family, and those we love most we feel we can’t connect anymore.

Suddenly our friends, our family and those we love, fall into the distance and often they are either removed or ignored as the soul reverts almost into a chrysalis.

A Cocoon.


We fall inside our cocoon, entirely disconnected from the world.

We feel an inability to connect because the universe is asking us to look more inward and question ourselves, our reality and what is our purpose here.

It is usually triggered by a dark event surrounding loss and personified death such as death of a loved one, a bad breakup, loss of a job, loss of a house, rape, bad illness, hospitalization, etc.

Basically anything that causes an intense trigger in your personal reality, ripping apart your comfort zone of the Ego.

A cataclysm that triggers the destruction of the Ego as our subconscious breaks through.
It gives us a look behind our own face into our worst fears and insecurities.

It is about facing our dark night of the soul to get to the infinite light of our being.

The Dark Night of the Soul is best described as experiencing a symbolic Death.
The Death of the old Identity or Karmic Self.

The Card of Death in tarot is about change, transformation, death and rebirth, the ending of cycles, transitions into New Beginnings.
This may seem like a hard time now but what it is creating is a beautiful new beginning.

It is the rebirth of your Soul.

In the world of Tarot, The Dark Night also connects to the card of the Moon.
The Moon is captive of illusions releasing into the blackest depths of our soul into the world of our subconscious.

It represents a journey into the darkest night where we take a look behind our own face.

The Moon isn’t the most comfortable trump, we rarely enjoy looking into our own abyss.
This is the point where the truth starts leaking out of us and often times it is ugly and messy.

Vulnerable, the moons shows us what we ignore, what we refuse to see or flat-out what we are in denial about in our reality.
This step while often uncomfortable, has to happen because without facing our darkness, we will never begin to see the light.


It feels like Pitch Black.
Entering the Void.

I remember when I first experienced my own personal Dark Night of the Soul.
I was heartbroken from a bad breakup, it was my first serious relationship.

I felt numb, like the life force was gone from me.
He left me but my soul felt gone too.

I reverted to my old issues of self-worth and self-harm.
I drank, hallucinated, felt insane, suicidal, and harmed myself physically.

I suddenly had no desire for life and merely walked through my days in a blur of nihilism and utter despair often crying myself to sleep.
I felt like a shell of a person.

It was a very dark time in my life.
I share this information because going through this experience allowed me to transform into the person I am now.

The Dark night creates an event on the cosmic journey where you’re faced with your own internal darkness.
The face behind the mask, the ego identity at its core, the antithesis.

The only way out is to go so far in.

It is actually really positive in form despite the name.

It’s about identity loss however it is also about finding yourself.

We have to travel the darkness by going into the underworld of our psyche to reclaim our soul and remember who we are.

The identity loss is merely an illusion of separation, it’s a way for the ego to disengage itself from the past identity.

That may seem a little loaded but basically we act out our experiences from our past identity to a magnified degree.
In order to find ourselves again, we begin crafting out a new identity in the present reality/moment.

This is the beginning of starting to be a conscious creator of our experiences.

So when we’re flipping the switch between past and future, we’re stuck in the illusion of separation which creates a resistance/ cognitive dissonance.
The resistance of letting go of the old identity, essentially the ego.

So in order to go beyond that, you have to surrender into yourself.

The best way to surrender is by changing your focus, relaxing, letting go of the pain body, letting go of the memory that caused you pain and full acceptance.

The way I see it everyone is our cosmic mirror reflection, so what we feel from another, we also feel within ourselves.
These people then become a mirror of our internal wounds.


That was probably one of the hardest summers I ever faced, one day after a horrible night of drinking and cuts, I suddenly broke down.
I officially hit rock bottom, I couldn’t do this anymore.

I begin doing the only thing that came natural to me.

I wrote.

Slowly day by day I would start writing poetry substituting a pen instead of a blade.

This simple act little did I realize was helping heal my soul because it provided an outlet for me to release these emotions from me.
Of course the poetry was massively depressing but slowly it began transforming into this empowered music and poems from my soul.

The more I wrote the better I felt.
This continued on as I started empowering myself in solitude eventually getting myself back.

When we create an outlet to release the dark night, our subconscious creates a symbol to release.
Almost like an emotional purge.

Writing saved my life and helped me find myself again.

I can tell you it DOES get better.
You merely need to find some intense discipline and will power.

The best way to do that is by finding a simple healthy outlet instead.
For instance instead of falling into the chaos try a creative outlet or hobby where you can surrender to the resistance.

You could also try deep breathing.

I know it sounds silly but one technique you can do is write angrily the emotion you feel but repeat it.
You could write “fuck” a 100 times but what happens is you’re able to RELEASE in a healthier way.

We cannot change our life until we start with changing ourselves.

If you truly deeply want to start living a healthier and happier lifestyle, you gotta commit to it.
Work towards change.

It won’t happen overnight but it IS possible.
You have to be strong and develop some discipline towards your mind but is IS possible.

Find an outlet, a very simple outlet where next time you feel this way, you can release differently without harm or chaos in your reality.

Forgiveness – Forgive yourself.
Forgive DEEPLY.

Accept that it happened but today is a new day and that day may be the start of a new beginning where you can get yourself back.
You can be happy but you have to start working on guiding yourself there.

Gratitude – I also recommend gratitude practice, try 5-15 gratitude affirmations a day, use this time to focus on your goals you wish to achieve and really hone in on what you do love about your life and yourself.

Find what makes you happy, you will get through this.

Connection – I also recommend connection, try talking to others about the way you feel, a hug or even a warm conversation can help even a bad day become better through the hard times that come with the Dark Night of the soul.
A bit of historical strangeness for you all to enjoy!
Killer Snails!!!!

Random strangeness...












As promised, part three of five.


After the Dark Night Period most of us fall into the Emotional Roller coaster known as The Transition Phase.

After the old soul dies, we enter Rebirth and the growing process.

It’s like when a baby takes its first steps, there is so much to discover here.
The transition phase is a Whole NEW world.

It’s as if we are suddenly looking at the world with New Eyes.
Colors take on a different hue, symbols take on new meaning, everything begins changing in our reality.

This is truly a new-found place of rapture and delight as the soul enters this new space of learning, joy and beauty.
Many in this period find deep connection within themselves.

The start of their connection with their Higher Self and guides along with the journey deeper into consciousness.

I have heard all sorts of stories of how awakened individuals thrive suddenly, everything begins shifting in their lives as they finally have the courage to let go of toxic relationships, start defeating old habits, kicking out bad mojo and general well-being begins surfacing in their reality.

Often as we gain our footing we’re still a little uncomfortable and uncertain.
However the Cosmic highs keep us going, embracing and yearning to learn more about this secret world we are now officially living.

There seems to be no way back either…and most of us don’t care at this point.
We’re happy, joyful, even euphoric as we start to have epiphanies and revelations left and right.

The Transition Phase creates a place of study but also the beginning of “crafting” our new world.

There are days that feel like we’re unstoppable, living on cloud 9 and never wanting to come back.

But then one day…a resistance builds.
Suddenly you are uncomfortable, and the mind begins literally to revert to its old ways often through emotional turmoil.

The Transition Phase is where you will begin heavily experiencing the Ascension Symptoms because your mind is creating a friction of push and pull.
It feels like as if you are teetering back and forth between the old self and new.

But I hear you, this sounds like the identity crisis again?
It is…but now something different is happening.

Instead of reverting back to extremely old habits, you’re learning how to overcome them and DEFEAT them.
You’re starting to break down the old conditioning layer by layer.

So Naturally It Can Feel a Bit Like This:

You’re having a great day, you’re using your intuition and doing spiritual practices…feeling at one with the universe.

Then suddenly someone comes up to you and totally pisses you off.
Without question or remorse, you react back.

Suddenly you are having a bad day because you’re carrying this person’s energy with you and reverting back to a childhood wound you thought you already got rid of, what the…

It creates a trigger of cognitive dissonance where suddenly you are reverting back to square one.

Worst of all, you feel lost all over again.

However in a few days, you begin reflecting and realizing a huge part of what you projected onto another was within yourself.
This creates an incredible healing as you’re able to suddenly take the high road with compassion and understanding.

The Spiritual Awakening is not one big moment of:

“AHA YES spiritual bliss forever. I AM ONE!”

Not only is that thinking sabotage, I think that would be a bit weird…

No it’s really about understanding these transition phases are creating an ebb and flow of your Energy Body.

Therefore there are going to be some enormous peaks or spiritual highs as I like to call them, but there may also be a sudden plateau that happens out of nowhere.

For fun visuals, I made a chart.
Obviously it’s more complicated than this but you get an idea.

Notice how the Blissful aha moments are random peaks during the discovery process.
I tried to make them ridiculous spirals-out-of-nowhere because that is exactly how it can feel.

This can often be wild, unexplainable, or even unbelievable revelations that happen from a revealing into your long term memory.
“I can’t believe that, woah…”

Those standing up from your chair with your mouth open in awe moments.

Example of Moments: Channeling higher beings/higher self/ deities, self-healing, revealing truths about your reality, recovering childhood wounds, timeline jumps, prophecy, discovering past lives, dismantling fears, premonitions, understanding dimensions, and oh my the list could go for miles.

Now in-between that we have Learning & Discovery

Learning and Discovery is when you’re finally recovered from The Dark Night of the Soul so you’re starting to gain your footing back.
You’re getting it on!

Well with books, research, yearning and voraciously wanting heaps of knowledge.

There is suddenly no way around it, you have woken up and now you’re mind wants to catch up with what you missed.

This is really fascinating to me on the Path because it’s as if the mind is suddenly starting to reprogram itself and knows how to adapt instantly.

We yearn for researching these topics we didn’t care about before, suddenly everything is like a channeling wave of learning this new secret world inside of us.

It’s A-MAZING but almost too amazing…..suspiciously too good to be true.

Which is why we fall back.
There is so much learning and discovery that the brain retreats and thus climbs down from its peak into a plateau phase.


Now something weird happens…we lost our spark. it’s just gone.

What a tease that was…suddenly we’re stuck again.
In the old energy, feeling lost, unable to do anything, completely frozen.

This is where I get a ton of questions ranging from:

“How do I turn my awakening back on? to
“I was experiencing the awakening but can I lose myself back in ego?”

This phase creates a feeling of stagnation of little to no growth.
You feel as if you’re stuck in ice and everything is stagnant in your current experiences.

The mind basically is decompressing or switching modes is what I like to call it.

It feels abnormal because it’s pushing you outside of your comfort zone.
This can often happen when the subconscious starts letting go of our old identity in its entirety.

In this same way, the soul needs to process and integrate new information which is why we can go through peaks then suddenly a plateau.

The Plateau is where you do the most healing work because you’re allowing yourself to step back and integrate all of the new information your mind is processing.

It honestly may feel like four months of constant learning than suddenly a plateau of soul work where you’re integrating all of that into your experience.

However it can feel uncomfortable because it’s enabling you to let go and move forward.
The ego gets involved because you create a resistance around letting go.

The friction builds, creating a push and pull this is mostly happening simultaneously with the ascension symptoms physically starting to change your body.

This is why Awakening can become ultra overwhelming.

I could only describe this as riding the emotional rollercoaster of highs and lows.

This is where you will experience the extreme polarity of Emotions moving from euphoria to depression as if you feel your emotions are completely out of your control.

This is the result of your hormones changing through your endocrine system.

One minute you will feel on top of the world and the next you will encounter deep waves of emotion that will lead to tears.
This is the work of balancing the Solar plexus center into the Heart Center.

The Solar Plexus is the center of the Ego and as we go through transcendence our emotions are going through a state of repair between unifying the heart and mind as one.

This is why we can have many setbacks where we feel tied to our old identity or losing ourselves from the Ego.

Remember the Ego is the Teacher, the Catalyst of transformation.

Keep in mind the transition phase isn’t just one phase, it’s more like a cycle of about 60 phases or more that we keep coming back to as we go through integration periods.

It’s going to feel like you’re remembering peacefully but then the universe throws another loop at you which creates the illusion of feeling you fell off the path.

We cannot turn the switch off from Awakening.
Awakening is Life.

It’s about the journey, not the destination.
So get comfy with the transition phase because you will continuously come back here to do some soul homework.

I think Abraham states it perfectly you are either in a state of forgetting or remembering but you never are suddenly off the path because you are the one walking it.

Life is a cycle of infinite loops composed of a Torus Field.
This is your Aura.

I Attribute It to Two Ways of Thinking:

A. You are either stuck in the blackhole {Recycle = A Soul Stuck on Repeat Mode}

B. You’re grabbing the reigns of the cycle by consciously guiding your energy vibration

The problem with the Transition phase is many people get stuck in the recycle rather than moving forward.

This is especially true for those who are suffering from the Ascension Symptomson a daily basis.
Chances are if you are suffering from the symptoms more than likely you are within the transition phase, integrating a ton of new energy.

Two Reasons We Get Stuck Here Repeatedly:

We mainly get stuck on recycle because we are in a state of Resistance.
We are afraid to let go.

The name I coined for this is Blackhole Thinking.
We enter a blackhole state of resistance.

Resistance can manifest in numerous ways such as fear, anxiety, depression, envy, jealousy, anger, God complex, etc.
This is why so many struggle with this after awakening.

You are essentially a loose cannon!

A broken elevator going up and down repeatedly but you can’t decide what floor to get off so instead you travel to the past thinking (depression, resentment,), then you travel to the future(fear, anxiety), then back to the past thinking(regret, turmoil)….until you realize all you are doing is recycling.

We are recycling because these were our karmic issues of the past or leftover knots.
We call them memory imprints that are triggered in our subconscious usually through a symbol.

These triggers appear as reminders that we no longer need to recycle our issues.
This is over.

This is the past.

Therefore to let go we must surrender and accept these new changes.
Surrender by realizing the past is over.

Push through our resistance by questioning the Ego.

So many people are against the Ego, telling others ignore your ego, try to get rid of the ego, or whatever.
The Ego is your tool to transformation.

The Ego Is linked towards your Will Power and your direction you are influencing in the material plane.

Therefore the best way to start improving your energy body is by learning to guide the Will through conscious observation and conscious choices to a healthier you.

Learning to Manage your Energy is a huge step towards building the best version of you post-awakening.

We enter this space like a newborn but we forget about the particulars such as controlling our emotions, learning to manage our energy or understanding the power of frequency.

These are all crucial points towards understanding the energy body and getting over the integration phase.

Most importantly it’s good to remember this is just a phase, it WILL get easier over time.
Transition Phases are excellent ways for our soul to grow and learn to heal ourselves.

The point of the recycle is really about overcoming our Past Identity and healing our energy body.

If you suffer in the transition phase a lot.
Try to ask yourself: What am I resisting?
I will post up part four of five now also because it’s a subject I enjoy - ego death.


Kundalini Awakening is a life-altering experience, it can flip your entire world upside down.
It also comes with many outstanding profound moments of self-realization and mental clarity.

The Big Kahuna of all of them is Ego Death.

In this Symptoms of Awakening series I decided to focus on some of the more important aspects we experience on the path.
It must be acknowledged that awakening is a process.

If we choose to decide on an end goal, we’re missing the point by spending too much time in future speak.

Basically covering the process in five articles is realistically only seeing into a small chunk of the journey.
There is no end, only infinite new beginnings.

It’s endless.
This process is truthfully an incredible learning experience that grows with you which is what makes Awakening so beautiful and oh so powerful to witness.

However there is one topic I rarely see mentioned in between advice on raising your vibrations, 5d reports, the light body process, and various articles on spiritual awakening.

There is a big gap leaving out one of thee most important parts of our journey.

That my friends is Ego Death.

Naturally it’s very hard to describe what ego death is because it’s essentially an indescribable experience of miraculous self-realization where your entire identity is removed.

However having had numerous experiences with ego death I’ll try to break it down as easy as possible.

Ego Death is basically the absolute loss of the subjective identity.
Subjective meaning your personality, emotions, tastes or opinions of your individual experiences.

Ego Death is the complete loss of the self.

This is not to confuse Ego as in “egotistical” rather The Ego meaning your Personal Identity or “The self” that makes you “you”.
Everyone has an Ego, otherwise “I” wouldn’t exist.

For instance words such as “I”, “I am”, “myself” or any possessive statements have absolutely no meaning within this state of mind known as Ego Death. It feels like the complete dissolution of the self.

In short Ego Death is the obliteration of the Ego.

The Ego is composed of our idea that life is arbitrary and we live in duality.
We are separate, alone and completely disconnected from another’s experiences.

However Ego death is about the total derealization that the illusions of separation that we create from our Ego Identity are nothing more than an illusion. They are not real.

I really like this quote from Jana Dixon’s book Biology of Kundalini where she goes on to explain enlightenment:

“Eliade says on page 291 of Yoga, Immortality and Freedom, that both yoga and alchemy are an experiment of “soul;” of austerely using the body as a laboratory for purification toward the final transmutation or perfection. Perfection being to “decondition life, attain freedom, bliss, the deliverance from the laws of time or immortality–ie: enlightenment…

Ego death refers to the death of our resistance to enlightenment. To have mastered life is to realize–Life as Ego Death–is the glorification of the Ego not the degradation of it.”

“Life as Ego Death is the glorification of the Ego not the Degradation of it.”

Jana’s statement here is a perfect way to understand the true nature of Ego Death.
It is the revealing of true reality.

Our self removed entirely from our identity of the ego.
In different cultures this is known as nirvana, samadhi, enlightenment, shangri-la, Bliss, ecstasy, communion, Brahman, quintessence of man, liberation, the stairway to heaven, or path of the initiates.

During an experience with Ego death, you essentially become a part of the timeless and infinite.

“You” are officially taken out of your experience, detached from the identity where you are then euphorically merged with the continuum.
The multidimensional world of various realities, timelines and symbols.

“Ego death is not only a feeling of cancellation of ego’s power-to-control, but a rational understanding of the way in which ego’s control can never be powerful in the way we usually assume and feel.” [ref][/ref]

It is a perceived loss of our cognitive boundary between our identity and environmental surroundings.

It truthfully is more of a sensation of divine clarity that we are the entire universe experiencing itself, life is infinite, death is an illusion, and that we are eternally connected through the collective consciousness as one.

Loving other beings equals loving the self as I am you and you are me.

Nothing is separate.
There are no boundaries or limitations.

We are the universe experiencing and projecting itself as energy into infinity.

There are numerous misconceptions on what is Pure Ego Death.

Ego Death Is Not:

    • The sudden realization of one’s place in the universe where we are tiny and insignificant
    • Any intense psychedelic or tripping experience that takes you over the threshold. If you experienced psychedelics it doesn’t necessarily mean you’ve experienced pure ego death.
    • Intense “bad trips” or hallucinations that feel like you are symbolically dying as “ego death”. Bad trips generally reveal the ego but they don’t always necessarily bring Ego death.
    • An out-of-body experience or dissociation from reality
    • The Belief that everything is not real aka nihilism
    • The Dark Night of the Soul is not Pure Ego Death. Despite its name, ego death is extremely powerful and positive, there is nothing negative about the experience of ego death.


Many individuals associate any type of powerful psychedelic experience as ego death and this is an extreme falsification of the profundity of the experience of Ego Death.

Once over the threshold you can experience powerful states of consciousness without necessarily experiencing the big kahuna, Ego death.

My understanding is that Ego death can happen in varying degrees given the persons experiences and source memories that they are uncovering.
For instance an Ego Death experience sober through meditation may be an entirely different spectrum than say ego death on a rare tryptamine.

This state is so powerful that the mind after the experience, many be confronted with disbelief, questioning what is actually real and insanity after having witnessed ego death.

Ego death can happen during potent high doses of various drugs such as tryptamines, psychedelics, ergolines{LSD}, mescaline, mescaline derivatives and various others.

While it is more renown in psychoactive drug experiences it CAN happen completely sober in incredibly mind-bending ways.
These can include moments during childbirth, meditation, during the process of Kundalini awakening, Kundalini Yoga, and spiritual practices such as the Golden Flower method.

Ego Death isn’t to be taken lightly.
It can profoundly change a person.

It is at this moment where your subconscious is bare.
You are revealing yourself from the beginning of your soul essence from before the moment you were born into the various lifetimes you have experienced on this plane and various dimensions.

It’s a revealing into the memories you long suppressed.

It’s like looking into your soul blueprint and seeing everything is connected through you.
All this is memory.

Nothing is separate in this reality.
If we believe anything is separate, this is merely a projection of fear or insecurity we place on ourselves through the illusion of separation.

Normally once you have experienced an Ego Death your mind is revealed to you.

The clarity in this moment creates a bit of self-reevaluation.

This can provoke Questioning about life.

Questions Life After Ego Death May Provoke:

    • What did I learn from this experience to guide me on my path?
    • What beliefs are truthfully holding me back?
    • What are ways I can start to Question my choices and my Ego?
    • How can I grow stronger?
    • How can I become a better or more happier person?
    • How can I move forward from this?
    • What is the next direction I need to take after this divine experience?
Naturally the mind is literally changed forever due to this sacred experience.
If you had your first brush with ego death, you’ll soon realize it’s hard to go back to your old ways of thinking and being.

Ego Death can change a person because it reveals what lays hidden about ourselves.

Basically you see within the good and the bad aspects of your shadow that we need to see, heal and change within.

Afterwards you may experience a type of afterglow as you soak in all this information.
Your mind begins to process how we’re going to start integrating this information into our present reality.

Most people will find their philosophies about life and reality sudden change.
Their opinions about others, judgments or various drama they used to create, no longer matter.

This creates drastic shifts in our perception of consciousness where our mind will begin to transform.
It may suddenly create a huge life shift such as a move, a break up, removing toxic relationships, a new career, a desire to change your life and be happier.

It basically allows you to have a non-compliance attitude towards life because you’ve faced death.

After you have seen within yourself and understand the world, normally your old ways no longer cut it.

Therefore the best way to cope is by moving forward in a positive and transformative manner.

Ego Death creates an afterglow but it can also make people feel a little crazy because not many will understand nor listen to these experiences.
They are in the realm beyond thought into our feelings and unleashes the nature of our soul blueprint.

Seeing into the divine connection of our timelines can be life-altering because you can no longer stand down.

There is no more doubt and best of all these memories never leave you.
You take these experiences with you for the rest of your life.


{ WARNING – We’re about to enter the bizarre experience of an Ego Death.
This is extremely hard to articulate because this space is so profound that if you haven’t experienced it, it’s hard to believe it.

You may think: oh shit she went off the deep end, there may be a resistance that comes up, or you may think I’m making this up.
I can tell you everything that happened was entirely real.

I’m sharing to let you know how miraculous ego death can be seen rather than reading the textbook definition.
Here’s a real life experience of ego death the best way I could describe.

Read at your own risk, it can provoke questioning and contemplation on what is the nature of reality.
If you decide to turn away, that’s okay, thank you for reading }

Personally the best way I could describe Ego Death is it’s as if you’re in a moment where time stands still and you’re watching your life on a film roll.
The illusions are placed before your eyes as each moment that brought pain/fear on your personal timeline is being dissected and revealed that they aren’t real.

They’re delusions you have created from your insecurities and fears.

It’s like you’re in a moment of clarity watching your life from a detached perception, suddenly all of the illusions and source memories that guided you to this point are revealed.

The illusions you felt – rip apart, vulnerably tearing down the walls of your subconscious, revealing everything to you in this single timeless moment of divine Liberation.

I have had numerous encounters with Ego Death both through various mind substances and entirely sober.
Some of my most profound epiphanies since awakening revolved around the beauty of Ego Death.

I would say about five of these experiences were miraculously soul-shaking towards changing my direction in my personal life and deconstructing my limitations.

Some of these moments happened during childbirth, another time I was able to foresee into my future, where I predicted the birth of my daughter, a special moment on mescaline happened on the Mayan “apocalypse” dec 21st 2012.

I could see the stars connecting together into this energetic formation, each constellation connected by energy creating the collective grid alignment.
I’ll never forget that night.

The biggest was when I felt like I died and came back to life while I was on a high dose of a rare tryptamine compound similar to ayahuasca called 4-aco-dmt.

It’s hard to even accurately describe what I saw that night, I felt myself as the tree of life, traveling the Sephirot all the way into the depths of nothingness, the void.

We were in the Jacuzzi where we began encountering Death and dissociation.
I felt my body above myself, where my skin felt like blobs that absorbed into my environment becoming one with the energy of space itself.

I was no longer a body but an expansive field of energy.
I contemplated as if in an echo of myself if this is what death felt like, yet I felt nothing, pure void.

I then began to move upward physically, raising my vibrations with my love who was with me at the time.

The entire trip was literally a life-death-rebirth cycle, we felt we were death, encountered the womb{the bath} arose raising our vibrations {coming back to life} and found union{kundalini sex}.

We began symbolically traveling the tree of life.

When you experience ego to the deepest degree your physical reality disappears and you see what death is actually like, what the afterlife is truly like.

Death is absolute illusion.
There is no death, only endless life.

Your energy aura becomes this mind cataclysm, a blackhole energy and your mental state literally time travels via your consciousness.
You tap into your source memories and see into your past lives, deep past lives, different worlds, different realities and see the illusions for what they truly are.

We were in a temple.
There were faces on the walls i couldn’t tell if they were aztec, mayan, egyptian or whatever but the walls were breathing, pulsating back at me.

And I heard Thoth’s voice say “ I made this for your protection for you to find one another again” It was alchemy and the old mystery schools, my memory of being a high priestess.

I realized not only was I just a temple, I asked to see inside my lover’s mind.
I was seeing the world how he sees the world, how beautiful he sees me.

How connected we are from the past, present and the future.
I saw my star twin, his fears, his dark past.

My love’s fear of death and knew from my previous experience upon awakening how divine we actually are, I reclaimed my faith in that moment.

I KNEW this energy wasn’t to be feared, this may be the deepest realm of ego but if I learned anything it’s that behind every ego there is a soul and divine lesson to be learned.

Always question the Ego.

I saw how the faces on the walls starting morphing into these bizarre playful beings?!
Then as my mind shifted in vibrations, it changed the faces….I WAS in control.


The Creator of the Universe
In this moment I found god, I Found the goddess within me and I realized I was in control as a divine creator.

That’s when I snapped out of it, why be in ego when the energy is playful?
It wants us to experience joy and happiness.

Then my love started to see it too and we realized that the experience is anything but over, it brings you to the threshold for a reason to experience a religious spiritual journey of the soul to true enlightenment.

The symbols are there for a reason but the truth will always be inside of you.

Then we began seeing ourselves within the other as each other’s consciousness.
He saw the world how I see the world, he saw the beauty of the world, he saw the positive, he saw himself how I see him and saw our divine connection.

We couldn’t have done this alone, we had to do this together through the connection of the other.
Love is the basis of existence.

I saw how we all help heal each other, every day with our words, our actions and our feelings towards other frequencies.
How life really is magical, deep down.

I remember making love to my lover and feeling us transform into two star clusters entirely merging together as one.
I looked into his eyes and I saw the milky way.

I felt love like I’ve never seen anything in my life.

In this moment I reached the Godhead.

I was incandescently blissful where I saw the complete destruction of Ego taking place right before me.
My mind opened up like it never did before, it was pure clarity, and absolute truth poured out of me.

It was the most honest and pure love I’ve ever experienced in my life.
We shared a heart to heart taking about what we experienced together.

You don’t have to do this alone and I don’t want you to ever think that.

You are helping others every day maybe you’re not even conscious of it but you are.

You are powerful as a person living and breathing, that is what is so beautiful about it.
You are living breathing frequencies of sound, rippling out in waves to one another.

What we think we become, positive thoughts go a long way into understanding not only ourselves but those around us.

Why aren’t we more caring towards others?
Isn’t the best moments in life when we are happy and loving each other?

Isn’t the best bliss just holding hands with the love of your life, why is it so hard to care?
As we are all one, reflected projections of the other, why can’t we see the mirror right in front of us?

Why must we hate when we are meant to care?
Why must we fear when we are meant to love, forever and eternally.

You are creating a ripple so strong its unimaginable.

The ripple is us as a collective growing stronger.
The ripple is our consciousness evolving and ascending every day.

We are always healing, we are healing each other and that to me is truly a powerful thing.

When you’re in such a deep state of traveling inside your memories via ego death, you know what is the most powerful feeling of comfort?
Love, pure unconditional love.

I saw that we all need to care more, we are here for each other.
We are everywhere.

We’re the neighbor across the street, we’re your grandmother, we’re your mother, we’re the earth, we’re even that guy you can’t stand because he broke your heart or that girl who talks shit about you to invoke drama, we are everywhere.

And I guess I decided to share this story because it just made me feel so humbled, truly humbled to the point of tears how sacred life truly is deep down.

There are so many people out there struggling, we don’t know their story, I mean we go to a department store and we all do our shopping and go home. No one talks to one another, we rarely ever take the risk of stepping outside of our comfort zone.

It’s the same for so many others, but what if your ripple is creating a new dent in the universe?

Adam once told me:

“They say when you talk to someone you are giving a tiny piece of your soul to them through the exchange of energy”.

We are all music, frequencies, tone, vibration, energy.

However we all sing different songs but when we start putting the music together by caring and listening to one another through compassion, we create a harmony as one.

My soul honors your soul.
I honor the place in you where the entire universe resides
I honor the light, love, truth, beauty and peace within you.
In sharing these things we are united, we are of accord, we are one.


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The Neoplatonist metaphysics of Plotinus (AD 204-270) in one cool diagram.


I love those types of maps and charts!!

by J. O'Brien


The Third Dimension - Physical Reality of the Conscious Being

The Third Dimension is where energy congeals into a dark, dense pool of matter.
This is the plane of thought or mind.

The densest stratum of this plane contains our own more worldly and material thoughts.

Because of our Planetary coding/consciousness we are able to identify with matter and therefore become dense ourselves.
The Universe allows the illusion of Free-Will on the Third and Fourth Dimensions which gives us the experience of acting like saints or demons or somewhere in between... by choice.

Beings believing that the Third is the only Dimension suffer from the illusion of separation from their Spirit.
The physical senses cannot detect Spirit which is beyond form.

If we are not One with Spirit then we cannot be at one with others.
This Dimension of Thought has the ability to interpenetrate all of life, like a sort of etheric river of water.

It is not confined to the brain, which actually acts more like a kind of telephone switching station to all the thoughts that pass through it.
Our ability to experience beauty while in such density, shows that we live in a loving Universe.

That is why if we can contact the higher strata of the mind-world by training the corresponding parts of our brain, as all seekers have attempted to do, we shall gain inconceivable knowledge.

Remote Viewing attempts to tap into this holographic practice.
Humans possess a body made up of the material of the Physical Plane world...a body containing chemicals in liquid, solid and gaseous states.

This body is interpenetrated by another body, which is its counterpart, known as the Etheric Body.
It constitutes a fine web through which the Electromagnetic Life-forces are fed into the physical body from the outer Universe.

The combination of these two bodies contain the conscious knowledge of all 12 Dimensions...
The Sacred Hologram

(The Third Dimension).

Is the dominant Mode in which Humanity
And other species Live and Operate
The motivating or driving Forces in this World
Are called "Instincts"
Most beings on the planet Today base their Actions
Predominantly on information they Receive
From their survival, sexual, hierarchical, and territorial Instincts
Acting on these instructions makes statements to the Universe
About what is Real to the Actor

For the most part... these pictures of Reality
Stem from information that is Encoded
In the DNA of the Physical Body
These Physical-Body Pictures of Reality May Imply:

I am Mortal
I need a Mate
I need Personal Power to rule Others
I need to own certain Things
I need another person to make me Happy
I need Control of my Space

The Mental body... too... generates pictures of Reality
It creates pictures that say things Like
"I must figure it all Out"
"I need to be Right"
"It's okay to lie if I have a good enough Reason"
"I am better than they Are"
"She's going to say this... and then I'll say that...."
For various reasons... Western Civilization
Has elevated the Mental Body
To a Male God-like Status

There are several methodologies which contend that by controlling the mental body, negative experiences can be transcended, and that we can even obtain enlightenment and Nirvana.

The rationale goes:

"I create my own reality with my thoughts. Therefore, if I eliminate negative thoughts and only think positive ones, then my life will change for the better."
This implies that negative thoughts are the source of one's negative experiences, and the work then becomes to eradicate them.

You become your own thought Police
And... since Whatever you're fascinated With
...You get more Of...
Then being fascinated with negative Thoughts
Just brings more of them!

Plus... there is another aspect to Consider
The Universe rearranges itself to Accommodate
Your picture of Reality
The "think-only-positive- thoughts" Strategy
Assumes that the Mental body is the sole Composer
Of one's picture of reality - but it is Not
The Physical Body has its own Views and Convictions
Of What is Real
As does the Emotional Body
As well as the Spiritual Body...the I AM

Here is a simple story to illustrate This...

There was a mighty lion, Janro, who was born in a small zoo.
As she grew, she made it a point to investigate, as best as she could, all of the aspects of the world around her.

All of the other lions in this zoo had been born in captivity, as well.
Their cages were indoors.

One day, another lion was added to the group, but she was captured in the wild.
When she spoke of the vast savannas, the tall, spreading trees, the birds in the sky, and the other wonders she knew of, Janro and the others scoffed. "How could this be!" they would exclaim.

We've had plenty of time to investigate this world.
We know precisely the limits of our cages, what other kinds of animals there are, where we came from, and how we get fed.

"What you are telling us is preposterous! Prove it!"

Beings who are exploring the Material World
And taking a Stand for its Validity
Suffer from the Illusion of Separation
From their Spirit

This should be obvious - the Physical Senses cannot detect Spirit, which is beyond form.
Consequently, if we are not at one with our Spirit, then we cannot be at one with others, because Oneness is an attribute of the spiritual body.

They believe they must fight and struggle to exist, courtesy of the animal instincts.
They perceive enemies.

Their actions are a series of strategies being played out.
They fear lack and condemnation, both which lurk in the background of their consciousness like hungry cheetahs.

They need outside authorities to tell them how to reach God/dess and to tell them what is real.

Today... Scientists are the Priests of What's Real...

When we find ourselves acting out and identifying with any of these pictures of reality and agreeing that they are real, you may say with confidence...
"I am Living in a Material World."

Other experiences of this Domain are:
  • Being caught up in a stream of Thought

  • Planning sexual Strategies

  • Mentally rehearsing what you're going to say when you confront Someone (which you never end up saying, anyway, when the time comes)

  • Being Sarcastic

  • Being Obnoxious

  • Being Critical

  • Physically or verbally attacking Someone

  • Proving you're right...or the other Wrong

  • Defending or claiming your Space
The way that we Perceive and Define Ourselves
Implies which World we are living In
A few Identities that take a Stand
For the validity of The Material World are:

"I am A:..."

  • hard worker

  • smart person

  • honest person

  • business person, (or, name a profession)

  • parent/spouse/child

  • awesome/inadequate lover

  • responsible person

  • funny person

  • student/teacher

  • clever/shrewd
There is nothing wrong with these identities or with exploring the Material World; we all do it to some degree or another; let's face it -we're all in human forms.

It's an option that our Spirits
Have chosen to Explore, for whatever reason.
The important Point
Is not what we are Exploring
But the Position that our Consciousness is In
With Relation to the Action
The Truth...The Astral Plane

The Fourth Dimension is a gray, polarized plane, housing the forces of Light and Darkness.

The battle between good and evil starts here.
Forms naturally morph on the Astral Plane...a tree can easily transform into a wolf.

This is because the illusion of good and evil is manifest here and because of the extreme mutability of form, distrust and fear that exist... e-motion.

This plane is that of Will or Life-spirit and it is of this dimension that the individual "self", the Ego, is a part.
It is the Ego who uses the physical, astral and mind bodies as tools with which to achieve its purpose.

When mind, body and spirit are completely aligned with Divine Will and in harmony and balance... one with another... you are omnipotent and have achieved conquest over matter.

After careful training, it is possible to leave the physical body safely in the nourishing care of its etheric web, to go on a Dimensional Journey.
This is called astral travel.

When you wish to return you slip back into the restricting burden of your outer coating of flesh.
Shamans are adepts in this arena, many times bringing back information to benefit humankind.

Unless the person has been specially trained and practiced, the jar of contact once again with the dense Earth vibrations are so harsh that it usually snaps the thread of memory of the journey.

Magic, time travel, karma, reincarnation, luck, psychic surgery, flying, mind reading, disembodied spirits, enchantment, and of course, astral travel, all source from this plane.

The Demi-God/desses of many religions live here.
Hell and purgatory are fourth dimensional locales as well.

By embodying the principles of this plane, we enhance the probability of LIVING A MAGICAL LIFE

(The Fourth Dimension)

Is the next step up...dimensionally Speaking
From the Material World
When you are living in a Magical World
You are taking a stand for the Realities
And parameters of the Fourth Dimension
The Link between the Third-Dimensional Physical Body
And the Fourth Dimension
The Emotional Body studies the Astral Plane
And the Mental Body does its best To
Interpret the Information that it Receives
Within the Limitations of its Linear-Based Functioning Ability

What follows are some Principles
Pictures of Reality and Implications
That are innate in the Fourth Dimension

For instance, lets say you are standing in line at the grocery store and you begin to make psychic contact with others... you now can say:

"I am living in a Magical World!"
When you find yourself Engaged
In Any of the following Activities
You can say the Same

  • Trying to use or get "Luck"

  • Being Superstitious

  • Having a Sexual Fantasy

  • Psychically attacking Someone

  • Psychically defending Someone

  • Fighting for God, the Light, or any other "Good" Cause

  • Or "bad" cause... if that's your Style

  • Trying to Psychically Manipulate another Being or Situation

  • Astral Traveling

  • Working out your Karma

  • Trying to be worthy in the Eyes of God/dess

  • Preaching "the right way" to serve God/dess... Spirit... or the Mission

  • Using Magic... either "White" or "Black"
Here are few Identities
Which take a Stand for the Validity
Of the Magical World
"I am A"......
Magician... Druid... Witch... Sorcerer... Enchanter
Past-life Regressionist
Warrior of the Light
Devil/demon Worshipper
Religious person

The Magical World
Compared to the Material World
Is much more Exciting

There are many unusual Powers
And phenomena to experience There
It has a unique and somewhat Hypnotic Allure
Many Beings feel Liberated
As they move from the Limitations
Of The Material World into the Expansiveness
Of The Magical World

For others, however, this world of shifting Forms
Gray alliances... and non-linear logic is Scary
Additionally... the rules of The Material World
Don't mean much in The Magical World

For those who need to "be in Control"
And "Know how it really Is"
In a Third-dimensional Sense
This metamorphic reality with its uncharted Territories
Including Purgatories and Hells
Are better left Alone

We are at a time in Human History
In which the Veils are rapidly being Lifted
Between the two Worlds
This is frightening to those who Want
The Material World to be the Safe
Predictable place it has always (or seemed to have) Been

As The Magical World becomes increasingly Accessible
The Material World becomes more Destabilized

This is becoming increasingly apparent in the area of relationships.
In many (but not all) cases, the scenario goes something like this:

One of the partners begins to explore and experience the validity of the Magical World.
The Material World-based partner, is either unable or unwilling to explore The Magical probability.

He uses "scientific, common-sense logic" to explain why The Magical World doesn't exist... or just sarcastically dismisses the partner's interest.

Or... A more clever response is this:
He plays along with the Magically-inclined partners' "flights of fantasy and imagination."

A wiser yet alternative:
He supports the Magically-inclined partner's exploration.

But neither "Common-sense Logic"
The common logic of only five Senses
Nor sarcasm can Negate another person's Experiences

As the lure and exploration of The Magical World increases, there becomes less and less for the couple to talk about.
And when it comes time for parting, the defender of the logical world finds himself alone with his cold facts, wondering what went wrong.

Another outcome of this scenario is that the Magically-inclined partner halts or slows her progress so as not to hurt the partner, hoping that she can "bring him along."

It may be helpful to Realize
That ALL relationships are in the hands of Spirit
Spirit puts us together and separates Us
In accordance with the Divine Plan

This may sound harsh to the Emotional Body
But when grasped from a Cosmic Perspective
It is really a Blessing

Relationships based upon the parameters of The Magical World can be enchanting; all sorts of magical events may transpire.
The partner's face can morph from their usual appearance and look like that of a completely different person.

Astral sex is "out of this world".

Plus there are opportunities to play out unfulfilled Material and Magical roles with each other... sometimes reaching into past lives.

At this point in History
The next natural step for many Beings
Is to move from the exploration of The Material World
To the exploration of The Magical World
This requires letting go of Rigid Concepts
Which the linear mind holds as Real

For those who have identified Themselves
With their mental and physical Bodies
This... perhaps... is one of the biggest stumbling Blocks
To exploring the interesting realm of The Magical World

(The Miraculous World)

The Fifth Dimension - Heaven... The Plane of Light
For most religions, the Fifth Dimension is the highest realms a Soul can reach.

Spiritually, starting from the beginning, it is the last stop downward on the dimensional ladder before we enter the realms of limitation.
We incarnate here as androgynous stellar beings.

Since we live on Stars we have luminous Light Bodies.
These eternal forms have no need for pain, the warning signals that physical bodies provide.

Therefore there is no physical suffering.
Neither do we suffer from any form of separation because we constantly experience the Oneness of Mother/Father Creator.

We base our actions entirely on Love, never fear.
This is because fear does not exist at this level.

We are unstoppable and living Miraculous lives.
Immortality is an experiential given.

Many times in a Near Death Experience, a person will travel thru a long tunnel.
The tunnel traverses the darkness (the Fourth Dimension) and ends in a bright opening of Golden or White Light (the Fifth Dimension).

This is the Birth Canal of the Soul and the doorway to Heaven.

We travel by application of Divine Will.
We need not die to have this experience.

The shortest distance between two points is not a straight line or curved line.
In the Fifth Dimension, one simply duplicates herself to her destination(s).

We travel by moving through the doorway at the center of the star.
We do not fly as this movement is similar to teleportation.

Flying is only a viable means of transportation on the Third and Fourth Dimensions.

In many Ascension stories, the Earth transforms... along with her inhabitants into her fifth-dimensional Light Body.
This is when Gaia physically shifts from a dense, material body to one of Light... A Star.

The present Earth changes and Ancient prophecies are guides to this probable future.
However, the Fifth Dimensional Manifestation of a star is neither hot nor fiery... It is soft.

This is known as THE MIRACULOUS WORLD...

(The Fifth Dimension)

The Miraculous World
Dimensionally... it is the next step up from The Magical World
The Probabilities of this Fifth Plane
Are just now presenting themselves to Humanity

Go outside on some clear Night
Look up in the Sky and catch a glimpse of the Stars
There are more Stars than we can Imagine
With even more Planets racing around Them
And this is only the Third-Dimensional aspect that we are Seeing

Look at your Hand... move your Fingers
To make all of this Exist and Work
Takes Forces and a form of Intelligence
That is not possible to Imagine
And this is only the Third-Dimensional
Aspect of our Existence
Although this may sound Oversimplified
It does seem to point to one Thing
The Universe is a Miraculous Place

If it can Create all of This
It can do just about any thing it Wants
In The Miraculous World
Linear or "horizontal" Logic
Which uses past Experience and one's Beliefs
To determine what is Real
Is NOT what directs one's Actions
Nor is it one's Feelings
Regardless of how Powerful they Are
Instead "Vertical" Logic
Which is information received Directly
From One's Spirit
Provides the data from which to Act

This is spontaneous Revelation
And is the key to consciously Living
In the Eternal Now
You are in Essence... channeling your Spirit

When we find ourselves acting Out
And identifying with the Following
You can Say
"I am living in A Miraculous World"

  • You experience the awesome reality of living in the faith that you are in the hands of your Spirit

  • You perceive everything as "okay"... even if it's sometimes unpleasant... because you know that Spirit is directing your Course

  • You see your identity as a Divine being Unfold

  • Your reliance on Material and Magical perceptions is superseded by your reliance on Miraculous Perceptions

  • You perceive other's pictures of reality as just that - their pictures - and do not take their projections Personally

  • You realize that, in many areas of your life and especially your mission, the walls of time/space are not a Limitation

  • You live with the understanding that by remaining open and empty... the Universe can manifest miracles through You

  • You love everyone and know that they are part of the Divine Whole

  • You are grateful to be Alive

  • You see your Vision of Heaven on Earth Manifesting

  • You share your Vision, cosmic identity, and insights freely and Naturally

  • Miracles are a Given
Here are few Identities
Or ways to Function
Which take a stand for the Validity
Of The Miraculous World
I Am A
Angelic... Extraterrestrial... Other-dimensional Adept
DivineCosmicHoly being
Code Master
Grid TemplateExpert
Energy-flow Director
Receiver Transmitter for your off-Planet

Other-dimensional Team
Transdimensional Trail Blazer
Divine Fool
Moving from The Magical World
To The Miraculous World
Is similar to moving From
The Material to The Magical

There is a barrier that separates these Worlds
...The Fear of the Unknown...
Inherent in the Human Form
And reinforced by the Dark Forces
Makes Beings hesitate to explore New Worlds

On the other hand, many beings don't explore other worlds because they are just plain ignorant of their existence:
Spirit has dictated that the veils in their consciousness remain in place - they can do no more.

It is interesting to note that in The Miraculous World
The Mental, Emotional, and Physical Bodies
Are used by the Universe to achieve its Ends
In The Material World
The Universe is used by these Bodies
To achieve their Ends

The World in which we perceive ourselves, along with our identity, are major components of our picture of reality.
And the universe rearranges itself to accommodate our picture of reality.
  • If we're using Material World criteria for the basis of our discernment, it will look as if everyone is living in The Material World.

  • If we use The Magical World as our criteria, it will appear as if everyone is living in either The Material World or The Magical World (or probably some combination of the two).

  • If we use the criteria of The Miraculous World, it will appear as if everyone is living in The Material, Magical, or Miraculous World (or probably some combination of the three).
This is because beings who are intensely exploring the Material World cannot include The Magical World in their picture of reality

Yet, those who are exploring The Magical can include The Material.
Similarly, those who are intensely exploring The Magical World cannot include The Miraculous World in their picture of reality

Yet, those who are exploring The Miraculous can include The Magical.

This suggests a Hierarchical Order
Based on our ability to Accept
Ever-expanding Probabilities
And our capacity to Love

There are many versions of the Ascension Scenario.
It is our sense that the Planetary Consciousness (and many other Cosmic Forces) is preparing a new, energetic environment for its inhabitants to live in.

The foundations are already being laid.
Its frequency will sustain only Miraculous
World experiences.

Once fully in place and Operational
The option of exploring The Material and Magical Worlds
Will no longer be Available
At least on this planetary Body
Living in The Miraculous World
Will no longer be debated as to whether it is "Possible" or "Impossible"
It will just be... The way that it Is

...Seek and Ye Shall Find...

In The Material World
One seeks retirement and grows Old
In The Magical World
One seeks Enlightenment and grows Wiser
In The Miraculous World
One seeks nothing and grows Lighter

As we all tread the Homeward Path
We will explore many Realms
And one day... we will all Realize
That all experiences are Simply

Different ways in which The

All-That Is

Perceives Itself


All students of the occult are acquainted with the idea of the elemental essence, that strange half-intelligent life which surrounds us in all directions, vivifying the matter of the mental and astral planes.

This matter thus animated responds very readily to the influence of human thought, and every impulse sent out, either from the mental body or from the astral body of man, immediately clothes itself in a temporary vehicle of this vitalised matter.

Such a thought or impulse becomes for the time a kind of living creature, the thought-force being the soul, and the vivified matter the body.
Instead of using the somewhat clumsy paraphrase, "astral or mental matter ensouled by the monadic essence at the stage of one of the elemental kingdoms,” theosophical writers often, for brevity's sake, call this quickened matter simply elemental essence; and sometimes they speak of the thought-form as "an elemental.”

There may be infinite variety in the colour and shape of such elementals or thought-forms, for each thought draws round it the matter which is appropriate for its expression, and sets that matter into vibration in harmony with its own; so that the character of the thought decides its colour, and the study of its variations and combinations is an exceedingly interesting one.
Awesome meme dump...














The magician should be capable of performing any ritual on the astral, that is to say, by the power of imagination alone.
By strongly visualizing any of his weapons to the point where he actually hallucinates their presence,
he draws both the aetheric form of the weapon and the associated powers within himself into action.
Such empty-hand techniques are the mark of the adept.

-Peter J. Carroll​

What is Gnosis?

Gnosis (-g·no·sis): From Greek γνῶσις. Knowledge.

The higher meaning of Gnosis is knowledge from experience, especially experience of divinity or that which is beyond the five senses.
The word Gnosis does not refer to knowledge that we are told or believe in.

Gnosis is conscious, experiential knowledge, not merely intellectual or conceptual knowledge, belief, or theory.
This term is synonymous with the Hebrew דעת “da'ath,” the Arabic ma'rifah, the Tibetan rigpa (knowing), and the Sanskrit “jna.”

Gnosis can also refer to the tradition that embodies the core wisdom or knowledge of humanity, although in the physical world it has not been known by that name, but instead has adopted varying appearances according to culture, time, and place.

The Greek word Gnosis (γνῶσις) implies a type of knowledge that is derived from experience, and encompasses the whole of a person.
That is, it is genuine knowledge of the truth.

Reality, truth, does not fit neatly into a concept, dogma, or theory, thus genuine Gnosis must also be something that one must experience.
Personal experience is not transmissible in conceptual terms; a concept is merely an idea, and experience is far more than an idea.

In other words, real Gnosis is an experience that defies conceptualization, belief, or any attempt to convey it.
To understand it, one must experience it.

This is why real spirituality is based on one’s own effort to experience the truth,
and the method to reach that experience is primarily practical.

Nonetheless, in order to understand what we experience, we must study the experiences of others.
For this, we prefer to rely on those who have proven the qualities we wish to embody ourselves:
profound love for all beings, brilliant intelligence, and radiant joy.

As such, we rely on the greatest human beings and their legacies,
in every field of understanding: philosophy, science, art, and religion.​

“Dreams are a reservoir of knowledge and experience", writes Tibetan Buddhist Tarthang Tulku,
“yet they are often overlooked as a vehicle for exploring reality.

In the dream state our bodies are at rest, yet we see and hear, move about, and are even able to learn.
When we make good use of the dream state, it is almost as if our lives were doubled: instead of a hundred years, we live two hundred.”

— with Onironauta Jovi and Secrets of the Occult.​