Hey @Skarekrow how you feeling? Hoping you're mending. ❤

How are YOU Sandie??
Been praying and sending you healing energies when I can!
You are always such a positive, compassionate, and caring person - kudos to you for maintaining that state of mind as much as you do!!

I’m pretty good...incisions are healing up...still a bit of pain if I overdo it moving around too much...then my back pain kicks in too and...blah.
Anyhow...getting lots of rest...my meditations these days often lapse into dozing off as my body needs the extra rest to heal I suppose.
But still productive nonetheless...my body fell asleep and actually started to snore once while my mind was still wide awake...that was pretty funny...I started to laugh.
Eating like crazy...for a while there I was very gaunt and looked way too thin...my eyes were sunken in...but I couldn’t eat even though I was hungry because it would cause my gallbladder to flair up and hurt like a bastard...I was even getting an aversion to eating anything for fear of the pain.
So I’m glad that that is all behind me....so far it seems I can eat anything I like in any portion...gained 10lbs. since getting out of the hospital.
I wonder how long this has been effecting me actually?
The morning symptoms of IBS that would wake me up sometimes have even vanished completely - which is so wonderful!
Still feeling a bit tired during the day in general...but I chalk that up to my body healing and needed more nutrition - which I am doing my best to supply as it seems to be in very high demand! lol
I probably have like .0005% body-fat right now...lol.
But getting better...I started to work on my wands again after a long hiatus where the energy to make them just felt off.
So maybe this was causing other blockages besides just my common bile duct...lol?
Anyhow...making a very special one for a former forum member (I don’t know if this person would care if I disclosed their name or not so I won’t ;) ), and so far it’s been one of my most innovative and intricate wands I have had the pleasure to create.
Doing alright I guess, thank you for asking...I still have moments of depression or anxiety that try to creep in...the first few days back from the hospital were very emotional for me - it was just all too overwhelming to go along with my chronic issues I already have to beat off with a stick.
But I’m handling them...this is where my meditation practice is priceless...along with the mushroom sessions I have done for this reason, meditation has allowed me to have the upper hand on depression/anxiety, whereas before it was the other way around and very brutal combined with the pain.
It would have been very difficult to continue on in such a manner for an extended period.
So...things continue to look up even though shit keeps going wrong...hahaha.
But at least I can never have gallstones ever again!
And the IBS is gone (sorry, TMI).
IDK...I just feel more in the flow I guess.
I will attempt to stay here as long as possible!

Is there anything I can do for you Sandie?
Name it.
Take care...let me know how you are doing, and thank you for being the wonderful person you are!
Much love,

I know I'm completely missing the point, but those pills do not look that hard to swallow.
They're even the easily breakable variety of pill. Come on!
I know I'm completely missing the point, but those pills do not look that hard to swallow.
They're even the easily breakable variety of pill. Come on!

If you are a real badass, you crush them up into a line and snort that reality like a hardcore MF.
Glad to hear you're beginning to heal @Skarekrow
I'm sorry you had to go through all that. I really want to give you a hug after what you wrote. Unfortunately, you'll have to settle for a smilie.:extremehug:

I know you must be sad to lose those gallstones, but look on the bright side, you can still get kidney stones :p
If you are a real badass, you crush them up into a line and snort that reality like a hardcore MF.

I just prefer to toss em all back, with a shot of whiskey.

Or apple juice in this case as I'm all out of whiskey.
Glad to hear you're beginning to heal @Skarekrow
I'm sorry you had to go through all that. I really want to give you a hug after what you wrote. Unfortunately, you'll have to settle for a smilie.:extremehug:

I know you must be sad to lose those gallstones, but look on the bright side, you can still get kidney stones :p

Thank you my dear friend!
*manly hugs for uncomfortably long amounts of time*
I got to keep a few of them actually...they look like yellow rabbit shit-balls lol.
Not really jewelry quality...though I will make you a tongue ring out of them if you promise to wear it.

Fuck kidney stones...fortunately no one in my family or extended family has ever had such an issue so *knock of wood* (I probably just jinxed myself bad lol)

Much love to you...thanks for giving a shit.
I just prefer to toss em all back, with a shot of whiskey.

Or apple juice in this case as I'm all out of whiskey.

Actually...the most badass thing to do would be to chew the bitter little bits of bastard reality a handful at a time...nothing to drink.
Is there anything I can do for you Sandie?
Been praying and sending you healing energies when I can!
You're doing it ;) I can use all the help I can get, lol

I'm happy to hear you've got a handle on your health, sounds like some things are going really good for you, and that's wonderful news!

I've been quiet and contemplative. Seeing the doc in May for the cancer thing and the orthopedic surgeon in 2 weeks for an epimoid tumor in the carpal canal, yay!...not, I went to ER because I blewout my wrist while I was looking for a book in my garage, my library has been packed since moving back in with Dad, so each time I need a book, (citations suck!), I have to search...I couldn't find the book so I started bulling and picked up a 100 pound (or more) box of books one handed and moved it...not realizing this thing slipped out of my wrist. When I banged the bump on my wrist is when I noticed it, it didn't hurt until then. Doc said they're usually benign but seeing how I'm falling apart and my skins attacking me....well anyhoo,

Great to hear that things are good for you.
You're doing it ;) I can use all the help I can get, lol

I'm happy to hear you've got a handle on your health, sounds like some things are going really good for you, and that's wonderful news!

I've been quiet and contemplative. Seeing the doc in May for the cancer thing and the orthopedic surgeon in 2 weeks for an epimoid tumor in the carpal canal, yay!...not, I went to ER because I blewout my wrist while I was looking for a book in my garage, my library has been packed since moving back in with Dad, so each time I need a book, (citations suck!), I have to search...I couldn't find the book so I started bulling and picked up a 100 pound (or more) box of books one handed and moved it...not realizing this thing slipped out of my wrist. When I banged the bump on my wrist is when I noticed it, it didn't hurt until then. Doc said they're usually benign but seeing how I'm falling apart and my skins attacking me....well anyhoo,

Great to hear that things are good for you.

So sorry Sandie!!
I slammed my fingernail in the front door a couple months ago and it was so damned painful...amazing how something so small can cause such great amounts of pain like that!
Keep on fighting and I will keep on trying to send you good and healing thoughts...I know it may be hard...but try to stay positive my dear!!
I hope your wrist and everything else is resolved soon. ❤

Yeah...so far...still a little sore if I move too much, and I feel awfully tired a lot...but between the arthritis and the pancreatitis I think I’m just needing the extra recovery/healing sleep.
Take care and let me know if there is anything else I can do for you!

Much love!
Still have to put up part 5 of the series!
Here you go!


This is part 5 of our 5 part series: Symptoms of Awakening

Part 5 – {You are Here} The Divine Creator: Crafting the New Identity

We’ve reached the end of the series and I’ve saved the best for last!
This is probably one of the most beautiful moments of self-realization on the path.

The Realization that the Mind is recreating itself through the mind as The Divine Creator.

Let’s back up a bit.
What’s fascinating about Kundalini Awakening is that the process is never-ending.

It usually only gets weirder but at the same time a lot more amazing!

After listening to different stories and questions all over the world for years has shown me that Awakening really exists in stages.
What intrigues me the most is how these stages have almost set-points we reach through the birthing process.

Stage 1. The Identity – This is where the Ego starts losing bearings over our consciousness.
You grapple with holding on to the edge of your reality as the walls start falling all around you.
You start feeling disengaged from your past identity.

Stage 2. Death of the Old Consciousness – The Dark night happens and all the aftereffects that come with that.
Strangely many new on the path are OBSESSED with the need to astral project.
There is a bizarre disconnection they feel and generally most in this stage feel dissociated from the material world.
Alone on the path.

Stage 3. Letting Go – The growth phase, we want to learn everything and our mind is ready to soak it all in.
Blissful aha moments, epiphanies, excellent growth and healing while we battle the symptoms dead on.
We’re ready to start letting go but we also create a stagnation in the process.
We begin Integration.

Stage 4. Surrender – We are ready now, we walked into the abyss.
We have met our death and learned to transcend the ego identity.
We begin to see the illusions for what they truly are.
We have learned to separate fact from fiction by seeing the reflection.
Nothing is separate.
We surrender into the infinity of the universe.

Stage 5. Rebirth – This is the point where we begin to understand that we are the creator of our experiences.
Every reflection and projection we create is due to an internal processing of the mind being reflected back at us.

So I Awakened, I went through the Dark Night, I’ve overcome a lot of obstacles and I learned to cut karmic ties by healing my past wounds.

But…what happens next?

You need to find the hidden cookie in the 4th dimension.
{That’s a joke my friend Michael once told me}

Hehe, If you’re like me and so many others, I asked myself this same question awhile back.
I always remember a wave of panic spreading through my body every time I started thinking about this.

It created a huge resistance.

Then I started having ego death experiences. ;)

Naturally you may find yourself falling into Pitfalls like I wrote about previously or something different may suddenly arise:


Now we’re getting into the fun stuff.
This comes down to three words.

Thoughts Create Reality.

Now everyone and their brother will say this but once you fully understand the POWER of this statement, your reality will physically start changing from the inside out.

See, the awakened body goes through the symptoms for a reason, it’s to prepare the mind for a mental reset.
The symptoms are truthfully just the beginning.

These Symptoms are creating the mental reset you are building from the New Identity.

It’s that simple and yet we miss it due to all the distractions we unconsciously create.


A lot of people call this the Light Body Process but honestly I think that makes it confusing because we’re attaching it to an end goal called “Ascension”. I’m real with you.

Ascension is a state of mind it is NOT a date of time or some distant goal in the future tied into your dreams.
Ascension is NOW.


The New Identity is the point where Kundalini descends and begins integrating into the material world.

Basically as you go through kundalini awakening, you are “ascending” the kundalini rising it up into the crown.
However there is a crucial point we miss, kundalini needs to descend back into the material world.

Many individuals experiencing kundalini awakening have ascended their consciousness but they become loose cannons of energy.
This is because they are floating their energy out there in space with no stability to stand on.

The purpose of crafting the new identity is that we must learn to descend and integrate that kundalini energy back into the earth.


By Stepping into our ability to create our reality.

In my perception, many people perceive 5D as this distant fantasy world.
However it’s not, it lives within you.

We are the door and the bridge to 5D because we are the other side.

It is merely about learning to craft your new identity in the post-awakening journey.


Awakened souls are basically humans that touched the reset button.
Although most of us don’t realize we hit the button, which is why our energy is moving like a broken elevator that doesn’t know what floor to get off at;
Do I want to go to the past?

Do I want to go to the future?
Do I want to go to a secret dimension?
Do I want to go to this fantasy world?

This is the simplest way I can describe it.
You are on Reset Mode.

Many ask me: What if I don’t know how to manifest?

Don’t say that!
We are always creating and manifesting otherwise none of this would exist.

It would be void, empty space.

Take a moment here, breathe deep and look around you.
Look at your surroundings, your home, your life.

YOU created this.

{either you’re over there having a peaceful moment of elation or you’re still a little confused, let’s go deeper!}

If I created this, then why am I not manifesting what I want?

We are all creators, creating 24/7 the hugest problem tons of individuals are creating on auto-pilot completely oblivious to their creations.
I believe in new age circles we call them “asleep”.

I see them as reflections of what we also need to see within ourselves.

We forget we are creators of experience.

The Awakened individual is not creating on auto-pilot.
They are consciously aware, listening to the subtle patterns, learning to be more present and mindful of their actions.


It’s because we’re ready to take the wheel, drive the ship, and embody the divine creator within.

Now certain people do this already through methods such as the law of attraction.
The thing is a lot of practices are rooted in karmic intentions or half-truths.

This is the perception of tying our goals to happiness instead of learning to be happy in the now.

Therefore the best way to start crafting the new identity is learning to get yourself off of auto-pilot.


Unconsciously we tend to focus on the things we don’t want such as our complaints, judgments, the drama llama or the way we feel about ourselves.
It’s a pesky habit! But rarely do we decide hey maybe it could be easy rather than struggling constantly?

What if things started to do themselves.

As Ego Creatures we tend to over-complicate things and exaggerate the situation fueling the energy even more.
Therefore what if it could be easy?
This starts with learning to focus on the things we DO desire vs. focusing on what we don’t want.

What do you desire to create in your world?


Intention setting is like a digital letter to the universe.
When we put out an intention such as “I am grateful for happiness” the universe becomes like a xerox machine saying: “okay you’re grateful for happiness? I’m going to send you all the things to make you happy!”

Our words are energy and this means they can be powerful when wielded correctly.
However this also means they can be highly damaging in ways we don’t always realize such as lack of self-worth, hating something or despair.

We are all fall into this trap but once we’re aware it’s good to see this to get yourself out of it faster.
The power is in the word.



I never really thought about it until I began seeing how certain people, events and situations would zap my energy like a bad flu.
My worst vice Facebook.

It isn’t always bad, it can be a great place of connection.
Although it’s an energy draining hog where you’re soaking in different vibrations and emotions at the same time.

For a sensitive this is like drinking the empathetic sponge kool-aid suddenly there is no escape lol.

When we learn to establish our emotional boundaries, we’re able to find the balance easier.
Energy fatigue, mentally exhausted or feeling drained are indicators that somewhere you are not spending your energy wisely.

Do you take breaks?
Do you allow yourself to rest?

Are there times when you just need to turn off?
Look at how you spend your energy.


The Feeling Space is where you are gravitating your emotions daily.
The feeling behind the thought.

It isn’t necessarily the thought that is the problem, it’s the feeling you put behind it.
It’s important to see it’s not the idea, it’s the belief and the energy you put behind it.

This could go into about any situation.
How are your feelings tied into the way you navigate the world?

Do you feel they are in alignment or are they creating a discord?
You’re not chasing ideas, you’re chasing feelings.

Observe your feeling space.


Are you an unconscious preacher?
Theories, ideas and fantasies are great but many of us are preaching and feeding on the “idea of them” rather than doing.

We need to start grabbing the reins, ready for action and telling those symptoms who’s boss.

Taking action is about learning we need to implement the will into our experiences.
It is one thing to read about an idea, it is highly another to start taking action and accountability towards changing your personal identity.

Thus changing your reality.

So many are against the ego when truthfully it’s about learning to see what is behind the ego.
When we’re able to see behind the Ego we can learn to empower our will, begin implementing the lessons and research we’ve learned into our physical reality.

My friend Nikola called it, “Once you learn to internalize your alchemy, you will then create the external alchemy”

Are you ready to step out of autopilot?

  1. Learning to understand your patterns you create
  2. Your Emotional Triggers – What offends you?
  3. Your Unconscious fears – Do you have a need for protection? What if you’re already safe.
  4. Setting positive intentions – Gratitude practices, transforming negatives into positives, seeing the best in every situation
  5. Stepping outside of your Comfort zone – Do something different for once, eat a new food, try a new hobby, book an exotic vacation, talk to your crush, let yourself free yourself
  6. Align & gravitate towards your PASSIONS & STRENGTHS – Let yourself be guided by what brings you joy, not misery, take time to do what makes your soul happy, get off of social media if there’s too much drama. let go of that friendship if she/he isn’t serving you any good. Let yourself be surrounded by your passions
  7. Go the distance – Don’t let yourself be held back any longer
  8. Take Time for self-nurture and recharging – You can’t drink from an empty cup.
  9. Start Dismantling your hindering and limited beliefs – I can’t, I won’t, excuses, get rid of them! and DO
  10. Create challenges to stimulate new growth – You aren’t going to learn if you do the same things you always do, you have to allow yourself to be challenged and empowered by creating new mental skills
  11. Allow yourself to succeed and feel worthy – I don’t know how many people I’ve heard say they don’t feel worthy enough to manifest, they’re afraid of failure, they don’t feel it’s necessary or they don’t feel it’s right because they’re waiting for *something*. Step into your personal allow yourself to succeed.

I’d like to close this series with an action oriented exercise.


Take a moment where you can be in a quiet recharging space alone.
Get a pen and paper.

For about 3-5 minutes start writing down without limitations on yourself, some of your dreams.
Let yourself let go and Dream.

Then when you’re done sit and ponder on these questions.

What do I desire to create?
What makes my soul sing and how can I start birthing to life my dreams

How do I become Aware & focused on my intentions?
Be aware & Observe your words, what intentions am I using daily? How can I empower them

Am I spending my energy wisely?
Take a moment and listen, how do you feel, what are ways you could start spending your energy wiser

What is the feeling space I am creating with my vibrations daily?
Remember it’s the energy behind the thought, what feelings are coming to surface

What actions can I start taking to become focused on my intentions?
Write a list of some simple actions you can take starting today.

Understanding our ability to create is the supreme secret on your personal awakening journey.

To understand your limitless potential, we must step into the beauty of being a conscious creator.

Most of all have fun, the universe is playful, everything is unfolding as it should.

Go out there, play in your subconscious playground, create miracles and watch those dreams come to life!

Afterall isn’t that the best part, when the movie starts coming to life?
Yeah...so far...still a little sore if I move too much, and I feel awfully tired a lot...but between the arthritis and the pancreatitis I think I’m just needing the extra recovery/healing sleep.
Our bodies will tell us when to rest, I've been doing the opposite, not thinking of things if I stay on the move, lol ;)
❤ good wishes and healing hugs to you. Rest well my friend.
hungry.webp you.webp
Some more selected chapters of “Astral Dynamics” by Robert Bruce.


The Projectable Double

There are many different types of OBE and therefore many different types of projectable double.
To make sense of OBE and projection - to obtain a better understanding of some of the energetic intricacies involved - it is necessary to examine the main aspects of the projectable double.

Let us start by taking a brief look at its structure, starting at its very lowest energetic aspect... the etheric body.

The Etheric Body
The human etheric body (also called the energy body) is the subtle body most closely related to and enmeshed within the physical body.
I do not believe this aspect can separate from its physical body while its physical body still lives.

It has three main aspects:
  1. bioenergetic

  2. pure-energetic

  3. expanded-energetic
The three aspects are strongly interrelated.

The bioenergetic aspect of the human etheric body is the underlying, supporting bioenergetic mechanism and active living template for bodily intelligence and all biological life processes.

It works in line with the biological functioning of the physical body, and exists as an exact bioenergetic counterpart that is firmly enmeshed with the living physical body.

The pure-energetic aspect has at least seven primary energy centers (often called chakras or psychic centers), hundreds of secondary energy centers (minor chakras), and thousands of tiny energy exchange ports.

Throughout this runs a complex network of internal and external energy pathways, connecting circuitry, and energetic structures.
This aspect of the etheric body does not strictly follow the internal and external contours of the physical body.

The expanded-energetic aspect occurs when the physical body falls asleep, or enters the trance state.
The substance of the pure-energetic aspect of the etheric body becomes energetically excited and begins to expand outward.

This allows the pure-energetic aspects of the etheric body to function independently from the physical body, without disturbing it while it sleeps.

Holding the mind awake during the trance state creates a wide range of energetic conflicts.
These conflicts can cause some very peculiar sensations, such as the feeling of expansion (often perceived as the sensation of shrinking or falling inward).

The degree of etheric body expansion possible depends greatly on the level of sleep or trance attained.

The etheric body, in its energetically excited and expanded state, is a true subtle body in its own right.
The main difference between it and any other subtle body - e.g., the real-time and astral bodies - is that the expanded etheric body is not normally capable of leaving the confines of its physical body.

The continuing presence of all three aspects of the etheric body appears essential for the continuance of biological life processes.

I believe that the etheric body is far too dense and too firmly enmeshed within the physical body (as subtle bodies go) to allow a full projection of its energetic substance to occur.

The closest subtle body to the etheric body is the real-time body, the generation of which begins inside the expanding etheric body before any type of OBE, conscious or unconscious.

Thus the etheric body is found to have more than a small part to play in the process of generating and projecting the real-time double.


Trance and Inner-Body Projection
If the physical body falls asleep while its mind is even partially awake, it enters a level of the trance state.
The telltale sinking heaviness and cozy warmth of the trance state will then be felt, if only momentarily, before the seeming oblivion of sleep occludes normal waking consciousness.

When the first level of the trance state is attained - light trance - the etheric body begins its expansion process.
To be more precise, the first stage of the expanded etheric body generation process forms the separate but still internal subtle body.

The deeper the level of trance, the more strongly the etheric body will be generated as a distinctly separate and independently functioning subtle body.

As the expanded etheric body is generated, the center of consciousness automatically transfers (internally projects or reflects) into the etheric body.
This is the first stage of the multilevel projection process, just one small step away from the physical body and its normal level of waking consciousness.

The center of consciousness has now shifted one level up from its physical body, and is now just one level down from the first projectable subtle body, the real-time projectable double.

I see falling asleep and entering the trance state as having the same general effect, each causing a type of inner-body projection or energetic reflection of the center of consciousness into the etheric body.

If this process occurs while falling into normal sleep, a sleeping copy of consciousness and memory are reflected into the etheric body.
A short time after this event, as the sleeping body falls more deeply asleep (or as the trance state deepens), the real-time body will be internally generated in a similar fashion, in preparation for its full extrusion (or projection) by the physical/etheric body outside the bounds of the physical body.

This is the second level of the natural subtle body generation and projection process.

The generation and projection of sleeping subtle bodies will now continue, with the projected mind remaining undisturbed and sleeping throughout, on up through the dimensional spectrum.

This is the basic outline of the natural multileveled, multidimensional sleep-projection process, as I see it, that occurs to everyone during normal sleep.

The reason this process can occur so gently and naturally is that the projecting center of consciousness is asleep.
When it is asleep it is safely out of the way, so to speak.

A sleeping mind does not cause any energetic conflicts to arise during this natural process, whereas an awake mind will cause plenty.

If the etheric body generation process occurs while the mind is held awake, a full waking trance state is achieved: body asleep, mind awake.

A full copy of the awake and thinking mind is reflected into the expanding etheric body.
The trance state allows waking, thinking consciousness to continue within the confines of the etheric body, while the physical body and its mind (these latter always containing the original copies of mind and memory) sleep.

This is the first stage of the multileveled, multidimensional conscious-exit projection process.

Now using a projection technique to exteriorize the sense of whole-body awareness, the trancer will generate a real-time double within the confines of the physical/etheric body.

Once this is successfully generated - again, internally - a full copy of awake consciousness will automatically be reflected into it as it forms.

The newly generated real-time body is the first level of the projectable double, but is still fully enmeshed within the physical/etheric body at this stage. With continued efforts, the projection reflex can now be triggered while the mind is fully awake.

An energetic copy of the awake mind can then be projected outside the bounds of the physical body.
It is now held and energetically maintained within the projected real-time double.

Thus we have the basic outline of the underlying process that allows and causes a conscious-exit projection, or OBE, to occur.

A deep, tickling, upward-moving, trickle of energy within the torso accompanies the internal generation of the real-time projectable double.
This is especially noticeable in the stomach, solar plexus, and chest areas.

This sensation is caused, I believe, by the transformation of etheric matter, as different types of energies are generated throughout the physical/etheric body to form the real-time projectable double.

The conditions that allow for a conscious-exit projection, or OBE, are now complete.
Full waking consciousness can now be projected free of the confines of the physical/etheric bodies along with the projecting real-time double.

This is the second level of the multileveled, multidimensional conscious-exit projection process.

The biggest difference between natural sleep projection and conscious-exit projection is the presence of awake consciousness during the exit.
This interferes with the natural sleep projection process, as waking consciousness tries to go along for the ride during the exit, so to speak.

The presence of waking consciousness causes a great deal of internal energy conflicts to arise during the now not-so-natural awake projection process.

This explains the greatly increased difficulty levels associated with conscious-exit projection.

It also goes a long way toward explaining why such heavy energy-movement sensations - e.g., racing heartbeat, pressure, heavy vibrations - are so often experienced during the conscious-exit projection.


Etheric Body Projection

It is commonly believed that the etheric body is capable of a limited kind of low-powered projection outside its physical body.
OBEs where the projected double feels weak and has difficulty moving, perhaps even collapsing on the floor shortly after the exit, are said to be etheric projections.

While this is an understandable supposition, to me it is illogical to think that the etheric body can separate or project from the physical body while it still lives.

The internal beginnings of projection as given above show that a progressive refinement of subtle bodies is an integral part of the whole process.
This allows the generation and projection of progressively higher levels of a projectable double, while retaining firm energy links with the physical body and its original copy of mind and memory.

The etheric body not only generates all projectable doubles, but it also provides the energy substance required to maintain the separate existence and functionality of all external subtle bodies.

The etheric body can aptly be described as being the base-level generator and energy supplier of all subtle bodies.

As the sole energy generator, if the etheric body were to completely project out of the physical body, its plethora of intimate energy links with its physical body, the energy foundation of the projection mechanism, would be grossly interfered with.

This is inconsistent with the nature of the projection mechanism.
It also defies logic that a subtle energy mechanism could exist that would allow the possibility of an accidental expulsion of the etheric body.

If the etheric body were to be completely projected, it would logically have to have its energy supported and maintained by its physical body, which is far too gross for this purpose.

The full expulsion of the etheric body only happens at death, I believe, and possibly to a lesser extent during an NDE, or near-death experience.

The etheric body is the energy fountain.
It is the foundation of all biological life processes and the bioenergetic generator and maintainer of all pure-energetic functions.

The etheric body depends on complex bioenergetic links with its physical body for all its energy needs, to fuel and enable its pure-energetic functions.

What is often called an etheric projection, I believe, is a type of energetically overextended projection.

How does this happen?


During the course of a full multilevel sleep projection, the physical/etheric body wakes up, usually experiencing projection-related symptoms and vibrations.

The sleeping real-time double is already projected and is floating, asleep, just above the physical body at this time.
All its higher aspects have, also, already been projected into their related dimensional levels.

As the physical/etheric mind awakes beneath it, the real-time double only is reeled back into the physical/etheric body.

All the higher projected doubles continue existing and/or functioning in their higher levels, albeit a little more sluggishly now.
The now-awake projector then experiences a spontaneous real-time projection exit, as the real-time double slips back out of the physical body again - but this time while fully awake.

Projectors in these events are totally unaware that they are disturbing a full-spectrum, multilevel sleep projection in full progress.

Once this projection of the awake real-time double is complete, the projected double finds itself extremely weak and has great difficulty moving.
Usually, the projector will collapse in slow motion and become totally incapacitated very shortly after the exit.

Added to this, it is likely that the presence of awake consciousness in the projected real-time double is contributing to the energetic tension between the physical/etheric body and all its higher sleep projected doubles.

The real-time double, being the only subtle body that is properly awake, throws an energetic spanner in the workings of the natural full-spectrum sleep-projection process, so to speak.

Another cause of weakness during a projection is the physical body and its mind remaining too awake and physically tense after the exit, especially if the projected double remains within close proximity (within twenty feet, or six meters) of its physical body.

This can cause a great deal of energetic tension, which can cause various sensations of duality and weakness, with the center of consciousness often flicking back and forth between these two awake aspects of the same projector.

Three Basic Aspects of the Projectable Double

Real-Time Body
The real-time body is the first level of the projectable double.
If observed by an awake observer with real-time sight (a type of clairvoyance), it will be seen to have a faintly silver, ghostly, see-through appearance.

Often just a vague ghostly shape will be seen, but sometimes facial features will be made out as well.
If a real-time projector observes another real-time projector, while both are out of body, they will usually look reasonably normal to each other, although often a little shadowy or transparent.

They will also always look slimmer and younger, fitter and better looking than in actuality.
All projected doubles are shaped by body awareness, and will always look younger and fitter than their actual physical body.

With older projectors, the age of their projectable double's appearance is usually about thirty-five.

The real-time double's natural level of operations is within the real-time zone.
It can exist and function in real time only so long as there is enough energy flowing to it from its physical/etheric body.

This energy flow maintains its integrity and mental coherence on that dimensional level.
There is more than one variation and strength of real-time double possible.

This is greatly influenced by the quantity of energy flowing into it from the physical/etheric body, and by its energetically developed state.

A projector's real-time body parts will only become visible if that projector deliberately looks for them.
The hands are the easiest body parts to observe: They vary in appearance from fairly normal to quite distorted, elongated, spectral, and ghostly.

This variability in appearance is probably related to energetic flow and the corresponding strength of a projection.
In all cases, though, real-time hands will begin melting away almost the moment they are observed, like white ice sculptures under a powerful blowtorch.

This goes a long way toward explaining how out of body shape-shifting works.
Projectors can deliberately alter their appearance by overriding their natural sense of whole-body self-awareness.

They simply feel themselves as having another shape and form, and concentrate on holding their new sense of whole-body self-awareness firmly in mind at all times.

Natural out-of-body creative ability does the rest, and their shape is thus altered for as long as they can maintain awareness of their new sense of form.


Fig. 1.
Melting and distorted hand effects

The whole real-time body of a projector can be seen clearly - with no melting effect - by other real-time projectors, and even by awake physical observers with real-time sight.

This apparent contradiction appears to be caused by the nature of out-of-body perception, which is a kind of direct mind perception.

It is also worth noting the apparent similarities between out-of-body perception and normal clairvoyance.
Every projected double, I believe, broadcasts its own image of whole-body self-awareness energetically.

This energetic broadcast is received by other projectors, and by clairvoyants, as a fixed image that will not melt and requires no interpretation.

As with clairvoyance, when awake observers use real-time sight, their brow centers receive energetic broadcasts directly.
This energetic reception is translated into bioelectrical signals that flow into die sight center of the brain, as per normal sight, where they automatically convert into a visual image in the receivers' mind's eye.

If the natural energetic broadcast image of a projector is deliberately altered - say through shape-shifting - then the resulting image is changed.

As the projected double does not have functioning eyes, per se, this shows something of how direct energetic mind perception works in all types of projected double.

It also provides an insight into how tile mind's eye images of visual clairvoyance work.


Astral Reflection

I consider the astral body to be a completely separate subtle body in its fully projected state.
A much weaker version exists as a continual astral reflection or echo of self-awareness in the astral dimension.

This astral echo exists whether a person is awake or asleep.
It is a mindless astral reflection of awareness, thoughts, and fantasies, with no more substance than a reflection in a mirror.

This astral echo does not have the ability to think or reason independently. (If you think of the way the astral planes work, absorbing, filtering, and recording all energetic reflections and emanations of consciousness, this is not an unreasonable suggestion.)

Because of this, an awake person viewed by a projector may appear to be doing some very peculiar things indeed.
This is because the majority of awake people have in their minds at any given time a mixture of objective thoughts and awareness, and subjective fantasy and ideas.

The exceptions to this rule are those individuals who are totally focused on a single task, or those who have conquered the necessity of having uncontrolled fantasies and a continual internal mental dialogue.

As an example: Jill is hanging out her washing (objective experience) while her mind is far away, sitting on a tropical island having a romantic lunch with Jack, her favorite person (subjective fantasy).

Viewed by an astral projector or clairvoyant, Jill's astral reflection might be seen to be having lunch with Jack under a palm tree on a beach in her backyard, with a line of washing hanging in the foreground and Jill's house just behind the scene.

The objective parts of this scene have become mixed with subjective fantasy elements to produce this bizarre scenario around Jill's astral reflection.

Astral Body Proper
The next major state of existence above the real-time body is in the astral body proper.
The astral planes are the natural level of operations for this subtle body.

As with all subtle bodies, projected astral bodies viewed by another astral projector, or with astral sight or clairvoyance, will appear to be very solid and real looking, albeit younger and fitter than they are in reality.

Once the center of consciousness has shifted from the real-time body to the astral body, the physical/etheric body diverts the majority of its energies into the astral body.

This fortifies the astral body, making it able to easily support a full copy of awake and thinking consciousness.
The astral body is much more stable than the real-time body and hence is easier to maintain during a conscious astral projection.

And, as the astral projector is existing in an environment that bears little or no resemblance to the physical dimension, reality fluctuations are much less noticeable.

In its natural environment, the astral double feels much lighter and more energized than does the real-time projected double.
It is dimensionally more removed from its physical body, and as a result experiences far less by way of energetic conflicts, tensions, and pressures than the real-time double usually does.

The astral body perceives itself as having a body, but as with the real-time body this will only be seen if deliberately looked for.
It will also have difficulty studying its body parts closely.

The melting-body-parts effect still happens to the astral body, especially with its hands, but this is visually less dramatic than it is with the real-time double.

Once the quality of energies flowing into the real-time body changes-as the astral body proper is generated and energized—the real-time body quickly weakens.

It soon starts falling asleep in the real-time zone.
Typically, when the real-time double loses power in this way and begins falling asleep, it will either be reeled in by the physical/etheric body, to hover nearby mimicking its physical body's sleeping position, or will wander aimlessly about the real-time zone, only partially conscious.

This explains, I think, why most projectors encountered during a real-time projection seem to be wandering aimlessly about, like sleepwalkers, unaware of where they really are or what they are doing.

They often seem to be mentally in another dimension entirely.
They still have a partially functioning real-time body, but they are not existing in it strongly enough to function mentally on that level.

They can be briefly awakened by other real-time projectors, but will usually be confused and muddled.
They have the annoying tendency to become suddenly incoherent and even to fall asleep midsentence.

Similarly, if a higher subtle body is energized strongly enough, awake consciousness will become centered most strongly in that higher body, causing the astral body to fall asleep in the astral dimension.

It may then wander about the astral in much the same way and mental state as does the real-time body under the same circumstances.

Children, Animals, and OBE

According to my observations, children frequently have OBEs, and seem to have more energy for this than adults.
I often see and hear children gallivanting about the real-time zone.

I have not seen babies younger than walking age though, unless being carried by their mothers.
Solo OBEs appear to start when children become more physically and emotionally independent.

I usually develop fairly clear real-time sight and hearing during trance-meditation sessions; especially in the evenings.
At these times I will often see and hear my own children while they are projecting.

There is nothing vague or imaginary about these observations.
They usually cut and dive about the room calling for me to watch their antics - as children do.

They do not understand the reasons underlying their temporarily enhanced state of being, but are hugely excited by it all the same.
Like most adults, children generally remember little of their OBEs after-ward.

But I must say children take their newfound abilities, like flying and passing through walls, in their stride, as if these were all perfectly natural for them.

I can't see, hear, or feel them physically at these times, even if they all scramble onto my lap.
But I can see their faces clearly and hear their voices distinctly with my real-time senses.

I also feel the telltale energetic shivers that are a basic indicator of close contact with any nonphysical being.
With real-time sight, children look ghostly, as if made of pale smoke, but their faces are denser, with a silvery sheen, making them clearly recognizable as who they are.


In my experience, animals project regularly, especially pets.
I suggest this is a natural ability common to the entire animal kingdom.

I have frequently observed pets and other animals roaming the real-time zone.

With real-time sight I have also observed my own pets as they exit their bodies - a truly fascinating sight!
I rarely see animals projecting in higher levels of the astral planes, although I frequently encounter them in lower regions, with pets often accompanying their human friends.

On many occasions I have also seen and interacted with deceased pets in the real-time zone (apparently visiting) and also in the spirit worlds (often called heavens) when I have visited these.

The repeatable nature of these experiences suggests animals not only project, but also survive death as independent spirit beings.
This last may or may not apply to domesticated and wild animals.

I believe close long-term association with humans stimulates animals' higher emotions, as in the case of much-loved pets, elevating them to more independent levels of spiritual being.

In principle, this last has similarities with how humans are elevated by lives of spiritual discipline, love, and service, and by long-term contact with advanced spiritual beings.

The Incredible Mind-Split
  • Exactly what departs from the physical body and brain during an OBE?

  • How does this happen?

  • What, if anything, is left behind to watch over the sleeping physical body?

  • What safeguards and protects die continuing integrity of the original copy of mind and memory during an OBE?
Many people, not surprisingly, are fearful of attempting projection because these questions have not been satisfactorily answered.
Half-baked theories, assumptions, stories, legends, and myths abound.

Two early OBE researchers and authors, Sylvan Muldoon and Hereward Carrington, attempted to deal with the subject of the commonly felt perceptions of duality - of being in two bodies at the same time, during an out-of-body experience - in their book, The Projection of the Astral Body.

Muldoon stated that the physical brain receiving two sets of perceptions at the same time caused dual perception.

He considered that one set came from the physical body and one from its projected double, via its silver cord connection.
The sense organs of me physical body, Muldoon surmised, must continue to function even though me physical body was left empty after the projected double made a conscious exit.

For some reason, Muldoon and Carrington did not consider the possibility that consciousness could continue to function in both bodies at the same time. They assumed the physical body was left as a mindless shell during any OBE.

This observation, I believe, comes from the very real perception that every projector has of separating from their physical body during a conscious-exit projection.


This empty body assumption, like a lot of early research and books on OBE and related fields, became source material for all researchers and writers that followed in their footsteps.

This error in observation has been continually propagated ever since.
It is today almost universally accepted that the physical body is left empty, unguarded, and exposed during any type of OBE.

Many people even believe their essential spirit or soul leaves their physical body during a projection.
These beliefs, quite understandably, raise real concerns about safety and integrity during an OBE.

If the mind and spirit did actually leave the physical body empty during an OBE, it would be logical to assume that this empty body could easily be vulnerable to outside interference.

The possibility of psychic attack, or even of possession, would be reasonable concerns.

Over the last hundred years or so, the above empty body assumption has generated many beliefs, legends, and rituals: watcher beings, astral sentinels, and astral guardians, plus the perceived necessity for shields, magical wards, and rituals.

One person I spoke to stated vehemently that all projectors must first wash in consecrated saltwater men bind themselves in iron chains to protect their supposedly empty body during a projection-or risk possession and soul damage or worse.

Because these issues have remained clouded for so long, many projectors and would-be projectors worry a great deal about what might happen if they cannot find their way back to their body, or if their silver cord were to break or become damaged, or if they were unable to get back to their bodies, or accidentally became locked out of it in some way.

They worry about returning to find their physical body already occupied by an invading spirit, entity, or demon - or even by another projector, for that matter.

The experience of consciously separating from the physical body and leaving it behind can be extremely vivid and convincing.
The experience of existing and operating remotely and independently from the physical body is also very distinct.

But empty body perceptions do not allow projectors to perceive the underlying mind-split effects at work, because successfully remembered conscious-exit projection allows for only one side of a projection experience to be remembered... from the projected double's side only.

If a projection is unsuccessful, the memories retained come solely from the physical body's side - all shadow memories (OBE memories) are lost.

It is necessary to have memories from both sides of a single projection experience before the mind-split can be perceived for what it is.
Only then can the mechanics and dynamics of the projection mechanism be truly appreciated and understood.

The integrity and safety of the physical body and of its original copy of consciousness, mind, and memory, are never jeopardized during OBE.
As I will show in the coming pages, the physical body is never left empty while it lives.

The Reflecting Nature of Hind
As part of a natural process, consciousness reflects a copy of itself, outside the bounds of the physical body, either while it sleeps or during any kind of conscious OBE.

This reflection is a kind of energetic echo, containing a complete copy of consciousness, mind, and memory.
It reflects into a subtle body or energetic vehicle capable of supporting and maintaining its integrity outside the bounds of the physical body.

This process does not lease the physical body empty and unguarded.

The reflection of consciousness usually happens unnoticed during sleep or an OBE.
The mind-split effect is not apparent even during fully conscious-exit projections, where the projectors are fully aware of their OBE from beginning to end, including the exit and reentry phases.

The symptoms of the mind-split effect are often strong, and quite evident if you know what to look for.
But they are seldom recognized because of the way in which the mind-split happens, and because the nature of the physical brain is to store only a single memory for any single time period.

Most people have enough trouble grasping the concept of a single projected double maintaining awake consciousness outside the bounds of the physical body.

Grasping that there can be multiple reflected copies of a single mind, all existing and functioning simultaneously and independently on different dimensional levels, can take a bit of a mind flip.

But that's essentially what happens.

Understanding the mind-split and the true nature of humankind's multidimensional existence is extremely important.
The mind-split effect makes sense of a great deal of the often confusing and conflicting data available on OBE.

It greatly simplifies the understanding of OBE, and provides insight into some of the more esoteric and mind-boggling complexities of inter-dimensional relationships and operations in general.

As I have said, it takes a bit of a mind flip to grasp the concept of there being multiple copies of a single mind, each with the potential to exist and operate independently during an OBE.

Once the first level of the mind-split is grasped, the next logical step is to consider the possibility of multiple sets of memories recorded by the brain for any given time period during sleep and OBE.

This, naturally, raises questions of how the physical brain would deal with these, or even if it could cope with them at all.
  • What types of memory-recording problems would this cause the poor old physical brain?

  • How would this affect its overall ability to record and recall out-of-body experiences?

  • And, if there are inherent problems with these memory processes, how can these be overcome to improve OBE operations and recall?
The above questions, while appearing simple, raise complex issues.
When I first tried to work it all out it gave me a blinding headache!

I discovered the mind-split effect by sheer accident, during an extremely powerful projection, as told below.
Subsequent experiments with the mind-split effect, sparked by this initial discovery, have since verified my original hypothesis.

Once properly understood, many of the negative effects of the mind-split on OBE recall can be worked with, or worked around, instead of being suffered in ignorance.

An understanding of the mind-split effect greatly improves the chances of getting out of body to start with, even for a rank beginner.
It does this by improving the likelihood that projectors will remember their OBEs after the fact.

The efficiency of all aspects of out-of-body operations is, in general, also greatly improved.

I believe fully conscious OBE is nowhere near as difficult to achieve as is commonly believed today.
The reason projection is considered difficult is because successful projectors usually do not perceive the mind-split and its effects.

These lucky few, who have the knack of getting around the mind-split effect without even knowing what they are doing or how they are doing it, recall some of their out-of-body experiences. (No one recalls them all.)

Because these lucky few don't really know what they are doing, they cannot explain how they do it.
Therefore, studying their experiences and copying their techniques will not necessarily yield the desired results.

The mind-split is the single biggest cause of OBE failure, but is virtually unknown for what it is.
The mind-split leaves no trace or memory of what went wrong if a projection fails.

Time and again it will turn successful OBEs into seemingly failed attempts.
This thwarts the natural learning process, as it does not allow projectors to learn from their failures and thus improve upon their efforts.

Because of all this, people tend to concentrate the majority of their efforts on projection techniques, searching for just the right quick fix to launch them out of their bodies.

Projection technique, while important, is not the be-all-and-end-all for successful projection.

There is a definite knack to remembering an OBE, which can only begin to be learned when the mind-split is properly taken into account.

Portrait of the Mind-Split
One full copy of thinking mind and memory - conscious and subconscious - stays at all times within the bounds of the physical body, whether awake, asleep, dreaming, or projecting.

This original or master copy, never leaves the bounds of its physical body while it still lives.

When the physical body falls asleep, or enters the trance state (mind awake and physical body asleep), consciousness is automatically reflected (projected) into the expanding etheric body.

An energetic reflection of consciousness now exists at a slightly higher energetic state than the awake physical body allows for.
The etheric body now contains within it a full reflection, a copy of all memories, conscious and subconscious.

The expanded etheric body is now one energetic step above the physical body, one energetic step closer to the real-time body, which is the first level of the projectable double.

The sleeping physical body contains an energetic mechanism called the dream mind.
At some stage after the onset of sleep or the trance state, the physical mind (master copy) will begin dreaming.

The etheric body can stay fully conscious if held in the trance state during a conscious OBE.
It is also capable of functioning completely independently from its projected and dream mind aspects, even while both of these are fully active.

The physical/etheric body now internally generates the real-time body, the first projectable double.
This naturally occurs during sleep (sleep projection), but can occur during the trance state.

As the real-time body is internally generated, another full copy of consciousness and memory are automatically reflected into it.
As long as the real-time body generation and reflection of consciousness is still fully enmeshed within the physical/etheric body, its thoughts are fully synchronized with those of the etheric body.

No noticeable mind-split effect has occurred at this stage, although the energetic conditions that allow the mind-split to occur are now present.
All systems are go at this stage and a projection out of body can now happen naturally or can be artificially triggered by a projection technique.

As the real-time body projects - at the precise moment marking the beginning of separation - the first true mind-split occurs.

After projection, the real-time body exists as a completely separate entity, functioning, thinking, experiencing, and recording memories remotely and independently from its physical/etheric body.

After the real-time double has projected free, the expanded etheric body, with its own copy of awake consciousness, remains aware for as long as it can hold itself awake.

It will usually consider it has failed with its projection attempt, if one has been made, although it may have experienced many projection-related exit symptoms.

It will feel tired, lethargic, and heavy, often experiencing partial or full waking paralysis, and will normally fall asleep fairly quickly.

When the etheric copy of consciousness falls asleep, it appears to sink into and meld with the physical/dream mind, sharing its dream state.

During conscious-exit projection, the real-time body will be vividly aware of the sensation of separating from and leaving its physical body behind.
At this stage, the real-time double is operating completely independently from its physical/etheric double.

Each will occasionally sense the other's existence, and an interchange of perceptions (sensations of duality) will often be experienced.

The real-time double will, for example, often feel its physical body and hear sounds coming from that location.
This sensory perception interchange, one of the most frequently noticeable symptoms of the mind-split, is greatly affected by distance.

It is strongest within twenty feet (six meters) or so, and becomes progressively less noticeable with increased distance.

Conditions now allow for further energetic copies of consciousness to be reflected into higher subtle bodies and dimensions, above and beyond the projected real-time double and the real-time zone.

After this process has taken place, we have two complete energetic copies, plus their master copy of consciousness and memory:

1. Physical/dream mind (master copy)
2. Physical/etheric mind (expanded etheric body)
3. Real-time projected double (first true mind-split)

One completely exterior mind-split has also occurred between the physical/etheric body and die real-time projected double.

All three copies are energetically interconnected, and all three are capable of functioning and thinking completely independently - although in the case of the physical/dream mind, on a more internalized level of consciousness within die dream environment.

The natural purpose of this multiple mind-split effect is, I believe, to allow the essential animating spirit to strip away the layers of gross matter that hold it fixed within the physical body and physical universe.

This process progressively exposes the more refined spiritual aspects of the central animating core of spirit consciousness.

This enables it to temporarily exist in higher dimensions, to reflect a part of itself there, during sleep or OBE.
A solid base inside the physical/etheric body remains behind throughout this process, however, safely holding the original, or master, copy of its earthly consciousness and memories for its current incarnation.

I suggest that shifting the base level of consciousness from the physical/etheric body directly into higher dimensional levels, in a single step, is way too big a leap.

This shift appears to require a gentler series of multiple reflections into progressively higher and more refined subtle bodies, via multiple mind-splits.
The conscious essence held and maintained within any projected subtle body is not just a mere energetic reflection of mind and memory, but a fully functional copy of its essential animating consciousness and spirit, plus all of its conditional and influential energetic modifiers.

More on this later.

My overall impression is that this process is designed to provide the central animating spirit consciousness with regular and direct exposure to the refining and adjusting influences of living karma and universal law, as they exist at vastly higher and more rarefied dimensional levels.

This, I believe, is how karma and universal law actually work: the higher subtle bodies filter up and down through the dimensional scale - from the gross physical body to its highest energetic slate - whenever the physical body sleeps.

You can find many clues showing the mind-split at work by examining some of the enormous numbers of case histories available today - if you know what you are looking for.

Projectors often experience and make note of symptoms of the mind-split, but these have never been fully accounted for.
The most commonly felt symptom is the sensation of duality - of being aware of the physical body while also being aware of existing in a subtle body at a different location.

For example:

"I was flying through the clouds when I suddenly became aware of feeling my physical body back on my bed, and of hearing the clock clicking in the room and traffic noises drifting in through the open window".


Fig. 2.
Mind-split effect, showing subtle bodies.

Duality sensations are an occasional side effect of the mind-split, caused, I believe, by the silver cord, which is the two-way energetic linkage connecting the physical/etheric body with its projected double.

Shadow Memory
Shadow memory is my term for all memories not gained during normal waking consciousness by the physical body - memories gained through OBE, including lucid dreams and dream experiences.

Shadow memories are downloaded into the physical brain after an OBE, and appear to exist in inaccessible levels of memory.

Full waking consciousness completely overrides and hides shadow memories, making them extremely difficult to access and thus remember under normal circumstances.

A very light trance or near-daydreaming state encourages shadow memories to surface inside the conscious mind where they can become real memories.

During this relaxed state, the conscious mind tends to wander through events, ideas, fantasies, and memories, which causes associations to be made with fragments of shadow memories.

Associations trigger the upsurge of shadow memories into conscious levels of the mind.
The first few minutes of each day, just after waking, are when most people recall shadow memories.

This is thus the ideal state and time from which to practice shadow memory recall exercises, using leading trigger phrases to cause associations.

Double Trouble - Experience
I experimented with duality, mind-split, and astral-feedback effects for well over a decade before writing this book.
I had always been curious as to how and why my physical body reacted with its projected double, and how distance affected this.

I intuitively sensed there was more to this than the common belief that the physical body tries to reclaim its projected double if it gets too close.
I had often experienced unexplainable and confusing mixtures of perceptions and memories, at times with two or more sets of events apparently occurring at the same time during OBEs.

Like many projectors, I had also often been aware of events and noises in the real world around my physical body at the same time that I was experiencing things in my projected double at a remote location.

The following is a detailed account and breakdown of my first full mind-split and astral-feedback experience.
I have tried to simplify this as much as possible to ease the inherent difficulties - not to mention the grammatical nightmares - that arise when trying to explain something as unnatural and confusing as a fall mind-split experience.

Please bear with me.

Physical Body's Side
Meditating in my chair by the fire, I slowly returned to a less-abstract level of consciousness as rain started drumming heavily on the roof.
The wind was getting up and shaking the windows and doors.

I glanced at the clock, briefly illuminated by a flicker of lightning.
It was half past two in the morning.

This was not unusual for me, as occasionally I will meditate all night.
I felt wonderful, well-rested and full of energy.

As the first distant sounds of thunder rolled softly over the house, I thought to myself,

"I don't think I've ever projected in a thunderstorm.... I wonder what it's like?"

Closing my eyes once again, I raised more energy through my still active primary centers, deepening my level of trance.

When I was satisfied with my level of trance, I shifted my body awareness out in front of myself, strongly feeling myself as standing a few feet in front of my chair.

The vibrations quickly started and spread throughout my body.
My heart center soon began to race.

The vibrations peaked and I felt a trickling upward rush of energy through my stomach and a brief falling sensation as I began to project.

Then, just as I considered everything was going fine, the vibrations suddenly stopped and... nothing happened... zilch!
Puzzled, I sat pondering, heavy with trance, wondering why such an apparently successful projection exit had failed.

This had happened to me on many occasions, but I had never understood why.

I was, however, just about to find out why... the hard way.

Projected Double's Side
Buzzing free of my physical body after an easy exit, I came to rest floating several feet in front of where I was sitting.
At this distance, my real-time double reflected the heavy action within my heart center.

It throbbed loudly as energy poured into me from my physical/etheric body.

It felt as if there were a little petrol engine throbbing inside my chest.
As I floated across the room, the little engine in my chest purred faster as if to match my speed, then slowed again to a steady throbbing whenever I stopped.

I passed through the wall near the window and went out into the blustery rain-drenched night.
What a gloriously wet feeling!

I could feel and smell and taste the rain passing through me as I floated across my front garden.
The invigorating sounds and smelts and tastes of rain and wetness and plants and trees and soil and grass were everywhere.

These rain smells were so strong, many times stronger than I would be able to sense in my physical body.

The rain-swept night filled me with a wonderfully happy type of energy.
It felt great to be so alive and out of my body on such a glorious night as this.

Swooping up and over the roof with a quick loop, I hovered, looking around, the rain-filled wind buffeting and sleeting through me even more strongly up here.

[The wind and rain did not actually move my projected double, but I was keenly aware of the sensation of them passing through me.]

Sitting on the chimney, I gazed out over my old hometown, watching the rain dance in the streets below me, swirling and gurgling happily down gutters and drains.

I listened carefully, taking everything in.
The rain sounds seemed full of friendly voices, murmuring magical bubbly rhythms.

Above, the low boiling clouds glimmering with hidden internal lightning.

The tow sounds of heavy rolling thunder filled me with awe and tingling energy.
Sitting on the roof, enjoying the storm and feeling a bit like a wet Mary Poppins, I felt something tugging at my innards.

I knew that this was coming from my physical body in the room not far beneath me.

I reached out with my feelings and sensed my physical body, instantly becoming aware of it.
I felt the chair beneath me and the pillow under my feet.

I could hear the drumming rain, but as it sounded from inside the house.
Funny thing, for a moment I felt tike I was back in my body again.

I could hear my father's old clock ticking on the wall.
The sound of my old Labrador, Blue-Boy, snoring and dream yipping, drifted in from under the kitchen table in the family room to my far right.

Floating higher above the roof, I swooped down through the garden and looped back up high, just grazing the dark-gray underbelly of a heavy storm cloud in the process.

The sensations coming from my physical body eased the higher I went, soon stopping altogether.
When I floated back down to the roof again, the tugging sensation began again.

This was getting really weird, I thought.

I had often wondered at the real cause of the proximity reaction between my projected and physical bodies.
Many times I had felt myself being in more than one place at the same time, sometimes even flickering back and forth between my two bodies.

But, I asked myself again, how could that be?
It didn't make sense.

If I was up here, then how could I be down there at the same time?

Surety, once I left my physical body I was out of it and my body was left empty behind me, a mere hollow shell... or was it?

My physical body was less than twenty feet below me at this time.
I was intrigued now and decided to devote the rest of this projection to investigating proximity and duality sensations a little more closely.

Passing through the roof, I watched the insides of tiles and timbers and plaster sheeting as I passed through them.
I could feel resistance and texture and could even taste their dusty acrid flavors.

Each type of matter looked quite different from any other and all were brightly illuminated on the inside, not dark as you might expect.

Projected + Physical Bodies
As I came through the ceiling, I saw my physical body in the armchair, right where I'd left it.

At the same time, though, I also became fully aware of myself sitting in the chair, watching my own projected double coming down through the ceiling, I was seeing myself floating down through the ceiling, as well as seeing myself sitting in the armchair - both at the same time! It was me sitting in the chair, watching my projected double floating down through the ceiling.

But, it was also me floating down through the ceiling, watching myself sitting in the chair, while also watching my projected double watching the other me sitting in the chair.

I was aware not only of both sets of vision, but of both sets of thoughts, from both sides at once.
I was aware of being aware of both sets of thoughts, and of being aware I was aware of being aware of being aware of both sets of thoughts, and this was swiftly compounding and getting worse.

This was not only mind-blowing and confusing, it was also starting to make me feel quite ill... both of me.

An important aspect of this experience is that until my physical aspect saw its projected double entering the room, it was totally unaware its earlier projection attempt had been successful.

Luckily, at mis time, my physical aspect was experimenting with real-time sight, and was observing and studying the room around it If not for this factor, I doubt I would ever have discovered the mind-split.

Nor would I have experienced the full-on duality and astral-feedback effects that occurred, which gave me such an insight into the nature of the mind-split.

My physical aspect was only momentarily surprised when it saw its own projected double.
As soon as it connected visually, a strong telepathic link formed between them and memories flooded both ways.

An exchange of memories occurred between my physical and projected aspects.
Both aspects, physical and projected, then knew exactly what had happened to each other from the moment of separation, when the mind-split had initially occurred, until then.

This provided me with a unique experience: that of having two completely different sets of memories, for a single time period, coexisting within my mind (within both aspects of my mind) at the same time.


Physical Body

As stated, my physical aspect was aware of attempting a projection and feeling the usual energetic sensations associated with a powerful real-time exit. These sensations had then stopped cold, leaving my physical aspect sitting in the chair wondering what had gone wrong.

It (I) decided to carry on with some energy work and real-time sight experiments.
My physical aspect was totally oblivious, at this time, that it had already successfully projected its real-time double.

My physical aspect felt a little heavy and sluggish after the supposedly failed projection attempt, with all the symptoms of a fairly deep trance.

I also had fairly strong real-time sight, and could see the room much clearer than before.
This was all fairly normal for the type of meditation and energy work I was doing at the time.

I did not suspect that anything extraordinary was happening to me at this time.

I decided to play around with real-time sight instead of falling back into a more abstract mystical state of deep trance meditation.
I studied the room around me, slowly shifting my view so I could see behind me without physically moving.

I was moving my etheric body around, quite literally, inside my own skin.
There was no real sensation of movement, although it took considerable effort and concentration to do it, but my point of view moved as if my head were turning.

By the way, this indicates that the etheric body (if awake) can gain some freedom of movement inside its physical body while an OBE is in progress.
After several minutes, I felt an uncomfortable tension building up in my torso.

This had happened a couple of times already during the course of my current experiments, but I thought that my effort to rotate my etheric body inside my physical body was causing it.

I tried to extend a part of myself through the wall behind me, to project my point of view through it, but failed, although I could see behind me fairly clearly. I then felt a tangible presence in the room with me.

I rotated my gaze to the front again, just in time to see an astral being slide down through the ceiling.
I was momentarily surprised and perplexed, but realization flooded me the moment my gaze connected with the gaze of my projected double.

This caused an incredibly strong telepathic connection, visual plus mental, and another set of memories suddenly flooded into me...feeling almost as if they had been there all the time.

As we connected, the uneasy tension in my physical body worsened.
I started to feel steadily increasing symptoms of nausea and something like physical shock.

This connection was the start of what I now call astral feedback.

Physical + Astral Bodies
As my physical aspect and its projected double connected, we both became aware of both sets of memories from the moment of our initial separation at the projection exit.

Once the telepathic connection and astral feedback started, I began to feel weak and nauseous in both bodies.
My physical heart began pounding erratically—and this was reflected into my projected double.

I was experiencing two completely different sets of vision, thoughts, and feelings, all at the same time, reflecting back and forth and swiftly compounding.

This was, apart from the growing disorientation and nausea, absolutely fascinating.
It also made a lot of sense.

This first full mind-split experience provided answers to a lot of questions about certain projection oddities and phenomena.
Just because my projected double was separated from its physical body, why would my physical mind (original copy) have to stop thinking and being?

Why would it be left empty?

I now had firsthand evidence that the mind splits, reflecting itself into two or more identical and independently thinking aspects during a projection.

My projected double moved with some difficulty, carefully observing and studying its physical body in the chair, while the physical aspect of me watched it back and tried to do the same.

This was no mean feat and took some very real effort on both sides.
The nausea and mental pressure steadily increased in both aspects.

I studied these effects as best I could in the short time I had.
My heart center was throbbing unevenly and it felt like my physical heart was also pounding heavily and erratically.

My level of trance began eroding at the start of the telepathic connection and I was now feeling more paralyzed than tranced.
My physical body felt disoriented, dizzy, and highly nauseous.

I could feel cold sweat trickling down my face and a chill spreading through my stomach and bowels.
I felt like I was going into physical shock and would soon lose control over my bodily functions or pass out, or both.

Throughout all of this I remained calm and controlled, but my mind(s) were definitely being stretched way beyond their design limits.
I started to worry, considering the possibility that I might damage or kill myself if I continued with this experiment for too long.

This would obviously negate its value entirely, to say the least.

As my projected double was the only aspect capable of moving, and as this aspect was fully aware of the danger we were both in, he (it? I?) quickly moved out of the house.

The feedback ceased the moment he went out through the wall and we soon lost contact with each other entirely.

The nausea, etc., quickly eased off.

Projected Double - Same Time Period
I felt weak and heavy; movement was becoming extremely difficult, like wading through thick mud.
I struggled to move about the room while trying to study and understand the strange effects I was experiencing.

I had very little energy and felt the nausea my physical body was feeling, which seemed to make it even worse, somehow reflecting and compounding it.

I felt an incredible pressure, as if something were dragging at me and sucking the life out of me.

I moved away from my physical body, an extremely difficult thing to do.
I felt a great weight pull ing at me from behind as I turned my back on my physical body.

It was as if I were moving in slow motion.
A chill went through me as I turned and an atmosphere of fear settled over me that I could not explain.

We understood what was happening to us, both aspects of myself, and both of us concentrated on clearing our minds in an effort to ease the telepathic tension between us.

This helped a little, and with enormous effort I made it through the wall and back out into the rain-drenched night.
The pressure eased off quickly as I left the house and soon disappeared altogether.

I flew away from the house, skimming rooftops and enjoying the thunderstorm once more.
Flying through heavy rain is a truly invigorating experience and I felt the strength flowing back into me.

Looping high under the heavy storm clouds and swooping down again, I followed the wet road at motorcar speed close to the surface, watching the heavy raindrops dancing off the road as I slid along it.

I could taste and smell the wet bitumen intensely and could also feel the texture of the road's surface as I scooted along it, weaving through the shadows of the dimly lit, tree-lined street.

I mulled over the implications of what had just happened and decided I had better get back to my physical body fairly soon, as it had been quite distressed when I'd left.

My physical aspect probably would expect me back very shortly and would not appreciate it if I stayed out for too long.
I knew I'd feel that way if I were he, which I was, or am.

On that slightly confusing note, I turned and made a beeline back to the house and my waiting physical body.

Physical Body
Once the projected double departed, the nausea eased quickly, but I still felt quite shaky and my heart continued thudding erratically, missing the occasional beat.

I could move again, but only just, and I still felt partially paralyzed.
I figured my projected double was still out but would return very soon.

I knew I would if I were he, or rather, if he were me, which he was, or I was, or I am, or he is (whatever the correct grammar for this is).

I relaxed, trusting myself, and cleared my mind to make the coming reentry easier.

Astral + Physical
My projected double returned a few minutes after leaving, slipping quietly through the wall and into the room.
He/I approached my physical body, feeling at the last moment like he/I were being sucked into it.

My physical aspect became aware of its projected double's return when the feeling of tangible presence and tension began again.

A few seconds later, my physical aspect felt a tingling energetic body rush as its projected double reentered and reintegrated with its physical body.
The tingling surge of energy started in my legs and quickly rushed up through my torso (a trickling, tingling excitement kind of energetic sensation) from my groin up through to my heart.

The gap in my memories, from the time my two aspects had last parted company, suddenly vanished.
I now had full recall of both sides of the latter part of the experience, the most recent part.

I must say, it is an extremely odd thing to have two sets of memories for a single time period, but you soon get used to it.


Separation Point

The mind-split experience, as given above, and the many controlled experiments I have done similar to this, indicate that when the projected double leaves the physical body it takes with it a full copy of all memories up to the exact moment of the mind-split.

From that moment onward, the projected double records its own memories completely separately.

The physical body also continues recording its own set of memories after the moment of separation - memories of a continuing and unbroken existence within the physical/etheric body after an apparently failed projection attempt.

The physical body has no further contact or way of knowing what is happening to its projected double after the moment of separation.

When the mind-split occurs, there is a very definite break in the connection between the physical brain and its projected copy, as though a switch had been thrown.

Many projectors hear a definite "Click" at the moment of separation, sounding much like a light switch being thrown.
This may be a symptom of the mind-split occurring.

Both physical and projected aspects continue to record two completely separate sets of memories, in two unbroken streams, separately and independently, until reintegration.

If the download of the projected double's shadow memories (into an accessible level of the physical brain) is unsuccessful, the physical/etheric mind will have no way of knowing that a projection ever took place.

In this case, only the memories of the physical/etheric aspect will remain.

This is what normally happens after a seemingly failed projection attempt, where projection-related symptoms have been experienced, e.g., vibrations, rapid heartbeat, and falling sensation, but an OBE is neither experienced, realized, nor remembered, after that moment.

On reintegration, the strongest set of memories for the same time period - usually the physical/etheric body's side of the experience, its thoughts and dreams - becomes the memory stream retained and recorded in the physical body's permanent storage mechanism, the human brain.

This is because the physical/etheric body's memories are automatically recorded by the physical brain as they happen, making shadow memory recall, by nature, a fairly difficult proposition.

If the projected double does not succeed in impressing its shadow memories strongly upon the physical brain during reintegration, or if the physical brain is unreceptive, its shadow memories will usually fail to make any noticeable impression at all.

They thus become effectively lost to the conscious mind.

Shadow memory loss is far less likely if the physical/etheric mind works with its projected double before, during, and after their reintegration.

This is part of the reason why I strongly advise people to keep their early projections ultrashort, as this greatly increases their chances of reclaiming their shadow memories during reintegration.

Astral Feedback
As the above mind-split experience shows, astral feedback can occur if the physical/etheric mind connects with its own real-time mind during a projection. Direct astral feedback is a powerful energetic, telepathic phenomenon that, if allowed to continue for too long, could very possibly cause psychological, energetic, and even physical damage to the brain.

Direct astral feedback is like forcing the human mind to grasp actual infinity - the limitlessness of which no human mind is capable of grasping.


Fig. 3.
Dual memory streams of mind-split, from separation to reintegration, showing failed shadow memory download.

Full astral feedback, as shown above, seems to occur only when both physical and projected doubles are fully awake and focused directly on each other at the same time.

This can easily be avoided by not looking too closely at your physical or projected bodies, from either aspect, during a projection.
If this does happen, however, astral feedback can be broken very easily when it first starts by simply shifting the attention of the projected double away from its physical body and leaving the area immediately.

But the energetic sensations caused by the reintegration of the projected double with its physical body are extremely important to shadow memory recall when working with the mind-split.

All reasonably competent real-time projectors can re-create a full mind-split experience with astral feedback, provided they can hold their physical/etheric aspect awake for long enough after the exit, and if they can use real-time sight ability to make the necessary visual/telepathic connection.

This will provide firsthand evidence of the mind-split and its far-reaching effects.

To sum up, astral feedback has three main aspects:
  1. Telepathic connection: Astral feedback results from the physical/etheric and real-time mind focusing directly on each other during a projection, forming a direct two-way, reflecting, compounding, and incredibly strong telepathic connection. This is something like the infinity effect you get when you hold two mirrors facing each other. Each mirror (or mind) reflects a reflection of its own reflection (identical minds) and this compounds back and forth into infinity.

  2. Visual Connection: When the physical/etheric mind is awake during a projection, it usually gains some degree of real-time or astral sight. This allows it to see into the real-time zone around it, making it possible for it to see its own projected double. This in itself presents no real problem unless the projected double looks back at it.

    They then begin seeing through each other's eyes, and this causes a reflecting visual link that begins compounding into infinity, along with their thoughts and feelings. A direct two-way visual connection appears necessary to cause astral feedback. This is a very disturbing phenomenon and I don't recommend you try it for more than a few seconds at a time.

  3. Emotional Connection: Emotion can also form a part of astral feedback, as above, but will more often cause a different type of feedback on the emotional level alone. Emotional feedback, which does not appear to require a telepathic or visual connection, is quite different from astral feedback. It does not cause the same nauseating feedback effect, but can affect the physical/etheric body and its projected double quite strongly.

    Fear, anxiety, anger, excitement, and the sexual urge - especially primal urges such as fear and sex - all have very strong emotional undercurrents that can cause particularly strong emotional feedback between the physical/etheric, real-time, and astral bodies. If not taken into account and controlled, primal urges can reflect back and forth, growing in strength and compounding. This can cause enormous problems for an unwary projector.

OBE Success and Failure
Apart from my own extensive projection experience, I have also dealt with an enormous number of case histories during my years consulting on the Internet.

In this time, I have dealt with a great many almost projection experiences sent to me by projectors who appear to be doing everything right.
In most cases, they have learned and practiced the necessary skills and techniques, but keep failing the exit.

Everything goes fine up to the moment when separation should occur: they feel a falling or floating sensation, then nothing happens... zilch.
The whole experience ends right there.

All the projection-related sensations vanish.
This usually leaves them blurry, heavy, and sometimes even partially paralyzed - though no more so than a good level of trance will.

Most people are so tired and disappointed by their seemingly failed projection attempt that they just roll over and go to sleep.
They believe they have simply failed... once again. (Does this sound familiar?)

But in most cases like this, the projection itself has been a complete success.

Falling asleep is the very last thing you should do after the projected double has made its exit.
A light sleep does not cause too many problems, as long as the projected double does not stay out for too long.

A deep sleep, however, causes plenty of problems.
The projected double should always plan to reenter before its physical/etheric body falls into a deep sleep.

Once the physical/etheric mind falls into a deep sleep, the projected double may not be able to reenter its physical body at that time. A deeply sleeping physical/etheric body is, at the very least, unable to respond to the energetic sensations caused by its returning projected double.

If it does not recognize the symptoms of reentry and reintegration, it cannot help in recapturing shadow memories.
It may wake up suddenly after reintegration, but it may not be able to recall any projection memories - usually not.

The energetic sensations caused by the returning projected double are very distinct and noticeable, if you know what they are and are awake enough to feel them.

These are extremely important.
They can be used with great effect to capture shadow memories at the precise moment of reintegration, when they are strongest.

An awake or only very lightly sleeping physical/etheric mind allows for much easier and more reliable shadow memory downloading during the tricky reintegration phase at the end of a projection.

The projected double cannot reenter its physical/etheric body unless this is partially awake, or only very lightly asleep and easily awakened, to allow full reintegration and a successful shadow memory download.

If the physical/etheric body and mind have fallen into a deep sleep, the projected double may be held outside the bounds of the physical/etheric body until it wakes up and causes reintegration to occur through the act of waking.

Just as a partially sleeping or tranced physical body and mind are required for projection to occur, so a body and mind at least partially waking are required for reintegration to occur.

On top of this, if the projected double stays out of its body for too long it will at some point lose control and begin to fall asleep itself.
When the physical body finally wakes up, there may be - if anything - only a vague blur remaining of any projection memories, often mixed up with fragments of dreams.

Ignorance of the mind-split, projection, and shadow memory recall is the major cause of projection memory failure.
If the mind-split effect is properly taken into account, however, it can be made to work for projectors, not against them.

Out-of-body projection, in itself, is reasonably easy to learn.
Most people can learn to project with a minimum of training and fuss.

Very few, however, remember their projections, although they will most likely succeed during many early attempts.
Working with or around the mind-split, to recapture shadow memories, is the key to successful OBE.

In most cases, it is not the projector's projection technique or abilities that cause projection failures, but the mind-split phenomenon itself.

Successful projectors may doubt my theories on the mind-split and its wide-ranging affects on all aspects of OBE, because they have always experienced a single continuance of memory during OBE - the few they remember, that is.

They remember consciously exiting their body with their memory continuing to record in a single and apparently unbroken stream.

This gives them the vivid impression that they have actually left their physical body behind (and they have, in one sense) but does not prove they have left it completely empty.

They might say: "Hey man, I remembered my entire projection and my whole mind came with me, pal! I got out and traveled and did some really neat things, then got back into my body and remembered it all, as simple as that, just like any normal memory”.

But, I ask you this, does it really happen quite as simply as all this?
Do poor skill, poor natural ability, and poor projection technique really account for the extremely high failure rate associated with conscious-exit projection?

I don't think so.

It is more logical to consider that when an entire projection is remembered from exit to reentry, memory has simply continued recording in an apparently unbroken stream throughout the entire projection, from start to finish.

The projectors are unaware that the shadow memories have simply overwritten the physical/etheric body's memories for that time period.
The mind-split still occurred, but was completely unnoticed.

This provides a single memory, apparently unbroken, of a projection from the time of separation to reentry - one single memory stream for a single time period.

In this case, they have simply lost the physical side of the experience, rather than losing the projection side.

Mixed Projection/Dream Memories
Understanding and taking into account the mind-split takes us a long way toward explaining a great many projection and dream memory problems. Logically, of two or more memory sets for a single time period, the strongest parts will form the dominant memory set.

These will form the final wrinkle in the physical brain, so to speak, replacing weaker ones.
If there are strong elements in each memory set, only fragments of the strongest parts may be retained.

Counting the basic reflected copies created by the mind-split effect:
  1. dream mind

  2. etheric mind

  3. real-time mind

  4. astral mind, we have the potential for three distinct mind-splits to occur between these copies: one internal and two external
This list does not include anything above the astral body.

Please note that the awake physical body/mind becomes the etheric body/mind before any mind-splits occur.
So the physical body/mind is not counted as a separate entity in the list below.

This is because when the physical body/mind is in the awake state, all reflected copies are fully integrated and contained within it - i.e., they don't exist in this state.

[Time lines (memory streams) are shown below as ——>———>]


1. Dream mind (reflected copy). First unbroken memory stream recording.

Mind-Split #1 - Internal Split


2. Etheric mind (master copy). Second unbroken memory stream recording.

Mind-Split #2 - External Split


3. Real-time mind (reflected copy). Third unbroken memory stream recording.

Mind-Split #3 - External Split


4. Astral mind (reflected copy).
Fourth unbroken memory stream recording.​

The above shows four completely separate memory streams being simultaneously recorded for a single time period during an OBE.
These are recorded by four identical copies of the same mind, each existing independently on a different dimensional level.

The bottom line here is that the physical brain's final memory for any single time span during an OBE (that final wrinkle) can come from more than one source.

Any or all of these four reflected aspects of the same mind can contribute to this final memory.

An important point to keep in mind is that the etheric body/mind is so closely enmeshed with the physical brain that it has much less trouble storing its memories therein.

This, in itself, can cause shadow memory recall problems.
During the trance state, for example, the center of thinking consciousness shifts into the etheric body, thus allowing the physical body to fall sleep.

However, if the etheric mind stays awake in the trance state, it is capable of recording a single unbroken memory stream directly into the physical brain's storage mechanism.

Etheric body/mind memories recorded during the trance state continue in a single unbroken memory stream.
These memories are recorded directly into the physical brain, which, therefore, may not allow the projected double to interfere with previously recorded memories.

This would involve overwriting previously recorded and stored memories (real memories) with another memory set for that same time period.
This may be unacceptable to the physical brain's memory storage mechanism.

If projection occurs during the trance state, and the etheric mind stays fully awake for some time after the exit, reentry is crucial and must be handled intelligently to capture and download the projected double's delicate shadow memories into accessible levels of the brain during reintegration.

But projection memories are generally easier to recapture from a tranced or semitranced state than if the physical/etheric minds are allowed to enter the deep sleep state.

Higher-Level Mind-Splits
My experience indicates that higher subtle bodies, operating above the astral level, may undergo similar mind-split processes, and have similar properties, as their lower counterparts.

These, however, operate at vastly higher and more abstract levels of consciousness.
I do not mean to deliberately complicate matters here (I think I've done enough of that already), but as I am fond of saying,

"The further away you get from the physical universe, dimensionally speaking, the more bizarre and complicated everything all too soon becomes".

This shows, I think, the enormous difficulties inherent to projecting into dimensional levels above the astral planes, and of remembering this after the fact.

It goes a long way toward explaining why projections into the mental and higher dimensions are virtually unheard of.
And, let's not forget that we are also dealing with multiple copies of the subconscious mind, and multiple altered states of consciousness.

I think there is enough to deal with just studying the lowest levels of the mind-split and of its effects on OBE and shadow memory storage.
The higher levels can be disregarded for now.

Anything above the astral planes is pretty much out of the reach of the majority of projectors anyway.

Problems of reintegration and shadow memory recall appear mostly to concern the first two mind-splits.
These undoubtedly cause similar problems with higher levels of projection.

All projection memories, no matter at what level they were gained, must eventually be downloaded into the physical brain in the same way, in order to form a memory at the base level of consciousness.

The complications raised by breaking down the entire mind-split effect from start to finish are staggering.

While it is certainly something to ponder, it is definitely headache material and not entirely relevant to normal levels of projection.
Part two from above ^^^

Complications of Consciousness

Further examination of the mind-split effect leads to a very interesting concept:

that the majority of people probably succeed at conscious-exit projection when they attempt it, even during very early attempts.

Those who attempt OBE and feel projection-related symptoms, like the heaviness of trance, racing heartbeat, vibrations, torso rush, etc., are most probably successfully projecting out of body.

They just are not aware of this at the time, and are therefore not remembering it afterward because of the mind-split effect and shadow memory recall problems.

A popular theory is that everyone projects out every night to play and explore and learn and do all kinds of neat spiritual stuff, as if we were the astral otters of the universe.
  • Then why do 99 percent of people have no memories of any kind of out-of-body existence?

  • Where are the memories of all these lost OBEs?

  • If the average projectors remember one projection out of a hundred, then surely during that one successful projection they would have some memory of the ninety-nine forgotten experiences?
It is also quite common for projectors to become aware halfway through astral-plane projections, skipping the exit and first part of the projection entirely. Surely they would then have some recall of what they had been doing for the first half of their experience?

The simple truth is that they never do.

If you have been in the astral dimension for an hour, and you suddenly become aware you are in the astral, you never have any recollection of what you have been doing during the hour before you became aware.

In a way, this is like waking up in the astral and taking over the astral body, which appears to have been operating independently up until that moment. The memory of what it had been doing for the previous hour is lost from that moment onward.

Are these the symptoms of yet another subtle body reintegration and shadow memory recall problem, but on the astral level?

The mind boggles at the potential complexities of inter-dimensional subtle body relationships and energetic conflicts.
Further, consider the compatibility problems that could arise between different levels of consciousness, different levels of understanding, and memory sharing between these.

And let's not forget basic reintegration problems and the fickle nature of the eventual shadow memory download into the only permanent storage medium all subtle bodies share, stretched between all aspects of the mind-split: the humble physical brain.

Everything experienced out of body must eventually be downloaded into the physical brain, in base level understandability format, if it is to generate recallable memory.

If you examine case histories, or have experienced this yourself, you find that every projection starts fresh, from the very beginning, just as if it were the very first OBE.

Projectors never find available any continuing memories of astral-otter type of life, even if they suddenly shift into an astral projection that has been going on for some time.

They remember other successful projections, sure, but absolutely nothing of their ninety-nine failures, and all the other nights when they just fell asleep.

Few people state that their experience contradicts this scenario.
I consider dreams and overactive imagination to account for them.
  • So, what does happen to all these lost astral- and higher-level memories?

  • Do they download into inaccessible levels of the subconscious mind and hide in places where even the deepest level of hypnosis cannot dig them out?

  • Why does one successful conscious-exit projection provide vivid and lasting memories while the other ninety-nine unconscious projections do nothing?
It seems possible that an intrusion by the base level of consciousness (the physical/etheric mind in its normal waking state) into the astral double causes the astral double's level of consciousness to drop sharply.

This causes the astral level of consciousness to revert to its lowest form, its fully integrated or base level of consciousness.
The lowest and coarsest level of a consciousness unit appears, in all cases, to be far stronger than any higher level or aspect of that same consciousness unit (consciousness unit = the whole person or being).

When present, the base level thus replaces any higher levels of consciousness and overwrites any memories gained independently by those levels of consciousness on higher levels.

This is what I believe happens when higher and lower levels of consciousness reintegrate on any dimensional level or level of consciousness.
The stronger base level simply replaces and overwrites the higher level.

The projection continues from that point at the base level of consciousness and understandability, neatly replacing higher-level experience memories.

The higher-level memories still exist after this event, but they are driven into inaccessible levels of the subconscious mind and memory.
The overall effect is that a projection continues from that moment on as if it had just started.

This occurs whether reintegration occurs at the bottom end of the scale (in the waking physical body) or at a higher level, say in the astral body, when the projector suddenly becomes aware and wakes up inside the astral body mid projection.

The lowest level of consciousness always replaces and overwrites any higher level of consciousness and effectively wipes out all trace of its memories at the moment of reintegration.

This same thing appears to happen every time during the re-integration of the real-time projected double with its physical counterpart.
The real-time double contains the experience memories of all of its higher aspects within it.

All memories of higher levels of existence are therefore usually lost, downloaded into inaccessible levels of subconscious mind and memory.

This shows there is an inherent problem with reintegration: downloading and storing shadow memories in accessible levels of the physical brain.
By default, shadow memories must be accessible to the base level of waking consciousness, and stored in base-level format, if they are to be recognized by the physical brain as recallable memories.

While I think it is unlikely as a continually ongoing process during every moment of sleep, it does seem possible that the projected double and all of its higher selves could lead separate lives while they are out of their physical body.

They could be, as is commonly believed, continually gathering experience memories that the base level of consciousness is simply not privy to.
The physical brain is not capable of storing and recalling higher-level memories unless they are first converted into simple base-level format.

As a very rough guess, I'd say that less than one percent of high-level experience memories are potentially accessible to the physical brain at the base level of consciousness.

The great limiting factor of living a multidimensional existence would be the availability of energy to all higher projected aspects.
It takes a lot of energy to maintain the integrity of a single projected double.

It would take a great deal more, requiring a high level of energetic development, to simultaneously maintain multiple copies of awake consciousness on multiple dimensional levels.

Memories from higher levels of consciousness may not even be in sync with what the physical brain is capable of recognizing and storing as viable memories.

This factor causes the full memories of high-level experiences to be stored deep within the subconscious mind.
The only parts of high-level experiences that are storable as recallable memories are those parts the physical brain is capable of recognizing and converting into base-level format.

I believe the above factor accounts for the metaphorical abstracts, symbols, images, and feelings that are sometimes remembered after high-level OBEs and dreams, instead of more recognizable types of OBE and dream memories.

This, if true, goes a long way toward explaining the abstract and metaphorical nature of prophetic OBEs, visions, and dreams and why these are so difficult to understand and interpret.

The physical brain is only capable of storing the surface layer of high-level experience memories.

The thin surface layer of memories that can result from high-level experiences are the physical brain's interpretation of higher and more abstract levels of its own existence in higher dimensions, while it is operating at a correspondingly higher level of consciousness therein.

I have found that the higher the level of consciousness attained, and the higher the dimensional level projected into, the more abstract and metaphorical existence becomes.

Dreams and lucid dreams can also be affected by high-level experiences.
High-level experiences may not be able to download into accessible levels of memory, but they will impinge upon the dream mind and affect its environment and experiences.

If these dreams are remembered, meaningful and prophetic elements will often be found within them.

This is very similar in cause and effect as to how akashic pulse episodes (see part 5) will often leave tantalizing fragments of high-level abstract metaphorical imagery inside normal dream memories.

Because of this, the importance of dream memories to the life path of all individuals here in the physical dimension should never be undervalued.

This raises the very real possibility that conscious-exit projection causes a shift of the base level of consciousness (normal waking consciousness) into higher subtle bodies.

This may be the only thing that allows any memories of existing in those levels to be captured and downloaded into the physical brain.

To even begin to work around the complexities of this event requires serious energetic, psychic, and spiritual development.
It also requires a major rethink of the belief system of any aspiring high-level operator.

High-level projectors must learn to handle all their experiences as a very young child would do, without prejudice or preconceived ideas.
They must learn to see with the eyes of a child.

For this purpose, their belief system must be pruned back to include only what they can do themselves, and what they have experienced for themselves.

Every experience should be accepted simply, as a child would, and not interpreted or explained and overcomplicated to death according to any belief system or dogma, as adults so often tend to do.

An overcomplicated or faulty belief system not only blinds high-level seekers, it also effectively blocks their ascension into higher levels.
Higher dimensional realities simply cannot be experienced if these realities are contradictory to the seeker's own foundation belief system.

This helps explain some of the enormous difficulties encountered when operating in dimensional levels above the mid-astral planes.
It would seem that a fully conscious exit from the physical body would be the most basic requirement for conscious high-level projection.

A fully conscious shift into the astral body, and from there into the high astral planes, and from there into the mental body and mental planes and so on, would also seem to be basic requirements to operating in those dimensional levels.

These basic requirements may be the only thing that allows conscious projectors to bring back anything resembling real memories from higher levels, even if these are only the surface layers of those memories.

Memories gained by the base level while operating at a higher level can then be recognized by the base level of consciousness.
Keep in mind, this does not overcome the difficulties encountered with high-level abstract metaphorical imagery natural to all levels of existence higher than the base level of consciousness.

High-level surface-layer memories stored in base-level format will still be abstract and difficult to understand by the base level of consciousness.


The Astral Form in Motion

Once you get out of your body and are ready to get moving and start exploring, you may come across some perplexing difficulties with even the simplest of motions.

Getting from A to in the out-of-body environment, especially in the real-time zone, is not as easy as you might think.

This chapter provides advice on how to solve the most common movement and travel problems.

A Mind of Its Own

If your projected double seems to have a mind of its own, tends to move in directions you do not want to go, and you feel resistance when you try to correct this, it is quite possible that your physical/etheric body is having a remote-eye type of projection experience.

It may be seeing through your eyes and trying to remotely control its projected double - meaning it is trying to control your movements.

This problem is caused by the mind-split and can be very confusing, but has a simple cure.
Move well away from your physical body; you'll find these remote-control effects progressively ease with distance.

The remote-control effect seems to pretty much disappear when the projected double gets a hundred yards or more away from its physical body.

The awake time of the average physical/etheric mind is quite limited during a projection.
It is guaranteed to begin losing control and start falling asleep fairly quickly.

Its attempted control over its projected double will thus not last very long, usually a few minutes or so at the most.

Astral Momentum

Most new projectors experience simple movement problems during their first few projections.
Movement problems are more noticeable in the real-time zone than in the astral planes.

In real time, simply moving across a room in the right direction can be a major accomplishment for a novice projector.
This lack of control is quite normal, and happens simply because new projectors are unfamiliar with the real-time projected double and its environment.

This is a little like finding yourself suddenly in zero gravity and not knowing how to move around properly.
Some experimentation and practice is necessary.

A type of momentum problem very much like one you would find in a real zero-gravity environment causes most early movement problems.
This momentum causes projectors to continue moving after they have decided to stop, and may take them through walls, ceilings, doors, etc.

I think this is caused by the strength of the awareness action used to cause the initial motion.
If this action is too strong or is continued for too long, projectors will move farther than they planned and find they have no brakes with which to stop.

If the movement-causing action is not done right, they can also move in the wrong direction entirely.
Only practice teaches projectors how to get about with any degree of purpose, accuracy, and grace.

Learning to move while out of body can be a very comical process - in my early childhood experiences with real-time projection, I always started by trying to navigate my way through the house to get outside.

I would float and slide and blunder through walls and doors and usually end up getting stuck in the roof.
Then, when I finally managed to leave the house, I'd skim along the road trying to get up enough speed so I could take off like an airplane or a bird.

I would get airborne for a while by flapping my arms or using a swimming action (which really does help with flying), but could never seem to clear the surrounding trees and rooftops.

Falling was interesting, as it seemed to happen in slow motion. I would feel a kind of slow and heavy impact when I hit the ground.
I remember feeling something that could be likened to out-of-body concussion, and something like a vague feeling of remembered pain, but falling never hurt me or sent me back to my body, and I never seemed to penetrate the ground on impact.

I would skim down the road taking a series of giant leaps, getting airborne for a while and flapping my arms like crazy, trying to will myself higher and faster.

I wanted to fly like Superman, but could never quite break free of the strangely slow gravity I felt that kept pulling me back to earth every time I got airborne.


Because of this, I often floated unintentionally into strange houses, blundering about like a drunk in zero gravity.
I seemed to be continually apologizing to an endless number of perplexed strangers in passing, as I floated in and out of their houses.

Learning to Walk

Once you project, you'll find you don't really have a body as such, and therefore have no legs with which to stand or walk or run.
To move, do not think about what you are going to do or how you are going to do it, just do it!

Will yourself into motion by using your sense of whole-body awareness to provide the forward motion.
Imagine that every direction you want to move in is downhill and that you are wearing roller skates, and you will just start rolling forward whenever you want to move.

For forward motion just feel yourself moving forward.
Call on the memory of what it feels like to move.

Re-create this feeling with whole-body awareness.
Feel what is in front of you moving toward you, as if you were already moving.

With a little practice you will find yourself gliding gracefully over the surface.
This is probably more accurately described as skimming.

Changing direction and stopping takes a little more practice, but can be a whole lot of fun if you have the right attitude.
A sense of the ridiculous is an invaluable asset in the real-time environment.

Once you master simple movement, get out into the open or on a road and practice skimming along the surface at a higher speed.
Imagine you are driving an automobile or motorbike.

Don't try to visualize or see or create anything, just feel the movement of it.
Adopt a natural driving or riding position and feel yourself moving forward as if you were actually driving or riding along the road.

Feel the road and its surroundings moving toward and past you just as they would if you were actually driving.
Feel yourself accelerating and braking just as you would in a real car, using imaginary pedals if you like.

Turning corners, you will find, does not have the same inertia limitations as it does while driving a real car, but the habit of having to slow down to turn a corner will continue to affect you until you realize you can zoom around corners while maintaining a constant speed.

Learning to Fly

As with simple motion, most people encounter problems when learning to fly.
It is, funnily enough, far easier to blast yourself at hyper-speed into outer space than it is to hover or fly like a bird over rooftops and trees.

There is no actual gravity affecting the projected double, but there is the gravity habit to deal with.
Flying is exactly the same as skimming above the ground, no matter at what height, and is accomplished in exactly the same way as simple movement.

Once airborne, you notice something very like gravity slowly dragging you back to earth.
This is the gravity habit, the habit of being continually aware of your body's weight and of the possibility of falling over in any given situation.

Awareness of gravity is a very strong, ingrained survival instinct, guaranteed to have a strong effect on the projected double while it is learning to fly.

If you persevere with flying, you'll find yourself moving along in a series of great leaps and short arcing flights.
The height of these arcs will be affected by the height of your surroundings.

In the beginning, you'll find your ceiling will be roughly in line with the average height of the buildings and/or trees around you.
You will repeatedly sink back to earth when your motion-causing awareness action finishes and the gravity habit takes over.

You will also find yourself thinking about what you are doing and wondering what happened to gravity.
Thinking about flying and gravity and height is what causes flight momentum to stop, and the gravity habit to pull you down.

Don't think about it, just do it!

Flying can be exciting; this excitement could also cause your downfall.
Excitement will stimulate your physical/etheric body, and may cause it to begin waking if it is only lightly asleep.

This will either disempower the projected double, causing it to fall, or end the projection completely if the physical body wakes up.
Adopt a ho-hum, dispassionate-observer kind of attitude and control your excitement.

This will not only make flying easier, but will extend the length and strength of your projection considerably.

In the early stages, you may start flying by skimming down the road building up speed, then feeling yourself leaping into the air while flapping your arms and feeling yourself lifting off.

Don't knock it; this is a very good way of learning to fly, and is a whole lot of fun too.
And, you can still have fun without allowing yourself to get overexcited.

Get out onto a straight road or clearing and slain along until you feel you are moving as fast as you possibly can.
Feel yourself flapping your arms and feel yourself springing into the air like a water bird taking off from a lake.

Angle your vision upward slightly and feel the open air above the ground moving toward you.
Keep flapping your arms and feel them propelling you faster and higher, adding lift and speed to your forward motion.

Once you get the hang of flying, flapping your arms or using a swimming action still comes in handy at times.
It provides extra speed and lift whenever this is needed.

This also works inside the astral planes.
The astral environment may be quite different from the real-time zone, but most of the basic real-time principles are still applicable, especially those concerning movement.

Another technique you might like to try is to clear your mind and just feel yourself floating up into the air, feeling as if you were lighter than air.
Feel yourself rising and feel and expect the ground to slowly fall away beneath you as you rise.

This is also good practice for hovering.
Simply feel yourself suspended in midair and feel the ground and surrounding area holding their places as you hover.

All flying actions take whole-body awareness effort; in the early stages a novice projector may have to put in quite a lot of effort to overcome the gravity habit.

If you continually find yourself falling back to ground, refuse to accept this and apply more willpower to feeling yourself rising upward in the direction you want to move in.

Willpower and whole-body awareness effort are the only things that will overcome the gravity habit until you thoroughly convince yourself that you are no longer bound by gravity and can fly at will during an OBE.

Once the internal chains that cause the gravity habit are thrown off, you'll be free to fly anywhere in the universe at any speed you desire.

OBE flying is not as limited as in real life.
You can fly in the air, in outer space, and even underwater.

There is no resistance or turbulence underwater; it is just as natural as flying in the air or in space, although traveling speed is reduced underwater, due to the decrease in visibility.

With practice you will soon get the hang of this and will find it immensely pleasurable. It is an incredible sensation, especially during the daytime: able to leap tall buildings at a single bound; capable of the infinitely variable speed of thought; able to hover like a helicopter or to sit on lonely tufts of cloud; able to fly rings around birds of the air; able to safely explore the ocean depths, playing with whales and dolphins; able to leave the earth and explore other planets, stars, and galaxies.

You can explore and experience all, seeking out the new and the interesting, and going where no human body has gone before.

When you get out of your body the sky is no longer the limit, it is just the beginning . ..

Passing Through Solid Matter

Most novice real-time projectors have some difficulty moving through solid objects like walls, doors, and windows, not to mention solid rock.
Their belief system seems to play a large part in this difficulty.

If they believe they can move easily through a solid wall or door and are willing to just do it, without even thinking about it, novices will be able to do so.

If just believing they can move through solid matter does not work, it may mean they are not subconsciously accepting this ability.
Awareness effort and willpower can be used to overcome this.

There are also a few ways of tricking the subconscious mind and getting around this problem.
Once it has been done a few times, it quickly becomes easier as the subconscious mind begins accepting this ability.

I've listed below a few tricks that have worked for other people with this same problem.
  1. Avoid windows and mirrors during real-time projections, as well as any other highly reflective surfaces, even still water that is reflecting the sky. Passing through a reflection can shift you out of real time and into a mirror-image world, into an anomaly. This is, in principle, very much like how virtual reality projection works.

    Once inside an anomaly, it can be difficult to return to the true real-time zone without returning to the physical body. Use walls, ceilings, and doors, wherever possible, to maintain me real-time aspect of your projection. Even looking into a mirror or reflection is a potential hindrance to the integrity of a real-time projection.

    It is very easy to unintentionally slip into a reflection without noticing the shift out of real time, into an anomalous copy of it.

  2. Moving through obstacles backward has helped many people overcome their difficulties passing through solid matter. Position yourself in front of the barrier or wall you wish to pass through, then turn around and simply push yourself through it backward, without looking and without thinking about what you are doing. Don't think about it; just do it! This method is also handy for passing through reflective surfaces without shifting into an anomaly. If projectors cannot see a reflection, it will not usually affect them.

  3. Take a run at the obstacle by putting your head down and barging your way through it quickly, without thinking about what you are doing.

  4. Find a crack, keyhole, or window and look through it. Concentrate on what you can see on the other side and feel yourself as being there on the other side. Really want to be there. Wish for it as hard as you can! In most cases you will find yourself suddenly on the other side. This is something like very short-distance instant projection.

  5. Approach the barrier while keeping your mind clear. Reach out with one hand and, without directly looking at your hand, push it into the wall. Push your arm into it up to the elbow. Observe that your arm easily moves inside the wall and remember what it feels like on the inside. Your hand will feel slightly tingly and fuzzy.

    Will yourself to start moving forward. Push yourself forward firmly, head slightly lowered so it enters the wall first. You don't really have a head, so just feel yourself as lowering it. Keep your mind clear and do not think about what you are doing. Once you feel yourself moving through the wall, keep going and walk on through it. If you have to, claw, wriggle, or swim the rest of the way through.

    There is no possible way projectors can become stuck inside solid matter, so there is no possible way this could cause them harm.

  6. If you know what is on the other side of a barrier, imagine yourself being there. Feel yourself being there as if you really were there and you will usually find yourself suddenly there on the other side. Make sure you imagine this destination correctly if you want to stay in real time. If you are wrong about what is on the other side, you may cause yourself to shift someplace else.

  7. Use resistance and texture. While moving through the brick wall of a house, for example, you will see layers of paint, plaster, mortar, and brick, well lit and clearly defined. Try standing next to a brick wall, then slowly putting your hand inside the wall. Feel what it's like on the inside. Next, try slowly pressing your head inside the wall, just enough to see what it looks like on the inside. You will not only see and feel inside it, but you will also be able to taste and smell it. This is an incredible experience and will not hurt or damage you in any way.

    If you manage to penetrate a wall with your hand and head, what's wrong with going all the way and passing right through it?


    Fig. 27.
    A projector's eye view of passing through solid matter

Speed, Distance, and Limitations

While speed is not strictly a limiting factor for the projected double, the maximum speed at which it is possible to travel during an OBE appears to be set by the subconscious mind.

There is a direct relationship between what appears to be a reasonable speed and the maximum speed that is actually possible.
This is most likely set according to the distance seen ahead to be traversed.

Speed is thus relative to the distance seen ahead.
  • Walking Speed: Inside buildings and enclosed areas, walking speed appears natural and is quite adequate for the short distances to be traveled. A faster speed seems unacceptable to the subconscious mind and does not seem possible.

  • Road Speed: Anything from walking speed to approximately 200 miles per hour (320 kph) seems natural on a roadway. Possible speed is affected by how clearly the distance ahead is seen. Projectors can travel much faster on an open freeway in the daytime than through the suburbs at night. Traveling speed at night in real time is also limited by available light.

  • Flying: Anything from walking speed to supersonic speed seems natural, again depending on the height and the distance that can be seen ahead by a projector. The higher projectors get and the farther they can see clearly ahead, the faster it seems to be natural, and hence possible, for them to travel. At a great height on a clear day, several times the speed of sound seems quite natural.

  • Underwater: Underwater visibility is far more limited than in the open air, and the speed possible is therefore much slower.

  • Outer Space: Faster than light speed feels perfectly natural and is therefore possible.

  • Top Speed: There is no speed limit at all. The speed of thought is infinite and the top speed of a projector is also infinite. Possible speed increases in direct proportion to the distance seen ahead to be traveled. In outer space, it is possible to see incredible distances ahead, to other galaxies and beyond. If something is seen ahead, you can be there in virtually no time. Intergalactic speed far in excess of the speed of light feels quite natural and is hence easily attained.

Instantaneous Travel

It is generally accepted today that if you can visualize a destination, you can project yourself there at the speed of thought.
This method works reasonably well, but can be a bit of a hit-or-miss affair while traveling in real time.

The accuracy of this method depends on whether you have actually been to your target destination, and how well you can image it in your mind's eye.
If a projector has not personally seen the destination, instant projection will usually take that projector straight into an astral location resembling it - and occasionally into an astral realm totally unlike the intended destination.

An astral reflection or copy of an intended location often appears to be created (or tuned in to) through the act of imagining the target.
This may be based on the projector's idea of what the destination is like.

Projectors may seem to arrive at their true real-time target, but will usually find discrepancies between the real-life location and where they have actually projected.

For example, a group of serious projectors once told me they regularly held group OBE outings on the top of Uluru (previously called Ayers Rock) in Australia.

As I have visited Uluru a few times myself and know this area fairly well in real life, I asked them to provide me with a few details about the great rock so I could verify their accuracy.

They described many aspects and features that were inaccurate or were simply not there at all, like carved stone steps, etc.
These projectors had most likely been traveling to an astral reflection of Uluru.

They possibly created unreal extras there, filling in what they imagined it would really be like.

There are exceptions with traveling instantly to distant locations the projector has never been to in real life.
Some reality fluctuations, though, will usually be found at the target site.

It is possible to instantly project to another person in real time, regardless of where that person might be, if you know that person well or have strong feelings for them.


In this case, you can lock on to the remote location and person by feeling their personality and essence.
Just knowing about a person from a magazine or film or having met them a few times is not enough.

You need to know that person and be able to feel and taste their essence very well, to instantly project to them in real time.

If the target person is asleep when projected to, you will either project to their actual location and see them as they really are, which is asleep in bed, or you will project to an astral reflection of their location.

This copy will usually be strongly influenced by the dream mind of the target person.
If the target person is in the real-time zone or astral planes, it is also possible to project directly to wherever he or she happens to be.

If they are found asleep in real time near their physical body, it is usually possible to wake them up and communicate with them.
Real-time projectors can have the perception of being able to physically touch other real-time projectors if they so choose.

If the target person is awake (in real life) when projected to, it is sometimes possible to travel to their actual physical location and observe them in real time.

This location will usually be found to be influenced by reality fluctuations, caused by the mind and imagination of the target person.
These reality fluctuations may not be obvious, especially if the projector is unfamiliar with this location.

The target site may therefore be overlaid with some degree of mental imagery.
If the target person is in a crowd of many other people, say in a big city, mental imagery (static) from all the other people in the area will also be found to intrude on and affect the real-time environment.

The clearer the target area is of other people, the clearer it will be of mental static.
For example, a target person on a mid-ocean yacht or in a remote cabin in a forest can be projected to far more successfully than would otherwise be possible.

Projecting to a person well known to the projector is probably the most effective and reliable way to travel long distances while retaining some of the objective aspects of a real-time projection.

Long Distance Travel

Flying is the best way to travel for short- to medium-distance projections, say up to a few hundred miles.
This may not sound like much of a distance when you take into account the potential speed of a projector.

Even this distance, though, can be quite a challenge if the objective qualities of a real-time projection are to be held.

It is all too easy to slip into an astral copy of reality while traveling in real time.
Reality fluctuations are constant travel companions of any real-time projector.

These will spring into existence whenever a projector relaxes or breaks focus.
Strict mental control must be maintained at all times while traveling in the real-time zone.

It is not practical to follow Earth's surface for long-distance real-time travel.
For example, a country on the other side of the world may be around twelve thousand miles away.

You would need to travel at roughly sixty times the speed of sound to reach there in under fifteen minutes.
This level of speed is not natural for a projector within Earth's atmosphere, and anything close to this kind of hyper-speed will cause a projector's view to blur.

Blurring causes disorientation and an immediate shift away from objective real time.
The real-time objective aspects are then lost, usually for the duration of that projection.

Fifteen to twenty minutes is about the maximum length of time seasoned projectors can hold themselves strongly enough in real time to be able to return for a conscious reentry before slipping away into the astral planes.

Novice projectors can usually only hold themselves in real time for a few minutes.
In either case, the physical body must be capable of being woken up by the return of the projected double, or reentry may not even be possible.

Any long-distance real-time travel is therefore limited by how long it takes for the physical/etheric body of a projector to fall into a deep sleep.

Traveling long distances in real time is like flying a superfast helicopter by the seat of your pants at night, with no instruments and only the stars and landmarks to guide you.

Long-distance real-time projectors need to study geography, plus road maps and photographs of their target destination, as these would be seen from the air.

They need to be able to recognize oceans, continents, countries, states, cities, towns, roads, and landmarks.

Traveling long distance by following the surface is possible only if projectors have the time and energy to do all this and return to their physical body for reentry before slipping away into the astral planes.

Orbiting Earth

To project to a distant location, after all the details are memorized, it is far easier to go into orbit and reenter the atmosphere directly above the target.

As the projectors approach Earth's surface, they must adjust their angle of approach, aiming for the geological features, landmarks, and roads around their target destination.

This method is suited to any projection where the distance to be traveled is over a few hundred miles, like taking a giant leap a few hundred miles straight up then back down onto the target.

This is much faster than surface travel.

Entering orbit for the purpose of taking giant geographical leaps is a little more difficult than it sounds.
Getting up there is easy; you just feel yourself going straight up very fast.

But stopping when you get high enough for the drop back down can be quite difficult.
Some people, myself included, tend to blast themselves right out of the solar system, sometimes out of the galaxy as well.

To avoid this, it is important to control the speed of ascent by keeping an eye on the surface and keeping a constant check on height.

I find it easier to project toward the Moon or Sun first, as a way of limiting the initial leap out of the atmosphere.
This provides a large visual target that can be projected to in moments.

As the target can clearly be seen, speed is not limited.
Once out in space, it is a simple matter to head back to Earth, reentering directly over the target and descending rapidly to the surface.

In space, away from Earth's atmosphere, there are no problems with speed blurring vision and causing reality shifts.

While this may sound like a lengthy process, it can actually be accomplished in a few seconds.


Outer Space and Distance Limitations

Over the years, I have heard many people claiming they regularly visit the planets of the solar system and other star systems.
This appears to be something that could quite easily be done by the projected double, but it is difficult in practice.

While the Sun and the Moon are relatively easy to find and to project to, finding other planets in our solar system is not.

The solar system is an enormous area and its planets are tiny dots moving in space.

They can be difficult to identify with the naked eye, even from orbit.
Because our planet rotates once every twenty-four hours, while also orbiting the Sun, the positions of the planets and stars change rapidly and are never in exactly the same place twice.

To project to a planet by line of sight, with no navigational instruments to show the way, a real-time projector must have a reasonable grasp of astronomy and must be able to plot the position of the target planet in relation to the surrounding stars with some degree of accuracy.

Traveling to the planets of the solar system using the instant projection method does not really work.
If an attempt is made to do this, even if using actual photographs taken by space craft as a guide, the projectors usually just shift into an astral realm resembling what they believe their target planet looks like.

Real-time projectors need more than just a few photographs and a good imagination to project to a remote real-time location they have never been to.

Several astral realms have the definite look and feel of being other planets.
I think it's quite possible that over the years some fairly solid astral realms have been created and maintained by the imagination and dreams of the human race.

Many projectors travel to these planet-like astral realms, believing they are traveling in real time to their actual locations.

There are no limitations to distance, destination, or speed, apart from those few already mentioned.
It is therefore possible to travel to the most distant star or galaxy.

The speed of thought is infinite, which is really, really, really fast!
Traveling at infinite speed in outer space feels like space is folding itself around you.

There is hardly any sensation of forward movement apart from the millions of stars flashing by, but enormous distances are traversed in the blink of an eye.

If projectors see something ahead and wish to go there, all they have to do is to feel themselves moving toward it and feel it moving toward them; they can be there as quickly as that.

I occasionally go out into deep space, where galaxies are just tiny smudges in the distance, just to think and meditate and be alone.
I have traveled far into deep space in an attempt to see just how fast and how far I could go, and to find the end of the universe if there is one.

I have traveled way beyond the range of mortal telescopes of any type.
I have seen galaxies flashing past me like streetlights blurring past the window of a speeding car at night.

As far and as fast as I have gone in intergalactic space, with ever-increasing speed, I have never found any place totally devoid of galaxies and stars. Whenever I put a group of galaxies far behind me and think I am getting clear of matter and light, another faint smudge appears on the interstellar horizon.

The best I have been able to do so far is to position myself between the faint smudges of far-off galaxies.
The physical universe appears to be infinite in size, according to my real-time out-of-body observations.

That is, unless I have been somehow traveling in intergalactic circles, which is not inconceivable.

Returning from a long-distance projection, no matter how far you, as a projector, have traveled, is very simple.
Reach out and feel for your physical body, become aware of it and the room around it.

This will usually return you into or close to your body and end the projection in a moment.


Following the silver cord back to your physical body only works when you are relatively close to it.
At great distance, like in deep space, this will only give you a very rough idea of the direction home.

Trying to keep an eye on the silver cord on the way home from a long-distance projection causes a dramatic reduction in speed.

This method is thus rendered useless when you consider the vast distance involved and the time limitations, which must always be kept in mind during an OBE.

Privacy, Ethics, and OBE

An unfounded belief that out-of-body activities are policed from above continues in popularity today.
Some believe that if projectors misbehave they will be stopped from having further OBEs - banned by a higher authority.

Some even believe an astral police force watches out for and punishes unethical and immoral behavior.

According to my experience, this is a complete myth.
There are some natural barriers associated with OBE, but no ethical or moral limitations.

Conscience and natural consequence are the only true behavioral modifiers.
Can you imagine the mind-boggling logistics keeping tabs on several billion projectors - on planet Earth alone, every night?

I have found no astral overseers policing the out-of-body environment during my many years of OBE exploration.
Some of my out-of-body experiments have most severely tested this theory over the years.

But nothing has ever hindered or stopped me from having further OBEs at will.

While there are no actual laws governing OBE, there are some natural energetic repercussions to consider.
If base emotional urges and behavior are not well-controlled, the quality of OBEs will steadily deteriorate.

Deliberate misbehavior seems to affect projectors' energetic values more than anything else, lowering their potential level of astral operations.
Like attracts like in a big way in the out-of-body environment, even in the real-time zone.

The attraction of other like-minded projectors and beings is another natural consequence worthy of consideration.
This has the effect of segregating miscreants from more civilized projectors, with each operating on different levels of the astral planes.

Intentions surrounding real-time privacy issues are also important.
Occasional or accidental misbehavior will not attract any noticeable consequences.

But repeated, deliberate invasions of privacy and other types of antisocial behavior will quickly generate negativity in the sensitive out-of-body environment.

This will progressively worsen until a more civilized approach is taken to OBE.
Invading the privacy of others accidentally or through well-intentioned exploration, and not for self-gratification or unethical gain, will not generate any negative repercussions at all.

I think the idea that out-of-body behavior is policed stems from some of the early books on OBE, written around the turn of the twentieth century.
I am sure their authors would have realized the truth, but they seem to have worried that if the unlimited freedom of OBE were known, projectors may behave in unacceptable ways-unacceptable to them that is.

They would have considered it their duty to hide the shocking truth.
Motivated by Victorian morality and conscience, a "Stop it or you'll all go blind!" kind of blanket caution was thus given.

Considering that early books on OBE have been used as reference material ever since and still are quoted in modern works, this warning continues to influence projectors today.

Many versions of the astral police force myth have been generated over the years, and continue to be believed in and expanded on today - but not through personal experience, I might add.

OBE and Reality Fluctuations

There are no simple explanations for the underlying causes of the reality fluctuations that plague real-time projectors shortly after their exit out of body.
I wish there were; it would make my work that much easier.

In most cases, especially with new projectors, reality starts to fluctuate only a couple of minutes after the exit.
Reality fluctuations are more noticeable during real-time projections, especially inside projectors' own houses, as the details of this area are well known.

Several possible factors have the potential to cause or contribute to reality fluctuations.

The surface mind, if not strictly controlled, provides a continual stream of random dialogue and guess-work-like thoughts.
Some of this surfaces from the subconscious in response to associations triggered by thoughts, surroundings, and events.

Part of the problem here is guesswork, or what is commonly called the overlay.
The overlay plagues psychics, clairvoyants, and remote viewers alike: guesswork thoughts interfere with objective perception and analysis.

In the case of real-time OBE, the overlay has a far more creative effect than in real life.
It is much more visual, and hence will often trigger the creative powers of the subconscious mind.

For example, if an object, shape, or shadow is vaguely seen during a projection, the surface mind will often guess what it is, even if the projector is not thinking about it.

This can stimulate the subconscious mind into altering the object, or into creating a form to fit whatever has been half-guessed.
If a projector is subconsciously fearful of the out-of-body environment, these vague shadows can easily transform into fearful images.

During any type of projection, the subconscious mind holds the bulk of creative power.
Once triggered, it can create complex objects and scenarios instantly, without the time and effort required to build a similar creation using the weaker creative powers of the conscious mind.

The subconscious mind waits in the background, ready to leap out and create something at the drop of a hat.
But there is usually no intelligent purpose in what is created.

The dream mind, when it becomes active, can access the strong telepathic, energetic, and empathic links between the physical/etheric body/mind and its projected double, via the silver cord.

It is therefore capable of causing reality fluctuations - something like dream-generated real-time hallucinations - around the projected double.
The effects of dream mind interference are most noticeable within a hundred yards (ninety meters) or so of the projected double, and lessen with distance.

The length of time it takes any projector to enter the dream state is extremely variable.
The start of reality fluctuations during a real-time OBE can be used to indicate when the dream mind is becoming active.

This is a very good time (recommended for beginners) to end a projection, and to attempt a conscious reentry while the physical/etheric body is still easily awakened, before it falls into a deeper level of sleep.

However, as projectors gain experience and get to know their strengths, weaknesses, and limitations, reality fluctuations can be weathered and even overcome to a certain extent.

Time out during an OBE can then be gradually extended, with successful reentry still being possible.

With any projection attempt, the desire and effort to induce projection will often carry over into the dream state.
The dream mind of a projector will often believe it is still involved in a projection attempt when it becomes active, especially if it fell asleep right in the middle of one.

When it feels projection-like symptoms coming from its physical/etheric body (vibrations, rapid heartbeat, etc.), it will believe it is having an OBE exit from inside its physical body.

It will then experience a false but very realistic dream version of a conscious-exit projection.

The dream mind's imaginary OBE will seem extremely real to it.
The real-time aspect of this dream OBE will be based on the projector's actual memories of the surrounding area.

This has the potential to overlay the true real-time OBE (which is already in progress) with a false dream version of exactly the same thing.
The false dream projector will always have a different viewpoint from the true real-time projector.

The false projector may believe it is in another part of the house, or it may be simply facing another direction than the true projector really is.
This can overlay the true real-time environment with a twisted, backward, or fluctuating scenario that will not make any sense at all to the true projector.

Other minds, awake or asleep, are also capable of contributing to reality fluctuations.
This can be thought of as mental static or background noise.

Distance affects the strength of this type of interference.
The reason for this is directly related to how the projected double becomes noticeably less affected by its own physical/etheric body with increased distance from it.

Projectors operating in sparsely populated areas will notice much less background noise.
Heavily populated areas have greatly increased background noise.

For this very reason, serious metaphysical pursuits and magic rituals are never carried out in densely populated areas.

The brow center or third eye of a projector is also capable of receiving visions during an OBE.
Primary energy centers are far more active during OBE than during the normal waking state, due to the increase of energetic activity within the physical/etheric body.

An active brow center during a projection can thus act as something like an untuned vision receiver. (This varies according to the level of the clairvoyant ability of individuals and is hence less frequent.)

It can cause strange visions and unexplainable imagery, seemingly unrelated to the projector during a real-time OBE.

Brow center activity can also cause complex visions to be experienced during OBEs.
If a projector's brow center receives a strong vision during the course of an OBE, the projected double can find itself experiencing that vision firsthand, from inside the vision.

In effect, a strong vision can cause a dimensional shift that transports the projected double into an astral realm.
A vision experience like this will usually end the real-time aspects of an OBE for its duration.

Once reality fluctuations start during a real-time OBE, it can be difficult to make sense of what is happening.
I do not recommend even trying.

Attempts to do so will lead to further complications and generate even wilder reality fluctuations.
It is usually best for projectors to accept whatever is happening, to keep their mind as clear as possible, and to continue on with their OBE as best they can.

If reality fluctuations become pronounced, though, it often helps to move away from the affected area and hope things will be more stable elsewhere.
If this fails, wise real-time projectors will attempt to reenter their physical body while they still can, or risk losing the memory of that experience entirely.

While energetic development can extend the objective real-time aspects of an OBE, a mixed bag of perceptions is to be expected by most real-time projectors shortly after the exit.

The norm is a strange and fluid mixture of objective and subjective perceptions, with reality fluctuations steadily increasing as the projection continues. This leaves most projectors floundering for some kind of a logical cause or explanation, which is unlikely to be found.

While annoying, reality fluctuations are not bad or negative elements of an OBE.

They are usually just a little on the wild and ridiculous side, that's all.

Avoiding Reality Fluctuations
  • Focus on what you are doing at all times and don't let your mind wander. Keeping control during a projection strengthens it and makes shadow memories stronger.

  • Keep moving at all times and do not stay in one area for too long.

  • Move away from your physical body immediately after the exit and stay at least twenty feet (six meters) away from it at all times - the farther the better.

  • Concentrate on forward vision and turn slowly and deliberately.

  • Keep up a running commentary during the projection. Talk aloud to yourself at all times, describing what you are seeing and doing. If your voice does not work, say it in your mind.

  • Do not concentrate on any one object or scene for too long. Observe each object and scene only briefly in passing, noting it aloud, then moving along.

  • Glance briefly at your hands frequently, and whenever reality fluctuates, but not for long enough to cause them to melt. Each time you do this, a small shock wave is sent back down the silver cord to the physical/etheric body. This gives it a small shock that slows its entry into the dream state, thereby strengthening the projected double.

  • End the OBE when reality fluctuations become pronounced, while you still can.

Confusing Astral Effects
You do not have a real body during an OBE.
You are an infinitesimally small point of consciousness, a spark created by the pure energies of your consciousness.

You have no real size or shape.
You are totally free of the limitations of your physical body and of all the laws of the physical universe.

In many ways, the physical body and its projected double can be likened to a car battery and the energy stored within it, or to an electrical capacitor and its stored charge.

If you could somehow separate one of these physical devices from its stored energy, releasing yet containing its energy in a single cohesive unit, what size would the energy unit be?

What would the energy unit weigh?
What would the energy unit look like?

There are no real answers to these questions, as energy has zero size, zero mass, and zero weight.
But the product of these questions would exist in some form and have an energy potential that could be calculated.

It should, hypothetically, exist as pure energy once freed of the restraints of matter.
I asked a friend of mine, a mathematical physicist, if these questions could be stated or proven mathematically, and a comparison drawn to the projected double.

I received a chapter-length reply.
The high-level math and physics involved are way above layman level, but the end result was that the projected double was likened to a potential well.

For all that, the projected double is indeed a body of sorts, albeit an energetic one.
A projector can perceive this body, but only when parts of it are deliberately self-observed.

The subtle body parts that appear seem to be created by the subconscious mind.
The mind of a projector does not seem able to accept the total nonexistence of its body, so temporarily creates body parts when they are looked for.

Melting Body Parts
If you try to look closely at parts of your own projected double during an OBE, especially your hands, you will find they start melting away very quickly, within two or three seconds.

You can glance at any body part and look away again and it will appear to be fairly stable and solid, but studying any body part closely will cause it to melt.

For example, if you look at your feet and then lift one of them for closer inspection, it will begin melting just as hands do.

Hands, being the most commonly looked-at projected body parts during an OBE, look pale and unearthly.
They sometimes even appear macabrely elongated and spectral (see figure 1, chapter 2).

Do not panic if you observe this effect, as this is quite normal.
It usually is seen only during low-powered OBEs.

In all cases, after only a few moments of observation, the fingers will begin melting rapidly away into pale stumps.
The rest of the hand and forearm will soon follow suit if the observation is continued.

If you look away and then look back at your hands, the melting process will begin again from the start.

Any other real physical object observed closely during an OBE will not melt.
Things will change; they'll morph, disappear, reverse, and mutate into other things, but they will not melt away as body parts do.

This points to the act of self-observation as the cause of the melting-body-parts phenomenon.
I think the melting-body-parts phenomenon is caused by a conflict within the subconscious mind.

The subconscious mind provides temporary subtle body parts, seemingly as a reflex action triggered by the act of self-observation.
It knows its real physical body exists in another place, and knows it should have a body with it during an OBE.

So, when the projected double looks for its body, the subconscious mind is tricked into creating temporary body parts.

However, these body parts cannot be maintained in existence, because the subconscious mind cannot accept that its body is existing in two different places at the same time.

Internal subconscious and energetic conflicts cause the body parts to rapidly melt away.
If my reasoning is correct here, this conflict goes a long way toward explaining why the melting-hands phenomenon can have such an effect on projectors.

A brief glance at the hands during an OBE, for example, causes a small shock wave between the projected double and its physical counterpart that helps stabilize the projection.

A longer observation often shifts a projector from real time straight into an astral realm.
This last effect is especially powerful during an astral projection and can be used by projectors to shift themselves among the astral planes, albeit at random.

The melting-body-parts phenomenon is more noticeable in real time than in the astral planes or higher, although it still happens in much the same way.


And, as it is one of the rare few constant factors associated with OBE and the projected double, it is worthy of much further study.

Vision-Reversal Problem
Vision reversal is an occasional real-time problem.
In my opinion, this problem arises because the physical body has a natural frontal vision perspective of approximately 220 degrees.

It can see the front half of its visible environment, but cannot see behind itself at the same time.
However, the projected double is a point of consciousness with the potential to have real-time vision in all directions.

I call this spherical vision, for want of a better term.

(Skarekrow - I can attest to the “spherical vision”...it’s very odd to experience the first time.)

The projected double does not contain functioning sense organs, nor even energetic copies of them.
It is therefore not bound by the vision limitations imposed on its physical counterpart.

It can see in all directions at once if it can get past its ingrained natural frontal vision perspective.
This increased vision potential will occasionally cause problems when it happens accidentally.

A 360-degree viewpoint is not readily acceptable by the conscious or the subconscious mind.
In a similar fashion, this real-time vision problem can also interfere with the projected double's ingrained sense of left and right, which can further compound the spherical vision problem.

Spherical vision can cause some very peculiar real-time effects and some pretty mind-twisting reality fluctuations.
For example, frequent real-time projectors often find that their world suddenly becomes reversed during a projection, as if in some kind of mirror dimension or reversed astral realm.

Everything looks the same, with the same objective qualities as normal, but everything is back to front and/or out of place.



During some OBEs, projectors' visual senses have become disoriented and they have momentarily experienced a change of perspective that has reversed their left and right perspective.

This can happen if they suddenly change direction without noticing the change.
Their viewpoint suddenly changes, without them actually moving or rotating, as they would have to in their physical body.

This action has reversed their natural frontal, left and right, back and front, up and down viewpoint.
This disorients and tricks the vast creative powers of the subconscious mind into instantly remaking the environment to suit how it feels it should be.

A split second of unnoticed disorientation and the OBE environment goes haywire.

The diagram below illustrates the reversal of viewpoint without turning, and the strange effect this can cause.
The natural sense of front and back, up and down, left and right are so deeply ingrained in us that it can have a strong effect on real-time perception, which is a direct mind sense.

Note that in the diagram below that the natural sense of direction does not change when the projector's point of view suddenly turns inside out without the person actually turning.


Fig. 35.
Vision-reversal problem

Please bear with me here, as explaining such an unnatural phenomenon as vision reversal is a real headache.

The real-time projector @ is in the center of the diagram facing toward (A) with the door clearly perceived to be on his natural right-hand side.
He has normal frontal vision with a natural left and right perspective, as in real life.

The projector knows, as does his subconscious mind, that if he turns around and faces (B), the door and TV will be on his left-hand side, and the chair on his right-hand side, as shown above.

Now, if you as the projector are facing (A) and you suddenly turn inside out without moving around, and without noticing this lack of movement, your viewpoint will suddenly reverse without you actually turning.

Viewpoint (A) will suddenly become viewpoint (B) but withoutyour turning around as you would in real life.
Your sense of left and right has suddenly reversed.

When your viewpoint suddenly changes from (A) to (B), without you actually turning and experiencing a rotation of viewpoint that your mind can accept and adjust for, the door stays in view and causes a big problem, as do the chair and TV when they suddenly spring into view.

You were aware of the door on their right-hand side with viewpoint (A), but you do not lose sight of the door when you suddenly turn inside out and change your viewpoint to (B).

Your subconscious mind cannot accept this sudden reversal of viewpoint.
Even the conscious mind would have problems accepting this.

The door seen on the right-hand side while facing (A) at the start of the inside-out reversal would have to vanish and reappear again on the right-hand side after it turns and faces (A).

But, this would place the door on the other side of the room, which is clearly impossible.
The TV and chair would also have to reverse positions to keep your natural left and right perspective in order, which is also clearly an impossible proposition for the subconscious mind.

The new viewpoint with unchanged left and right perspective, gained by the sudden change in viewpoint without turning, becomes clearly impossible for the subconscious mind.

It therefore takes the easy way out and changes the view to suit that with which it can deal more comfortably.
Now, keep in mind here that what the subconscious mind can accept and what the conscious mind can accept are two completely different kettles of fish.

This seemingly impossible change in viewpoint has caused the subconscious mind to creatively correct the view by reversing it, or by reversing and changing parts of it, to fit what it feels is more acceptable.

The subconscious mind makes instantaneous alterations as its viewpoint changes.
It either makes the real door vanish and reappear on the other side of the room, then switches the TV and chair to fit this new perspective, or more likely simply creates another door, another TV, and another chair for both sides of the room.

You may now find that you have a room with two doors, one on each side, with a TV and a chair on both sides to match.

Or, you could suddenly find that you no longer have any chair or TV - but you shouldn't complain, because you now have two doors to make up for it.

The basic cause for the real-time OBE vision-reversal problem can be simulated by lying on your back with your head hanging over the edge of the bed. Clear your mind about what you are doing and do not try to work it out beforehand.

Open your eyes (in real life) while upside down and quickly try to pick left and right and up and down.
You can do the same thing by looking behind yourself with a mirror.

This, you will find, causes a mild disorientation in your innate sense of left and right.
You'll find you have to deliberately calculate which is left and right from your upside-down (or reversed) position.

This slight disorientation is all that is needed to trigger the subconscious mind into creating something it feels more comfortable with.

During a real-time projection, the subconscious mind will usually create something to help with what it feels is its natural left and right perspective at the moment of reversal.

This is done according to the visible evidence it has before and after the change of viewpoint occurs.
This generates an anomalous view of real time; once this happens, it's way too late to correct it.

The subconscious mind will not accept a conscious change of left and right, and anything it has created will stay in existence for the duration of the OBE.

If you understand spherical vision and happen to get reversed during a projection, you'll find it's not really a problem.
You simply take what has happened into account and continue to function reasonably well in objective real time, rather than thinking you are wasting your time in some strange mirror dimension.

This means that if you have plans to do something in real time, you still can.
You just have to adjust for it in the best way you can.

My best advice is if this happens while inside a house, leave that house through the most normal part of it you can find.
Then, stay away from that house for the duration of the projection, or reenter it from another direction or side.

If you go through an anomaly - through a created door, say - you'll usually find yourself in an astral realm.

Real-Time Anomalies
Comparing the subconscious mind's creative power to that of the conscious mind is like comparing a bank of supercomputers to a child's calculator. During any conscious OBE, this difference in creative ability can cause a great deal of confusion.

This vast difference in creative power, combined with vision-and perspective-reversal problems, is the underlying cause of many OBE anomalies.

Take these all together, and you have a recipe for total confusion:
  • Strong creative powers of the subconscious mind

  • Weak creative powers of the conscious mind

  • Sensitivity of the projected double's perceptions

  • Sensitivity of the out-of-body environment to creative energy

  • Spherical vision, with left and right perspective reversals
For example: You exit your body and explore your house in real time.

Everything appears normal, but as you move through your house, you suddenly notice a door in the wrong place.
Noting this anomaly, you move on toward the kitchen, but find this is either incomplete or on the wrong side of the house, or both.

While moving through the house you have somehow accidentally reversed your natural viewpoint, and confused your natural sense of left and right.
Your subconscious mind has therefore rearranged the layout of the house to fit what it feels is more natural.

This confuses you to no end.
The furniture, pictures, windows, doors, etc., all appear to be normal, but nothing is where it should be, and some parts seem to be missing completely.

Moving along, you find another door where there should be no door.
This door appears real, although it is in the wrong place.

Once created, it may change in appearance but will rarely be uncreated.
Solid doors don't have the habit of vanishing, even during an OBE, so you're stuck with it for the time being.

When you turn to where the real door should be, you sometimes find the door there, sometimes not.
You may end up with two or even more doors where there should only be one.

If you go through the real door - the one still in its correct place - you usually find the rest of the house behind it just as it should be.
But, if you go through a false door, you enter a created anomaly.

This will always lead to an astral realm.
The subconscious mind knows that a false door is an anomaly.

It won't accept this as opening to a normal part of the house that can't possibly be there.

Anomalies like these are reality fluctuations caused simply by moving about in the real-time zone.
Anomalous doors can be used as fairly reliable entrances into astral realms.

Enter one then continue opening other doors as you find them.
These other, anomalous, doors will open into more astral realms.

If you concentrate and hold in mind the type of astral realm you wish to enter as you open these doors, more often than not you will find what you are seeking.
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BTW...just want to acknowledge the fact that this thread has now gotten more than


Thank you everyone for contributing and for being interested in the unexplained!!
Much love!!











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“ Great Schema monks of the Russian Orthodox Church, robed in full habit of the highest degree of Eastern monastic tradition. Origin unknown. ”





Historically, the capirote was a cardboard cone that flagellants in Spain would use.
It was also used during capital punishment in Spain, and also during an Inquisition, where the condemned person would be forced to wear one and be put under public humiliation.
From the order of Nazareth It is also the uniform of some brotherhoods including the Nazarenos and "Pharisees"
(see Holy Week in Seville). during Easter observances and reenactments in some areas of Spain.




This is very curious...if it’s true?

Government Accidentally Releases Documents on "Psycho-Electric" Weapons
They were mistakenly sent to a journalist.


The government has all kinds of secrets, but only a true conspiracy theorist might suspect that "psycho-electric weapons" are one of them.

So it's odd that MuckRock, a news organization that specializes in filing Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests with state and federal government bodies, received mysterious documents about mind control, seemingly by accident.

Journalist Curtis Waltman was writing to the Washington State Fusion Center (WSFC), a joint operation between Washington State law enforcement and the federal government to request information about Antifa and white supremacist groups.

He got responses to the questions he asked, but also a file titled “EM effects on human body.zip.”

Inside, were documents like this:


Documents held by the Washington State Fusion Center.
And these:


Remote mind control AND remote brain mapping.










Human brain waves as described in documents held by the government for some reason.

At least some of the images appear to be part of an article in Nexus magazine describing a 1992 lawsuit brought by one John St. Clair Akewi against the NSA.

Akewi claimed that the NSA had the "ability to assassinate US citizens covertly or run covert psychological control operations to cause subjects to be diagnosed with ill mental health" and was documenting their alleged methods.

Nexus was, and still is, an Australian magazine focused on the unexplained, conspiracy theories, alternative medicine and the like.

It covered Akewi's case in 1996 but was unable to get Akewi to discuss it further: "I tried ringing Mr Akwei to find out what was the out-come, if any, of his court case. He firmly but kindly told me that he could not speak about anything to do with the case over the phone and hung up," reads an editor's note at the end of the article.

The federal government has absolutely experimented with mind control in a variety of methods, but the documents here do not appear to be official.

Waltman had no idea why these documents were included in his request and isn't sure why the government is holding them. The WSFC did not respond to requests for more information.

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