We are not the pictures on film projected on a screen...we are the light projecting the images.




Mankind will never see an end of trouble until lovers of wisdom come to hold political power,
or the holders of power become lovers of wisdom.
~ Plato




For the alchemist the one primarily in need of redemption is not man, but the deity who is lost and sleeping in matter.

Only as a secondary consideration does he hope that some benefit may accrue to himself from the transformed substance as the panacea, the medicina catholica, just as it may to the imperfect bodies, the base or "sick" metals, etc.
His attention is not directed to his own salvation through God's grace, but to the liberation of God from the darkness of matter.

C.G. Jung


Avoiding your triggers isn’t healing.
Healing happens when you're triggered and you're able to move through the pain,
the pattern, and the story and walk your way to a different ending.
~ Vienna Pharaon



Evolve or Remain
"You are being presented with a choice: Evolve or remain. If you choose to remain unchanged, you will be presented with the same challenges, the same routine, the same storms, the same situations, until you learn from them, until you love yourself enough to say “no more”, until you choose change.

If you choose to evolve, you will connect with the strength within you, you will explore what lies outside the comfort zone, you will awaken to love, you will become, you will be. You have everything you need.

Choose to evolve. Choose love."

~ Creig Crippen


"Real Love can Carry the Entire Universe without Feeling any weight."

~ Amma


by Jake Anderson
June 28, 2017

You don't have to look far to find outlandish theories on the nature of the cosmos and human consciousness.
These days, notions once relegated to science fiction are finding their way into esoteric academic journals, and from there, into mainstream discourse.

One example of this is the Simulation Argument, recently championed by Elon Musk; another is 'time crystals,' a tantalizing non-linear phase of matter.
The newest symphony of mind jazz being broadcast across the Internet posits new ideas about the embattled theory of "panpsychism," or the belief that mind is a fundamental property of the physical universe and is imbued into all states of matter.

A new paper (Can Panpsychism Become an Observational Science?), published by physicist Gregory Matloff, has brought the idea back into scientific discussions, promising experimental tests that could "validate or falsify" the concept of a ubiquitous "proto-consciousness field."

Matloff also pushes the controversial idea of volitional stars, suggesting there is actually evidence that stars control their own galactic paths.
As absurd as the theory sounds, it has several prominent adherents, including British theoretical physicist Sir Roger Penrose, who introduced panpsychism three decades ago.

Penrose believed consciousness arises from the properties of quantum entanglement.

He and anesthesiologist Stuart Hameroff authored the Orchestrated Objective Reduction (Consciousness in the Universe - A review of the 'Orch-OR' Theory) hypothesis, which asserts, among other things, that consciousness results from quantum vibrations inside microtubules.

In 2006, German physicist Bernard Haisch took the idea further and proposed that consciousness arises within a "quantum vacuum" any time there is a significantly advanced system through which energy flows.

Neuroscientist Christof Koch, another proponent of panpsychism, approaches it from a different angle, using integrated information theory to argue that consciousness is not unique to biological organisms.

"The only dominant theory we have of consciousness says that it is associated with complexity - with a system's ability to act upon its own state and determine its own fate," Koch argues.

"Theory states that it could go down to very simple systems. In principle, some purely physical systems that are not biological or organic may also be conscious."

Matloff and other scientists are moving the argument into a new phase: experimentation.
Matloff intends to study the behavior of stars, specifically analyzing an anomaly in stellar motion known as Paranego's Discontinuity.

Matloff wants to know why certain cooler stars appear to emit jets of energy pointed in one direction, a characteristic that seems oddly and inexplicably ubiquitous in the galaxy.

In 2018, he plans to use results from the Gaia star-mapping space telescope to show that the anomaly may be a willful stellar action.
Meanwhile, as Matloff studies cosmic activity on the grandest scale, Koch approaches the experimental phase of the theory using brain-impaired patients.

He wants to know if their information responses match underlying neurochemical foundations of consciousness.
He plans to test this by wiring the brains of mice together to see if their minds merge into a larger information system.

Panpsychism certainly has critics, as well. In an article for The Atlantic entitled "Why Panpsychism is Probably Wrong," Keith Frankish writes:

"Panpsychism gives consciousness a curious status. It places it at the very heart of every physical entity yet threatens to render it explanatorily idle.
For the behavior of subatomic particles and the systems they constitute promises to be fully explained by physics and the other physical sciences.
Panpsychism offers no distinctive predictions or explanations. It finds a place for consciousness in the physical world, but that place is a sort of limbo."

The quote expresses a general sense that panpsychism oversimplifies the hard problem of consciousness in the universe, an opinion many scientists share.

However, Matloff, Penrose, and other proponents continue undertaking the job of venturing outside the margins of accepted science to try reconciling intractable contradictions and anomalies exposed by quantum theory.
Not sure what to think of this...??
Very peculiar but interesting.

by Dylan Harper
September 29, 2016

The magnetic field of earth is involved in a perturbation or morphing.
This is taking place interdimensionally, and the net effect is incremental surges in amplitude or strength of the magnetic field.

This morphing of earth's magnetic field is like a wave that rises and falls very quickly, and the oscillations are minute, but distinct.
This is having a very strange effect upon human consciousness, specifically your biological experience.

Many people are experiencing an increase of exhaustion and weariness (these symptoms are also caused by movements of energies from deep space as they pass through your galaxy and your solar system.)

But this (perturbation) is of a different category.
This is caused by the magnetic field itself, which is responding to the deep energies from space.

It is a response of the molten core of your earth itself; and the magnetic field is having a conversation with the cosmos, if you wish to think of it in this metaphorical way.

Now, your science does not view things in this manner, but from our perspective the magnetic field is having a conversation with these cosmic visitors, the energies from deep space, which are, by nature, catalysts for spiritual evolution.

Another set of symptoms directly related to the perturbations of your magnetic field are distinct changes in how you hold short term memory - because memory is a function of the magnetics of your own nervous system and that of earth.

Your brain processes information through the minute gravitational and non-gravitational fields of it's own structure and it is affected directly by fluctuations in the earth's magnetic field.

And so you can expect an increase in short term memory anomalies.
You may find yourself speaking a sentence and suddenly the words do not come to you or you mix up the words from their normal syntax.

While in some cases this is the sign of a brain disorder, you will find this happening within the general populace at an increasing rate.
Escalations in collective short-term memory glitches will lead humanity to a most novel situation.

This situation is an opportunity or a curse, depending on how you work with it.
The opportunity is to see through the mental matrix of your own creation.

What we mean by this is when your mind is unable to continue its story line in the ways it is used to, you have an opportunity to glimpse the realities behind the curtain (of perception).

You are the ones who have created the curtain, and you have done this to keep yourselves separated from things you do not wish to see or experience directly, or in some cases what others do not wish you to see or experience directly.

We refer here to the unseen manipulators of your collective reality - those who hold the economic and political reins of power...

We have said before that there are forces on your planet that actively resist the impulse for spiritual evolution.
They are invested in continuing their lies through the misappropriation of information in order to control you.

Their job is getting more difficult.
Their job is getting more difficult because the perturbation of the magnetic field creates gaps in the creation of mental realities projected by the human mind.

They - meaning 'those who wish to control and manipulate you' - have vast resources at their command, and they are employing every one of them.
But they cannot control the magnetic field of the earth!

And for this, you should give thanks...
The impulse that is affecting the magnetic field of the earth comes from far beyond their locus of influence.

It is our expectation, based upon our understanding of hyper-dimensional physics, that the perturbations of your magnetic field are going to increase over the next several years.

Those of you who are sensitive energetically are the ones feeling this most intensely at the present moment, but we suspect that in the next two to three years most people will be affected by this in a way they are consciously aware of, even if they do not know why.

We have a couple of suggestions for dealing with the situation.
Our first suggestion is the easiest.

It involves understanding your connection to the core of the earth itself.
As an energetic being, in addition to your flesh and blood, you can form a conscious energetic relationship with the core of the earth.

This understanding, or orientation, is that you are immersed in and surrounded by, earth's magnetic field.
By going into mental resonance with the core of the earth (the generator of earth's magnetic field), you become energetically stabilized.

The earth, as a conscious being, can reveal herself to you in ways that are difficult to describe because your culture does not have a language for this. And you have been manipulated and controlled to insure that you do not have an awareness of this, for it could be one of your greatest strengths.

By entering into resonance with the core of the earth you become more conscious of the earth as a living conscious being.
Through this link, you receive a type of energetic-solidity - even in the midst of earth's increasing chaos.

The odd thing about it, however, is that when you bring yourself to your senses, so to speak, you are less controllable, less "manipulatable" by those forces that control the thought stream of humanity through,

  • mis-information

  • manipulation

  • mind-control
In other words, forming a direct conscious relationship with the earth's core bypasses many of the affects of what we call life-negative technologies.
If you wish to do something in addition to entering into mental resonance with the core of the earth, we suggest using your pranic tube, a subtle energetic channel that runs from above your head, through the center of your body, and into the earth.

This tube, this channel, can be extended deep into the earth, down into the very core itself, and also above the head deep into space. In this method you are not dealing with extending the channel beyond the top of the head. Instead, you only extend the channel into the core of the earth.

But the essential thing is not so much the sending of this channel into the earth.
The essential thing is to understand that you are in resonance with the core of the earth simply by knowing it.

This will impart a sense of stability even in the midst of increasing chaos.
It will awaken your senses.

It will bring you into greater conscious relationship to earth.
And, we must caution you that it will also de-hypnotize you - make you less controllable.

And you will see through the lies around you more clearly!

The second suggestion involves developing a conscious relationship to the core of the galaxy.
Essentially, understand that you can be in resonance with the core of the Milky Way Galaxy, which is a black hole, and that in similar ways to being in resonance with the core of the earth, you can become stabilized in relationship to the galaxy.

If you are capable of this, simply hearing this described to you will activate the knowingness of how to do it.
It is not a complex affair.

It is quite simple, but requires the understanding that a part of you is not limited by the time and space coordinates of your physical body.

It requires an understanding that consciousness can extend instantaneously, anywhere in time and space, and by extending your consciousness to the galactic core, you are stabilized in relationship to the galaxy.

The ideal is to be in relationship to earth's core and the core of the galaxy simultaneously.
Then you will be able to ride the waves of energy from deep space with a greater degree of mastery.

But, again, we caution you that this will make you less controllable, harder to hypnotize, and then you may have the very odd experience of waking up while many around you are still asleep.

What you do with this awareness is, of course, your choice and your response-ability...

Yes...I have often thought that they will never catch a Bigfoot, because Bigfoot is a multidimensional being...like an elemental almost...or existing in the land of the Fae.
There are many stories of passing through such dimensional gateways and vanishing forever - like the early stories of fairies and changelings.
As for ghosts...imho they are on a whole other level of reality than us and I’m not sure what seems to allow for contact or not...no matter how much I read about ghosts that is one area that is never addressed is why some people can seemingly return as ghosts to relay messages, haunt a castle, break dishes, etc. while others never make themselves known - especially those who purposefully set a goal of making contact once they have passed on...like Houdini.
This kind of goes with my thoughts on time being only really relative to the living in this dimension and at this macro scale.
Just like solid matter it seems time also becomes more flexible the smaller you get, until it’s all fuckered around in quantum land where shit pops in and out of this reality/dimension constantly - where does it go?
Do you think if all we were made of were to sync up perfectly with each other - we could theoretically pop out of this reality and into some other place entirely?
Maybe we do...but it’s so fast it’s imperceptible...except for maybe an intuitive level or psychic level - but this is how I view our consciousness being received by the brain...yes, it’s working in conjunction with the physical brain in this dimension, because the brain acts as the go between the physical and the soul/spirit/etc.
Perhaps that is what samadhi is when you reach it while meditating - an unobstructed, complete and clear signal from the spirit without all the background noise and everything filtered out by the physical brain?
Even the successful times I have gone OOB, it didn’t feel like the same reality though it may look the same.
Cool video...makes my mind run around thinking crazy shit...but I enjoy that. ;)
Much love my friend!

Edit - While on certain substances, I swear you can go in the forest and see...idk...openings?
Or...like the surface of a bubble or a film in certain spots.
But who knows?

We have some fucked up things in our past (US) that we would rather pretend don’t exist or didn’t happen.
I watched part, but not all of this yet...as it’s almost 3 hours long. ;)
But lord knows I’ve posted much, much longer hahaha.
Thank you as always for your contributions!
Much love!

This is exactly me while attempting to meditate sometimes hahahaha...and if you close the bedroom door...they just cry and scratch at it hahaha!
(It is now almost a daily habit that my cat curls up on my chest as I lie back in my chair and meditate :) I think he digs the vibes)

1974 (MHS) Beksinski

1974 (MHS) #Beksinski.webp