Things that make ya go hmm...

Hoping everyone is well. ♡
Thank you...everything is moving forward...good/bad not relevant right now to me I guess. ;)
Hope you are doing well????
Much love!

Well hell...I got every single one...with bells on.

"In my work I find there are several signs that you are a Shaman and are still in hiding, perhaps you’ll recognize yourself here.

1 You are an introvert. Shamans shift between the dimensions with their energy, our idea of space and time is difficult to manage and you often feel like you’re ‘out there’, and you probably are, but you have no idea how or why or how to manage the feeling. You find it is easier to keep yourself to yourself.

2 You love nature and recognize it as home. Shamans are a bridge between the consciousness of our planet and humans, they translate information from our Earth, the Moon, the Sun, the Stars, the Mountains, the Sea and from animals. You love to go out into nature and often get downloads or information when you do.

3 You are a sensitive. You can experience sensory overload, when the outside world is too loud, or the radio or TV gives too much information. Social Media can be ‘hectic’ and you find yourself at sea in a World of hype and comparison. You have been accused of being too sensitive and may reach for alcohol to numb yourself, food to give comfort, unhealthy relationships to prove you are worthy and you may find great solace in sleep.

4 You have experienced a difficult childhood, many life lessons or traumas. These are initiations, getting you ready for your role as a Shaman. You have learned compassion from experience and can hold empathy for someone without dropping into sympathy.

5 You feel an urge to look for something more for yourself. You feel called to a bigger purpose and feel that you can make a difference in our global conscious expansion.

6 You are called to serve. From an early age you have felt the need to give to humanity, to our planet to those in need. Others come to you for advice and you are the one that is always there to help. Sometimes you lose your own sense of self in this giving and are looking to find balance, to find yourself within your calling.

7 You experience vivid dreams. These dreams are the spirit world communicating with you when you sleep. You may feel like you astral travel without knowing how or why. This is your ability to bridge the different realms and bring back information.

8 You are opening up to your spiritual powers. You feel you have psychic powers, your ‘clairs’ are opening, your hands offer relief to others in the form of hands on energy healing, you ‘know’ things intuitively and you often think of something or someone and find the person gets in touch or your manifest what you were thinking of.

9 You suffer with physical ailments, sometimes called ‘Shamanic sickness’. Hidden Shamans are prone to auto-immune disorders, chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, chronic lyme disease, chronic pain, depression, sudden traumas such as car crashes. These all resolve once acceptance to the shamanic path or service is found.

10 You have always felt different, like you don’t belong, you don’t fit in and that no one understands you"
Things are OK here.

I thought of a few people here in the forum might....I resemble some as well ;)
This would be the correct forum alright.
Much love!
Every one of the list minus some of the health issues but chronic fatigue is no joke, to be a shaman in the states is a painful experience.
Yeah...I take things that blame me for my physical ailments...things like that that say - If you just do this then they will magically vanish!
They can take a long walk off a short pier imho.
(As if disabling pain is something I haven't tried everything short of open spinal surgery (not that they can do anything surgically besides implant a spinal cord stimulator or such to try and block the pain signals...but no thanks)
Saw a clip online about a sloth....yes the three toed kind....anyhow, it had an infected arm they had to amputate...they are super strong and usually do well I guess.
But it had a rare autoimmune disease...not unlike myself...minus the dead part.
I guess the chakras of the sloth were out of alignment?
It needed to go on a spirit quest and failed to do so?
It must have never found his purpose as a sloth shaman and so was ill?
Maybe some people are like that...but I'm the other way round.
I've done all this shit in spite of the illness.
Fuck anyone who tries to victim blame me with BS like that...and the "love and light" community are just as good as organized religion in this sense.
Oh...with the right mental state you can cure yourself!
Happens all the time right?
We have proof that there is an effect....but I wouldn't hold my breath.
Not that western medicine isn't just overpriced poison.
Children born with physical ailments didn't do anything wrong...and just because I am conscious enough to realize it doesn't make me the culprit either.
I know it wasn't meant as a mass condemnation...but when you suffer from such would understand how prevalent victim blaming this this do didn't work?
It must be you.
I spit on that.
See, now it's my fault for not being a shaman and finding my path.
I will add it to the list of reasons why it's all my fault, lol.
Guess I gotta get with the program. ;)

I'm being sarcastic of course...but also not.
Certainly nothing negative is directed at you my friend or to the poster and lovely @Sandie33
But I hope my point is taken.
Much love as always!
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I'm being sarcastic of course...but also not.
Certainly nothing negative is directed at you my friend or to the poster and lovely @Sandie33
But I hope my point is taken.
Much love as always!
;) y'all have a right to rant on any topic @Skarekrow !!!

I've found the more F-bombs I drop around the lighter I feel. :D

I can relate to all of what you said in your post. In defense of all the many Spiritual practices, paths, and doctrines, we find what works for us to give us peace of mind, (even if it calls for giving an ocassional piece of mind, ehe?)

The irony of reading this today has huge significance for me...
View attachment 43727 I stepped on a stone July 6th during July 4th week, didn't think much of it, started really hurting after walking around all this time and at conference, yep, found out today the heel bone is broken with a stress fracture. Two weeks until follow up regarding that silly cancer I had and now I'm headed for a full blood work up to be sure it hasn't moved to my bones ... all from stepping on a stone :faint: I can seriously relate to the unending questions of when does this farkin crap quit !?!
Huge hugs my friend and keep smiling...there really is more after all this,
I heard it on a Divine line :heartu:
..loving energy to you and your family dear friend. ♡
Beautiful picture..

Incidentally also the cover of a Future album. Sorry, I'm a nerd. ^^
In case you didn't know... I'm a giant music nerd too.
I think I have the lyrics to every Bowie and Beatles song memorized...all off them...except for a few later Bowie albums, lol.
I put on "Rubber Soul" the other day after not listening to it for probably more than 5 years...knew all the
I used to piss off people in surgical classes because I would never study for tests...people would furiously have their notes and books out in the final few minutes before class would start trying to cram and retain as much as they could.
Not once...I just don't learn like that....I would pay attention in class but never take notes, would read the assigned reading - so what's the problem? Lol
Incidentally, it was in my college Psychology class that I first tested as an INFJ to the delight of the teacher who immediately singled me out as the "odd" man out...though I think she was just excited...she was weird like that.
This is of course what all INFJs wish to attain...strange and judging looks from all of one's classmates at once as the teacher explains how I'm some kind of rare bird species.
Indeed... :sweat: :sorrowful:
Yes sadly the point he is warning of is happening as we speak.
Like when @Wyote watches "The Bachelor(ette?)".
In case you didn't know... I'm a giant music nerd too.
I think I have the lyrics to every Bowie and Beatles song memorized...all off them...except for a few later Bowie albums, lol.
I put on "Rubber Soul" the other day after not listening to it for probably more than 5 years...knew all the
I used to piss off people in surgical classes because I would never study for tests...people would furiously have their notes and books out in the final few minutes before class would start trying to cram and retain as much as they could.
Not once...I just don't learn like that....I would pay attention in class but never take notes, would read the assigned reading - so what's the problem? Lol
Incidentally, it was in my college Psychology class that I first tested as an INFJ to the delight of the teacher who immediately singled me out as the "odd" man out...though I think she was just excited...she was weird like that.
This is of course what all INFJs wish to attain...strange and judging looks from all of one's classmates at once as the teacher explains how I'm some kind of rare bird species.

I did notice the music nerd in you Skare... :grin: On the punk and post-punk threads in particular.

Maybe your teacher was INFJ too? ^^

I have always loved reading the writings of Victor Frankl...his days in the concentration camps...his memories of his thoughts and feelings...trying to make rational sense of an irrational and nearly hopeless situation.
Amazing man.
I highly recommend at least giving it a listen while you meditate one day...

That kind of goes with the idea of the above short film ^^^ Television is pure do something dangerous or scary or awesome all while sitting safely at home not having to actually go have the real experience.
And that can be a bad thing but it can also be a good thing...depends on what you are filling your head with I guess?
GIGO - Garbage in, garbage out.
This can be a way for someone to reach outside of their home on the flip side...the elderly, the disabled, etc. and see some of the things they wanted to see but maybe didn’t get the chance to.
Or to escape a painful existence for a couple of hours...heroin or TV?
Other than will brainwash you if you aren’t careful... (Fox News aka state run media) lol.
That kind of goes with the idea of the above short film ^^^ Television is pure do something dangerous or scary or awesome all while sitting safely at home not having to actually go have the real experience.
And that can be a bad thing but it can also be a good thing...depends on what you are filling your head with I guess?

Yeah, television can be good, for sure. There are great shows on telly. Sometimes also, it's just the only thing I want to do. It can be very good for recharging.

I guess the key word here is: moderation. One ought to be Epicurean about watching telly :P