Yeah, all that stuff!

Fundamentally, it seems like we're the sort to impart meaning to abstraction, it's just naturally appealing to our mode of cognition (I can't help but to give credence to Ni here).

I must say, however, that I don't impart further meaning to this (and you might say that this is Ti kicking in as a corrective against getting carried away). We are natural theorisers and systematisers, but I suspect that some of us might get carried away with this, seeing 'signs' from the universe. As if the beauty of the symmetry in itself says anything about its truth.

I'm interested to see how similar modes of cognition can lead to vastly different conclusions by individuals with the same personality type. So, personally I don't believe in Esp or any of that - I would call myself a skeptic, in fact - but I recognise that people who think in the same way as me, do believe. It's really interesting.
Very nice! (I've been designing quilted tarot cloths using sigils ;) )

Perhaps, might be interested in the green one ... but first , tell me what yer sigils mean. I don't want to be inviting any screamin-deamons in....muwahahaha :icedream2:
The picture below the first is the back of the board...there is a piece of Jet affixed to the center beneath the spiral to act as a filter/deterrent to anything negative in nature.
I can list all the stones for you if you wish, but I burned the corresponding meanings on the back for the owner’s convenience.
Nothing evil...come know me.
Very nice! (I've been designing quilted tarot cloths using sigils ;) )

Please share when you get the chance!!!
I would love to see them!
I must say, however, that I don't impart further meaning to this (and you might say that this is Ti kicking in as a corrective against getting carried away). We are natural theorisers and systematisers, but I suspect that some of us might get carried away with this, seeing 'signs' from the universe. As if the beauty of the symmetry in itself says anything about its truth.

The further in the integration process of NiFeTiSe, the better equipped one becomes at imparting meaning from the real world and expressing it outwardly into the real world. I think it starts out as an internal process in an internal world, and slowly over time you learn to get better and better at outer absorption and expression. Some people never get there though.
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The picture below the first is the back of the board...there is a piece of Jet affixed to the center beneath the spiral to act as a filter/deterrent to anything negative in nature.
I can list all the stones for you if you wish, but I burned the corresponding meanings on the back for the owner’s convenience.
Nothing evil...come know me.
Oh, I see....and yes, I know you believe same as me "do no harm, but take no shit" :P
Rose quartz and bloodstone look like two?
What are the rest?
I'll have to think about it...I've been collecting witchy things for years, even have a Ouija board from back in late 70's. Its box is taped shut wrapped in two cotton blankets and a brown paper bag, lol
Yeah, all that stuff!

Fundamentally, it seems like we're the sort to impart meaning to abstraction, it's just naturally appealing to our mode of cognition (I can't help but to give credence to Ni here).

I must say, however, that I don't impart further meaning to this (and you might say that this is Ti kicking in as a corrective against getting carried away). We are natural theorisers and systematisers, but I suspect that some of us might get carried away with this, seeing 'signs' from the universe. As if the beauty of the symmetry in itself says anything about its truth.

I'm interested to see how similar modes of cognition can lead to vastly different conclusions by individuals with the same personality type. So, personally I don't believe in Esp or any of that - I would call myself a skeptic, in fact - but I recognise that people who think in the same way as me, do believe. It's really interesting.

I’m actually quite skeptical myself.
I just happen to have experienced many unexplained phenomena in my lifetime...most I try not to assign a label (Ghost, ESP, Psi, collective consciousness, etc. etc) I think we just don’t know yet.
And you are correct that people do see connections that are not there, based on how our brain’s are wired.
If I hadn’t seen certain things first-hand and had other people there also to tell me they witnessed it too - I would probably scoff at such ideas as holding any water...but also as a skeptic I cannot dismiss those possibilities I try to explore both.

I watched a great talk last night before bed...let me dig it up for you...
All about being a paranormal skeptic, very interesting bits about human psychology and our predispositions we misinterpret as “magical” or “paranormal”.
However...I still cannot explain my mantle clock being thrown at my bed or several other I cannot dismiss them as nothing but wishful thinking.
As a child when this shit would happen I wished at the time it were wishful thinking as it was terrifying.

Anyhow...this is a great talk on Paranormal Psychology...enjoy!

I’m actually quite skeptical myself.
I just happen to have experienced many unexplained phenomena in my lifetime...most I try not to assign a label (Ghost, ESP, Psi, collective consciousness, etc. etc) I think we just don’t know yet.
And you are correct that people do see connections that are not there, based on how our brain’s are wired.
If I hadn’t seen certain things first-hand and had other people there also to tell me they witnessed it too - I would probably scoff at such ideas as holding any water...but also as a skeptic I cannot dismiss those possibilities I try to explore both.

I watched a great talk last night before bed...let me dig it up for you...
All about being a paranormal skeptic, very interesting bits about human psychology and our predispositions we misinterpret as “magical” or “paranormal”.
However...I still cannot explain my mantle clock being thrown at my bed or several other I cannot dismiss them as nothing but wishful thinking.
As a child when this shit would happen I wished at the time it were wishful thinking as it was terrifying.

Anyhow...this is a great talk on Paranormal Psychology...enjoy!

Oh absolutely! I totally agree - some subjective experiences feel so real that we have no choice but to integrate them into the pool of evidence we consider to be 'empirical fact'.

At one time I used to subscribe to a Richard Dawkins kind of atheism, then I had an undeniable religious experience. So now I have to say that I'm agnostic. I recognise all that was subjective and fallible in my experience, but equally I find that it would be equally deluded to discount it. I like to hear from all perspectives, but I can enjoy the ideas on a purely speculative, intellectual level - I typically don't 'believe'.
These are some of the better designs. Still in that "mode", once I put them in fabric I'll send a pic.
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This one protects my grimoire :p
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They are beautiful Sandie!!
How cool!!
I have several commissions lined up ( @Free it is still working...I hope it’s worth your wait ) both as art pieces and magical instruments...but I would love to create a tarot box or something for you using the sigils.
Let me know. :)

And here are the stones -

The crystals and stones chosen to correspond and power the listed sigils are as follows:

1.) Behind the Spiral - Jet.

Jet's energies of purification of energy and vibrations bring about protection on many levels.
It has been used extensively for protection against evil and all negative energies.
It is also a powerful protector against psychic attacks.
In the spiritual realms, jet has many uses.
Protection is one, particularly against sickness and violence.
It is also used for clairvoyance, past life work, and psychic work in general, as it purifies the vibration of the information coming in.
Jet is used to remove energetic attachments, particularly those from other people, and it sloughs away negative energies.
This makes it a particularly good choice for assisting in clearing the aura.
Jet is used for spiritual quests, spiritual advancement, and to assist in opening one to awakening with a rise of Kundalini energy.
Jet is used in rituals and magic to bring up and channel Earth energy including manifestation of will and desires.

2.) Yes/Positive - Magnesite.

Magnesite is a wonderful relaxing and calming stone to use in meditation, and it has the potential to aid you to create quite amazing changes in your life.
It is a strong stone for creative visualization and imagination, and it will aid the development of psychic visions of exceptional clarity.

3.) No/Negative - Blue Goldstone.

Blue Goldstone connects one with the Divine and provides one with wisdom, energy and courage.
Assisting with learning and communication, it teaches one to see the light at the end of the darkness and that everything is the source of energy and vibration.
Blue Goldstone vibrates at the frequencies of new beginnings and balance.
Associated with the Throat Chakra, it encourages acceptance of who we are, to express authenticity and no longer deny our truth.

4.) Uncertain - Tiger’s Eye.

Tiger's Eye is a stone of protection that is also very stabilizing and grounding.
It enhances integrity, willpower, self-confidence, practicality and correct use of power.
Tiger's eye is a very protective stone which is especially protective during travel.
It can also help one see clearly without illusion.

5.) Love - Pink Opal.

Pink Opal is a stone of peace and tranquility for the aura.
It is especially noted for its energies in healing emotions.
Sleeping with pink opal or holding it while in meditation helps to bring compassion and a gentle resolution of painful memories.
Pink Opal is a Heart Chakra stone.
It is said to be the stone of love, but only to faithful lovers.

6.) Magick - Tourmalated Quartz.

Tourmalated quartz, also known as tourmaline in quartz, is an excellent protective stone, and brings balance and inner strength.
It deflects and grounds negativity, and reduces anxiety, stress, and depression.
They encourage a large amount of light to encircle your body, and this will heal you on many levels.
The addition of this light into your being makes these powerful healing crystals.
This is because this combination embodies both the energy of Black Tourmaline and the strong vibration of Clear quartz crystals, which amplifies the Tourmaline energy.
Just like Black Tourmaline, Tourmalinated quartz stones have a strong spiritual grounding energy as well as being potent psychic protection stones.

7.) Beware - Dalmatian Jasper.

Dalmatian jasper is a stone that lessens or removes disillusionment.
It helps one to see their strengths and weaknesses, and encourages grounding both with the Earth and in reality.
It is a stone of protection from nightmares, depression, and negative thinking.
The determination within Dalmatian Stone encourages one to carefully think over plans for any project, reflecting on every phase of development, and then to translate the ideas into actuality with enthusiasm and vigor.

Copper Leafing - Copper.

Copper is an excellent conductor of energy, from electricity to the mystical subtle energies emanating from higher planes, etc.
Thus, copper is said to enhance and transmit thoughts, even over long distances.
According to myths, it is a conductor of the spiritualist's belief system and is able to conduct spiritual energy back and forth between individuals, crystals, auras, the mind and the spirit world.
It is also believed that copper has the power to amplify thoughts when sending and receiving psychic communications.
Copper has the ability to ground and transfer a wide array of vibrational frequencies and supports healing by keeping the pathways for healing open.
Copper improves the powers of communication, and it helps with channeling, cleansing, purifying and increasing self-esteem and freeing the user of mental burdens.

This Pendulum Board has been created with only good and positive intentions.
As always with any magikal instruments or devices, this will be energetically and spiritually cleansed before shipping.
Oh absolutely! I totally agree - some subjective experiences feel so real that we have no choice but to integrate them into the pool of evidence we consider to be 'empirical fact'.

At one time I used to subscribe to a Richard Dawkins kind of atheism, then I had an undeniable religious experience. So now I have to say that I'm agnostic. I recognise all that was subjective and fallible in my experience, but equally I find that it would be equally deluded to discount it. I like to hear from all perspectives, but I can enjoy the ideas on a purely speculative, intellectual level - I typically don't 'believe'.
I get what you mean yes.
I try not to use the “B” word too much, though I admit I have some that are hard to not but believe...but like you said, wholly subjective in most cases.
IMHO we shouldn’t discount the spiritual or the possibility of something other than or beyond this reality.
We should strive to find the balance within ourselves between our brain, our heart, and our consciousness...and not dismiss anything as we have quite a limited view of...basically everything...haha.
Yes...Dawkins can be just as bad as a religious literalist with his purely materialist viewpoint leaving out so many possibilities that have not been proven one way or the other.
Would love to hear about your experience one day if you ever care to share it...I know it can be quite personal so no pressure.
And objects moving with other witnesses really helped to make it less subjective for me personally...but that is only really subjective to me ahaha.
I try not to use the “B” word too much, though I admit I have some that are hard to not but believe
I recognise all that was subjective and fallible in my experience, but equally I find that it would be equally deluded to discount it

They are beautiful Sandie!!
How cool!!
I have several commissions lined up ( @Free it is still working...I hope it’s worth your wait ) both as art pieces and magical instruments...but I would love to create a tarot box or something for you using the sigils.
Let me know. :)

And here are the stones -

The crystals and stones chosen to correspond and power the listed sigils are as follows:

1.) Behind the Spiral - Jet.

Jet's energies of purification of energy and vibrations bring about protection on many levels.
It has been used extensively for protection against evil and all negative energies.
It is also a powerful protector against psychic attacks.
In the spiritual realms, jet has many uses.
Protection is one, particularly against sickness and violence.
It is also used for clairvoyance, past life work, and psychic work in general, as it purifies the vibration of the information coming in.
Jet is used to remove energetic attachments, particularly those from other people, and it sloughs away negative energies.
This makes it a particularly good choice for assisting in clearing the aura.
Jet is used for spiritual quests, spiritual advancement, and to assist in opening one to awakening with a rise of Kundalini energy.
Jet is used in rituals and magic to bring up and channel Earth energy including manifestation of will and desires.

2.) Yes/Positive - Magnesite.

Magnesite is a wonderful relaxing and calming stone to use in meditation, and it has the potential to aid you to create quite amazing changes in your life.
It is a strong stone for creative visualization and imagination, and it will aid the development of psychic visions of exceptional clarity.

3.) No/Negative - Blue Goldstone.

Blue Goldstone connects one with the Divine and provides one with wisdom, energy and courage.
Assisting with learning and communication, it teaches one to see the light at the end of the darkness and that everything is the source of energy and vibration.
Blue Goldstone vibrates at the frequencies of new beginnings and balance.
Associated with the Throat Chakra, it encourages acceptance of who we are, to express authenticity and no longer deny our truth.

4.) Uncertain - Tiger’s Eye.

Tiger's Eye is a stone of protection that is also very stabilizing and grounding.
It enhances integrity, willpower, self-confidence, practicality and correct use of power.
Tiger's eye is a very protective stone which is especially protective during travel.
It can also help one see clearly without illusion.

5.) Love - Pink Opal.

Pink Opal is a stone of peace and tranquility for the aura.
It is especially noted for its energies in healing emotions.
Sleeping with pink opal or holding it while in meditation helps to bring compassion and a gentle resolution of painful memories.
Pink Opal is a Heart Chakra stone.
It is said to be the stone of love, but only to faithful lovers.

6.) Magick - Tourmalated Quartz.

Tourmalated quartz, also known as tourmaline in quartz, is an excellent protective stone, and brings balance and inner strength.
It deflects and grounds negativity, and reduces anxiety, stress, and depression.
They encourage a large amount of light to encircle your body, and this will heal you on many levels.
The addition of this light into your being makes these powerful healing crystals.
This is because this combination embodies both the energy of Black Tourmaline and the strong vibration of Clear quartz crystals, which amplifies the Tourmaline energy.
Just like Black Tourmaline, Tourmalinated quartz stones have a strong spiritual grounding energy as well as being potent psychic protection stones.

7.) Beware - Dalmatian Jasper.

Dalmatian jasper is a stone that lessens or removes disillusionment.
It helps one to see their strengths and weaknesses, and encourages grounding both with the Earth and in reality.
It is a stone of protection from nightmares, depression, and negative thinking.
The determination within Dalmatian Stone encourages one to carefully think over plans for any project, reflecting on every phase of development, and then to translate the ideas into actuality with enthusiasm and vigor.

Copper Leafing - Copper.

Copper is an excellent conductor of energy, from electricity to the mystical subtle energies emanating from higher planes, etc.
Thus, copper is said to enhance and transmit thoughts, even over long distances.
According to myths, it is a conductor of the spiritualist's belief system and is able to conduct spiritual energy back and forth between individuals, crystals, auras, the mind and the spirit world.
It is also believed that copper has the power to amplify thoughts when sending and receiving psychic communications.
Copper has the ability to ground and transfer a wide array of vibrational frequencies and supports healing by keeping the pathways for healing open.
Copper improves the powers of communication, and it helps with channeling, cleansing, purifying and increasing self-esteem and freeing the user of mental burdens.

This Pendulum Board has been created with only good and positive intentions.
As always with any magikal instruments or devices, this will be energetically and spiritually cleansed before shipping.
Thank you!
I'm thinking hard about that purchase. Things like that wpuld sell well in my area ;)

The box would be a great idea! just let me know cost of time and material ahead of time.

This is the amulet bag my neice has been stocking me with. I get a stone in the mail, lol She bought all of the stones for me and made the golden rose bag for me to put them in. She told me to sleep with it on so I'll stop waking her up at night, lol. Poor girl says she sees me sitting at the foot of her bed sometimes and she lives on the opposite side of my state.

They are bloodstone, green citron, yellow agate, appitite and white salt. She says it will keep me from being "high jacked" (my neice is A Gemini and INFJ :P)
View attachment 43850

I want to believe also!! can’t rule anything out either...including that there is nothing.

Thank you!
I'm thinking hard about that purchase. Things like that wpuld sell well in my area ;)

The box would be a great idea! just let me know cost of time and material ahead of time.

This is the amulet bag my neice has been stocking me with. I get a stone in the mail, lol She bought all of the stones for me and made the golden rose bag for me to put them in. She told me to sleep with it on so I'll stop waking her up at night, lol. Poor girl says she sees me sitting at the foot of her bed sometimes and she lives on the opposite side of my state.

They are bloodstone, green citron, yellow agate, appitite and white salt. She says it will keep me from being "high jacked" (my neice is A Gemini and INFJ :p)
View attachment 43850

I wasn’t being super serious that you should buy it, if you like it I will give you a better price than that.
Just let me know. ;)
I’ll keep an eye out for a box of appropriate size then!
We can discuss the details later in PM land...also, I hope you don’t mind waiting a bit for it...I’m already like really really far behind with the commissions I already am doing from the medical issues earlier this year...but the really intense and intricate wand I’m making now is nearly that will let me move on and finish the next two things...then I’m all yours! <3
That’s really cool...sounds like she really loves you...and that is very interesting how she sees you!
Do you remember visiting her, or is she projecting more of a psychic image of you there do you think?
Much love!
I’ll keep an eye out for a box of appropriate size then!
We can discuss the details later in PM land...also, I hope you don’t mind waiting a bit for it...I’m already like really really far behind with the commissions I already am doing from the medical issues earlier this year...but the really intense and intricate wand I’m making now is nearly that will let me move on and finish the next two things...then I’m all yours! <3
Thank you and no worries regarding time, I plan to be around for a while ;)
sounds like she really loves you...and that is very interesting how she sees you!
Do you remember visiting her, or is she projecting more of a psychic image of you there do you think?
I don't recall visiting her. She is like a daughter to me and in my thoughts & prayers every day. Who's to know? I think perhaps it's her, (she is 31 now), we've always had a close bond, I took care of her off and on from birth until 11, then jealous mom put a wrench in it. But we're close again now, talk daily. When she was small she liked learning about plants & nature, space and aliens, and witchy lil things. We built a faerie circle in the flower bed when she was 6, lol... I was shocked when she took the test and told me she got INFJ and what did that mean, lol. (Her mom got ISFP). Like I say, who's to know, I felt a soul connection with her since birth, maybe it's that ;) ttys♡
Look at this:

Just further to what was said about mandalas, symmetry and truth, &c.

Probably not true, but it's at least a mainstream idea in physics.