Thank you and no worries regarding time, I plan to be around for a while ;)

I don't recall visiting her. She is like a daughter to me and in my thoughts & prayers every day. Who's to know? I think perhaps it's her, (she is 31 now), we've always had a close bond, I took care of her off and on from birth until 11, then jealous mom put a wrench in it. But we're close again now, talk daily. When she was small she liked learning about plants & nature, space and aliens, and witchy lil things. We built a faerie circle in the flower bed when she was 6, lol... I was shocked when she took the test and told me she got INFJ and what did that mean, lol. (Her mom got ISFP). Like I say, who's to know, I felt a soul connection with her since birth, maybe it's that ;) ttys♡

How interesting that she is also INFJ.
My sister is an ENFJ go figure...not sure about the rest of the family.
Are you just sitting there smiling at her...or trying to convey a message of some sort?
Very curious Sandie!

@Skarekrow do you have a tarot deck?

Yes I do.
And have given readings to a good portion of people here on the forum haha.
I have two decks actually.
One is the Eden tarot and the other is the Hermetic tarot.
Generally I use the Hermetic tarot for readings, but it varies...I decide based on how it feels.
I don’t read like most either.
I always smudge my home, myself, ground myself, meditate on the person and question(s) before hand.
I have several protective measures I take as a precaution also.
I spread out the cards in an arch face down after shuffling them until I am satisfied.
Then I use a silver pendulum to chose the cards....starting from left to right with a clockwise spin on the pendulum...I will focus on the question at hand and then scan over the cards with the pendulum...when it is at the correct card it moves from a spin to a forward and backward movement lining up with the angle of that specific card.
I do not normally ask any help from any “spirits” or anything of the sort...I have my own idea of how it works, mainly though our collective consciousness.
I do however sometimes get images, feelings, and people pop into my head space while reading and I try not to ignore or discount such visions or thoughts...often these line up with people the subject knows or knew.
I accurately saw the layout of the former home of one person's Grandmother, however it was reversed like a mirror - which I find curious.
Not every time do I get images or things of that nature but occasionally.
So once I choose a card I also do not choose reversed or upright, again, I feel that should be intuitive for the reader.
Then for the next question I start on the opposite side of the arch of cards.
I always make sure and perform some kind of closure as well...even if it’s just an “Amen” at the end.

How about you?

Look at this:

Just further to what was said about mandalas, symmetry and truth, &c.

Probably not true, but it's at least a mainstream idea in physics.

Fascinating theory!
I have actually seen an article on this before, but thanks for the video.
IDK about you, but that part the guy in the video can’t understand made perfect sense to me lol.
Either way, it’s a beautiful geometric form!
It may not be true like you said...but perhaps part of it is...perhaps it will lead to the right answer...see another perspective and make a new discovery...it’s through trial and error that we learn.
Its just so damn hard to test such ideas!
@Happy Phantom

Also...I forgot.
I put myself into a trance-state before hand and use binaural beats while reading set at 4 Hz.
Currently reading a new book and making it the book of the month to share!
Can’t recommend reading this one enough, it is truly captivating and compelling stuff!
My hope is one day we can help those who need help.
I find it very frustrating that we have tools that work so well, but taboos and politics have severely hindered using them.
5/5 stars!

How to Change Your Mind:
What the New Science of Psychedelics Teaches Us About Consciousness,
Dying, Addiction, Depression, and Transcendence


A brilliant and brave investigation into the medical and scientific revolution taking place around psychedelic drugs--and the spellbinding story of his own life-changing psychedelic experiences
When Michael Pollan set out to research how LSD and psilocybin (the active ingredient in magic mushrooms) are being used to provide relief to people suffering from difficult-to-treat conditions such as depression, addiction and anxiety, he did not intend to write what is undoubtedly his most personal book.

But upon discovering how these remarkable substances are improving the lives not only of the mentally ill but also of healthy people coming to grips with the challenges of everyday life, he decided to explore the landscape of the mind in the first person as well as the third.

Thus began a singular adventure into various altered states of consciousness, along with a dive deep into both the latest brain science and the thriving underground community of psychedelic therapists.

Pollan sifts the historical record to separate the truth about these mysterious drugs from the myths that have surrounded them since the 1960s, when a handful of psychedelic evangelists inadvertently catalyzed a powerful backlash against what was then a promising field of research.

A unique and elegant blend of science, memoir, travel writing, history, and medicine, How to Change Your Mind is a triumph of participatory journalism.
By turns dazzling and edifying, it is the gripping account of a journey to an exciting and unexpected new frontier in our understanding of the mind, the self, and our place in the world.

The true subject of Pollan's "mental travelogue" is not just psychedelic drugs but also the eternal puzzle of human consciousness and how, in a world that offers us both suffering and joy, we can do our best to be fully present and find meaning in our lives.


Still makes me laugh...

Would you do a reading for me? I’ll do one for you.

You read too? Yay@ I want one, I want one :D

I’m pretty sure I already owe someone one first... :hiding:

(I’m sorry!)

Thanks for reminding me anyhow! lol
Let me take care of this other one first and I will get back to you both!

I have to admit...I started watching this with the predisposition of “Okay...sure...we’ll see.”.
Happy to say it was far more balanced and engaging.
Anyhow...the title is a bit pretentious, but other than that, it’s worth a watch and isn’t very long.

Enlightened Beings Share Their Awakening, Mystical Experiences

In this video spiritual teachers / nonduality teachers from different traditions share their
awakening experiences and enlightenment experiences in their own words.

EDIT - @Ren
Here is the video of which I speak. ;)
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@Sandie33 @Skarekrow

You know, I actually had my cards read last year. It did make an impression on me, so maybe you'd like to hear what I felt about it, from the perspective of a sceptic.

I am/was a high school/secondary teacher in the UK, and I got really friendly with the cleaner in our department (Humanities).

Most people loved her, Jan was a really smart and perceptive lady, so when I was invited to have my cards read of course I was open to the experience.

So she did a bunch of friends (all from the school) at another friend's house.

I did actually write down notes about the cards and everything she said, but I'm in the middle of a house move so I can't get to them right now. The just of it was that I'm stagnating and unfulfilled.

Anyway, during the reading, watching Jan do her work, I 'got it'. Of course I don't 'believe' in the paranormal explanations, but I understood why it was valuable.

For me, it was about Jan's empathy. She was giving so much of herself to me, trying to tap into a kind of state of pure empathy, pure feeling, in order to reveal something meaningful.

Do I think the cards are important? Yes. Why? I think the cards are used as a kind of language or set of concepts that enables the reader to breach their normal perception of the world and dig deep down into their unconscious feeling.

Let's be clear. The order of the cards is random, and they do not reveal anything in themselves (my opinion), but, and this I find really interesting, that is how they 'work'.

Let me explain. So sometimes Jan would pull a surprising card (because it's random), and this would force her to consider a different perspective, force her to connect with her unconscious feelings and try to obtain a deeper truth related to the symbol the card represents.

For me, there's nothing mystical or supernatural about it, but nonetheless the cards are important. They are important precisely because they are random.

The random exploration of meaningful concepts functions as a means for the reader to tap into a deeper part of their unconscious feelings for the subject, thereby seeming to reveal a 'hidden truth'.

I was very impressed by this, and not at all surprised that Jan found it exhausting - she's tapping into a deeper part of her mind and doing real cognitive work.

However, and this is the major caveat: I think that, for this to work, the reader must know the subject. Jan only read her friends, and this is important.

So yeah, that's my take, what do you make of it?
what do you make of it?
@Deleted member 16771 , I hadn't much involvement with Tarot until recently. I have always considered them "dark" divination.
I've had a friend do a 3-card read, and an acquaintance did a "Fool's Journey" spread for me in which he explained more of how the Tarot creates a story, and based on the meanings in the cards the story can shed light on areas of the mind in which can help 'redirect' us back onto our path.
This link is similar to my acquaintances reading...


Neither of the two friends in the recent readings have known me any great length of time. Though in both, the Queen of Swords is displayed prominantly. I don't think for a successful read one needs to be friends, or the reader and client to "know" one another. In the online reads on UTube the reader tends to announce before the read that it may or may not resonnate with all watching it...also, they state their intent before the read and I think that has much to do with the outcome as well.
@Sandie33 @Skarekrow

You know, I actually had my cards read last year. It did make an impression on me, so maybe you'd like to hear what I felt about it, from the perspective of a sceptic.

I am/was a high school/secondary teacher in the UK, and I got really friendly with the cleaner in our department (Humanities).

Most people loved her, Jan was a really smart and perceptive lady, so when I was invited to have my cards read of course I was open to the experience.

So she did a bunch of friends (all from the school) at another friend's house.

I did actually write down notes about the cards and everything she said, but I'm in the middle of a house move so I can't get to them right now. The just of it was that I'm stagnating and unfulfilled.

Anyway, during the reading, watching Jan do her work, I 'got it'. Of course I don't 'believe' in the paranormal explanations, but I understood why it was valuable.

For me, it was about Jan's empathy. She was giving so much of herself to me, trying to tap into a kind of state of pure empathy, pure feeling, in order to reveal something meaningful.

Do I think the cards are important? Yes. Why? I think the cards are used as a kind of language or set of concepts that enables the reader to breach their normal perception of the world and dig deep down into their unconscious feeling.

Let's be clear. The order of the cards is random, and they do not reveal anything in themselves (my opinion), but, and this I find really interesting, that is how they 'work'.

Let me explain. So sometimes Jan would pull a surprising card (because it's random), and this would force her to consider a different perspective, force her to connect with her unconscious feelings and try to obtain a deeper truth related to the symbol the card represents.

For me, there's nothing mystical or supernatural about it, but nonetheless the cards are important. They are important precisely because they are random.

The random exploration of meaningful concepts functions as a means for the reader to tap into a deeper part of their unconscious feelings for the subject, thereby seeming to reveal a 'hidden truth'.

I was very impressed by this, and not at all surprised that Jan found it exhausting - she's tapping into a deeper part of her mind and doing real cognitive work.

However, and this is the major caveat: I think that, for this to work, the reader must know the subject. Jan only read her friends, and this is important.

So yeah, that's my take, what do you make of it?

That is a very fascinating interpretation of how it works.
Honestly, I can’t say...I have my own ideas and thoughts, but I don’t think it’s just purely wholly subconscious and there is nothing deeper to it...but such things are also classically difficult to put into words as it’s more of a conglomeration of feelings, intuition, and images (at least for me).
Perhaps I am fooling myself, I don’t discount that possibility.

I have alternate ideas of how it works...mostly having to do with time happening simultaneously (or not existing in the linear sense that our brains interpret for us) and tapping into the collective unconscious.
Not saying either of us is more correct...I’m not trying to prove my point and disprove you...I really do like your ideas and think they are insightful.
At the same time...there can seem to be a vagueness to readings sometimes - and I usually tell people that the more specific they are the more specific the answers usually are...and vice-versa.
However...I can’t say that is always the case either, and imho there are certain things we are not supposed to know about our path or it would violate our free will by our knowing and changing our actions and decisions.
Sounds like a cop-out I know, but I’m acknowledging and am aware of how it can appear - especially to those who think it’s all crap, lol.
I’m certainly not the best tarot reader, but I have done my fair share of readings (the majority online and not really knowing the person) that have had some uncanny things...mostly from impressions or images I write down while I’m reading.
There are some that definitely made me question what I was writing down for the person only to have them come back to verify it as correct...I’m not saying it still didn’t have a measure of vagueness to it, but I also feel that people can connect over any distance on a level other than physical or on the material plane.
On more than one occasion I was surprised by certain things that seemed much more than just coincidence.
I equate it somewhat with ‘remote viewing’ only on a more subconscious level.
As our own government publicly ran remote viewing programs for several decades (along with other major military powers), I cannot dismiss that these existed beyond experimental in nature and would have been dissolved much faster if nothing were going on.
They are still developing programs such as the Navy’s plan to ‘enhance’ intuition - aka create a working system of developing precognitive reactions.
Even the biggest critics and skeptics of the program had to admit that “something” was going on...it’s just that no one really knows how this exchange of information is possible...there is no working model that can be tested really...and so it’s easier to dismiss outright.
So you are right about the subconscious part...but it’s attempting to tap your mind into that state and glean bits of information from the plane of information that we all share subconsciously....hence the meditating and the binaural beats.
As for the information...I think it’s always there...there are various ways to tap into that underlying consciousness that flows through everything (at least imho).

But I can respect a pure materialist viewpoint such as your own...I don’t discount the possibility.
My own ideas are based on my own experiences...many of which have seriously violated materialist rules in some manner or another.

Still, I could be delusional.
I could just as well be in a padded room right now, drooling on myself and yelling at the wall about people reading my mind hahahaha.

Recently the idea of time simultaneously happening all at once has been in my thoughts and ideas more and more as time can seem very malleable when meditating - at least this is my perception the more years and longer I continue with my meditation practice.
This has naturally carried over into other areas where it seems to fit and make sense to me on some kind of basic level.

We’re all wired differently...I feel your perspective is just as valuable as my own - after all, this is a huge point of life - as we are all experiencing it from various perspectives, to learn from each other and see perspectives you may have not considered before (as you suggest is happening with the pulling of the cards).

Thanks for your explanation, I find it really thought provoking.
Take care!
Recently the idea of time simultaneously happening all at once has been in my thoughts and ideas more and more as time can seem very malleable when meditating - at least this is my perception the more ...

Hoping you'll share more of your findings with us regarding this ;) I've always been fascinated with the phrase "history repeats itself" in context with time being simultaneous with the moment...so I'm hopeful you'll share :D
That is a very fascinating interpretation of how it works.
Honestly, I can’t say...I have my own ideas and thoughts, but I don’t think it’s just purely wholly subconscious and there is nothing deeper to it...but such things are also classically difficult to put into words as it’s more of a conglomeration of feelings, intuition, and images (at least for me).
Perhaps I am fooling myself, I don’t discount that possibility.

I have alternate ideas of how it works...mostly having to do with time happening simultaneously (or not existing in the linear sense that our brains interpret for us) and tapping into the collective unconscious.
Not saying either of us is more correct...I’m not trying to prove my point and disprove you...I really do like your ideas and think they are insightful.
At the same time...there can seem to be a vagueness to readings sometimes - and I usually tell people that the more specific they are the more specific the answers usually are...and vice-versa.
However...I can’t say that is always the case either, and imho there are certain things we are not supposed to know about our path or it would violate our free will by our knowing and changing our actions and decisions.
Sounds like a cop-out I know, but I’m acknowledging and am aware of how it can appear - especially to those who think it’s all crap, lol.
I’m certainly not the best tarot reader, but I have done my fair share of readings (the majority online and not really knowing the person) that have had some uncanny things...mostly from impressions or images I write down while I’m reading.
There are some that definitely made me question what I was writing down for the person only to have them come back to verify it as correct...I’m not saying it still didn’t have a measure of vagueness to it, but I also feel that people can connect over any distance on a level other than physical or on the material plane.
On more than one occasion I was surprised by certain things that seemed much more than just coincidence.
I equate it somewhat with ‘remote viewing’ only on a more subconscious level.
As our own government publicly ran remote viewing programs for several decades (along with other major military powers), I cannot dismiss that these existed beyond experimental in nature and would have been dissolved much faster if nothing were going on.
They are still developing programs such as the Navy’s plan to ‘enhance’ intuition - aka create a working system of developing precognitive reactions.
Even the biggest critics and skeptics of the program had to admit that “something” was going on...it’s just that no one really knows how this exchange of information is possible...there is no working model that can be tested really...and so it’s easier to dismiss outright.
So you are right about the subconscious part...but it’s attempting to tap your mind into that state and glean bits of information from the plane of information that we all share subconsciously....hence the meditating and the binaural beats.
As for the information...I think it’s always there...there are various ways to tap into that underlying consciousness that flows through everything (at least imho).

But I can respect a pure materialist viewpoint such as your own...I don’t discount the possibility.
My own ideas are based on my own experiences...many of which have seriously violated materialist rules in some manner or another.

Still, I could be delusional.
I could just as well be in a padded room right now, drooling on myself and yelling at the wall about people reading my mind hahahaha.

Recently the idea of time simultaneously happening all at once has been in my thoughts and ideas more and more as time can seem very malleable when meditating - at least this is my perception the more years and longer I continue with my meditation practice.
This has naturally carried over into other areas where it seems to fit and make sense to me on some kind of basic level.

We’re all wired differently...I feel your perspective is just as valuable as my own - after all, this is a huge point of life - as we are all experiencing it from various perspectives, to learn from each other and see perspectives you may have not considered before (as you suggest is happening with the pulling of the cards).

Thanks for your explanation, I find it really thought provoking.
Take care!

Thanks for that @Skarekrow, you make some good points, and I appreciate the caveats and uncertainty, it rings true.

You mentioned a kind of 'realm of shared knowledge', and this is interesting. I should say of course, that no one really understands the mysteries of consciousness. For me, I would be entirely unsurprised if there were materialist explanations for everything (as the neuroscience seems to be going), but equally I can see the possibility of some kind of quantum weirdness somewhere in there. I don't discount it.

So Teilhard de Chardin - a Jesuit if I remember correctly - believed in this kind of shared realm of knowledge. He called it the 'noosphere' and it formed part of his eschatological schema. I think he actually believed that it functioned in the way you describe.

However, there are materialist conceptions of the same thing, but the tricky part it trying to justify how these could enable you to discern things about strangers. Anyway, if you're interested, some epistemological conceptions of such a 'realm of knowledge' are as follows:

'Culture' in normal understanding
Hegel's Weltgeist (world spirit)
Thomas Kuhn's 'paradigm'
Foucault's episteme
Dawkins' 'meme pool'
Karl Popper's 'World 3'
Marx's 'superstructure'
John Searle's 'Background'

What else? There are lots of similar ideas in epistemology, each with different aspects. Popper's World 3 in particular is interesting, since it expressly concerns consciousness and brain functioning and resulted from a collaboration with a brain scientist called Brian... Somebody. It's from The Self and Its Brain: An Argument for Interactionism.

In other words, what I'm saying is, that there are plausible materialist/philosophical explanations for how something like your idea could function. The tricky part is trying to justify knowledge about strangers' private lives.

It's mostly about Popper's idea of what he called 'downward causation' - that is, the causal influence of macroscopic structures (World 3) upon more atomic features (people in this context).

Perhaps people are largely archetypal constructions, and in that way it's possible to predict things about their lives based upon their current circumstances. Who knows?

I enjoyed your post, very thoughtful and honest.

And yours, too, @Sandie33, it gave me some real context to your thought process. By the way, I got Queen of Swords, too.

Edit: Popper's collaborator was actually John C. Eccles, not Brian. But Brian is cool, too. Very naughty, though. Not the messiah at all.
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And yours, too, @Sandie33, it gave me some real context to your thought process. By the way, I got Queen of Swords, too.
;) thank you I'm still learning much about my thought process. Still baffles me how I feed a mess of data in and profound insights pop out.:D
The Queen I'm told is about direct and no nonsense communication.