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Thoughts while meditating...
So I’ve seen some previews of that new movie coming out...I can’t think of the go google it.
lol’s where the soul of a person wakes up in a different person every day and falls in love with a girl and ...omg, can their LOVE SURVIVE?!
Have also been giving a lot of thought to the idea of time not being as linear as we think it is and the idea of multiple lives being lived at once by one person simultaneously...just not aware. got me thinking...we really have no way of knowing if we don’t wake up in the body of a different person every single time we fall asleep and wake up....we just wake up in their brain with no remembrance of the previous inhabitant, and so we remember yesterday and 3 hours ago and that shitty childhood episode, all our thoughts on your life and where it’s headed - maybe doesn’t matter to the core you who floats from person to person...only to the SUBconsciousness of the avatar.
We just think we have been this person our whole lives...but maybe we’ve been countless people and for whatever reason don't remember it while we inhabit this body in this dimension.
Which is like reincarnation but would be much more frequent and would suggest more of a collective type consciousness that is constantly seeking and testing new ways of existing for whatever reason.
Stop at this person for this lesson....then jump over here to this one for this other opposite lesson and perspective.
We would have no way of knowing if we have lived in this body for one day or our entire lifetimes as each person/avatar would be like plugging into a VR unit with experiences far beyond what we can do where you take over the entire consciousness of that brain pattern and it’s either so real we forget it’s VR or it’s built into the experience itself - if time is all happening simultaneously then it wouldn’t be happening in real time like we think it is would be like a download - it just seems like a lifetime while you are hooked up or downloading...but once that reality is unplugged from the realization of it taking no time at all or timelessness seems to be the current standard of both near death experiences and meditators/psychonauts who have reached some other place "out of time” and feeling their ego stripped away - yet still existing.
Anyhow...just things floating around my brain while it was floating around.
Maybe this is where the sensation of deja vu comes from?
Or when you meet someone who you just KNOW.
A soul-mate or previous form you remember and are thus attracted to?
Goodnight everyone...
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So this can be a good thing and this can be a negative thing.
The fact that the FDA is getting involved could offer some much needed “pseudo-truth” they seem to churn out - which could potentially help a lot of people.
However the negative is - the FDA is getting involved, lol.
Which means it’s for a for-profit reason...Compass Pathways is seeking to patent certain extracts from the mushrooms (psilocybin) other words, they will acknowledge that it works, but because it does, "we are going to try and hoard it all to ourselves and you can pay through the nose for it.”.
They FDA is full of shit anyhow...clearly have conflicts of interest in many areas...have been shown to release BS results and flat out lie.
Like those hip replacements that were turning people’s bone into mush from too much cobalt?
Or any number of recalled drugs who’s profit margin was greater than the payoff in damages predicted to occur.
Stupid claims like aspirin helping during a heart attack...nope...the actual numbers show the most minimal of improvements, not even worth the time to chew it up - but even though it barely does anything at all, they can still make that claim that it will help during a heart attack, and in fact we still give it in the ambulances and ERs, etc.
This has results that are not like 1.0006% improvement that things like aspirin have...we are talking in the 80 - 90% + range...not just for therapeutic treatment with mushrooms, but therapeutic treatment with MDMA or ecstasy (mainly for PTSD).
My hope is that this study could give a publicly accepted legit use for this substance as I feel it has the potential to help so many in so much pain, suffering needlessly when a solution exists for some.
My fear is they will BS the study to either make such claims seem less legit...or they are doing it for profitable reasons (my guess with the company involved is the later) and try to withhold it and patent psilocybin itself.
Which goes against the whole nature of the medicine grows free for should not be withheld to make shareholders more money...the spirit of the medicine will be tainted and destroyed...if this works, then it should be legalized, period.
Fuck your patents.

But even then...hopefully it will still help some that couldn’t get them...that is the only redeeming hope.
I guess I am very mixed and will just have to wait and see if this will help or hinder.


By Kashmira Gander On Thursday, August 23, 2018 - 09:02


Magic mushrooms grow on a tree in this stock image.
Psilocybin, the psychedelic ingredient in magic mushrooms, will soon be used in drug trials for treatment-resistant depression.

The Food and Drug Administration has approved the use of the psychedelic ingredient in magic mushrooms for a drug trial for treatment-resistant depression.

The agency gave the green light to Compass Pathways, a life sciences firm, to perform clinical trials using psilocybin.
Occurring naturally in magic mushrooms, psilocybin is a hallucinogenic which can cause feelings of euphoria.

According to a statement by Compass Pathways, 216 patients with treatment-resistant depression will take part in the phase two trial across 12 to 15 research sites in North America and Europe, which will start in the U.K. later this month.

Researchers will dose participants with psilocybin while they receive psychological support.
The firm hopes more countries will join the project as and when respective health bodies approve the use of psilocybin for clinical trials.

Tracy Cheung, from Compass Pathways, told Newsweek the clinical trial will be the largest ever conducted into psilocybin therapy.

"If our studies are successful, we could be applying for marketing authorization in two to three years," she said, describing depression as "a huge unmet need with 300 million patients worldwide; 100 million of these have treatment-resistant depression and don’t respond to existing treatments.”

(Skarekrow - I hear you say “unmet need with 300 million patients worldwide” but I’m reading - “We are going to make a shit ton of money in the untapped market of those suffering.” (Buy the supplies online while it’s still legal guys))

The approval comes amid what is known as the psychedelic renaissance.
Growing evidence suggests psychedelic substances, such as psilocybin, LSD, MDMA, ayahuasca and peyote ibogaine, could be used to treat mental illnesses such as depression, anxiety and post-traumatic stress disorder in a controlled medical setting.

Researchers are also exploring the use of ketamine, which is an anesthetic rather than a hallucinogenic.
(Skarekrow - not really a correct statement ^^^)

A 2017 study published in the journal Scientific Reports showed depression patients who took psilocybin in a controlled, clinical setting saw their symptoms ease weeks after treatment.

The team at Imperial College London, U.K. believe the compound reset the participants' brain circuits.
However, they acknowledged the trial of 20 people was small, and further research is needed before the compound can be prescribed by doctors.

A separate 2016 study by researchers at the New York University and Johns Hopkins University showed a single dose of psilocybin decreased symptoms of anxiety in cancer patients for eight months when compared to a placebo. The findings were published in The Journal of Psychopharmacology.

Psychedelics are believed to help parts of the brain that generally have little connection to communicate, and lower activity in the regions which do, researchers at the University of Cambridge wrote on The Conversation.

Magic mushrooms are not life threatening unless large amounts or strong batches are taken, according to the Alcohol and Drug Foundation, but researchers do not condone illegal drug use.

(Skarekrow - the amount you would have to take is more than your body would allow you to...once it hits a certain amount of serotonin you just throw up and cannot keep taking this claim is mostly nonsense also...the only exceptions are drug interactions)

Taking magic mushrooms without the supervision of medical professionals carries short term risks such as vomiting, diarrhea, loss of muscle control, psychosis, and seizures.

Even years later, some takers experience flashbacks of hallucinations.
(Skarekrow - no, not really...that is more from LSD and in those who have taken large amounts over many years)

Berkeley University of California warned on its website: "It's important to keep in mind that the conditions in these studies were strictly controlled and the patients meticulously monitored during treatment," adding: "These drugs should never be tried outside of medical monitoring."

(Skarekrow - even though they HAVE been used safely since the dawn of humankind...they have been suppressed for BS reasons and for political/social angst from the 1960’s...they make people more peaceful and altruistic is what they do.
They make people less self-centered and gives people faith that this reality is much more beautiful and amazing than we can see or realize with our eyes alone.
Don’t wait for some nonsense overpriced synthesized PILL...they have acknowledged it works - so now what’s the problem?
Help people asshole FDA!)

This article has been updated with comment from Tracy Cheung (and Skarekrow ;) ).
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A circle contains and expresses chaos.
We dissolve into flux and coagulate into a temporary order, which dissolves again.

"This primary substance [the chaos] is round (massa globosa, rotundum), like the world and the world-soul;
it is in fact the world-soul and the world-substance in one".

- Jung, Aion CW 9 II: §376



"Each person who comes into the world has an invisible spirit that comes with it,
that this invisible spirit goes along through the years guarding, guiding, and leading.
And it never leaves during life, remaining to the very end and guides the individual into the world beyond."

-Manly P. Hall







HEKATE (Hecate), Greek goddess of the crossroads, magic, witchcraft, the night, moon, ghosts, and necromancy, guardian of the household, and protector of everything newly born -- once a widely revered and influential goddess, the reputation of Hecate has been tarnished over the centuries.
In current times, she is usually depicted as a "hag" or old witch stirring the cauldron.

But nothing could be further from the image of Hecate's original glory.

A beautiful and powerful goddess in her own right, Hecate was the only one of the ancient Titans who Zeus allowed to retain their authority once the Olympians seized control.
Zeus shared with Hecate, and only her, the awesome power of giving humanity anything she wished (or withholding it if she pleased).

A lover of solitude, Hecate was, like her cousin Artemis, a "virgin" goddess, unwilling to sacrifice her independent nature for the sake of marriage.

Usually classified as a "moon goddess", her kingdoms were actually three-fold
. . . the earth, sea, and sky.
Having the power to create or withhold storms undoubtedly played a role in making her the goddess who was the protector of shepherds and sailors.

In her role as 'Queen of the Night' she was both honored and feared as the protectress of the oppressed and of those who lived "on the edge".

It is hardly surprising that a woman who needed to make a trip alone at night would say a brief prayer to Hecate to seek her protection.​
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Great interview...lots of good info!
The book is great as well!

Joe Rogan Experience #1121 - Michael Pollan

Michael Pollan is an author, journalist, activist, and professor of journalism at the UC Berkeley Graduate School of Journalism.
His new book "How To Change Your Mind" is available now.​
Thoughts while meditating....
And by thoughts I mean random things that pop into my space...I am not actively thinking of these subjects...they just show up probably because they are things I think about at other times and ways throughout the day, lol....or I’m maybe I’m lucky and am tapping into some greater source. ;)

Dark matter...we can’t find it....but it's everywhere yes?
It’s only called “dark” because it’s so far an undiscovered particle or anti-particle, not because it’s something “bad”, only obscure or “esoteric".
Two is that dark matter could be the famous “ether” that is said to have been proven not to exist.
(Kind of like “dark matter” doesn’t exist)


The other is that “dark matter” isn’t matter in the sense we are used to thinking about it but matter as pure consciousness.
(Also something we can’t “find”)
Dark matter could just as well be consciousness itself...if that is true, then the universe and our connection to it...where we go when we die, has all new possibilities.
(And older reference but relevant to this)
There are certainly many, many theories and hypothesis out there as to what exactly dark matter is and if it even exists.
Meanwhile, we have many people who are experiencing phenomena that shouldn’t exist taking place with no real explanations other than - it must have been a personal issue with the witness(es), a hallucination, a drug-trip, a meditation mind-fuck, mental trickery, etc.
This is my own theory - that dark matter is consciousness itself.
It is said to permeate everything around is just a much a part of our reality as the matter we can see.
So all those questions as to HOW do people have Psi phenomena occur, how does precognition happen, from where does consciousness emerge...these have always been dismissed outright because no on can come up with a working provable model of how such information could be transferred from A to B or subject to subject.
Meanwhile we have some evidence that nothing is actually in existence until our consciousness focuses on it.
We certainly have evidence that consciously focusing on something can have physical effects under proper circumstances.
The old excuse of “we can’t detect any signal” to measure such phenomena - so it must not exist...should no longer hold water.
You can’t detect it because it doesn’t want you to find it - it is is the ether.
It is consciousness itself...imho.
People always looking for a “signal” to prove this is occurring...maybe no such “signal” exists.
It is spontaneously just known throughout all of consciousness/matter/universe because it is acting as one.
The medium of transference for thought or knowledge or consciousness in this way would not be subject to our own laws of physics and specifically “time” (or the speed of light) as we know it and experience it.
If dark matter is around us and in us and part of this reality at all times and forms actually a good healthy percentage of “matter” (detectable or not), then perhaps it also is the collective consciousness we have seen hints of existing also, but is also undetectable for the most part (we do see some proof of action occurring, but not how or why?)?
Anyway...the thought is - perhaps this is the animator of our “life-force”, or the energy that powers all consciousness, no matter how minute or in what form it takes?
Of course we can’t find it - it probably doesn’t even exist in this dimension but rather effects’s existence is measured by it’s lacking.
And if it isn’t "there" - then perhaps it is close by constantly but beyond our physical reach...only accessible by the mental thoughts it is made of in the first place?
Gives new possibilities to people finding themselves in a “void” with their ego seemingly stripping away after a spiritual, or meditative, psychonautic experience.
Maybe “spirit” itself is “dark matter”?
Just some thoughts floating around the ether in my head.
Much love.
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This is a really fascinating and informative lecture!
Has loads of great information and new science in the area of depression.
It clearly has a biologic factor along with many other factors, but he gets more in depth with that topic than anything.
Very thought-provoking and eye opening!

Stanford’s Sapolsky on Depression in the US

Stanford Professor Robert Sapolsky, posits that depression is the most damaging disease that you can experience.
Right now it is the number four cause of disability in the US and it is becoming more common.
Sapolsky states that depression is as real of a biological disease as is diabetes.

A couple of funny yet thoughtful talks on the nature of our consciousness, etc. :skeptical: :uhyeahsure: :umwhat: :gobsmacked: :whoa: :trippy: :craycray: :rainboweyes::coyotemeditating:
I hope you enjoy them as much as I did.

In the SANDbox with JP Sears

Part 2

JP Sears is an emotional healing coach, international teacher, speaker at events,
world traveler, and curious student of life.
His work empowers people to live more meaningful lives.
JP presents classes, workshops, online seminars,
and leads retreats at numerous locations around the world on inner healing and growth.
He is also very active on his YouTube channel, AwakenWithJP,
where he encourages healing and growth through his entertainingly
informative and inspiring videos including his hit Ultra Spiritual comedy series.
You can learn more about JP and his work at


Enlightenment for Lazy People, Paul Smit

The wind is blowing, the grass is growing, the water is floating, the bird is flying and you are reading this text.
It’s all just happening and no one is doing it.
Isn’t that great?
Who is Paul Smit?
That’s quite a philosophical question.
But let’s pretend I am Paul Smit.
In that case I play the role as a comedian and philosopher and I’ve written several books about nonduality and accidently also a movie.
A long time ago, when I had long hair and played guitar in metal bands, I graduated on the ‘evolution of the human consciousness’.
Right now I am one of the most demanded speakers in Holland which is really odd,
because I keep telling the businessmen that there is no control at all… and they keep booking me?!
Well, here you go, another example of no free will.​
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I love this dude

I think it is a fascinating talk.
Really makes a lot of sense to me when I turn it around in the form of the chronic pain as a body and emotional/mental stressor will of course create depression or at least depressive/overtaxed physical symptoms (like why I was wondering about waking up so damn early every morning, this explains it).
Not that I feel I am clinically depressed, but that I have a constant stressor that wants to put my body into that gear.
My lack of sleep, waking early, loss of appetite, etc.
All issues that I am currently keeping at bay and getting by day to day alright.
I am certainly thankful for what I CAN do and how I CAN still contribute.
A co-worker of Sensiko has a husband dying of cancer...they are going to come to my Chronic Pain Group.
There is actually a good group of people there I can put him in touch with that will take good care of him should he want to try to lessen any existential fear of death or of dying using proven but unconventional means.
Many are actual certified counselors and other mental health professionals, not just some dude with a tie-dye t-shirt that says “man” too much, lol.
Anyhow, it’s officially scheduled now!

Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Finding Acceptance of Your Pain Through Enthogens
Hosted by XXXXX (me)
Screen Shot 2018-08-29 at 8.52.00 AM.webp
(Please do not call the venue; message with questions.)

Accepting something uncomfortable or painful in our lives is not an easy task.

Many times those with chronic pain or painful conditions will go through the same 5 stages of grief and loss we are familiar with -- denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and finally acceptance.

Current research shows that around 92% of chronic pain patients say that "Continuing to fight the pain is "important" or "very important" to those surveyed".

They see the fight as a "good fight".

But research has also showed that being able to stop fighting and find acceptance is incredibly beneficial to our mental and physical health.
Can we find the point of acceptance without feeling like we are "giving up" in a negative way?

Entheogens may help illuminate that pathway of finding acceptance.
We are going to try and have a more structured meeting than just going around in a circle, but will still of course be an open discussion.
Please join us!
Some far out posits.
Thoroughly enjoyable to read.



Jeffrey M. Schwartz 1
Henry P. Stapp 2
Mario Beauregard 3, 4, 5*

1 UCLA Neuropsychiatric Institute, 760 Westwood Plaza, C8-619 NPI Los Angeles, California 90024-1759, USA. E-mail:

2 Theoretical Physics Mailstop 5104/50A Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, University of California, Berkeley, California 94720-8162, USA. Email:

3 Département de Psychologie, Centre de Recherche en Neuropsychologie Expérimentale et Cognition (CRENEC), Université de Montréal, C.P. 6128, succursale Centre-Ville, Montréal, Québec, Canada, H3C 3J7.

4 Département de Radiologie, Université de Montréal, C.P. 6128, succursale Centre- Ville, Montréal, Québec, Canada, H3C 3J7.

5 Centre de recherche en sciences neurologiques (CRSN), Université de Montréal, C.P. 6128, succursale Centre-Ville, Montréal, Québec, Canada, H3C 3J7.


Neuropsychological research on the neural basis of behavior generally posits that brain mechanisms will ultimately suffice to explain all psychologically described phenomena.

This assumption stems from the idea that the brain is made up entirely of material particles and fields, and that all causal mechanisms relevant to neuroscience can therefore be formulated solely in terms of properties of these elements.

Thus terms having intrinsic mentalistic and/or experiential content (e.g., "feeling," "knowing," and "effort") are not included as primary causal factors.
This theoretical restriction is motivated primarily by ideas about the natural world that have been known to be fundamentally incorrect for more than three quarters of a century.

Contemporary basic physical theory differs profoundly from its seventeenth to nineteenth century forebearers on the important matter of how the consciousness of human agents enters into the structure of empirical phenomena.

The new principles contradict the older idea that local mechanical processes alone can account for the structure of all observed empirical data. Contemporary physical theory brings directly and irreducibly into the overall causal structure certain psychologically described choices made by human agents about how they will act.

This key development in basic physical theory is applicable to neuroscience, and it provides neuroscientists and psychologists with an alternative conceptual framework for describing neural processes.

Indeed, due to certain structural features of ion channels critical to synaptic function, contemporary physical theory must in principle be used when analyzing human brain dynamics.

The new framework, unlike its classical-physics- based predecessor is erected directly upon, and is compatible with, the prevailing principles of physics, and is able to represent more adequately than classical concepts the neuroplastic mechanisms relevant to the growing number of empirical studies of the capacity of directed attention and mental effort to systematically alter brain function.

"[T]he only acceptable point of view appears to be the one that recognizes both sides of reality --- the quantitative and the qualitative, the physical and the psychical --- as compatible with each other, and can embrace them simultaneously."

~ Wolfgang Pauli, The Influence of Archetypal Ideas on the Scientific Theories of Kepler


In Hebrew , the word for knowledge, or Gnosis, is Daath [דעת].
It is usually spelled in English as daat, da'ath, or Daath.
This is a kind of special knowledge that is unique to the Consciousness.
It is not related to the intellect.
It is not related to belief.
It is not in the form of thoughts, words, ideas, concepts, theories, dogmas, books, etc.
Rather, it is a kind of conscious knowledge related to the soul, that has to be put into practice so that this special,
internal knowledge can grow and build upon itself, and elaborate the creation of the soul.
