




These are good... My Ni is definitely picking up on patterns here in relation to open monism. Don't be surprised if some of that stuff crops up in some form in my notes in the future. :)
These are good... My Ni is definitely picking up on patterns here in relation to open monism. Don't be surprised if some of that stuff crops up in some form in my notes in the future. :)
That’s funny!
I also see correlations all the time between your notebook and some of the things I post here and think about.
Cool stuff Ren...please keep it going!
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I also see correlations all the time between your notebook and some of the things I post here and think about.

The philosophical framework that @Ren has built/is building is very much a reflection of all of the inner workings of an infj mind in my opinion. At first glace, it appears almost more ST like in nature, but when you start to put all of the pieces of it together, and view it with a sort of wider purview of things, it gives room for the possibility of a lot of "crazy" things within the infj mind while at the same time opening up things to a sense of realness instead of hocus pocus.

Where other philosophical frameworks tend to have a feeling of confinement in some areas, I get the sense that with Ren's framework, there really is a sort of "(absolute) openness" which is an exciting prospect. Open Monism is an elegant and simple term for something pretty complex and difficult to fully define.
The philosophical framework that @Ren has built/is building is very much a reflection of all of the inner workings of an infj mind in my opinion. At first glace, it appears almost more ST like in nature, but when you start to put all of the pieces of it together, and view it with a sort of wider purview of things, it gives room for the possibility of a lot of "crazy" things within the infj mind while at the same time opening up things to a sense of realness instead of hocus pocus.

Where other philosophical frameworks tend to have a feeling of confinement in some areas, I get the sense that with Ren's framework, there really is a sort of "(absolute) openness" which is an exciting prospect. Open Monism is an elegant and simple term for something pretty complex and difficult to fully define.

Yes, you are correct that it is most likely the commonalities of us as INFJs we are recognizing...but not all.
(There are some strange correlations that are personal in nature that I will discuss with everyone later so it makes more sense I hope)

I still am of the mind that when @Ren is done with his Notebook (if there is such a thing as “done” with that topic, lol) that he should compile it, edit it, and submit it to be published...either in a journal, or as a free standing book of it’s own.
I would certainly buy a copy Ren.

Yes, there is a lot of hocus pocus out there...which I admit, I enjoy reading about and pondering because I feel it leads me to more concrete conclusions when not fantastical, but rooted in the real world reality of everyday life and mundane decision making.
I try to remain a skeptic, even with things that I have a pretty solid view I have built up for myself.
I will still tell you I have no real clue what happened when things flew around by themselves...even though there were witnesses, I still cannot say it was this or that or because of this or that, or that is was fantastic at all, perhaps not...I must maintain that objectivity I feel to continue to grow and move forward in life.

Ren has definitely created a wonderful bit of mental purity of thought minus any sardonic or presupposed ideas.
He lays it out as a journey of his thoughts as he ponders and dissects them with the reader as someone not being preached at but someone along for the journey as a companion.

Yes...I think the concept on Monism itself without any additional twist is already a difficult thing for the mind and ego to grasp.
Our ego especially doesn’t like such ideas imho...but if you are not overly driven by your ego, or you can at least maintain a mind open enough to think about and explore such ideas for yourself, it makes a lot of sense in many aspects regarding how we behave and think and the possibilities that exist like open monism.

I have had a significant mental shift recently...
It allowed me to look at the ego and my “self" in a totally divergent way from the direction I was going.
Anyhow...I agree that Ren is fucking brilliant, yet still a compassionate person as well as a writer/philosopher.
Just another infj weirdo

Well that goes without saying.
I thought that was a given.
He should totally be in the looney bin of course.
He’s still a good writer though... ;)
The philosophical framework that @Ren has built/is building is very much a reflection of all of the inner workings of an infj mind in my opinion. At first glace, it appears almost more ST like in nature, but when you start to put all of the pieces of it together, and view it with a sort of wider purview of things, it gives room for the possibility of a lot of "crazy" things within the infj mind while at the same time opening up things to a sense of realness instead of hocus pocus.

Where other philosophical frameworks tend to have a feeling of confinement in some areas, I get the sense that with Ren's framework, there really is a sort of "(absolute) openness" which is an exciting prospect. Open Monism is an elegant and simple term for something pretty complex and difficult to fully define.

Wow, thank you for the kind words! :) They are deeply appreciated. I remember @Lady Jolanda saying that OM sounded a bit like it an abstract expression of Ni, or something along those lines. Hopefully it can resonate with more than just Ni users, who are not the majority of the population, hehe :)

"More like ST in nature"?! Heathen! lol. I'm kidding. I'd be curious to know in what way. Especially as I think my writing and conceptual architecture is influenced by that of Heidegger, who is often taken to be ISTJ. To me, Heidegger has always been an obvious Ni-dom and INTJ, but he's often - superficially, I think - taken to be an ST.

Ren has definitely created a wonderful bit of mental purity of thought minus any sardonic or presupposed ideas.
He lays it out as a journey of his thoughts as he ponders and dissects them with the reader as someone not being preached at but someone along for the journey as a companion.

Wow, thanks for those wonderful words! I especially appreciate the "mental purity of thought" bit. I do aim at purity... but I'm never sure if I'm succeeding or not. So it feels good to read your words. I will definitely try to get the stuff published once it's ready, though it might take a while to "make ready". I'm not done with the investigation quite yet ;)
(^^^^ @Ren you are quite welcome and deserve it! :<3lightblue:)


"Meditation is the Key for Opening the Doors of the Mysteries."

~ Abdu'l Baha



"What then is truth?
A mobile army of metaphors, metonyms, and anthropomorphisms – in short, a sum of human relations, which have been enhanced, transposed, and embellished poetically and rhetorically, and which after long use seem firm, canonical, and obligatory to a people: truths are illusions about which one has forgotten that is what they are; metaphors which are worn out and without sensuous power; coins which have lost their pictures and now matter only as metal, no longer as coins.

We still do not know where the urge for truth comes from; for as yet we have heard only of the obligation imposed by society that it should exist: to be truthful means using the customary metaphors – in moral terms, the obligation to lie according to fixed convention, to lie herd-like in a style obligatory for all..."

Friedrich Nietzsche



I will Sit with You in the Dark.


"Solitude has soft, silky hands, but with strong fingers it grasps the heart and makes it ache with sorrow.”

--- Kahlil Gibran, The Broken Wings



"The Eye Through Which I See God is the Same Eye Through Which God Sees Me;
My Eye And Gods Eye are One Eye
One Seeing, One Knowing, One Love."

~ Meister Eckhart


"The call of death is a call of love.
Death can be sweet if we answer it in the affirmative,
if we accept it as one of the great eternal forms of life and transformation."

— Hermann Hesse


Note to Self:

1. You are worthy.

You were born inherently worthy and enough.
When you claim you are flawed or inadequate,
you are arguing with the power of life which created you just as you are.

2. You are guided.

You may feel alone and like the weight of the world is on your shoulders.
The truth is your higher self is here with you always to
provide you with the insight, inspiration and strength that you seek.
You just need to surrender control and ask for help.

3. You are an adventurer.

You are here on earth to have the adventure of a lifetime.
You chose to be here to discover, create, express, learn,
expand and experience life in ways that you cannot when you are not in physical form.
So embrace the gift that is your life.

4. Life reflects you.

Your outer world and circumstances reflect your inner world.
The world acts as a mirror to help you refine your beliefs and preferences
so that you can create a life that brings you greater and greater joy and fulfillment.

5. Your joy matters.

Your joy is your guidance system letting you know where you should go next in life.
Pay attention to whatever makes you feel passionate, excited and fully alive.
Trust in these feelings and follow them; your heart knows more than your rational mind.

6. Everything is happening for you.

Every person and situation in your life is here to help you discover more about
yourself so that you can evolve into a more conscious and empowered being.
If you keep encountering the same situations in life look for the lesson and give thanks for it.

7. There is nothing to fix.

You do not need fixing or self-help so much as you need self-love and acceptance.
When you show yourself unconditional love and compassion,
old unhelpful patterns of thought and behavior naturally begin to fade away.

8. You are unique.

You are a one-of-a-kind blend of passions, talents, interests and quirks.
If you don’t have the courage to be yourself, no one else can,
and you are literally robbing the world of the magnificent and irreplaceable gift that you are.

9. You are responsible.

You get to choose how you respond to life and what you choose to focus on and create.
Instead of blaming other people or events for your life and feelings,
choose how you want to respond and how you most want to feel.

10. You are powerful.

The biggest limitations you will encounter in your life do not come from your
circumstances but from your limiting beliefs about who you are and what you are capable of doing.
You are way more powerful than you know.

11. You are unconditionally loved.

The power of life that created you and your higher self love you unconditionally just as you are.
You are loved beyond all comprehension in all ways and always to no end.

12. You are whole.

You are whole and complete and you have everything that you need right now in this moment.
The answers and fulfillment you seek have never been outside of you.
Find fulfillment within and the whole world will reflect your wholeness.

~ Elyse Santilli

(^^^^ @Ren you are quite welcome and deserve it! :3lightblue:)


"What then is truth?
A mobile army of metaphors, metonyms, and anthropomorphisms – in short, a sum of human relations, which have been enhanced, transposed, and embellished poetically and rhetorically, and which after long use seem firm, canonical, and obligatory to a people: truths are illusions about which one has forgotten that is what they are; metaphors which are worn out and without sensuous power; coins which have lost their pictures and now matter only as metal, no longer as coins.

We still do not know where the urge for truth comes from; for as yet we have heard only of the obligation imposed by society that it should exist: to be truthful means using the customary metaphors – in moral terms, the obligation to lie according to fixed convention, to lie herd-like in a style obligatory for all..."

Friedrich Nietzsche

Ah, Friedrich. Always very thought-provoking. On Truth and Lies in a Nonmoral Sense is a great essay!


A new moon teaches gradualness and deliberation and how one gives birth to oneself slowly.
Patience with small details makes perfect a large work, like the universe.

Ah, Friedrich. Always very thought-provoking. On Truth and Lies in a Nonmoral Sense is a great essay!

I quite concur Sir!
There are some youtube audiobook versions for folks who don’t want to read...lol.

Except from “The Emerald Tablets of Thoth” (Tablet X)
I particularly enjoy the line:

"Knew I then that in Words are power
to open the planes that are hidden from man.
Aye, that even in Words lies hidden the key
that will open above and below."

The Key of Time


List ye, O Man. Take of my wisdom.
Learn of his deep hidden mysteries of space.
Learn of the THOUGHT that grew in the abyss,
bringing Order and Harmony in space.

Know ye, O man, that all exists
has being only because of the LAW.
Know ye the LAW and ye shall be free,
never be bound by the fetters of night.

Far, through strange spaces, have I journeyed
into the depth of the abyss of time,
until in the end all was revealed.
Know ye that mystery is only mystery
when it is knowledge unknown to man.
When ye have plumbed the heart of all mystery,
knowledge and wisdom will surely be thine.

Seek ye and learn that TIME is the secret
whereby ye may be free of this space.

Long have I, WISDOM, sought wisdom;
aye, and shall seek of eternity's end
for know that ever before me receding
shall move the goal I seek to attain.
Even the LORDS of the CYCLES
know that not yet have THEY reached the goal,
For with all of their wisdom,
they know that TRUTH ever grows.

Once, in a past time, I spoke to the Dweller.
Asked of the mystery of time and space.
Asked him the question that surged in my being,
saying: O Master, what is time?

Then to me spoke HE, the Master:​
Know ye, O Thoth, in the beginning
there was VOID and nothingness,
a timeless, spaceless, nothingness.
And into the nothingness came a thought,
purposeful, all-pervading,
and It filled the VOID.
There existed no matter, only force,
a movement, a vortex, or vibration
of the purposeful thought
that filled the VOID.

And I questioned the Master, saying:​
Was this thought eternal?
And answered me the DWELLER, Saying:​
In the beginning, there was eternal thought,
and for thought to be eternal, time must exist.
So into the all-pervading thought
grew the LAW of TIME.
Aye time which exists through all space,
floating in a smooth, rhythmic movement
that is eternally in a state of fixation.

Time changes not,
but all things change in time.
For time is the force
that holds events separate,
each in its own proper place.
Time is not in motion,
but ye move through time
as your consciousness
moves from one event to another.

Aye, by time yet exist, all in all,
an eternal ONE existence.
Know ye that even though in the time ye are separate,
yet still are ONE, in all times existent.

Ceased then the voice of the DWELLER,
and departed I to ponder on time.
For knew I that in these words lay wisdom
and a way to explore the mysteries of time.

Oft did I ponder the words of the DWELLER.
Then sought I to solve the mystery of time.
Found I that time moves through strange angles.
Yet only by curves could I hope to attain the key
that would give me access to the time-space.
Found I that only by moving upward
and yet again by moving to right-ward
could I be free from the time of the movement.

Forth I came from out of my body,
moved in the movements that changed me in time.
Strange were the sights I saw in my journeys,
many the mysteries that opened to view.
Aye, saw I man's beginning,
learned from the past that nothing is new.

Seek ye, O man, to learn the pathway
that leads through the spaces
that are formed forth in time.

Forget not, O man, with all of thy seeking
that Light is the goal ye shall seek to attain.
Search ye for the Light on thy pathway
and ever for thee the goal shall endure.

Let not thine heart turn ever to darkness.
light let shine Soul be, a Sun on the way.
Know ye that eternal brightness,
ya shall ever find thy Soul hid in Light,
never fettered by bondage or darkness,
ever it shines forth a Sun of the Light.

Aye, know, though hidden in darkness,
your Soul, a spark of the true flame, exists.
Be ye One with the greatest of all Lights.
Find at the SOURCE, the END of thy goal.

Light is life, for without the great Light
nothing can ever exist.
Know ye, that in all formed matter,
the heart of Light always exists.
Aye, even though bound in the darkness,
inherent Light always exists.

Once I stood in the HALLS OF AMENTI
and heard the voice of the LORDS of AMENTI,
saying in tones that rang through the silence,
words of power, mighty and potent.
Chanted they the song of the cycles,
the words that open the path to beyond.
Aye, I saw the great path opened
and looked for the instant into the beyond.
Saw I the movements of the cycles,
vast as the thought of the SOURCE could convey.

Knew I then even Infinity
is moving on to some unthinkable end.
Saw I that the Cosmos is Order
and part of a movement that extends to all space,
a party of an Order of Orders,
constantly moving in a harmony of space.

Saw I the wheeling of cycles
like vast circles across the sky.
Knew I then that all that has being
is growing to meet yet another being
in a far-off grouping of space and of time.

Knew I then that in Words are power
to open the planes that are hidden from man.
Aye, that even in Words lies hidden the key
that will open above and below.

Hark ye, now man, this word I leave with thee.
Use it and ye shall find power in its sound.
Say ye the word:
and power ye shall find.
Yet must ye understand that man is of Light
and Light is of man.

List ye, O man, and hear a mystery
stranger than all that lies 'neath the Sun.
Know ye, O man, that all space
is filled by worlds within worlds;
aye, one within the other yet separate by Law.

Once in my search for deep buried wisdom,
I opened the door that bars THEM from man.
Called I from the other planes of being,
one who was fairer than the daughters of men.
Aye, I called her from out of the spaces,
to shine as a Light in the world of men.

Used I the drum of the Sertpent.
Wore I the robe of the purple and gold.
Placed on my head, I, the crown of Silver.
Around me the circle of cinnabar shone.
Raised I my arms and cried the invocation
that opens the path to the planes beyond,
cried to the LORDS of the SIGNS in their houses:​
Lords of the two horizons,
watchers of the treble gates,
stand ye One at the right and One at the left
as the STAR rises to his throne
and rules over his sign.
Aye, thou dark prince of ARULU,
open the gates of the dim, hidden land
and release her whom ye keep imprisoned.

Hear ye, hear ye, hear ye,
dark Lords and Shining Ones,
and by their secret names,
names which I know and can pronounce,
hear ye and obey my will.

Lit I then with flame my circle
and called HER in the space-planes beyond.
Daughter of Light return from ARULU.

Seven times and seven times
have I passed through the fire.
Food have I not eaten.
Water have I not drunk.
I call thee from ARULU,
from the realms of EKERSHEGAL.
I summon thee, lady of Light.

Then before me rose the dark figures;
aye, the figures of the Lords of Arulu.
Parted they before me
and forth came the Lady of Light.

Free was she now from the LORDS of the night,
free to live in the Light of the earth Sun,
free to live as a child of the Light.

Hear ye and listen, O my children.
Magic is knowledge and only is Law.
Be not afraid of the power within thee
for it follows Law as the stars in the sky.

Know ye that to be without knowledge,
wisdom is magic and not of the Law.
But know ye that ever ye by your knowledge
can approach closer to a place in the Sun.

List ye, my children, follow my teaching.
Be ye ever seeker of Light.
Shine in the world of men all around thee,
a Light on the path that shall shine among men.

Follow ye and learn of my magic.
Know that all force is thine if thou wilt.
Fear not the path that leads thee to knowledge,
but rather shun ye the dark road.

Light is thine, O man, for the taking.
Cast off the fetters and thou shalt be free.
Know ye that they Soul is living in bondage
fettered by fears that hold ye in thrall.

Open thy eyes and see the great SUN-LIGHT.
Be not afraid for all is thine own.
Fear is the LORD of the dark ARULU
to he who never faced the dark fear.
Aye, know that fear has existence
created by those who are bound by their fears.

Shake off thy bondage, O children,
and walk in the Light of the glorious day.
Never turn they thoughts to the darkness
and surely ye shall be One with the Light.

Man is only what he believeth,
a brother of darkness or a child of the Light.
Come though into the Light my Children.
Walk in the pathway that leads to the Sun.

Hark ye now, and list to the wisdom.
Use thou the word I have given unto thee.
Use it and surely though shalt find power and wisdom
and Light to walk in the way.
Seek thee and find the key I have given
and ever shalt thou be a Child of the Light.
Among spiritually-enlightened Tibetans, the notion that we all live in a Matrix-style illusion is widespread.

But the illusion is not maintained by rogue machines - it is generated by our own minds.

I've come across cosmologists who point out that we are much more likely to be living in a world generated by software than in a physical world, simply because (they say) there seems to be many more ways it could happen. Once one physically based super civilisation has the means of creating a complete virtual world, it won't stop there - it'll probably create billions of them. If they are any good, many of the simulations will develop virtual super civilisations of their own that will create billions of 2nd level simulated worlds - and each of these will go on to create still higher levels, and so on indefinitely. It that's right there will be almost infinite numbers of simulated realities for every physical one with a supercivilisation that has the capability of setting it off. In fact why start off with a physical world at all - perhaps it's turtles virtual worlds all the way down.
From another angle, I can't see myself how we can avoid the fact that the world we live in is almost entirely inside our own heads. I've never seen light, myself - don't know what a photon looks like. I "see" something - a red coloured book, say - and it's based on a projection on my retina, which is processed into brain software, churned and integrated with the feel and smell of the book (each processed in a similar way) then combined with all my previous experiences of red, book, paper, text, language, etc - and turned into something that is not at all like the mass of quarks, electrons and gluons that I'm trying to read somewhere outside my own personal universe.
Tulpas, or even apparently divine interventions from a lower level reality, seem very possible from these angles. After all, I can intervene quite happily inside a "world" generated by a program running on my computer and no-one complains that I've created a miracle.
I've come across cosmologists who point out that we are much more likely to be living in a world generated by software than in a physical world, simply because (they say) there seems to be many more ways it could happen. Once one physically based super civilisation has the means of creating a complete virtual world, it won't stop there - it'll probably create billions of them. If they are any good, many of the simulations will develop virtual super civilisations of their own that will create billions of 2nd level simulated worlds - and each of these will go on to create still higher levels, and so on indefinitely. It that's right there will be almost infinite numbers of simulated realities for every physical one with a supercivilisation that has the capability of setting it off. In fact why start off with a physical world at all - perhaps it's turtles virtual worlds all the way down.
From another angle, I can't see myself how we can avoid the fact that the world we live in is almost entirely inside our own heads. I've never seen light, myself - don't know what a photon looks like. I "see" something - a red coloured book, say - and it's based on a projection on my retina, which is processed into brain software, churned and integrated with the feel and smell of the book (each processed in a similar way) then combined with all my previous experiences of red, book, paper, text, language, etc - and turned into something that is not at all like the mass of quarks, electrons and gluons that I'm trying to read somewhere outside my own personal universe.
Tulpas, or even apparently divine interventions from a lower level reality, seem very possible from these angles. After all, I can intervene quite happily inside a "world" generated by a program running on my computer and no-one complains that I've created a miracle.

Yes...great post btw!
There totally is some crossover between the YCYOR (You create your own reality) folks, the idea of other levels of reality or universes in other religions, and also the theory you are referring to of us actually being inside of a program...that we are advanced AI living in a simulation sometime in the future...along with other AI programs all running various scenarios with variants on the people and environment like a giant Sims game.
There are several phenomena that people point to such as The Mandala Effect (which may just be our bad assuming memories haha).
But just the idea that there are settings on the universe so it seems has people wondering....the golden ratio or Fibonacci sequence...the set limit of the speed of light.
And yes...we do live in a virtual world of our mind.
It’s pretty cool to see it manipulated (wink wink) and to be able to see things that imho we don’t normally perceive.
But then again, can’t rule out trick of the mind.
Still...it seems to be more than that.
And yes, you are right...”Tulpas” are a possibility in such an instance.
Anyhow...here is a list of articles on the subject of the Matrix or on the simulation theory:

Happy reading and thank you for all the likes!!!
Much love!
Yes...great post btw!
There totally is some crossover between the YCYOR (You create your own reality) folks, the idea of other levels of reality or universes in other religions, and also the theory you are referring to of us actually being inside of a program...that we are advanced AI living in a simulation sometime in the future...along with other AI programs all running various scenarios with variants on the people and environment like a giant Sims game.
There are several phenomena that people point to such as The Mandala Effect (which may just be our bad assuming memories haha).
But just the idea that there are settings on the universe so it seems has people wondering....the golden ratio or Fibonacci sequence...the set limit of the speed of light.
And yes...we do live in a virtual world of our mind.
It’s pretty cool to see it manipulated (wink wink) and to be able to see things that imho we don’t normally perceive.
But then again, can’t rule out trick of the mind.
Still...it seems to be more than that.
And yes, you are right...”Tulpas” are a possibility in such an instance.
Anyhow...here is a list of articles on the subject of the Matrix or on the simulation theory:

Happy reading and thank you for all the likes!!!
Much love!
Hi Skarekrow - I love this thread of yours!! Been meaning for some time to engage, but wasn't sure how - I thought for a few milliseconds of starting at the beginning and working forward, but I don't think I'd ever catch up with you in the present if I did that :smiley:. So I decided I might just as well start at the latest end, then dip into the earlier articles as and when. Anything I haven't actually "liked" in the most recent 2 pages is too long for me to get to grips with at the moment rather than anything else.
I've always had this gut feeling that software is more fundamental to reality that hardware - the way things work is more primal then the things themselves even in our (assumed :wink:) physical universe. It doesn't take much effort looking at physics to realise that even if you ignore the more spectacular VR possibilities, the world is very different to how we actually perceive it. The fact that we can never actually really touch a physical object like it appears we do - a prime in-our-face example. What we experience is the repusion of negative electric fields between the outer electron shells of the atoms in our hands and the object we are trying to hold. Weird!
Hi Skarekrow - I love this thread of yours!! Been meaning for some time to engage, but wasn't sure how - I thought for a few milliseconds of starting at the beginning and working forward, but I don't think I'd ever catch up with you in the present if I did that :smiley:. So I decided I might just as well start at the latest end, then dip into the earlier articles as and when. Anything I haven't actually "liked" in the most recent 2 pages is too long for me to get to grips with at the moment rather than anything else.
I've always had this gut feeling that software is more fundamental to reality that hardware - the way things work is more primal then the things themselves even in our (assumed :wink:) physical universe. It doesn't take much effort looking at physics to realise that even if you ignore the more spectacular VR possibilities, the world is very different to how we actually perceive it. The fact that we can never actually really touch a physical object like it appears we do - a prime in-our-face example. What we experience is the repusion of negative electric fields between the outer electron shells of the atoms in our hands and the object we are trying to hold. Weird!

That is absolutely correct about the shells of atoms...like trying to reach your hand through a spinning prop...except it’s fast enough and small enough to repel and not chop things up.
That’s why it’s so hard to split...but you know that I’m sure.
At the same time...we have uncountable numbers of other particles flying in-between the spaces of our “own” particles.
One of my thoughts has always been that if you scale down to that quantum level that time also would reflect your size and slow, or perhaps in the quantum realm it’s not there at all...in any instance, the thought I had was - why couldn’t such particles passing through our bodies pass along information or even communicate with our own atoms and particles...this kind of action grouped with entanglement could explain all sort of phenomena like ESP or mediumship...maybe even the particles from certain times and points in space effect people differently possibly given new light to the idea of the zodiac and such ideas?
As far as reading the whole thread...that’s flattering thanks...I think only a few have read the whole thing.
It was never my intention to make it so big....it just sort of gained a life of it’s own as I have explored these various strange subjects, lol.
There is a good portion closer to the beginning anyhow that got messed up when the forum format switched over and I don’t have the ability to delete and/or repair the broken posts and links...some of the youtube videos don’t show up - but if you put in the address shown on the screen it will pop up.
This is a good explanation of how I lean in regards to my exploration of things - http://www.opensciences.org/about/manifesto-for-a-post-materialist-science
Yes, I agree with your software thoughts.
I think there is some kind of collective consciousness...I’m not sure how connected we actually are to it and on what level...if it’s totally subconscious as it appears, is that how people glean information from the universe that they normally wouldn’t know?
The RNG (random number generators) that have been shown by the PEARS lab at Princeton that human thought can alter them, showed a correlation around the globe of the RNGs on the morning of sept 11th...they began to actually sync up several hours before the attack actually took place, suggesting that precognition is more prevalent that we might think...also thousand of reports from people have come forward telling of dreams about the attack they had that night before.
The statistics they got were in the trillions to 1 in odds of the RNGs behaving how they did...they peaked during the attack and then tapered off over the next series of hours and days.
I really think that we can reach states of mind where we realize this inter-connectiveness on a far deeper and enlightening level and it’s an exhilarating and profound experience.
It doesn’t necessary take magic mushroom to reach either...haha.
;) (they do make it easier though - as Huxley wrote about his own numinous experiences while taking mescaline, “The brain is a reducing valve.”
“Then, suddenly, my consciousness was lighted up from within and I saw in a vivid way how the whole universe was made up of particles of material which, no matter how dull and lifeless they might seem, were nevertheless filled with this intense and vital beauty.”
And love...
A deep and profound feeling of love emanating from everything and everywhere (except certain things like the TV for instance).
And the realization that it is there ALL THE TIME...we just don’t perceive it or realize it as much as we should.

Yes...it makes you think about how “solid” certain things actually are?
Especially when we know that particles are constantly blinking in and out of this reality...blink out here only to simultaneously appear there.
They must be crossing an extra dimension that we don’t realize on the macro level...if you could sync up your particles somehow you might be able to “cross over” and blink out of this dimension altogether theoretically, which is a crazy thought...but then again...it’s been reported to have happened to people.
Or bending “solid” objects with your mind...Uri Geller isn’t the best example...but there are more legit studies and accounts.
There are so many things that have been experienced since the dawn of mankind and we have kept records of extraordinary/paranormal/PSI/etc. phenomena happening to people across societies and religions and beliefs - there are very consistent correlations that have basically been written off by mainstream science because they cannot come up with a working model of how such things could happen - so they must not be.
That is their conclusion.
Anyhow...thanks for your post and your kind words about my gigantic thread, lol!
Talk to you soon and much love!
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