I love that one too...it just about sums up the entire hypocrisy of the “official Church’s” view and most Christian religious denominations.
Yet most still find that preaching fear is more captivating it seems.
These two for me Skarekrow - the other's in your post are brilliant as well but these should be framed and on the wall.
Haha...yes, thanks!
I love finding such beautiful insight into the nature of this or that.
And yes...the first one is very true, lol.
Not that I’m claiming to be fully spiritually awakened or anything...but it has it’s moments like this if you delve in deep enough...the results are worth it though imho.
Speaking of which...
I had some great insights recently

namely through "ego dissolution” (if you catch my drift) the other day that let me see how much I was identifying my illness with my “ego self”, I didn’t realize how much it was occurring or how incorporated it actually was/is, so every time I got frustrated, angry, hateful, depressed, anxious, or any other negative emotion directed at the pain or illness, it was conversely being directed at my “self” where it gets looped and amplified and re-expressed as more physical inflammation which creates a physical loop being amplified by the negative emotional loop around and around until it all goes to shit.
I know that I’ve heard it all before but it’s another thing to have a change of perspective and my ego was totally blocking this.
That and I need to get better sleep...which I did last night for the first time in a while and I feel much better today.
(Not always possible due to pain)
Like I said a couple days ago...I feel like a previous version has been restored from before all this became a challenge for me.
But maybe I’m just remembering how it feels nix the normal stress and stressors, looped thoughts about my pain/illness on a constant basis driving me insane but not knowing how to stop it other than meditation or sleeping (or getting really fucked up on something but that is not a sustainable nor practical solution hehe), the physiology also seems to reset somehow, not sure how it all works, I just know it does.
Sleep habits, bowels, appetite, energy, etc. all seem to also be defragmented along with the brain...or course we have neurons all throughout the bowel, and even our heart, so it would effect anything containing them.
It’s strange to feel your “self” being taken apart piece by piece, and I found it incredibly funny when asked simple mundane questions as I saw the humor...the cosmic giggle if you will...that the universe has if we look with no ego - we are amazingly silly creatures when our ego is again driving so to speak, lol.
It was funny to see that with a severely impaired or barely there ego.
It takes a while to come to all the realizations that it gives you while it’s going on...and meditating on it days/weeks afterward is so important imho as the insights from an ultra-connective brain and the new perspectives gained take some time to fully reveal themselves...as often things are symbolic, or it’s as if programs are running in the background you were unaware of that all of the sudden pop up saying “Here is the answer you wanted.” and it very much comes out of nowhere and at anytime irregardless of what you are doing at the moment, it’s a strange but cool feeling.
So now part of accepting my pain (which was my original quest) is not to disassociate the pain from my “self” per say, because that seems like the wrong thing to do...but rather replace the negative aspects my ego relates to with more positive ones instead...and to also step back out of my head/ego as much as I have been (so easy for us INFJs lol) or to at least come to a more complete picture of how my ego and pain are intermingled...that I need to be kinder to my “self” (which I hope will further help disassociate the negative aspects just by having a greater perspective and awareness of it) and in so doing hoping to reach complete acceptance for the pain and illness, but I also realize I have a long and difficult way to go - worth every moment though hard at times.
Did any of that make sense to anyone other than me, hahaha?
Sorry if that is convoluted at all.
Much love...still figuring it all out, but feeling better and have blasted away the depression/anxiety for another 6 months or so.