

Psychaedelic drugs have been linked to a lower risk of suicide in marginalised people in a new study.

The research presented at the Psychaedelic Science conference in the US is the latest to attempt to uncover whether psychedelic substances can be used to treat mental illness.

To investigate whether psychedelic drugs can reduce suicides, a Canadian researcher analysed data from a four-year-long study of 800 women sex workers in Vancouver.

As part of the study, the women filled out a questionnaire which covered topics including whether the women had used drugs, and if they had experienced suicidal thoughts in the past six months,Tonic reported.

The researcher, Elena Argento of the British Columbia Center for Excellence in HIV/AIDs, found that women who had used psychedelic drugs at some point in the lives were 60 per cent less likely to have experienced suicidal thoughts than those who hadn't.

On the contrary, women who had taken crystal meth and or had experienced abuse during childhood were more prone to suicidal thoughts.

While Argento’s research is observational, and therefore did not involve controls as would be expected in lab study, it bolsters what is widely regarded as the psychedelic renaissance.

Illegal drugs with psychoactive effects such as LSD, MDMA and psilocybin - or magic - mushrooms, are analysed for their apparent psychological benefits in controlled environments by medical professionals.

If used wrongly, illegal psychoactive substances can cause psychological problems, including recurring flashbacks of unpleasant trips.

Last year, a study published by John Hopkins University and NYU on psilocybin showed that the substance can reduce depression in cancer patients.
A separate study by researchers at the Beckley Foundation psychaedlic drug think-tank and Imperial College London Research Programme found that psilocybin could help people with treatment-resistant depression.

2016 also saw the publication of the first brain-imaging study into the effects of LSD by the Beckley Foundation, showing that the part of the brain which correlates with the “ego” is diminished under the drug while communication between other networks are expanded.

Understanding how blood supply and neuronal activity are affected by LSD could help unlock the drug as a powerful treatment for tackle depression, anxiety, addiction, and OCD.

Speaking to The Independent recently, Amanda Feilding, the Executive Director of the Beckley Foundation, said that “psychedelics seem unique in their ability to produce enduring results after just one or two treatments.”

“We have also reached a tipping point as to how psychedelics are reported in the media.
The stigma surrounding the subject is falling away, and a serious conversation about psychedelics is no longer completely taboo.
The future is bright, if only we allow it to happen.”
To get close to the sun .....

First thought is of some kind of device that shields you from it, but then all you get are second hand experiences that have diluted it to comfortable levels, and you don't get to experience it for real. Another possibility is that you are totally opaque, totally reflective - you can get very close that way, but you are completely in the dark just as if the sun doesn't exist for you - you'll probably never find it because you can't see it, but it's really there and if you fall in because you can't see it you'll be consumed. The third possibility is to be completely and utterly transparent; you can get very close that way and all the light will pass through you and it will be as if you are part of the light at its fullest intensity.

If you get close but are only partly transparent, it hurts like hell and you have to keep your distance - the love is overwhelming and filled with joy, but it's intolerable because you get to see all the nasty dark bits that it lights up very brightly, but you are so attached to them that you can't let go easily. But if you learn, and keep coming back, you start to get more and more transparent, a little at a time.

The metaphor breaks down quickly when you realise that the whole thing is filled with a glorious sense of humour which makes you see nothing, no-one is ever wasted, and the whole experience is pure gift.


Metaphorically speaking, this is perfect @John K ;)

I agree with Sandie...that was really a beautiful description!
And very true as well!
Nothing I can add any more profound...thanks for that!

The white magician labors entirely with the finer forces of the elemental planes.
He is a builder – not a destroyer – and seeks to liberate rather than to dominate his fellow creatures.”
– Manly P. Hall







Thanks Skarekrow. Now I feel bad for the slugs. :(

For they will never know metamorphosis. They will never grow wings. They will never transform.
They're just stuck as they are. They will never experience the growth that accompanies change. What a sad existence. :(
Thanks Skarekrow. Now I feel bad for the slugs. :(

For they will never know metamorphosis. They will never grow wings. They will never transform.
They're just stuck as they are. They will never experience the growth that accompanies change. What a sad existence. :(

Yeah but there ain't no thug like a slug thug
Thanks Skarekrow. Now I feel bad for the slugs. :(

For they will never know metamorphosis. They will never grow wings. They will never transform.
They're just stuck as they are. They will never experience the growth that accompanies change. What a sad existence. :(

No they just eat my vegetable garden...meh.
Did you know earwigs have wings?
With the pinchers on it’s ass...yeah, I didn’t know that until we had one year in CA where it was perfect breeding season and they were flying everywhere, it’s was fucking pinched me when it landed on my neck...I pinch back harder though. ;)
I would really like to see a flying slug now!

Yeah but there ain't no thug like a slug thug

Slug Thug

We can never judge the lives of others, because each person knows only their own pain and renunciations.
It's one thing to feel that you are on the right path, but it's another to think that yours is the only path.

* Paulo Coelho *


A lot of "Woke" people have this superiority complex and it is incredibly IRONIC...
You freed your mind just to become a slave to the Ego.



"When you come out of the storm you will not be the same person that walked in.
That is what the storm is all about."

~ Haruki Murakami


The mystic is unfolding himself not because he is primarily aware of some specific goal,
but because he is supremely happy in the joy of growing,
and in the knowledge that he is fulfilling the destiny that was appointed to him at the beginning of all things.

-Manly P. Hall (A Monthly Letter July 1941)

@Wyote @Tin Man @Ren
You too! @JennyDaniella






"Paradise is not a place; it is a state of consciousness."

~ Sri Chimney


“To those capable of seeing the light of these spiritual orbs, there is no darkness,
for they dwell in the presence of limitless light and at midnight see the sun shining under their feet.

~ Manly P. Hall


“I have lived with several Zen masters -- all of them cats.” ―

~ Eckhart Tolle


To define is to limit.

~ Oscar Wilde

Last edited:

by Jonathon Twiz
December 17, 2015

Continuing from a previous article I wrote about karma, I thought I'd point out the way in which psychedelics and meditation differ from each other when helping people deal with their karma.

As mentioned in the previous article, karma in this case is used to describe the things within ourselves that hold us back; not just the actions we gamble with that we know have consequences, but also our underlying malfunctions that we are not even consciously aware of.

Meditation and psychedelics affect the mind in different ways, however both in my opinion bring about transformation that enables one to better navigate the condition of being human, which pretty much all boils down to just mastering your ego…not an easy task.


Psychedelics allow people to be mindful by over-exposing themselves to all the aspects of themselves that hold them back.​

There are moments when you trip and it's all beautiful and happy, but when your mind goes into some dark places, it is usually a place that is coming from your own insecurity.

From trauma to emotions and thoughts that hold you back, these experiences are usually amped up in ways that can be frightening to endure.
When your mind revisits painful memories of things that happened to you or things you did to others, they are often experienced very intensely throughout the trip.

Coming down from the trip, you can sometimes become so overwhelmed by it that you have no choice but to become aware of those personality traits within you that are making your life less than ideal.

Those type of trips can be a tough pill to swallow as they serve as an unapologetic wake up call, a call to action to get your shit together, and deal with your issues.

This message doesn't always resonate with everyone, but to those who can handle looking at themselves in the mirror with all their vulnerabilities, it can be one of many pivotal shifts in consciousness that will navigate the trajectory of your destiny.

It's not always shock and awe with psychedelics.

Sometimes you can experience your malfunctions from another perspective outside of yourself, looking at your behaviors from the sideline, leaving you to become indifferent to the trauma.

Watching it unfold from an objective point of view allows you to connect the dots between all the events and circumstances leading up to what caused the type of behavior within you that is holding you back.

Forgiveness does not mean approval, but forgiving the situation allows you to make peace and move on.

When you connect the dots, it makes sense to you how you allowed the effect of XYZ situation to create the X element of your character.
It allows you to observe how that element of your character has helped or held you back.

It's a mirror, a window into yourself.

The old Native American proverb about the tale of two wolves translates to the psychedelic experience.
There are so many wolves you can be conscious of until you take a psychedelic and realize all the bad wolves you were unconsciously feeding.

Terrence McKenna mentioned that as you explore the world of psychedelics, the amount of time between each trip will lengthen.

In fact, many psychonauts trip occasionally because the lessons learned from the trip are applied to one's life successfully.
The need and desire to find alternate perspectives on how to master themselves subsides the more one implements their ego conquering lessons.

The transformation process with meditation is more gradual than with psychedelics.

With meditation, the goal is to cease the Ego mind from chattering.
All thoughts are meant to slowly fade away with patience, which can be frustrating at first, especially if you have a busy mind, but the more you simply ignore the thoughts that occupy your reality, the more the thoughts will ignore you.

Eventually they fade away and all that remains is a state of balance and feeling centered, without stress, and without desire to fix something that you see as a problem in your life.

All worries, however small or big in magnitude, for that moment in time of being present with your natural self, cease to exist.


In meditation, as thoughts begin to subside, layers of the ego unravel, allowing this intangible thing that is called YOU to exist without restraint.​

When you stop meditating, those layers come back, piling on top of one and other, making the mind feel heavy and caged once again.
For one who commits themselves to meditation, a gradual desire to free the mind begins.

Life becomes more meaningful by letting go of the things that keep you from being present, happy, and productive.

The more you meditate, the more you will begin to notice the difference between how you feel when you meditate and how you feel when you live your daily life.

As worries and stresses make their way back into your reality, you'll gradually begin to become more mindful of your thoughts.

The responsible meditator will come to realize that their negative thoughts and feelings are what's hindering the enjoyment of their reality.

The choice of being mindful of those thoughts and feelings or indulging in them will be up to you, but your awareness of becoming more perceptive to how your thoughts keep you from feeling centered will be heightened.

This is part of what it means to become more in tune with yourself, as many people who carry themselves unhappily through this existence are not in tune with the traits within them that are keeping them from happiness.

In meditation, the more you practice, the more mindful you will become of your thoughts.
The point of meditation is to relax the mind, allowing it to be free of thoughts.

Through this process you become more aware of how you feel when you are free of thoughts.

You will notice how calm and stress free you feel when in a meditative state of mind.

This may induce an altered state of consciousness that is different from your regular conscious mind.
As you practice meditation more and more, you will notice how your thoughts creep in and chip away at your ideal state of being present.

You'll notice the difference in how you feel between meditating and how you feel when you aren't meditating.

As you become aware of how you feel and how your thoughts distance you from how you feel when you meditate, you will gradually make changes in how you think and you'll begin to let go of all the unnecessary thoughts that distract you from being present.

You evolve through meditation by maintaining presence and centering yourself throughout all situations in life.
It's not easy to do all the time, but just being mindful of your ability to do it is a powerful step in the right direction.

Our busy modern lives do not allow us to meditate all day long, nor would we want to when there is much to see and experience in this world, so the best we can do is to try to be as aware and mindful as possible when within our regular states of consciousness.

This can only be done if we take care to prevent all the thoughts and emotions that keep us from being centered.


Meditation allows one to understand that our mind, without all the conditioning of the ego, is already balanced and centered.
Who we are at the center of all the chaos in our life is all we need to feel complete and navigate through this world.

On the other hand, psychedelics can be a heavy dose of the malfunctions of your reality delivered to you in the most abstract way.
It breaks your ego so rapidly and abruptly that the loss of what is familiar and comfortable can make for a bad trip.

Whether through passive observation or embracing the fear, one can master letting go of the filters that make their perspectives darker than they really are...
Jesus was a mushroom.

Psychedelic Bible
~ The Discovery of a Lifetime ~

by John Lash
Andalucia February 16, 2008
from MetaHistory Website

One of twelve panels in the Psalter,
illustrating Biblical scenes with psychoactive mushrooms

In November 2006, shortly after the publication of my book Not in His Image, where I describe entheogenic rites in the pagan Mysteries at Eleusis and elsewhere, I made a long-awaited visit to the National Library in Paris.

Upon acquiring a membership card I was able to consult the archives for Greek and Latin manuscripts, of which the BNF (Bibliotheque National de France) has an impressive collection.

I was in quest of a very particular item, Latin MS 8846, the Paris Eadwine Psalter.
This is the single and unique illuminated MS of the 12th century, the only one of its kind in the world.

I was not able to handle the actual MS, but I examined the color microfilm made from it.
My session of three hours in the microfilm booth left me with wide eyes, a slack jaw, and unsteady feet. I literally staggered out into the Rue de Richelieu.

For rest of the evening I remained in state of astonishment, totally stunned by the images I had seen rolling across the microfilm screen.

Psychedelic Bible

The Paris Eadwine Psalter is an oversize bound book of about 184 sheets, about 367 pages counting both sides.

The cover page is stamped Volume No. 174, 10 October 1873, presumably the day it was acquired or catalogued.
It opens with five full-page panels divided into twelve sections, lavishly colored and detailed.

The panels show incidents from the Old Testament, running from the creation of Adam and Eve to the life of the Patriarch Jacob.
There immediately follow many half-page and full-page illustrations of the Psalms interspersed with Latin commentary.

After about 100 pages come four more twelve-section panels resuming the story of Jacob, then the illustrations jump to the Ark of the Covenant, David and Goliath, and John the Baptist.

About 45 pages further on there is a unique page composed of eighteen panels celebrating Jesus Christ, followed by two more twelve-panel pages illustrating events in the life of the Savior.

All this is totally Biblical narrative, larded with pious commentary and directions for song and prayer.
The Eadwine MS is after all a psalter, intended for use by a choir or congregation in reciting prayers.

What is far from routine, however, is the way the book is illustrated.

Blue-staining mushrooms and mushroom-like omphali occur in lavish form in the first 100 pages.
Dozens of pages display versions of a stylized tree with a blue trunk, depicting how psychoactive mushrooms grow from the trunk of a single "fruiting body" that sprouts from the mycelium.

Often the mushroom trees are integrated into dramatic scenes showing humans interacting with angels and demons.


Some elaborate scenes depict Apocalyptic events with the figure of Christ often placed next to a huge mushroom cluster.

The intertwining stems of the fungi, realistically shown as slender and curvaceous, just as they appear in the wild, are artistically woven in the Celtic style of the Book of Kells and other Irish illuminated manuscripts from the same era.

In many scenes (see below), a naturalistic mushroom nestles among ornate omphalos-buds that recall the segmentation of raspberries and blackberries, yet these latter forms are clearly not naturalistic.

They are carefully painted ovals or egg-shapes, distinct from the slender pin-headed mushrooms without segmented heads.
Clearly, the artist knew the difference between stylistic and naturalistic representation and quite intentionally chose to juxtapose the two.

I suggest that the omphalos-bud was an artistic convention of the Mysteries intended to indicate how molecular structure looks in the visionary trance induced by psychoactive plants.


There is considerable confusion about the naming of Latin MS 8846, called the Anglo-Catalan Psalter.

Because it was made in Canterbury, England, around 1180 CE, it is sometimes called the Canterbury Psalter.
It was left unfinished and taken to Spain for completion, hence the odd name Anglo-Catalan.

At the time of its construction, another, nearly identical psalter was produced in Canterbury:

MS R 17.1 (987), kept at Trinity College, Cambridge, England.
Both psalters are attributed to the master scribe named Eadwine ("generous friend"), and both contain the same sequence of narrative events, but the Canterbury psalter MS R 17.1 displays none of the entheogenic imagery of BNF Latin MS 8846, the Paris Eadwine Psalter.

In 1935 M.R. James published a reduced facsimile of the Cambridge MS.

More recently, in 1992, it has been published as The Eadwine Psalter by the Modern Humanities Research Association of Pennsylvania State University in the USA.

This book can be ordered on for a heady price.
Disappointingly, it shows that the Cambridge MS is totally devoid of psychoactive mushroom imagery.

In a chapter of the 1992 facsimile book, religious scholar Patricia Stirneman discusses the relationship of Latin MS 8846 to its Canterbury counterpart.

Amazingly, she does not allude in any way to the lavish mycological imagery of the Paris MS; nor does she explain how two manuscripts produced from the same source at the same time could be so utterly different in visual presentation.

To scholars, the presence of psychoactive mushrooms in religious art is a closed subject, a revelation too outrageous to admit; but for this self-taught scholar it was the discovery of a lifetime.

Intentional Blindness

In 2002 the Spanish publishing house Moleiro published an exact copy of the Paris Eadwine Psalter, including the natural blemishes of the original pages. (The only earlier facsimile edition was published in Copenhagen in 1958.)

The meticulous catalogue description makes not the slightest allusion to mushroom imagery, or anything at all unusual in the illustrations of the MS.

The sample pictures offered by Moleiro are carefully cropped to avoid showing any evidence of offensive fungi.
Another on-line resource, Facsimiles of Manuscripts Illuminated in the British Isles, reproduces some tell-tale scenes but without comment on what is being shown.

An article on the Moleiro edition in the UK online magazine Church Times (July, 2005) says:

THE PSALTER, also known as the Anglo-Catalan Psalter, was made in Canterbury in about 1180.

It was left unfinished, and, after 1200, was taken to Catalonia - perhaps as a gift.
In the middle of the 14th century, the decoration of the manuscript was completed by Catalan artists, probably working in Barcelona.

The book was meant to be a copy of a famous Carolingian ninth-century Psalter, the Utrecht Psalter, and was acquired by the Christ Church Cathedral Priory, Canterbury, in about 1000.

The original was named after the city to whose university library it now belongs, and was made at the Benedictine abbey of Hautvillers, near Rheims, between 820 and 835.

Each psalm is illustrated by drawings with an attempt to depict certain passages in the text, and by amalgamating a number of scenes into a single rectangular picture.

The article loosely associates the BNF Latin MS 8846, the Anglo-Catalan Psalter oaded with mycological imagery, with the mushroomless Canterbury Psalter.

Both originated in the area of Cambridge around 1120 CE, but only the latter remains in that town, "to whose university library it now belongs."

It explains correctly that the psalter kept in Cambridge, the one without mushrooms, was made first, and then came the Great Canterbury Psalter, or the Anglo-Catalan Psalter, which followed all the innovations of the Eadwine Psalter.

It has three parallel texts - Latin, Hebrew and Catalan - and also has the prefatory illustrations of the Old and New Testament scenes.

To an extent, it is a copy of the Eadwine Psalter, particularly in its text, but the artists of the illustrations seem, on occasion, to have referred back to the original Utrecht Psalter of the ninth century.

This commentary is both both confused and confusing.

The Anglo-Catalan Psalter is MS 8846 in Paris: this is certain because it is the one that was begun in England and completed in Spain, in Catalonia.
It is a copy of the British Eadwine psalter, yes, if that came first, but quite different in respect to its illustrations.

Up to about page 100, the Paris Eadwine MS is loaded with mycological imagery, but after that there is none.

This suggests that the mushroom illustrations were done in England when work on the MS started, but not continued when it was finished in Spain.

The expert commentary notes that the Canterbury illustrations (of both MSs, presumably) were based on the Utrecht Psalter, which displays the vivid image of a mushroom tree in the Garden of Eden, but makes no mention of that detail.

Failure of attention or intentional blindness?
Disregarding the blatant differences in illustration in the two Canterbury Psalters, scholars tend to confuse the two MSs.

As I noted elsewhere, the Wassons knew of the mushroom imagery of the Utrecht Psalter (Rheims, c. 800 CE) - knowledge that might have, but did not, lead them to discover the Paris MS.

The article continues:

A decision was made to alter radically the appearance of the illustrations by changing the monochrome or colored drawings of the Utrecht and Eadwine Psalters to colored paintings with larger figures and burnished-gold grounds - the technique used for the most luxuriously illustrated books of the late 12th century.

This new style of illustration required the artists to make many innovations in the visual composition of their imagery.
Of all the copies of the Utrecht Psalter, this one made the greatest demand on the creative ingenuity of its artists.

In spite of the such elaborate description of artistic techniques, involving close comparison of three distinct works of art, no expert has a single word to say about the mushrooms depicted vividly in the Paris MS.

It appears that religious scholars practice intentional blindness when it comes to this extraordinary work of sacred art.

Private Illuminations

I am no expert on medieval illuminated manuscripts, but from what I can gather the Paris Eadwine Psalter was the unique production of British-Celtic artists who supplied the mycological material when the MS was begun.

For some reason, their work was interrupted.

In Catalonia, the artist(s) who took over the job phased out the mushrooms, which do not appear at all after page 100.
Odd, since mushrooms of the Genus psilocybe are known to grow prolifically in Catalonia, on the south-facing slopes of the Pyrenees.

But of course they also grow prolifically all over England, Wales, and Ireland.

We may infer a division of opinion among the two teams of scribes who produced Latin MS 8846.
The second shift in Catalonia did not eliminate the mushroom imagery of the first team, but they did not continue it, either.

Whatever the case,

"the technique used for the most luxuriously illustrated books of the late 12th century",

...was applied to this masterpiece, suggesting that someone was putting a lot of time and money into it, intending to produce a prized work of art.

I wonder if the individual or group who initially conceived this extraordinary book had in mind to illustrate it fully and completely with mushroom imagery.

  • Did the "generous friend" who sponsored the Paris Eadwine Psalter, and may have had a hand in directing its initial execution, want to share entheobotanical illuminations with the world at large?

  • Was the construction of the MS interrupted because someone else was against this disclosure?
This seems probable that something like this occurred, but given how little we know its origin and production, it is impossible to be certain about how and why the Paris Eadwine Psalter was created.

Illuminated Heresy
- More Images from the Paris Eadwine Psalter -

The Sermon on the Mushroom Mountain
Latin MS 8846, fol 6v, Psalm 2 BnF

A recent trip to Paris afforded me the chance to visit the National Library of France and acquire some inkjet reproductions of the Paris Eadwine Psalter.

With a couple of exceptions, where the source is wrongly attributed to "the Canterbury Psalter," this material appears exclusively on the Internet on metahistory.

Gaze and wonder!


Here is the same folio page shown in another view with color values adjusted to how it looks on microfilm - rather faded.

I have not yet seen or handled the original MS so I do not know if its colors correspond to the gloriously preserved tones of the other version, or if this is a Photoshop effect.

Scholars take the Sermon on the Mount for an illustration of Psalms 2, with allusion perhaps to verse 6,

"Yet I have set my king upon the holy hill of Zion."

In the scant literature I have been able to find on the Paris Eadwine Psalter, we are told that the lavish imagery of the MS is linked textually to the Old Testament books describing early events in the ecclesiastical story of humankind, mainly Genesis, and to the Psalms.

Lately we are hearing a lot of chatter about entheogens in the Old Testament, suggesting that Moses was "high" on Mount Sinai in ways that have not previously been considered.

Benny Shannon seems to have kicked off the discussion, which involves a variation of the ecclesiastical mushroom cult proposed by Carl Ruck, a spinoff of the Allegro thesis (The Sacred Mushroom and the Cross), itself a spinoff of the Wasson thesis.

Biblical Entheogens by Shannon, just out in March 2007, looks set to stir up a lot of controversy, not to mention loud protests from the Catholic Church and other defenders of ye ol'time relijun, salvationist-style.

Paul Krassner has now jumped into the fray, as doubtless many others will do in short time.

I can only wonder how the revelations of the Paris Eadwine Psalter will affect this debate.

One possibility: since the Paris MS does not show amanitas, it may influence the prevalent tendency of Allergo, Ruck, and others to identify the fly-agaric as the entheogenic sacrament of choice among the Christian fold.

In other words, it will support speculation that Christianity arose from a mushroom cult in Palestine.
I strongly oppose this thesis.

Another possibility: close analysis of MS 8846 may suggest the survival of non-Christian cultic practices in Europe, late remnants of the Mysteries.

If so, we will have to consider how Mystery cult revelations of the magic mushroom differed from the visionary states experienced by the ecclesiastical elite who, according to Ruck and others, kept the secret to themselves.

I have some thoughts on this issue, to be presented in a look at the "Good Friday Experiment" coming up in The Psychonautic Adventure, G2.

Typically, the MS presents botanically pictured fungi of different species or genii along with a stylized version, the omphalos-bud, as I am calling it. Beneath the Savior are two botanical images, white (left) and brown (right), The brown mushroom sprouts from the same trunk as a blue omphalos-bud.

In the upper right, under the angelic finger, two botanical specimens with their caps shredding sprout from the same trunk as a blue omphalos-bud. Just to the left, an ochre-colored omphalos-bud shares the trunk with a brown mushroom.

Did the visionary artists who conceived and oversaw the making of the psalter want to signify that both kinds of mushroom, literally represented and stylized, have the same source?

They both come from the fruiting body of the mycelium.
The blue-staining properties of the Psilocybe genus, indicative of tryptamines, are continually emphasized by the distinct bluish color of the trunks of the fruiting bodies.

Elsewhere in the MS the botanically represented specimens display the same coloring.

Close up, the mushroom mountain has some intriguing details.

The omphalos buds appear in three different types, (left to right):
  • a composite of mouth-like nodules (recalling a venus fly-trap)

  • white mini-mushrooms in a lattice

  • oblique, tree-shaped triangles
The mini-mushroom head is strikingly juxtaposed to the world globe at the tip of the long inverted cross held by the Savior.

In Christian symbology, the fusion of cross and globe signifies the reign of dominator religion across the entire planet. Here, with the staff pointed down, it may carry another message.

The ecclesiastical staff touches or almost merges with the mini-mushroom cluster - as if to say, "The true power of the world comes from here?"
The two lower mushrooms are clearly represented as botanical specimens, although the one on the right may incorporate other plant imagery.

Otherwise, the mushroom mount is composed of clustered dark ringlets with some kind of white-flowered plant sprouting from them.
These delicate plants have ochre buds or flame-like blossoms at the top.

Botanical identification?
I can't say.

However, speaking as a psychonaut, I can attest that the ringlets resemble a sight I have frequently seen in visionary trance: supple conduits that wind endlessly into hyperspace.

I take these conduits to be micro-tubular channels in the atmospheric body of Gaia.
Paracelsus called them iliastri, threads of star-matter.

They are closely associated with DNA which is structurally arranged by microtubules.
The unidentified plants have three stems, recalling the triplets of DNA.

Could the leaves on the plants be a way of picturing letters in the genetic code?


Christ tempted

by an antlered shaman-devil in a mushroom grove.

Expanding Our Awareness to See...

A Multi-Dimensional Reality

We perceive Reality through our senses which convince us that the way in which we experience the world around us is exactly the way it exists.

The true nature of Reality, however, is not experienced through this superficial perception of the world and limits the incredible (some say magical) nature of the universe and beyond.

Thanks to the new physics led by such luminaries as David Bohm, Ervin Laszlo and Fred Alan Wolf, the collective consciousness now has easy access to the in-formation about the universe showing us that Reality is far more complex and interwoven that we have imagined it to be.

The illusion of a stable dense reality that we call the third dimension can distort our very understanding of what we are, how we are, and why we are.

We oftentimes put too much trust in our basics senses without seeing if there is more than meets the eye (oftentimes doing so in order to create simple answers to complex questions).

The wonderful truth is that there is much, much more to life than this.

The new physics validates many understandings of life, the universe, and Reality as a whole that were experienced by the sages, the mystics, and the meditators of ages past.

One of the most incredible validations is the reality of multi-dimensionality.

David Bohm, one of the most forward-thinking paradigm-shifters of the new physics, had discovered through mathematical equations and actual experiments that particles making up matter in the form of a flower, chair, human, etc. are literal, “projections of a higher-dimensional reality which cannot be accounted for in terms of any force or interaction between them”.

It’s discoveries and proclamations such as this one that have helped establish with larger and larger certainty the idea that we are living and experiencing a world that is a holographic projection out of some primary Reality.

It is the understanding of such a fundamental aspect of reality that made physicists such as Albert Einstein and Max Planck to effectively put forward the idea that matter, the way we perceive it to be, does not exist.

When we understand that all is one and that everything is connected to everything else within our lives, the planet and the universe, then we cannot just stop there… we have to expand it far beyond these limitations.

David Bohm explained that the, “implicate order (the unbroken wholeness of the totality of existence as an undivided flowing movement without borders) has to be extended into a multidimensional reality. In principle, this reality is one unbroken whole, including the entire universe with all its ‘fields’ and ‘particles.’”

Reality may seem vast, elaborate and complex yet it is ultimately an undivided Whole.

We perceive the Whole as something that is incredibly fractionated in all sorts of ways (stars are different from swimming pools which are different from bananas which are different from video games) yet all of these supposed divisions arise from the same Source field and energy that expresses itself in a unique way as to develop this Source field of energy in as many different configuration patterns as is possible…and anything is possible leaving this truly infinite in its scope.

Accepting a multidimensional reality is one of the most significant paradigm shifts that you can have in your lifetime.

The way you look at everything changes.
You even have the ability to experience reality in a far wider way than you once did since you will be more aware of there being more than what you previously thought there was “out there.”

All the seemingly empty space around you will not be empty anymore.
Bohm and other physicists have shifted their positions of awareness to see the world through this new lens of wonderment.

Bohm said that, “what we call empty space contains an immense background of energy, and matter as we know it is a small, ‘quantized’ wavelike excitation on top of this background, like a tiny ripple on a vast sea.”

Looking deeper into these energy ripples on the cosmic sea, physicists have found (below insert) that in a cubic centimeter of seemingly-empty space, with the shortest possible wave (10-33 cm), there is far more energy than the total energy of all the physical matter in the known universe.

Energy Density of the Vacuum

The energy density of the vacuum potential is enormous, even mind-boggling.

While scientists have estimated that energy by various means, a reasonable calculation is given by Wheeler and Misner in their Geometrodynamics.
In that calculation, Wheeler and Misner apply the formalism of general relativity to the zero point energy of vacuum.

The fabric of space appears as a turbulent virtual plasma consisting of particles whose size is on the order of Planck's length - some 10-33 cm.

The energy density of the electric flux passing through each particle is enormous: It is 1093 grams per cubic centimeter, expressed in mass units (i.e., the energy per cubic centimeter has been divided by c2).

And that's just using the spatial energy density (the “decompressed” or ordinary energy).

The energy density of the vacuum is appreciably greater than what physicists normally calculate, because they do not calculate the additional time-energy density portion of the vacuum stress.

If we also allow for the time-energy (the “compressed” energy), we restore that c2 division factor, producing on the order of 10110 grams per cubic centimeter, or - in energy terms - on the order of 10127 joules per cubic centimeter.

J. A. Wheeler and C. Misner


Academic Press, New York, 1962.


Tom Bearden comments:

There are many ways to extract energy from the seething vacuum.
Unfortunately, at present our scientific community takes a bizarre stance.

In particle physics it is well known that the active vacuum is incredibly energetic.

Calculations by leading physicists such as Wheeler show that a cubic centimeter of vacuum (about the tip of one's little finger in volume) has so much raw energy in it that, if condensed into matter, there would be more matter than is observable in the universe through the largest telescope!

So even a tiny efficiency of tapping could and will extract all the energy anyone could wish.

However, in classical Maxwell Heaviside electrodynamics (as used in electrical engineering), the same scientific community now assumes in the model that the vacuum is absolutely inert!

The model also assumes that the local space-time is flat, so no energy from curved space-time can be forthcoming, according to that inane model.

Then the model assumes that all EM fields, potentials, and every joule of EM energy in the universe is produced by their associated source charges - right out of nothing at all, with no energy input to the charge at all, but with continuous energy flow from it.

The amazing and incredible nature of this discovery is almost surreal, yet it’s been found to be a very real aspect of our Reality.

Why live in a shadow of what truly is?
Let go of all past perceptions about a bland three-dimensional Reality that you may have once had.
Understand, experience, and embrace the upgraded reality you can now undoubtedly become aware of.

See the incredible magic that you are a part of, since you are multidimensional just as everything else is.
Welcome to your new upgraded Reality.

Your life will look completely different from here on out.
I listened to this today and was surprised to find him speaking of many of the things I have been speaking/pondering about lately myself.
A very enjoyable and thought-provoking talk.

Entering Into The Spirit World, O.B.E.s, William Buhlman

Truth hides behind an apparent physical world,
adventure awaits the seeker of things deeper than their own temporary physical existence...

There's a marvelous sense of wonder that runs through this thread @Skarekrow. A lot of @Wyote 's posts do the same for me as well.

Thankyou both of you!
