I hear such wonderful things about Florida!

If you like that comic, she has a ton that are totally relatable...I wouldn’t be surprised if she is an INFJ herself.

OoooOOooooooO! Thank you Skare! I'll check her out!

And yeah, Florida is super great LMFAO! :tearsofjoy::tearsofjoy::tearsofjoy::tearsofjoy::sweatsmile:

One thing though, if you ever do visit Florida, go to Siesta Keys! Most softest sand your feet will ever step on. I miss it.

Good morning folks...




(This is me exactly when evangelical “Christians” tell me I’m destined for “Hell”, lol...okay.)


Now this is very interesting!
Has the puzzle been solved?

(how the guy around 2:15 first comes in... :tearsofjoy:)

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The Evolution of Telepathy
Rupert Sheldrake, The Perrott-Warrick Lecture at Trinity College, Cambridge University

Dr Rupert Sheldrake argues that telepathy is a normal means of communication among members of animal groups,
and is often shown by domesticated animals like dogs and cats in their responses to their owners' thoughts and intentions.

Abstract: Field observations have suggested that wolves and other wild animals may communicate telepathically over many miles,
and surveys have shown that about 50% of dog owners and about
30% of cat owners believe that their pets may respond to their thoughts or silent commands.

Among humans, apparent telepathy is most commonly reported between members of families and between close friends and colleagues.
Experimental investigations of telepathy in animals and people suggest that
telepathy may be a natural means of communication between members of animal and human groups.

Human telepathy is still evolving in the context of modern technologies, including the internet, emails, SMS messages and telephones.
Dr. Sheldrake will show how anyone can explore their own abilities in automated telepathy tests using mobile phones.
Telepathy is normal, not paranormal.

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I’ve always been curious about what role the depression my Mother suffered while I was in utero has played in my own life as a depressed child (then as an adult).
From the moment I have memories I remember telling my Mom that I was sad, and crying into her lap, telling her I didn’t like myself...which was because I felt this constant sadness or depression even as a 3-4 year old child.
Where did this come from?
Was it more to do with the childhood brain of an INFJ, or did genetics and hormones play a larger role to activate or stimulate certain brain regions while forming?
I had a very supportive childhood from my parents for the most part...we were poor growing up...but they did a good job with what they had, and over time became more and more financially stable.
When my Father died he was comforted to know that my Mom was not going to lose the house and was on stable ground to afford her retirement.
My Dad was very quickly able to move from his cancer diagnosis to acceptance...at least he gave that appearance.
My Father was very stoic most of the time...he had PTSD from Vietnam where he was a Recon Patrol Sgt. - he never ever ever talked about Vietnam.
He was spit on by hippies when he returned home after being forced by our government to go.
His own Parents met while they were both in the Army...so not going was not even a question.
I feel that his experience in the war actually helped him accept his terminal diagnosis...I think he had faced the very real possibility of his own death a long time ago.
I was not allowed to sleep in my Parent’s bed after having a bad dream after my Dad woke up with his hands around my 2 year old neck while dreaming he was choking an enemy combatant once.
Anyhow...I digress.

Thought this was an interesting short article...

The Neurology of Ego, Desire and Fear


Much has been said about the Human condition and the source of human suffering.
Thinking that I have something new to add would be the height of arrogance so I will simply give another viewpoint of what is already known…a neurological one.

Our journey in this world began with the union of 2 cells and their growth into what we consider to be “I”.
Week 5 of embryonic development the nervous system begins to form and by the 3rd trimester the 3 primary functional components are in place.

These components are categorized as Sensory input, Motor output and Central integration.
The primary purpose of the nervous system is movement toward something we want (ie food) and away from something we don’t want (ie predators).

These 3 functional components make this possible by sensing the environment, integrating that information, and generating a motor response.
The establishment of this circuit establishes the subject/object or Self/Other dichotomy and is the birth of Ego.

Prior to this, we were simply cells at one with all the inputs that created them (carbon from a long dead star, oxygen from plant life, and nitrogen from the death and recycling of this plant life, ect ect).

The sensory input coming into this “I” is in the form of smell, sight, sound, touch, and taste and can be loosely divided into 2 categories, Pleasure and Pain.

The “I/Ego” judges the pleasurable inputs as good and the painful inputs as bad and learns to desire one and fear the other.
This is not necessarily a bad thing and is necessary for the basic survival of the organism.

The error in judgment here is not everything that is pleasurable is good (ie too much sugar or alcohol) and not everything that is painful is bad (ie learning your multiplication tables).

In fact, there’s an argument to to be made that the fastest way we learn is through the pain of failure.

Babies come out of the womb hardwired for this Desire/Fear combination in the form of 2 primitive reflexes.
The Suckling reflex is seen when tickling the baby’s cheek causes them to move their head toward the stimulus in Desire for food.

This reflex activates the Parasympathetic or REST/DIGEST nervous system which governs growth, healing, and digestion.
The Moro reflex is seen when a loud noise causes the baby to extend their arms and legs quickly in Fear to protect themselves.

This reflex activates the Sympathetic or FIGHT/FLIGHT nervous system which governs the quick activation of resources to fight or run away from threats. Too much parasympathetic activation can cause lethargy, eating disorders, addictions, inability to focus and brain fog.

Too much sympathetic activation can cause adrenal fatigue, high blood pressure, anxiety, insomnia and PTSD.
So we see that extremes of Desire and Fear are not healthy for the organism.

Through the process of neuro-plasticity the desire for pleasure and the fear of pain grows to include more and more things in our reality and take on a reality of their own.

Desire grows into Greed, Envy, Gluttony and Lust.
Fear grows into Anger, Pride and Sloth…the 7 deadly sins.

If you think about it though, there are elements of both Desire and Fear in all 7 sins.

As “I/Ego” and judgement grows, so does Desire and Fear and the resultant 7 sins until you have a world situation like we have today.

Knowledge of how we got to our current dilemma is nice, but what do we do with it?
The mystics of all religious traditions know that the Self/Other dichotomy (ego) is a creation of mind.

If you know how the process begins, then limiting Ego to that of a child’s because “of such is the Kingdom of Heaven” would be a good place to start. Also, “Judge not, lest ye be judged” makes more sense because the more you fire that judgement circuitry, the more it grows until it becomes that little voice in your head that judges and berates you for your shortcomings and creates shame.

The story of Adam and Eve talks of the fruit of the Tree of KNOWLEDGE of good and evil…which would require a judgement.
Prior to this judgement, nakedness was not considered evil and providing our daily needs was natural and not “earning our living by the sweat of our brow“.

Limiting desire and fear can be achieved by complete acceptance of whatever happens and perhaps by reciting the mantra “Not my will, but Thy will be done” which helps to limit the extremes of both.

You need just enough Ego, Desire and Fear that you don’t starve or “walk in front of a bus” as Suzuki Roshi said.

True Love helps us to transcend all three extremes, but only if it is “unconditional” or “without discrimination” as Thich Nhat Hanh says.
As is expressed in the Tao Te Ching, virtue (or love) that is shown in order to get something in return is transactional love, not true love.

True love limits ego, desire and fear to the point of being willing to lay down your life for another, it’s highest expression.

If you understand, that the Self/Other dichotomy is a creation of mind and not an absolute border between Self and Other, then these verses make more sense;

Therefore all things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you: do ye even so to them: for this is the law and the prophets. Matthew 7:12

“You shall not take vengeance or bear a grudge against your kinsfolk. Love your neighbor as yourself: I am the LORD.” (Leviticus 19:18

“Never impose on others what you would not choose for yourself.” — Confucius[14](c. 500 BC)

“What you do not want to happen to you, do not do it yourself either. ” – Sextus the Pythagorean

“Treat your inferior as you would wish your superior to treat you.” The Stoic Philosophy of Seneca

“…and you should forgive And overlook: Do you not like God to forgive you? And Allah is The Merciful Forgiving.”

— Quran (Surah 24, “The Light”, v. 22)

“One who, while himself seeking happiness, oppresses with violence other beings who also desire happiness, will not attain happiness hereafter.”

— Dhammapada

And Allah will judge with (Justice and) Truth: but those whom (men) invoke besides Him, will not (be in a position) to judge at all. Verily it is Allah (alone) Who hears and sees (all things).”

Ghafir (Surat al-Mu’min) 40 Verse 20

We are born with the neurology necessary to survive, but like any tool, it can hurt they wielder if not used properly.
Used properly, it can create a masterpiece of a life.

By Dr. Gary Easter
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You Get Proud by Practicing
by Laura Hershey


If you are not proud
For who you are, for what you say, for how you look;
If every time you stop
To think of yourself, you do not see yourself glowing
With golden light; do not, therefore, give up on yourself.
You can get proud.

You do not need
A better body, a purer spirit, or a Ph.D.
To be proud.
You do not need
A lot of money, a handsome boyfriend, or a nice car.
You do not need
To be able to walk, or see, or hear,
Or use big, complicated words,
Or do any of those things that you just can’t do
To be proud. A caseworker
Cannot make you proud,
Or a doctor.
You only need more practice.
You get proud by practicing.

There are many many ways to get proud.
You can try riding a horse, or skiing on one leg,
Or playing guitar,
And do well or not so well,
And be glad you tried
Either way.
You can show
Something you’ve made
To someone you respect
And be happy with it no matter
What they say.
You can say
What you think, though you know
Other people do not think the same way, and you can
keep saying it, even if they tell you
You are crazy.

You can add your voice
All night to the voices
Of a hundred and fifty others
In a circle
Around a jailhouse
Where your brothers and sisters are being held
For blocking buses with no lifts,
Or you can be one of the ones
Inside the jailhouse,
Knowing of the circle outside.
You can speak your love
To a friend
Without fear.
You can find someone who will listen to you
Without judging you or doubting you or being
Afraid of you
And let you hear yourself perhaps
For the very first time.
These are all ways
Of getting proud.
None of them
Are easy, but all of them
Are possible. You can do all of these things,
Or just one of them again and again.
You get proud
By practicing.

Power makes you proud, and power
Comes in many fine forms
Supple and rich as butterfly wings.
It is music
when you practice opening your mouth
And liking what you hear
Because it is the sound of your own
True voice.

It is sunlight
When you practice seeing
Strength and beauty in everyone,
Including yourself.
It is dance
when you practice knowing
That what you do
And the way you do it
Is the right way for you
And cannot be called wrong.
All these hold
More power than weapons or money
Or lies.
All these practices bring power, and power
Makes you proud.
You get proud
By practicing.

Remember, you weren’t the one
Who made you ashamed,
But you are the one
Who can make you proud.
Just practice,
Practice until you get proud, and once you are proud,
Keep practicing so you won’t forget.
You get proud
By practicing.




You Get Proud by Practicing
by Laura Hershey


If you are not proud
For who you are, for what you say, for how you look;
If every time you stop
To think of yourself, you do not see yourself glowing
With golden light; do not, therefore, give up on yourself.
You can get proud.

You do not need
A better body, a purer spirit, or a Ph.D.
To be proud.
You do not need
A lot of money, a handsome boyfriend, or a nice car.
You do not need
To be able to walk, or see, or hear,
Or use big, complicated words,
Or do any of those things that you just can’t do
To be proud. A caseworker
Cannot make you proud,
Or a doctor.
You only need more practice.
You get proud by practicing.

There are many many ways to get proud.
You can try riding a horse, or skiing on one leg,
Or playing guitar,
And do well or not so well,
And be glad you tried
Either way.
You can show
Something you’ve made
To someone you respect
And be happy with it no matter
What they say.
You can say
What you think, though you know
Other people do not think the same way, and you can
keep saying it, even if they tell you
You are crazy.

You can add your voice
All night to the voices
Of a hundred and fifty others
In a circle
Around a jailhouse
Where your brothers and sisters are being held
For blocking buses with no lifts,
Or you can be one of the ones
Inside the jailhouse,
Knowing of the circle outside.
You can speak your love
To a friend
Without fear.
You can find someone who will listen to you
Without judging you or doubting you or being
Afraid of you
And let you hear yourself perhaps
For the very first time.
These are all ways
Of getting proud.
None of them
Are easy, but all of them
Are possible. You can do all of these things,
Or just one of them again and again.
You get proud
By practicing.

Power makes you proud, and power
Comes in many fine forms
Supple and rich as butterfly wings.
It is music
when you practice opening your mouth
And liking what you hear
Because it is the sound of your own
True voice.

It is sunlight
When you practice seeing
Strength and beauty in everyone,
Including yourself.
It is dance
when you practice knowing
That what you do
And the way you do it
Is the right way for you
And cannot be called wrong.
All these hold
More power than weapons or money
Or lies.
All these practices bring power, and power
Makes you proud.
You get proud
By practicing.

Remember, you weren’t the one
Who made you ashamed,
But you are the one
Who can make you proud.
Just practice,
Practice until you get proud, and once you are proud,
Keep practicing so you won’t forget.
You get proud
By practicing.

I love this!
I love this!
So do I!
I cannot take credit for finding it though...I don’t know if the person wants it or not so I will keep mum.
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Though “aliens” aren’t discussed in this thread much...
UFO’s and the “paranormal" do occasionally pop up on legit radar from legit sources.

CIA releases 13m pages of declassified documents online


The documents include records of UFO sightings​

About 13 million pages of declassified documents from the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) have been released online.

The records include UFO sightings and psychic experiments from the Stargate programme, which has long been of interest to conspiracy theorists.

The move came after lengthy efforts from freedom of information advocates and a lawsuit against the CIA.

The full archive is made up of almost 800,000 files.

They had previously only been accessible at the National Archives in Maryland.

The trove includes the papers of Henry Kissinger, who served as secretary of state under presidents Richard Nixon and Gerald Ford, as well as several hundred thousand pages of intelligence analysis and science research and development.

Among the more unusual records are documents from the Stargate Project, which dealt with psychic powers and extrasensory perception.

Those include records of testing on celebrity psychic Uri Geller in 1973, when he was already a well-established performer.

Memos detail how Mr Geller was able to partly replicate pictures drawn in another room with varying - but sometimes precise - accuracy, leading the researchers to write that he "demonstrated his paranormal perceptual ability in a convincing and unambiguous manner".

One set of documents details results of psychic tests on Uri Geller, where he attempted to copy drawings made by researchers from within a sealed room

Other unusual records include a collection of reports on flying saucers, and the recipes for invisible ink.

While much of the information has been technically publicly available since the mid-1990s, it has been very difficult to access.

The records were only available on four physical computers located in the back of a library at the National Archives in Maryland, between 09:00 and 16:30 each day.

A non-profit freedom of information group, MuckRock, sued the CIA to force it to upload the collection, in a process which took more than two years.

At the same time, journalist Mike Best crowd-funded more than $15,000 to visit the archives to print out and then publicly upload the records, one by one, to apply pressure to the CIA.

"By printing out and scanning the documents at CIA expense, I was able to begin making them freely available to the public and to give the agency a financial incentive to simply put the database online," Best wrote in a blog post.

In November, the CIA announced it would publish the material, and the entire declassified CREST archive is now available on the CIA Library website.

Two things:
I am not endorsing the illegal drug use of anyone.
That being said, your consciousness is your own, it will and should always be so.
How you choose to go about exploring such an unknown world should also be freely done so, so long as harm is minimized to nearly nil (but even then it’s still your own choice).
Never let someone tell you or influence you so strongly that you disregard your intuition...especially as INxx’s, and go against your better judgement.
You mind is the only place that it truly your own and no one else’s.
(I liked this video, but I’m not a big personal fan of the Gaia website this is linked to and from...mostly as I perceive them as trying to capitalize on “awakening” or “enlightening” the world...which is a hypocritical stance for anyone who understands that money and/or ego fluffing is the wrong way to go about it. You are so woke!)

War on Drugs or a War on the Mind?

Take an introductory look at the founding practices and propaganda
surrounding the development and prohibition of psychedelic use in our society.
When scientific study and ancient ritual point toward psychedelics as a tool for healing and awakening,
why are these age-old plants regarded as harmful?
In this ground-breaking original series, experts explore the history and use of psychedelic plants including political ambitions,
the perceived shadow side and the proper environment to experience these substances.
From the origins of Shamanism to the spiritual expression of modern awakenings,
discover the role of sacred medicine as a gateway to expanded consciousness, and its continued influence on humanity.
Watch the full series here: http://bit.ly/Take_a_PsychedelicJourney
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Saw the Doctor yesterday...


When you have to remind, and/or educate your Rheumatologist:

"For patients with active ankylosing spondylitis, TNF inhibitors are recommended, but up to 40 percent of patients do not respond to anti-TNF therapy or they cannot tolerate the medication."

"...less than 70% of people with AS have a raised ESR value, even when there is active inflammation."

Your medications and blood tests are worthless to me.

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