Mystery Teachings From the Book ‘Secrets of Heaven’


Imagine having the perspective of the angels and invisible teachers that watch over our world for a moment. The insight, clarity and understanding from this vantage point would be astonishing. Being able to experience the mental, emotional and energetic states of all beings as they truly are in each moment would be an amazing perspective to behold. Believe it or not, there are groups of non-physical beings who watch over us individually and our planet as a whole. Each of us has a strong and intimate relationship with these beings that extends beyond our physical reality. They are with us at this very moment, if we can only just be still enough to feel their presence. Usually thought of as angels, guides, teachers and our spiritual family, they assist us by providing intuitive guidance, inspired thought, creative insight and a multitude of other ingenious forms of divine assistance that we cannot fully comprehend right now.

To appreciate and experience this relationship firsthand, it helps to develop stillness of mind through conscious breathing and regular meditation practice. Being receptive is key. Call on your guides in a genuine manner and be open to receiving unexpected forms of assistance. These teachers are found by focusing your attention inward; they are not “out there” somewhere. Even if we deny their existence, their help is still ongoing and available to us, especially in times of great need or danger, where we often act in inexplicable ways without fully realizing why.Why are these Angels here with us?
Part of the reason is to remind us where we really come from and of our true purpose for being in the world. We each have very specific reasons for being in these bodies at this time, which will make full use of the gifts we bring from beyond the physical realm. No matter how wealthy, successful or stimulated we are, until we work towards actualizing this greater purpose, we will always feel unfulfilled and uneasy deep down. It is important that we understand this. We are each here to activate the deeper spiritual Knowledge within ourselves–our true connection to God–which goes far beyond the intellectual mind and is the source of all power and love in the universe.

“Knowledge is the deeper spiritual mind that the Creator has given to each person. It is the source of all meaningful action, contribution and relationships. It is our natural inner guidance system. Its reality is mysterious, but its presence can be directly experienced. Knowledge is remarkably wise and effective in guiding each person in finding his or her right relationships, work and contribution. It is equally effective in preparing one to recognize the many pitfalls and deceptions that exist along the way. It is the basis for seeing, knowing and acting with certainty and strength. It is the foundation of life.” — via Steps to Knowledge

I would like to share with you a powerful new book called Secrets of Heaven, the latest release from the New Message from God world teachings. The book contains 300 short mystery teachings that have the potential to inspire you at a deep and genuine level. It is a great book that you can pick up at any page and find piercing insights to contemplate and motivate you back on track. I find it incredible that reading just a few short sentences can move me at the level of spirit like some of these passages do.
The hidden truths and wisdom found within these pages were first revealed to messenger Marshall Vian Summers in a series of mysterious angelic encounters starting in 1983 in the deserts of the American Southwest. For the past 30 years, Summers has continued to receive these profound communications, which are now digitally recorded as they are originally received and then transcribed. Listening to the voice that comes through Summers is very unique; it is unlike any human voice I have ever heard and is truly a powerful presence to behold. My inner knowing confirms to me that the Angelic Assembly is speaking through Summers as one voice and this continues to inspire me to be of service while I am here in this body.

“From the depths of Mystery come the Secrets of Heaven.
They have come to take you deeper into the experience of mystery and purpose that surrounds your presence in the world. The Angels of Heaven seek to share with you what has long been forgotten in the world.
Miraculously, as if whispered across time and space, these secrets have now come to you. You have found them.
At a time of great change in the world, Heaven seeks to reveal to you the long-forgotten truths that once guided the prophets, poets, messengers and mystics throughout the ages. Here the ancient memory and awareness that dwells within you can be rekindled, revealing your greater gifts and purpose in the world.
The Secrets of Heaven hold the power to unlock these gifts, deep at the heart of humanity. With these gifts, there is new hope for the world.
Heaven asks you to receive its secrets. Each secret is a window into a greater reality. Each secret is an opportunity to peer through the looking glass, and see ourselves as we are seen from above. Now we are looking through the eyes of Heaven to see ourselves, others and the world as never before.” — from the book cover

The New Message is the most profound and direct set of teachings that I have come across in my life. Why is it so powerful? Because it provides a fresh and universal perspective from the Creator when we need it most. It is not based on any existing world religion and is meant for all regardless of background, religion, culture or creed. It helps us to understand how we fit into a universe that is filled with intelligent life at all levels of evolution — including those beings that do not have our best interests at heart. It has helped me move beyond just a human perspective of all things, beginning with the development of a universal identity and awareness, which allows me to appreciate that we are part of an even bigger panorama of life.
It acknowledges the grave challenges that we face now and in the future: surviving the Great Waves of Change and facing extraterrestrial intervention and competition from beyond the world. I find that the New Message addresses these vital issues with piercing clarity and honesty, written in a way that even a 10 year old child could understand it.While the New Message may be rejected and opposed by many, there is an important message that it aims to make clear:
If we do not successfully recognize and navigate the crucial challenges ahead, humanity will face a grave and precipitous decline in the future, leading to tremendous loss and untold suffering.

Our world system is very vulnerable in many ways and a great shakeup or collapse in its functioning would change everything. I believe that accepting failure as a possibility is not a negative viewpoint, it is simply recognizing what is possible. What is up ahead is not set in stone, as we are all active contributors to its unfolding, but continuing to sow the seeds of our demise as a collective is not a wise decision.
Right now, we are vastly underestimating the misuse and abuse of our planet and its resources and what this will mean for our future. It is also becoming increasingly evident that we are being visited by an increasing number of extraterrestrial forces both in our skies and underground. In many cases these are beings who are here to deceive us and capitalize on our weaknesses, committing serious violations and abuses to humans worldwide almost totally in secret. I feel that we cannot afford to keep burying our heads in the sand on these issues. Human greed, arrogance and ignorance are some of our biggest vices and they must be overcome if we are to have any chance at becoming a free and self-sufficient interplanetary race. It is up to us to individually reclaim our ability to serve as vehicles for Spirit and Knowledge to express itself through us, for humanity needs strong, dedicated and effective individuals now and in the challenging times ahead.

The fate of humanity will be determined in the next 20 years—the condition of the world, the condition of the human family, the fate and the future of human civilization.
You are no longer alone in the world or even in the universe. Of course. You do not know what is occurring and what is coming over the horizon because you are too afraid to see and too arrogant, assuming that you know. That is why the Revelation must be given to show you what you cannot see and do not know. beyond human speculation and estimation. This is embedded in all of the Teachings of the New Message.” — from The Recitation, Apr. 9, 2011

I do not share this with you to incite fear. Rather, I share this with you to inspire your courage and willingness to be of service to a world and race that is truly in need. Your contribution is needed and this is why you came here — to help and serve during this time of difficult transition. So I invite you to consider the following secrets deeply and with your full attention, taking a moment to be with them and allowing them to resonate at a deeper level. There are so many that I would like to share with you, but for brevity’s sake, I have included 45 in this article for you to consider and take from them what you will.

The Angelic Presence

#1: We are above the surface of your world, and yet your environment is as transparent to us as a shallow pond with fish. Even more so, since we have lived in that pond so many times ourselves. How much more we know. If the fish could but listen to the thoughts of its observers who stand over its domain, it could learn of everything else—of the trees and the sky, the flowers, the source of the water that feeds its pond and the destiny of the water that is drained from its pond. It is the same for you. You could learn what lies beyond your domain, for like the fish, you live within a whole universe, not within a little pond. Though the fish may live its entire life in such a small place, it swims in the whole universe, with the sky and the stars above it and below it as well. Is this not also true with you?
#2: We make ourselves public so that you may know our presence and know that there is a Master Plan. It is this Plan that you must now become aware of, for until you do, your life will be aimless, without certain purpose, with only your errors to teach you.
#3: We wish for you all to receive the joy that awaits you. In our world, there is joy. There are very few in this world who can contain the joy that we feel. We are not bound by what cannot succeed. We are not hopeless. We are not alone.
#48: We know how to resolve the difficulties that the world faces because we have resolved them for ourselves.
#133: Many of you will wonder who we are. We are what you will become.
#120: Our names are not known in the world. It is because our charge is not this world alone. There are many Teachers who attend to the world singularly. It is their purpose to do so. And yet our charge is to unite this world and prepare it for the Greater Community.
#231: We are bound to the physical by our obligations and desire to serve, which are the same. We have access to a Greater Reality, yet we exist here. We are nourished by this Greater Reality, and that is why we can exist in our capacity without misery. We serve our Spiritual Family, whom we love. We know our limits. We take full advantage of our strengths. We follow our Teachers, whom you cannot hear. We represent them as they represent those beyond them.
#169: It is not important whether you believe in our presence or not. This can only be known, and belief adds little testimony to it.

The Role of God

#5: God must enter a world where God is not welcome, in ways that do not generate fear and panic amongst those who believe the world is their only reality. It is for this reason that the Will of God manifests itself in subtle and ingenious ways in this world.
#10: God answers through the Teachers. They are God’s answer. They can translate the Will of God into an experience that you can accept, recognize and appreciate. It is through these relationships that the Will of God will become ever present to you.
#285: You need a larger perspective to comprehend the work of God. God is not human. God does not think like a human. God is not made in your image. God has no image. The Source of all life accounts for all life.

Preparation for Great Changes Ahead

#11: Now the old age draws to an end. Difficult will its ending be and turbulent. And yet you are preparing for the advent of this change and the beginning of a new order. The turmoil that you have felt in your individual lives is an indication that you are in preparation for a world in change.
#147: Your world is in a predictable stage of evolution. Think not it is unique, for all civilizations pass through these difficult transition periods. Many of them fail. Humanity is in the process of entering a more mature state.
#220: In this period of time, because you all sense imminent change, you react according to your personal inclinations. Some seek to revitalize old traditions and to establish old roots, while others seek to break all traditions and roots. Some attempt to reach God and escape being in the world, while others fall into despair. These are but different responses to the same basic feeling.
#173: The events to come will require a shift in reality of the Earth’s inhabitants. They must change or struggle against what they now experience. It is but this alone that they anticipate in their attempts to revive the old religions, systems and values, many of which have served a valuable purpose, yet in essence are long past. Are not the preparations of this century with its revivals, its new understandings, its outbreaks of conflict and its technological development but a preparation for what lies beyond in the new centuries to come? Has not all of this been building so rapidly towards a major turning point, as if racing to a finish that is in itself but a new beginning?

Walking The Path

#56: There is a great emphasis placed on those who respond to an inner calling. They have such importance. We gather around them. They hold the promise of renewal and rejuvenation for your world.
#100: Everyone wants to know the answer without making the journey. It is the journey that is the answer.
#158: Your heart will direct you. It is this we have spoken of before. Listen to your heart. It is not your emotions that we speak of, but your Knowledge.
#137: To be set on the path of good does not always look good. To learn of God does not always seem holy. To learn of Wisdom is certainly beyond human logic.
#12: When the mind is joined with Spirit, it is in its true role. It recognizes its function and is capable of fulfilling it perfectly.
#142: Many have attempted to reach God according to their own concepts and have become estranged from life as a result.

Divine Assistance

#241: Inner Guidance is simply the re-establishment of an established relationship. This is its true meaning. Though it seems remarkable to the one who receives it, it is simply a re-establishment of an old bond, as if an old friend has re-entered your life for a specific purpose.
#127: Contact with the Teachers is an exercise in remembering your true mind and your true relationships. The purpose inherent in this is to call you into service.
#128: You are guardians of a treasure unknowingly. Your treasure is your lineage, the accrued learning of all of your activities here and abroad.
#154: If you are to recall your lineage and with it the knowledge of your mission here, you must be able to expand beyond your human identity and affairs and yet bring all that you discover back to serve them.

Higher Purpose

#99: If you have purpose, you will teach it. If you do not have purpose, you must seek it.
#134: Your life has two possibilities. You will find your purpose and fulfill it, or you will not. It is only your success in this matter that you will reflect upon once you leave. For upon leaving the world, you will leave all the world’s preoccupations, leaving you with your one purpose, fulfilled or not.
#179: Inner Knowledge, true purpose, the presence of the Teachers—all sound an inner calling that must grow in strength and scope as it is attended to and utilized, recognized and applied. All that is in contradiction to this at some point will be recognized and relinquished as unwanted, as merely hindering that natural return of the heart.
#83: Knowledge brings responsibility, and purpose always has a calling. Indeed, the function of purpose is the response to a calling. You cannot understand your purpose without acting upon it. This action will call for perhaps a greater participation and understanding than you have ever known.

Learning Beyond The World

#65: Think not there will be an end to learning after you have left the world. This world is only a beginning.
#68: Being within a body in the world necessitates a certain level of ignorance. Accept this. Do not strive for total awareness, or you will neglect what can actually be done here.
#72: Your work now is within the world. You cannot leave here until your work is done. If you destroy your learning vehicle, you will simply have to wait and return again. Indeed, you will be anxious to return, for as you wait, you will recognize the opportunities that you missed. Recognizing your errors, you will be anxious to return.
#145: Your learning predicaments here are the same as they are everywhere. You must be sensible in this matter, for you see, your world will be visited in very visible ways by races in the Greater Community, and you will be all excited because you may think it is the arrival of enlightened ones who possess great technological advancements that will free your people. Do not be foolish.

Emerging into the Greater Community of Intelligent Life

#88: It is essential that the world undergo its transition into the Greater Community. It is the end of childhood, and with it many things will pass. Do not be concerned with complete destruction, for that is not the way of things. Be concerned instead with supporting the world through this state of transition.
#171: The values of this world will be so affected by your emergence into the Greater Community. There has never been an impact so great upon the consciousness of those who dwell here nor one of such grave consequences. Religion, art, philosophy, culture, the foundations of government, law and ethics—all will be greatly affected.
#126: Be prepared, then, for the visitation of those from the Greater Community. Yet you must be counseled. They are not all of good intention. A young adolescent entering the world of adults will discover the world through exposure. Many ideals and hopes perhaps will be lost encountering the real nature and state of those who are met. Thus it is with the emergence of this world into the Greater Community. Why is this relevant to you? It is relevant because it represents the time in history during which you have entered the world. It is your responsibility to serve this history, fulfilling your rightful place and thus completing your mission here.

True Service in the World

#39: The world will need you, and you must commit yourself to it. It is not a world of casual choices but a world of great demands, and the demands that it will make will show you your own greatness.
#260: You must successfully negotiate this world and use your physical abilities. You see, the Plan calls for the use of all your self-created abilities for a greater purpose. That is how everything is brought back into wholeness.
#291: Human beings are not sent here to achieve ultimate reality. That is not your purpose. Your purpose in being here is to complete being here.
#207: You are not needed where everything is wonderful. You are needed where everything is not wonderful. When this life is over, everything can be wonderful. You went to great pains to come into this world, to be where things are not wonderful. In this world, things are not wonderful. Do you understand? Do not lie about this, or you shall reach the epitome of ignorance. You know things are not wonderful.

Taking The Next Step In Life

#214: Do not attempt to reach the highest point, or you will miss the step that is in front of you, the step that has been awaiting you for so long.
#238: All this self-growth, what can it do for you? You either have Knowledge or you do not.
#95: You think your enlightenment occurs within you alone. All progress is the result of relationship. Your enlightenment is the recognition of complete relationship.
#165: We give personal relationships the greatest priority, for they have the greatest potential for strengthening or weakening those who participate.
#229: For some, the realization of Knowledge is devastating in that it discounts so many of their personal beliefs. Knowledge may not appear to be like God at all. It is sober. It is clear. It does not take positions. It directs actions on its own accord without any reference to outside influences.
#226: If you wish to experience the Teachers of God who surround you, call them Angels or whatever you wish, you must have a place within yourself that is open for this. Therefore, empty your mind of grand thoughts. Then you may enter the present, which is the beginning of the experience of Knowledge.
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I have a sneaking suspicion that one day we will have a more well-formed idea of the nature of reality, and things that previously only were thoughts and beliefs in the metaphysical realm will be explained.
I have the same feeling.
I get it completely....sometimes (even though I’m about to turn 37) I feel like I’m 80+ years and health truly are wasted on

:lol: Exactly!

Did you know that if you watch yourself getting a shot, that it actually hurts less? Your mind actually causes it to hurt less. There could be several lessons in that...if we ignore those things that can cause us pain, they usually end up hurting opposed to facing those things that cause us pain...even knowing that it will be ends up hurting less in the end.

* No….I didn’t know that about watching one’s self get a shot! How interesting. I can’t watch whenever medical instruments are being used in or on my body - or other people’s bodies for that matter. I have some sort of vasovagal syndrome where I faint easily. Like when the nurse or aid is trying to draw my blood I have to look away. I tell them they need to talk to me in a normal conversation about anything else but drawing the blood.*

I try....lord knows I be let go of the things that cause me only it were so easy.
Why is it you think that as we grow and move through life that we inevitably end up stressing about things instead of just realizing and understanding that that is just how life is in general?

* In my research about PTSD for my masters program I ran into all sorts of knowledge about how the brain works - the development - and how it reacts to life in a human.

I’m sure you’re familiar with the line “what fires together wires together” which is saying if we have the same thoughts coupled with the same emotions over and over again in our brain the neurons that facilitate the thought/emotion grow large and strong.

Hold that thought…

Now picture the human being living on this planet in the last 100 years. How many catastrophes has one lived through if they manage to make it to 100? Look at generations too. …and what they have undergone in their lifetimes. What behaviors did they pass on to their children as a result of all of these traumatic events?

Now think of a traumatic event you’ve been through and how the fear from then still partially colors your perceptions. Now multiply that through event after event and generation after generation.

Ultimately the brain gets wired from early on to hold on to fearful thought/emotions rather than joyful ones. It’s been said we are like Velcro for Fear and like Teflon for Happiness and Joy.

If you look back over thousands of years of human lifetimes you can see how we’ve been kicked back and beaten down and destroyed again and again. If you understand having lived multiple lives and how those memories are carried forward into the next lifetime (this creates our karma) - then you can begin to get a glimpse at why the human brain is easily activated into Fear mode.

This always always creates suffering. Either we’re receving suffering or creating our own suffering our creating suffering for someone else. No matter which way you look at it Fear is connected with Suffering.

Are we conditioned as we grow up to expect life to be different? Are we told that life is easy?
*This in an interesting question. My parents were the first generation to actually create a comfortable middle class. They were taught if they worked hard and played by the rules they would succeed. And for a time they did. During that time the boomers were born and we were taught if we worked hard and followed the rules we’d have a better life than our parents did. This was in fact the goal of many of that generation. They worked hard so their kids could have it “better” than they did.
We were very future oriented. I was taught I could be anything I wanted to be when I grew up. [snort]. I laugh derisively there - because that ideal didn’t last long after Kennedy was shot. But for a time I did truly believe I could be anyone or anything I wanted so long as I worked hard for it. It’s what prompted me to become a Chemical Engineer.

So there’s that aspect to look at. In a way - Yes - we are conditioned to expect life to be different. Partly because we’re so future oriented. You work to day for the pay that will buy you that thing or take that vacation tomorrow…. Right?

Another aspect is the manipulation and conditioning we receive to buy those things or take those fabulous vacations to make our life easy and enjoyable. You and I both know things don’t make a person happy - and neither do vacations. It’s a short lived emotional state and before one knows it - they’re suffering because they’re not on vacation or they don’t have a new thing.

So it’s at a minimum - a 2 pronged attack on our ability to maintain equanimity and feel joy. *

I know I wasn’t told that...and yet I am disappointed when obstacles arise in my path...when things don’t go smoothly...are we all just ridiculously ignorant thinking that it can be any other way?
*I take offense at being called ridiculously ignorant. I will readily agree that I am ignorant. But I am after all a product of my environment and it ain’t been peachy keen in my world - like ever.

Don’t worry - my feelings aren’t hurt. I’m just trying to draw your attention to that pretty harsh judgment you’re placing upon the majority of humans on this planet - especially your Self. We’ve lived through thousands of years of near extinction a few times. That’s gotta be imprinted into our very dna by now….don’t you think? Ease up on our ignorance….it’s creating your own suffering….hahahahahah…

Where does one begin to re-learn our expectations without becoming cynical and disappointed?
*Now this is a tough one…. I don’t think it’s possible to go through the process of re-learning without passing through the cynical phase. I heard this phrase the other day again… “Sure ….the truth will set you free….but first it’s gonna piss you off”. … In my experience….this is Truth. So you can see where we might be cynical and disappointed for a while as we work through the process.

Surely it would have been easier if we were taught differently growing up...just as it is easier to learn another language as a child...your mind being more elastic and less full of the bullshit we are eventually where do we begin our lesson on accepting the reality of our suffering? Or is that the grand lesson of life?
*Accepting reality is the grand lesson life….not necessarily just the suffering or just the happiness.

Are you familiar with the Buddhist blessing that says something like this?
“May you experience all of the 10,000 sorrows and 10,000 joys of your life”.

What this says to me is that if I take the time to actually acknowledge and experience whatever is happening in my life - in each moment - with honesty and as much non judgment as I can muster - then I will have fulfilled my purpose in being incarnate in this lifetime.
Are we just here to learn to suffer? To figure out how to accept it and by true acceptance, overcome it?
*No. We are here to utilize our innate talents and gifts in co-creation with another who is using their innate talents/gifts and fully participate and feel the joy in that creation. This is the true intention of why we’re here.
Essentially we suffer because we’re under the illusion we cannot do what we’re good at.

*************I think I had better discuss the meaning behind the word suffering….

Let’s say a hurricane comes and hits your home town and you lose your home. This can create suffering. If you lose some of your loved ones (pets even) in the process this creates great suffering to you. You would probably cycle through many heavy and dark emotions would you not?

This is called the 1[SUP]st[/SUP] arrow of suffering. You had no control over the hurricane coming and destroying your home/family. Right?

After you come out of the shock from the experience this is where you practice accepting what is and you let go of the dark emotions.

Let’s say you were raised in a religion that taught you if bad things happened to you and/or your family and friends then that meant God didn’t love you. Or worse yet - your state tells you you should have bought flood insurance and since you didn’t - you have lost everything. You buy into these nonsense ideas due to your conditioning and you feel horrible and fearful as you project into the future about what might happen if you don’t buy flood insurance or straighten up or you obsess about your sinful past.

This is YOU creating your own suffering.
This is called the 2[SUP]nd[/SUP] arrow of suffering.

This type of suffering you are not supposed to accept. This is when you practice mindfulness and Vipassana meditation in order to catch those negative thoughts which lead to your suffering.

Can you see where it’s the type of suffering which dictates the lessons?

Most of the major religions would have us believe that that is what life is all about - suffering and accepting that suffering.
Buddhism, Christianity...etc...all have strong beliefs that that is the underlying nature of things...and that only through suffering can we evolve spiritually.
That is a bitter pill to swallow.
It may, possibly be a lesson that does take a lifetime to learn...maybe more than one lifetime.

It’s only bitter because you’re trying to swallow a lie. The teachings have been twisted certainly through the Christian dogmas. It took me years and years to find a Buddhism teacher I could finally relate to enough to understand what they really meant.

The Dalai Llama accepts the fact China invaded, tortured, and killed his people and their way of life. This does not mean he thinks it was good and just and he works tirelessly to effect change. Not only for his people and his country but for all peoples and all countries. He’s brilliant at it too because he accepted the facts and strives for change via his heart consciousness.

Can you see a benefit in accepting suffering?

Or is that the wrong thing to focus on? Is the lesson something else instead? Compassion? Love? Contentment? Overcoming fear? Forgiveness? Grace?
The list could surly go on and on almost where should our focus be?
It seems whenever we come close to answering one, two more arise.
Our focus? Well… it all cycles back to what Ghandi said: “BE the change you wish to see”.
If I want everyone on this planet to be able to get into their hearts and be vulnerable and open and accepting and feel unconditional love for themselves which I know will result in feeling it for everyone else - then this is where I choose to place my focus. If I want to see unconditional love all around me - then I have to BE unconditional love. This state of BE-ing should permeate all facets of my life all facets of my day. And I can tell you - it’s damn hard to do 24/7. It’s hard to be open and vulnerable and accepting of my self 24/7 which of course leads me to not accept everyone/everything else. But I'm practicing!!!! Heh Heh.

Yet in my experience this is the key.

I say if you’re looking for something to focus on - Start with identifying what makes you suffer. Decide if you had any control over it. Look for the 2[SUP]nd[/SUP] arrow. Practice letting that go.

Focus on any little bit of joy and happiness you feel during your days. Whenever you catch your self feeling it - dwell upon it - stretch it out for as many seconds as you can. Really increase your awareness of what the total experience of feeling happy means. How does it manifest in your body? You know….all that yoga shit. :tongue:

By letting your mind linger on the happy event and feeling the emotion of joy - this let’s the brain strengthen those happy/joy thought/emotion neurons. After a time - your brain will naturally move towards happy thoughts because it’s “wired” to do so. ****

Sometimes it is good to receive...
You know, as much as we look to the Saints and people who are completely selfless...who give their life in the service of others...people like Mother Teresa...who probably only had the most fleeting thought of selfishness...I feel sorry for them. I never found the stories of their lives and sacrifice uplifting...instead they always filled me with a feeling like despair....they were missing out on some of the incredibly wonderful things in, entertainment, love, sex, etc...
I have nothing but deep respect for them all...but as wonderful as they all incredible as their lives were...the countless people that were given hope through their sacrifice...they missed out.
Just as someone living a selfish life of material possessions, filled with nothing but their own ego and self-indulgence is looked upon as lacking the whole picture and possibly wasted in gluttony and take it to the polar opposite I feel isn’t fully rounded either.

*You know something? I don’t recall ever getting wrapped in Mother Theresa’s greatness or any of the other saints for that matter. They didn’t make sense to me. Just as you pointed out - they were out of balance with Life just as the gluttonous ones….

It is essential to Receive. There is a synergy that happens when one honestly receives a gift freely given with love. You just have no idea of the boundless energy that forms when this happens. There is joy in the giving and joy in the receiving. This is nurturing to us. This is life giving to us. This gives life to the Mother and all of creation.

[looks at the clock and groans]

Oh shit…it’s late…and I’ve gotta work tomorrow.

Hahahahahaha….leave it to a couple of INFJs to talk and talk about spiritual matters.

We still need to have a longer talk about that receiving/giving thing.

I have enjoyed talking with you. :hug:

Love this! I happened to see this on a page I frequent on FB a few weeks back (Shaman Angels, Energy Healers and Truth Warriors) and I saved it to my desktop. It makes you think before judging or putting down others that hold different views, beliefs, etc. when put up against your own. good stuff! No ones perfect, but it does make you check yourself :)
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Love this! I happened to see this on a page I frequent on FB a few weeks back (Shaman Angels, Energy Healers and Truth Warriors) and I saved it to my desktop. It makes you think before judging or putting down others that hold different views, beliefs, etc. when put up against your own. good stuff! No ones perfect, but it does make you check yourself :)
I know I can be pretentious if anything, in my own is so incredibly easy to look down on others in order to make yourself feel good or “worthwhile”.
The thing is, with me at least...I really despise pretentiousness in look myself in the mirror and admit that I can be pretentious is difficult for me, but I know it is an honest and healthy self-realization.
I mean...I don’t go around putting others down, or talking shit about people...but in my head at least, I may think - How stupid is that choice so-and-so made?
Or, to even dismiss the ideas that someone holds as a “truth” to themselves...especially when there is clearly evidence to the contrary - is arrogant.
I really don’t like that aspect of myself and constantly try to keep it in check...which I guess is more than some can say (which is an arrogant statement in
It’s a constant battle...but one I feel is worthwhile to fight.
Perhaps it is harder for some personality types than other’s...we do have a “J” for judging in our MBTI after all..still, that shouldn’t be used as an excuse or a crutch.
I always try to remind myself that NO ONE has it figured matter how adamantly they try to tell you they do...some people just cannot suck it up enough to ever admit even the possibility that they are wrong...not even the POSSIBILITY!
I have been told more than once that that is what “faith” is...(at the risk of again sounding arrogant lol) I disagree. I don’t think God or the Source would have blessed us with such a curious and inquisitive mind if everything were to be taken at face value.
Even Jesus doubted...once in the garden before the crucifixion, and again while on the cross ("Father, why hast thou forsaken me?”).

Why doubt is a good thing
((Richard Holloway (born 26 November 1933) is a Scottish writer and broadcaster and was formerly Bishop of Edinburgh in the Scottish Episcopal Church.))

Scientists are just as bad about admitting doubt...the ‘Cosmos' series that has been rebooted and is back on the air is filled with theories, suppositions, and inconsistent ideas...and yet, society tells us that because these are scientific principles they MUST be true...hogwash.
We all hold bits and pieces of “truth” inside us...some maybe more than others...but we have no truly accurate measuring no one really has a right to claim superiority of absolute truth.
It is hard to impose that upon say, “I don’t know” and see it as a good thing.

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:lol: Exactly!

* No….I didn’t know that about watching one’s self get a shot! How interesting. I can’t watch whenever medical instruments are being used in or on my body - or other people’s bodies for that matter. I have some sort of vasovagal syndrome where I faint easily. Like when the nurse or aid is trying to draw my blood I have to look away. I tell them they need to talk to me in a normal conversation about anything else but drawing the blood.*

* In my research about PTSD for my masters program I ran into all sorts of knowledge about how the brain works - the development - and how it reacts to life in a human.

I’m sure you’re familiar with the line “what fires together wires together” which is saying if we have the same thoughts coupled with the same emotions over and over again in our brain the neurons that facilitate the thought/emotion grow large and strong.

Hold that thought…

Now picture the human being living on this planet in the last 100 years. How many catastrophes has one lived through if they manage to make it to 100? Look at generations too. …and what they have undergone in their lifetimes. What behaviors did they pass on to their children as a result of all of these traumatic events?

Now think of a traumatic event you’ve been through and how the fear from then still partially colors your perceptions. Now multiply that through event after event and generation after generation.

Ultimately the brain gets wired from early on to hold on to fearful thought/emotions rather than joyful ones. It’s been said we are like Velcro for Fear and like Teflon for Happiness and Joy.

If you look back over thousands of years of human lifetimes you can see how we’ve been kicked back and beaten down and destroyed again and again. If you understand having lived multiple lives and how those memories are carried forward into the next lifetime (this creates our karma) - then you can begin to get a glimpse at why the human brain is easily activated into Fear mode.

This always always creates suffering. Either we’re receving suffering or creating our own suffering our creating suffering for someone else. No matter which way you look at it Fear is connected with Suffering.
Yes...of course...fear is the ultimate destructor, but at the same time, it can be a powerful driving force...if anything, it drives us to overcome it, and hopefully by doing so we will find our true path in this life.

*This in an interesting question. My parents were the first generation to actually create a comfortable middle class. They were taught if they worked hard and played by the rules they would succeed. And for a time they did. During that time the boomers were born and we were taught if we worked hard and followed the rules we’d have a better life than our parents did. This was in fact the goal of many of that generation. They worked hard so their kids could have it “better” than they did.
We were very future oriented. I was taught I could be anything I wanted to be when I grew up. [snort]. I laugh derisively there - because that ideal didn’t last long after Kennedy was shot. But for a time I did truly believe I could be anyone or anything I wanted so long as I worked hard for it. It’s what prompted me to become a Chemical Engineer.
The Boomer generation (forgive me for my distaste as I know you are part of it...nothing personally against you), is a frustrating subject for me. I find it almost comical, if it weren’t so infuriating, that the Boomers criticize the subsequent generations as being ‘entitled’ when I have strong reasoning that they are the ultimate ‘entitled’ generation. Yes, the general message given to the Boomers was one of "work hard and you can succeed”, “your life can be better than your parents’.”
But in the process they have used that success to dismantle almost all the opportunities of those who followed. Even today, there is a sense of entitlement that is destroying the future.
They protested the establishment that gave them those opportunities in the 60’s...and that isn’t such a bad thing...I actually wish I were around then to experience such a community of love, hope, and vision. But then it seemed they took that momentum and applied it to personal gain at the expense of others. They took away an affordable higher education system in order to feed their greed. They dismantled unions to feed their greed. They deregulated the banking system to feed their greed. They did away with the single bread-winner family under the guise of ‘women’s lib’ (as if they said...”oh, you are both going to work? Then we shouldn’t have to pay you as much to make a living wage.”).
They destroyed retirement plans, pension plans, and affordable healthcare for profit and greed. They destroyed the 40 hour work week. Just look at our Congress...privacy laws? Drones? A progressive tax system?
Nothing being done by them is for the benefit of future is for their own benefit NOW. Do you think there is a snowball’s chance in hell that I will ever see any Social Security? They sold all the manufacturing overseas. The Boomers had war heroes for parents, witnessed a pointless 20 year war that killed 58,000 of their own generation, closed the factories their war-hero parents helped build, then they opted to send their own kids into another endless war AND stick them with the bill for the privilege. Even something as simple as baseball cards...”hang onto them, they could be worth some money one day!” I was told....but then it soon became the only “good” cards started to come in the $5-$10 packs of cards...and I just couldn’t afford it as a kid...last I checked they were worth the same now as then...thanks for ruining the fun in the name of greed.
When cooking a steak (or anything else, for that matter) only two things can ruin it: Bad parts and/or bad labor. Either you bought a substandard piece of meat, or cooked it incorrectly. Those are the only two possible culprits for bad steak.
Adhering to that logic is the reason it galls me when Baby Boomers gripe about "this new generation" of "kids these days" that are lazy, stupid, fat, ego-centric, consumers with no morals.
Then raised them, wrote the school curricula, taught them in schools, sold them (and bought them) fast food, and allowed their televisions to parent them. So, to unpack my steak analogy, the Baby Boomers provided the parts (e.g. genetic material) and the labor (raising them) for this generation and are complaining about the poor results. That's like a chef complaining about his steak that he selected and cooked and expecting people to blame the steak and not him. And the Baby Boomers say that WE are the lazy generation? If you figure Baby Boomers were born between 1946-1965, and the age minimum to be eligible for the House of Representatives is 25, and 30 for the Senate, it becomes easy to see which generation is responsible for creating the debt.

Boomers inherited a vast system of interstates built by their parents and now, a generation later, 67,000 bridges are "structurally deficient”...and they complain how the highways are too congested with the young people that they made.
Boomers grew up seeing the Civil Rights Act enacted and President Kennedy putting a man on the moon as he boldly promised.
Unfortunately the Baby Boomers weren't able to replicate such paradigm shifts of civility or ambition.
They grew up in a country that was ascendant toward becoming the world's first Superpower, and instead of taking the ball and running it, they handed it off to China.

After jacking up the price of a college education, Baby Boomers started for-profit colleges and predatory education loans for our generation, which temporarily lined their pockets at the expense of America's future both domestically and on the global commercial stage. Since 1978 compensation for CEOs has risen 725%, while the growth in worker compensation has risen only 5.7% in that time (making our income inequality WORSE than Ancient Rome's). After having their balls plated in brass, the Baby Boomers are blaming this generation for not contributing very much to the economy.

The greatest irony from the worst generation is their inexorable refrain that we are, "losing traditional America", which is to say, "Things used to be better", and they are exactly right- things used to be far better before they were handed the keys.
Okay....ranting, bitching, and complaining
Please don’t take offense at that...I know YOU personally didn’t do any of that...and had my generation been in your shoes, I don’t know that WE would have done anything any differently...but it gives me something to focus my frustrations

So there’s that aspect to look at. In a way - Yes - we are conditioned to expect life to be different. Partly because we’re so future oriented. You work to day for the pay that will buy you that thing or take that vacation tomorrow…. Right?

Another aspect is the manipulation and conditioning we receive to buy those things or take those fabulous vacations to make our life easy and enjoyable. You and I both know things don’t make a person happy - and neither do vacations. It’s a short lived emotional state and before one knows it - they’re suffering because they’re not on vacation or they don’t have a new thing.

So it’s at a minimum - a 2 pronged attack on our ability to maintain equanimity and feel joy. *
I know “things" won’t make me happy...nor do I want momentary happiness. My feelings of happiness and contentment wax and wain. When I first wrote you the post you responded to I was having a frustrating day. And today is frustrating as well. It seems as if there are far more days of discontent than there are days of this how things are? I can picture of course how I would like things to be, how I would like to feel...and yet, just when the road seems to smooth out...I run over a nail.
Sometimes it almost seems like life in general is making a conscious effort to put up obstacles. And maybe it is...perhaps there is a lesson that I keep missing the point of.

*I take offense at being called ridiculously ignorant. I will readily agree that I am ignorant. But I am after all a product of my environment and it ain’t been peachy keen in my world - like ever.

Don’t worry - my feelings aren’t hurt. I’m just trying to draw your attention to that pretty harsh judgment you’re placing upon the majority of humans on this planet - especially your Self. We’ve lived through thousands of years of near extinction a few times. That’s gotta be imprinted into our very dna by now….don’t you think? Ease up on our ignorance….it’s creating your own suffering….hahahahahah…
You know I don’t think you are ignorant...just the opposite in fact. I don’t think I am ignorant either...but when I see someone who seems to glide so easily through life and it’s obstacles while I feel like I am climbing a cliff with two broken legs I start to question my intelligence, my resolve, my integrity.
Of course, I also know that I have only a slight picture of who that person is...what they really have going on in their life...the stressors that they are feeling...their own disappointment, insecurities, etc. The grass is always greener I suppose. I just keep on truckin’ in spite of it all. I still want to believe that there will be a grand revelation one day...that my Son still needs my imperfect guidance...that Sensiko needs my arms around her. I would like to think that one day it will count for something.

*Now this is a tough one…. I don’t think it’s possible to go through the process of re-learning without passing through the cynical phase. I heard this phrase the other day again… “Sure ….the truth will set you free….but first it’s gonna piss you off”. … In my experience….this is Truth. So you can see where we might be cynical and disappointed for a while as we work through the process.
I really like that I don’t necessarily think being cynical is all bad...I just don’t want to go through the cynical phase and get stuck there...that scares me.
*Accepting reality is the grand lesson life….not necessarily just the suffering or just the happiness.

Are you familiar with the Buddhist blessing that says something like this?
“May you experience all of the 10,000 sorrows and 10,000 joys of your life”.

What this says to me is that if I take the time to actually acknowledge and experience whatever is happening in my life - in each moment - with honesty and as much non judgment as I can muster - then I will have fulfilled my purpose in being incarnate in this lifetime.
I do know that the passages from Kahlil Gibran - The flute that makes the music must first be craved by the knife. It just seems like I will be whittled down to nothing sometimes...and maybe that is they way it has to be...maybe I should become nothing.

*No. We are here to utilize our innate talents and gifts in co-creation with another who is using their innate talents/gifts and fully participate and feel the joy in that creation. This is the true intention of why we’re here.
Essentially we suffer because we’re under the illusion we cannot do what we’re good at.

*************I think I had better discuss the meaning behind the word suffering….

Let’s say a hurricane comes and hits your home town and you lose your home. This can create suffering. If you lose some of your loved ones (pets even) in the process this creates great suffering to you. You would probably cycle through many heavy and dark emotions would you not?

This is called the 1[SUP]st[/SUP] arrow of suffering. You had no control over the hurricane coming and destroying your home/family. Right?

After you come out of the shock from the experience this is where you practice accepting what is and you let go of the dark emotions.

Let’s say you were raised in a religion that taught you if bad things happened to you and/or your family and friends then that meant God didn’t love you. Or worse yet - your state tells you you should have bought flood insurance and since you didn’t - you have lost everything. You buy into these nonsense ideas due to your conditioning and you feel horrible and fearful as you project into the future about what might happen if you don’t buy flood insurance or straighten up or you obsess about your sinful past.

This is YOU creating your own suffering.
This is called the 2[SUP]nd[/SUP] arrow of suffering.

This type of suffering you are not supposed to accept. This is when you practice mindfulness and Vipassana meditation in order to catch those negative thoughts which lead to your suffering.
I understand the concept...but how can you not be angry or disappointed with yourself for not buying flood insurance knowing you live in a flood plain? lol
I realize not everything that happens is within your control...and I realize that it is more about how you react to a difficulty than the outcome...I guess I just get weary of the difficulties...and it never seems like the result are positive one way or the other. I just want a break once in a that too much to ask from life?

Can you see where it’s the type of suffering which dictates the lessons?

It’s only bitter because you’re trying to swallow a lie. The teachings have been twisted certainly through the Christian dogmas. It took me years and years to find a Buddhism teacher I could finally relate to enough to understand what they really meant.

The Dalai Llama accepts the fact China invaded, tortured, and killed his people and their way of life. This does not mean he thinks it was good and just and he works tirelessly to effect change. Not only for his people and his country but for all peoples and all countries. He’s brilliant at it too because he accepted the facts and strives for change via his heart consciousness.

Can you see a benefit in accepting suffering?
I can accept that there will be a certain amount of suffering in life...and I can accept that there is a certain amount that is created by me. I guess I just have a hard time accepting that the scales are tipped in the amount of suffering to joy....not just for me....but everyone in the world...I want there to be more balance...but does it even exist? And if so, how do you tip it back?

Our focus? Well… it all cycles back to what Ghandi said: “BE the change you wish to see”.
If I want everyone on this planet to be able to get into their hearts and be vulnerable and open and accepting and feel unconditional love for themselves which I know will result in feeling it for everyone else - then this is where I choose to place my focus. If I want to see unconditional love all around me - then I have to BE unconditional love. This state of BE-ing should permeate all facets of my life all facets of my day. And I can tell you - it’s damn hard to do 24/7. It’s hard to be open and vulnerable and accepting of my self 24/7 which of course leads me to not accept everyone/everything else. But I'm practicing!!!! Heh Heh.

Yet in my experience this is the key.

I say if you’re looking for something to focus on - Start with identifying what makes you suffer. Decide if you had any control over it. Look for the 2[SUP]nd[/SUP] arrow. Practice letting that go.

Focus on any little bit of joy and happiness you feel during your days. Whenever you catch your self feeling it - dwell upon it - stretch it out for as many seconds as you can. Really increase your awareness of what the total experience of feeling happy means. How does it manifest in your body? You know….all that yoga shit. :tongue:

By letting your mind linger on the happy event and feeling the emotion of joy - this let’s the brain strengthen those happy/joy thought/emotion neurons. After a time - your brain will naturally move towards happy thoughts because it’s “wired” to do so. ****
I’m trying...I hope that counts for more than just a little!

*You know something? I don’t recall ever getting wrapped in Mother Theresa’s greatness or any of the other saints for that matter. They didn’t make sense to me. Just as you pointed out - they were out of balance with Life just as the gluttonous ones….

It is essential to Receive. There is a synergy that happens when one honestly receives a gift freely given with love. You just have no idea of the boundless energy that forms when this happens. There is joy in the giving and joy in the receiving. This is nurturing to us. This is life giving to us. This gives life to the Mother and all of creation.
I couldn’t agree more!
[looks at the clock and groans]

Oh shit…it’s late…and I’ve gotta work tomorrow.

Hahahahahaha….leave it to a couple of INFJs to talk and talk about spiritual matters.

We still need to have a longer talk about that receiving/giving thing.

I have enjoyed talking with you. :hug:
Thank you for taking the time to write back is such an open and comprehensive way...I truly thank you from the bottom of my heart!

e ‘Cosmos' series that has been rebooted and is back on the air is filled with theories, suppositions, and inconsistent ideas...and yet, society tells us that because these are scientific principles they MUST be true...hogwash.
We all hold bits and pieces of “truth” inside us...some maybe more than others...but we have no truly accurate measuring no one really has a right to claim superiority of absolute truth.
It is hard to impose that upon say, “I don’t know” and see it as a good thing.

Good point. HOWEVER science has consistently proven its relevance in the world through realization. Therefor if anything is to be believed, its a good starting point.

Funny about your "I dont know" comment. I was just written up at my current job because, "We dont ever tell a customer we dont know something." :m075:
You and I will be dead before then though... I have a sneaking suspicion of this.
Perhaps the moment we die is the moment we will know the truth.
Good point. HOWEVER science has consistently proven its relevance in the world through realization. Therefor if anything is to be believed, its a good starting point.

Funny about your "I dont know" comment. I was just written up at my current job because, "We dont ever tell a customer we dont know something." :m075:
Isn’t it funny how we have to say such stupid shit at jobs? lololol What I find particularly stupid is how “the customer is always right” is now a thing of the was
A.) Costing them too much because the customer is inevitably stupid in most instances
B.) They don’t give a shit you are going to shop there anyhow.

I agree with what you said about science proving it’s relevance...but I think you understand the point that I was trying to make.
Plato made huge sweeping statements about the nature of our earth and the heavens...he said them as absolute truths, and as far as anyone at that time knew - they were true.
More discoveries have been made by saying “I don’t know” than have been stating it to be an absolute truth.
Even Newton, when asked what gravity was, said “I don’t know”.
As much as I love shows like ‘Cosmos’, when you explain the beginning of the universe through the theory of the Big Bang you are in some ways doing a disservice, as some will take this as truth instead of taking the time to think critically and explore the ideas that are out there. Who knows? Maybe some 10 year old watching the show would have been the one to find the answer to the question of the origin of the universe...but now, has been delayed, or even turned away from that inquisition because the TV told him so and his mind has sopped up a theory as ‘truth’.
That is of course an extreme scenario...but there are whole groups of our society that take things they read on the internet and see on TV as the truth.
Perhaps the moment we die is the moment we will know the truth.

Isn’t it funny how we have to say such stupid shit at jobs? lololol What I find particularly stupid is how “the customer is always right” is now a thing of the was
A.) Costing them too much because the customer is inevitably stupid in most instances
B.) They don’t give a shit you are going to shop there anyhow.

I agree with what you said about science proving it’s relevance...but I think you understand the point that I was trying to make.
Plato made huge sweeping statements about the nature of our earth and the heavens...he said them as absolute truths, and as far as anyone at that time knew - they were true.
More discoveries have been made by saying “I don’t know” than have been stating it to be an absolute truth.
Even Newton, when asked what gravity was, said “I don’t know”.
As much as I love shows like ‘Cosmos’, when you explain the beginning of the universe through the theory of the Big Bang you are in some ways doing a disservice, as some will take this as truth instead of taking the time to think critically and explore the ideas that are out there. Who knows? Maybe some 10 year old watching the show would have been the one to find the answer to the question of the origin of the universe...but now, has been delayed, or even turned away from that inquisition because the TV told him so and his mind has sopped up a theory as ‘truth’.
That is of course an extreme scenario...but there are whole groups of our society that take things they read on the internet and see on TV as the truth.
However... :) I dont think there will always be the unknown. Things can be known. Absolutes can be known.
However... :) I dont think there will always be the unknown. Things can be known. Absolutes can be known.

You are right...they can be known.
But we don’t have a reference book to check our results there will always be the possibility that they are incorrect.
For example - The sky is blue. is not.
It is our perception of the photon wave spectrum that makes us think it is.
I get what you are saying...I just have a problem with saying anything is ‘absolute’.
What we know in this life could all just be a giant hologram...or a computer program...or some other kind of virtual reality. Maybe the rules and laws of science, nature, and physics are only represented that way to us. Perhaps actual reality is totally different and functions on another set of principles entirely?
You are right...they can be known.
But we don’t have a reference book to check our results there will always be the possibility that they are incorrect.
For example - The sky is blue. is not.
It is our perception of the photon wave spectrum that makes us think it is.
I get what you are saying...I just have a problem with saying anything is ‘absolute’.
What we know in this life could all just be a giant hologram...or a computer program...or some other kind of virtual reality. Maybe the rules and laws of science, nature, and physics are only represented that way to us. Perhaps actual reality is totally different and functions on another set of principles entirely?
You are right...they can be known.
But we don’t have a reference book to check our results there will always be the possibility that they are incorrect.
For example - The sky is blue. is not.
It is our perception of the photon wave spectrum that makes us think it is.
I get what you are saying...I just have a problem with saying anything is ‘absolute’.
What we know in this life could all just be a giant hologram...or a computer program...or some other kind of virtual reality. Maybe the rules and laws of science, nature, and physics are only represented that way to us. Perhaps actual reality is totally different and functions on another set of principles entirely?

In our own way, all of us are VR, I suppose. Our own unique lenses through which 'reality' focuses itself. I've wondered what it would be like to 'see' through echolocation like bats or dolphins... or even whatever other sorts of reality focusing through different phenomena sets would be like, which I haven't had the slightest clue about. I also wonder if it were possible for us to have been made such that upon death a portion of us literally lives on... we do have a lot of 'junk' dna. Thus, this existence could very easily be its own educational regimen for a better place hereafter. That's speculation now, but I guess I wouldn't be too surprised to find out that it has scientific basis... even if the entire multiverse wasn't created from scratch that way, I could imagine creating such self-evolving beings as a noble goal for a hypothetical species which may have evolved naturally before us, and spreading such seeds of life if they were able. That would be awesome to the nth. Having had my own brushes with death has probably made me think about this more, hoping that I haven't unduly caused others pain in my passing.


I've also recently started wondering about what sorts of tripped-out drugs one could make utilizing advances in understanding the quantum nature of consciousness or just bizarre sorts of chemical strains/isomers could be made... or are already here.:D ... has it already been mentioned here that it's strange for chlorophyll to be green given our distance from the sun?:D
Off topic, I know, but I think its interesting.
I've also recently started wondering about what sorts of tripped-out drugs one could make utilizing advances in understanding the quantum nature of consciousness or just bizarre sorts of chemical strains/isomers could be made... or are already here.:D ... has it already been mentioned here that it's strange for chlorophyll to be green given our distance from the sun?:D

Apparently its called DMT. is strange enough dont you think? No need to alter the perception of it. Theres more than enough to contemplate from this one aspect of it.
Off topic, I know, but I think its interesting.
Wish the video went on to explain the "different" states of a vacuum he was talking about.