Connect the dots, and you reach a far-out conclusion: The neutron experiments might look screwy because physicists unwittingly opened a portal to the mirror world.
And then the Demogorgons escape...

Scientists are searching for a mirror universe.
It could be sitting right in front of you.

If the "mirrorverse" exists, upcoming experiments involving subatomic particles could reveal it.

A mirrorverse could be just as real as our own universe but almost completely cut off from it.

By Corey S. Powell​

At Oak Ridge National Laboratory in eastern Tennessee, physicist Leah Broussard is trying to open a portal to a parallel universe.

She calls it an “oscillation” that would lead her to “mirror matter,” but the idea is fundamentally the same.
In a series of experiments she plans to run at Oak Ridge this summer, Broussard will send a beam of subatomic particles down a 50-foot tunnel, past a powerful magnet and into an impenetrable wall.

If the setup is just right — and if the universe cooperates — some of those particles will transform into mirror-image versions of themselves, allowing them to tunnel right through the wall.

And if that happens, Broussard will have uncovered the first evidence of a mirror world right alongside our own.

“It’s pretty wacky,” Broussard says of her mind-bending exploration.
The mirror world, assuming it exists, would have its own laws of mirror-physics and its own mirror-history.

You wouldn’t find a mirror version of yourself there (and no evil Spock with a goatee — sorry "Star Trek" fans).
But current theory allows that you might find mirror atoms and mirror rocks, maybe even mirror planets and stars.

Collectively, they could form an entire shadow world, just as real as our own but almost completely cut off from us.

Leah Broussard studies subatomic particles at Oak Ridge National Laboratory,
where she will be searching for mirror matter this summer.​

Broussard says her initial search for the mirror world won’t be especially difficult.
“This is a pretty straightforward experiment that we cobbled together with parts we found lying around, using equipment and resources we already had available at Oak Ridge,” she says.

But if she unequivocally detects even a single mirror particle, it would prove that the visible universe is only half of what is out there — and that the known laws of physics are only half of a much broader set of rules.

“If you discover something new like that, the game totally changes,” Broussard says.

Ten seconds that rocked physics

As with many grand scientific quests, the hunt for mirror matter grew out of a small, seemingly esoteric mystery.
Starting in the 1990s, physicists developed high-precision experiments to study how neutrons — particles found in the nuclei of atoms — break down into protons, a process related to radioactivity.

But those experiments took a strange turn.

Researchers found that neutrons created in particle beams, similar to the one Broussard will use, last 14 minutes and 48 seconds, on average, before “decaying” into protons.

But neutrons stored in a laboratory bottle seem to break down a bit faster, in 14 minutes and 38 seconds.

Ten seconds might not sound like much, but the actual difference should be zero: All neutrons are exactly the same, and their behavior should depend not one bit on where or how they are examined.

“I take discrepancy very seriously,” says Benjamin Grinstein, a particle-physics expert at the University of California, San Diego. “It’s not just between two experiments. It is a collection of many experiments done independently by several groups. The newest experiments, conceived in part to resolve the disagreement, have “only made it worse,” he adds.

Grinstein has explored the possibility that some neutrons are unexpectedly breaking down into particles other than protons but has found nothing so far. Mirror matter offers a more elegant, if somewhat bizarre, explanation.

A decade ago, Anatoli Serebrov of Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute in Russia introduced the idea that ordinary neutrons sometimes cross over into the mirror world and transform into mirror neutrons.

At that point, we could no longer detect them — it would be as if some of the neutrons simply vanished.
“That would make the neutron lifetime look wrong,” Broussard explains, because some of the neutrons would have been disappearing from the test equipment while the researchers were studying them.

Connect the dots, and you reach a far-out conclusion: The neutron experiments might look screwy because physicists unwittingly opened a portal to the mirror world.

Through the looking glass

Broussard’s goal is to find out if that portal really exists and, if so, to open it in a methodical way.
That’s where her neutron beam and impenetrable wall come in.

Oak Ridge has an 85-megawatt nuclear reactor that can shoot out billions of neutrons on demand, so getting enough raw material to work with isn’t an issue.

The hard part is figuring out how to make some of the neutrons cross over into the mirror world, and then prove to her skeptical colleagues (and to her skeptical self) that it really happened.

Leah Broussard at Oak Ridge National Laboratory.​

Running the experiment will take about one day.
Collecting the data and weeding out every possible source of error might then take a few weeks more.

Broussard is looking for any telltale neutrons that managed to get past the barrier by turning into mirror neutrons, then turning back.
“It all comes down to: Are we able to shine neutrons through a wall?” she says. “We should see no neutrons” according to conventional physics theory.

If some of them show up anyway, that would suggest that conventional physics is wrong, and the mirror world is real.

Meanwhile, Klaus Kirch is working on a complementary experiment at the Paul Scherrer Institute in Zurich.
His plan is to capture slow-moving neutrons, hit them with a magnetic field and then count to see if all the particles are still there.

“If some neutrons oscillated into mirror-neutrons, they would disappear from our apparatus,” he says. Kirch's team has already run the experiment and hopes to have their results analyzed later in the summer.

Life on the far side

Despite their conceptual simplicity, both Broussard’s and Kirch’s experiments are extremely delicate undertakings, dependent on assessing the strange behavior of a few subatomic particles within a crowd of billions.

Other researchers have proposed that there might be more blatant signs of a mirror world.
We might be seeing it everywhere in the sky.

Since the 1970s, astronomers have deduced that the universe is packed full of “dark matter,” a substance that cannot be observed directly but whose powerful gravitational pull helps keep galaxies from flying apart.

The latest analyses indicate that dark matter outweighs visible matter by a factor of five.
Yet dozens of intensive searches by astronomers around the world have failed to identify what dark matter is made of.

Zurab Berezhiani, a physicist at the University of L’Aquila in Italy who has conducted his own mirror neutron searches, offers an intriguing explanation: Dark matter has been hard to find because it is hidden away in the mirror world.

In this view, dark matter and mirror matter are one and the same.
If so, the mirror world is not just ubiquitous, it is far more massive than our own.

At a recent physics conference, Berezhiani expanded on the idea, outlining a possible parallel reality full of mirror stars, mirror galaxies and mirror black holes.

Maybe even dark life?

“Dark people is probably a bit farfetched,” says Broussard, who confesses that these ideas push her right to the edge of her comfort zone.
“But dark matter is very likely as rich as our own matter. This kind of thing needs to be explored.”

If she can open a passage to the mirror world at Oak Ridge, that will be one heck of a start.

(Skarekrow - If our universe we live in/experience is only roughly 5% of the total - then why in the hell couldn’t there be so-called “dark people”?
At the very least, some other forms of life we couldn’t imagine?
This entire concept of a “mirror universe” representing the “dark" matter/energy we cannot see or detect - absolutely makes the idea of PSI, subtle energies, precognition, paranormal phenomena, etc. squarely into the realm of - why not?
If not even more in the the realm of - that probably explains it.
Perhaps time will tell...)
Great article! This idea of a mirror or parallel universe has always stayed in my mind.

Back in the days when I used to follow the happenings in the Bermuda Triangle I thought it a portal of sorts to an additional dimension.

We don't hear much about that any more.
Once the researchers started connecting the dots regarding the pyramids, ley lines, and other points of interest it's only a matter of waiting (time) before we know for sure.

Wouldn't it be awesome if we found out our ancestors could transport between here and there like the transporter on the Enterprise in StarTrek? :D
Curious for sure and curious name for the phenomenon as well - the fact we have the "relatively well known" laws of quantum mechanics on the one hand and things like dark matter (which fail to be explained in any satisfactory way by any theory) strongly suggest we don't have the whole picture quite yet and the universe may end up looking quite different when/if ever we do.

No doubt.
It may very well be beyond what we can currently comprehend - like picturing a tesseract, and then picturing the next dimension beyond that - nearly impossible for our mind to understand and form a mental image of - and even if we did - we probably wouldn’t understand it and would want to kill it with fire, lol.

Great article! This idea of a mirror or parallel universe has always stayed in my mind.

Back in the days when I used to follow the happenings in the Bermuda Triangle I thought it a portal of sorts to an additional dimension.

We don't hear much about that any more.
Once the researchers started connecting the dots regarding the pyramids, ley lines, and other points of interest it's only a matter of waiting (time) before we know for sure.

Wouldn't it be awesome if we found out our ancestors could transport between here and there like the transporter on the Enterprise in StarTrek? :D

Thanks for the cool link Sandie!
Yeah, I really don’t doubt that there are places where one could turn at a certain angle and vanish through a door somewhere.
It will be very interesting indeed if they ever do find a way to open such a door to such a place!
It would be revolutionary to say that least!
Our lives would drastically change....if they were to actually make such a thing public.

Much love you both!
In mythology there are some places considered gateways to the underworld, for example and some shows even exploit this theme in various ways (although namely horror-themed ones like Twin Peaks or Stranger Things or what have you)

and even if we did - we probably wouldn’t understand it and would want to kill it with fire, lol.

Isn't that what we do to people ahead of their time in general? (More so going further back in time.)
Found this to be especially interesting.
It is, of course, taken with a grain of salt...especially as Are Thoresen begins to describe the entities that cause disease.
His stories about “poltergeists” however - are all too damn familiar, lol.
This is a little longish...but it seems self-redeemable by the curious content.
Interviewed with a healthy amount of skepticism.



St. Catherine of Siena besieged by demons​
Depending on your worldview, this question may be an easy one.
For most of the secularized Western world, the answer is obviously no.

However, for much of human history, across a majority of cultures, all the way back into antiquity, the answer is an obvious yes.

The highly-ethnocentric, techno-advanced global force of modern secularism is one of the very few cultures in history that does not believe in entities, spirits, or demons, chalking most of it up to “magical thinking” or “primitive” (a pejorative).

Sure, we have iPhones and SpaceX, but does that mean we are right where every other culture tracing back through antiquity is wrong?

Maybe not.

Does it even matter?

Maybe not.

Should we even bother talking about it?

Because insofar as the grand curiosities awakened by psychedelics, the ontological validity of encounters with a sprit dimension and its various inhabitants is high up on the list.

And be these others existing with an agency and I AM-ness beyond that which is constructed by our perception of them in altered states or not, the phenomenological presence of such experiences is undeniable and nearly ubiquitous for psychonauts.

Thus, it demands some level of investigation.
It happens, for a lot of people, and it’s usually pretty damn “real” at the moment it does.

So this episode seeks to explore this phenomenon, but not so much from the “are spirits real?” perspective but from the position of assuming they are real and thus an exploration of what they are and how they operate on the human being.


For this exploration, we welcome Are Thoresen, a veterinarian, acupuncturist, and scholar of anthroposophy.
Are is also recognized as an expert in spirit entities and demonic possession, with a particular focus on their role in illness and healing.

Of course, the ongoing skepticism of the “realness” of all this is present throughout this discussion as I, your host and interviewer, am not sold on the whole thing.

At least not in the beginning, my heavy skepticism waning towards responsible ambivalence by the end of it all.

*** That said, I invite people to please keep their higher reasoning intact fo this interview as, real or not, getting obsessed with the presences of “demonic forces” and “battles between good an evil” can take us down dangerous roads psychologically. ***


As will be explained in the intro, my connection with Are was facilitated by our mutual colleague and friend Tobias [last name removed on request of the family], featured in episode 51 on Kambo.

Sadly, Tobias died on July 11, 2019, and will not be able to see the impact and response this interview will have on the culture.

Tobias was adamant that I interview Are; he felt that Are was the world’s current expert in the role of demons and sprits play in human disease and that my listeners would benefit from the discussion.

I respected Tobias, even though I often profoundly disagreed with his ontology regarding spiritual dimensions, and took his suggestion seriously.
That is how this interview came about, and so I am releasing this in dedication to him.

Rest in peace, Tobias.
In mythology there are some places considered gateways to the underworld, for example and some shows even exploit this theme in various ways (although namely horror-themed ones like Twin Peaks or Stranger Things or what have you)

Isn't that what we do to people ahead of their time in general? (More so going further back in time.)

Yes....we kill them!

Burn the witch!

Yes...I used to love to go spelunking when the arthritis was more kind in that regard, lol.
I have to say that I never found underground to be scary - only beautiful and fragile.
But yes....I have seen glimmers of what appears to be a very faint soap-bubble film briefly between two bushes or trees when out and about in the trees or similar.
There are stories going back for centuries of people entering such hidden doorways to find the fae, or another version of their reality.
Again with our limited view or the reality we live in - I find it wholly possible for such things to exist.
It’s kind of like the objects found out of time - like a modern hammer encased in coal...should be impossible, yet, they exist - as do stories of people walking out of time or reality altogether.
Definitely will watch the video when I have time.

Thus, it demands some level of investigation.
It happens, for a lot of people, and it’s usually pretty damn “real” at the moment it does.

Oh they are quite real, or at least the simplest explanation would have them be given some life events. (It actually is a decent explanation for quite a few things which are very difficult to make sense of otherwise, which makes the idea worth exploring more seriously.)
Definitely will watch the video when I have time.

Oh they are quite real, or at least the simplest explanation would have them be given some life events. (It actually is a decent explanation for quite a few things which are very difficult to make sense of otherwise, which makes the idea worth exploring more seriously.)
I actually especially had you and @Sandie33 in mind as people who would probably be the most interested in that interview, lol.
Please let me know what you think about it if/when you get a chance to give it a bit of a listen?
Burn the witch!

Sadly and yet - witches are primarily the ones fighting or resisting the bad stuff (a bit of Plutonian imagery in this one)


Yep or those planes that disappeared and reappeared decades later.

Again with our limited view or the reality we live in - I find it wholly possible for such things to exist.

I sort of see our modern view of reality as saying something like, "Look we KNOW this is all there is and it's like that and anyone who says otherwise is an idiot [use approp term]" which is actually the same overall slant as in ancient times, we just have contemporary paradigms to frame it along in our present understanding with the advanced revelations of science - which however is also revealing our understanding to be incomplete.
Sadly and yet - witches are primarily the ones fighting or resisting the bad stuff (a bit of Plutonian imagery in this one)

View attachment 56505

Yep or those planes that disappeared and reappeared decades later.

I sort of see our modern view of reality as saying something like, "Look we KNOW this is all there is and it's like that and anyone who says otherwise is an idiot [use approp term]" which is actually the same overall slant as in ancient times, we just have contemporary paradigms to frame it along in our present understanding with the advanced revelations of science - which however is also revealing our understanding to be incomplete.

A prime example is the Philadelphia experiment!
There are several versions of the tale....all of them sound terrifying.

There is still much push-back from the Christian or Catholic churches in general in regards to PSI energy or activity.
Even meditation and Reiki is considered - eeeevvviiiill!!

Yeah - we don’t know jack about jack.
We exist in 4% of the universe - most of that 4% we don’t understand or can even detect.
The rest of it we cannot interact or even detect - but we have huge clues that it is there and exists.
That is a gigantic amount of knowledge that we are lacking - that is a gigantically different perspective of this reality.
Most people don’t think that deeply about it all.
Too bad.
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Lol yep the Philadelphia experiment is another one that was going through my head but couldn't think of the exact bit - it even inspired a very bizarrely-themed X-Files episode though the real story is just as weird.

Most people don’t think that deeply about it all.
Too bad.

I had a funny thought about this some years ago - "If life is good why bother?" and with life being rather good for us if we don't think about it too deeply to begin with (we are told what to do and that when we do it it's good and so on) then there is not much reason to question things. After all we can be busy doing more of the things we are told we ought to do that will make us happy, succumbing to temptations and so forth and generally getting lost in the fog before we know it. I think it's when we get lost that we start seriously caring about finding ourselves again.
Lol yep the Philadelphia experiment is another one that was going through my head but couldn't think of the exact bit - it even inspired a very bizarrely-themed X-Files episode though the real story is just as weird.

I had a funny thought about this some years ago - "If life is good why bother?" and with life being rather good for us if we don't think about it too deeply to begin with (we are told what to do and that when we do it it's good and so on) then there is not much reason to question things. After all we can be busy doing more of the things we are told we ought to do that will make us happy, succumbing to temptations and so forth and generally getting lost in the fog before we know it. I think it's when we get lost that we start seriously caring about finding ourselves again.

Yeah, they made a pretty cheesy 80’s flick about it...I can’t really remember it well, just that it was a bit undercooked, lol.

As far as being so content that we stop searching...I’m not exactly sure that my mind can exist in that plane, hahaha.
It is true that discontent leads to solutions and exploration - I can only hope for a day where humankind has that true sense of exploration without other motives sparking the interest.
Yeah can imagine it was a bit cheesy as most of them were - including things like Koontz's Watchers (though they did some others of his really well) - but I did watch some documentaries on it a while ago and it definitely captured my interest as one of the really weird things I've heard of or learned about. And of course there are others which simply haven't made headlines or had documentaries made about them.

To the last part, yes, it would be nice if we arrive there one day - on the other hand it is like... both the problems and the solutions lie within (our) human nature. But my Ni would need to be more awake to turn this into something more interesting.
Yeah can imagine it was a bit cheesy as most of them were - including things like Koontz's Watchers (though they did some others of his really well) - but I did watch some documentaries on it a while ago and it definitely captured my interest as one of the really weird things I've heard of or learned about. And of course there are others which simply haven't made headlines or had documentaries made about them.

To the last part, yes, it would be nice if we arrive there one day - on the other hand it is like... both the problems and the solutions lie within (our) human nature. But my Ni would need to be more awake to turn this into something more interesting.
Yep...good ol 1984, hahaha.

I don't know but I'd almost watch this just for the effects as they did them in the movie - however true to the actual story it is.
Lmao, there seems to be a bit of artist license taken with the story itself haha.
It would be cool if someone made a halfway decent movie about it.
I find the idea of the men becoming “frozen", seeing other beings walking through the walls.....the idea that those beings didn’t notice the men on the ship until the men noticed them - pretty frightening.
They could make a really kick-ass flick IMO.
Yeah they had those elements in the X-Files episode too as some of the defining trippy elements in that story - of course they mixed in some other themes but there's no mistaking where the base theme originated. I think TNG (and well Voyager) have episodes with beings who can't be seen due to being 'out of phase' though they materialize when the observes 'phases into' their plane.
Yeah they had those elements in the X-Files episode too as some of the defining trippy elements in that story - of course they mixed in some other themes but there's no mistaking where the base theme originated. I think TNG (and well Voyager) have episodes with beings who can't be seen due to being 'out of phase' though they materialize when the observes 'phases into' their plane.

That x-files sounds vaguely familiar!
Such a classic show.

I feel like I phase out of sorts when I go OOB!
(Of course not in the physical sense like this...but spiritually yes)
Not as much when it is spontaneous, but when I was taking that time to really practice self-induction of an OOBE - if changing “phases” is indeed what is taking places...what I've experienced seems to make sense.
The high vibration that builds....the cacophony of noises...the paralysis before you feel the tethers of the physical let go.
Then being able to pass through what was just solid a moment ago - one of the most intense experiences that I seem to have.
It’s too bad that self-induction takes so damn long and lots of unbroken “soft” focus without falling asleep.
There is the VELO technique (Vertical energetic longitudinal oscillation) - which I have had success with one time, and only the once.
That isn’t to say it doesn’t work...but that it isn’t as reliable as most the classic ways that Robert Monroe has taught.
It did work, and it did work very fast....but it seems more able to do what it is supposed to if you have already taken some time to align your chakras and energy centers prior to using it.
The high vibration that builds....the cacophony of noises...the paralysis before you feel the tethers of the physical let go.

I have a lot of strange experiences but only once something of this nature - I was literally transported out of a chair I was sitting in before being rubber-band-yanked back into it upon noticing I wasn't sitting in it anymore. The experience was to put it very mildly very odd and I still don't know what to make of it - more often I just sensations/thoughts/feelings that might mirror those of some people though I myself don't get transported anywhere or 'phased out.'

It did work, and it did work very fast....but it seems more able to do what it is supposed to if you have already taken some time to align your chakras and energy centers prior to using it.

Some discoveries in the last year or so along this point, and yes this does sound reasonable. For one I wasn't able to align anything at all in my state pre-May of last year by any means. Only noticed these were actually sensitive once this changed.
I actually especially had you and @Sandie33 in mind as people who would probably be the most interested in that interview, lol.
Please let me know what you think about it if/when you get a chance to give it a bit of a listen?
I started to watch earlier, but duties call. I'll be back after I watch...what I did catch caught my attention ;)
I have a lot of strange experiences but only once something of this nature - I was literally transported out of a chair I was sitting in before being rubber-band-yanked back into it upon noticing I wasn't sitting in it anymore. The experience was to put it very mildly very odd and I still don't know what to make of it - more often I just sensations/thoughts/feelings that might mirror those of some people though I myself don't get transported anywhere or 'phased out.'

Some discoveries in the last year or so along this point, and yes this does sound reasonable. For one I wasn't able to align anything at all in my state pre-May of last year by any means. Only noticed these were actually sensitive once this changed.

Crazy experience!
As a kid going OOB used to happen quite often until it got too frightening for me...somehow I shut it down for some time...idk.
Theoretically we should be able to phase through things - even in the physical state we are in now.
I think it probably happens to people on accident sometimes.