




Except a Christian can choose to be a Christian.


The Cosmos –“Is a Conscious Universe”
Posted on Jul 20, 2019 in Astrobiology, Astronomy, Cosmology, Featured Articles, Physics, Science, Space


The question that intrigued the great American quantum physicist John Archibald Wheeler in the last decades of his life was: “Are life and mind irrelevant to the structure of the universe, or are they central to it?”

Wheeler originated the notion of a “participatory,” conscious universe, a cosmos in which all of us are embedded as co-creators, replacing the accepted universe “out there,” which is separate from us.

Wheeler used the image of children with their noses pressed against a bakery window to describe the view that kept the observer separate from the thing being observed.

But in a fully participatory universe, the observer and the thing observed are one.

He suggested that the nature of reality was revealed by the bizarre laws of quantum mechanics.
According to the quantum theory, before the observation is made, a subatomic particle exists in several states, called a superposition (or, as Wheeler called it, a ‘Smoky Dragon’).

Once the particle is observed, it instantaneously collapses into a single position.

Wheeler was a major influence on Deepak Chopra who joined forces with physicist Menas Kafatos to explore some of the most important and baffling questions about human existence.

What happens when modern science reaches a crucial turning point that challenges everything we know about reality?
In the coming era, the universe will be completely redefined as a “human universe” radically unlike the cold, empty void where human life and our planet is a mere mote of dust in the cosmos.

Wheeler introduced the concept of wormholes and coined the term “black hole”.
He pioneered the theory of nuclear fission with Niels Bohr and introduced the S-matrix (the scattering matrix used in quantum mechanics).

Wheeler devised a concept of quantum foam; a theory of “virtual particles” popping in and out of existence in space (similarly, he conceptualized foam as the foundation of the fabric of the universe).

At the end of his life, Wheeler said that when we finally comprehend the true nature of the universe, “we’ll be stunned by its simplicity.”

Sir John Eccles, a famous British neurologist and Nobel laureate, declared, “I want you to realize that there exists no color in the natural world, and no sound – nothing of this kind; no textures, no patterns, no beauty, no scent.”

What Eccles means, says Kafatos, is that all the qualities of Nature, from the luxurious scent of a rose to the sting of a wasp and the taste of honey, are produced by human beings.

Erwin Schrödinger, one of the main founders of quantum mechanics, said essentially the same thing when he declared that photons, quanta of light, have no color, such properties arise in the biology of perception.

“If you want an observer around, and if you want life, you need heavy elements. To make heavy elements out of hydrogen, you need thermonuclear combustion. To have thermonuclear combustion, you need a time of cooking in a star of several billion years. In order to stretch out several billion years in its time dimension, the universe, according to general relativity, must be several years across in its space dimensions. So why is the universe as big as it is? Because we are here.”

Wheeler inspired many aspiring young scientists, including some of the greats of the 20th century.
Among his doctoral students were Richard Feynman, a Nobel Prize laureate, with whom he coauthored the “Wheeler-Feynman absorber theory”; Hugh Everett, who proposed the many worlds interpretation; Kip Thorne, who predicted the existence of red supergiant stars with neutron-star cores; Jacob Bekenstein, who formulated black hole thermodynamics; Charles Misner, who discovered a mathematical spacetime called Misner space; Arthur Wightman, the originator of Wightman axioms; and Benjamin Schumacher, who invented the term “qubit” and is known for the “Schumacher compression”.

Wheeler suggested that reality is created by observers and that: “no phenomenon is a real phenomenon until it is an observed phenomenon.”
He coined the term “Participatory Anthropic Principle” (PAP) from the Greek “anthropos”, or human.

He went further to suggest that “we are participants in bringing into being not only the near and here, but the far away and long ago.”

This claim was considered rather outlandish until his thought experiment, known as the “delayed-choice experiment,” was tested in a laboratory in 1984. This experiment was a variation on the famous “double-slit experiment” in which the dual nature of light was exposed (depending on how the experiment was measured and observed, the light behaved like a particle (a photon) or like a wave).

The results of this experiment, as well as another conducted in 2007, proved what Wheeler had always suspected – observers’ consciousness is required to bring the universe into existence.

This means that a pre-life Earth would have existed in an undetermined state, and a pre-life universe could only exist retroactively.

In their recent book, You Are the Universe, mirroring Wheeler, Kafatos and Chopra suggest that each of us is a co-creator of reality extending to the vastest reaches of time and space.

This seemingly impossible proposition follows from the current state of science, where outside the public eye, some key mysteries cannot be solved, even though they are the very issues that define reality itself:

“The shift into a new paradigm is happening,” the duo writes. “All of us live in a participatory universe. Once you decide that you want to participate fully with mind, body, and soul, the paradigm shift becomes personal. The reality you inhabit will be yours either to embrace or to change.”

The most distant galaxies billions of light years away, have no reality without you, because everything that makes any galaxy real— with the multitude of stars with their heat, emitted light, and masses, the positions of the distant galaxies in space and the velocity that carries each distant galaxy away at enormous speed—requires a human observer with a human nervous system.

If no one existed to experience heat, light, mass, and so on, nothing could be real as we know it.
If the qualities of nature are a human construct arising from human experiences, the existence of the physical universe “out there” must be seriously questioned–and along with it, our participation in such a universe.

Physics has had decades to process the insight of Wheeler, the eminent American physicist, general relativist and quantum physicist, who originated the notion of a participatory universe, A cosmos in which all of us are embedded as co-creators, replacing the accepted universe “out there,” which is separate from us.

Wheeler used the image of children with their noses pressed against a bakery window to describe the view that kept the observer separate from the thing being observed.

But in a fully participatory universe, the observer and the thing observed are one.

The brain isn’t the seat of consciousness but acts more like a radio receiver, and perhaps emitter, translating conscious activity into physical correlates. (The radio receiver metaphor describes the feedback loop between mind and brain, which are actually not separate but part of the same complementary activity in consciousness.)

To understand our true participation in the universe, we must learn much more about awareness and how it turns mind into matter and vice versa.

These are difficult truths for mainstream scientists to accept, and some would react to them with skepticism, disbelief, or anger.
But following the other track of explanation, beginning with physical objects “out there,” fails utterly to explain how we are conscious to begin with.

That’s why in scattered pockets, some physicists are beginning to talk about a conscious universe where consciousness is a given throughout nature.
In fact, the founders of quantum mechanics a century ago agreed more with this view, having understood that quantum mechanics implies observation and agency of mind.
Holy crap...

Boeing Has Patented a Plasma
‘Force Field’ to Protect Against Shock Waves


As weapons get more sophisticated, researchers are trying to build defence systems that can keep pace, and what’s better than a force field?

Aerospace and defence giant Boeing has been awarded a patent to develop a force field-like system that could protect military vehicles from shockwaves following explosions from missiles or improvised explosive devices.

Boeing’s proposed system involves using a combination of lasers, electricity and microwaves to rapidly heat up the air between the vehicle and a blast. This heat creates a plasma shield that's denser than the surrounding air and able to deflect or absorb the energy from the incoming shockwave.

Unlike the impenetrable force fields of science fiction movies, the system is not designed to prevent direct impacts or shrapnel.
Instead, Boeing’s system is designed to protect a target - which could be a vehicle carrying troops, or a building such as a command centre or a hospital - from the after-effects of nearby explosions.

The system, which would likely be mounted on a military vehicle, or some other target, would have sensors that can detect the velocity and shape of an incoming threat.

The system would also be able to determine the size and force of the resulting explosion.

Its sensors and computers would be able to calculate the time it would take the shock wave from an explosion to reach the target, and from what direction.

This is important, as the generated force field would only protect a small region of the target, rather than enveloping the entire thing.

Once it has determined the timing of the shock wave, the system’s objective is to somehow heat the air around the target, generating what Boeing terms a “transient medium” that intercepts the shock wave and reduces the energy density.

As Evan Ackerman from IEEE Spectrum explains:

"The general concept is to use an electromagnetic arc to create this intermediate medium in mid-air on very short notice by using a stupendous amount of energy to heat the air into a plasma.“

The plasma, which is much hotter than the surrounding air, also has a different density and composition.
Boeing believes this plasma field is enough to divert, reflect or absorb the energy passing through.

In its application, Boeing outlines several different embodiments of the systems, with different methods for detecting threats, and for rapidly creating the plasma field.

One option uses converging lasers or microwave beams to generate a spherical region of plasma.
Alternatively, the force field could be generated by firing lasers that induce plasma channels in the air, which provide a path for an electric discharge to create the plasma shield.

These same pathways could be created by launching metal pellets that leave conductive trails as they fly.

However they decide to make it work, it's a pretty cool idea.
We'll be waiting for the first the prototype, which may or may not be able to defend against shock waves from this crazy new weapon.
@Skarekrow I watched the video in its entirety...@ 47.49 Are contradicts himself regarding an earlier statement that Spirit is not energy, he says here that it is. I disagree and have always felt that Spirit is energy. @ 53.34, Are's comment regarding I-consciousness is focused mental and physical energy, I've found this to be true irl. @59.32 he references Will as using focused body energy, I feel this is true also but with a catch. Will, once understood is body energy focused with mental energy and concentrated in the one direction, meaning it's channeled. @1.00-1.03.53 he does a great job explaining why using our names is so important to understanding I-consiousness. IMO, when people self-deprecate they're sabotaging their enrgy flow, ie. when we mess up and xall ourself a dumbass, lol. Here he explains the importance of body consciousness and mental consciousness. It's at this bridge I feel we are able to tap into our subconscious and thus bring into awareness that which is hidden. This brings our awareness to Self-all the difference in knowing we are seperate-I am- and yet connected collectively.
This all creates more curiosity for me. When I'm tuned into another's aura and I see black or dark brown spots...I wonder if these are the footholds of the entities Are is speaking of? I'm still skeptical of his reference early in the vid when he is telling the story of curing his wife's migraine by just reaching in and grabbing the dark spot and tossing it ??? That seems dangerous to me. I've touched another on one of the darkened spots in their aura out of curiosity and they said they felt something...I felt like crap for three days later until I did a water cleanse.
Are's discussion regarding shamanism was intriguing. His reference to Will resonates with me. In the Human Design System I keep yapping about Will is the Heart or Ego Center. His discussion runs parallel with HDS Ego and I Am. I'll be looking more into that correlation!
I don't use drugs or plants to induce a trip as water and/or earth work well for me. When I'm wading, swimming or even showering I can experience similar to what I hear psychedelics offer. I don't agree that dissociation is a way to go as it seems an unheathy or escapist way. This is a primary reason I disagree with his opinion that spirit and energy differ, they don't. An example is how I store energy for fuel and energy for spiritual healing and exploration. When I have physical work to do I eat right...with spiritual work I eat sparingly but rarely fast anymore because of the diabetes. When I'm done doing spiritual work I could eat a grizzly without peeling it I'm so hungry and exhausted enough to sleep for a day...it's very taxing on my whole system.
I would like to read some of Are's books to make a more decicive view, but over all there are points he makes that hold some salt; however, there are points he makes that cause me to say hmm, naw, while my catching his contradicting himself turns me off of to any credibility he may have...then again it could have been a mistake in his thought processing of word choice. I'd wager he's an INTP tho, check out his eyes rolling upward like he's reading a script rolling across his mind. :P
Crazy experience!
As a kid going OOB used to happen quite often until it got too frightening for me...somehow I shut it down for some time...idk.
Theoretically we should be able to phase through things - even in the physical state we are in now.
I think it probably happens to people on accident sometimes.

I think that is fair to say as far as it agrees with my experience from what I can understand of it. Well experiences, there's been a few weird ones.

Watched the first hour of the video with Mr. Thoresen and found it rather quite interesting (all the while feeling sad that he is no longer with us) - not just because he said a number of relatable things but also because he spoke about them so calmly, as someone who has just lived what he is describing. He said some things that especially stood out to me too - the first being that he is a veterinarian and the example he chose to use mentioned horses. (Mythologically Chiron is half-man and half-horse and Chiron personalities are very interested in healing through some all-encompassing holistic approach. Even if the personality is intellectually inclined the presence of say a Sun-Chiron aspect will eventually divert them toward these interests which in some fashion become part of their vocation. There are a few individuals on this forum with such aspects, for example @Skarekrow and myself but also several others.) And naturally his whole narrative was from the perspective of understanding and healing issues whatever their presentation.

The way he described love certainly gave me pause but so did his description of the entities - Jungian astropsychologists understand personality changes as arising from what they call "archetypal complexes" rising to the surface, that is consciousness whereby they lose their compulsive hold on the personality and instead become integrated into it - the timing of transits and progressions signal these types of changes while the nature of the aspect and so forth describes what the change is about. He essentially described his experience in a rather similar manner, although he seems to have a unique understanding of how the entities function. (I have also read about one bit elsewhere, where we can be 'invaded' more easily if our aura becomes warped or develops an 'ozone hole' in it at some point.)

Overall very interesting interview with just the first hour of it.
IMO, when people self-deprecate they're sabotaging their enrgy flow, ie. when we mess up and xall ourself a dumbass, lol. Here he explains the importance of body consciousness and mental consciousness. It's at this bridge I feel we are able to tap into our subconscious and thus bring into awareness that which is hidden. This brings our awareness to Self-all the difference in knowing we are seperate-I am- and yet connected collectively.
This all creates more curiosity for me. When I'm tuned into another's aura and I see black or dark brown spots...I wonder if these are the footholds of the entities Are is speaking of? I'm still skeptical of his reference early in the vid when he is telling the story of curing his wife's migraine by just reaching in and grabbing the dark spot and tossing it ??? That seems dangerous to me. I've touched another on one of the darkened spots in their aura out of curiosity and they said they felt something...I felt like crap for three days later until I did a water cleanse.

@Sandie33 - I see some of these ideas occurred to you as well. While I have never actually "seen" an aura (can feel/sense instead) I do have a personal story involving a family relative who went to a "medium healer" with severe back pain to the point they couldn't walk anymore - the woman they saw simply touched them and the pain was gone, instantly. They still have no clue what happened or how it was done yet I remember them going through this clearly (as a child around 10) and this just reminded me of this happening.
This is why we can’t have nice things.
Next time a random “Boomer”, “tells you a thing or two” about working harder and smarter and blah blah - show them this picture.
Good luck paying for that degree with that wage!
Good luck finding a job that pays well enough to pay for the education required to get it.

This is moronic.
Someone should be smacked...

America, fuck yeah!

View attachment 56238
This breaks my heart so much.
I'm going on to get my Master's soon. I don't know what I'll do if I'm making California minimum wage. Heh.

I think McDonald's employees in certain areas in Cali make that, hourly. Or close to it, at least.

Even in Indiana, where cost of living is dirt cheap, that would still be tight. I make more than that in overtime. Ugh. So depressing!
the woman they saw simply touched them and the pain was gone, instantly.
Yes, the other said they felt something, and they felt better, but I felt like garbage for three days. I had wondered if I took on whatever it was. Anyhoo. Side note, the folks that I'm close with claim I have a calming presence and give the best hugs in town, lol.
So there may be more to the story...:m083:
Lol they may just like you and feel better around you for that reason but if you actually felt bad for days and with the timing coinciding it's very likely some "transfer" happened right then.
@Skarekrow I watched the video in its entirety...@ 47.49 Are contradicts himself regarding an earlier statement that Spirit is not energy, he says here that it is. I disagree and have always felt that Spirit is energy. @ 53.34, Are's comment regarding I-consciousness is focused mental and physical energy, I've found this to be true irl. @59.32 he references Will as using focused body energy, I feel this is true also but with a catch. Will, once understood is body energy focused with mental energy and concentrated in the one direction, meaning it's channeled. @1.00-1.03.53 he does a great job explaining why using our names is so important to understanding I-consiousness. IMO, when people self-deprecate they're sabotaging their enrgy flow, ie. when we mess up and xall ourself a dumbass, lol. Here he explains the importance of body consciousness and mental consciousness. It's at this bridge I feel we are able to tap into our subconscious and thus bring into awareness that which is hidden. This brings our awareness to Self-all the difference in knowing we are seperate-I am- and yet connected collectively.
This all creates more curiosity for me. When I'm tuned into another's aura and I see black or dark brown spots...I wonder if these are the footholds of the entities Are is speaking of? I'm still skeptical of his reference early in the vid when he is telling the story of curing his wife's migraine by just reaching in and grabbing the dark spot and tossing it ??? That seems dangerous to me. I've touched another on one of the darkened spots in their aura out of curiosity and they said they felt something...I felt like crap for three days later until I did a water cleanse.
Are's discussion regarding shamanism was intriguing. His reference to Will resonates with me. In the Human Design System I keep yapping about Will is the Heart or Ego Center. His discussion runs parallel with HDS Ego and I Am. I'll be looking more into that correlation!
I don't use drugs or plants to induce a trip as water and/or earth work well for me. When I'm wading, swimming or even showering I can experience similar to what I hear psychedelics offer. I don't agree that dissociation is a way to go as it seems an unheathy or escapist way. This is a primary reason I disagree with his opinion that spirit and energy differ, they don't. An example is how I store energy for fuel and energy for spiritual healing and exploration. When I have physical work to do I eat right...with spiritual work I eat sparingly but rarely fast anymore because of the diabetes. When I'm done doing spiritual work I could eat a grizzly without peeling it I'm so hungry and exhausted enough to sleep for a day...it's very taxing on my whole system.
I would like to read some of Are's books to make a more decicive view, but over all there are points he makes that hold some salt; however, there are points he makes that cause me to say hmm, naw, while my catching his contradicting himself turns me off of to any credibility he may have...then again it could have been a mistake in his thought processing of word choice. I'd wager he's an INTP tho, check out his eyes rolling upward like he's reading a script rolling across his mind. :p

Wow, what a great synopsis!
I too was taken aback at certain things that he was saying though I don’t doubt that he experienced them in some form.
I’m not too sure that such things are entities from another dimension that are acting as parasites more that I feel they are probably created by us as thought forms - which then may gain some basic sentience - as is thought to be the case in poltergeists.
His wishy-washiness about entheogenic substances I found frustrating.
No they are not good...but then he says yes they are good if you have the right intentions - but then goes back to his original, no....followed by another yes.
As far as what he was saying about the noninterference by benevolent beings and our free-will, that has always been my own feeling on the matter.
I tend to move away from the metaphysical reasons for illness...mostly due to my career in surgery, but also because I have found that group quite often fall into a “victim blaming” mentality - that ultimately it is YOU that is causing your “dis-ease” - that fucking pisses me off to no end and sets me off.
I don’t discount that there may be such reasons as I have seen proof of such ideas as energy healing in actuality.
However, all the shit he says about animals getting sick from the transfer of these spiritual parasites I just don’t buy.
He was very adamant that it was this way in every case he has treated.
I think animals get sick just like we humans do....yes, there can be a deep and maybe even a psychic type connection there, but I don’t think when my dog died of cancer when I was 12 it was because of such a transference.
Again...it steps into victim blaming and I find that irritating.

All in all though, I rather enjoyed it and found some worthwhile material to glean from it!
It seems like you did too, so that is great!

I think that is fair to say as far as it agrees with my experience from what I can understand of it. Well experiences, there's been a few weird ones.

Watched the first hour of the video with Mr. Thoresen and found it rather quite interesting (all the while feeling sad that he is no longer with us) - not just because he said a number of relatable things but also because he spoke about them so calmly, as someone who has just lived what he is describing. He said some things that especially stood out to me too - the first being that he is a veterinarian and the example he chose to use mentioned horses. (Mythologically Chiron is half-man and half-horse and Chiron personalities are very interested in healing through some all-encompassing holistic approach. Even if the personality is intellectually inclined the presence of say a Sun-Chiron aspect will eventually divert them toward these interests which in some fashion become part of their vocation. There are a few individuals on this forum with such aspects, for example @Skarekrow and myself but also several others.) And naturally his whole narrative was from the perspective of understanding and healing issues whatever their presentation.

The way he described love certainly gave me pause but so did his description of the entities - Jungian astropsychologists understand personality changes as arising from what they call "archetypal complexes" rising to the surface, that is consciousness whereby they lose their compulsive hold on the personality and instead become integrated into it - the timing of transits and progressions signal these types of changes while the nature of the aspect and so forth describes what the change is about. He essentially described his experience in a rather similar manner, although he seems to have a unique understanding of how the entities function. (I have also read about one bit elsewhere, where we can be 'invaded' more easily if our aura becomes warped or develops an 'ozone hole' in it at some point.)

Overall very interesting interview with just the first hour of it.

Great post!
First of all though I believe Are is still alive...it was a common friend between the two who passed that he was speaking of.
So that’s good though still sad.
Interesting bits about Chiron...that resonates with me a lot!
Yes in regards to what you wrote about Jungian archetypes - I would say that these could be the thought-forms or Tulpas of those archetypes manifested in a negative way - maybe latched on until you as a person work through whatever it is allowing it to grab a hold in the first place?
Perhaps it’s more a matter of moving in a manner of personal growth in those areas that show up as black spots or some kind of entity?

@Sandie33 - I see some of these ideas occurred to you as well. While I have never actually "seen" an aura (can feel/sense instead) I do have a personal story involving a family relative who went to a "medium healer" with severe back pain to the point they couldn't walk anymore - the woman they saw simply touched them and the pain was gone, instantly. They still have no clue what happened or how it was done yet I remember them going through this clearly (as a child around 10) and this just reminded me of this happening.

It’s very interesting to me as well as growing up in the Mormon church...when someone would get really sick you could request the elders of the church to come around and anoint you with blessed oil and then they sit you in a chair and all place their hands on your head and pray.
I can still feel what that felt like....even though I find the religion to be disgusting on personal and moral level - I can only say that many of them are brainwashed just like most of Christianity today - in spite of that - there is still power in such things imho.
It’s all about their thoughts and intentions.

This breaks my heart so much.
I'm going on to get my Master's soon. I don't know what I'll do if I'm making California minimum wage. Heh.

I think McDonald's employees in certain areas in Cali make that, hourly. Or close to it, at least.

Even in Indiana, where cost of living is dirt cheap, that would still be tight. I make more than that in overtime. Ugh. So depressing!

Don’t worry!
I’m sure you’ll find a good paying job....lol...this looks like it was from a University job website - so it is probably grading Freshman papers or something menial.
Still....as the country is inching toward a $15 minimum wage, you kind of have to say - wtf man?
That is how I felt about working on the ambulance.....way underpaid.
Same goes for assisting with open heart surgery...I think such jobs should be well compensated - you would be surprised though.
It’s very frustrating I know!!

Yes, the other said they felt something, and they felt better, but I felt like garbage for three days. I had wondered if I took on whatever it was. Anyhoo. Side note, the folks that I'm close with claim I have a calming presence and give the best hugs in town, lol.
So there may be more to the story...:m083:

Lol they may just like you and feel better around you for that reason but if you actually felt bad for days and with the timing coinciding it's very likely some "transfer" happened right then.

I agree with jkxx, you probably transferred something unbeknownst to you at the time.
It good that you were able to get rid of it after fighting it for a few days!
Crazy stuff!!!
Last edited:
We reached 9000 posts/replies and I didn’t even notice!
I’m blown away every time I reach such a milestone at how long and how much info is in this thread, lmao!
Thank you all for reading it and liking the articles!
Thank you also to all those who have contributed stories and their own opinions - I appreciate it and you all!
Lots and lots of love to all those who read this mess!

A bit late, but....



As usual I'm already inspired to reply with a few of the comments. Quickly before moving on from Chiron - in the summary in one of my books on it the concluding section on it ends with

Chiron's most creative line of defence is
understanding. That is Chiron's gift in myth, and that is
what begins to emerge in people who can recognise what
their anger and bitterness are really about. The quest for
understanding is what brings a lot of us into astrology as
well as psychology. Some people believe that "the Quest"
in the archetypal sense is a quest for spiritual realisation.
But a great many people do not think in those terms,
which may seem rather abstract. Instead, they urgently
wish to understand why human beings suffer, and what
can be done to alleviate the suffering. Like the centaur,
they seek answers here on earth, not in heaven. Chiron
forces us to ask questions for which we cannot find a
reasonable answer. So we try to acquire knowledge, and
the knowledge is of a very special kind.
Chiron in myth, as in the astrological chart, initially
seeks knowledge of the laws of nature and of the human
condition. Whether this is reflected in the healing arts,
scientific knowledge, or a combination of the two, Chiron
is concerned with understanding the basic principles
through which organic life operates. The mythic Chiron is
a lover of knowledge, and works to penetrate the secrets of
nature and the physical body. We should remember that
Chiron is a teacher and healer before he is wounded by
Herakles. But we may surmise that his desire to learn and
teach springs in part from his loneliness and exclusion
from both purely bestial and purely human existence. He
is already wounded, because he is different. He is a beast
who thinks, and therefore he cannot condone the savagery
of his centaur tribe; but he is also half bestial, and he
cannot aspire to a human shape or a human destiny.

which is a rather good short on the very basic premise which defines its meaning and motivation.
I’m not too sure that such things are entities from another dimension that are acting as parasites more that I feel they are probably created by us as thought forms - which then may gain some basic sentience - as is thought to be the case in poltergeists.

Such as thought forms created by what would be called shadow material we don't accept as part of ourselves?
Yes in regards to what you wrote about Jungian archetypes - I would say that these could be the thought-forms or Tulpas of those archetypes manifested in a negative way - maybe latched on until you as a person work through whatever it is allowing it to grab a hold in the first place?

Perhaps it’s more a matter of moving in a manner of personal growth in those areas that show up as black spots or some kind of entity?

Something like this yes, because even if the archetype is neutral we may have some distant (traumatic) memory of it which makes anything but and thus we associate it with a sort of badness. Or it's a kind of archetype which feels like it has to control everything and it might be attached to one's thoughts or feelings producing (potentially) the sense that one is imprisoned - we may then look for culprits outside to see who is imprisoning us without realizing it is some part of our own psyche. Random examples but I think they demonstrate the point a bit. And yes not just black spots but also blind spots which others can see with little effort but to which we are oblivious.

I can still feel what that felt like....even though I find the religion to be disgusting on personal and moral level - I can only say that many of them are brainwashed just like most of Christianity today - in spite of that - there is still power in such things imho.
It’s all about their thoughts and intentions.

Yes, thought here was, but they are still invoking the power of positive intention and effectively channeling it into the person through their efforts - if their intentions are relatively pure we can expect this positive energy would have an appropriate effect on the person at the center of the ceremony.
While perusing Amazon the other day for books on meditation and the sort I came across this wondrous book that has intrigued me since first glance!
WTF is in his hand...a joint, a crack-pipe, a pregnancy test?
Also...that is the smile of a creepy fucker when they have figured out a way to get paid for being a creepy fucker.
Please someone buy me a copy!

Screen Shot 2019-07-23 at 10.55.00 AM.webp
While perusing Amazon the other day for books on meditation and the sort I came across this wondrous book that has intrigued me since first glance!
WTF is in his hand...a joint, a crack-pipe, a pregnancy test?
Also...that is the smile of a creepy fucker when they have figured out a way to get paid for being a creepy fucker.
Please someone buy me a copy!

Had to have been a self publish ;)

* and it looks like a test strip of some kind

The question that intrigued the great American quantum physicist John Archibald Wheeler in the last decades of his life was: “Are life and mind irrelevant to the structure of the universe, or are they central to it?”

Wheeler originated the notion of a “participatory,” conscious universe, a cosmos in which all of us are embedded as co-creators, replacing the accepted universe “out there,” which is separate from us.

Wheeler used the image of children with their noses pressed against a bakery window to describe the view that kept the observer separate from the thing being observed.

But in a fully participatory universe, the observer and the thing observed are one.

He suggested that the nature of reality was revealed by the bizarre laws of quantum mechanics.
According to the quantum theory, before the observation is made, a subatomic particle exists in several states, called a superposition (or, as Wheeler called it, a ‘Smoky Dragon’).

Once the particle is observed, it instantaneously collapses into a single position.

Wheeler was a major influence on Deepak Chopra who joined forces with physicist Menas Kafatos to explore some of the most important and baffling questions about human existence.

What happens when modern science reaches a crucial turning point that challenges everything we know about reality?
In the coming era, the universe will be completely redefined as a “human universe” radically unlike the cold, empty void where human life and our planet is a mere mote of dust in the cosmos.

Wheeler introduced the concept of wormholes and coined the term “black hole”.
He pioneered the theory of nuclear fission with Niels Bohr and introduced the S-matrix (the scattering matrix used in quantum mechanics).

Wheeler devised a concept of quantum foam; a theory of “virtual particles” popping in and out of existence in space (similarly, he conceptualized foam as the foundation of the fabric of the universe).

At the end of his life, Wheeler said that when we finally comprehend the true nature of the universe, “we’ll be stunned by its simplicity.”

Sir John Eccles, a famous British neurologist and Nobel laureate, declared, “I want you to realize that there exists no color in the natural world, and no sound – nothing of this kind; no textures, no patterns, no beauty, no scent.”

What Eccles means, says Kafatos, is that all the qualities of Nature, from the luxurious scent of a rose to the sting of a wasp and the taste of honey, are produced by human beings.

Erwin Schrödinger, one of the main founders of quantum mechanics, said essentially the same thing when he declared that photons, quanta of light, have no color, such properties arise in the biology of perception.

“If you want an observer around, and if you want life, you need heavy elements. To make heavy elements out of hydrogen, you need thermonuclear combustion. To have thermonuclear combustion, you need a time of cooking in a star of several billion years. In order to stretch out several billion years in its time dimension, the universe, according to general relativity, must be several years across in its space dimensions. So why is the universe as big as it is? Because we are here.”

Wheeler inspired many aspiring young scientists, including some of the greats of the 20th century.
Among his doctoral students were Richard Feynman, a Nobel Prize laureate, with whom he coauthored the “Wheeler-Feynman absorber theory”; Hugh Everett, who proposed the many worlds interpretation; Kip Thorne, who predicted the existence of red supergiant stars with neutron-star cores; Jacob Bekenstein, who formulated black hole thermodynamics; Charles Misner, who discovered a mathematical spacetime called Misner space; Arthur Wightman, the originator of Wightman axioms; and Benjamin Schumacher, who invented the term “qubit” and is known for the “Schumacher compression”.

Wheeler suggested that reality is created by observers and that: “no phenomenon is a real phenomenon until it is an observed phenomenon.”
He coined the term “Participatory Anthropic Principle” (PAP) from the Greek “anthropos”, or human.

He went further to suggest that “we are participants in bringing into being not only the near and here, but the far away and long ago.”

This claim was considered rather outlandish until his thought experiment, known as the “delayed-choice experiment,” was tested in a laboratory in 1984. This experiment was a variation on the famous “double-slit experiment” in which the dual nature of light was exposed (depending on how the experiment was measured and observed, the light behaved like a particle (a photon) or like a wave).

The results of this experiment, as well as another conducted in 2007, proved what Wheeler had always suspected – observers’ consciousness is required to bring the universe into existence.

This means that a pre-life Earth would have existed in an undetermined state, and a pre-life universe could only exist retroactively.

In their recent book, You Are the Universe, mirroring Wheeler, Kafatos and Chopra suggest that each of us is a co-creator of reality extending to the vastest reaches of time and space.

This seemingly impossible proposition follows from the current state of science, where outside the public eye, some key mysteries cannot be solved, even though they are the very issues that define reality itself:

“The shift into a new paradigm is happening,” the duo writes. “All of us live in a participatory universe. Once you decide that you want to participate fully with mind, body, and soul, the paradigm shift becomes personal. The reality you inhabit will be yours either to embrace or to change.”

The most distant galaxies billions of light years away, have no reality without you, because everything that makes any galaxy real— with the multitude of stars with their heat, emitted light, and masses, the positions of the distant galaxies in space and the velocity that carries each distant galaxy away at enormous speed—requires a human observer with a human nervous system.

If no one existed to experience heat, light, mass, and so on, nothing could be real as we know it.
If the qualities of nature are a human construct arising from human experiences, the existence of the physical universe “out there” must be seriously questioned–and along with it, our participation in such a universe.

Physics has had decades to process the insight of Wheeler, the eminent American physicist, general relativist and quantum physicist, who originated the notion of a participatory universe, A cosmos in which all of us are embedded as co-creators, replacing the accepted universe “out there,” which is separate from us.

Wheeler used the image of children with their noses pressed against a bakery window to describe the view that kept the observer separate from the thing being observed.

But in a fully participatory universe, the observer and the thing observed are one.

The brain isn’t the seat of consciousness but acts more like a radio receiver, and perhaps emitter, translating conscious activity into physical correlates. (The radio receiver metaphor describes the feedback loop between mind and brain, which are actually not separate but part of the same complementary activity in consciousness.)

To understand our true participation in the universe, we must learn much more about awareness and how it turns mind into matter and vice versa.

These are difficult truths for mainstream scientists to accept, and some would react to them with skepticism, disbelief, or anger.
But following the other track of explanation, beginning with physical objects “out there,” fails utterly to explain how we are conscious to begin with.

That’s why in scattered pockets, some physicists are beginning to talk about a conscious universe where consciousness is a given throughout nature.
In fact, the founders of quantum mechanics a century ago agreed more with this view, having understood that quantum mechanics implies observation and agency of mind.
Great article. It has always seemed obvious to me that consciousness exists because it's nature is implicit in the fundamental structure of the universe - it's not something bolted on as an afterthought.

There is a rather disturbing possibility that arises from the idea that the history and full nature of the universe was indeterminate until human awareness existed to crystalise it out. The story of the Fall could be more than myth - it could actually be the case that the first human beings really did cock things up and embedded the flaw in ultimate reality going right back to the beginning :coldsweat: