Edited in a few more things above that should help, that being said, as with inkblots, without human interaction, empathy and sympathu with "human understanding, insight and exploration" it's not likely to work.
I saw that, thanks!
On bored with "magick" as a term, like "strange action at a distance" as Newton called gravity before space-time became a "thing".
It was Einstein.
I think quite possibly the unfindable “aether” could easily be dark matter/energy - seeing as how that’s 96% of reality we cannot detect or see.
We suggest that it is the processing of the emotional aspects of pain in the cortex that are responsible for excessive pain symptoms reported by depressed patients.”
I agree here, (Last paragraph), emotions and labeling feelings in the moment has helped me with chronic pain symptoms and their impact. Seems if I reframe my "oh, shit, I feel like crud again," stinkin-thinkin, into taking a moment to explore where exactly I don't feel well, and why I don't feel well, I can stave off the slip into deeper sadness which always, always leads to a depressive episode.
For example, after I broke my foot last year the doc told me I have plantar fasceitis (spelling) now.
I have had neuropathy in my feet for years from nerve damage and diabetes...my feet used to be completely numb from heel to toe. In fact I used to joke and say I'm walking on my shins today because I had no feeling until shin height. Now, (and I blame the doc for implanting the idea in my mind) it feels like I have iron weighted bands around both feet from just behind my toes to just in front of my heels. It literally feels like bands I can't wiggle my feet out of. Much of the time my toes are still numb, heel to shin is still numb, but this damn feeling in my feet feels like iron teathers. I do stretches, and run my feet over a rubber baseball, which is suppose to help with the pain, and the band feels like it's stretching but doesn't go away. Now, here's the oddity...when I'm distracted and focused on other things, I can't feel my feet, nor the bands. Go figure, ehe? I can't explain it and neither can the doc.
So now that I know it works to forget, or redirect the frustration that comes with not being able to wiggle my feet without feeling these damn bands, I focus on other stuff when I feel those bands start to tighten up. ;)
Love your pain and it might hurt less!
(Or just stop being depressed)
So easy...

Study suggests depressed people
experience a negative bias in the processing of pain


New research indicates that depression impacts the subjective perception of pain.
The findings appear in the journal Frontiers in Psychiatry.

“As a clinician, I encounter many patients suffering from depression, and pain symptoms seem to be extremely common in this population. Up to 80% of patients who present in primary care settings with major depression suffer from physical symptoms, and the nature and mechanisms of this bidirectional relationship is intriguing and of importance to our understanding and treatment of depression,” said study author Uri Nitzan, the director of the depression and crisis intervention department at the Shalvata Mental Health Center.

Using a temperature stimulation device, the researchers compared the pain sensitivity of 25 patients suffering from a moderate to severe depressive episode to 25 matched controls.

They found that depressed participants tended to rate lower temperatures as more painful.
Depressed participants also reported more perceived pain during the last month.

“The present study stresses that a negative bias in the processing of pain stimuli might be central in the pathophysiology of pain in patients with unipolar depression. Possibly, depressed patients’ increased evaluation of pain intensity accords with their cognitive bias, and is similar to their processing pattern of facial expression,” Nitzan told PsyPost.

“Consistent evidence demonstrates that individuals suffering from depression have a negative response bias towards sadness, so that they tend to evaluate positive (happy), neutral, or ambiguous facial expressions as sadder or less happy than do non-depressed subjects.”

The findings shed some light on why pain symptoms are associated with depression.
However, more research is needed.

“This is a preliminary study, and further studies are needed to unravel the aberrations in pain processing among depressed patients along the course of time and in patients without antidepressant medications,” Nitzan explained.

“Traditionally, pain symptoms in depression were attributed to changes in pain perception and modulation. We suggest that it is the processing of the emotional aspects of pain in the cortex that are responsible for excessive pain symptoms reported by depressed patients.”

The study, “Initial Evaluation of Pain Intensity Among Depressed Patients as a Possible Mediator Between Depression and Pain Complaints“, was authored by Uri Nitzan, Maya Hecht, Yoram Braw, Hagai Maoz, Yechiel Levkovitz, David Yarnitsky, Yelena Granovsky, and Yuval Bloch.

  1. Anatomic Insights into Disrupted Small-World Networks in Pediatric Posttraumatic Stress Disorder
    Suo X et. al.., Radiology, 2016
  2. Posttraumatic Stress Disorder: Structural Characterization with 3-T MR Imaging
    Li S et. al.., Radiology, 2016
  1. Resting-State Functional Connectivity in Treatment-Resistant Depression
    Lui S et. al., Am J Psychiatry, 2011
  2. Regression analysis of major parameters affecting the intensity of coal and gas outbursts in laboratory
    Geng Jiabo; Xu Jiang; Nie Wen; Peng Shoujian; Zhang Chaolin; Luo Xiaohang, International Journal of Mining Science and Technology, 2017
It was Einstein.
I think quite possibly the unfindable “aether” could easily be dark matter/energy - seeing as how that’s 96% of reality we cannot detect or see.

Half of Newton's writings were on the Occult, and he was accused of this in his theory, and offered no occult explanations of gravity.

Newton's classical theory of gravity offered no prospect of identifying any mediator of gravitational interaction. His theory assumed that gravitation acts instantaneously, regardless of distance. Kepler's observations gave strong evidence that in planetary motion angular momentum is conserved. (The mathematical proof is valid only in the case of a Euclidean geometry.) Gravity is also known as a force of attraction between two objects because of their mass.

This explanation came with Einstein:

According to Albert Einstein's theory of special relativity, instantaneous action at a distance violates the relativistic upper limit on speed of propagation of information. If one of the interacting objects were to suddenly be displaced from its position, the other object would feel its influence instantaneously, meaning information had been transmitted faster than the speed of light.

So now there are gravitational waves through space-time and the like, still "spooky" by dealing with nothing or space, as a real and being influced by matter or energy.


Would have to dig deep for more Newton quotes, but thought Newton said something similar to "spooky action at a distance", or that Einstein was quoting Newton as an adage.

It is inconceivable that inanimate Matter should, without the Mediation of something else, which is not material, operate upon, and affect other matter without mutual Contact…That Gravity should be innate, inherent and essential to Matter, so that one body may act upon another at a distance thro' a Vacuum, without the Mediation of any thing else, by and through which their Action and Force may be conveyed from one to another, is to me so great an Absurdity that I believe no Man who has in philosophical Matters a competent Faculty of thinking can ever fall into it. Gravity must be caused by an Agent acting constantly according to certain laws; but whether this Agent be material or immaterial, I have left to the Consideration of my readers.[5]
— Isaac Newton, Letters to Bentley, 1692/3

Careful not to upset the church here!


And one can go, "who is the daemon on planet earth regulating climate?", life on earth, and who's messing with the affairs of heaven and earth? Civilization! ;)

There is room for puns concerning the occult and physics.

"Gaia theory or the Gaia principle, proposes that living organisms interact with their inorganic surroundings on Earth to form a synergistic and self-regulating, complex system that helps to maintain and perpetuate the conditions for life on the planet."
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Thanks Ren!
Here’s a few left behind I’ll post up for you!
I really enjoyed and could empathize with your video on INFJ childhood BTW!
Brilliant stuff my friend.
I remember in Kindergarten...I had a spot of ringworm on my hand that was being treated and was almost gone (round dry patch on skin)...I had probably gotten it from sitting on the stupid padded mats IN Kindergarten actually, lol.
Anyhow...we are in class and the teacher calls me up and asks me what this spot on my hand is.
I tell her that it used to be ringworm, and tried to tell her the Doctor said I could come back to school but she freaked out....
She stood up....”Everyone stay away from M!”, “Don’t touch him!!” “Stay back!”
As the entire room backs away from me (teachers and aids included) as if I had fucking Ebola.
I just remember bursting into tears after that - but yeah...that incident was probably the moment as an INFJ child that it was really clear to me that I was very different from the other children - ringworm or not, lmao.
Can I just say...what a terrible teacher she was...I’m sure she was slightly overreactive and misinformed but there really was no excuse to subject a 5 year old child to such an unnecessary moment of public ostracizing.
In the 1st grade it was much more defined...I often would play by myself in worlds in my head.
Not because I didn’t want to play with the other children...but there was some kind of block there that kept this perceived or real difference front and center in my little mind.
Anyhow....good stuff!

Thanks for sharing that story, friend :) I relate, and I agree, she sounds like a terrible teacher :-/ Sorry you had to go through that even though it was long ago.

Oh and my French girls what? I'm not seeing any :p
I agree here, (Last paragraph), emotions and labeling feelings in the moment has helped me with chronic pain symptoms and their impact. Seems if I reframe my "oh, shit, I feel like crud again," stinkin-thinkin, into taking a moment to explore where exactly I don't feel well, and why I don't feel well, I can stave off the slip into deeper sadness which always, always leads to a depressive episode.
For example, after I broke my foot last year the doc told me I have plantar fasceitis (spelling) now.
I have had neuropathy in my feet for years from nerve damage and diabetes...my feet used to be completely numb from heel to toe. In fact I used to joke and say I'm walking on my shins today because I had no feeling until shin height. Now, (and I blame the doc for implanting the idea in my mind) it feels like I have iron weighted bands around both feet from just behind my toes to just in front of my heels. It literally feels like bands I can't wiggle my feet out of. Much of the time my toes are still numb, heel to shin is still numb, but this damn feeling in my feet feels like iron teathers. I do stretches, and run my feet over a rubber baseball, which is suppose to help with the pain, and the band feels like it's stretching but doesn't go away. Now, here's the oddity...when I'm distracted and focused on other things, I can't feel my feet, nor the bands. Go figure, ehe? I can't explain it and neither can the doc.
So now that I know it works to forget, or redirect the frustration that comes with not being able to wiggle my feet without feeling these damn bands, I focus on other stuff when I feel those bands start to tighten up. ;)

I agree!
You got it right!
The words we speak to ourselves...the words that are applied to us by others like Doctors and whatnot also effect how we perceive a condition or illness or chronic pain.
Yes...this is a real problem -
“The Doctor said I should be broken or in pain - so I should be.”, doesn’t seem like it would happen or even impact many folks and yet it does, and it does make a difference what you are told by a medical “authority” and what we then perceive as how it must or should be accordingly.
It’s quite easy to slip into that depression that you speak of because of the connectivity changes made in the brain by chronic pain...the pain creates the depression (not just because of the physical pain being shitty), as well as anxiety, triggers PTSD, can cause more pain, and even other seemingly unrelated symptoms like IBS.
The same works in reverse - all those emotional-based things can trigger the chronic pain to flare up or go off.
So when people actually DO have structural issues/damage/inflammation causing legit pain signals - it’s almost a double whammy to keep the resulting brain abnormalities from setting off the entire chain of body events.
It takes a good portion of work to keep it all in check - I know you understand.
They have shown that telling yourself - “This won’t hurt.”, when performing the actions that would normally cause you pain helps to reprogram that part of the brain that starts to anticipate the pain and can keep that area more tense and inflamed as a result.
Not only that, but the pain signals from a chronic site become reinforced from a one lane highway to a full on freeway of signals...the nerves and the brain all become sensitized and hyper-analgesic.
By changing the subject of focus in your mind you are teaching your brain to do that automatically...just as we mentally ruminate over certain things in our lives...one can look at chronic pain as a sort of physical rumination of the body and brain.
The pain signals are very real - which is why it is so challenging at times to bypass or circumvent them successfully.
It really does take time and a lot of effort...a lot of personal acceptance, etc. to reach a place where you can see really strong results and big pain reductions - but it is there.
It’s not a consistent state either, but it IS there, lol.

You are doing so great!
It definitely helps to be able to recognize as you have, when the pain is triggering other emotions or when the pain in being unnecessarily triggered or aggravated in return.
I applaude all your strong work!
Thanks for your wise and lovely comments as usual and I hope you continue to make great strides at reducing your pain/suffering!
Much love!
“The Doctor said I should be broken or in pain - so I should be.”, doesn’t seem like it would happen or even impact many folks and yet it does, and it does make a difference what you are told by a medical “authority” and what we then perceive as how it must or should be accordingly.

They have shown that telling yourself - “This won’t hurt.”, when performing the actions that would normally cause you pain helps to reprogram that part of the brain that starts to anticipate the pain and can keep that area more tense and inflamed as a result.
Not only that, but the pain signals from a chronic site become reinforced from a one lane highway to a full on freeway of signals...the nerves and the brain all become sensitized and hyper-analgesic.

Science confirms, and it my involve teaching higher brain functions to actively ignore what one knows are "faulty wiring".

The aspect of doctors and others are also very true, as the somatic and sympathetic goes both ways.

One i right to be weary of doctors and others that apply sympathy incorrectly, like emotional parasites that wants you to help care about your problems without actually avoiding them or dealing with them correctly.

Sure that many with an intellectual leaning can attest to how exhausting it can be with those that keeps talking about things like food and exercise when would prefer an enitrely different kind of distraction that doesn't compound one concern with another.

Good healers, whether using medisine or are just interested in the spiritual aspects use empathy and then try and set things right or improve on things rather than going, "alright, so what do you want? any meds you heard about in ads you want to try?", or the the low standard of, "well, your will and your problems, not here to explore options or help with your choices". And as we all know, doctors have God complexes, so you need the will and they choose and act as they feel for their own part and interest.

Get doctors that know their medicine that also have a healthy personal interaction to aid and support in healthy feelings and attitudes! Find a new docttor if they don't want to talk about things that have worked for other pasients feeling badly in the same situation and condition.

A nacroleptic friend once told me that when his usual doctor wasn't available, he was often met with an assumption of negative emotions and suicidal thoughts, that can be toxic and dangerous, he just laughed it off. Never asked if he had the best doctor around, but of course these things matter. He was on things more powerful than redbull, and had to work around being sleepy for studies and the like. He actively dealth with it and wasn't even close to bitter or depressed about it, and perhaps one of the more sympathetic friends I've had.
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Half of Newton's writings were on the Occult, and he was accused of this in his theory, and offered no occult explanations of gravity.

This explanation came with Einstein:

So now there are gravitational waves through space-time and the like, still "spooky" by dealing with nothing or space, as a real and being influced by matter or energy.


Would have to dig deep for more Newton quotes, but thought Newton said something similar to "spooky action at a distance", or that Einstein was quoting Newton as an adage.

Careful not to upset the church here!


And one can go, "who is the daemon on planet earth regulating climate?", life on earth, and who's messing with the affairs of heaven and earth? Civilization! ;)

There is room for puns concerning the occult and physics.

"Gaia theory or the Gaia principle, proposes that living organisms interact with their inorganic surroundings on Earth to form a synergistic and self-regulating, complex system that helps to maintain and perpetuate the conditions for life on the planet."

I only meant that the “spooky action at a distance” quote is attributed to Einstein.
It was in his arguing that entanglement seems to violate the speed of light and thus information.
From discussions over general relativity and QM.
Of course...if you add in more dimensions then it isn’t an issue any longer.
There are some decent arguments that we live in a pixilated universe - as Plank length is the smallest measure lest it go on for infinity (which it could I suppose?).
That the universe is more like jello and as we as information waves move through the jello - it responds to our vibrations and reacts by creating in that space the matter we are and interact with...in that sense we as "matter" are not moving at all but rather are information waves turning on and off certain quantum triggers to the jello telling it what state to take.
Like the pixels on the TV - the image is not moving - certain pixels are activated and respond to the appropriate information sent to it giving the impression of moving across the screen though it is entirely separate from the original image.

They have found those elusive gravitational waves though recently, which helps confirm part of general relativity predicted.
GR though has a lot of unknowns still though...and it does very little to explain things like entanglement and the observer effect.
Hell...China and the US both have working versions of quantum radar - which uses entangled particles and detects changes in their spin instantaneously when they bombard anything in the air - no stealth tech we know of could hide from.
It’s even more accurate than traditional radar as there is no delay waiting for the return signal with entangled particles.
Still being developed...but I wouldn’t be surprised if it was already in use certain places.

Yes, Newton was very much into alchemy and other similar “occult” studies.
I have no doubt that he would say something similar to what Einstein did.
Both he and Einstein tired to find the “aether" of the universe...neither was successful though Einstein really never gave up the idea of it existing in some way.
Which again, could easily be dark matter/energy...the jell of the jello supposedly.

There are already quite a few work-arounds to the laws of thermodynamics!
Such as the Casimir effect, the Hofstadter lattice, quantum engines, and as you suggest - Maxwell’s demon.

"Gaia theory or the Gaia principle, proposes that living organisms interact with their inorganic surroundings on Earth to form a synergistic and self-regulating, complex system that helps to maintain and perpetuate the conditions for life on the planet."

^^^ I know of this theory yes. ;)
It fits with the integrated information theory of consciousness in a way actually - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Integrated_information_theory

I only meant that the “spooky action at a distance” quote is attributed to Einstein.
It was in his arguing that entanglement seems to violate the speed of light and thus information.

Yeah, this has more to do with QM than Gravity, but Newton alluded and expressed confusion much in the same way.
And it is interesting that Newton spent more than half his time on "occult" topics, where an affinity for this may need to be natural for new and novel conceptualizations.

Gravity must be caused by an Agent acting constantly according to certain laws; but whether this Agent be material or immaterial, I have left to the Consideration of my readers.

An AGENT that is either material or immaterial is actually very spooky! :D
Not according to Einstein however....

This introductory section has focused on the spacetime of special relativity, since it is the easiest to describe. Minkowski spacetime is flat, takes no account of gravity, is uniform throughout, and serves as nothing more than a static background for the events that take place in it. The presence of gravity greatly complicates the description of spacetime. In general relativity, spacetime is no longer a static background, but actively interacts with the physical systems that it contains. Spacetime curves in the presence of matter, can propagate waves, bends light, and exhibits a host of other phenomena.[20]:221 A few of these phenomena are described in the later sections of this article.

Nothing is real and is an immaterial agent if this is taken as a reponse to Newton.
Thanks for sharing that story, friend :) I relate, and I agree, she sounds like a terrible teacher :-/ Sorry you had to go through that even though it was long ago.

Oh and my French girls what? I'm not seeing any :p

Yeah...I don’t know how old she was when I was that age...she could have been new for all I know...but still.
I believe it was Ms. Ames the teacher’s aid that finally stepped in and put an end to the moment...I’m not sure exactly anymore haha.
The teachers in my life have always been questionable...there are only a few that I really remember and who made strong impacts on me.
It was always contentious for me (the relationship with teachers) until I got into HS and even then some....college was better.
Stupid individualization...
Yes, Newton was very much into alchemy and other similar “occult” studies.
I have no doubt that he would say something similar to what Einstein did.
Both he and Einstein tired to find the “aether" of the universe...neither was successful though Einstein really never gave up the idea of it existing in some way.
Which again, could easily be dark matter/energy...the jell of the jello supposedly.

I have spent significant amount of time on this, and have an explanation that requires math skills I dont have.

So if there exists such as a fundamental thing according to the full range of tbe abstract and arbitrary meaning of it.
And that space is equally a fundamental requirement, a black hole cannot be a single point, but we can have a point in space-time.
And all the things compacted so densiely as to prevent there being empty space such that no individual partcile or thing can move without acting more like part of a fluid.
Actions of things in lieu of the mechanicsm of general relatvity causes a bit of a paradox in space, where dark matter is the content of black holes.
This allows for an explanation that involves the photo electric effect and dark matter.

Where properties of this fluid pushing on space from a fold in "nothing" (yes, this is paradoxical brain gymnastics) in space.
Such that this "dark-water" as the egyptian called it cannot interact with "normal space" without being logically inconsistent.
By invoking mathematical logic as Godels theorems as it deals with decidability in relation to consistency and completenss, where consistency is a principle in physics.
One can make metaphysical arguments that explain the whole mess logically.

Particles have spin and charge, where black holes have spin and electric charge, such that this properties extended to the properties of black holes allow arguing for interaction between particles with the right properties with dark-matter, such that the particle and wave duality can be explained by a property of the paricle interacting with dark-matter.

The Higgs field only explain a few percent of mass in matter, where most can be explained by the energy from forces and fields involved in the atom.
Conversely, if one considers that a lot of energy goes into spinning this matter around a black hole, one get to a physical model that may add up to 100% of the observable Universe rather than 5% or so.
One just have to accept that the expansion of the Universe and space in it comes rom growing black holes, and that gas nebulae may be explained by exploded black holes and that the Universe is in fact infinite.

Along the lines of this philosophy here:

And it's no exception, many ancient systems of metaphysics and thought seem to reflect much of the same.

So, spent time on "translating" Egyptian seems a bit easier, as "dark-water" is defined as something that is "dry to us" -- hello dark water. Ra might be the yellow sun, and Nun "that which is everywhere and now -- without movement, time is a bit irrelevant, and we may incorrectly think of it as moving, but rather things move in it".

Norse speak of Ginnun gagap and other things like Mulspel (perhaps play with fire and light).
Aether from Greek is a bit along the same lines, "air up there in cosmos".
Yin and Yang very much so, yellow sun and the "moon".
In the Norse language, moon is actually Tungl, and Sunna is a poetry term for Sun.
While the dieties Sol and Mahne may refer to these metaphysical and cosmological principles.

Assuming this, and it was the major passtime of ancient peoples and every successfull and advances civilisation solved this and have valid logic and semantics to this metaphysical level, one can also "fix old languages and get better languages across the board" that aren't so damn confusing.

To make matters worse, many of these things are baked into the metaphysics alongside psychology, so in many cases one has a double meaning that spans physics and psychology, where coherency is needed for good communication and mutual understanding.

My sun and moon, I gift you the moon!

Depending on the woman you re courting, this can mean moon as "more, the persaive for being etc".
Or it can be a bit humours and one can point at the physical moon, but perhaps Tungl is a better word for the moon as it licks the gravity well of the earth.

They beaty of metaphysics like this in the language can knock the breath out of you.
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Yeah, this has more to do with QM than Gravity, but Newton alluded and expressed confusion much in the same way.
And it is interesting that Newton spent more than half his time on "occult" topics, where an affinity for this may need to be natural for new and novel conceptualizations.

An AGENT that is either material or immaterial is actually very spooky! :D
Not according to Einstein however....

Nothing is real and is an immaterial agent if this is taken as a reponse to Newton.

I don’t disagree that it seems to be spooky...or could be spooky to some...we humans are so arrogant about what we think we know that it’s not hard for me to say that just about anything can be possible at this juncture in time and science.
We have the electric universe theory which is still being propagated...string theory...super-string....unified field theory...etc...etc...

I know that I have personally witnessed (with other people) things moving that should not move.
Sometimes violently.
That was my original interest that lead me down this endless rabbit hole in regards to reality and what is “technically” allowed and what isn’t.
I have to say that we just don’t know enough yet to make a big impact...though I have hope that we will and when we do, we will utilize it in large ways.
Like Newton, this also lead me to many “occult” topics as well.

Yes...an “agent”.

“Recapitulating, we may say that according to the general theory of relativity space is endowed with physical qualities; in this sense, therefore, there exists an ether. According to the general theory of relativity space without ether is unthinkable; for in such space there not only would be no propagation of light, but also no possibility of existence for standards of space and time …”
(Albert Einstein gave an address on 5 May 1920 at "the University of Leiden)

He continued to flip flop about ether (aether) until Niels Bohr created a grander QM that Einstein gave up on trying to find the elusive “matter”.
I quite like the idea of being an information wave in a giant gravitational jello mold. ;)

If we add one more dimension the idea of particles blinking in and out of our existence changes dramatically though.
How can two particles change spin instantaneously when from our POV they are millions of miles away from one another?
In the dimensions we exist in and can see that is how it appears....but if we could go up a level to a tesseract then the particles could still be side by side on that new axis we can’t see or interact with, giving the appearance of an instant change that supersedes the speed of light and information.
Interesting stuff!
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I have spent significant amount of time on this, and have an explanation that requires math skills I dont have.

So if there exists such as a fundamental thing according to the full range of tbe abstract and arbitrary meaning of it.
And that space is equally a fundamental requirement, a black hole cannot be a single point, but we can have a point in space-time.
And all the things compacted so densiely as to prevent there being empty space such that no individual partcile or thing can move without acting more like part of a fluid.
Actions of things in lieu of the mechanicsm of general relatvity causes a bit of a paradox in space, where dark matter is the content of black holes.
This allows for an explanation that involves the photo electric effect and dark matter.

Where properties of this fluid pushing on space from a fold in "nothing" (yes, this is paradoxical brain gymnastics) in space.
Such that this "dark-water" as the egyptian called it cannot interact with "normal space" without being logically inconsistent.
By invoking mathematical logic as Godels theorems as it deals with decidability in relation to consistency and completenss, where consistency is a principle in physics.
One can make metaphysical arguments that explain the whole mess logically.

Particles have spin and charge, where black holes have spin and electric charge, such that this properties extended to the properties of black holes allow arguing for interaction between particles with the right properties with dark-matter, such that the particle and wave duality can be explained by a property of the paricle interacting with dark-matter.

The Higgs field only explain a few percent of mass in matter, where most can be explained by the energy from forces and fields involved in the atom.
Conversely, if one considers that a lot of energy goes into spinning this matter around a black hole, one get to a physical model that may add up to 100% of the observable Universe rather than 5% or so.
One just have to accept that the expansion of the Universe and space in it comes rom growing black holes, and that gas nebulae may be explained by exploded black holes and that the Universe is in fact infinite.

Along the lines of this philosophy here:

And it's no exception, many ancient systems of metaphysics and thought seem to reflect much of the same.

So, spent time on "translating" Egyptian seems a bit easier, as "dark-water" is defined as something that is "dry to us" -- hello dark water. Ra might be the yellow sun, and Nun "that which is everywhere and now -- without movement, time is a bit irrelevant, and we may incorrectly think of it as moving, but rather things move in it".

Norse speak of Ginnun gagap and other things like Mulspel (perhaps play with fire and light).
Aether from Greek is a bit along the same lines, "air up there in cosmos".
Yin and Yang very much so, yellow sun and the "moon".
In the Norse language, moon is actually Tungl, and Sunna is a poetry term for Sun.
While the dieties Sol and Mahne may refer to these metaphysical and cosmological principles.

Assuming this, and it was the major passtime of ancient peoples and every successfull and advances civilisation solved this and have valid logic and semantics to this metaphysical level, one can also "fix old languages and get better languages across the board" that aren't so damn confusing.

To make matters worse, many of these things are baked into the metaphysics alongside psychology, so in many cases one has a double meaning that spans physics and psychology, where coherency is needed for good communication and mutual understanding.

My sun and moon, I gift you the moon!

Depending on the woman you re courting, this can mean moon as "more, the persaive for being etc".
Or it can be a bit humours and one can point at the physical moon, but perhaps Tungl is a better word for the moon as it licks the gravity well of the earth.

They beaty of metaphysics like this in the language can knock the breath out of you.

I agree.
I particularly like Indra’s Net.
Though one could argue that has more to do with the multiverse...still quite a beautiful and complex idea.

Well the whole reason that people think that dark matter/energy exists at all is because we cannot explain the motion of the universe by gravity alone...there is something there pushing or pulling “matter” much faster and more powerfully than what we understand.
We really can fall back into the realm of the metaphysical and ancient Egypt because we don’t really know any more now hahaha.
All speculation should be on the table imho.
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Science confirms, and it my involve teaching higher brain functions to actively ignore what one knows are "faulty wiring".

The aspect of doctors and others are also very true, as the somatic and sympathetic goes both ways.

One i right to be weary of doctors and others that apply sympathy incorrectly, like emotional parasites that wants you to help care about your problems without actually avoiding them or dealing with them correctly.

Sure that many with an intellectual leaning can attest to how exhausting it can be with those that keeps talking about things like food and exercise when would prefer an enitrely different kind of distraction that doesn't compound one concern with another.

Good healers, whether using medisine or are just interested in the spiritual aspects use empathy and then try and set things right or improve on things rather than going, "alright, so what do you want? any meds you heard about in ads you want to try?", or the the low standard of, "well, your will and your problems, not here to explore options or help with your choices". And as we all know, doctors have God complexes, so you need the will and they choose and act as they feel for their own part and interest.

Get doctors that know their medicine that also have a healthy personal interaction to aid and support in healthy feelings and attitudes! Find a new docttor if they don't want to talk about things that have worked for other pasients feeling badly in the same situation and condition.

A nacroleptic friend once told me that when his usual doctor wasn't available, he was often met with an assumption of negative emotions and suicidal thoughts, that can be toxic and dangerous, he just laughed it off. Never asked if he had the best doctor around, but of course these things matter. He was on things more powerful than redbull, and had to work around being sleepy for studies and the like. He actively dealth with it and wasn't even close to bitter or depressed about it, and perhaps one of the more sympathetic friends I've had.

Yes, this thread is replete with lots of bad medical experiences.
It is difficult to find a really focused Doctor who gives you the proper time and attention without leaving you feeling worse emotionally or otherwise.
Having worked with and assisted a couple decades around Doctors and Surgeons I am very aware of how self-centered many are and how many have a severe lack of empathy.
I understand why one would put up such a wall when dealing with such people - I have done it myself.
Some though get totally lost in their own arrogant delusions of grandeur.
Having ankylosing spondylitis means that most Doctors don’t know the first things to do to try and address it.
Even those who should know about AS (Rheumatologists) are VERY hard to come by - and I often spend part of my time at appointments with specialists explaining certain aspects of the illness.
Each time a Doctor orders an ESR (erythrocyte sedimentation rate) I have to remind them that 70% +, including myself, do NOT have elevated markers for this illness.
Especially when it is tried to be used as justification to deny medical services which has happened several times now.
The frustration level can be palpable and I have left appointments in tears more than a handful of times.
Then...once you get one trained...lol...you have to switch and start all over again.
*eye roll*
There are good healers out there as you say...our system of medicine here in the US is only getting worse though as access is limited more and more by expenses or lack of insurance coverage.
Something has got to give....this whole idea of a for-profit healthcare system is insane and unsustainable.
Thanks for that...I will watch it in just a bit!

This one is a bit longer than the one you posted so...no rush to get back quickly, or perhaps you have already seen it...
Probably the most compelling of the documentary-type movies on the subject that I have found (though there is evidence elsewhere).
Anyhow...I find it fascinating that in the small percentage of NDE reports we have that are already rare, we have such similarities which seemingly surpass just a reaction of the physical brain...and have in most cases totally altered that person to the point of giving up religions and changing personalities to be more altruistic.
Seems like there is something there worth further inquiry, you know?
Yet...taboos...*eye roll*

Hi Skare, just following up on this and our profile posts.

My wife and I enjoyed this a lot. These days we have to be careful about choreographed pseudo documentaries that are dressed up to look like real life anecdotes (like we get in some very dramatic programs about hauntings for example) - but this had none of that vibe about it and all the people who spoke of their NDE seemed very credible.

Perhaps the most convincing thing for me is how close some of the experiences are to my own mystical experiences. I've not had a NDE, and nothing like the out of body sensory experience of these guys - no sights and sounds or other world spirits. Everything for me was inner and of course much attenuated in comparison - but the same encounter with a spirit of light, the same sense of it being much more real than the ordinary world, the same incredible sense of being loved infinitely, the same sense of experiencing the world as a completed thing from the outside and seeing it filled with that love, the same sense of a divine spark in everyone, the one-ness of everything, the awareness that home lies elsewhere, the sense of purpose and mission in being here in the world. These experiences don't fade with time, they remain as fresh as when they happen, and change your whole life afterwards. The words fail, as they did for some of these guys - but it was easy to see what they meant from where I'd been myself.
@Skarekrow I have periously argued that I have philosophical kung fu, but perhaps I have metaphysical kung fun, and you have mystical and spiritual kung fu, leaving me to propose that there is philosophical kung fu @Ren .
Between the two of you, I may be able to mediate an argument, as I understand nothing and the Devils advcoate wish he had me for council.

@Deleted member 16771 @dragulagu (and others) do we have jury?

Honestly, I do think I can be useful in briding some of the topics here.

@John K noticed you followed parts of this and have science background.
With no puns intended, I did work at CERN in switzlerland with no formally completed education.
That is a one-upmanship that it's hard to beat.
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Hi Skare, just following up on this and our profile posts.

My wife and I enjoyed this a lot. These days we have to be careful about choreographed pseudo documentaries that are dressed up to look like real life anecdotes (like we get in some very dramatic programs about hauntings for example) - but this had none of that vibe about it and all the people who spoke of their NDE seemed very credible.

Perhaps the most convincing thing for me is how close some of the experiences are to my own mystical experiences. I've not had a NDE, and nothing like the out of body sensory experience of these guys - no sights and sounds or other world spirits. Everything for me was inner and of course much attenuated in comparison - but the same encounter with a spirit of light, the same sense of it being much more real than the ordinary world, the same incredible sense of being loved infinitely, the same sense of experiencing the world as a completed thing from the outside and seeing it filled with that love, the same sense of a divine spark in everyone, the one-ness of everything, the awareness that home lies elsewhere, the sense of purpose and mission in being here in the world. These experiences don't fade with time, they remain as fresh as when they happen, and change your whole life afterwards. The words fail, as they did for some of these guys - but it was easy to see what they meant from where I'd been myself.

I wholeheartedly agree with your review!
This is probably my favorite documentary on the subject...it’s a good mix of experts in the field(s) and first-hand accounts by those who experienced being clinically dead.
It’s not overtly religious or against any religious values either which I appreciate.
The way the commonalities are explored and compared is what makes it so fascinating I think!
I mean...it would be one thing for everyone to have even the experience of seeing their body lying there...already an incredible feature among the accounts...but then when you start to add up all the other similar characteristics it can be compelling to listen to.
I’ve not died...but I believe I have gone OOB for short periods of time...though nothing like an NDE I’m sure, they still instill in me that POV that we can exist outside this mortal coil. ;)
I do know of this feeling of love/oneness/wholeness/home which you speak...those experiences that probably barely dipped a toe in that ocean already left me in tears...but like before with the OOBEs, they have changed my POV and perspective to the realization that such immense powerful love does exist and it’s overwhelming and ineffable.
That is all you can really say with words...even the greatest poet could never capture those emotions - so in that sense I can relate to what many of them say in the documentary.
That, and they all seem quite grounded and normal folks.
Of course one could make it all up...but you still have the fact that they technically died and came back with some leaving lifetime religions they belonged to, and others who were atheist changing their mind, lol.
I find that fascinating in itself.
Much love!
@Skarekrow I have periously argued that I have philosophical kung fu, but perhaps I have metaphysical kung fun, and you have mystical and spiritual kung fu, leaving me to propose that there is philosophical kung fu @Ren .
Between the two of you, I may be able to mediate an argument, as I understand nothing and the Devils advcoate wish he had me for council.

@Deleted member 16771 @dragulagu (and others) do we have jury?

Honestly, I do think I can be useful in briding some of the topics here.

@John K noticed you followed parts of this and have science background.
With no puns intended, I did work at CERN in switzlerland with no formally completed education.
That is a one-upmanship that it's hard to beat.

You are welcome to bring topics to the table or post your own content so long as it fits within the ideas of this thread (see thread tags at top of page) or similar.
Mystical and spiritual kung-fu hmmm?
I can live with that.