It seems to be the case especially in math. The analog nature of things requires that being, must reflect the self-same image throughout the whole.
It seems that the brain's main function is to create order out of chaos.
The pixelated universe sounds like a quantum explanation by literally digitally quantizing reality. The problem I see with this is that it does not agree with the mathematics of observed opinion. In maths, there are no known intrinsic metrics, meaning that nothing can be truly quantified, but can only be measured through comparison.
When light is measured for instance, the measurement must be defined by an arbitrary reference, let's say the meter or mile. Then it also cannot be measured by just linearly, but it has to be put into a logarithmic function. If observation were quantizable this would not be so.
I agree mostly, thanks for sharing your views!
Well, it falls into the Planck length (and other planck measurements) along with Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle.
Once you go smaller things even on a quantum scale fall apart and begin to behave very differently (at least so the theories think).
It supposedly becomes a kind of quantum “foam” full of black holes and wormholes...the idea of a quantized universe is the same as “pixelated”.
The problem I see with this is that it does not agree with the mathematics of observed opinion. In maths, there are no known intrinsic metrics, meaning that nothing can be truly quantified, but can only be measured through comparison.
There are constants that can be measured and figured out by all intelligences across the universe.
Planck length is not just arbitrary like the mile.
"A modern treatment of Planck's work begins with the speed of light c, gravitational constant G, reduced Planck constant ħ, Coulomb constant k and Boltzmann constant kB.* By taking different combinations of these variables, one can find
Planck units, which are truly universal. For instance, by taking √
c3 , one gets a length. This length is the Planck length, and it is 1.6 x 10-35 meters.
The beauty of the Planck units in general and the Planck length in particular is that no matter what units one chooses to make measurements, be it English, metric or Martian, everyone will determine the same Planck length. Planck himself said in his paper to the Prussian Academy of Sciences, "These necessarily retain their meaning for all times and for all civilizations, even extraterrestrial and non-human ones, and can therefore be designated as 'natural units.'"
Though there does seem to be a limit placed doesn’t mean you can’t go smaller - but you have to choose!
You either go smaller for infinity...if you half a length...and then continue to half each half - you will go on for infinity if space/time is smooth - which is almost an even more bizarre notion as it would also imply that you could never go from point A to point B as you would never reach point be if there is infinity separating them.
So there must be a point B yes?
It would violate Zeno’s paradox (dichotomy) -'s_paradoxes#Quantum_Zeno_effect
That would imply some kind of quantization.
Most physicists have solved for this paradox, but the Planck length still persists.
Or at least some kind of barrier that does not wish to be broken so easily.
Perhaps we will be able to see deeper down one of these days
Anyhow, this is all just enjoyable thought games and theorizing...if the universe if pixelated or smooth (which again is even stranger), it’s fun to try to envision each in your mind and see where it takes you...part of the reason I was drawn to the idea was the enjoyable mental imagery of there being some kind of underlying mesh or matrix or “Indra’s net” where we could exist as vibrational “strings” ( Oh no! I said “strings”
@Ifur !) or vibrational information that tells each node in space/time what form to it a rock, or gold, or my brain...and as we pass through this mesh of space/time...there is a point where we are no longer matter moving through space but something else that elicits certain responses from the net/mesh of space/time’s still a fascinating idea to play with and try to visualize.
And then to throw in the ideas of where consciousness bubble up can take you to some rather fascinating places indeed.
If we can go on down and down to smaller and smaller units as implied by smooth space/time.
Either space and time are both continuous or they are discreet and there is some kind of fundamental limit.
Here’s a great article on the subject -