And this is what we do with our pixels of pixels
Smooth spacetime comes with the strange implication of an infinite amount of points between any two points.
The entertaining Zeno’s Dichotomy Paradox confronts this problem by suggesting that if you want to get from point A to point B, you first must get half way between those two points.
And to get there, you must get half way between those two points and so on ad infinitum.
This seems to be the case, and I relate this more to Indra's Net. I think I may have mentioned this before, but the net is exactly as the popular unsolved Infinet Network of Resistors problem. The energy must pass through all points. Many people say that electricity follows the path of least resistance, but this is not true. It moves through all possible paths in respect to each path's resistance.
This seems to be the case, and I relate this more to Indra's Net. I think I may have mentioned this before, but the net is exactly as the popular unsolved Infinet Network of Resistors problem. The energy must pass through all points. Many people say that electricity follows the path of least resistance, but this is not true. It moves through all possible paths in respect to each path's resistance.

God is an imperceptible electrical current! That bastard.
This seems to be the case, and I relate this more to Indra's Net. I think I may have mentioned this before, but the net is exactly as the popular unsolved Infinet Network of Resistors problem. The energy must pass through all points. Many people say that electricity follows the path of least resistance, but this is not true. It moves through all possible paths in respect to each path's resistance.
Thanks for sharing that idea you talked about earlier more in depth...very cool and interesting ideas and thoughts my friend!
Look into the idea of “mirror neurons” also if you want to talk about the idea that we are all reflections of one another.

Very cool ideas from everyone here!
Look into the idea of “mirror neurons” also if you want to talk about the idea that we are all reflections of one another.

I don't know if this may be a similar concept since mirror neurons occur for independent events, but this reminded me of the Current Mirror in semiconductors. These are the most ubiquitous systems found in ICs, because they are used in the linear regulation of energy, which makes the device more stable.
So beyond that point is the breath within the breath and all that stuff, I assume

That there is a smallest and that there is empty and other things are fundamental assumptions due to the need for consistency, an extention here is that given a particle, there is a lower limit where the values have non consequence, like a flea trying to stop a cannon. But you may be able to prove a swarm of fleas by shooting cannon balls, or prove fleas exist by shooting enough cannon balls in a vacuum.
Concepts like this ARE demacration to an extent, but where it gets tricky is that one can put onto paper any absurd assumption, but if the math works for empirical sciences, that is the philosophy of science demacration, not the philosophy of physics.

Both matter and important to keep in mind when trying to understand the implications.

Matter must contain space for it to be a fluid for example, otherwise it is a fixed and undendable and a object that can only break.
If air is a solid, not object can move through it and so on, as the more ancient demacration from democritus.
Where Popper discussed falsefiability for social sciences especially, there needs to be a consequence, true or false, if false, there must be something else that excludes ad-hoc explanations.

Science is not purely theoretical, so the empirical is important in addition to theory and philosophy.

And I have talked smack about String theory today, and one cannot prove whether it is bubble universes and strings doing it or leprechauns with polka dots.
Heard quite a few things ridiculing this problem, like needing to collide neutron stars to create black holes to study string theory experimentally (ignoring minor effects and predictions that cant falsify).

And photons and electrons were the smallest things studied by Newton, and they still are the smallest things discovered.
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I don't know if this may be a similar concept since mirror neurons occur for independent events, but this reminded me of the Current Mirror in semiconductors. These are the most ubiquitous systems found in ICs, because they are used in the linear regulation of energy, which makes the device more stable.
Similar in the manner that we are all reflections of one another...but that goes into nature vs nurture, etc.
Though if you follow the Buddhist way of thinking we are not separate as people either...that’s just illusory...mostly the idea that you have an “I” or real ego-self...and that it is the ego-self that causes all the problems.
It’s more of a parable-type context used in this regard.
That what I meant.

Totally unrelated but popped into my head - the times I have purposefully gone OOB and the times I did spontaneously as a child...there was always a loud electrical buzzing associated with the buzzing under the high-tension power lines...only amplified and permeating the air.
Strange commonality.
Science is not purely theoretical, so the empirical is important in addition to theory and philosophy.

I agree....though...again we can only register and measure about 4% of the universe - the rest is considered to be dark matter/energy - and if it isn’t, then we really don’t know wtf.
Not to mention that it’s really a fraction of the 4% we can see and measure that we think we understand, lol.
I’m not saying anything is possible, just that there is more of a chance for the seemingly impossible to exist than we seem to give credit for.
Otherwise, yes.
Time to go for now my friends!

I will get back with you all shortly!
Much love and have a good week!
I agree....though...again we can only register and measure about 4% of the universe - the rest is considered to be dark matter/energy - and if it isn’t, then we really don’t know wtf.
Not to mention that it’s really a fraction of the 4% we can see and measure that we think we understand, lol.
I’m not saying anything is possible, just that there is more of a chance for the seemingly impossible to exist than we seem to give credit for.
Otherwise, yes.

You have heard of the higgs field?

In Nature, heavier particles tend to decay into lighter, more stables particles. Spontaneous radioactive β decay occurs when neutrons inside the nucleus are converted into protons, by the emission of a W− particle — a heavy particle that also gets its mass due to the Higgs field.
In addition, the up and down quarks, that combine to form protons (uud) as well as neutrons (udd), gain mass from their interaction with the Higgs field. However, their masses contribute only ~1% of the mass of protons and neutrons. The bulk of the mass comes from the energy holding the quarks together, which is greater for the proton than the neutron.
Without the Higgs field, quarks would have no mass and consequently the proton would be heavier than the neutron, since all their mass would come from their respective binding energies. Now, without the Higgs field, the W− particle would have a much smaller mass, protons would spontaneously and almost instantly decay into neutrons — we would have a Universe without protons.

So Higgs field explain 1% of about 5% of the workings of the Universe.

The Higgs field is the definition of ad-hoc, it's not an elegant modification with a variable.
It's an entire fundamental force added into the mix that goes to infinity.
Not saying the effect isn't there, but it's not elegant.
To make this massive matter of a problem worse, forces, fields and particles are co-dependent.

Probably not a physics region of interest.
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I need to read up on the content I missed (several pages) but wanted to reply first since just noticed you had some R.A.W. stuff for me :)

I just remember bursting into tears after that - but yeah...that incident was probably the moment as an INFJ child that it was really clear to me that I was very different from the other children - ringworm or not, lmao.
Can I just say...what a terrible teacher she was...I’m sure she was slightly overreactive and misinformed but there really was no excuse to subject a 5 year old child to such an unnecessary moment of public ostracizing.
In the 1st grade it was much more defined...I often would play by myself in worlds in my head.

It sounds both like an INFJ experience and a Sun-Chiron one where we are mocked for being somehow different. I had one where we were supposed to draw an electrical circuit schematic and I drew it squished but technically correct still - I was given an F since the teacher didn't understand this was the same schematic functionally, this being 4th grade. It is pretty tough as a child especially if these experiences are rather frequent.


"The most thoroughly and relentlessly Damned, banned, excluded, condemned, forbidden, ostracized,
ignored, suppressed, repressed, robbed, brutalized and defamed of all Damned things is the individual human being.
The social engineers, statisticians, psychologists, sociologists, market researchers, landlords, bureaucrats, captains of industry, bankers, governors, commissars, kings and presidents are perpetually forcing this Damned Thing into carefully prepared blueprints and perpetually irritated that the Damned Thing will not fit into the slot assigned to it.
The theologians call it a sinner and tries to reform it.
The governor calls it a criminal and tries to punish it.
The psychotherapist calls it neurotic and tries to cure it.
Still, the Damned Thing will not fit into their slots."

~ “The Illuminatus! Trilogy” R.A. Wilson

Since we were speaking about the man...
The public library finally ordered a couple of copies of “The Illuminatus! Trilogy” by Robert Shea and Robert Anton Wilson that I had requested like 8 months ago!
So far it’s about as strange as I expected it to be...a total jumble-fuck of the factual/conspiratorial/theoretical/fictional!
Very entertaining though....sarcastic and far too dense to ever suggest any sort of movie attempt.
It would most definitely help if the reader already has some knowledge of the Illuminati and the huge range of subjects being tackled in the books, such as - drugs, multi-verse, higher and lower dimensions, dreams as a parallel existence, multiple overlapping and parallel lives, occult, etc.
Just at the start right now...if it still has my interest I will consider buying a nice copy perhaps?
Worth a go imho.

Haha I love the quote you've included - that is so him too with the blatantly joking yet really not style in there. That trilogy is something I'd like to get to as well but have some works I still need to read first... dang more like 20 in the immediate list since haven't really been able to since last year. He seems to make it a point to include the Illuminati randomly/casually in a totally unrelated area of a work, at least this has come up several times in what I have read already. But I'm very glad you are enjoying the read.

I apologize if I've included this elsewhere, but will spoiler it here - RAW's chart which, well, surprised me with the context it was first given to me :D
I agree!
You got it right!
The words we speak to ourselves...the words that are applied to us by others like Doctors and whatnot also effect how we perceive a condition or illness or chronic pain.
Yes...this is a real problem -
“The Doctor said I should be broken or in pain - so I should be.”, doesn’t seem like it would happen or even impact many folks and yet it does, and it does make a difference what you are told by a medical “authority” and what we then perceive as how it must or should be accordingly.
It’s quite easy to slip into that depression that you speak of because of the connectivity changes made in the brain by chronic pain...the pain creates the depression (not just because of the physical pain being shitty), as well as anxiety, triggers PTSD, can cause more pain, and even other seemingly unrelated symptoms like IBS.
The same works in reverse - all those emotional-based things can trigger the chronic pain to flare up or go off.
So when people actually DO have structural issues/damage/inflammation causing legit pain signals - it’s almost a double whammy to keep the resulting brain abnormalities from setting off the entire chain of body events.
It takes a good portion of work to keep it all in check - I know you understand.
They have shown that telling yourself - “This won’t hurt.”, when performing the actions that would normally cause you pain helps to reprogram that part of the brain that starts to anticipate the pain and can keep that area more tense and inflamed as a result.
Not only that, but the pain signals from a chronic site become reinforced from a one lane highway to a full on freeway of signals...the nerves and the brain all become sensitized and hyper-analgesic.
By changing the subject of focus in your mind you are teaching your brain to do that automatically...just as we mentally ruminate over certain things in our can look at chronic pain as a sort of physical rumination of the body and brain.
The pain signals are very real - which is why it is so challenging at times to bypass or circumvent them successfully.
It really does take time and a lot of effort...a lot of personal acceptance, etc. to reach a place where you can see really strong results and big pain reductions - but it is there.
It’s not a consistent state either, but it IS there, lol.

You are doing so great!
It definitely helps to be able to recognize as you have, when the pain is triggering other emotions or when the pain in being unnecessarily triggered or aggravated in return.
I applaude all your strong work!
Thanks for your wise and lovely comments as usual and I hope you continue to make great strides at reducing your pain/suffering!
Much love!

Couldn't help but add this before signing off - yes indeed, last year some similar thoughts started swirling around, that perhaps doctors represent a kind of authority which gives us certainty because there is comfort in a diagnosis (the way religious leaders and political authorities do, similar mechanism) and because of this we are extra susceptible to whatever they tell us to focus on. Of course being they read stuff in their books and decide that's that they then repeat the same information to us [which has been said to our family and friends so they will nod and concur] which is usually a combination of saying we are indeed ill or damaged in some way and we must take chemicals to 'rectify' or 'treat' (do I love this term..) the condition they just ball and chained onto us. On the other hand allowing one to reconsider one's state, sensations (even if painful) as well as overall being can sometimes have quite transformative or healing effects on us.

I really enjoyed the bits you both shared in these posts.
So more normal to contrast it with "anti matter" and saying it is "dark" as it does not interact with photons at all, nor any other thing detected so far.
C.P. Steinmetz used the term Dielectric field in this book Electrical Discharges, waves, and Impulses and other Transients (pg 17 book, 40 pdf). This is the same field that exists within a capacitor/condenser. This field does not react with anything. The magnetic field is its conjugate, and we know that the magnetic field is the one that is interactive with matter. The thing that needs to be noted is that the two fields cannot exist separately from each other.

When we think of a magnetic field or dielectric field, we are talking about the same energy, the difference is that the magnetic field is spacial, (the one that interacts), the dielectric field is opposite of spacial. We can see this in the equations for inductance and capacitance, where inductance [H] Henries (magnetic qualitative) is greater when distance is increased, but capacitance [F] farads (dielectric qualitative) is greater when space is decreased.