This happened last week...
So the other night we had a bit of rain...but nothing strange, especially for here in the pacific northwest.
Several nights a week
@Sensiko goes to hot yoga after work, but stops at home first due to the class time...has some coffee and gets ready.
The road there is a two lane, 55mph country road, really pretty...though nothing dividing opposing traffic...making a head-on crash very dangerous.
I was seeing her off as I always do...and almost always I say “drive safely” or “be careful”....but for the first time ever I said - “Watch out for people drifting into your lane!”...and then I repeated it a second time making sure she heard me.
Even I thought going back into the house....”why did I say that?”...kinda strange...whatever.
Guess what?!
On the way there a huge pickup truck drifted two to three feet over the line into her lane and she had to jerk the wheel to avoid a front collision with the behemoth!
(Seeing my fair share of crashes...a head on driver-side collision with opposing cars at 55mph or over is very, very bad most of the time if not deadly)
She didn’t even have time to hit the horn as she needed both hands just to miss the bastard clearly not paying attention or texting or some dumb shit.
I have to thank you whatever/whomever inspired me to give her a heads up and for protecting her while driving!!
I don’t know if it was me, or maybe it was her and some kind of premonition....or a guardian angel....or the universe...very strange...I have never said that before...not once.
That’s seems much more than just coincidence.
Of course...this is how such things often work...which is why studying them in a lab usually doesn’t work.
The Philosopher CJ Ducasse said:
“There is likely to be just as much wishful thinking, prejudice, emotion, snap judgment, naivety and intellectual dishonesty on the side of orthodoxy, of skepticism, and of conservatism, as on the side of hunger for and the belief in the marvelous.”
I do believe I will have to side with Occam and his razor on this one - somehow I was meant to forewarn her.
Of all the hundreds of say it that time of all times.
I am so incredibly grateful and thankful that she was okay and there was not a terrible crash...not that she might not have still avoided it...but perhaps the warning was more in the forefront of her mind...idk.
Remember to trust your intuition and those inner voices that on occasion rise up and demand your attention!!
Sometimes there are reasons.
Much love all, have a wonderful week!