I hear this!❤
Hope y'all are well. :)

Doing well!
lol...hang onto that railing...

I haven’t forgotten the video you posted recently ^^^
It’s just a long one and I want to give it a proper listen as it is right up my alley...just gotta find a time to do it without falling asleep haha
Thanks for the posting!

How are you doing?
Gotta run now, but I will be back much sooner than last time - promise!

I finished my most recent wand for a forum member and it’s the most intricate one yet!
I’m really happy with it...I will post up pictures once the new owner sees and has it first...I think that is only fair to them.
They’ve waited long enough lord knows.

It turned out to be pretty damn powerful imho!
I will explain why later as well - don’t want to give anything away yet. ;)

Are you still making those amazing miniature fairy houses?!
Talk to you soon, much love!
Doing well!
lol...hang onto that railing...

I haven’t forgotten the video you posted recently ^^^
It’s just a long one and I want to give it a proper listen as it is right up my alley...just gotta find a time to do it without falling asleep haha
Thanks for the posting!

How are you doing?
Gotta run now, but I will be back much sooner than last time - promise!

I finished my most recent wand for a forum member and it’s the most intricate one yet!
I’m really happy with it...I will post up pictures once the new owner sees and has it first...I think that is only fair to them.
They’ve waited long enough lord knows.

It turned out to be pretty damn powerful imho!
I will explain why later as well - don’t want to give anything away yet. ;)

Are you still making those amazing miniature fairy houses?!
Talk to you soon, much love!
Oooo, can't wait to see pics! Is that the one you were making from the wood you found after that power storm?

Good to hear you're all well. No worries about the vid, I know you try to catch up with us all. I've been studying psychopathy and siciopathy while doing art work. Posted an audio book in my bloggy thread about how some psycopathy is healthy for success and not all psychopaths go on to murder, lmao :P

I'm working on a pirate ship this time ;) I'll post pics when it's done. I found some mini skeleton bones and spiders webbing while I was out today, muhahaha...ttys♡
Oooo, can't wait to see pics! Is that the one you were making from the wood you found after that power storm?

Good to hear you're all well. No worries about the vid, I know you try to catch up with us all. I've been studying psychopathy and siciopathy while doing art work. Posted an audio book in my bloggy thread about how some psycopathy is healthy for success and not all psychopaths go on to murder, lmao :p

I'm working on a pirate ship this time ;) I'll post pics when it's done. I found some mini skeleton bones and spiders webbing while I was out today, muhahaha...ttys♡

Yes...it was wood snapped off the trees from the tornado that tore our fence to shreds but missed our house!
So I would say that the wood itself already has some kind of “charge” to it from the incident.

Have you read “The Psychopath Test”?
Mark Ronson I believe...?

There are perfectly normal, fully functional, nice, decent people who would fall under the category of psychopathy/sociopathy.
What is interesting but not surprising are the vocational choices the majority are drawn toward - hedge funds/stock market shit and politics.
Go figure.

Can’t wait to see the ship!
You are very talented for sure Sandie, I’m a fan!

Much love!
This would be exciting for someone who is mute from a stroke or whatever reason...it does however raise ethical questions about it being used to interrogate someone for instance.
Are our minds protected from unwanted intrusion and interrogations?
Cool and scary!

Scientists Translate Neural Activity Into Synthesized Speech


Neuroengineers at Columbia University have successfully converted human neural activity into synthesized speech.

Led by Dr. Nima Mesgarani, their method involved training a deep-learning algorithm to interpret and synthesize the neural patterns of test subjects. Doing so, they were able to “reconstruct the words a person hears with unprecedented clarity.”

The test subjects, in this case a group of five individuals undergoing brain surgery for epilepsy, were asked to listen to audio of people speaking for 30 minutes, while researchers measured their brain activity.

This was used to train the algorithm.

Afterwards, the researchers played audio of the numbers zero to nine being spoken, while at the same time recording the subjects’ brain activity again. The algorithm then translated the neural signals and attempted to synthesize them into speech.

According to Dr. Mesgarani, “people could understand and repeat the sounds about 75% of the time, which is well above and beyond any previous attempts.”

You can listen to the “robotic” recordings, created using four different methods, right over here.

It should be noted that what the neuroengineers accomplished here wasn’t directly thought-to-speech, but rather interpreting brain activity related to speech the subjects had just listened to.

However, it’s not difficult to see how this same deep-learning algorithm may one day be used to allow true thought-to-speech.
That’s exactly what these neuroengineers intend to work on next: They hope to eventually create a wearable implant.

“In this scenario,” said Dr. Mesgarani, “if the wearer thinks ‘I need a glass of water,’ our system could take the brain signals generated by that thought, and turn them into synthesized, verbal speech.”

You can read the full study at Nature.
the wood itself already has some kind of “charge” to it
Yes, it would make sense that it would hold energy in it's cells most likely. Plz don't forget those pics!;)

We just had a major storm blast go through our little town. At first they thought it an EF1 or 2 Tornado, closer inspection by weather gurus say it was a microburst. They say the tell-tail signs are that all the downed trees are pointing in the same direction; in our case west to east. The arial views from the drones are phenominal! Some trees look like they were twisted off and set on the ground. A few of our local esoteric folk say that 'what is not seen happening on a different plane proves evidence of suspicion on this plane.' It truly does look like giants walked through and just snapped the trees off and laid them down, because from the air it looks like a path of fallen trees! Thank goodness tho no one was hurt and structural damage was minimal.
Have you read “The Psychopath Test”?
Mark Ronson I believe...?
I don't recognize the title, but I'll look for it. Yes, many in the 8+hour book I listened to has a whole chapter related to where we can find functioning psychopaths in our environment. I found the relevance to special opps in the military facinating. One piece of the chapter goes into detail about how the formative years, birth to around 7 or 8, can build a psychopath where one may not have evolved had it not been for the way tgthe e child was nurtured, (or lack of), in those years. The whole idea I believe gives credence to that aged-old ditty of 'What don't kill ya only makes you stronger.' Life sure can hand us courage building experiences as we both are quite aware of ;)
You are very talented for sure Sandie, I’m a fan!
Thank you! I'll be sure to share pics. I'm hoping to sell it at the upcoming craft fair. :D I'm finding there are several mystical thinking folks in my little town that are searching for props for their lifestyle, at least I'd know the art would get a good home, ehe?

Take care♡ ttys.
But of course!

Psilocybin-assisted mindfulness meditation
linked to brain connectivity changes and persisting positive effects


New research indicates that psilocybin-assisted mindfulness meditation is associated with changes in functional brain connectivity — and these changes are related to an altered state of consciousness known as ego dissolution.

The findings appear in the journal NeuroImage.

A team of scientists from the University of Zurich were interested in investigating the topic because both psychedelic drugs and meditation have been shown to alter brain regions involved in self-awareness.

In the randomized, double-blind study of 38 experienced meditators, the researchers administered a single dose of psilocybin or a placebo to participants during a 5-day mindfulness retreat.

Six hours after receiving psilocybin or placebo, the participants completed an assessment of altered states of consciousness.

The participants also underwent fMRI brain scans the day before and the day after the retreat to investigate changes in functional connectivity while resting, while engaging in focused attention meditation, and while engaging in open awareness meditation.

The researchers were particularly interested in a network of interacting brain regions known as the default mode network, which has been associated with processing feelings of self.

Compared to those who received a placebo, those who received psilocybin were more likely to feel like the boundary that separates them from the rest of the world had been dissolved — an altered state of consciousness known as oceanic self-boundlessness or ego dissolution.

The researchers found that this altered state of consciousness was associated with changes in brain connectivity.
In particular, psilocybin-induced ego dissolution was associated with a decoupling of functional connectivity between the medial prefrontal cortex and posterior cingulate cortex regions of the default mode network while engaging in open awareness meditation.

“We here report for the first time psilocybin-induced functional connectivity changes in self-referential brain networks in a group of experienced meditators after a mindfulness retreat,” the researchers said.

Psilocybin-induced ego dissolution and changes in brain connectivity also predicted positive changes in attitudes about life, self, social behavior, mood, and spirituality at a 4 months follow-up assessment.

“An experience of ego dissolution may further imply cognitive reappraisals, reifications, self-inquiry, or insights and contribute to enduring psychological changes,” the researchers wrote in their study. “Our double-blind study presents a notable case because its participants were primarily in middle adulthood and already engaged in meditative practices, and yet the psilocybin-treatment group still reported a significant beneficial effect of the retreat.”

The results are largely in line with a previous study that examined the combination of psilocybin and meditation.

That study, published in the Journal of Psychopharmacology in 2017, found that psilocybin-occasioned experience, in conjunction with meditation and other daily spiritual practices, were associated with enduring increases in traits such as altruism, gratitude, forgiveness, and interpersonal closeness, as well as decreases in fear of death.

The new study, “Psilocybin-assisted mindfulness training modulates self-consciousness and brain default mode network connectivity with lasting effects“, was authored by Lukasz Smigielski, Milan Scheidegger, Michael Kometer, and Franz X. Vollenweider.
Yes, it would make sense that it would hold energy in it's cells most likely. Plz don't forget those pics!;)

We just had a major storm blast go through our little town. At first they thought it an EF1 or 2 Tornado, closer inspection by weather gurus say it was a microburst. They say the tell-tail signs are that all the downed trees are pointing in the same direction; in our case west to east. The arial views from the drones are phenominal! Some trees look like they were twisted off and set on the ground. A few of our local esoteric folk say that 'what is not seen happening on a different plane proves evidence of suspicion on this plane.' It truly does look like giants walked through and just snapped the trees off and laid them down, because from the air it looks like a path of fallen trees! Thank goodness tho no one was hurt and structural damage was minimal.

I don't recognize the title, but I'll look for it. Yes, many in the 8+hour book I listened to has a whole chapter related to where we can find functioning psychopaths in our environment. I found the relevance to special opps in the military facinating. One piece of the chapter goes into detail about how the formative years, birth to around 7 or 8, can build a psychopath where one may not have evolved had it not been for the way tgthe e child was nurtured, (or lack of), in those years. The whole idea I believe gives credence to that aged-old ditty of 'What don't kill ya only makes you stronger.' Life sure can hand us courage building experiences as we both are quite aware of ;)

Thank you! I'll be sure to share pics. I'm hoping to sell it at the upcoming craft fair. :D I'm finding there are several mystical thinking folks in my little town that are searching for props for their lifestyle, at least I'd know the art would get a good home, ehe?

Take care♡ ttys.

Oh I will take pictures!!
I’m very pleased with how it turned out....though it certainly took it’s sweet time in creation.
And the wood had it’s own ideas as well about what colors it would hold and what it wouldn’t lmao.
In the end the colors turned out very subtle and really beautiful!
Energetically it’s something else Sandie!
I wish you could hold it and feel!

It took some fine tuning if you can believe it...but it’s really balanced well!
Yeah, this was a smaller F-1...but that still pulled up giant trees and tore the roofs off houses!
It literally missed us by a house and took out our back fence...I watched it all happen haha!
Anyway...I collected quite a few branches from that storm and have sold the majority of them for a decent price.
One gal, bought the 3 I had up at the time and I made something like $380 for the sale - not too shabby.
Though this one is one the house. :)
I don’t make replica wands...they are fully functional for someone to channel their energy with!

It’s a decent book...it’s funny and entertaining anyhow.
Yes...it seems with most of the psychopaths who turn out to be serial killers or similar definitely had a nurture factor(s) heavily at play, and it isn’t purely the nature of their brain structure and function.
They were usually traumatized in some way or another...which will even do bad things to those who are considered to have a “normal” brain.

I’m sure you won’t have any trouble selling them at all from what I have seen!
Have a great night/day!
Much love!

Anatta, (Pali: “non-self” or “substanceless”) Sanskrit anatman, in Buddhism,
the doctrine that there is in humans no permanent, underlying substance that can be called the soul.
Instead, the individual is compounded of five factors (Pali khandha; Sanskrit skandha) that are constantly changing.

Let’s get a little deeper into the philosophy of Anatta.
As we discussed before, the Buddha never said people don’t exist he simply suggested that, what we take to be ourselves is a compounded thing like any other.

Stated most simply, we can break it down to smaller pieces.
This illusion of simplicity and wholeness of self is tricky and even once it’s outlined it’s a hard pill to swallow.

So if self is not real, what are the components we can break it down to?
Enter the 5 Aggregates, you may see the word ‘skandhas’ it means heaps.

For me calling them heaps brings to mind images of sorting one big pile of crap into other smaller piles of crap, for parents you know, cleaning your kids room… So what are our piles that this self thing can be broken down to.

Form, Feeling, Perception, Mental Formations, and, Consciousness.
By those piles combined we are living breathing thinking feeling emotional train wrecks, ha myself included.

Let’s outline these 5 in turn.


Form, is the physical portion of your being.
Your physical body which houses the mind, the sense faculties, and, the tissues upon which they rely.

Everything corporeal about us lives here.
The eyes with rods and cones that react to light, the optic nerve, the brain itself to process.

All of that is what helps us see.
Without any single link in that chain seeing is difficult if it’s even possible.

The same can be said of all the senses.
Our body houses all the sense organs and the bits make them work.

Even this component is made of components.
(That is an underlying lesson in this teaching, even the pieces have pieces).
With that one fifth fraction of the 5 we are done talking about the physical portion of being.


That in itself is another hard pill to swallow, some find it hard to believe that the body is only 20% of the being.
According to the Buddha’s teaching that’s it.

Now for Feelings, most people immediately thing of: happiness, sadness, anger etc.
To be clear those are emotions not feelings.

I know you’re thinking “What the hell are feelings then?”
In Buddhism Feelings are an initial “taste” of objects or phenomenon.

The feelings are of 3 kinds Pleasant\good, neutral\indifferent, and, unpleasant\painful.
Each time something comes into contact with our sensitive meats one of these 3 classifications is evoked.

We usually don’t even acknowledge that we do, this but we do, every single sensation is met labeled and tucked in the memory banks for later use. Obviously, this is a big piece of the puzzle to make the whole Samsara rat race.

Now to breakdown Perception, we gon’ learn today!


Perception is another building block in the Lego tower of what makes us… well us.
Perception is where we begin to experience things and label them.

It’s a way to kind of put a handle on things so we can make further use of them.
Perception says: This is a chair, He’s tall, She has brown hair and so on.

In Perception we begin to quantify the world around us.
We then apply our findings to the game of gathering pleasant things and distancing ourselves from the unpleasant things.

Perception arises when we contact things either physically, through our sense gates (sight, sound, touch, and, so on), or we contact things in a non-physical manner ie. thoughts, visions, or, symbols.

Now we move on to Mental Formations

Until this point we (meaning the self) are reactionary in nature.
Mental Formations is where we start doing things about it.

This is where our karma comes from, this is where our intentions come from, this place is a big leap we begin to manipulate things to our advantage here. For the most part our manipulations are benign, even to an extent benevolent.

But like all powers this is where it can go sideways too.
For example we decided in our Perception that a big ass house was a ‘good’ thing.

As we now big houses generally require big money, and we have to go about getting it, so far this is pretty ambivalent just making connections, then we decide how we are going to go about making that money.

We will apply our principles to our money making, but largely it’s up to us.
There is no real ‘right or wrong’ just consequences, an honest job or selling drugs, either can get you to the desired outcome but the choice was made.

Dualistic thinking was not something the Buddha was into as it is a subjective game, however, we can judge a choice by it’s fruit.
Just like in farming, we plant cantaloupe seeds with a solid concept of the result.

In similar fashion robbing people or selling drugs has undesirable side effects, and none of us can find shelter from our choices, one day they catch up to us.

If you believe in rebirth then you know karma can catch that ass down the road too.
Now that I’ve successfully killed the joy in the room, let’s talk Consciousness.

Consciousness is the most interesting of the Five in my opinion.
It plays a few key roles here.

Most basically, it is the generalized ‘light’ of awareness.
It also plays a huge role in digesting the sense inputs.

Obviously hearing something relies on more than just sound hitting ear drums, there has to be something to handle the input and make sense of it.
This is true of all the senses, the consciousness has to process them all.

Consciousness also has the unique ability to process it’s own class of stuffs.
Thoughts, ideas, notions, symbols, visions all these things are in the territory of consciousness.

This is one of the more slippery concepts.
Understanding this part is more a matter of experience than a standardized explanation.

I know, I know, buck well passed, sadly the path is up to each individual to walk and it isn’t always easy to convey in words.
So what lessons can we draw from this things?

To wrap this up and draw some conclusions.
Hopefully we are now all on the same page in our knowledge of the pieces that compose this ‘self’ idea that we suffer under.

So what else can we draw from the 5 Aggregates?
We now have a wealth of ground To meditate upon.

Now that we have an intellectual basis upon which we can build now comes the work of realizing these things. I
f we practice enough we can start to find the seems among not only ourselves but our experiences as well.

That is some powerful biz.
From this perch you can really begin to see the lay of the land in actuality!

By J.Martin
Almost ready to recreate “The Fly”!
Pretty awesome stuff!

Can’t wait to see what will come of it!

Complex quantum teleportation achieved for the first time
by University of Vienna


Austrian and Chinese scientists have succeeded in teleporting three-dimensional quantum states for the first time.
High-dimensional teleportation could play an important role in future quantum computers.

Researchers from the Austrian Academy of Sciences and the University of Vienna have experimentally demonstrated what was previously only a theoretical possibility.

Together with quantum physicists from the University of Science and Technology of China, they have succeeded in teleporting complex high-dimensional quantum states.

The research teams report this international first in the journal Physical Review Letters.

In their study, the researchers teleported the quantum state of one photon (light particle) to another distant one.
Previously, only two-level states ("qubits") had been transmitted, i.e., information with values "0" or "1”.

However, the scientists succeeded in teleporting a three-level state, a so-called "qutrit”.
In quantum physics, unlike in classical computer science, "0" and "1" are not an 'either/or' – both simultaneously, or anything in between, is also possible.

The Austrian-Chinese team has now demonstrated this in practice with a third possibility "2".

Novel experimental method

It has been known since the 1990s that multidimensional quantum teleportation is theoretically possible.

However: "First, we had to design an experimental method for implementing high-dimensional teleportation, as well as to develop the necessary technology", says Manuel Erhard from the Vienna Institute for Quantum Optics and Quantum Information of the Austrian Academy of Sciences.

The quantum state to be teleported is encoded in the possible paths a photon can take.
One can picture these paths as three optical fibers.

Most interestingly, in quantum physics a single photon can also be located in all three optical fibers at the same time.
To teleport this three-dimensional quantum state, the researchers used a new experimental method.

The core of quantum teleportation is the so-called Bell measurement.
It is based on a multiport beam splitter, which directs photons through several inputs and outputs and connects all optical fibers together.

In addition, the scientists used auxiliary photons—these are also sent into the multiple beam splitter and can interfere with the other photons.

Through clever selection of certain interference patterns, the quantum information can be transferred to another photon far from the input photon, without the two ever physically interacting.

The experimental concept is not limited to three dimensions, but can in principle be extended to any number of dimensions, as Erhard emphasizes.

Higher information capacities for quantum computers

With this, the international research team has also made an important step towards practical applications such as a future quantum internet, since high-dimensional quantum systems can transport larger amounts of information than quits.

"This result could help to connect quantum computers with information capacities beyond qubits", says Anton Zeilinger, quantum physicist at the Austrian Academy of Sciences and the University of Vienna, about the innovative potential of the new method.

The participating Chinese researchers also see great opportunities in multidimensional quantum teleportation.
"The basics for the next-generation quantum network systems is built on our foundational research today", says Jian-Wei Pan from the University of Science and Technology of China.

Pan recently held a lecture in Vienna at the invitation of the University of Vienna and the Academy.

In future work, the quantum physicists will focus on how to extend the newly gained knowledge to enable teleportation of the entire quantum state of a single photon or atom.

More information:
Yi-Han Luo et al.
Quantum Teleportation in High Dimensions, Physical Review Letters (2019).
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.123.070505
Journal information: Physical Review Letters

Provided by University of Vienna







The time old tale of the INxJ...

Hey all.
Get back with everyone soon...my Son was in the hospital for a possible seizure.
We’ve ruled out all the really bad shit...so he’s been discharged after some nights.
All seems well...may have even been a fluke.
They did so many tests that I was glad he wasn’t on my insurance, lol.
Talk to you all very soon!
Hey all.
Get back with everyone soon...my Son was in the hospital for a possible seizure.
We’ve ruled out all the really bad shit...so he’s been discharged after some nights.
All seems well...may have even been a fluke.
They did so many tests that I was glad he wasn’t on my insurance, lol.
Talk to you all very soon!
That’s a very worrying time for you, wondering what it could be. Thank God they have found nothing seriously wrong with your son.
Thinking of you :<3white:
Hey all.
Get back with everyone soon...my Son was in the hospital for a possible seizure.
We’ve ruled out all the really bad shit...so he’s been discharged after some nights.
All seems well...may have even been a fluke.
They did so many tests that I was glad he wasn’t on my insurance, lol.
Talk to you all very soon!
Hoping all turns out well. ♡