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And now for something different.... how about combining Meditation, Love, and Politics....

I have signed up to sit in meditation tonight on this Solstice - turn of the season for Earth - with 1000,s of others who plan to transmit the energy of Love to financial sectors around the globe. The organizers are beyond ecstasy with the amount of people who have signed up to do this act of love for our world. I believe you have posted research showing the synergy effects of groups of people meditating on common focus?
Let's see what happens with this one - shall we?
Oh...of course you're welcome to join me in this endeavor if you wish.

Isn't this just the coolest life ever?!?!?!?!?!
Namaste' :love:




We wanted to share the good news about the tremendous response from people around the world assisting in this pivotal transmission.

The Foundation has received nearly 9000 registrations and people are continuing to sign up. If you consider meditation research numbers, this is enough to sincerely light up this world with big time transforming change.

THANK YOU EVERYONE for such a great outpouring of your love and support. We are connected, meet you soon in our super charged matrix!!!


8 pm across all time zones



538 The Vatican
403 London's Financial District
358U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission
353Walton Enterprises - Wal-Mart Stores
342The NASDAQ Stock Market
322 International Monetary Fund
297World Bank
278Buenos Aires Financial District
265The Federal Reserve
254Club of Rome
245New York Stock Exchange
242The United Nations
239 NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization)
212 U.S. Department of the Treasury
212Bank of International Settlements (BIS)
211 Central American Bank Economic Integration
207 Exxon Mobil
197 Central Bank of Brazil
196 Goldman Sachs Group
185 N M Rothschild & Sons
184World Trade Organization
179BlackRock Inc.
175Citigroup Inc.
173The Pentagon
168 European Central Bank
159Wells Fargo
158Tokyo Stock Exchange
158Bank of America
154Australian Securities Exchange (ASX)
150JP Morgan Chase
144Royal Dutch Shell
135Intercontinental Exchange
134 India Ministry of Finance
127China's Financial District
121Business Roundtable
118Council on Foreign Relations
111Trilateral Commission
107Brazil's Financial District (Paulista Avenue)
93Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE)
90Chatham House - The Royal Institute for International Affairs
89 Saudi Aramco
75Central Bank of the Russian Federation
74Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation
70Shanghai Stock Exchange (SSE)

Very cool!! Count me in!
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5 Reasons That Make It Clear We Are Not Alone In The Universe


One of the most popular questions today is “are we alone in the universe?” Believe it or not, you’re in the minority if you believe that absolutely no intelligent life exists in the universe. In the United States alone, at least half of all Americans say that we’re not alone in the universe. Fifty percent of Americans already believe that there is some form of life on other planets, while only seventeen percent think that there isn’t. A quarter of Americans believe that intelligent extraterrestrial visitors have already come to Earth and have been doing so for a long time.

Here’s one of them:
“Yes there have been crashed craft, and bodies recovered. We are not alone in the universe, they have been coming here for a long time.” (source) (source) - Apollo 14 Astronaut, Air Force Captain and Founder of the Institute of Noetic Sciences, Dr. Edgar MitchellThere are multiple reasons why the extraterrestrial question continues to gain popularity. People are starting to ask questions about the world around them, utilizing critical thinking and investigation. After thoroughly investigating this topic your conclusions will be similar to the conclusions of the majority, we are not alone, and we are being visited.

1. The Size of the Universe

How often do you look up into the night sky and wonder just how many stars, planets, galaxies and more are out there? Space has been a high area of interest that has always fascinated scientists, philosophers, musicians and pretty much just about everyone. What is it about deep space that grabs our attention so much? To think about just how big the universe is can really put things into perspective.Counting the stars in the universe is like trying to count the number of sand grains on a beach , not possible. Although estimates vary among different experts, the general consensus is that there are at least between 100 billion and 200 billion galaxies in our universe. Think about that for a moment, and now throw in billions of stars in each galaxy! (source)

This number could very easily be in the trillions for all we know.
Take the Milky Way Galaxy for example, which measures to about 120,000 light years across (it would take light that many years to travel across the galaxy), and contains up to 400 billion stars. Again, that’s billions of galaxies that contain billions of stars. (source)Scientists estimate that at least 10 billion habitable Earth-sized planets exist in the milky way alone ( one galaxy out of billions), but it’s important to keep an open mind as to what type of conditions and environments some unknown extraterrestrial like forms could thrive in. They all don’t necessarily have to be Earth-like.Given our estimation of the size of the universe, or multiverse (whatever you want to call it), odds are we are not alone.

2. Whistle Blowers

The past few years have seen a surge of whistle-blowers that’ve come out and said some remarkable things. Bradley Manning, Edward Snowden and Julian Assange have received the most attention, but the reality is that there are hundreds of whistle blowers who have come forward with verified credentials and backgrounds. Mass survelience and the security state is not the only thing shocking people around the world, it’s the fact that many of these whistle blowers claim that we are not alone in the universe.

It wouldn’t be so hard to ignore if it wasn’t for the backgrounds these people have in their respected fields.
The first one that comes to mind is Paul Hellyer, Former Canadian Defence Minister, the man responsible for unifying the Canadian Air Force, Army and the Navy into one united force now known as the Canadian Forces. For someone with such a background to come out and make these extraordinary claims definitely grabbed the attention of many people.


“Decades ago, visitors from other planets warned us about the direction we were heading and offered to help. Instead, some of us interpreted their visits as a threat, and decided to shoot first and ask questions after. Trillions of dollars have been spent on black projects which both congress and the commander in chief have deliberately been kept in the dark.” (source)
Read more about “black projectsHERE.

”In one of the cases during the cold war, 1961, there were about 50 UFOs in formation flying South from Russia across Europe. The supreme allied commander was very concerned and was about ready to press the panic button when they turned around and went back over the North Pole. They decided to do an investigation and they investigated for three years and they decided that with absolute certainty that four different species, at least, have been visiting this planet for thousands of years. There’s been a lot more activity in the past two decades, especially since we invented the atomic bomb.” (source)

Paul Hellyer isn’t the only one making extraordinary statements, at least a dozen NASA astronauts have done the same. Just like Dr. Edgar Mitchell’s quote, other astronauts have said some remarkable things. Let’s take a look at a few (out of many) examples.
“There is abundant evidence that we are being contacted, that civilizations have been monitoring us for a very long time. That their appearance is bizarre from any type of traditional materialistic western point of view. That these visitors use the technologies of consciousness, they use toroids, they use co-rotating magnetic disks for their propulsion systems, that seems to be a common denominator of the UFO phenomenon” (source)
Dr. Brian O’leary, Former NASA Astronaut and Princeton Physics Professor

“In my opinion I think they were worried that it would panic the public so they started telling lies about it. And then I think they had to tell another lie to cover their first lie, now they don’t know how to get out of it. Now it’s going to be so embarrassing to admit that all these administrations have told so many untruths, it would be embarrassing getting out of it. There are a number of extraterrestrial vehicles out there cruising around.” (source) —
Gordon Cooper, Former NASA Astronaut, Aeronautical Engineer and test pilot.

One of the seven original Astronauts in Project Mercury, the first manned space program of the United States
The list goes on and on, the latest in NASA Astronaut statements about UFOs came from the 2005 International Space Station (ISS) Commander, Leroy Chiao. You can read more about that HERE.

is a video of John Podesta who was recently appointed as councillor to Barack Obama supporting UFO disclosure.
Some of the most extraordinary statements about UFOs and extraterrestrials come from persons who have held some of the highest positions known. Those who would be in a position to ‘know’ about possible extraterrestrial encounters.There is a serious possibility that we are being visited and have been visited for many years by people from outer space, by other civilizations. Who they are, where they are from, and what they want should be the subject of rigorous scientific investigation and not be the subject of ‘rubishing’ by tabloid newspapers.” (source) - Lord Admiral Hill-Norton, Former Chief of Defence Staff, 5 Star Admiral of the Royal Navy, Chairman of the NATO Military Committee

Everything is in a process of investigation both in the United States and in Spain, as well as the rest of the world. The nations of the world are currently working together in the investigation of the UFO phenomenon. There is an international exchange of data.” - General Carlos Castro Cavero (1979).

From “UFOs and the National Security State, Volume 2″, Written by Richard Dolan
The list of military whistle blowers is huge, there are hundreds of them and hundreds of quotes to choose from. To view military whistleblowers (with verified backgrounds) give a press conference at The National Press Club about UFOs deactivating nuclear weapons, click HERE. You can also look up Dr. Steven Greet and the disclosure project.The list of quotes from all fields, from many people is outstanding. I could literally fill pages upon pages so I’ll stop here, I think you get the picture.

These quotes by whistleblowers and people with prestigious backgrounds leads perfectly into the next point as to why almost everybody knows that we are not alone in the universe.
“There is another way whether it’s wormholes or warping space, there’s got to be a way to generate energy so that you can pull it out of the vacuum, and the fact that they’re here shows us that they found a way.” (source) - Jack Kasher, Ph.D, Professor Emeritus of Physics, University of Nebraska.In this clip, it seems he is referring to FREE ENERGY.

3. The Evidence of UFOs

Within the past few years, dozens of governments admitted to allocating resources and having programs to study the UFO phenomenon. For instance, in Canada the RCMP, Transport Canada, and the Department of National Defence recently admitted to tracking UFOs and investigating them. (source) They’ve been doing it for years, accumulating thousands upon thousands of UFO related documents. Many of these documents have since been officially released.

is the latest batch of UFO files released from the United Kingdom.
Documents released by the National Security Agency (NSA) reveal what is recorded when a UFO is being tracked on radar.HERE is one example. HERE is a four page U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency and NSA report describing a particular encounter in great detail.“As the F-4 approached a range of 25 nautical miles it lost all instrumentation and communications. When the F-4 turned away from the object and apparently was no longer a threat to it, the aircraft regained all instrumentation and communications. Another brightly lighted object came out of the original object. The second object headed straight toward the F4.

You can read more about the radar tracking of UFOs HERE. HERE is a Wikileak cable that describes how some politicians already know we are not alone in the universe. You can read more about that HERE.Again the list goes on and on and thousands upon thousands of UFO related documents are now available in the public domain. For a summary of more documents that have been declassified and made available, a video done by UFO Richard Dolan does a great one in 10 minutes. To watch it click HERE. and see what type of information is out there.

4. Mass Mainstream Media Attention

Media outlets of all kind are covering the topic, almost every movie that comes out these days has something to do with space or some kind of extraterrestrial intelligence. We’ve been bombarded with the topic for a while now so it’s not hard to see how it’s on the minds of many.The most recent case of mainstream extraterrestrial ‘noise’ was made when scientists recently spoke to the house Committee on Science, Space and Technology. Dan Werthimer of the SETI Research Centre at the University of California, Berkeley, recently called for more funding to be allocated to the search for extraterrestrial life since he is “close to 100 percent” certain that we are not alone. (source)

In mid 2013, the same committee held a hearing about exoplanet discoveries, but perhaps one of the largest UFO/extraterrestrial hearings came at the National Press Club, which also took place in Mid-2013. At this event, hundreds of researchers, activists and military/agency/political witnesses representing ten countries gave UFO/extraterrestrial testimony to six former members of the United States Congress about events and evidence indicating an extraterrestrial presence engaging the human race.
Former Sen. Mike Gravel (D-Alaska), and 2008 presidential candidate said that there is “an extraterrestrial influence that is investigating our planet. Something is monitoring the planet and they are monitoring it very cautiously.”

You can learn more about the citizens hearing here.
Apart from these events, UFOs are constantly a topic of interest in today’s mainstream news. Unfortunately, most mainstream media outlets that cover the topic seek out to ridicule it rather than investigating it properly. To view military whistleblowers (with verified backgrounds give a press conference at The National Press Club about UFOs deactivating nuclear weapons, click HERE.HERE is a clip on the same topic on CBC news.

5. Personal Experience and Video Footage


There are millions of people out there claiming to have contact with extraterrestrial beings. This has played a large role in spreading the influence of extraterrestrial interest across the world. All of us seem to be naturally fascinated with the unknown, especially when it comes to space.

It seems like human nature.
Neuroscience can now explain what happens to our body when we meditate, but it’s something we all knew to be beneficial before the science. Is extraterrestrial life similar? Is it something we all feel deep down inside, something we don’t need proof for? (Even though the proof is there).Besides the thousands of videos available on YouTube, there is some very fascinating officially documented UFO footage available for us to see.

Click HERE to see raw footage of a UFO showing up in Norway for scientists at their observatory.
Click HERE to see film from the 1991 NASA STS-48 Discovery Space Shuttle mission. It’s some of the best, officially documented UFO footage that’s out there today.HERE is a video that made headlines once released. It came from straight front the Mexican Air Force. Do a quick UFO search on youtube and you’ll see many fakes, but many real videos of unknown aerial objects.I have personally had multiple UFO encounters, by myself and with others here on the CE team which makes it easier to tell if some of the videos are fake our could be real.

Final Thoughts

A few years ago the question was “Do UFOs exist?”, today that question has been answered, and the presence of UFOs performing maneuvers that defy our laws of physics has been well documented. The question has more so shifted to, “Is that an extraterrestrial space craft?”It’s nothing to fear, in my opinion they’ve been around forever.

They have been aware of us long before we have been aware of them. As speculated with our ancient civilizations in Earth’s brief past, perhaps they will one day interact with humanity again. I guess we will see.
Perhaps some groups are concerned about our planet, and come here further pushing the idea that we need to start changing the way we are ding things here.

Perhaps one day soon we will find out.
I definitely believe that a good chunk of these UFOs are of extraterrestrial origin. I also believe that many of these crafts are “ours.”
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Quantum Physics Tells Us Separation Is Only An Illusion


“Those trees are your lungs. The earth recycles as your body. The rivers recycle as your circulation. The air is your breath. So what do we call the environment?” — Deepak Chopra: Physical Healing, Emotional Well Being

A new paradigm is emerging out of the rubble of the reductionist model. This new paradigm dissolves the illusion of separateness between anything and anyone.

Discovering More About Our Universe

As we research smaller and smaller units of matter, it has became clear to some that there is perhaps no final unit waiting to be discovered but a fundamental unity to everything. Physicist David Bohm, whose work is described in Michael Talbot’s the Holographic Universe, calls the fundamental unity at the end of all matter the implicate order.

David Wilcock makes reference to the Source Field.
A popular metaphor for the universe in this new view is a hologram that projects what we experience as matter, light energy, etc. An important property of holograms is that information contained throughout is contained within any unit. For instance, if you cut a piece of holographic film with a picture of an apple in half, both halves of the film will still project the whole apple! (This is only true of real holograms produced by shining a laser through holographic film, not of the hologram type pictures and stickers like those found on credit cards).

One phenomena in quantum physics that supports this view is known as “non locality.” Briefly, 2 quanta (photons, electrons, etc.) can become “entangled” that is, influence each other even across vast distances. Physicists were blown away by this because it seemed like these particles were communicating faster than the speed of light. This led to the notion that on some level these quanta are existing without location, thus no “speed” is needed.

Since this is so contrary to our experience and how we have been taught to view things, it can be a bit mind boggling to think that somewhere particles are “speaking” to each other, where this is no location. Advocates of quantum biology such as Deepak Chopra point to the similarities between phenomena in quantum physics and biology: It can be said that the cells in your body are doing the same thing, communicating on a non-local level.


What is this “non-local” level of you and of the universe?

Well, it is consciousness. Your sense of self and continuity of experience is not contained within anything in your brain or body in any physical way, the cells of your body die and all the material that makes the physical you is replaced continuously throughout your life.

It is consciousness that remains and gives you this experience. What is becoming clear is what we experience as separate things is actually an illusion. Since there is only a fundamental unity then the idea that you are somehow separate from the outside environment begins to fade.

The earth in which you live, is you, you are the earth and everything within it. You are the universe, everything it takes to make a universe is contained within all of us. Remember, consciousness has no boundaries, the only limits to your consciousness, is your imagination.
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I know that this subject doesn’t have a lot to do with spirituality or quantum physics, but if you keep in mind things like the above posted story - "Why Separation is only an Illusion”, then this is an issue that effects us all profoundly.
We need to stop advocating for a self-centered, self-serving, and instant gratification culture…since when did these negative values, start being looked upon as the ultimate goal?

Why Capitalism Is The #1 Cause Of Poverty


Modern Day Quasi-Feudal System?

Any successful capitalist will tell you that capitalism is still the Holy Grail of modern economics. Without a doubt, capitalism has done more to advance certain aspects of humanity than any other economic system to date. But, something is happening. As capitalism’s limitations become more and more apparent, economists, professional and otherwise, are attempting to mitigate its inherent flaws by calling for a return to ethical or “conscious” capitalism.

If capitalism is the end-all economic system, why would we need to do that?
Bypassing formal qualitative analysis, one might assume the problem is transparent enough—greed. Within a system in which markets and financial speculation operate with dwindling oversight thanks to corporate lobbyists, income is propelled upward leading to rising income inequality. Profit is privatized while loss is socialized, allowing a few the benefit of exploding wealth while the incomes of the majority working class stagnate or even collapse.

This ongoing debasement could be labeled a modern day quasi-feudal system.
Though, we increasingly have the data to verify the ongoing degradation of working class wealth that’s been occurring over many generations within capitalism, we need not look any further than capitalism’s three main elements to discover where the in-built limitations lie. The three central elements of capitalism are capital accumulation, competition and a price system. There is a fourth element that is required as a derivative of the first three to sustain capitalism—growth.


Let’s take a look at the most flawed component first, competition.
Capitalism requires a loser is for every winner. We see this as the true trickle-down effect as (more than) half the world continues to be mired in ridiculous man-made poverty. Though capitalism is not the economic system for the entire planet, it interacts with other economic systems, participating in poverty wages and deplorable working conditions. We also see that competition is a short-sighted “survival of the fittest” mechanism.

Even in the animal kingdom, what has mistakenly been called, “survival of the fittest,” is holistically, “the un-survival of the un-fittest.” If Nature were truly survival of the fittest, it would create parasitic-type conditions in which the parasite would end up destroying the “host,” or its environment.

Yet, man’s belief that Nature acts out of survival of the fittest has led man to act out likewise toward each other.
Do you see how man has become Earth’s destructive environmental parasite and that we are compromising our home planet and our future?
Capital that is hoarded without being put back into circulation is a great threat to the long-term viability of capitalism.
The playing field is far from level when 85 people control half the world’s wealth!

A Means To An End?

When capital becomes the end game rather than a means to an end and the pricing systems built for trade are manipulated, then add in the creation of cartels… should there be wonder at the current social ills in the world, artificially created by man.And what happens when policy-driven bubbles burst and there is no growth? Capitalism’s kryptonite is growth.

The problem with dependency on growth is that it “consumes” all in its path like a wildfire out of control. Add the dynamic of competition to the tinderbox and a firestorm is created, resulting in the amassing of fortunes for the sake of amassing fortunes, a means to an insatiable end and what Plato’s student, Aristotle, scorned—the making of money through means of monopoly. Monopolies mean more imbalance.

Growth as yang run amok without complementary yin conservation in equal measure is not sustainable as a disparate planet, also a living organism, utilizes energetic processes to right itself, which could include dramatic changes to human habitation. Also, it’s important to be aware that more than half the world’s population lives in countries where human population has peaked, meaning that the fertility rate is below replacement level.

Many European countries are even offering incentives to boost birthrates. Isn’t this counterintuitive in an overpopulated world?
Should we be increasing birth rates for the sole purpose of consumption?
A final issue worth mentioning is capitalists entering smaller markets around the globe, supplanting self-sustainable local community business, to dominate and/or seek to control natural resources in the name of progress and jobs, but then actually disrupt a viable, cooperative community or strip it of its resources.

We must recognize capitalism’s shortfalls and begin the inquiry into higher consciousness economics that include social responsibility, making it easy for humanity to thrive, rather than through unnecessary struggle.
Nature shows us that holistically, symbiosis means working together cooperatively for the collective good.

What does not co-exist for mutual benefit brings its own death, the un-survival of the un-fittest.
As competition means there are one or more losers to every winner, we immediately see that: Capitalism is a limited, bi-polar construct, borne out of separation consciousness, consuming itself toward its own demise.

Thank you to those in business with the maturity, wisdom, and integrity, to be of true service of the global community.
So, how do we develop sustainable social systems that truly do serve the good of all, thriving even amidst conservation and declining populations as we evolve as a species?
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Given human nature I believe the only thing moving humanity forward is capitalism. Out of the forms of government tried thus far, its the only thing that works in a sustainable way. This is not to say some other form not yet implemented couldnt work better, only that out of what we know its our only choice to progess.

To move past capitalism and toward a society where people do not want or need of the basics will take resources we currently do not have. Limitless clean energy for one, clean food and water, health care and shelter. None of these things will begin to be possible though with out cheap clean energy. If you want to see the world move this direction, its the first step.
Given human nature I believe the only thing moving humanity forward is capitalism. Out of the forms of government tried thus far, its the only thing that works in a sustainable way. This is not to say some other form not yet implemented couldnt work better, only that out of what we know its our only choice to progess.

To move past capitalism and toward a society where people do not want or need of the basics will take resources we currently do not have. Limitless clean energy for one, clean food and water, health care and shelter. None of these things will begin to be possible though with out cheap clean energy. If you want to see the world move this direction, its the first step.

Capitalism to an extent is helpful but there's a difference between Capitalism and Corporatism. Capitalism like anything else needs to have some checks put on it. If one giant mega corporation controls everything, that's still capitalism, but it is also not good.

In Capitalism the means of production is controlled by private owners. This definition does not speak to the size and power of the owners, nor the size and value of the capital which they own.

The big difference there is the tendencies of Socialism vs Capitalism.
With Capitalism the power tends to favor those who own things, they come to own more things by becoming large, so you end up with these corporations that have vast amounts of the capital.
With Socialism they try to do the opposite, to prevent everything being owned by powerful entities so that everyone theoretically can have use of it.

These are two extremes which both present their problems. Ideally, IMO, we should be somewhere comfortably in the middle of the two.
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Given human nature I believe the only thing moving humanity forward is capitalism. Out of the forms of government tried thus far, its the only thing that works in a sustainable way. This is not to say some other form not yet implemented couldnt work better, only that out of what we know its our only choice to progess.

To move past capitalism and toward a society where people do not want or need of the basics will take resources we currently do not have. Limitless clean energy for one, clean food and water, health care and shelter. None of these things will begin to be possible though with out cheap clean energy. If you want to see the world move this direction, its the first step.

Cold fusion is the reason I started ranting about people being silly in the first place on this forum, and also why I made it my focus in the things I seriously fight for. Replacing oil, gas, solar, and wind will be a challenge, and also a necessity if we want to keep most of the current population alive (which to me seems like the obvious goal). Besides some other energy miracle, Earth's population would have to be drastically reduced in order to be able to survive over a longer period of time (100 years+) soley on Earth. Producing cold fusion commercially also flies in the face of all economic reasoning devoid of unselfish human consideration (ie its current form). There have always been people who understood game theory but played the "losing" strategy hoping that others saw it was actually the winning strategy... hopefully it won't turn to such desperation that it demonstrates itself as the only viable strategy, because in the longest term, it is. "There is nothing new under the sun."
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Cold fusion is the reason I started ranting about people being silly in the first place on this forum, and also why I made it my focus in the things I seriously fight for. Replacing oil, gas, solar, and wind will be a challenge, and also a necessity if we want to keep most of the current population alive (which to me seems like the obvious goal). Besides some other energy miracle, Earth's population would have to be drastically reduced in order to be able to survive over a longer period of time (100 years+) soley on Earth. Producing cold fusion commercially also flies in the face of all economic reasoning devoid of unselfish human consideration (ie its current form). There have always been people who understood game theory but played the losing strategy hoping that others saw it was actually the winning strategy.

There will always need to be checks on population.

Even with cold fusion, it requires materials to make a reactor of any kind, so there's an inherent limitation. Whenever there's a finite set of resources, nothing will expand forever.

People think that humans will never actually overpopulate the earth, but if people keep living for longer and better and keep multiplying, how can it not happen? Population is always going to hit a wall somewhere.

Keeping most of the current population alive is not really a meaningful endeavor because keeping them alive in this generation means a massive spike in the next generation. If you keep that generation alive it will be an even bigger spike in the generation after that.

This is why the world population only increased by maybe 60% or something like that between 1800 and 1900, but in the past 50 years it has more than doubled.
There will always need to be checks on population.

Even with cold fusion, it requires materials to make a reactor of any kind, so there's an inherent limitation. Whenever there's a finite set of resources, nothing will expand forever.

People think that humans will never actually overpopulate the earth, but if people keep living for longer and better and keep multiplying, how can it not happen? Population is always going to hit a wall somewhere.

Keeping most of the current population alive is not really a meaningful endeavor because keeping them alive in this generation means a massive spike in the next generation. If you keep that generation alive it will be an even bigger spike in the generation after that.

This is why the world population only increased by maybe 60% or something like that between 1800 and 1900, but in the past 50 years it has more than doubled.

And if you look to Europe, N America, and other "developed" countries, you'll see that after industrialization occurs, population rates even out. I won't argue that there shouldn't be a limit to human population (within reason), but we aren't there yet, at least as far as this solar system goes. Terraforming becomes a distinct possibility, not to mention that Nickel and hydrogen are abundant in our own solar system (and many other solar systems I'm guessing). This is excluding the (very real to my mind) possibility of zero-point energy, ie bringing order from 'chaos' energy, of which I would consider cold fusion to be a derivative. Desalination is ezmode with a nonpolluting energy source, building atmospheres (and ecosystems), several -- to many for ecosystems -- steps removed but not impossible at all. Our atmosphere, and all the others in our solar system, didn't happen accidentally. Assuming a population of 10 billion humans, it is very sustainable in our solar system in the next thousand years would be my conservative guess. Studies on demographics have shown large losses in population gain beyond 'industrialization', the most notable being Europe where immigration is needed to keep the population from dropping more quickly. If you want to drag "population control" theories into it, I couldn't say that they weren't happening, but to me they don't seem necessary for the continuation of humanity in an expression similar to what we have now. That is assuming we switch to something higher energy density, cleaner and more sustainable than what we are currently using (and I would put the 'renewables' into that category for our current total population).
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And if you look to Europe, N America, and other "developed" countries, you'll see that after industrialization occurs, population rates even out. I won't argue that there shouldn't be a limit to human population (within reason), but we aren't there yet, at least as far as this solar system goes. Terraforming becomes a distinct possibility, not to mention that Nickel and hydrogen are abundant in our own solar system (and many other solar systems I'm guessing). This is excluding the (very real to my mind) possibility of zero-point energy, ie bringing order from 'chaos' energy, of which I would consider cold fusion to be a derivative. Desalination is ezmode with a nonpolluting energy source, building atmospheres (and ecosystems), several -- to many for ecosystems -- steps removed but not impossible at all. Our atmosphere, and all the others in our solar system, didn't happen accidentally. Assuming a population of 10 billion humans, it is very sustainable in our solar system in the next thousand years would be my conservative guess. Studies on demographics have shown large losses in population gain beyond 'industrialization', the most notable being Europe where immigration is needed to keep the population from dropping more quickly. If you want to drag "population control" theories into it, I couldn't say that they weren't happening, but to me they don't seem necessary for the continuation of humanity in an expression similar to what we have now. That is assuming we switch to something higher energy density, cleaner and more sustainable than what we are currently using (and I would put the 'renewables' into that category for our current total population).

My point is that there will always be sectors that are not catching up, and it will always look the same just on a different scale.

Talking about terraforming the solar system is just bumping the issue up to a bigger scale. You say developed countries level out their population, and while this is true, it still illustrates the relative difference.

Soon it won't be developed countries vs undeveloped ones, it will be terraformed worlds vs less terraformed ones. Where does it end? How much is enough?
My point is that there will always be sectors that are not catching up, and it will always look the same just on a different scale.

Talking about terraforming the solar system is just bumping the issue up to a bigger scale. You say developed countries level out their population, and while this is true, it still illustrates the relative difference.

Soon it won't be developed countries vs undeveloped ones, it will be terraformed worlds vs less terraformed ones. Where does it end? How much is enough?

I don't know how much space there is in our galaxy, or could be expected for us based on other species' history.:D I would agree with the bolded unequivocally, but also that I don't think 10 billion is too many for our solar system (at least managed decently).
I don't know how much space there is in our galaxy, or could be expected for us based on other species' history.:D I would agree with the bolded unequivocally, but also that I don't think 10 billion is too many for our solar system (at least managed decently).

Yes. I don't think better technology is the answer (though it certainly doesn't hurt) Rather I think the answer is a change in people's philosophy and perhaps spirituality.

This is due to what is called the fallacy of relative privation, and the elimination of it. When you get rid of the fallacy of relative privation, then inequality is always inequality and suffering is always suffering.

The fallacy of relative privation is illustrated in the old adage: "I used to cry about having no shoes, until I met a man who had no feet."
No one can predict the future and what it will take to make. All I was saying is that the first step that has to be taken to realize the ultimate goal of a world without money is sustainable cheap clean energy.
And now for something different.... how about combining Meditation, Love, and Politics....

I have signed up to sit in meditation tonight on this Solstice - turn of the season for Earth - with 1000,s of others who plan to transmit the energy of Love to financial sectors around the globe. The organizers are beyond ecstasy with the amount of people who have signed up to do this act of love for our world. I believe you have posted research showing the synergy effects of groups of people meditating on common focus?
Let's see what happens with this one - shall we?
Oh...of course you're welcome to join me in this endeavor if you wish.

Isn't this just the coolest life ever?!?!?!?!?!
Namaste' :love:


My meditation from TX was amazing! When I visualized the Federal Reserve it appear very small on the ground in front of me. Like a doll house...
I imagined the people of it in it and then an overwhelming urge to cry came over me. After I cried huge tears and felt much pain a sense of peace flowed through me.

It was then a very surprising thing happened.... In the vision I grew angel wings and they folded around the small building in an embrace. Love began pouring from my heart in to it. Just pure unconditional love.... It was an incredible feeling to love the federal reserve!! Simply incredible.
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My meditation from TX was amazing! When I visualized the Federal Reserve it appear very small on the ground in front of me. Like a doll house...
I imagined the people of it in it and then an overwhelming urge to cry came over me. After I cried huge tears and felt much pain a sense of peace flowed through me.

It was then a very surprising thing happened.... In the vision I grew angel wings and they folded around the small building in an embrace. Love began pouring from my heart in to it. Just pure unconditional love.... It was an incredible feeling to love the federal reserve!! Simply incredible.

So loving a thing sucking the life out of people is incredible? ;)
Given human nature I believe the only thing moving humanity forward is capitalism. Out of the forms of government tried thus far, its the only thing that works in a sustainable way. This is not to say some other form not yet implemented couldnt work better, only that out of what we know its our only choice to progess.

To move past capitalism and toward a society where people do not want or need of the basics will take resources we currently do not have. Limitless clean energy for one, clean food and water, health care and shelter. None of these things will begin to be possible though with out cheap clean energy. If you want to see the world move this direction, its the first step.

Nonsense…all of those things are totally doable things without a monetary based society, and instead a society based on resources.
Check out this documentary that not only explains how our monetary system now is basically “human slavery”, but then goes onto explain how the capitalist system is unsustainable but offers a better version as a resource based society.


What I particularly like about this movie is that it was made in 2008, and basically forecasts the predicts the recession that hit the following year…it is only going to get worse my friend unless some ridiculously huge things change.
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Nonsense…all of those things are totally doable things without a monetary based society, and instead a society based on resources.
Watch this documentary that not only explains how our monetary system now is basically “human slavery”, but then goes onto explain how the capitalist system is unsustainable but offers a better version as a resource based society.


What I particularly like about this movie is that it was made in 2008, and basically forecasts the predicts the recession that hit the following year…it is only going to get worse my friend unless some ridiculously huge things change.

It will get worse no doubt about it. As with all things, a few exploit them and ruin them for the masses. Has always been, will always be.

Im fairly certain I am correct in my assessment as to what it will take. No way for me to prove it though.
It will get worse no doubt about it. As with all things, a few exploit them and ruin them for the masses. Has always been, will always be.

Im fairly certain I am correct in my assessment as to what it will take. No way for me to prove it though.
Well..I don’t want to give up on society yet...
Seriously…you should check out the movie…it is absolutely amazingly interesting.
It offers some great solutions along the lines of what you were talking about.
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