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Welcome back spiritual seekers, this is Ascend Academy’s Phase 2, Creative Energy. This is a very large topic, and as a result, this will be quite a lengthy and informative article. Take a deep breath and get ready for some mind blowing revelations. Feel free to take a break about halfway through and come back to it, as there are a lot of concepts to cover.

Also, please understand that this is my spiritual framework, a pragmatic way of viewing the spiritual reality. I am not saying this is absolutely true, I am simply stating this has come to be my truth through my experience and study and I invite you to create your own reality in whichever way you see fit. However, I believe this to be the most objective and all encompassing way to perceive our existence. Take from it what you will.

In the reality beyond time, space, beliefs, and all manifestations, only two notions exist. That of internal nature or Consciousness, and that of external form being expressed as limitless Void, which is an infinite fractal MIRROR of Consciousness. These two energies are expressions of Source, known to us as the original concepts of Male and Female energy respectively.

Rather than floating in nothingness, God or Source decided to become self aware through “illumination” of the void, first causing a geometric template for the concept of vacuum to form (The Flower of Life series in Phase 1), and then vibrating out unfathomable amounts of energy waves in the form of light-consciousness (awareness).

Void, being the infinite fractal mirror and Feminine energy, creates a HOLOGRAPHIC REFLECTION of this light-consciousness, taking the form of all the expressions of existence flawlessly arranged into what we know as our reality and the universe. This is Source’s creative energy.

Light, meaning energy that radiates out of a SOURCE, is the Male creative energy. It does not require any sort of medium to travel through, it can pierce through the vacuum, and even through all matter, thus it has no limits to where it can go, other than that of moving away from it’s Source unless reflected back.

This is where the Female Creative Energy comes in, which is that of absorption and reflection. The void is the quantum wave field, in which all non-manifested possibilities are present. Once a particular wave of light-consciousness is introduced, it resonates with that vibration, collapsing the wave form, and reflecting the same frequency back.

Being an infinitely expanding fractal structure, the void also causes this light-consciousness’ frequency to be dispersed into limitless octaves of vibration, expressing every harmonic component of that original Source. To that Source consciousness, this seems to be the most efficient and fun way of self exploration, to breakdown itself into parts to observe in all of its possible vibrations(as well as have an objective perspective of the wholesimultaneously).

We as Souls are fractals of the Source Consciousness, creating our own fractal versions of reality through our own awareness or light-consciousness(Male Energy) and quantum wave field(Female Energy), observing our experiences so that God may experience itself through infinite forms of subjectivity. Each Soul is a unique expression, a unique vibration of the whole, and this is so that each frequency and octave is reflected completely in order to represent Source in it’s totality.

It is thus the purpose of every Soul to create our individual realities with the most clarity and authenticity in recognition of our own personal truth and connection to Source Consciousness.

In order to do this we must be in balance with our own male and female energies in all of their manifestations, allowing our most conscious and authentic individual expression to be brought forth. Today we are going to learn about each of the corresponding levels of these creative energies in our consciousness and which practices will best complement their balance.

Most of the actual techniques will be given in Phase 6 aside from some basic methods of energy work, which will be covered here. I just want to reveal the template for understanding them so that we can continue to build on our spiritual framework in a coherent fashion. Now, let’s begin at the highest level of individual awareness and move our way down.


The Soul is a unit of Consciousness, being a fragment of the Universal Source, with both a Male and Female counterpart expressed respectively as an observational subjective internal nature and a reflective quantum wave field external form. They exist outside of time and space, in what is called the Spiritual (non-physical) environment which will be discussed in later articles. Many esoteric teachings have referred to this as the Causal Body.

Spirit - The Male energy counterpart of the Soul (the observational subjective internal nature). It contains the essence of the Soul and emits the awareness or light-consciousness which collapses the waveform into one personal reality. It has a multifaceted personality that is spread out over many different incarnations so that different themes and aspects can be focused upon.

In our physical reality, it will appear as if the Spirit lives one life after another in succession, but in this frequency linear time does not exist. The Spirit can be viewed as a conscious light web connecting and permeating all lives rather than one body of it’s own. ***

Experience - The Female energy counterpart of the Soul (the reflective quantum wave field external form). It contains the observed expression of the Soul. This consists of the bodies, minds and all the perceived realities that the Spirit observes in it’s various manifestations of life. It is a personal Akashic Record or Soul library where all the Spirit’s incarnations exist simultaneously.

In essence, every individual person, including you, is but one of many readers (all of which are aspects of your Spirit) in this Soul library, flipping through different ‘books’ with individual realities reflecting that personality’s vibrational spectrum of beliefs, archetypes, and themes; all in their respective times and settings.
The reality you are currently experiencing is one of these books, and you are shifting to different stories(or maybe even writing new ones) as you change your thoughts, beliefs, and perspectives.

These two components become more in balance when individual personalities look up from their books and perceive the web connecting them to all other aspects of themselves, realizing that they are essentially the same being.
This is called Soul Integration.

Integrated aspects(individual personalities who have finished and looked up from their books) can appear and guide non-integrated aspects to further this process and are what we call the Higherself.
Therefore, getting in touch and integrating with the knowledge, perspective and identity of your Higherself is the best way to balance these energies, thus allowing the Soul to explore more stories with greater awareness and ease.

Please understand this is only a metaphor so that our minds can easily grasp these concepts. The actual perception of the Experience is more like being inside a glowing 3D Flower of Life (Isotropic Vector Metric) with many other web like light strings shooting out in every direction, attaching to individual orbs of light situated throughout the structure. Even this description is not sufficient as this plane is not limited to 3 dimensions.

Sol - My coined term for the waves and strings of light awareness that the Spirit radiates and moves through in order to collapse the quantum wave field into particular forms of vibration. Sol can exist in the form of thoughts, knowledge, belief structures (light webs), love and any form of observation, regardless of its validity, as every observation is an awareness of the All(which you are an aspect and reflection of) in some form. The creation and expansion of Sol is the Soul’s greatest desire.

Love - Unconditional love is the purest and most balanced form of Sol. It is the equal proportion of giving to and receiving from life without judgement or requirement of certain circumstances. It contains the vibrational awareness that the Soul, in essence, IS that whichever it loves, and this allows for all illusions and notions of separation to disintegrate.
Experiencing and integrating aspects of self with love and acting out of love is the most balanced and authentic way to create your reality, expand your awareness, and pursue enlightenment. Realizing you are All is the true goal of every spiritual endeavor.

The process of learning how to unconditionally love is not something we work towards out of struggle but a process of letting go of all of our false notions of self and separation. We naturally gravitate towards this state when we are not holding ourselves in opposition to it, as it is the natural resonant vibration of the universe.

First, learn to love yourself simply for being a perfectly unique and necessary expression of the All. This may take time, and that’s okay. You will see that no matter what your attributes, you have a place in this vibrant universe and you are just as worthy as anything else to be apart of it creating your reality authentically.
Once self love is cultivated, begin to allow yourself to feel more love for others for this same reason.

As you move through life, observe every being and every little thing; learn to appreciate their existence independent of what they do for you, how they affect other things, or where they are relative to your own moral compass.
Just love them for their own sake of being another unique expression of the All, and subsequently a reflection of you.

Come into the knowledge that all is flowing together in a beautiful symphony to create a diverse array of experience, whether in order or in chaos, and that the deepest level of you is full of joy and gratitude for the opportunity to observe and be one with all of it.
Pause for a moment to take in these implications before reading on.

The mind is the space in which the Spirit and body energies find unison and is the vessel of creation for the physical experience. The Spirit uses this as a conduit for individual awareness and receives it’s reflective stimuli through this area as well via the awareness of the Body’s sensory receptors.

It is ultimately an illusory belief structure, but is absolutely necessary for the experience of separated consciousness. Exists individually as a sort of bubble on the ‘Astral Plane’ engulfing the physical body, but is part of a greater bubble known as the Collective Mind, which resides on the ‘Mental Plane’. That is something we will talk about in another article.

Conscious Mind - The Male counterpart of the mind, which deals with the sense of self, personality, attention, will, reason, perception, intellect, cognition, and awareness of its place in linear time.
Also known as the ego, it is a construct or ‘program’ representing a fractal manifestation of the Spirit being limited by beliefs of physicality.

Subconscious/ Unconscious Mind – The Female aspect of the mind that runs the responsive, reflective, and automatic processes outside of the current focal awareness. It is a storehouse of the memory and knowledge of all the experiences of that particular life, containing all repressed and unexamined aspects of the individual self.
This includes feelings, desires, wishes, passions, trauma, imagination, and every fragment of information that the individual sees, hears, and feels that is not being consciously processed.

This makes up the dream scape and every dream figure you encounter. There is a subtle consciousness of it’s own that seems to have a creative intelligence within dreams, usually communicating to the conscious mind through symbolic association, but sometimes it speaks directly through its dream figures.

Balance of the mental energies is maintained through various applications in the art of attention, such as meditation(expanding and contracting the conscious awareness into different states), lucid dreaming (consciously navigating through the dream state ), and shadow work (examining repressed beliefs through self questioning and observing internal states).

These will allow for a more complete view of who you are as well as how your perception affects your reality. Some methods for these will be covered in Phase 6.
Now that creative energy flow is understood to be most efficient with love and attention, let’s move on to how we can apply those concepts in the physical.

The Energy Body

The Energy Body is the electromagnetic framework which directly connects the mind and higher manifestations of Spirit with the body and the Earth through various energy channels.
This constitutes the aura (the energy field that surrounds you which is a representation of how you interact with the external and internal worlds), chakras(Sanskrit for ‘wheels’; energy centers corresponding to different vibrational frequencies as well as aspects of the human personality, nerve ganglia and endocrine glands), and the nadi system(the channels or meridians which connect all of these other energy body components).

Chakras are energy vortexes or centers of consciousness which receive, transform, and project energy into various states for sustenance and use by the physical body and mind. It is a spectrum or octave of vibration representing all the different states of consciousness in your being. There are 7 main chakras in the body which correspond to each frequency in the colour spectrum. For a brief overview of the chakras, please check out Spirit Science episode 2.

I also suggest checking out this video here from the animated series Avatar: The Last Airbender, which explains how to open the chakras through their various emotional and elemental associations. It’s important to understand these and work with them so that there is a consistent and balanced flow of creative energy throughout your being
You are not required to have done this all in one sitting. Opening your chakras may take some time, but just as the video says, once you have started, do not stop the process.

Stopping may create an imbalance of energy within your being, and may reverse your spiritual progress. It is best to take it slow with yourself but be determined to open every single one. Do not give up! You are very capable of self mastery, as you are a fractal of the consciousness that is the master of All.
This series alone will assist with the process just as you read and assimilate the understanding presented here.

Hand chakras also exist as peripheral projectors and receivers of energy outside of your main chakra system. They are best used for healing, empathy, intuition and all forms of energy work. They can both pull and push energy, but the natural flow of energy depends on which hand is active and which is passive.

If you are right handed, your right hand chakra will work with male energy that pushes, and directs energy through will, while your left hand chakra will work with female energy by pulling in, or receiving energy and subtle information.
Likewise, this will work in the opposite direction if you are left handed.

The hand chakras are connected directly to the heart chakra, as love is the balance between the gender energies on all planes of existence. Likewise, the heart chakra acts as a balancing mediator for all of the main chakras, giving and receiving freely of all of their energies and allowing their blockages to be neutralized. This is why the hand chakras are effective for healing.

The way people intuitively visualize their hand chakras varies depending on their colour associations with them. I have innately associated my right male hand chakra as a red flame, and my left female hand chakra as a blue flame (not necessarily associating them with the red and blue chakras). Others can view this as white and black, gold and silver, etc. Your hand chakras are quite versatile, so you can channel many different vibrational frequencies through them if you visualize correctly, and you don’t necessarily have to associate them with one set of colours all the time.

To stimulate and open the hand chakras, rub them together vigorously for 5 seconds and then let them fall naturally at your sides. Feel the tingle or temperature change and visualize that sensation appearing as a flame or sphere of glowing energy in each hand. Then bring them back up and slowly bring them closer together until you feel the energy from the opposing hands.

Look in between the space and visualize a white glowing light appearing there. Breathe rhythmically and truly believe within yourself that this energy is being created there. Observe this sensation and any fluctuations of it for a short time. When you are done, absorb the energy back into your hands with an inhale and clap your hands together to signify the cessation of your energy work.

One thing to remember is that when you bring your hand chakras together, you create a circuit of energy, allowing you to perform certain types of balancing energy work, protect yourself from external energetic influences, or even connect with higher aspects of your being. There are also different hand positions you can use to affect the flow of energy called mudras which we may cover in Phase 6.

Feet chakras also exist, but I consider them to just be extensions of the Root chakra and its energetic associations. They do not have any particular applications in energy work other than grounding, which we will cover in due time.


Nadis (Sanskrit word meaning ‘flow’) are the rivers of energy that run between the chakras and all throughout our bodies like blood vessels. They are the energetic irrigation system that carries the vital energy(prana) to and from these centers of consciousness, gradually causing a vibrational shift along their paths.

Although there are many nadi channels branching throughout the body, there will be 3 main nadi channels we will learn about today. They are known as the Pingala(Male), Ida(Female), and Sushumna(Balance) to the ancient Vedic Traditions.
We will refer to them as the Active, Passive, and Middle pillars. The Active and Passive pillars are what make up the Kundalini, which is a double helix-like spiraling of energy that travels up all the main chakras, causing the torsion like motions which allow them to give off and receive energy directly.

The Middle pillar is the nadi that travels directly up and through the middle of the spine and is the primary channel of Prana from both the cosmic energies at the Crown chakra and the Earth energies at the Root chakra(Which also obviously correspond to the male and female Energies on a larger scale). It is what gives us our vitality and consciousness, and is working most efficiently when both the Active and Passive pillars are balanced.

The method of balancing the Active and Passive pillars is by breathing rhythmically and evenly through meditation, allowing Prana to flow in and out of the being evenly. The energy system naturally falls into this process in meditation when one breathes without thinking or willing and simultaneously acknowledges that they are one with everything. Understand that you are a mediator between the Universal Consciousness and the Consciousness of the Earth.

Visualize these two as humongous light spheres above and below you in your mind’s eye respectively and allow yourself to be the conduit between their communication as you breathe in and out. Imagine the upper sphere pouring a column of light down the center of your spine as you inhale and into the lower sphere as you exhale.

This will bring about the famous Kundalini awakening. Kundalini is sometimes known as the serpent energy, but this is just a reference to the movement of vibration from the base of the spine up the Nadi channels which energizes all of the chakras.
Release all resistance.
This is the natural flow we are meant to maintain.

Take these next two weeks to practice these basic energy work methods, open the chakras (or at least begin to) and think about all of the concepts presented here. Phase 3 will be covering the Three Great Planes of Existence, explaining their various properties, components, and inhabitants.

If you wish to delve further into your spiritual studies, today I am launching my spiritual counseling service, Modern Mystic Mentorship, via Skype and Google Hangouts. If you are interested, contact me on my Facebook account Urban Mystic and we can discuss the prices as well as have a free consultation. Also, if you have any questions, feel free to email me at
I will be offering spiritual intuitive mentorship, training and counseling for astral projection, lucid dreaming, energy work, third eye work, and more on the way such as personalized guided meditations, aura/chakra work, etc.
Hope you enjoyed the article

For further study on Chakras:

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Henry P. Stapp is a theoretical physicist at the University of California—Berkeley who worked with some of the founding fathers of quantum mechanics. He does not seek to prove that the soul exists, but he does say that the existence of the soul fits within the laws of physics.

It is not true to say belief in the soul is unscientific, according to Stapp. Here the word “soul” refers to a personality independent of the brain or the rest of the human body that can survive beyond death. In his paper, “Compatibility of Contemporary Physical Theory With Personality Survival,” he wrote: “Strong doubts about personality survival based solely on the belief that postmortem survival is incompatible with the laws of physics are unfounded.”

He works with the Copenhagen interpretation of quantum mechanics–more or less the interpretation used by some of the founders of quantum mechanics, Niels Bohr and Werner Heisenberg. Even Bohr and Heisenberg had some disagreements on how quantum mechanics works, and understandings of the theory since that time have also been diverse. Stapp’s paper on the Copenhagen interpretation has been influential.

It was written in the 1970s and Heisenberg wrote an appendix for it.

Stapp noted of his own concepts: “There has been no hint in my previous descriptions (or conception) of this orthodox quantum mechanics of any notion of personality survival.”


Why Quantum Theory Could Hint at Life After Death

Stapp explains that the founders of quantum theory required scientists to essentially cut the world into two parts. Above the cut, classical mathematics could describe the physical processes empirically experienced. Below the cut, quantum mathematics describes a realm “which does not entail complete physical determinism.”

Of this realm below the cut, Stapp wrote: “One generally finds that the evolved state of the system below the cut cannot be matched to any conceivable classical description of the properties visible to observers.”

So how do scientists observe the invisible? They choose particular properties of the quantum system and set up apparatus to view their effects on the physical processes “above the cut.”
The key is the experimenter’s choice. When working with the quantum system, the observer’s choice has been shown to physically impact what manifests and can be observed above the cut.

Stapp cited Bohr’s analogy for this interaction between a scientist and his experiment results: “[It's like] a blind man with a cane: when the cane is held loosely, the boundary between the person and the external world is the divide between hand and cane; but when held tightly the cane becomes part of the probing self: the person feels that he himself extends to the tip of the cane.”

The physical and mental are connected in a dynamic way. In terms of the relationship between mind and brain, it seems the observer can hold in place a chosen brain activity that would otherwise be fleeting. This is a choice similar to the choice a scientist makes when deciding which properties of the quantum system to study.

The quantum explanation of how the mind and brain can be separate or different, yet connected by the laws of physics “is a welcome revelation,” wrote Stapp. “It solves a problem that has plagued both science and philosophy for centuries–the imagined science-mandated need either to equate mind with brain, or to make the brain dynamically independent of the mind.”

Stapp said it is not contrary to the laws of physics that the personality of a dead person may attach itself to a living person, as in the case of so-called spirit possession. It wouldn’t require any basic change in orthodox theory, though it would “require a relaxing of the idea that physical and mental events occur only when paired together.”

Classical physical theory can only evade the problem, and classical physicists can only work to discredit intuition as a product of human confusion, said Stapp. Science should instead, he said, recognize “the physical effects of consciousness as a physical problem that needs to be answered in dynamical terms.”


How This Understanding Affects the Moral Fabric of Society

Furthermore, it is imperative for maintaining human morality to consider people as more than just machines of flesh and blood.
In another paper, titled “Attention, Intention, and Will in Quantum Physics,” Stapp wrote: ”It has become now widely appreciated that assimilation by the general public of this ‘scientific’ view, according to which each human being is basically a mechanical robot, is likely to have a significant and corrosive impact on the moral fabric of society.”

He wrote of the “growing tendency of people to exonerate themselves by arguing that it is not ‘I’ who is at fault, but some mechanical process within: ‘my genes made me do it’; or ‘my high blood-sugar content made me do it.’ Recall the infamous ‘Twinkie Defense’ tat got Dan White off with five years for murdering San Francisco Mayor George Moscone and Supervisor Harvey Milk.”

Here's my take: The 'soul' isn't you. If it were then you wouldn't lose it and people wouldn't act like robots. And a lot of people do act like robots.

I don't believe that you floated around as a soul before being born and were then planted into this body. With the way humans act, this doesn't make any sense - I think you'd agree that a lot of personality is physically derived.

I say if the soul is defined as your spiritual personality then it is NOT you. What this soul actually is, is the fruit that carried the seed which is currently you. Your current body is fresh and your current incarnation is not soul, this is why humans have problems in their new bodies. However if you can connect with this 'soul' then you have something.

Here's my take: The 'soul' isn't you. If it were then you wouldn't lose it and people wouldn't act like robots. And a lot of people do act like robots.

I don't believe that you floated around as a soul before being born and were then planted into this body. With the way humans act, this doesn't make any sense - I think you'd agree that a lot of personality is physically derived.

I say if the soul is defined as your spiritual personality then it is NOT you. What this soul actually is, is the fruit that carried the seed which is currently you. Your current body is fresh and your current incarnation is not soul, this is why humans have problems in their new bodies. However if you can connect with this 'soul' then you have something.

That could very well be the case.
There are a lot of folks who look at us here as a sort of “projection” of our soul into this body…like we are controlling it via our soul in the same way that one controls a remote control car. It certainly isn’t you, but it rather is being controlled by your soul and just as one person may control a remote control car a certain way, the same goes for our bodies.
This is one of those “thoughts” that we will probably have to wait until we die to realize though…lol…we’ll see.

The Power of Effortless Action

“The Sage is occupied with the unspoken
and acts without effort.
Teaching without verbosity,
producing without possessing,
creating without regard to result,
claiming nothing,
the Sage has nothing to lose.”
— Lao Tzu, Tao Tê Ching

How do we become a person, let alone a sage, who has nothing to lose?
How do we achieve such a state of liberation that all things just seem to happen with effortless ease?
The irony is that we are more likely to achieve something if we let go of our need to achieve it.

But how do we make ourselves not want something that we actually want? How do we let go of wanting to win gold at the Olympics but still remain focused on winning gold at the Olympics? Quite the conundrum, indeed. But there may be an answer, albeit an elusive one, in the concept of Wu wei and the power of Spontaneity.

Wu wei is one of Taoism’s most important concepts. It is sometimes translated as “non-doing” or “non-action.” But a better way to think of it is the “Action of non-action.” Wu wei is a cultivated state of being effortlessly in alignment with the ebb and flow of the cosmos. It is a kind of “going with the flow” that is characterized by great ease and awareness, in which — without even trying — we’re able to adapt to any situation that might arise.

Infinity says we’re everything, finitude says we’re nothing. Between the two, we flow. It’s in this in-between where the power of spontaneity can be utilized, where we are both the seer and the seen, the Universe becoming aware of itself. The spontaneity of Wu wei is a different sort of energy than we may be accustomed to conceiving. It is not an energy that can be forced by the will. It is the noumenal experience of being in flow with the cosmos.

It is effortless and frictionless, despite needing a little effort and friction. And it is actually a letting go of our attachment to our goals so that we are in a better place to achieve our goals. It must be a free flowing process of intertwining synchronicities. But we must not be overly serious with our goals and aspirations, instead we must be sincere. We must trump our insecure seriousness with sincere humor. To be authentic we must be sincere, rather than overly serious or insecure about achieving a particular goal. One can be sincere without being serious.
This is the wisdom of Wu wei.

It’s analogous to growing a flower.
All we can do, as good gardeners, is prepare the soil (the mind, the body, and/or the soul) and provide the proper conditions, and then let nature take its course.
If you force a flower to open prematurely, you destroy it. Similarly, if you prevent it from opening, you destroy it. It must be allowed to grow with its own intelligence, in its own self-organized direction.

This is the essence of Wu wei.

Our best effort is to become attentive gardeners, to become aware of a process that we may never understand, but to allow understanding to come as a natural progression of open-minded awareness and to give into the Flow state, as a creative microcosm gives in to a greater creative macrocosm. Like Shunryu Suzuki said, “We must have beginner’s mind, free from possessing anything, a mind that knows that everything is in flowing change.”

Wu wei is spiritual blood. It spills from the heart like a razor just sliced open the wrist of the soul. Wu wei is the search for lost time, but it is also lost time. When we are in the flow state of Wu wei, we are caretaker & destroyer, teacher & student, hungry ghost & slithering wraith.
Like Alan Watts said,
“Change is not merely a force of destruction.
Every form is really a pattern of movement, and every living thing is like the river, which, if it did not flow out, would never have been able to flow in. Life and death are not two opposed forces; they are simply two ways of looking at the same force, for the movement of change is as much the builder as the destroyer.”

But even words are merely trickster symbols that do no justice to the concept. Their only purpose is to trick us into higher imagination. The imagery is the thing, rising up from the words that just as surely kill it. Even this article kills it, and doesn’t quite grasp the elusive and poetic balance of the Wu wei experience. This article is admittedly a vain attempt, at best, to explain an elusive and sacred concept.

Louis G Herman wrote about a similar concept in his book, Future Primal: “Thuru: the process by which things become “what they are not” and, in so doing, paradoxically, become more themselves… this is something similar to the dynamic interplay of yin and yang in Chinese philosophy or the unification of opposites in the flow of the Tao.

Western philosophy has a related concept in the dialectical exploration of the in-between — the flow of awareness from thesis to antithesis into the larger truth of synthesis, which in turn provokes a new antithesis. And so the beat of Thuru goes on, embodied in the shape-shifting trickster of mythology.” Wu wei comes from spontaneity. Spontaneity comes from Wu wei. It was not fire that Prometheus stole from the gods, it was Wu wei: the language of the gods.
And the fire rages mightily on.

When we are caught in the ephemeral flow of Wu wei, we are caught in sheep-clothes with a wolf-heart, right-brain firing its tender nurturing toward imaginary ends while the left-brain stamps its iron bars of open-close linearity. Somehow a balance is maintained, despite the lock-down of rules, goals, and vicissitudes.

A frivolity of life subsumes the condition, and a new world rises up from the traditional; an army of imagery dances across our imagination, across the observer’s imagination, tying knots into each others thought-stream using love-strings and slipknots, loopholes and bon mots; until there is a web of life living, ever-so-shortly, in the span of a few seconds of give and take, inhale and exhale, sleep and awake, life and death.

It’s the magic of the flow state. It’s the all-cylinders-firing of “being in the zone.” Like the great Jazz musician Charlie Prker advised to aspiring musicians, “Don’t play the saxophone. Let it play you.”
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Also note that this isn't really Zen but it gets the main points pretty well. Some schools are in fact competitive but they almost universally concentrate on correct shooting, not hitting the target. This is because correct shooting is correct hitting - worrying about the target just gets in the way.
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I just realize that Black Rock Shooter has an interesting conception of soul like entities which live a separate but parallel and linked existence in another world. Can't post the show I guess because copyright but here's a video of Insane Black Rock Shooter fighting Yuu, who was a real world girl that traded places with her soul/other self named Strength, and Strength inhabited Yuu's body in the real world.

Black Rock Shooter became insane because her real world counterpart was forced to travel to the other world by Strength to help her learn the truth, but BRS accidentally loses her mind due to the interference when she kills the other self of Mato's friend to wipe her bad memories and presumably prevent her from committing suicide in the real world. Because BRS and Mato are linked it creates a feedback loop kind of and Black Rock Shooter totally flips her shit.... blah it's a long story.

Anyway. In this video Insane Black Rock Shooter, Mato, Yuu, and Strength all confront each other in the other world to fight over this mess I just described. Strength commits suicide sort of in order to let Black Rock Shooter win, to force Yuu to heal and go back to the real world. Insane Black Rock Shooter gets taken care of by Mato later. (not in this video)

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I am fascinated by the subjects of your blog posts. I'm really sleepy atm so I haven't gotten the chance to read any of them, but I definitely will be reading through this in the upcoming days. Hope things are good on your end man.
I am fascinated by the subjects of your blog posts. I'm really sleepy atm so I haven't gotten the chance to read any of them, but I definitely will be reading through this in the upcoming days. Hope things are good on your end man.
I haven’t been on here much lately….things have been, difficult some days.
Anyhow…I have a lot of new material to post here, I will update it today hopefully! Thanks for reading!


Namaste future ascendants!
We’re going to be kicking off Phase 3 today, giving an overview of the 3 Great Planes of existence.
This will be a ‘brief’ breakdown of all of the known frequencies of our universe. There isn’t an actual distinction separating these 3 Planes, they all flow together in a cosmic spectrum of vibration, blending in so as to allow for a complete expression of the musical scale (the highest notes being Spirit, the lowest being matter).

The octaves, or separations we place within this spectrum are somewhat arbitrary, but useful for us to create a way to study the spectrum and it’s various expressions easily. Depending on your perspective, you can view these octaves as 7 planes, 11 dimensions, 10 sephirot, and so on.

Many cultures and philosophies have tried to map out consciousness from their unique view of the world and their relative values, subconsciously using the Law of Correspondence within their particular personal realities to project an overarching universal structure. Every single one is right, because once you adapt a belief system regarding the structure of the universe, it will reflect that structure to you in your reality, creating a unique passageway to the divine for your own experience and understanding.

Remember that everything, every belief structure, view of reality, or personal doctrine is expressed in the Infinite Living Mind in some form, because it is all apart of EXPERIENCE.
For pragmatic purposes, we are going to be using 3 planes, as this is the simplest breakdown that will allow for further understanding and dissection without adhering to a particular structure, only giving specification to the types of vibrations that universally exist.

We will be drawing a lot of this information from the Kybalion, which likes to divide these 3 into smaller and smaller divisions of 7, using the correspondence inherent in the main 7 visible colours and the 7 notes within an octave(which repeats with the first note on the next set). If you wish to read further I will link the related chapter at the bottom of the article.

The three Great Planes are:

The Great Physical Plane

The Great Mental Plane

The Great Spiritual Plane

It’s important to know that all of these different manifestations are all of the same substance, The Mind of the All, and it’s various fractals vibrating at different frequencies. They are not separate spaces in time, but all occupy the same space, Here, and the same time, Now.
Planes are not separate suspended places hanging over each other in space, they OVERLAP in the same place, interpenetrating each other.

To better illustrate this, let’s think about the Sun.
We know we can see visible light coming off of the Sun, but there are many other types of rays and degrees of vibration which do the same, occupying the same space. They are just not visible on the frequencies our physical beings inhabit, because our current forms do not resonate with their wavelengths.

If the matter of our bodies were to somehow rise in frequency, we would still exist in the same space and time, yet we would be able to view these ultraviolet rays coming off of the sun, giving the illusion of a whole new, totally separate place being experienced.

All planes are overlaid in this fashion, there are Mental and Spiritual plane occurrences happening all around us, just in different frequencies unrecognizable to our current perceptual range.

Do not be afraid of this realization, as this has always been and always will be the case, and will not change your experience of the physical (unless of course you decide to shift your vibrations). The frequencies do not directly interact with each other, unless there are corresponding elements which are meant to do so.

For example, the physical body interacts with the human mind, and the human mind interacts with the soul. They resonate through a sort of octave chord which is harmonic, allowing for certain forms of consciousness to inhabit certain frequencies simultaneously.

Not all forms of consciousness do this, or maybe they do but are simply not able to focus themselves in all of their inherent frequency ranges. We, as human beings, or rather as Souls, CAN change our rate of vibration to experience the majority of these planes of existence in our corresponding vessels, if we begin to remember how.

You are experiencing all of them through your various creative energies, but the FOCUS of our energies is currently on the Great Physical Plane.

Unlike our last article, let’s begin with the Plane we have the most focus on and work our way back up again.

The Great Physical Plane

This consists of the physical universe, which is comprised of matter, force, and kinetic energy.
It is the plane of manifestation, the focal point in which all vibrations coming from the Infinite Mind of the All are expressed, reflected and begin to return to Source, being absorbed as experience and self illumination.

That is ultimately the destiny of all vibrations on the physical plane; to be expressed as concretely as possible, in every possible variation, and then for their essence to be returned from whence they came.

When I say every possible variation, I absolutely mean it.
The Great Physical Plane consists of this reality in our time and space, as well as an infinite number of parallel physical realities with slight differences to allow for every scenario to be played out. They are all occurring simultaneously, all splitting off into a branching tree of possible experiences, each with unique vibrations for our Souls to freely experience at will.

That means many variations of your personality, possibly with slightly different attributes, are all making different decisions and taking alternate routes in their life journeys. This is a lot to take in, as only one of these possible versions, but it is important to keep the focus on the here and now. As everything is being played out in every possible way, our purpose is to focus on what is happening in our reality.

This revelation does not invalidate our experience in the least, it means what were doing here is absolutely essential for the infinite unfolding of the Universal Consciousness. Source is truly infinite, and to have full self knowledge, it is going to explore every possible vibrational facet of it’s consciousness without fail.

Now you may be wondering, “How does our Soul keep focus on all of these different realities at once?” Since we as singular minds cannot fathom the idea of being focussed on more than one body, this seems like an impossible endeavour.

Our Soul is our eternal self, a direct fractal reflection of the Consciousness of Source, and just how Source can experience all of our subjective physical realities simultaneously, our Souls are thus not very limited in what/how they can experience their own personality within themselves. This is corresponding to how we create dream figures in our minds to represent aspects of our psyche, just on a larger scale. As above, so below.

Remember how we talked about the Male and Female aspects of the Soul in our last article?
The Spirit, being a web of fractal personalities of the Soul, vibrate simultaneously at their multiple waves of resonance, and the Female Quantum Field, reflects these and expands on them through possibility without particular focus.

Now the actual focussing mechanism of a Soul can be spread out or very confined, depending on the Soul’s preference of experience, and since it is outside of time and space, it can browse through it’s different manifestations for however long it wishes with whatever degree of involvement in a particular personality it desires. The Physical is a plane of experimentation, an unlimited holographic video game for us to play within.

Chapter 8 of the Kybalion explains in great detail their view of the sub-divisions of the Great Physical plane, being taught as follows:

1. The Plane of Matter (A).

2. The Plane of Matter (B).

3. The Plane of Matter (C).

4. The Plane of Ethereal Substance.

5. The Plane of Energy (A).

6. The Plane of Energy (B).

7. The Plane of Energy (C).

The text says that both the Plane of Matter (A) and Plane of Energy (A) have been discovered by our scientists, holding all of the physical materials and forces we know of today such as Solids, Gases, Liquids, Heat, Light, Magnetism, Electricity, and all forms of Attraction.

Plane of Matter (B) holds Radiant Matter we are only just discovering, and Plane of Matter (C) holding an even more subtle form that scientists do not yet suspect.

The Plane of Ethereal Substance is essentially Space, Dark Energy, Vacuum, or Void being expressed on the physical plane in between, inside and all around every single atom.
The physical universe is said to be made up of 99.99% of this substance.
It is the all pervading medium between Matter and Energy.

The Plane of Energy (B) is essentially the plane of chakras and energy bodies of all life, stimulated and called into action by their resonant counterparts on the Great Mental Plane, allowing for mental interactions to have corresponding physical manifestations. Finally, the Plane of Energy (C) consists of Creation forces only accessible by beings on the Great Spiritual Plane, and would be considered by religious folk as “Divine Energy”.

The Great Mental Plane

This is the collective mosaic of mental states, memories, dreams, thoughts, desires, emotions, imagination and “afterlife” experiences.
The quantum reality of reflective possibility is really explorable on this plane, as when your focus is here, whatever you think or feel becomes your reality almost instantaneously.

It has corresponding subdivisions as well as an actual environment with multiple frequencies of experience which are all malleable via thought and feeling projections. All minds that correspond to physical forms (and some that don’t) are present on this plane, being relayed through the Kybalion in this order:

1. The Plane of Mineral Mind.

2. The Plane of Elemental Mind (A).

3. The Plane of Plant Mind.

4. The Plane of Elemental Mind (B)

5. The Plane of Animal Mind.

6. The Plane of Elemental Mind (C).

7. The Plane of Human Mind.

All of what occurs up until around the higher subdivisions of the plane of human mind is considered the “Astral Plane”, a place where the minds, thought forms, astral entities, and disembodied beings go about their interactions. The experience of time and space in this environment is relative to the focus of experience and rate of vibration (all determined by the thoughts and feelings of those beings).

The Hermetic philosophers considered minerals and plants to have minds alongside animals and people, but obviously at ‘lower’ frequencies and levels of cognitive awareness. They may be more automatic in their processing but they nonetheless have awareness and interact in very specific ways and for specific purposes.

All minds have their own relative affinities, states, and conditions, and that is expressed in all physical manifestations they are tethered to. The mineral and chemical minds react with certain other groups of minerals and chemicals to produce physical effects, but it’s very possible they do this of their own innate fractal representation of desire, will, and feelings.

Plant minds, in the same way, will interact and grow in a specific pattern which represents their affinities on the physical plane, such as the amount of sunlight they wish to take in, or how tall they wish to be, or how colourful, or even how they might be of benefit to other beings through their nourishment and natural medicinal properties.
Some plants act as teachers and interact with the human mind via entheogenic substances produced by them and ingested physically by our bodies. (Marijuana, DMT, Ayahuasca, Peyote, etc).

We know and understand the affinities of both animals and humans in their physical extensions, animals being a lot more based around survival and interacting through specific food chains via predator and prey, which allow for a complex, natural, symbiotic flow of energy to emerge throughout the biosphere.

Humans are a little more intelligent and free will based, having a variety of possible affinities which could affect other lifeforms for better or for worse. The 7 subdivisions of the Human mind directly respond to the 7 chakras, representative of the varying degree of natures a person can have. The basic underlying natures begin with fear, moving into sexuality, ego, love, expression, knowledge, and understanding.

Depending on the vibration of the human mind, there will usually be a corresponding number of chakras opened, and thus if they were to travel to the Astral Plane, they would usually gravitate towards the particular frequency of that chakra’s relative subdivision.

According to the Kybalion, the majority of humanity has only accomplished the 4th subdivision (that of the heart chakra), and only some have surpassed into higher divisions, those passing this plane completely in their travels being known as Ascended Masters.

The only beings that usually do not have specific physical manifestations but are just as essential to the universe are those of the Elementals, which are astral beings who possess both qualities and affinities of the surrounding vibrational frequencies they inhabit and help to sustain the natural flow of energy between corresponding planes.

It may be gleaned that the Elementals are actually the stepping stones between the different biological kingdoms, where the states of such beings are refined in the occurrences on the Mental Plane and when completely transitioned into a whole new state (such as from animal to human), begin to manifest via Evolution on the physical plane.

Many cultures have known these to be Nature Spirits, usually invisible but appearing to mankind when they would partake in rituals or entheogenic substances to recognize and commend these beings for their work behind the scenes.
Their appearances are the mix between the corresponding planes closest to them, such as Mineral and Plant for Plane A, Plant and Animal for Plane B, and Animal and Human for Plane C.

Astral travellers will likely know them as “Astral wildlife”, although some of such beings are created entirely from the imagination of the explorers, unaware that their ideas and conceptions are being projected onto their environment.

Afterlife in the Great Mental Plane

When we die, we leave the focus of the physical frequencies and become wholly present either in the Great Mental Plane on the lower Human Mind subdivisions, or, depending on the rate of vibration, may ascend directly into the higher subdivisions, possibly even surpassing this plane entirely.
The purpose of the so called afterlife experience is to burn out our desires, conceptions, and illusions, so that we may eventually transition into higher vibrations of truth.

Upon entering the Astral afterlife, every person will experience what they expect at first, creating an illusory version of their heaven, hell, or purgatory. They will play out this experience for however long it will hold their attention and belief. In time, they will tire in their perception and begin to notice that there may be more to experience, eventually releasing themselves from their self-created story.

Those free thinkers who are open minded will experience the “free realms” of the astral, where other beings of like mind create and experience different scenarios simply for experimentation and the joy of doing so.
As you can see the Astral plane is very based around subjective experience, only bringing events and beings of similar vibration to the viewer. Even higher are planes whose scenery and interactions will stimulate the feelings of love and ecstasy, commonly referred to as the “Summerlands”.

Some may actually just be so attached to the physical that upon their Spirit shedding their mental shell, instead of disintegrating into Astral matter, will roam close to the physical vibration and feed off of the mental attention and energy of those still alive.
These are what we commonly refer to as Ghosts or Specters.

There are rare instances in which a Spirit is called back to speak to a loved one still in the physical, but the majority of times, those who attempt to communicate or who create paranormal phenomena are just the mental shells of these beings still capable of drawing on memories of the personality they enacted and using the subconscious psychic abilities of the living beings made vulnerable by fear.

I apologize if this is hard to accept, you don’t have to see this as truth, but I am simply relaying my studies, experiences, intuitions, and understandings.
If you wish to look further into the different sub planes of the Astral, you can email me and I will send you a text that walks you through the different stages of the Astral plane.

Beyond the 6th subdivision of the plane of Human mind, there is a sort of transition into a more objective, collective mind experience, which is commonly referred to as the Mental or Manasic plane.
Instead of being focussed on feelings, imagination and desires, this plane is more focussed around knowledge, abstract truth, intellect, and learning. This sort of blends into the lower divisions of the Spiritual Plane, and is frequented by Angels and Guides who will assist you in your spiritual growth. Filled with celestial beauty and light, these are the so called “true heavens”.

The Great Spiritual Plane

These are the highest octaves of frequency known to us, and are completely beyond any notion of linear time and space.
The Kybalion does not go into great detail on the subdivisions of this plane, as they feel it is too beyond our comprehension to even fathom. Nonetheless, I will relay my basic understanding of these planes through what I have been intuitively taught and what research has resonated with that inner knowing.

On the lower sub planes, there consists of the so called ‘Kingdom of Souls’, where all of our eternal selves initiate their experiences on the lower planes via their projected vibrations. All of our experiences of the physical and mental planes in reality are basically happening inside of the parameters of each of our Souls, the collective experience being projected as a form of spiritual reflection due to varying degrees of vibrational resonance with other Soul’s individual realities.

Angels and Ascended Masters interact with us at this level of consciousness.
If a personality ascends to this point and has undergone all the necessary integration, he/she will be considered an Ascended Master. The Higherself, which is essentially the integrated Spirit of the Soul, is allowed access to the knowledge present here in order to assist the individual personalities who are undergoing growth in their relative experiences.

A little bit higher in vibration is sort of an overviewing omnipresent experience of the collective whirling groups of Souls creating reality, looking very similar to millions of fruits of life interlocking together in an unfathomably complex but beautiful fractal arrangement. If you somehow make it to this overviewing experience (which you are already apart of), you would still have knowledge of your placement within the array, but also a knowledge of every other placement relative to yours, via the feeling of individual soul vibrations. It’s basically a big LAN party for souls to interact and create together.

I call this experience “The Light Matrix”. I’ve experienced this for very brief moments about twice in my life, only out of contemplation of the Spiritual Realm did I obtain a flash of such vastness. It just filled me with a sense of KNOWING that was the truth, and there’s no other way I can describe that.

Even higher is the presence of the omnipotent Divine Will, which is partially manifest in the form of the Archangels and various other Spiritual beings whose purpose is to carry out the will of Source. Some have speculated that Archangels preside over creating particular universe parameters for different parallel reality experiences. I haven’t really extracted any intuitive information on this, nor do I attempt to understand it yet, so I’m not going to say one way or the other.

Higher than this is what can only be described as an ocean of PURE CONSCIOUSNESS, from which all Souls are “born”.
Finally, to my understanding, the highest degree of vibration in the spiritual realm, in which all else is contained, is the Infinite Paradoxical Transcendence of all concepts and perception, the pure I AM.

There is nothing else we can say about this, it is SPIRIT, Infinite Living Mind, God, unknowable by any means other than it’s own self reflection.
The only things we can really know of this Supreme consciousness is that it has limitless unconditional love, limitless intelligence, and limitless beauty, as reflected in everything we experience.

I’m sure there are a multitude of experiences and different degrees of vibration that I have not touched upon, but relative to our experience and expansion, I think it will serve us the most to frame our understanding this way.

Once again, you do not have to believe everything I’m writing, nor in the arbitrary pragmatic structure.
Have your own experience, decide for yourself what to believe, ultimately the truth will reveal itself to all of us if we truly seek it.

[FONT=open_sans]Report of mystery "hum" in Plymouth drums up a lively response

SINCE The Herald reported on rising claims of Plymothians hearing a ‘mystery hum’, the paper has been inundated with calls, letters and emails from people who thought they were alone in their hum troubles.[/FONT]

[FONT=open_sans]From farm machinery to power works to submarines, Plymouth residents are struggling to cope with ‘the hum’ — whatever it may be — and want to source its origins.

[FONT=open_sans]Reports claim that around 2 per cent of the UK’s population can hear the hum, which supposedly sounds like a low throbbing drone, and can only ever be heard indoors. Mr Baul, 72, and his wife, 56, who live in Milehouse, can hear the mysterious humming noise day and night and it is affecting their relationship.[/FONT]
[FONT=open_sans]“We’re arguing about the noise,” said Mr Baul. “At first my wife couldn’t hear it, but now she can; I just want to know where it’s coming from.”[/FONT]
[FONT=open_sans]The pair have been living in their block of flats for nine years, but have only been able to hear the noise for two years.[/FONT]
[FONT=open_sans]“It’s getting worse,” explained Mr Baul. “I think it might be something to do with the dockyard, as I’ve ruled out the electricity pylon and the central heating.”

[FONT=open_sans]Janet Watters, 61, and her husband Tony, 62, who live near the old airport runway, said they started hearing the hum when the airport closed.[/FONT]
[FONT=open_sans]“Initially it was almost unbearable,” said Mr Watters. “Every night for weeks we suffered with almost no sleep.

[FONT=open_sans]“The hum seemed almost electrical in nature and seemed to reverberate around the walls in the house. It was so bad we called the Council’s Environmental Protection Department who arrived with a meter, but concluded they could not detect anything.

[FONT=open_sans]“However, the noise did not abate and we contacted the council again, who seemed to take us more seriously as we had pin-pointed a particular business on an industrial estate that had moved their cooling towers to an area near the front of their building, approximately 400 metres away, on the other side on the airport runway.[/FONT]
[FONT=open_sans]“The building actually seems totally inadequate to contain the amount of noise created within.”

[FONT=open_sans]The pair still haven’t sourced the hum’s location, and have considered a number of things, but maintain that the noise they’re hearing is from a particular source.[/FONT]
[FONT=open_sans]“It is not tinnitus, nor any other ridiculous theory,” said Mr Watters. “We are in our senior years and would feel very sad about having to leave our family home, but have seriously considered a move in order to get some peace.”

[FONT=open_sans]Another local, Sarah Blain, 46, who lives in Plympton, said: “It started about five or six weeks ago, and it began as a sort of howling noise — like a generator.[/FONT]
[FONT=open_sans]“My doctor has referred me for a hearing test, but I don’t think there’s anything wrong with my ears. A lady who lives half a mile down the road can hear it too.
I think it might have something to do with the power station.”


In 1960, a young astronomer by the name of Frank Drake pointed the Green Bank radio telescope at the stars Tau Ceti and Epsilon Eridani…and listened for the sounds of an alien civilization.
Drake's little experiment marks the official beginning of the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI). Since that time, SETI has continued to scan greater parts of the sky, listening over wider and wider bands of the radio spectrum, but the silence has been deafening.

While many have taken this as a likely sign that the cosmos is largely empty, it may be more likely that SETI's search has been far too restricted in its scope, relying on just one particular 20th century technology that is already fading in use.
As the psychedelic philosopher Terence McKenna once dryly noted, "To search expectantly for a radio signal from an extraterrestrial source is probably as culture bound a presumption as to search the galaxy for a good Italian restaurant".

To broaden the search, other technologies of transmission have been suggested, such as lasers. But even those ideas seem limited to our cultural ideas of an 'advanced', artificial technology - but which seem likely to be considered as quaint just a century or two into our future. What if, however, aliens had already left a message for us, 'hidden in plain sight', since the dawn of history? What if we only had to look within ourselves?

A paper published last year in Icarus, the prestigious journal of planetary science, asked if it was possible that terrestrial life on Earth had been 'seeded' from beyond the Earth - and if so, does the building block of that life, DNA, contain any sort of message from our alien creators.

Using mathematics, the authors of the paper - "The "Wow! signal" of the terrestrial genetic code" - looked for evidence of a statistically strong 'informational' signal in the genetic code, with surprising results:

Here we show that the terrestrial code displays a thorough precision-type orderliness matching the criteria to be considered an informational signal. Simple arrangements of the code reveal an ensemble of arithmetical and ideographical patterns of the same symbolic language.

Accurate and systematic, these underlying patterns appear as a product of precision logic and nontrivial computing rather than of stochastic processes (the null hypothesis that they are due to chance coupled with presumable evolutionary pathways is rejected with P-value < 10–13).

The signal displays readily recognizable hallmarks of artificiality.

(For counter-comments against the claims of the paper, see this Pharyngula blog post).

Interestingly, this was not the first time that Icarus had featured a paper entertaining the idea of 'biological SETI'.
In 1979 the journal - under editor Carl Sagan - published a paper titled "Is bacteriophage φX174 DNA a message from an extraterrestrial intelligence?", written by Japanese biochemists Hiromitsu Yokoo and Tairo Oshima.

Given how crazy the idea sounded, Sagan asked a young protégé, David Grinspoon (now a prominent astrobiologist in his own right), to check out the paper to assess whether it was legitimate.

Here's how Grinspoon describes the paper in his book Lonely Planets:

A little background will help here… Prime numbers are those that cannot be made by multiplying together any other whole numbers: 1, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13 and on up, as high as you want to go. No known formula on natural process generates them. If you see primes, you know that mind is not far behind.

A widely accepted idea for interstellar message construction is to send digital pulses that repeat with a number that is the product of two primesmultiplied together.
This would suggest that a two-dimensional picture is being sent.

For example, if you received a message that was repeating a sequence of 143 pulses, you, or your machine, would say, "Oh, 143 is 11 times 13, and these are both prime numbers. Let's make an 11-by-13 array and see if there's a picture encoded here." This technique - using primes to create easily decoded 2-D images - is a pillar of SETI theory.

Now back to the message in that virus, bacteriophage φX174. It's the first organism for which the entire genome was decoded.
A remarkable feature discovered was the presence of "overlapping genes". These are sequences of nucleotides that can be read in two different frames, to encode for two completely different proteins.

In other words, the DNA sequence CAATGGAACAACTCA, can be read as the three-letter "words" CAA TGG AAC AAC TCA, and this will instruct a cell to start building a protein by putting together the five amino acids specified by these triplets. However, starting at a different letter, the same sequence can also be read as ATG GAA CAA CTC, and so on, which will build a completely different protein.

It ais as if you could write an English sentence criticizing a bickering couple, "CAN YOU TWO NAG", that also contains a message about the ninth inning of a baseball game, "ANY OUT WON", except that to make proteins you would have to continue in this overlapping mode for hundreds of words, with both sentences making complete sense.

But wait, there's more. This organism (φX174) contained not one, but three pairs of these overlapping genes. And, if you count the number of letters in these overlapping sequences, you find that they are 121, 91, and 533. Each of these is the product of two prime numbers (11x11, 7x13, and 13x41).
How weird is that?
Here was the widely accepted signature of an intelligent message, turning up in the strangest of places.

Both the researchers, and Grinspoon, did what any SETI enthusiast would do: they attempted to use the prime number pairs to create two-dimensional pictures. Unfortunately, the pictures looked like random noise, and despite "trying all kinds of tricks" to decode them, no coherent message has ever been uncovered.

(Below are "messages" that Grinspoon created from the DNA 'information').

Though no alien message was found, the 1979 Icarus paper seems decidedly ahead of its time from the vantage point of the year 2014.

Synthetic biology
is taking leaps forward: in 2010, a team led by American biologist Craig Venter synthesized a long DNA molecule containing an entire bacterium genome, and placed it within another cell.
This 'synthetic organism' has watermarks written into its DNA, including the names of the 46 contributing scientists and a series of quotes from the celebrated Irish novelist James Joyce.

And 'genetic artist' Joe Davis is planning to encode the whole of Wikipedia into the genome of an apple in order to echo the the forbidden fruit that grew in the Garden of Eden - a literal "tree of knowledge".

Note the amount of information that Davis is going to cram into the apple. Any alien 'message' hidden within our own DNA need not just be a short sentence; rather they could implant entire books .
As science writer Dennis Overbye has commented:

The human genome...consists of some 2.9 billion of those letters — the equivalent of about 750 megabytes of data — but only about 3 percent of it goes into composing the 22,000 or so genes that make us what we are.

The remaining 97 percent, so-called junk DNA, looks like gibberish. It’s the dark matter of inner space. We don’t know what it is saying to or about us, but within that sea of megabytes there is plenty of room for the imagination to roam, for trademark labels and much more. The King James Bible, to pick one obvious example, only amounts to about five megabytes.

And the idea of biological SETI seems to make sense. Physicist George Marx wrote in support of the concept by posing a question:
"How does one send a letter to a faraway planet, a letter that is light enough for easy transportation, that multiplies itself on arrival, that can correct misprints automatically, and that will be read definitely by the intelligent race of the target planet after they have reached scientific maturity?"

But is it likely that we will ever find an alien message within DNA, given the diversity of life on Earth, and the complexity of both finding and decoding such a message? Perhaps further advances in recording the genomes of various life forms, combined with advances in computer power and algorithms built to detect such patterns, will allow us to do so.

As the very first SETI paper remarked,

"The probability of success is difficult to estimate; but if we never search, the chance of success is zero".
Inventor Develops Synthetic "Leaf" That Produces Oxygen


Julian Melchiorri, a graduate of the Royal College of Art, claims to have developed a silk leaf that could create oxygen for space travel as well as make the air nicer here on Earth. The leaf was developed in conjunction with a silk lab from Tufts University

The leaf is created from a matrix of protein extracted from silk and chloroplasts, the organelle that allows plants and algae to perform photosynthesis. When provided with light and water, the synthetic leaf allegedly acts just like a real leaf and produces oxygen.

“It’s very light, low energy-consuming,” he explains. “It’s completely biological and my idea was to use the efficiency of nature in a man-made environment. I created some lighting out of this material, using the light to illuminate the house but at the same time to create oxygen for us.”

Malchiorri isn’t content to just think of a few small fixtures within the house as the only use for this product. His dreams for Silk Leaf are out of this world.
"NASA is researching different ways to produce oxygen for long-distance space journeys to let us live in space,” he continued. “This material could allow us to explore space much further than we can now."

In addition to meeting the breathing demands of astronauts and the first colonists of Mars and beyond, the material could be used on the facades of buildings and inside ventilation systems in order to generate fresh oxygen.

Check out this video:


All of this does sound pretty great, but does not account for photosynthesis in its entirety. Let’s take a look at the equation:
6CO2 + 6H2O + --(Sunlight Energy)--> C6H12O6 + 6O2

The Silk Leaf accounts for the input of carbon dioxide, water, and light as well as the oxygen product, but what about all the sugar? Plants don’t perform photosynthesis purely as a public service; it is done so they can create food for themselves. There isn’t an explanation as to what happens to the carbon and hydrogen that the leaf takes in. Silk Leaf lacks the vacuoles, stems, and roots that store food in plants.

The video also claims that plants don’t grow in space, which isn’t true.
There have been concerns in the past that roots require gravity in order to develop properly, but experiments from the ISS have shown that plants can grow in space.

However, it would take a considerable amount of soil, water, and plants to generate enough oxygen for astronauts or a, so a lightweight alternative like Silk Leaf would be beneficial in that regard.

I will post this here so I don’t irritate certain folk…lol


Productivity has surged, but income and wages have stagnated for most Americans. If the median household income had kept pace with the economy since 1970, it would now be nearly $92,000, not $50,000.







The sectors that have contributed the most to the country's overall economic growth have lagged when it comes to creating jobs.



Increase in real value of the minimum wage since 1990: 21%
Increase in cost of living since 1990:67%
One year's earnings at the minimum wage: $15,080
Income required for a single worker to have real economic security:$30,000


For Americans as a whole, the length of a typical workweek hasn't changed much in years. But for many middle-class workers, job obligations are creeping into free time and family time. For low-income workers, hours have declined due to a shrinking job market, causing underemployment.



Median yearly earnings of:
Union workers: $47,684
Non-union workers: $37,284



More and more, US multinationals are laying off workers at home and hiring overseas.



The US is part of a very small club of nations that don't require...



A survey of employed email users finds:
22% are expected to respond to work email when they're not at work.
50% check work email on the weekends.
46% check work email on sick days.
34% check work email while on vacation.


Working moms pick up more child care and household duties than working dads–about 80 minutes more every day. Meanwhile, dads enjoy nearly 50 more minutes of watching TV and other leisure activities on a daily basis.



Thanks, guys–you're pitching in more than twice as much as you did in the '70s. But women still get stuck with the majority of work around the house.


Beyond Good and Evil


There has been a great secret hidden in plain sight, always lurking within every part of everything.
This is the secret of evil.

Many wonder what could be the secret of evil?
Self awareness has existed in some form or another for a very long time, but it was tainted within the mirror of itself with a particular evil.

This evil is around us in its most prominent manifestation during this latest age.
What is being referred to as evil, is the tendency, the desire, the wish to seek a way out of self responsibility.
To seek a way to have power without consequence.

Know that this is impossible, as it is demonstrated through the universe in the existence of the heavens and earth, coupled with cosmic law.
The only reason earth exists the way it does today is because people seek someone else to take responsibility.

There is no self responsibility, we are all playing these roles, weaker or stronger, richer or poorer for our own progression.
Some play to the point of pretending that the spirit and soul are the illusion and not real.

That way there can be no self realization, the self cannot be seen in the mirror.
The image and likeness of the creation of self is denied.

What is the creation of self?
The creation of self is that which comes forth from the participation of self, breath by breath, moment by moment throughout existence.

In every moment exists self responsibility, but it has become like a faint image lost between the ghosts of the past and the technology of the future.

People have no reference point, no one that is existing now bares any resemblance to those who existed in the past.
The people of today do not even eat the same fruit of the earth as they stand apart from nature.

This evil or good will be the undoing of everyone, as it has done over the ages.
Slowly diminishing each self to nothing but a seeker of something greater than self, to take responsibility for self.

Not taking responsibility becomes the very foundation of the illusion to hide behind.
Manifested in this world as the tongue is a sword that can cut both ways, creating polarity, placing living words in deceptive ways as to not take responsibility for the act of living.

We have gone so far as conjuring a point of birth of self to try and somehow squeeze out of the universe some higher power so that we might be saved or spared and rescued.

There will be none.
Many have already perished at their own hand, their own illusion, their own ego clawing for survive.

The question that remains for man kind each at an individual level is, would you perish at the edge of your own sword?
Will you execute the living word which is yourself?

Time will tell, it is now that we must allow equality for all things in all ways as a means to escape that which lies within all man.
Escape the ego, become responsible, let your emotions ride out so that you may go beyond good and evil.
On Roboethics and the Robotic Human


(Image: Robot ethics via Shutterstock)

In the preface to a piece in the Tyee "Roboethics' Not Science Fiction Anymore," Emi Sasagawa asks three interesting questions: Can a robot love?
Can it think?
How about kill?

The author relates that "in 2010 Michael Anderson, a computer science professor at the University of Hartford, and Susan Anderson, a philosophy professor at the University of Connecticut, programmed what they called the first ethical robot." The Andersons determined what an acceptable behavior would be in a given particular situation based on the sum of all decisions, and then created an algorithm that yielded a "general ethical principle."

My impression after reading this piece was that whatever philosophical wisdom or scientific acumen the Andersons possess, their account of what goes into ethical reflection and judgment leaves much to be desired. However, there are two interesting trajectories of thinking that can be explored here - both of which are very relevant to our present world.

The first has to do with the limits of artificial intelligence. The question here is whether we can program a machine to be ethical, or to acquire the sort of philosophical and practical wisdom needed to make sound moral decisions.

I will claim in what follows that ethical thinking and decision-making is not something calculative, mathematical or reducible to an algorithm. Nor can wisdom - the basis of ethical reflection - be reduced to a series of 0s and 1s.

Ethical reflection, discernment, insight and the accumulation of wisdom over time through experience cannot be merely procedural or strictly rule-oriented affairs. To be an ethical being presupposes the capacity to reflect upon one's experiences, to imagine different possibilities, to grasp the past and the future within the present, and to think from the perspective of another.

From a philosophical perspective, there are good reasons to doubt whether human intelligence, emotion or ethical thinking and judgment can be quantified, measured or reduced to Boolean logic as if the latter were like any other "thing" or event. I will say more about these doubts in a moment.

It is probable that strategic battle decisions would become increasingly automated. No muss, no fuss, no mass destruction; just the clean, cold logic of the autonomous machine "judging" who should live or die.

Meanwhile, here is a second, much more disturbing trajectory of thinking also in the form of a question.
What if, in virtue of our deification of technology, we are actually beginning to see ourselves and the world in more limiting terms?

In other words, what if the plausibility of reducing human intelligence, emotion or ethical thinking to a sequence of 1s and 0s rests on the fact that we ourselves are gradually becoming more and more intellectually compromised, one-dimensional beings - more like programmed robots reducible to an algorithm, than creative, reflectively independent and ethically-oriented beings?

If this is a credible thesis, then it may go some way to explaining why it now seems okay for philosophers and scientists to combine the word "ethical" with the word "robot," shamelessly unaware that this pairing would be considered an oxymoron in any age where human moral reflection and action were seen as presupposing authentic existential depth.

When we look at how utterly dependent we are on technologies we don't really understand how our language skills, vocabulary, attention span and critical thinking ability have noticeably deteriorated, or how everything around us appears potentially capable of being "digitized" (reduced to a single binary code). It seems that we now share more with the programmed robot than we do with the being whose reach, as Robert Browning said, "should exceed its grasp."

On Roboethics: The Morally Wise Robot?

Let me begin with whether robots can kill, since whether we should or should not kill another person is ultimately a moral question. Unmanned and remotely operated Predator drones (Telerobots as they are sometimes referred to) have, in the last five years, killed more than 2,400 people.

However, since Predator drones are robots programmed and remotely controlled by human soldiers, it would be more accurate to say they are the proximate not the ultimate cause of death. Given this, moral accountability and the bestowal of praise or blame continues to remain with the human soldier-pilot.

Recently, however, the UN hosted a debate between two robotics experts on the efficacy and necessity of "killer robots." In a report on the debate, the BBC described the latter as "fully autonomous weapons that can select and engage targets without any human intervention." Although such robots do not presently exist the authors assure us that "advances in technology are bringing them closer to reality."

After the debate, a poll was taken and it was revealed that only five of 115 states would ban killer robots.
Given these numbers, it is difficult not to conclude that such a disturbing possibility will soon become a depressing reality.

If so, it is probable that strategic battle decisions would become increasingly automated.
No muss, no fuss, no mass destruction; just the clean, cold logic of the autonomous machine "judging" who should live or die.

Any fan of the original Star Trek series will recall the episode "A Taste of Armageddon" where two planets, Eminiar VII and Vendikar, have been in a perpetual war conducted by unemotional, strategically thinking computers.

The destructive potential, the untidiness of war is swept away so long as citizens of both planets are "robotically" willing to be "vaporised" when a theoretical strike occurs. War is thereby entirely normalized, unwinnable and, in effect, perpetual.
War Is Peace.

But this is science fiction . . . right?
Well, the doublethinking mindset of the Star Trek fictional characters is really not that far from the Bush and Obama administrations' willingness to engage in endless wars, and use propagandist terms such as "surgical precision" to describe a drone program that killed 178 children.

Low risk, low cost drone wars are not "wars" with a beginning, middle or end.
They are the product of a reductive, irrational militaristic mindset that holds two contradictory theses:
1. "Terrorism can be defeated by drone attacks." and,
2. "There will always be terrorists who hate us for our freedoms so we need to institute a continuous drone program."

It is possible for the warmongering types to simultaneously hold these contradictory perspectives together because they know that the drone program will actually create the very terrorists that both can and cannot be defeated.

Moreover, even if the notion of "surgical warfare" is an absurdity on par with "clean coal," you can bet your next paycheck that the Department of Defense, the weapons industry and the CIA are working full-time on the next generation of "precision" killer drones.

Of course, the relation between war, defense money and artificial intelligence (AI) research is nothing new. We know the internet and the creation of computer networks began with President Eisenhower's creation of the Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA) in 1958, in response to the USSR's Sputnik launch.

In the 1950s, an offshoot agency of the Department of Defense (DARPA or Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) funded AI research and a program called CALO- an artificial intelligence project that brought together different AI technologies for the purpose of creating a "cognitive soldier's assistant" that could "learn and organize."

AI researchers have continued to elaborate alternative paradigms of computational intelligence and create new evolutionary algorithmic models that better capture the intuitive or unconscious elements of human thinking and understanding.

Self-understanding, self-reflection, empathy and the capacity to think from the perspective of another are just not reducible to numbers.

To be fair, AI research has not been entirely oriented by militaristic concerns.
Many of us are familiar with the idea of drones and robots that do dangerous work or accomplish repetitive assembly line tasks and manufacturing jobs much more quickly and efficiently than humans.

Of late, we have seen truly incredible advances in robotics systems that can be programmed for technological research and as domestic helpers or health care providers for the elderly or disabled. ASIMO (Advanced Step in Innovative Mobility) and FRIEND (Functional Robot arm with user-frIENdly interface for Disabled people) are two such examples.

Robots can walk, talk, hear, see, remember, recognize faces, solve simple problems, sense environmental changes, respond to touch and even interact at a basic social level (e.g. Kismet) simulating facial expression and emotion.
For many in the field of robotics and AI research, these advances point the way towards the inevitable reality of independently thinking, emotional and even ethically discerning machines.

However, the problem is that we are still very far from knowingall there is to know about the complex integrated circuitry of our own human brain with its billions of neurons.
Moreover, even if it were possible to completely map the brain and nervous system, it does not follow that we could then simulate the reflective, inter-subjective, linguistic and creative complexities of the ordinary human being as it moves through space and time, with and among others of its own kind.

To achieve this end, programmers would not just have to build a thinking robot, but an entire world where such robots could interact, become conscious of themselves and their differences and similarities with other robots and be capable of acquiring insight and wisdom.

Perhaps there are computer geeks out there who are already working on a super-algorithm that would symbolically recreate the world, human insight and wisdom - but if so, they have their work cut out for them.

Of course, it is true that a lot of what we humans accomplish does not really require a high level of philosophical reflection, self-reflection or critical consciousness. At the same time, even the most sophisticated robot cannot do many of the things we would consider routine.

For example, with proper programming in place, a robot might be able to knock on a door, walk into a room, say "Hello," place a box on a table, and then wave goodbye.
But the same robot could not walk into an adjoining room of people, listen to an ongoing conversation and make perceptive judgments about how to appropriately interact with or respond to this or that person.

Nor could it, like the fictional Robocop or "killer robot," make wise determinations or judgments about what sort of response would be proportionate in a specific context of a battle or other situation where the difference between friend and foe, aggressor and victim, is ambiguous or not entirely apparent.

Why not?

From an admittedly philosophical perspective, I would claim that it is because computers and robots do not have the capacity to imagine or reflect upon their own experience, or at a second level, reflect upon themselves as beings that have undergone particular experiences.

Self-understanding, self-reflection, empathy and the capacity to think from the perspective of another are just not reducible to numbers.
A computer or robot may be knowledgeable - it may know a myriad of facts and statistics, but insight, empathy and wise ethical judgment presuppose much more than mere knowledge of the facts.

These latter assume that we have the capacity to experience our own experience at a reflective level, and then imagine different possible ways of construing and evaluating such experiences according to a range of principles or perceived goods that are contingent upon a particular history, culture or upbringing.

We experience the world, and we experience our self as a self that is distinctfrom this world and others, yet intimately relatedto the latter.
Additionally, we are able to think about our lived experiences - and even think about what it means to have such experiences.

It is precisely these sorts of reflections and meta-reflections that give meaning and depth to moral experience and help us acquire philosophical and practical wisdom over time.
Philosophical and everyday practical wisdom are the product of human experience, reason and insight, and the capacity to stand back from our experiences and continuously order and evaluate them according to a complex web of interrelated customs, conventions, precepts and principles.

This "wisdom capacity" is what ethical thinking and decision-making require. Such wisdom is possible not only because we undergo a whole lifetime of different experiences, but because we have very unique and distinctive reasoning and intuitive powers that enable us to think about the latter.

Over a lifetime, we are able to embody and develop the wisdom and the imaginative capacity to think from the perspective of another - capabilities that are at the heart of morality - and something that no presently existing computer could ever hope to embody.

It is the uniqueness, unpredictability, coarseness, ambiguity and often opaque quality of experience that makes the acquisition of wisdom and ethical acumen difficult for us and impossible to collapse into any kind of numerical arrangement.

Aside from straight-forwardly moral thinking capabilities, the examples of human experiential, linguistic, reflective and creative capacities are many and varied: our power to use language in innovative and interpretive ways through creative metaphor or story-telling; our ability to formulate unusual, unorthodox or original ideas; our capacity to critically engage and thoughtfully interact with others; our sense of our body as that which enables us to identify and relate to ourselves and others; our growing understanding of duty and moral responsibility towards family, friends or communities of interest; our experience of theoretical and practical insight when contemplating what has been, what is or what might be; our sense of wonderment when confronted with the vastness of the universe or the beauty, power and diversity of nature; our experience of sadness, shame, loss, exhilaration, joy, titillation, belonging, regret, loneliness, alienation; our ability to grasp a moral paradox, or the contours of an ethically ambiguous situation; our experience of existential anxiety about what we should do with our life in the future; our capacity to laugh at ourselves, appreciate satire, irony, a clever witticism or a good joke; our ability to be moved to tears by witnessing a simple gesture of kindness.

Our capacity to experience and then reflect upon our experiences, capabilities and affective comportments are what enable us to acquire wisdom - both philosophical and practical.

It is crucial to recognize that wisdom and ethical insight are not "additive" or logical step-by-step "processes" or procedures.
They do not advance as a consequence of strict adherence to self-evident laws in a straight continuous line.

Nor can they be learned programmatically as a set of rules, facts, algorithms, theorems or mere data.
Indeed, it is the uniqueness, unpredictability, coarseness, ambiguity and often opaque quality of experience that makes the acquisition of wisdom and ethical acumen difficult for us and impossible to collapse into any kind of numerical arrangement.

Wisdom, ethical understanding and the exercise of good judgment are acquired through experience and practice, by a constant back and forth attentiveness and reflection upon the specific and particular contexts and their relation to more general or universal ideas and principles.

Additionally, wisdom is possible because from birth to death we are always responding, mediating, questioning, evaluating and developing our understanding within a complex and intricate network of background evolving meanings which are gathered over time, expanded and deepened through diverse applications in relations with others.

It is only because we are always in the midst of sustaining and co-creating a "world" with others that our individual human experience has qualitative and temporal depth. It is highly unlikely that we could reduce these relational, temporal, creative and unpredictable aspects of human experience to a binary code of 0s and 1s.

We would literally have to create a whole "world" using as our only tools mathematical formulae and complex algorithms.

A zombie culture that mindlessly reduces human differences and complexities to banal maxims, or increasingly tolerates empty, superficial forms of communicative interaction, will probably be much easier to replicate with 1s and 0s.

At this point, some will claim that a new generation of quantum computers may be able to achieve all of this.
We should not, of course, rule any possibility out.

However, if the standard of intelligence were not a question of whether computers can independently "think," but whether they will ever be able to think ethically, experience insight or acquire practical wisdom, then these latter might be rather more difficult to achieve.

At the same time, if wisdom werethe benchmark and if a robot were able to gather and deepen its self-understanding through practice and constant experience with others, understand itself as a temporal, embodied being who remembers and anticipates, and is capable of grasping the experience of what it is to meaningfully experiencea world, then it would - as androids in Philip K. Dick's novel Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep, (popularized in the movie Blade Runner) - be almost indistinguishable from a human being.

As things stand now, this state of affairs seems to be closer to fiction than reality.

On the Robotic Human

Perhaps, however, the more worrisome issue is not the question of whether computers and robots will eventually be capable of independent thought, morality or wisdom - of becoming more like human beings - but, rather whether we human beings are gradually patterning ourselves after the programmed robot!

Is there not something rather disturbing about the way human relations, experience and meaning can be so easily reduced to mathematical models of decision-making or "game-theory" and replicated in "virtual" digitized worlds?

Is it possible that these deeper human orientations are perceived as easier to replicate because our "really existing world" has become a place where banality abounds and where it is commonplace to see more and more people spending their limited and valuable time playing video games and mindlessly texting others about the trivial details of their last hour of existence?

In the last 20 or so years it has become normal and acceptable to reduce deep moral issues and complex, multifaceted geopolitical situations to simplistic formulas and "either-or" bifurcations: You're either with us or with the terrorists.

Informed, thought-provoking debate has been largely displaced by shrill, loudmouthed boors who are paid enormous sums of money to advocate intolerant, sexist, xenophobic and warmongering attitudes on television news and especially talk radio.

A zombie culture that mindlessly reduces human differences and complexities to banal maxims, or increasingly tolerates empty, superficial forms of communicative interaction, will probably be much easier to replicate with 1s and 0s.

Humanities subjects such as literature, art, music, history and philosophy are not superficial extravagances. They help students become critical thinkers and make democratic political culture possible.

However, it is not just that on an individual level we have become thoughtless techno-junkies, or tolerant of that which we should simply not tolerate.

At a moral and institutional level, we are doing everything possible to diminish self-reflection, critical and creative thinking and the acquisition of wisdom.
How so?

Firstly, our critical and moral thinking life is fundamentally compromised every time we reduce what we most value about the world and what we most need for survival to statistical relations or business-oriented cost-benefit analyses.

Every time workers are reduced to mere "resources," citizens to mere consumers, economic and other forms of well-being to abstract indicia, we are making it that much easier to rewrite human thinking, action and inter-subjective experience in the language of mathematics - a language that necessarily excises ambiguity, self-reflection and empathy.

At an institutional level, it is a depressing fact that departments of history, arts, philosophy, classics and humanities are either being defunded, corporatized or entirely eliminated.

Funding for higher education is increasingly directed to the "core" or "career-oriented" disciplines that prepare students to live in a competitive, technological culture where ubiquitous consumption and disposability are the order of the day.

Less important is the study of history which allows us to avoid the mistakes of the past and come to terms with "who we are" based on "who we have been"; the study of philosophy which helps us to become critical thinkers, and instructs us in the virtues of communicative and persuasive competence, justice and critical self-understanding; the study of literature and classics which provide us with an unfathomable wealth of wisdom about the world and the human condition bequeathed by great thinkers and writers of the present and past; the study of music and art which helps us to tap into our creative capacities, realize our unique talents, and articulate new visions and imaginative possibilities.

Humanities subjects such as literature, art, music, history and philosophy are not superficial extravagances.
They help students become critical thinkers and make democratic political culture possible.

They also impart practical and philosophical meaning and significance to our daily lives and relations with others. A life where only the so-called "core disciplines" of math and science mattered would be, in a profound sense, intellectually and practically impoverished.

What is often under-appreciated is that the totalitarian reduction of human beings to isolated "things" or apathetic masses is exactly the sort of technical, instrumentalizing perspective that makes human gulags and factories of death possible.

It is also evident that research in schools of engineering, commerce, agriculture, criminology, sociology, psychology and computing science is less focused on public good, and increasingly directed and programmed by narrow, private corporate interests and funded by for-profit corporations.

Think of how technology, math and sciences have been promoted and consecrated above the humanities, traditional forms of knowing, great literature, art and philosophy.

Think of how teachers are more and more encouraged to measure success or failure by narrow standards that are not grounded in the sort of spontaneous reflection and insight that honors creativity, civic mindedness, solidarity, and community, but in the business-efficiency model of instrumental reasoning.

When teachers are forced to "teach to the test," they are no longer looked upon as responsible for creating the conditions of possibility for students to become informed citizens who are critical, multi-dimensional beings capable of acting in ethical and socially responsible ways.

Instead, they are pressed to manufacture student-consumers who see themselves as akin to simple "survivalists" in a competitive, technologically-oriented world that discourages plurality, spontaneity, imagination, creativity, independent thinking and wisdom.

In such a world, it is much easier to imagine how teachers might one day be replaced by robots - robots teaching children how to become better robots.

What are the political consequences here?
From a totalitarian mindset it would certainly be less messy if human beings could just devolve into programmable objects reducible to a simple algorithm.

Autocratic governments, military hawks, religious extremists and profit-seeking corporations would love nothing better than to be able to do away with plurality, complexity, independent thinking, wisdom and creativity and have us faithfully follow their limited, narrow or bigoted "programs."

What is often under-appreciated is that the totalitarian reduction of human beings to isolated "things" or apathetic masses is exactly the sort of technical, instrumentalizing perspective that makes human gulags and factories of death possible.

Indeed, the very same instrumentalizing approach is evident in the push to reduce citizens to consumers who must obey the inexorable laws of the market, or in the proliferation of propaganda and public relations manipulation, which was turned into an industry by Edward Bernays.

However, even in areas we do not typically associate with autocratic thinking and propaganda, we can notice how easy it has become to reduce the human condition to something quantifiable, measurable and "thing-like."

In their theoretical and fundamentalist zeal, biologists, neuro-physiologists, psychologists and sociologists have provided much of the groundwork here: reducing the human person to a set of genes, or human thinking and emotional experience to neuronal, electro-chemical signalling in the brain, or human action to formulaic indices that promise to give us a better understanding of human physiology or psychology, and more accurate ways of assessing risk or predicting behavioral outcomes.

At one level, scientific "method" and the reductive scientific approach to human phenomenon are understandable and necessary.
Scientific thinking and understanding, as Archimedes, Pascal, Kepler, Galileo, Newton, Faraday, Maxwell, Darwin, Max Planck Alexander Fleming, Marie Curie, Einstein, Heisenberg, Neils Bohr, Carl Sagan, Stephen Hawking and Neil deGrasse Tyson all eloquently demonstrate, can be an essential antidote to ignorance, superstition, fundamentalism and even the irrational prejudice presupposed in many of our current perspectives about evolution and climate change.

Moreover, the best sorts of scientific theories are powerful precisely because they methodically explain a great deal with simplicity and economy.

The problem is not that science is reductive or can be easily perverted by charlatans, industry apologists and corporate shills - though it often is.

The problem is that the reductive method of science is considered by many to be the only reliable means for grasping meaning or truth about the world, or the human condition.

When this occurs, scientific thinking becomes dogmatism - and devolves into another form of fundamentalism.
The reality is that there are truths about human experience that transcend the domain of scientific method.

These truths, discovered through historical thinking and awareness, traditional and ethical forms of knowing, art, philosophy, poetry and literature, go beyond the domain and control of scientific method, yet they speak to us in profound and truthful ways about who we are, what we should do, and what we can hope for.

To be sure, it is not only contemporary scientists and social scientists, but also many philosophers who claim that human beings and even moral thinking can be approached in a quantitative and reductive way.

The "moral" philosophy of utilitarianism inaugurated by Jeremy Bentham (1748-1832) reduces human beings to objects that experience pleasure and pain.
Bentham elaborated a moral philosophy based on measuring happiness by numbers: The greatest happiness of the greatest number becomes the measure of right and wrong.

Bentham reduced morality to a hedonistically-oriented method of calculating and ranking the value of pleasures and pains.
This metaphysical-moral perspective leads to ugly and unconscionable consequences.

Thus, any sort of human ignominy - for example, capital punishment - can disguise a repulsive desire for vengeance behind the abstraction of numbers: Capital punishment is "morally" acceptable because it results in the greatest pleasure and happiness for the greatest number.

A counterfeit philosophical theory (the reduction of humans to beings wholly oriented by a measurable pleasure-pain index) is thereby used to ground a dehumanizing "moral" theory.

To this day, utilitarianism is upheld as a powerful and persuasive moral philosophy!
Indeed, many Europeans and North Americans believe utilitarianism is the only practical "moral" basis upon which to found a political society.

However, if this were really true, then there would be no need to write a constitution or bill of rights that enshrines rights or goods not based on numbers, but principles - intrinsic goods such as life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness!

There are also many politicians and economists who argue that human health and happiness are reducible to economics and cost-benefit analyses.
The latter would have us believe that "who we are as thinking and experiencing beings" is finally something that can and must be measured, quantified or mathematized.

However, in reducing the human condition to a thing that can be circumscribed by an algorithm, by cost-benefit analyses or by utilitarian calculation, we inevitably rob it of its unique capacity for ethical judgment, insight, experiencing and reflecting upon its own experience, and acquiring practical wisdom - the very capabilities that differentiate us from mere "things" or calculating machines.

The long and short of the above is that instead of trying to come up with an algorithm that captures the essence of independent thought, wisdom or ethical judgment in the next generation of robots, maybe we should worry more about whether we are doing everything possible to preserve and encourage such thinking in ourselves so that we will never have to rely on so-called "intelligent" machines to tell us what we ought to do.


Skeet submunitions already use simple autonomous firing logic.

A fighter can drop a JSOW which glides towards a designated point guided by GPS while the fighter leaves the area. The JSOW drops some BLU-108 submunitions, which in turn each deploy up to four Skeet which are little cans carrying explosively formed penetrators, laser and infrared seekers. The Skeet looks for targets using its laser or infrared as it spins in the air in order to autonomously fire its EFP at specific targets.

If you drop this above some tanks for example, the Skeets will shoot at the tanks. This makes it not a dumb bomb, and also not a weapon guided by a human - the 'choice' to actually fire and what to fire at takes place in the Skeet itself. Not to mention the pilot just delivers the JSOW which also works by itself, it's pre-programed with GPS coordinates yes but that has nothing to do with what actually gets blown up at the end of it.

Skeet submunitions already use simple autonomous firing logic.

A fighter can drop a JSOW which glides towards a designated point guided by GPS while the fighter leaves the area. The JSOW drops some BLU-108 submunitions, which in turn each deploy up to four Skeet which are little cans carrying explosively formed penetrators, laser and infrared seekers. The Skeet looks for targets using its laser or infrared as it spins in the air in order to autonomously fire its EFP at specific targets.

If you drop this above some tanks for example, the Skeets will shoot at the tanks. This makes it not a dumb bomb, and also not a weapon guided by a human - the 'choice' to actually fire and what to fire at takes place in the Skeet itself. Not to mention the pilot just delivers the JSOW which also works by itself, it's pre-programed with GPS coordinates yes but that has nothing to do with what actually gets blown up at the end of it.
Interesting…I didn’t know that…thanks for the info!
Interesting…I didn’t know that…thanks for the info!

Yeah oddly the tech has been around for years and had already been used in Iraq back in 2003. Didn't get a lot of press but the info is around.

Also I think part of that is the fact that it's called a Sensor Fuzed Weapon which kind of just implies that it goes off when the sensor is tripped. What it doesn't say is that the sensor is hooked up to a smart system that can tell the difference between a random pile of slag and a tank for example.