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Aether Vibrations
~ A Wave-Based Universe ~
Part 1
July 06, 2012
~ A Wave-Based Universe ~
Part 1

July 06, 2012
Quantum physics that has been around for some hundred odd years now is still mainstream physics most accepted physics.
Although quantum science has revealed the presence of the zero point field with all its virtual subatomic particles and photons that jump into existence from apparently nowhere to return to oblivion nanoseconds later, there is still is no reasonable explanation as to how and why particles and photons can appear and disappear just like that.
Also the quantum probability wave is still hard to grasp and visualize.
Quantum physics may have proven to be a mathematically correct science; for lay people the wave-particle duality of quantum science it is still very hard to understand.
How do we visualize particles that are both waves and solid little marbles?

Another difficult thing to grasp is the atom model presented by Niels Bohr where electrons fly in well-defined shells around the nucleus.
Since electrons continuously radiate energy they should eventually collapse into the nucleus, but they don't!
Since electrons continuously radiate energy they should eventually collapse into the nucleus, but they don't!
The question is where does this radiating energy actually come from and how is it replenished?
Quantum science has accepted the quantum states of the electrons (distinct shell within the atom) for a fact, but is unable to answer the question why the electrons only occur in discrete shells within the atom and why they don't eventually crash into the nucleus.
Even three hundred years after the discovery of gravity by Newton, science still has no theoretical explanation for it.
This is exactly why science is moving forward to find new theories that can better explain the anomalies of quantum science.
Today mainstream science's best shot is the string theory.
However, a small group of scientists are now taking a radical new view, and their thinking is taking them back to insights from ancient history.
For hundreds of years brilliant physicists and philosophers have tried to represent our world in mathematical models of particle physics that state that our physical world is made of matter of which the smallest part is called the 'atom’.
Atom is an ancient Greek word meaning undividable; it is supposedly the smallest part of matter that cannot be divided anymore!
Quantum mechanics however noticed that particles in some cases behaved like waves and later introduced the wave-particle duality.
Some quantum scientists already suggested in the past that the quantum waves could be real waves after all, existing in the physical domain.
They did not believe in particle wave duality.

As long ago as 1937 Erwin Schrödinger wrote that,
'what we observe as material bodies and forces are nothing but shapes and variations in the structure of space itself.'
Eventually even Einstein rejected the idea of discrete particles and believed that particles were in fact part of a continuous field.
A growing number of post quantum physicists are discovering what Einstein and Schrödinger already assumed; physics may have been on the wrong track all along, misled by the idea that the material world exists of separate hard particles!
They are suggesting now that we may live in a wave-based universe.
Matter is simply the focal point of a vibration in an energy sea called the ether.
The ether
In Greek antiquity, the Greek scientists and philosophers believed that nature only counted four elements; earth, water, fire and air.
The atoms were believed to be the building blocks of these four elements of the universe.
Aristotle added the fifth element ether and postulated that planets and stars were made of this ether.
Greek philosopher Plato, 350 years B.C., described these five elements and added that matter is created from the five Platonic solids that he described in his book Timaeus.
He equated the tetrahedron with the element fire, the cube with the earth, the icosahedron with water, the octahedron with air and the dodecahedron with the ether, the stuff of the planets and stars.

We now know of course that there are far more elements in nature than the ones known in Greek antiquity.
However, it is a well-known fact that the Platonic solids play a role in chemistry as the internal organization structures of molecules in many materials.
For instance the Platonic solids show up in the organization of molecules of natural crystals.
Here we will present a new theory about matter that agrees with Plato that the atoms are constructed from the Platonic solids.
Some scientists now believe that the ether is a subtle energy that flows through all material things like some liquid, creating the material world from it.
The Platonic solids are believed to be the geometrical internal structures of the atom.
That's the reason why sacred geometry is so important in this new ether theory.
In the 19th century the luminiferous ether was well accepted by science!
It was the medium through which the electromagnetic wave was supposed to propagate.
In those days physicists believed that matter and the ether were two separate things.
The ether served as the carrier medium for radiant energies such as light and was believed to transmit force fields between material objects in the universe such as gravity.
James Clerk Maxwell, the founder of electrodynamics and his contemporaries didn't have any doubt that the ether existed.
However in 1887 Albert Michelson and Edward Morley conducted an experiment to prove the existence of the ether.
At the time light was thought to be a compression wave that propagated as a longitudinal wave through the motionless and stationary ether, just like sound waves through the air.
While the Earth itself is spinning, the Earth must have a relative motion with respect to the motionless ether.
They reasoned that when the speed of light is measured on the surface of the Earth, it should give different results when measured clockwise or counter clockwise with respect to the rotation of the Earth around its axis.
However the Michelson Morley experiment proved that the speed of light had the same constant value no matter in what direction the speed of light was measured.
From this experiment it was concluded that the ether did not exist.
Physics has abandoned the ether theory ever since.
However today scientists believe that the results of the Michaelson-Morley experiment have been misinterpreted.
So now after a hundred years the ether is back in physics.
In the new emerging physics, the Newtonian particles and quantum mechanical particle/wave duality is abandoned.
In new ether physics there are only waves!
The ether is the medium of the electromagnetic waves and it is assumed that the ether is a non-material fluid-like medium, a subtle energy substance that permeates the entire universe.
It is a well known fact that waves require a medium to wave in: without a medium, sorry there can be no waves.
Sound requires the air.
For water waves it is the water that waves.
But for some unexplainable reason ever since the Michaelson-Morley experiment supposedly disproved the existence of the ether, physics accepted the fact that electromagnetic waves can travel through empty space without any medium at all.
How absurd, if there is no medium, then what is waving?
How is light to propagate as a wave phenomenon if there is nothing to propagate in?
Physics accepted that light could travel through absolute nothingness only because the Michaelson-Morley experiment had failed to prove the existence of the ether.
An astonishing premise of the revived ether physics is that there is no dualism, no distinction between a material and immaterial thing; it's all energy since energy is all there is!
Matter is not a fundamental property of the universe; it is the form not the substance that shapes matter.
Now we finally can take Einstein's famous formula E=m x c², one step further and really start to understand what this formula implied!
It is not that energy and matter can be interchanged; no, matter = energy, period!
In this sense matter is an illusion of solidness and separateness.
Eastern spiritual traditions have always claimed that our world is Maya, illusionary.
What they meant by this is that separateness does not exist; there is only the unity at the fundamental level of existence, the unity of Brahman.
Now we may see Eastern wisdom corroborated by modern day science!
This is how ether physics is best described:
Our universe is multi dimensional and it is made of one substance and one substance only!
This substance is called ether and it is a vibrating fluid-like energy that permeates the physical vacuum.
Matter as we know it is created moment by moment as a standing wave, a vortex in the physical vacuum.
It is the condensed center of these vortexes that creates the illusion of a separate particle.
All matter in the universe is interconnected since the particle fields extend to the far corners of the universe.
Wave Structure of Matter
A precursor of ether physics is the Wave Structure of Matter theory by Milo Wolff.
In 1986 Wolff formulated a theory that he called the 'Standing Wave Structure of Matter' (abbreviated to WSM theory).
Independently Geoff Haselhurst came to the same conclusion about a standing wave theory for matter and they are working together as of 1998.
The WSM theory is relatively simple.
It proposes that matter is the focal point of a standing wave the result of two interfering waves.
One is an inward wave moving towards the center and the other is an outward-bound wave moving away from the center.
The waves are spherical waves in the fabric of space.
The center of the two spherical waves is the 'point particle' center.
As simple as the axiom of this theory is, the properties these standing waves can assume seem to be immense.
Whereas almost all physical laws both in Newtonian and quantum physics were empirically derived from experiments, Milo Wolf says he now has theory that a priori, from theoretical principles, allows the laws of both relativity and quantum physics to be determined!
If he is right the origin of the physical laws and the properties of charge, mass and gravity, for the first time can be understood.
Mainstream physics could never really explain these; for one thing we still don't know what gravity really is; we have known the physical laws of gravity since Newton; however we don't know what's causing gravity!
String theory is trying to accomplish exactly what the WSM theory has done, to integrate quantum physics and Einstein's relativity.
String theory is mainstream physics best shot and hope for a theory of everything (T.O.E.)

'all matter is simply undulations in the fabric of space'.
Unfortunately, his colleagues never took his work seriously.
In the WSM theory matter is just the interference pattern of in and out waves.
The in-waves of a given particle are the out-waves of another particle. In this way all matter in the universe is sustained and mutually dependent.
In and out waves tie all the matter in the universe together.
Sub-quantum kinetics
Paul La Violette has developed a general system ether theory called subquantum kinetics.
He believes that science is wrong about many aspects in physics including the Big Bang theory that tells us that the universe came into existence from one big cosmic explosion.
According to the Big Bang theory, the universe inflated from what is called a singularity, an infinitely compressed point in space, into a volume of several hundred million light-years in diameter in just 10־³² seconds!
This event required that all known laws in physics, including the laws of thermodynamics, Einstein's relativity laws (nothing can exceed the speed of light) were disabled for the happy occasion, the birth of all matter and energy from complete nothingness.
After this briefest of moment of time, the holy laws of science were re-enacted and ever since the universe does not allow energy and matter to be created from the same nothingness any longer (first law of Thermodynamics).
At its birth, the universe showed its highest degree of organization and physics dictates that this order eventually will decay into complete chaos again (second law of thermodynamics).
Scientists call this the increase of entropy.
Paul La Violette does not contradict these laws; on the contrary, he simply doesn't believe that these laws were disabled for just this split second during the Big Bang.
In his book 'Genesis of the Cosmos' he mentions many more problems with the Big Bang theory such as the explanation for the observed red-shifts of stars that cosmologists use as proof that our universe has been expanding ever since the Big Bang.
The red-shift of the stars is believed to be caused by the Doppler effect as stars move away from our point of reference.
Cosmologists never took the alternative tired light explanation for these red-shifts seriously- that is, the fact that light travelling over billions of light years may be absorbed by intergalactic material resulting in a loss of energy and an increase of wavelength.
La Violette believes that the cosmology of the ancients is a better alternative that does not suffer from the Big Bang's singularity problems.
According to many ancient cosmologies, the universe evolved over billions of years as a result of a continuous process of matter and energy creation from a supposedly fourth dimensional realm, the ether.
This creation process has never ceased and still continues today according to La Violette.
To sustain his claims, he explains that the universe at heart is not a closed but an open system and is able to receive energy and matter from a fourth dimension without contradicting the laws of thermodynamics.
The ether is supposedly an unobservable metaphysical realm, a non-equilibrium transmutable medium that continuously fluctuates.
When fluctuations reach a critical threshold they are able to spawn stable waveforms in our observable physical universe.
It was only in 1973 that system theorists learned about chemical solutions that were able to create self-organising chemical reactions that spontaneously started to oscillate.
These chemical reactions such as the Belousov-Zhabotinski reaction periodically spawned so-called chemical or reaction-diffusion waves.
The cross chemical reactions involved oscillate between low and high concentrations of the chemical compounds that drive the reaction.
Let's assume that the first reaction uses compound X to create compound Y, then the second reaction will be exactly the inverse of the first and use compound Y to create compound X again.
There is a constant diffusion of the compounds from areas of high to low concentrations, hence the reaction-diffusion wave.
These chemical waves will spawn beautiful Mandala like wave patterns when put on a Petri dish.
To understand how the chemical reaction actually starts to oscillate let's use the metaphor of the predator-prey system.
Suppose we have a population of rabbits that has an abundant supply of lettuce.
Since rabbits breed like hell, their population will grow fast.
However in our little closed habitat there are also foxes that feed on the rabbits, limiting the growth of the rabbit population.
Since the rabbit population grows fast, so does the fox population.
However, since there is a feedback loop in our system, balance will be restored in our habitat; when the foxes eat too many rabbits, they will run into a food shortage, reducing the growth of the fox population and allowing the rabbits to survive.
The fox-rabbit population will oscillate between two extremes, a minimum and maximum, a perfect example of a wave oscillation.
From these observations, Paul La Violette reasoned that the ether may likewise spawn wave patterns from two ether states, two different aetherons, which continuously mutate from one state into the other and visa versa.
In normal cases, the ether maintains its equilibrium state due to the second law of thermodynamics, however under critical conditions these ether transmutations like the predator-prey waves may become self-organising and form stable wave patterns.
These wave patterns will become observable in our physical universe as electromagnetic energy, light.
His theory has been tested in a simulator model called the Brusselator and uses two X and Y aetheron states to prove that under critical conditions, self-organising oscillations may spontaneously come into existence.
The actual ether reaction used just a few more intermediate ether states but for the sake of simplicity aetherons X and Y are the only ones mentioned here.
The transmutation ether model of Paul La Violette brings to mind the transmutation of the Chinese Yin and Yang energies mentioned in the I Ching, the Book of Changes.
The I Ching mentions creation as the result of cyclic mutual transmutations of Yin and Yang energies.
The female Yin energy transforms into the male Yang energy and vice versa in an eternal process of physical manifestation.
Paul La Violette's sub-quantum kinetics perfectly describes how the ether realm spawns waves that we observe as light in our universe.
Since this light forms a standing wave that is eternally replenished by the aetheron transmutations, this is what we finally observe as quantum particles of matter.
Sub quantum kinetics yields a better alternative for the required in and out waves of Milo Wolff's WSM theory.
As we progress in our understanding of how matter is actually shaped from the ether, we will see in the next paragraphs that the vibrations created from the ether must be organized in vortex shapes in order to shape the atom.
Vortexes in the ether
David Thomson and Jim Bourassa both founded the Quantum AetherDynamics Institute and are independently developing an ether based model integrating, quantum mechanics, relativity theory and string theory.
The model describes matter as a subatomic whirlpool, tornado or vortex in the ether.
They call this vortex the Toroidal (A) Aether Unit (TAU).
When combined in spherical configurations they form the nucleus and electron shells of the atom.
Quantum AetherDynamics mentions that the ether has both mechanical and electromagnetic properties.
The mechanical property is what gives matter its mass; it's the angular momentum of the whirling ether energy.
Mass is simply the inertia created by the ether vortexes much like the inertia that is created by a spinning top.
The eternal spin of the ether vortexes that is to be maintained for the stability of all matter in the universe is called the mysterious Gforce or God Force. AetherDynamics defines it as an enormous force with no known cause.

I quote from their website:
'The Gforce is a tremendous force that is beyond comparison to any other force in the universe.
It may not be what physicists are hoping to find (and I believe this is why this model hasn't been proposed before), but the Gforce appears to be a primary force that gave rise to the entire universe.
If one were to liken it to the Force in Star Wars, they wouldn't be far off.
If one were to characterize this Gforce as God, or Supreme Being, or Great Architect of the Universe, they wouldn't be far off, either.
Whatever this prime force is, it appears to be a living thing and the source of all things animate and inanimate.'
Sacred geometry plays an important role in the ether physics that we are presenting in this book.
The reason is rather straightforward.
When the universe is shaped from one substance and one substance only, then the only way to give the physical world a seeming separate appearance of individual material things is through form, since substance by itself cannot discriminate.
Hence the geometry of the ether and how it is structured is the crux in creating the material world.
The relation between vibration and geometry is beautifully described by the work of Swiss medical doctor and natural scientist Hans Jenny (1904-1972) in a science called 'Cymatics'.
The late Buckminster Fuller (1895 - 1983) however was the first to discover that a relation between musical frequencies (The Diatonic scale) and geometrical forms exists.
He used a balloon submerged in blue dye and vibrated it with frequencies from the musical scale (the 7 white keys from the piano): as a result of wave interference, marvellous two dimensional arrangements appeared on its surface.
Dr. Hans Jenny carried on the work of Buckminster Fuller and tested these standing wave vibrations in spherical volumes of fluid.
Much to his surprise all of the Platonic solids, named after the legendary philosopher Plato, showed up as geometrical patterns.
What you see in the picture above is a star-tetrahedron; it is also on the cover of this book!
If you examine the picture carefully you may have noticed the two equilateral triangles, one facing up and one facing down.

Together they form a symbol that is known as the Jewish Star of David, but remember in 3D reality the two triangles are tetrahedrons, three sided pyramids.
The white curved and straight lines in the photograph are the places where the vibration is cancelled, these are the nodal points, the still places to which the colloid particles dissolved in the fluid take refuge when the fluid is vibrated.
The geometrical patterns are the result of wave interference.
When the outgoing waves from the center of the sphere meet the reflected waves from the surface of the sphere, standing waves are formed.
Plato explained in his book Timaeus that the Platonic solids are the basic forms that construct matter and that this knowledge came from the legendary Atlantis.
We now have proof that humanity knew about the Platonic solids even before Plato.
In the Ashmolean Museum in Oxford they preserve all of the 5 Platonic solids and some additional semi-regular solids that were described by Pythagoras.
Carved out of stone the Platonic solids are dated at least a thousand years before Plato!
These stones were found in Britain and belonged to the Neolithic peoples, a culture that according to our current understanding did not have the mathematical ability to understand these forms - nonetheless they carved them out of stone!
Now isn't this surprising that a vibrated fluid can create forms such as these and that these forms have been described by Plato some 400 years BC?
The secret of 'Sacred geometry' is not about geometry per se, it's about vibrations that take on geometrical patterns!
Sacred geometry was preserved throughout history in Freemasonry circles since it was believed to be important knowledge revealing the secrets of our universe!
Contemporary scientists now tell us that in fact all of creation is the offspring of ether vibrations just like the Eastern Hindu cosmology has always talked about the Ohm sound of Brahman as the vibration that creates the physical world.
Daniel Winter interpreted these Cymatics experiments, and both agree that the Platonic interference patterns also occur within the ether, and that it is these interference patterns that really shape the atom.
The Egyptians called matter frozen music and if indeed matter is the result of musical vibrations of the ether just like the Cymatics experiments demonstrate, we can now appreciate why.
Implosion physics
Daniel Winter presents a physics that is called 'implosion physics'.
He concludes that the entire universe, the material world is created from one non-material substance, the ether.
The ether is a kind of super conductive fluid that flows right through all physical objects.
The ether vacuum is an extremely dense nonetheless frictionless medium.
The best comparison for the ether being non-material in nature is the super-conductive state of helium.
When helium is cooled down to temperatures below 2 degrees Kelvin it becomes a super-fluid, which means that objects can move through this fluid with no friction at all.
Daniel Winter now believes that vortexes, little eddies or tornados in the fluid-like ether are the basic building blocks of matter.
Since the ether is some kind of a fluid, it follows the well-known physical laws of hydrodynamics.
Interestingly, in 1895 two clairvoyants by the name Charles Leadbeater and Annie Besant published an article in a magazine titled 'Occult Chemistry' wherein they explained the internal structure of Hydrogen, Oxygen and Nitrogen.
Using clairvoyance as the only instruments in their scrutiny, they revealed the internal structure of the above-mentioned elements.
The clairvoyants had no scientific background whatsoever; however they pictured the following torus shapes as the basic building blocks of the atom:
They called these torus-like flow forms the 'Anu' and mentioned that the atom is shaped from the ether using the Anu as a flow form.
Daniel Winter supports the idea of these two clairvoyants and uses the torus shape from these observations along with the Platonic Solids to construct the atom.
According to Daniel Winter the ether creates vortexes, little tornados of whirling and spiralling energy in the ocean of ether, our universe.
The vortexes in the ether are like the little eddies in a river.
The vortex is nature's natural flow form for fluids.
The same vortex flow form is created every time we pull the plug in our bathtub!
When two of these ether vortexes join their funnels they form a torus.
Now the torus is a unique flow form in hydrodynamics, it allows fluids to spiral inwards and outwards on the same surface of the torus.
It is a very stable flow form.
If the universe is essentially created from one universal substance, the ether, it must be form that is used to create different and separate things out of this universal substance.
The torus is nature's perfect flow form to create a seemingly separate entity in the formless ether that is stable enough to last.
The torus flow form is similar to the rings created by the smoke of a cigar.
The cigar smoke whirls inwards on top of the smoke ring and comes out again on the bottom of the ring.
It is constantly folding inwards to come around on the other side flowing outwards.
The torus is often compared with the shape of a doughnut or an apple.
It's a spherical form folded inwards at the poles to form a small hole in the middle.

Nesting torus doughnuts requires that the vortex cones of the torus are aligned with the faces of the Platonic solids.
The flat bottom of a vortex cone should touch the face of a Platonic solid.
As an example we show the cube that contains 3 vortex pairs or 3 torus doughnuts aligned perpendicular to each other in a cube and 5 nested torus doughnuts in a dodecahedron.
Now we may remember from the Cube of Metatron that the Platonic solids themselves can be nested, they fit into each other.
Let's take the cube, when lines are drawn to interconnect all centres on the 6 faces of the cube, they form the octahedron.
The octahedron is fully circumscribed by the initial cube.
The same process can be repeated now with the octahedron by interconnecting the centres of the faces of the octahedron.
The result is a cube now circumscribed by the octahedron.
This process can go on and on forever, creating smaller and smaller Platonic solids perfectly nested into each other, it creates a fractal, a repetitive geometric pattern.
The nesting of the Platonic solids is not restricted to the cube and octahedron.
All Platonic solids can be nested into each other.
It is the nesting of the Platonic solids that creates the electron shells of the atom.
Similarly however at a much smaller scale the nucleus of the atom is formed.
The electrons in the electron shells correspond with the vortexes that are nested in Platonic symmetries.
According to Daniel Winter, physics has mistaken these vortex waveforms for electron particles.
Within the atom, the electrons orbit the nucleus at a fixed distance from the nucleus.
The sphere that describes the orbital plane of the electron is called the electron shell.
There are different types of shells in the make up of the atom that were given the names s, p, d and f shells and they contain respectively 2, 6, 10 and 14 electrons maximum.
Each vortex pair in the doughnut corresponds with 2 electrons and when the doughnuts are organized inside a Platonic Solid we get the equivalent of an electron shell.
Here's the correspondence:
1 vortex pair (1 torus) corresponds with the 2 electrons of the s shell.
3 nested vortex pairs in a cube correspond with the 6 electrons of the p shell.
5 nested vortex pairs in a dodecahedron correspond with the 10 electrons of the d shell
7 nested vortex pairs in an icosahedron correspond with the 14 electrons of the f shell
So matter is the stable flow form pattern emerging from the ether.
It takes on geometrical shapes from a formless energy, creating the illusion of separate electron particles in the electron shells and the particles that make up the nucleus.
Mainstream physics has never been able to explain why the atom has these 'random' numbers of 2, 6, 10 and 14 electrons in its electron clouds, the orbital shells around the nucleus.
Daniel Winter's model of the atom now explains exactly why these number show up in the period table of the elements!
These numbers are related to the geometrical properties of the Platonic Solids!
Also for the very first time we have an explanation as to why the electron does not crash into the nucleus and how it's radiated energy is replenished. Electrons are not particles that encircle the nucleus instead they are standing wave patterns at discrete distances from the nucleus!
The ether simply replenishes these standing waves eternally.
Another way of looking at the torus shape is regarding it as a form that can be perfectly described by a set of Phi spirals.
Each Phi spiral is actually a series of pure sine waves.
It is a well-known principle in physics that any complex wave shape can be created from the sum of simpler pure sine waves with different frequencies and amplitudes.
This principle is called the Fourier principle.
The Phi spiral is constructed from a series of harmonics with wavelengths that comply with the Golden Mean version of the Fibonacci sequence.
When pure sine waves with wavelengths of 1/ Ф, 1, Ф, Ф², Ф³ etc. are added together, they will form a perfect Phi spiral.
When these Phi spirals circle around the torus they meet and interfere.
As a result of this interference two new additional waves will be created.
What is important to notice is that both new waves will have wavelengths that are again in the Fibonacci series.
This allows that the interference will be non-destructive since the interference will simply result in more harmonics in the Fibonacci series.
Whilst destructive interference is the norm in wave interference, the only exception in nature is when the waves interfere with Golden Mean ratio wavelengths!
In other words, the Phi spiral can re-enter itself around the torus shape without destroying itself.
So the Phi spiral is the universe's only possible way to nest and become self-organizing.
This is how stable matter can be formed from electromagnetic energy as a form of pure wave interference.
Electromagnetic energy in a straight line is what we usually call light.
When this same light chases its own tail around the surface of the torus shape we call it matter.
In other words the atom is pure electromagnetic energy in a form that we no longer perceive as light but as matter, or to put it in Daniel Winter's own words:
'So now we have this dualism that waves in a line are energy and waves in a circle are mass, and because we don't know how the wave got into a circle from the line and out, we conceive mass as separate from energy.
E=MC2 simply said that yes loop the speed of light back around on itself, and you made mass of energy'.
The Golden Mean spirals of the torus shape eventually spiral into a perfect zero still point in the nucleus of the vortex that coincides with the nucleus of the atom.
So these sine waves implode inwards into increasing smaller wavelengths.
The implosion of the Golden sine waves into smaller and smaller wavelengths not only increases the frequency of the waves but also increases the speed of the waves to become super-luminal waves (travelling faster than light).
According to Daniel Winter, this is what gravity really is, the cascade of Golden Mean electromagnetic sine waves that gain an ever-increasing velocity breaking the speed barrier of light.
Einstein had always assumed that electromagnetism and gravity were related and Daniel Winter explains us how this connection is established.
When doughnuts are nested to form the electron shells of the atom, the only requirement to continue this form of non-destructive interference is that these doughnuts align according to the Platonic Solid geometries.
When these nested doughnuts inside the atom are arranged according to the Platonic solids symmetries, all waves will rush into the center of the atom, creating repetitive, recursive or fractal patterns that not only shape the electron shells but also the nucleus.
Eventually the fractal patterns disappear into a zero point in the nucleus of the atom.
The implosion of the electromagnetic waves into shorter and shorter wavelengths is what gravity really is. In a way the torus is a miniature black hole that attracts the light into itself creating gravity.
The harmonious wave cycles that follow the Golden Mean ratio, the Phi cycles may be the origin of the word physical (Phi cycle).
Physics would be simply the study of Phi cycles!
Universal principal
The repetitive patterns of the Platonic solids that fit into each other are fractals.
A fractal is a repetitive pattern that can be scaled to any size.
The scale may change but the ratio is held constant.
Now the fractal patterns that shape the atom, according to Daniel Winter also shape our planets and stars, in fact the universe.
A fractal has self-similarity at all scales, it's the same geometric pattern repeated.
The inner structure in a fractal is reflected in the outer structure.
Fractal means fraction of the all, indicating that each piece is part of the whole.
It is the basic idea of a hologram and this is why according to Daniel Winter the universe at large is just a super-hologram.
The fractals of electromagnetic energy interconnect everything with everything within the universe and are the basic building blocks of this hologram.
The fractal repetitive structures of electromagnetic energy weave a giant cobweb throughout the universe.
The wavelengths of planets and stars are huge in comparison with the wavelengths of the atom, however when their wavelengths fit into the Fibonacci sequence of the Golden Mean, they interfere non-destructively; they implode and form a fractal attractor that we call gravity!
This is how the planets and stars are connected by means of imploding electromagnetic waves that we experience as gravity.
So if the universe is in essence a hologram and there is only one principle that shapes everything from atoms to planets, stars, and the universe at large, we should find proof of these vortexes, Platonic Solids, and doughnut structures in all parts of the universe.
This holographic principle of the universe was first mentioned by the ancient Greek Hermes Trismegistus as one of the seven Hermetic principles 'As above, so below, as below, so above’.
What Hermes meant was that there is a correspondence between the different planes of existence, the macro-cosmos and the micro-cosmos.
This Hermetic principle tells us that what we see out there in the universe, in the galaxies, stars and planets, we will also find on a smaller scale inside the atoms.
So is there any proof that may corroborate the validity of this Hermetic principle in our universe?
The answer is yes there is; the amazing fact of the matter is that recent discoveries reveal that the Hermetic principle and the sacred geometry involved can be demonstrated in both the theoretical unobservable subatomic vortexes of the atom, and the very real observable largest vortexes of hurricanes!
Richard C. Hoagland discovered the pentagonal and hexagonal structures in the eyes of violent category 4 and 5 (Saffir-Simpson scale) hurricanes that have threatened the United States in the last few years.
Satellite photos beautifully display the five spoked-wheel observed in the eye of some of these hurricanes.
The satellite photo below shows the pentagon in the eye of hurricane Isabel of September 2003.
Hoagland theories in their hyper-dimensional physics that category 4 and 5 hurricanes open up an inter-dimensional gateway with a higher dimension that allows aetheric energy to flow into our physical dimension.
This aetheric energy in the form of torsion waves (discussed later far below), create standing waves like the ones in Dr. Hans Jenny's Cymatics experiments and are the explanation for the observed pentagonal and hexagonal patterns in the eye of the hurricane.
We would never have discovered these hyper-dimensional ether structures in the mechanism of a hurricane if the water vapor of the clouds had not arranged itself according to these interference patterns.
Hoagland believe that hurricanes are not only feeding on the conventional convection currents caused by the warm ocean waters and cooler air above, but also experience anti-gravity effects in their funnels as a result of the torsion waves.
As a result the clouds that form the pentagram on top of the hurricane are raised in the air much higher than normal.
The antigravity effect increases significantly and coincides with the formation of the pentagram only when the internal hurricane wind speeds build up to the extreme categories 4 and 5 on the Saffir-Simpson scale.
Daniel Winter has a slightly different interpretation of the sacred geometry involved in these hurricanes.
According Daniel Winter, the pentagon shape revealed in the two-dimensional satellite picture is in three-dimensional reality, a dodecahedron, and the hexagonal shape represents the top view of an icosahedron.
Winter postulates that the nested and fractal structures of the dodecahedron and the icosahedron are the result of imploding electromagnetic waves in the eye of the hurricane.
These electromagnetic waves are extracted from gravity, Winter explains, since gravity and electromagnetism are related phenomena.
Hurricanes and tornados are renowned for their anomalous electromagnetic effects such as thunderbolts and shining lights in the funnel of these storms. This is an anomaly since hurricanes and tornados are not thunderstorms.
So now it seems that nature has provided a real observable phenomenon that allows us to study the hurricane as the Hermetic counterpart of the same vortex that shapes the atom.
The doughnut torus shape created by these vortexes can be found in the macroscopic world as well.
Surprisingly enough, NASA in the summer of 2004 released new information about discoveries that were made with the European Space Agency observatories the INTEGRAL and XMM-Newton.
They discovered that so-called black holes in our universe are actually doughnut shaped torus formations!
Black holes are objects with an unfathomable mass.
They have the density of millions to billions times the mass of our Sun and the gravitational force of black holes is so strong that nothing can escape from it, not even light.
Everything in the environment of a black hole is attracted to the core of the black hole.
The similarity between the macroscopic doughnut torus shape of the black hole and the microscopic doughnut torus shape of the atom is apparent.
The black hole's basic characteristic is that its gravitation is so immense that even light cannot escape it.
According to Daniel Winter the vortex structure of the doughnut torus structure is actually an implosion of Golden Mean waves that is no less than the equivalent of gravity.
It is light that is attracted into the core, just like what happens inside the Black Hole.
It is also interesting to note that recent developments in string theory predict that black holes can exist at any scale from the microcosmic scale of particles to the macroscopic monstrous scales of black holes observed in remote galaxies.
In fact at CERN in Switzerland they are building a new colossal particle accelerator to be finished by 2007 called the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) and scientists are anticipating that the LHC may actually be powerful enough to spawn miniature black holes.
This remarkable fact has become possible from new insights in string theory.
String theory predicts not only multiple dimensions but also that gravity unlike all other forces in nature will be active in these additional dimensions.
This means that the effect of gravity is far stronger at small distances than conventional theory predicts.
In conventional theory black holes can only be created from tremendously dense masses; however string theory now allows for miniature black holes far less dense that can exist even at the subatomic level of particles!
Astrophysics is still trying to find out the right cosmological model for our universe.
The current accepted idea has been around since the seventies and is the idea that the universe has been created in one giant blast called the Big Bang.
Ever since the universe has been expanding, the cosmological model of an expanding universe is called the inflationary model.
One of the founders of the inflationary model Dr. Robert P. Kirshner of Harvard University now believes that a cyclic model can better explain the latest discoveries made about our universe.
In the cyclic model the universe is re-birthed in an eternal cycle of both expansion and contraction.
Recent discoveries have shown that the universe not only expands, but also that this expansion is accelerating.
The only source that could explain this acceleration is an invisible energy that permeates the entire universe!
Astrophysics has termed this mysterious energy dark energy!
Remarkably a cyclic model is the cosmological model that corresponds with the ancient Eastern cosmology.
According to the spiritual Eastern scripture of the Upanishads the universe is recreated eternally from the breath of Brahman by breathing in and out the Prana of the universe.
There are now a number of astrophysics theorists who have launched the idea that the universe at large has the shape of a giant doughnut torus.
One of these theorists is Professor Joseph Silk of the Department of Physics, Oxford University.
The most common used method by scientists to model the shape of the universe is to measure and determine the geometry of the cosmic microwave background radiation of the universe, the primordial residual energy of the Big Bang.
The new idea that the universe is shaped like a torus stems from the last measurements of the background radiation..
If we assume that the universe is indeed in a perpetual cycle of birth and death then the doughnut torus shape can perfectly explain and model this behavior.
Just suppose that all planets, stars and galaxies move through space in this huge doughnut shaped universe.
The center of the doughnut represents the moment of the Big Bang.
The center like the center of the black hole is a singularity where all space and time are infinitely compressed.
Think of this zero point as the eternal now.
Now when we leave the zero point of the doughnut and move outwards through the funnel over the surface of the doughnut, space emerges and starts to expand, time starts ticking.
We've left the 'white hole' of the universe where planets, stars and galaxies are birthed.
While traversing over the surface of the torus, space keeps expanding until we cross the equator, the middle plane of the symmetrical torus.
Next space starts to shrink again and all space is attracted to the 'black hole' opposite pole of the doughnut where everything will collapse again to the zero still point within the doughnut.
We've completed one complete cycle of birth and death!
The eternal cycle of the universe would be such that everything is being birthed from a singularity, (The Big Bang), the white hole of the universe.
After the universe's birth we move for billions of years through space to end up where we started to be attracted again into a huge black hole.
From there on the next cycle is started.
Recent discoveries made by astrophysics have also shown that the Platonic solids can also be found in the clustering of galaxies.
In our galaxy, the zodiac with its twelve signs actually has the geometry of a dodecahedron with its 12 faces corresponding to the 12 houses or signs of the zodiac!
Platonic Solids also show up in the Earth's energy fields as demonstrated here.
The 'aura' of the Earth is a dodeca-icosohedron grid (nested dodecahedron and icosahedron) that is referred to as the Earth grid for short.
Richard Hoagland have pointed out that there are planets in our Solar System that show geological stress points at exactly 19.47 degrees latitude.
Examples are,
- the Great Red Spot on Jupiter
- the Great Dark spot of Neptune
- the Sun's area of the largest sunspots
The correspondence principle of Hermes Trismegisto's 'as above, so below' is valid also for the Platonic solids in the aura, the energy field of the human body.
Science in the nineties has actually corroborated the existence of the bio energy fields of the human body that were already known to the Chinese for thousands of years, know as the Chinese meridian system and the seven chakras in the body.
The eastern Chakra systems of the body have been identified as nodes in the human body where vortexes of subtle energy from higher dimensions interfere with the physical body.
Many ancient traditions mention that the aetheric energy counterpart body of the physical body as the vehicle of the human soul.
Supposedly the energy structure of the human aura contains the wave interference patterns of the Platonic Solids especially the star-tetrahedron.
The energy body in ancient Egypt was called the Merkaba.
(Mer=rotating light, Ka=spirit, Ba=human body).

It was believed that the spinning light of the Merkaba could take a person from one dimension into another.
It was the light through which the soul descended into the human body and that can also be used to ascend to higher planes.
The Merkaba energy field of the human body is an interlaced tetrahedron (double interpenetrating tetrahedron, one pointing upwards and one downwards; see the cover of this book).
The Merkaba is mentioned in many religions such as in the Jewish Kabbalah, which describes it as a counter rotating energy field that affects both spirit and body.
In the Bible Ezekiel called the Merkaba the vehicle of light.
This vehicle of light allowed the soul to travel between parallel dimensions.
Kings 2:2 tells the story of prophet Elijah and Elisha who crossed the Jordan river at Beth-El when all of a sudden a Merkaba of fire appears and Elijah disappears in the whirlwind.
Elijah had vanished from the face of this Earth and ascended from the physical plane.
The Merkaba is also preserved in Islam in the ancient Islamic mysticism of Sufism.
The dervish Sufi dancer expresses the Merkaba by spinning in a counter clockwise dance his robe, creating two spherical discs that express the toroidial shape or torus shape of the Merkaba.
Sacred geometry researcher Drunvalo Melchizedek has put much effort in reconstructing the significance of the Merkaba; he mentions that the human body creates the Merkaba as an electromagnetic energy field around the body.
Ananda Bosman has launched a whole new science that he has coined Vortexiajah.
Vortexiajah stands for a physics of vortexes within vortexes that perfectly corresponds with Daniel Winters implosion physics.
Ananda explains that the Merkaba or the Light Body Star Ship as he mentions it is the vehicle between the third dimension and other higher planes of existence.
He claims to be able to travel out of body using his Merkaba.
His first outer body experiences spontaneously occurred after a serious accident where he almost lost his life!
He claims to be in contact now with a higher intelligence helping him to shape his new physics Vortexiajah!
Sacred geometry patterns of electromagnetic energy also occur in the energy field radiated by the heart.
The human heart has an electromagnetic field in the form of a doughnut toroidial field (perfect torus) triggering the 7-layered muscles in the heart to beat.
This toroidial energy field is the animator of the heart according to Daniel Winter.

Another example is the geometry in DNA. DNA has the geometry of ten interpenetrating dodecahedra spiralling along the helix.
It requires ten Phi spirals to create the top view of DNA.
The basic geometry of DNA is that of a dodecahedron.
Since Daniel Winter assumes that the universe is one huge super hologram and that everything in the universe is connected with everything else by means of Golden waves, he believes that DNA is electro-magnetically coupled with the Earth grid and the Zodiac by means of the fractal dodecahedron shapes of energy.
Ether and the zero point field
But how does the ether relate to the zero point field that quantum scientists have discovered?
Are they one and the same thing?
The only difference I believe is how these fields are being described.
Both fields describe energy that is everywhere in the universe.
Quantum physics however describes the zero point field as the collective energy that is released (virtual photons) by all of the subatomic particles in the universe when they fall back from their excited state to their energetic ground states (called the Lamb shift after Willis Lamb).
The sum of all this energy is what creates the zero point field.
On the other hand the subatomic particles borrow energy (virtual photons) from the zero point field pushing them into a higher energy state.
The give and take of virtual photons of energy is what shapes the zero point field.
In this way empty space, the vacuum is actually a plenum of electromagnetic energy (virtual photons) spanning all frequencies in the electromagnetic frequency domain.
In contrast with quantum physics the ether theories state that there are no particles only waves.
The zero point in the ether theory of Daniel Winter is the perfect stillness, the alpha and the omega of creation.
This zero point is perfect stillness and infinite movement at the same time.
It's the same thing.
How can this be?
How can these opposites be the same?
The cascade of Golden waves creates an infinite series of higher harmonics and when all the waves are added up using the Fourier principle it creates a flat wave of zero Hertz, perfect stillness!
Now think of a glass of water, if you start to vibrate it slowly, you will quite clearly see wave fronts in the glass.
When we increase the frequency, it will be harder to notice the water surface is vibrating.
If we add in all possible vibrations with frequencies ranging from extremely low to indefinitely high, the sum result of all these vibrations will turn the water into a smooth surface again.
The water has become calm again.
This calmness however is illusionary since the water is both at rest and shaking like hell all at the same time!
That is what the zero point field in essence is; it's complete stillness (0 Hz) and filled with an infinite cascade of Golden harmonics all at the same time.
The waves that create matter and that by means of fractals move into the nucleus in an increasing cascade of Golden waves speed up and exceed the light speed.
But where do they go?
They center into the zero point, back from where they came. In this sense, the zero point is the alpha and omega of creation!
The zero point is perfect stillness and unimaginable abundant activity at the same time!
They are two sides of the same coin, it's like a snake biting it's own tail.
... continued