
"I am human"

Yes you are. I would be thinking that you are! Human as, when you look in the mirror, you are more than what meets the eye. We could almost say there are two "you". One s what you see in a mirror, a living biological human biological body, but there is “someone” inside of that body that laughs and cries and feels emotions. Even deeper still, this "ghost in the machine", or "flesh pilot", is an energy. You, when we dig down deep at this level, are an intelligent and divine energy. It is what is recognized, when we say "Namaste"! This is the "you" that I will be talking about.

This gets even more crazy. Matter, that is all that is physical comes from something called the Unified Field.

In this realm of existence, everything is in pure abstract form. All possibilities exist in this realm. This is what quantum physics are trying to unveil today. From there we have the second stage. They call this the Quantum Field. This is where matter fizzes into our realm we call the Three Dimensional Universe. But wait. What is still even more weird is the fact that it "fizzes" into our universe as waves....until we look at it, where it finally becomes solid.

Crazy stuff isn't it? Your human body with all its atoms and electrons comes from this place as well. I am not about to get too much into the science end of things, but it is necessary to explain this, or the rest will not make too much sense.

The deep essence of you comes from the same place as all of our matter does! Well how is that possible? How can "I" be in the dimension of pure abstract and manifest here in the 3D universe at the same time unless.... we had...a vehicle to....transcend...the a...

Yes. Like a Merkabah!

Merkabah: Divine Chariot...Something to Ride in.

Wikipedia defines it like this: The noun merkabah "thing to ride in, cart" is derived from the consonantal root r-k-b with general meaning "to ride".

You guessed it. We all have our own Merkabah. We cannot see it anymore than we can see our "energy selves", yet we are most definitely here. Like-wise, your Merkabah surrounds you and is in motion at all times. The Merkabah is an energy that is in a way, alive. It is dynamic and its function or state depends on you. We will get into that at a later time.
So, summing this up... You, are an energy that exists primarily in another realm. It is the realm of All. It is the Unified Field, the Zero Point Field, Cosmic Consciousness, and there is a list other names for it. I like the term Base Dimension. It is the base of all that exists in the universe. There is no space, nor time in this dimension. Everything is together. So how would you learn or experience anything if you had nowhere to go and no time to do it? You couldn’t. It would be impossible. So what if the Third Dimension was created so that you CAN experience space and time. The problem is that your primary form of energy could not exist here in this universe. So let’s introduce the Divine Merkabah. Thanks to the Merkabah, you can “stay at home” in the Base Dimension and live out an entire life here in the Third Dimension so that you can learn, observe, and hopefully experience the objectives to your maximum and find a balance in all of this. It is the Merkabah that allows you to exist here as a Spiritual Entity so you can have a human experience. This is a two way street too. When you go into deep transcending meditation, you touch into a “super consciousness” or you touch the “one”. What you are feeling is the Realm of All, the Base Dimension, The Unified Field, and once you get there you realize that you are not alone. Everything exists there. Somewhere between conception and your birth, your tiny human body received a Divine Gift. You received a Divine and Intelligent Energy that in your childhood years would acquire a self recognition. You would associate your existence with your name. Some people will live their entire lives with this notion that they are Joe and Jane and that’s the end of the story. Some will go on to realize Joe and Jane is just the beginning of the story. Joe and Jane is the result of the love of parents that give these names to a Being that they created. The truth is that the parents role was creating the biological body, the Life Essence was already created and needed a biological body to manifest here. This Life Essence is really called “All of Us”, and we are a temporary expression of this Being for a limited time here on Earth, although this Being in its pure essence is eternal. “You”, your Consciousness never dies. Just your body does. This Being, like you and me, has the miraculous chance to manifest here in this universe, to live a lifetime as an individual...thanks to your Merkabah. No Merkabah, no bridge to span the dimensions, no “You”. The fact ARE here. So let’s Love all things, all Sentient Beings, all forms of Life and learn what we need to know to grow into the wonderful Being that we all have the potential to do.


"I am human"

Yes you are. I would be thinking that you are! Human as, when you look in the mirror, you are more than what meets the eye. We could almost say there are two "you". One s what you see in a mirror, a living biological human biological body, but there is “someone” inside of that body that laughs and cries and feels emotions. Even deeper still, this "ghost in the machine", or "flesh pilot", is an energy. You, when we dig down deep at this level, are an intelligent and divine energy. It is what is recognized, when we say "Namaste"! This is the "you" that I will be talking about.

This gets even more crazy. Matter, that is all that is physical comes from something called the Unified Field.

In this realm of existence, everything is in pure abstract form. All possibilities exist in this realm. This is what quantum physics are trying to unveil today. From there we have the second stage. They call this the Quantum Field. This is where matter fizzes into our realm we call the Three Dimensional Universe. But wait. What is still even more weird is the fact that it "fizzes" into our universe as waves....until we look at it, where it finally becomes solid.

Crazy stuff isn't it? Your human body with all its atoms and electrons comes from this place as well. I am not about to get too much into the science end of things, but it is necessary to explain this, or the rest will not make too much sense.

The deep essence of you comes from the same place as all of our matter does! Well how is that possible? How can "I" be in the dimension of pure abstract and manifest here in the 3D universe at the same time unless.... we had...a vehicle to....transcend...the a...

Yes. Like a Merkabah!

Merkabah: Divine Chariot...Something to Ride in.

Wikipedia defines it like this: The noun merkabah "thing to ride in, cart" is derived from the consonantal root r-k-b with general meaning "to ride".

You guessed it. We all have our own Merkabah. We cannot see it anymore than we can see our "energy selves", yet we are most definitely here. Like-wise, your Merkabah surrounds you and is in motion at all times. The Merkabah is an energy that is in a way, alive. It is dynamic and its function or state depends on you. We will get into that at a later time.
So, summing this up... You, are an energy that exists primarily in another realm. It is the realm of All. It is the Unified Field, the Zero Point Field, Cosmic Consciousness, and there is a list other names for it. I like the term Base Dimension. It is the base of all that exists in the universe. There is no space, nor time in this dimension. Everything is together. So how would you learn or experience anything if you had nowhere to go and no time to do it? You couldn’t. It would be impossible. So what if the Third Dimension was created so that you CAN experience space and time. The problem is that your primary form of energy could not exist here in this universe. So let’s introduce the Divine Merkabah. Thanks to the Merkabah, you can “stay at home” in the Base Dimension and live out an entire life here in the Third Dimension so that you can learn, observe, and hopefully experience the objectives to your maximum and find a balance in all of this. It is the Merkabah that allows you to exist here as a Spiritual Entity so you can have a human experience. This is a two way street too. When you go into deep transcending meditation, you touch into a “super consciousness” or you touch the “one”. What you are feeling is the Realm of All, the Base Dimension, The Unified Field, and once you get there you realize that you are not alone. Everything exists there. Somewhere between conception and your birth, your tiny human body received a Divine Gift. You received a Divine and Intelligent Energy that in your childhood years would acquire a self recognition. You would associate your existence with your name. Some people will live their entire lives with this notion that they are Joe and Jane and that’s the end of the story. Some will go on to realize Joe and Jane is just the beginning of the story. Joe and Jane is the result of the love of parents that give these names to a Being that they created. The truth is that the parents role was creating the biological body, the Life Essence was already created and needed a biological body to manifest here. This Life Essence is really called “All of Us”, and we are a temporary expression of this Being for a limited time here on Earth, although this Being in its pure essence is eternal. “You”, your Consciousness never dies. Just your body does. This Being, like you and me, has the miraculous chance to manifest here in this universe, to live a lifetime as an individual...thanks to your Merkabah. No Merkabah, no bridge to span the dimensions, no “You”. The fact ARE here. So let’s Love all things, all Sentient Beings, all forms of Life and learn what we need to know to grow into the wonderful Being that we all have the potential to do.

Very good stuff. There seems to be all kinds of wild theories around it. Haven't found anything really concrete other than what you've already covered. For me personally I think that might be where davids

"I am human"

Yes you are. I would be thinking that you are! Human as, when you look in the mirror, you are more than what meets the eye. We could almost say there are two "you". One s what you see in a mirror, a living biological human biological body, but there is “someone” inside of that body that laughs and cries and feels emotions. Even deeper still, this "ghost in the machine", or "flesh pilot", is an energy. You, when we dig down deep at this level, are an intelligent and divine energy. It is what is recognized, when we say "Namaste"! This is the "you" that I will be talking about.

This gets even more crazy. Matter, that is all that is physical comes from something called the Unified Field.

In this realm of existence, everything is in pure abstract form. All possibilities exist in this realm. This is what quantum physics are trying to unveil today. From there we have the second stage. They call this the Quantum Field. This is where matter fizzes into our realm we call the Three Dimensional Universe. But wait. What is still even more weird is the fact that it "fizzes" into our universe as waves....until we look at it, where it finally becomes solid.

Crazy stuff isn't it? Your human body with all its atoms and electrons comes from this place as well. I am not about to get too much into the science end of things, but it is necessary to explain this, or the rest will not make too much sense.

The deep essence of you comes from the same place as all of our matter does! Well how is that possible? How can "I" be in the dimension of pure abstract and manifest here in the 3D universe at the same time unless.... we had...a vehicle to....transcend...the a...

Yes. Like a Merkabah!

Merkabah: Divine Chariot...Something to Ride in.

Wikipedia defines it like this: The noun merkabah "thing to ride in, cart" is derived from the consonantal root r-k-b with general meaning "to ride".

You guessed it. We all have our own Merkabah. We cannot see it anymore than we can see our "energy selves", yet we are most definitely here. Like-wise, your Merkabah surrounds you and is in motion at all times. The Merkabah is an energy that is in a way, alive. It is dynamic and its function or state depends on you. We will get into that at a later time.
So, summing this up... You, are an energy that exists primarily in another realm. It is the realm of All. It is the Unified Field, the Zero Point Field, Cosmic Consciousness, and there is a list other names for it. I like the term Base Dimension. It is the base of all that exists in the universe. There is no space, nor time in this dimension. Everything is together. So how would you learn or experience anything if you had nowhere to go and no time to do it? You couldn’t. It would be impossible. So what if the Third Dimension was created so that you CAN experience space and time. The problem is that your primary form of energy could not exist here in this universe. So let’s introduce the Divine Merkabah. Thanks to the Merkabah, you can “stay at home” in the Base Dimension and live out an entire life here in the Third Dimension so that you can learn, observe, and hopefully experience the objectives to your maximum and find a balance in all of this. It is the Merkabah that allows you to exist here as a Spiritual Entity so you can have a human experience. This is a two way street too. When you go into deep transcending meditation, you touch into a “super consciousness” or you touch the “one”. What you are feeling is the Realm of All, the Base Dimension, The Unified Field, and once you get there you realize that you are not alone. Everything exists there. Somewhere between conception and your birth, your tiny human body received a Divine Gift. You received a Divine and Intelligent Energy that in your childhood years would acquire a self recognition. You would associate your existence with your name. Some people will live their entire lives with this notion that they are Joe and Jane and that’s the end of the story. Some will go on to realize Joe and Jane is just the beginning of the story. Joe and Jane is the result of the love of parents that give these names to a Being that they created. The truth is that the parents role was creating the biological body, the Life Essence was already created and needed a biological body to manifest here. This Life Essence is really called “All of Us”, and we are a temporary expression of this Being for a limited time here on Earth, although this Being in its pure essence is eternal. “You”, your Consciousness never dies. Just your body does. This Being, like you and me, has the miraculous chance to manifest here in this universe, to live a lifetime as an individual...thanks to your Merkabah. No Merkabah, no bridge to span the dimensions, no “You”. The fact ARE here. So let’s Love all things, all Sentient Beings, all forms of Life and learn what we need to know to grow into the wonderful Being that we all have the potential to do.

Very good stuff. Seems to be all kinds of wild theories around it. Haven't found anything concrete other then the stuff you already covered. For me personally I think it might be where Davids Star comes from. Or maybe could explain Elijah being carried to heaven in the chariot of fire. And I believe the difference in dimensions, specifically the human one, is the ability to enact your will. It all has lead me to some great science behind frequencies and dimensions. Dr Kaku has a good idea with super string theory. John Hutchinson is a must see with his work on frequencies and crystals.
Very good stuff. There seems to be all kinds of wild theories around it. Haven't found anything really concrete other than what you've already covered. For me personally I think that might be where davids

Very good stuff. Seems to be all kinds of wild theories around it. Haven't found anything concrete other then the stuff you already covered. For me personally I think it might be where Davids Star comes from. Or maybe could explain Elijah being carried to heaven in the chariot of fire. And I believe the difference in dimensions, specifically the human one, is the ability to enact your will. It all has lead me to some great science behind frequencies and dimensions. Dr Kaku has a good idea with super string theory. John Hutchinson is a must see with his work on frequencies and crystals.

And the Japanese guy on water and intention. You have got to check those out if you haven't already. If you need links lmk
Very good stuff. There seems to be all kinds of wild theories around it. Haven't found anything really concrete other than what you've already covered. For me personally I think that might be where davids

Very good stuff. Seems to be all kinds of wild theories around it. Haven't found anything concrete other then the stuff you already covered. For me personally I think it might be where Davids Star comes from. Or maybe could explain Elijah being carried to heaven in the chariot of fire. And I believe the difference in dimensions, specifically the human one, is the ability to enact your will. It all has lead me to some great science behind frequencies and dimensions. Dr Kaku has a good idea with super string theory. John Hutchinson is a must see with his work on frequencies and crystals.

<gasps> I'm home ヽ(´▽`)/
I am very well my friend, thanks for asking! And yourself?

I'm still spending way more time reading the various posts on this thread than posting... but I don't mind that, there is so much stuff to explore. I'm wondering if I might not benefit from a crash course in quantum physics before I can appreciate the entirety of it. The density of information is simply staggering. So yeah at the moment it's just honeymoon phase with Merkabah, a blossoming relationship entirely free from sin :innocent:

Oh, I’m always doing - so-so.
No problem...I have posted these before but the links are probably broken ;)
I think these cover the basics in order to understand some of the other articles and videos posted here.

And the Japanese guy on water and intention. You have got to check those out if you haven't already. If you need links lmk

Look for that article on ice crystals on page 1.
Oh, I’m always doing - so-so.
No problem...I have posted these before but the links are probably broken ;)
I think these cover the basics in order to understand some of the other articles and videos posted here.

Hey... isn't that the tree of life or something with the sacred geometry? I heard those sync up down the line and explain Genesis 7 days with the first 7 circles creating the flower of life... continues on to shape quantum theory and so on... pretty neat stuff...
Hey... isn't that the tree of life or something with the sacred geometry? I heard those sync up down the line and explain Genesis 7 days with the first 7 circles creating the flower of life... continues on to shape quantum theory and so on... pretty neat stuff...

You are correct.



David McConaghay
June 30, 2016

There are a wide spectrum of images and ideas associated with the Tree of Life.
On one level, literal trees with Sacred Geometry in Nature roots, flowers and fruits have earned the name Tree of Life through their functional diversity and profound healing qualities.

Meanwhile, many purely metaphorical understandings point to the benevolent evolution of natural creation.
The way a seed becomes a tree and bears fruit, the One creator unfolds into the Many forms of manifest existence.

Deeper still, the Tree of Life can indicate a geometrical structure at the heart of Kabbalastic mysticism, providing a precise map of the soul and its attributes.

In this essay, we will explore the validity of each meaning and attempt a harmonization, if not unification, of these varied ideas.
Ultimately, Plato promises that study of geometry “will draw the soul toward truth and create the spirit of philosophy.”

Lovers of truth, all seekers of knowledge — welcome.


Let’s begin with a biological organism that exhibits the qualities one might expect from something given the grandiose title Tree of Life.
For this writer, the tree that comes mind is the Baobab (Adansonia digitata), native to southern Africa.

According to the Kruger National Park website, the Baobab tree can live to be 3,000 years old, and can grow large enough to shelter 40 people inside its trunk. “Various Baobabs have been used as a shop, a prison, a house, a storage barn and a bus shelter.”

Every aspect of the Baobab offers some boon.
The fruit is considered a superfood, noted for its high Vitamin C content.

The oil contains vitamins A, D, E and F and Omega 3, 6 and 9, soothing conditions like eczema and psoriasis and making it highly sought after by the cosmetics industry for its anti-aging qualities.

Kruger lists some more of its many uses: “Fiber from the bark is used to make rope, baskets, cloth, musical instrument strings, and waterproof hats… Fresh baobab leaves provide an edible vegetable similar to spinach which is also used medicinally to treat kidney and bladder disease, asthma [and] insect bites… [P]ollen from the African and Australian baobabs is mixed with water to make glue.”

These are some of its products, but the Baobab is an entire ecosystem unto itself, allowing innumerable lifeforms to subsist on its structure.
It is home to birds, baboons and bats, not to mention an infinitude of insects.

“When [Baobabs] do die, they simply rot from the inside and suddenly collapse, leaving a heap of fibres…” which are summarily consumed by termites. Thus even in death, the Baobab sustains life.

Owing to its odd appearance and unusual characterstics, the Baobab is commonly known as “the upside-down tree.”
There are many native legends explaining how this came to be, all of which feature some form of God tossing, smashing or otherwise planting the tree upside-down on Earth, usually due to hubris or stupidity on the part of the Baobab or its animal counterparts.

This is a creation story that mirrors many others.
Where else do we see this image of an upside-down tree as metaphor for creation?

(Skarekrow - There is also the theory that the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil’s fruit was actually a magic mushroom.)

The Kabbalah Connection

Many people know the Tree of Life from Kabbalah, the esoteric tradition of Jewish mysticism.
In this context, the Tree of Life takes the form of ten “numerical entities” known as sefirot.

Perhaps their specific spatial representation will be familiar to you:


According to Huston Smith, writing in The Essential Kabbalah, these numerical entities are “living beings embodying the numbers one through ten, ciphers, metaphysical potencies through which creation unfolds.”

Sefirot emanate from Ein Sof, which literally translates as “endless,” and implies the infinite, unspeakable Godhead.
As a reference point, the word Brahman in Vedanta philosophy points to a similar “cause of causes” or “source of all that is.”
Ein Sof is the One; sefirot are the Many.

According to Smith, “another depiction of the sefirot is that of a cosmic tree growing downward from its roots above… From above to below, the sefirot depict the drama of emanation, the transition from Ein Sof to creation… From below to above, the sefirot constitute a ladder of ascent back to the One…”

This dynamic balance between ascending and descending forces is reminiscent of another famous Judaic shape: the Star of David.
These two interlocking triangles represent perfect harmony between the polarized opposites of masculine and feminine, positive and negative, active and passive, yang and yin.

It is the geometrical expression of the philosophical phrase, “as above, so below.”


Depicted in its three-dimensional state, this shape is known as a star tetrahedron or merkabah.
In an enlightening essay, Drunvalo Melchizedek explains how the word merkabah encodes meaning beyond the .

“In the Torah, there is reference to the Merkavah (as it is spelled in Hebrew) which has two different meanings: One meaning is ''chariot,'' which is a vehicle; the other is the ''Throne of God”…

“In Ancient Egypt, this primal pattern was called the Mer-Ka-Ba. It was actually three words, not one. Mer meant a kind of light that rotated within itself. Ka meant spirit, in this case referring to the human spirit. And Ba meant the human body — though it also could mean the concept of Reality that spirit holds. And so the entire word in ancient Egypt referred to a rotating light that would take the spirit and the body from one world into another.”

The Star of David (merkavah) consists of two interpenetrating, equally balanced triangles (pyramids).
Traditionally, the sefirot structure is composed of one upward-aiming triangle and two downward moving triangles.

This predominance of downward, inward, feminine directionality shows how the sefirot tend towards diversity and manifestation, as opposed to reunification.

For example, if there were two upward triangles and only one downward, the balance would tilt in favor of ascension into subtler dimensions.
Trending ever towards unity, there would not be sufficient differentiation between the One and Many for us to have this discussion; all potentials would remain latent and nothing new would manifest.

The world would remain a blank slate.

As it is, the Creator exhibits an obvious preference for creation.
The search for truth about the reality of that creation essentially leads immediately to the Quadrivium, the sciences of Number, Geometry, Music and Cosmology exalted by the great Pythagorus as four of the seven original Liberal Arts (in addition to the Trivium of Grammar, Logic and Rhetoric).


Pythagoreans teach the Quadrivium through the tetraktys — a sacred geometrical structure of ten points.
Sound familiar?

Similar to the sefirot, the tetraktys gives a set of ten coordinates that function as “a numerical paradigm of whole systems”.


The tetraktys is arranged in a triangle, like bowling pins.
One may approach the tetraktys from many angles, and arrive at many valid interpretations.

Here, let’s look at how the tetraktys maps the unfolding of the dimensions.

Given the first dot, we have Dimension Zero, the singularity, or monad.
According to Robin Waterfield’s translation of The Theology of Arithmetic, “[t]he monad is the non-spatial source of number… the monad is… linear and plane and solid.”

In a purely latent state of potentiality, the monad contains all that follows.

Given one dot, the second makes a dyad and represents Dimension One — linearity.
To mark the distance from one dot to another creates a line between two opposing points.

This is the level of polarity — the pervasive opposition of phenomena like night and day, cold and hot, Demons and Gods.

The paradox is that of course the two poles are connected, never separate.
A magnetic field is the purest expression of this principle, as its apparently opposite lines of force ultimately loop back around and merge into one another in a demonstration of essential unity.


The polarity of masculine and feminine energy inevitably gives way to a triumvirate when mom and dad have a little baby.
Everybody knows three is the magic number, but why is that?

The triad encloses area, providing a plane whereupon further creations can flourish.
This is Dimension Two, which according to Nassim Harramein, “is where cartoons live.”

Indeed, the great charm of cartoons is the plurality of possibility; any thing can arise in that area!
How often do we stop counting after one and two?

The next value in that sequence is “several,” suggesting many more than simply three.

Meanwhile, every satisfactory story requires a beginning, middle and end.
It needs a hero, villain and neutral narrator.

There must be activity, trouble and finally peace.
Musically, the score to the story must have its root, dissonance and resolution.

Ultimately, the whole story is overseen by a holy trinity, be it Father, Son and Ghost, or Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva.
The triad of creation, preservation and destruction shows the nature of creation at every scale.

This is harmony.

After harmony, we get depth.
At the fourth and final level of the tetraktys is the tetrahedron, a pyramid made of four equilateral triangles.

This is the first solid that encloses volume, literally creating space in three dimensions.

As the forces of one and two are united by a third, an entirely new whole is generated.
This is the first manifestation of what we might call “shared reality.”

It is in three-dimensional space that bodies are born, grow, decay and die.

If you are reading this, you are most likely in the depths of a third-dimensional experience.
You are a conglomeration of water held by Earth breathing air that feeds the fire in your eyes and belly.

These elements interact with your five senses to create the sensation of embodied aliveness.
What a beautiful miracle [link to article on Platonic Solids] (and a topic for another time)!

Here is a graphic representation of the process just described, wherein we have completed the original promise of the monad as containing all that is “linear…plane and solid.”


Now, if you please, hold the image of the tetrahedron in your mind’s eye and scroll back up.
Does the Star of David spin with new meaning?

Staring at the sefirot, do you see more deeply now how the Tree of Life is a multidimensional map of consciousness as it unfolds into matter?

It is as if the seed of life is planted by lightning strike, speeding to the ground by the power of two downward-pointing tetrahedrons.
Once embedded in the soil, it is a slower climb back up the framework, battling against the full weight of creation.

The body, soul and mind creep back up toward oneness like a vine climbing a divine trellis.

Sacred geometry gives the blueprint for that subtle framework, acting as a map of both soul and body.
If you wish to accelerate the return journey to oneness, or just to move and play freely within the grand construct, I suggest you study the archetypal forms and learn to retrace the Creator’s steps.

If “spiritual and psychological wholeness is achieved by meditating on the qualities of each sefirah, by imitating and integrating the attributes of God,” then we are well advised to familiarize ourselves these qualities and attributes.

In order to better know the Creator, let us study the creation.

As above, so below.
As within, so without.
a star tetrahedron or merkabah
This predominance of downward, inward, feminine directionality shows how the sefirot tend towards diversity and manifestation, as opposed to reunification.

For example, if there were two upward triangles and only one downward, the balance would tilt in favor of ascension into subtler dimensions.
Trending ever towards unity, there would not be sufficient differentiation between the One and Many for us to have this discussion; all potentials would remain latent and nothing new would manifest.

The world would remain a blank slate.

As it is, the Creator exhibits an obvious preference for creation.
The search for truth about the reality of that creation essentially leads immediately to the Quadrivium, the sciences of Number, Geometry, Music and Cosmology exalted by the great Pythagorus as four of the seven original Liberal Arts (in addition to the Trivium of Grammar, Logic and Rhetoric).
Ultimately, the whole story is overseen by a holy trinity, be it Father, Son and Ghost, or Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva.
The triad of creation, preservation and destruction shows the nature of creation at every scale.

This is harmony.

After harmony, we get depth.
You are a conglomeration of water held by Earth breathing air that feeds the fire in your eyes and belly.
The triad encloses area, providing a plane whereupon further creations can flourish.
The body, soul and mind creep back up toward oneness like a vine climbing a divine trellis.
As above, so below.
As within, so without.

Crushed it in one post.




Crushed it in one post.





Have you watched spirit science on YouTube? Very soothing to listen too and who doesn't love cartoons. The tree of life has been found in like... 36 countries around the world.. ancient cultures had this knowledge long ago. the knowledge of the tree of good and evil is sex (I.e. the power of creation) the evil is the fact that orgasm is like a drug. Sex was the alchemy of the ancient world... some say water and snakes are a euphemism for sex in the bible... like when Jesus walked on water... he was master of his domain... much more to it but (stupid tablet) M = woman A =Man. When I looked up the definition of AM ... of the many definitions 1 was water... i.e. sacred water... goes from man "A" into holy grail or cup "M"
I have not. Thanks for the tip.

Actually scratch that, I have seen a few videos but haven't watched the channel extensively.
Have you watched spirit science on YouTube? Very soothing to listen too and who doesn't love cartoons. The tree of life has been found in like... 36 countries around the world.. ancient cultures had this knowledge long ago. the knowledge of the tree of good and evil is sex (I.e. the power of creation) the evil is the fact that orgasm is like a drug. Sex was the alchemy of the ancient world... some say water and snakes are a euphemism for sex in the bible... like when Jesus walked on water... he was master of his domain... much more to it but (stupid tablet) M = woman A =Man. When I looked up the definition of AM ... of the many definitions 1 was water... i.e. sacred water... goes from man "A" into holy grail or cup "M"
There are a few Spirit Science videos here on this thread.
I stopped watching them after a while...they seemed to get a bit preachy and narrow-viewed as they gained popularity and they made more.
But overall, I like the first 10-15 then not so much.
But overall, I like the first 10-15 then not so much.

Yeah... I actually felt the same way... but the information in those first ones were damn good :) It was one hell of a loose string... I got the sweater and all :)
The words were intended to go with this song.

Schubert - Der Erlkönig
(The Elfking)


Words by
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Who rides, so late, through night and wind?
It is the father with his child.
He has the boy well in his arm
He holds him safely, he keeps him warm.

"My son, why do you hide your face in fear?"
"Father, do you not see the Elf-king?
The Elf-king with crown and cape?"
"My son, it's a streak of fog."

"You dear child, come, go with me!
(Very) beautiful games I play with you;
Many a colorful flower is on the beach,
My mother has many a golden robe."

"My father, my father, and do you not hear
What the Elf-king quietly promises me?"
"Be calm, stay calm, my child;
Through dry leaves the wind is sighing."

"Do you, fine boy, want to go with me?
My daughters shall wait on you finely;
My daughters lead the nightly dance,
And rock and dance and sing to bring you in."

"My father, my father, and don't you see there
The Elf-king's daughters in the gloomy place?"
"My son, my son, I see it clearly:
There shimmer the old willows so grey."

"I love you, your beautiful form entices me;
And if you're not willing, then I will use force."
"My father, my father, he's touching me now!
The Elf-king has done me harm!"

It horrifies the father; he swiftly rides on,
He holds the moaning child in his arms,
Reaches the farm with great difficulty;
In his arms, the child is dead.

Well, when I said “Yes”, I was expecting...maybe like 40 people...maybe?
It’s a damn good thing I’m not one of those INFJs who cannot publicly speak or I’d be royally fucked...lolol.

So you see in the description where it basically says the panel will consist of 4 people, two being chronic pain patients.
Well, I’m one of the two...whoopee!
This will make for an exciting Sunday...hopefully. ;)
So far the number of attendees has gone up since I last checked ( and keeps rising)...we’re well on the way to 400!
Kinda exciting!

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Screen Shot 2017-11-13 at 11.19.46 AM.webp

This is the same event that was on the PEERS page, we just needed to move it to the Portland Psychedelic Society page, please re-join and share! ***

Microdosing has exploded onto the psychedelic science scene as a possible new avenue of therapeutic application.
Although many people are experimenting with microdosing, no studies have been done yet and the effects of long term use are unknown.
Neverthless, it has garnered widepread attention from major media outlets.

In this presentation and audience discussion, you'll learn how psychedelics affect brain function and mental health disorders, and why this may play a role in the reports of benefical effects of microdosing.
What do we know and what has yet to be learned?

Hawkeye Clark will be giving a presentation on microdosing and personal and anecdotal stories.
We have a therapist speaking about integrating microdosing with therapy.
We have two chronic pain patients talking about microdosing for pain and depression.
Then we open it to the audience for questions, answers, and shares.

The Portland Psychedelic Society continues to receive regular inquiries about microdosing since our big microdosing informational event in April with Paul Austin.
This event is a follow up to continue the discussion.

This will be a general informational meeting to learn more about microdosing and possible benefits for depression, anxiety, PTSD, focus, concentration, energy, etc.
This meetup is based on audience participation and sharing (it will not be filmed).

This event is donation based.
Please help us cover the room rental and support our venue by having food, kombucha, or bar drinks while there.
Analog is very supportive of Portland Psychedelic Society in a town where affordable venue rental is an ongoing challenge.

Analog has stairs but not elevator, we apologize.
If you need assistance getting upstairs, please let us know.
Also, if you require a reserved seat to accommodate any physical limitations, please let us know and we can arrange that.

In recognition of the Psychedelic Societies Community Service Month happening worldwide this November, proceeds from the event will be donated to a local charity (TBD).
A series of articles written by Doctor Robert Lanza...there is some repetition from article to article, but each also has new information to read.



by Robert Lanza, MD

from RobertLanza website

Spanish version

Does Death Exist? - New Theory Says 'No'

Many of us fear death.

We believe in death because we have been told we will die.
We associate ourselves with the body, and we know that bodies die.

But a new scientific theory suggests that death is not the terminal event we think.

One well-known aspect of quantum physics is that certain observations cannot be predicted absolutely.

Instead, there is a range of possible observations each with a different probability.
One mainstream explanation, the "many-worlds" interpretation, states that each of these possible observations corresponds to a different universe (the 'multiverse').

A new scientific theory - called biocentrism - refines these ideas.
There are an infinite number of universes, and everything that could possibly happen occurs in some universe.

Death does not exist in any real sense in these scenarios.

All possible universes exist simultaneously, regardless of what happens in any of them.
Although individual bodies are destined to self-destruct, the alive feeling - the 'Who am I?'- is just a 20-watt fountain of energy operating in the brain.

But this energy doesn't go away at death.
One of the surest axioms of science is that energy never dies; it can neither be created nor destroyed.

But does this energy transcend from one world to the other?

Consider an experiment that was recently published in the journal Science showing that scientists could retroactively change something that had happened in the past.

Particles had to decide how to behave when they hit a beam splitter.

Later on, the experimenter could turn a second switch on or off.
It turns out that what the observer decided at that point, determined what the particle did in the past.

Regardless of the choice you, the observer, make, it is you who will experience the outcomes that will result.
The linkages between these various histories and universes transcend our ordinary classical ideas of space and time.

Think of the 20-watts of energy as simply holo-projecting either this or that result onto a screen.
Whether you turn the second beam splitter on or off, it's still the same battery or agent responsible for the projection.

According to Biocentrism, space and time are not the hard objects we think.
Wave your hand through the air - if you take everything away, what's left?


The same thing applies for time.
You can't see anything through the bone that surrounds your brain.

Everything you see and experience right now is a whirl of information occurring in your mind.
Space and time are simply the tools for putting everything together.

Death does not exist in a timeless, spaceless world.

In the end, even Einstein admitted,

"Now Besso" (an old friend) "has departed from this strange world a little ahead of me. That means nothing. People like us… know that the distinction between past, present, and future is only a stubbornly persistent illusion."

Immortality doesn't mean a perpetual existence in time without end, but rather resides outside of time altogether.

What Happens When You Die? - Evidence Suggests Time Simply Reboots
  • What happens when we die?

  • Do we rot into the ground, or do we go to heaven (or hell, if we've been bad)?
Experiments suggest the answer is simpler than anyone thought.
Without the glue of consciousness, time essentially reboots.


The mystery of life and death can't be examined by visiting the Galapagos or looking through a microscope.

It lies deeper.
It involves our very selves.

We awake in the present.
There are stairs below us that we appear to have climbed; there are stairs above us that go upward into the unknown future.

But the mind stands at the door by which we entered and gives us the memories by which we go about our day.
Everything is ordered and predictable.

We're like cuckoo birdswho appear through a door each morning.
We fancy there's a clockwork set in motion at the beginning of time.

But if you remove everything from space, what's left?

The same applies for time - you can't put it in a jar.
You can't see through the bone surrounding your brain (everything you experience is information in your mind).

Biocentrism tells us space and time aren't objects - they're the mind's tools for putting everything together.

I was a young boy when I realized there was something unexplainable about life that I simply didn't understand.
I learned this from one of the last smiths in New England, when I, as a child, tried to capture a woodchuck on his property.

Over his shop a chimney cap went round and round, squeak, squeak, rattle, rattle.
One day the blacksmith came out with his shotgun and blew it off.

The noise stopped.

Mr. O'Donnell pounded metal on his anvil all day.
No, I thought, I didn't want to be caught by him.

Yet, I had my purpose.

The woodchuck's hole was in such close proximity to Mr. O'Donnell's shop that I could hear the bellows fanning his forge.
I crawled noiselessly through the long grass, occasionally stirring a grasshopper or a butterfly.

After setting a new steel trap that I had just purchased at the hardware store, I took a stake and, rock in hand, pounded it into the ground.

When I looked up, I saw Mr. O'Donnell standing there, his eyes glaring.
I said nothing, trying to restrain myself from crying. "Give me that trap, child," he said, "and come with me."

I followed him into his shop, which was crammed with all manner of tools and chimes of different shapes and sounds hanging from the ceiling.

Starting the forge, Mr. O'Donnell tossed the trap over the coals and a tiny flame appeared underneath, getting hotter until, with a puff it burst into flame.

"This thing can injure dogs, and even children!" he said, poking the coals with a fork.

When the trap was red hot, he took it from the forge, and pounded it into a little square with his hammer.
He said nothing while the metal cooled.

At length, he patted me upon the shoulder, and then took up a few sketches of a dragonfly.

"I tell you what," he said. "I'll give you 50 cents for every dragonfly you catch."

I said that would be fun, and when I parted I was so excited I forgot about my new trap.

The next day I set off with a butterfly net.
The air was full of insects, the flowers with bees and butterflies.

But I didn't see any dragonflies.
As I floated through the last of the meadows, the spikes of a cattail attracted my attention.

A huge dragonfly was humming round and round, and when at last I caught it, I hopped and skipped all the way back to Mr. O'Donnell's shop.

Taking a magnifying glass, he held the jar up to the light and made a careful study of the dragonfly.

He fished out a number of rods, and with a little pounding, wrought a splendorous figurine that was the perfect image of the dragonfly.
It had about it a beauty as airy as the delicate insect.

As long as I live I will remember that day.
And though Mr. O'Donnell is gone now, there still remains in his shop that little iron dragonfly - covered with dust now - to remind me there's something more elusive to life than the succession of shapes we see frozen into matter.

Quantum theory ended the classical view that particles exist if we don't perceive them.
But if the world is observer-created, we shouldn't be surprised that it's destroyed with each of us.

Nor should we be surprised that space and time vanish, and with them all Newtonian conceptions of order and prediction.

It's here at last, where we approach the imagined border of ourselves, the wooded boundary where in the old fairy tale the fox and the hare say goodnight to each other.

At death, we all know, consciousness is gone, and so too the continuity in the connection of times and places.

Where then, do we find ourselves?

On stairs that, like Emerson said, can be intercalated anywhere,

"like those that Hermes won with the dice of the moon, that Osiris might be born."

We think that the past is past and the future the future.
But as Einstein realized, this simply isn't the case.

Without consciousness, space and time are nothing; in reality you can take any time - whether past or future - as your new frame of reference.
Death is a reboot that leads to all potentialities.

That's the reality that the experiments mandate.
And when I see Mr. O'Donnell's old shop, I know that somewhere the chimney cap is still going round and round, squeak, squeak.

But it probably won't rattle for long.

Does the Past Exist Yet?

Evidence Suggests Your Past Isn't Set in Stone

Recent discoveries require us to rethink our understanding of history.

"The histories of the universe," said renowned physicist Stephen Hawking "depend on what is being measured, contrary to the usual idea that the universe has an objective observer-independent history."

Is it possible we live and die in a world of illusions?

Physics tells us that objects exist in a suspended state until observed, when they collapse in to just one outcome.
Paradoxically, whether events happened in the past may not be determined until sometime in your future - and may even depend on actions that you haven't taken yet.


In 2002, scientists carried out an amazing experiment, which showed that particles of light "photons" knew - in advance - what their distant twins would do in the future.

They tested the communication between pairs of photons - whether to be either a wave or a particle.
Researchers stretched the distance one of the photons had to take to reach its detector, so that the other photon would hit its own detector first.

The photons taking this path already finished their journeys - they either collapse into a particle or don't before their twin encounters a scrambling device.

Somehow, the particles acted on this information before it happened, and across distances instantaneously as if there was no space or time between them.

They decided not to become particles before their twin ever encountered the scrambler.
It doesn't matter how we set up the experiment.

Our mind and its knowledge is the only thing that determines how they behave.

Experiments consistently confirm these observer-dependent effects.

More recently (Science 315, 966, 2007), scientists in France shot photons into an apparatus, and showed that what they did could retroactively change something that had already happened.

As the photons passed a fork in the apparatus, they had to decide whether to behave like particles or waves when they hit a beam splitter.
Later on - well after the photons passed the fork - the experimenter could randomly switch a second beam splitter on and off.

It turns out that what the observer decided at that point, determined what the particle actually did at the fork in the past.

At that moment, the experimenter chose his history.

Of course, we live in the same world.
Particles have a range of possible states, and it's not until observed that they take on properties.

So until the present is determined, how can there be a past?

According to visionary physicist John Wheeler (who coined the word "black hole"),

"The quantum principle shows that there is a sense in which what an observer will do in the future defines what happens in the past."

Part of the past is locked in when you observe things and the "probability waves collapse."

But there's still uncertainty, for instance, as to what's underneath your feet.
If you dig a hole, there's a probability you'll find a boulder.

Say you hit a boulder, the glacial movements of the past that account for the rock being in exactly that spot will change as described in the Science experiment.

But what about dinosaur fossils?

Fossils are really no different than anything else in nature.
For instance, the carbon atoms in your body are "fossils" created in the heart of exploding supernova stars.

Bottom line: reality begins and ends with the observer.

"We are participators," Wheeler said "in bringing about something of the universe in the distant past."

Before his death, he stated that when observing light from a quasar, we set up a quantum observation on an enormously large scale.
It means, he said, the measurements made on the light now, determines the path it took billions of years ago.

Like the light from Wheeler's quasar, historical events such as who killed JFK, might also depend on events that haven't occurred yet.

There's enough uncertainty that it could be one person in one set of circumstances, or another person in another.
Although JFK was assassinated, you only possess fragments of information about the event.

But as you investigate, you collapse more and more reality.

According to biocentrism, space and time are relative to the individual observer - we each carry them around like turtles with shells.

History is a biological phenomenon - it's the logic of what you, the animal observer experiences.
You have multiple possible futures, each with a different history like in the Science experiment.

Consider the JFK example: say two gunmen shot at JFK, and there was an equal chance one or the other killed him.

This would be a situation much like the famous Schrödinger's cat experiment, in which the cat is both alive and dead - both possibilities exist until you open the box and investigate.

"We must re-think all that we have ever learned about the past, human evolution and the nature of reality, if we are ever to find our true place in the cosmos," says Constance Hilliard, a historian of science at UNT.

Choices you haven't made yet might determine which of your childhood friends are still alive, or whether your dog got hit by a car yesterday.

In fact, you might even collapse realities that determine whether Noah's Ark sank.

"The universe," said John Haldane, "is not only queerer than we suppose, but queerer than we can suppose."

Is Death the End?

Experiments Suggest You Create Time

When I was young, I stayed at my neighbor's house.
They had a grandfather clock.

Between the tick and the tock of the pendulum, I lay awake thinking about the perverse nature of time.
Mr. O'Donnell is gone now.

His wife Barbara, now in her nineties, greets me with her cane when I go back to visit.


We watch our loved ones age and die, and we assume that an external entity called time is responsible for the crime.

But experiments increasingly cast doubt on the existence of time as we know it.

In fact, the reality of time has long been questioned by philosophers and physicists.
When we speak of time, we're usually referring to change.

But change isn't the same thing as time.

To measure anything's position precisely is to "lock in" on one static frame of its motion, as in a film.
Conversely, as soon as you observe movement, you can't isolate a frame, because motion is the summation of many frames.

Sharpness in one parameter induces blurriness in the other.
Consider a film of a flying arrow that stops on a single frame.

The pause enables you to know the position of the arrow with great accuracy: it's 20 feet above the grandstand.
But you've lost all information about its momentum.

It's going nowhere; its path is uncertain.

Numerous experiments confirm that such uncertainty is built into the fabric of reality.

Heisenberg's uncertainty principle is a fundamental concept of quantum physics.
However, it only makes sense from a biocentric perspective.

According to biocentrism, time is the inner sense that animates the still frames of the spatial world.

Remember, you can't see through the bone surrounding your brain; everything you experience is woven together in your mind.
So what's real?

If the next image is different from the last, then it's different, period.

We can award change with the word "time," but that doesn't mean that there's an invisible matrix in which changes occur.

At each moment we're at the edge of a paradox described by the Greek philosopher Zeno.
Because an object can't occupy two places simultaneously, he contended that an arrow is only at one place during any given instant of its flight.

To be in one place, however, is to be at rest.

The arrow must therefore be at rest at every instant of its flight.

Thus, motion is impossible.
  • But is this really a paradox?

  • Or rather, is it proof that time (motion) isn't a feature of the outer, spatial world, but rather a conception of thought?
An experiment published in 1990 suggests that Zeno was right.
In this experiment, scientists demonstrated the quantum equivalent of the adage that "a watched pot doesn't boil".

This behavior, the "quantum Zeno effect," turns out to be a function of observation.

"It seems," said physicist Peter Coveney, "that the act of looking at an atom prevents it from changing".

Theoretically, if a nuclear bomb were watched intently enough - that is, if you could check its atoms every million trillionth of a second - it wouldn't explode.

The problem lies not in the experiments but in our way of thinking about time.

Biocentrism is the only comprehensible way to explain these results, which are only "weird" in the context of the existing paradigm.

In biocentrism, space and time are forms of animal intuition.
They're tools of the mind and thus don't exist as external objects independent of life.

When we feel poignantly that time has elapsed, as when loved ones die, it constitutes the human perceptions of the passage and existence of time.
Our babies turn into adults.

We age.
That, to us, is time.

It belongs with us.

New experiments confirm this concept.

In 2002, scientists carried out an amazing experiment that showed that within pairs of particles, each particle anticipated what its twin would do in the future.

Somehow, the particles "knew" what the researcher would do before it happened, as if there were no space or time between them.
In a 2007 study published in Science, scientists shot particles into an apparatus and showed that they could retroactively change whether the particles behaved as photons or waves (Experimental Realization of Wheeler's Delayed-Choice Gedanken Experiment).

The particles had to "decide" what to do when they passed a fork in the apparatus.
Later on, the experimenter could flip a switch.

It turns out what the observer decided at that point determined how the particle had behaved at the fork in the past.

Thus the knowledge in our mind can determine how particles behave.

Of course, we live in the same world.
Critics claim that this behavior is limited to the quantum world.

But this "two-world" view (that is, the view that there is one set of laws for quantum objects and another for the rest of the universe, including us) has no basis in reason and is being challenged in labs around the world.

Last year, researchers published a study in Nature suggesting that quantum behavior extends into the everyday realm.

Pairs of ions were coaxed to entangle, and then their properties remained bound together when separated by large distances ("spooky action at a distance," as Einstein put it) as if there were no time or space.

And in 2005, KHCO3 crystals exhibited entanglement ridges half an inch high, demonstrating that quantum behavior could nudge into the ordinary world of human-scale objects.

In the Oct. 2010 issue of Discover, theoretical physicists Stephen Hawking and Leonard Mlodinow state,

"There is no way to remove the observer - us - from our perceptions of the world…

In classical physics, the past is assumed to exist as a definite series of events, but according to quantum physics, the past, like the future, is indefinite and exists only as a spectrum of possibilities".

That night, while lying awake at my neighbor's house, I had found the answer - that the missing piece is with us.

As I see it, immortality doesn't mean perpetual (linear) existence in time but resides outside of time altogether.
Life is a journey that transcends our classical way of thinking.

Experiment after experiment continues to suggest that we create time, not the other way around.

Without consciousness, space and time are nothing.

At death, there's a break in the continuity of space and time; you can take any time - past or future - as your new frame of reference and estimate all potentialities relative to it.

In the end, even Einstein acknowledged that,

"the distinction between past, present and future is only a stubbornly persistent illusion."

Life is just one fragment of time, one brushstroke in a picture larger than ourselves, eternal even when we die.

This is the indispensable prelude to immortality.

"Time and space are but the physiological colors which the eye maketh," said Ralph Waldo Emerson in his essay 'Self-Reliance.'

"But the soul is light; where it is, is day; where it was, is night."

Do You Only Live Once?

We think we die and rot into the ground, and thus must squeeze everything in before it's too late.

If life - yours, mine - is a just a one-time deal, then we're as likely to be screwed as pampered.
But experiments suggest this view of the world may be wrong.

Life is a flowering and adventure that transcends our ordinary linear way of thinking, an interlude in a melody so vast and eternal that human ears can't appreciate the tonal range of the symphony.


The results of quantum physics confirm that observations can't be predicted absolutely.
Instead, there's a range of possible observations each with a different probability.

One mainstream explanation, the "many-worlds" interpretation, states that there are an infinite number of universes (the "multiverse").
Everything that can possibly happen occurs in some universe.

The old mechanical - "we're just a bunch of atoms" - view of life loses its grip in these scenarios.

Biocentrism extends this idea, suggesting that life is a flowering and adventure that transcends our ordinary linear way of thinking.
Although our individual bodies are destined to self-destruct, the "me" feeling is just energy operating in the brain.

But this energy doesn't go away at death.

One of the surest principles of science is that energy never dies; it can neither be created nor destroyed.
When we die, we do so not in the random billiard ball matrix but in the inescapable life matrix.

Life has a non-linear dimensionality - it's like a perennial flower that returns to bloom in the multiverse.

A series of landmark experiments show that measurements an observer makes can influence events that have already happened in the past.
One experiment (Science 315, 966, 2007) confirmed that flipping a switch could retroactively change a result that had happened before the switch was flipped.

Regardless of the choice you, the observer, make, it'll be you who will experience the outcomes - the universes - that will result.
The implications of this were clear with my sister "Bubbles."

The earliest remembrance I have of my childhood was with her, in her play doctor's office.

"You're a little unwell," she said, handing me a cup of sand. "It's medicine. Drink this and you'll feel better."

This I did; and as I started to drink it, Bubbles cried out "No!" and gave a gasp as if she were swallowing it herself.

The affection that existed between Bubbles and me was a strong one, for being my older sister, she had always felt that it was her job to protect me.
I can remember standing at the school bus stop with my little mittens and lunchbox, when one of the older neighborhood boys pushed me to the ground.

I was still on the ground and hurt, when I saw Bubbles running up the street.

"You touch my little brother ever again," she said, "and I'll punch your face in."

It's difficult to believe that I, and not she, went on to become the doctor.

Although she was very bright, by 10th grade she'd dropped out of school and entered on a course of destruction with drugs.
The ill done to her at home had little remission.

She was beaten, ran away, and punished again.
I recall her hiding under the porch, and the terror that hung about the place; I can see the tears running down her face.

After moving out of the house I learned she was pregnant.
When all the relatives refused to go to her wedding, I told her "It's okay!" and held her hand.

The birth of "Little Bubbles" was a happy occasion, an oasis in this life in the desert.
How happy she was, and when I sat down by her side, she asked me - her little brother - if I'd be the godfather to her child.

But all this was a short event, and stands like a wild flower along an asphalt road.
Little by little her mind began to deteriorate.

Although I'd seen a lot of medicine by then, it was a matter of some emotion to me to see her child taken away.
The deep remembrance I have of her being utterly without hope, restrained and sedated with drugs.

As I went away from the hospital that day, I mingled my memories of her with tears.

Bubbles was still a pretty woman, and was found in the park once, quite distressed, her hair hanging in her face and her clothes torn; of which she knew as little as us.

A while later she was pregnant, and I can only understand that someone had taken advantage of her again.
I remember her looking at me in embarrassment, holding the baby in her arms.

He had a cute face, and I thought, didn't look like anyone we knew.

Soon after, my big sister - a once proud woman - lost even the remembrance of where she lived.

This tale of Bubbles is one that has a thousand variations, told by many families, of tragedy interspersed with joyous times.
But plays of experience, even ones like that of my sister, are never random, nor the end of the story.

Rather, they're interludes in a melody so vast and eternal that human ears can't appreciate the tonal range of the symphony.

"Whenever anything in nature seems to us ridiculous, absurd or evil," said Spinoza "it is because we have but a partial knowledge of things."

Life has a power that transcends any individual history or universe.

The story of my sister is part of a more profound drama, one that I know holds more joyful fortunes as her life unfolds in the multiverse.
As in the Science experiment, whether it's flipping a switch or making other choices, she will experience the many outcomes and resulting universes.

I only hope - if she becomes a doctor - the medicine goes down a lot easier than it did in her play-office so long ago.

Five Reasons You Won't Die

We've been taught we're just a collection of cells, and that we die when our bodies wear out.
End of story.

I've written textbooks showing how cells can be engineered into virtually all the tissues and organs of the human body.
But a long list of scientific experiments suggests our belief in death is based on a false premise, that the world exists independent of us - the great observer.


A long list of scientific experiments suggests our belief in death is based on a false premise.
This article provides five compelling reasons why you won't die.

Here are five reasons you won't die.

Reason One

You're not an object, you're a special being.
According to biocentrism, nothing could exist without consciousness.

Remember you can't see through the bone surrounding your brain.
Space and time aren't objects, but rather the tools our mind uses to weave everything together.

"It will remain remarkable," said Eugene Wigner, who won the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1963 "in whatever way our future concepts may develop, that the very study of the external world led to the conclusion that the content of the consciousness is an ultimate reality."

Consider the uncertainty principle, one of the most famous and important aspects of quantum mechanics.

Experiments confirm it's built into the fabric of reality, but it only makes sense from a biocentric perspective.
If there's really a world out there with particles just bouncing around, then we should be able to measure all their properties.

But we can't.
Why should it matter to a particle what you decide to measure?

Consider the double-slit experiment:

if one "watches" a subatomic particle or a bit of light pass through slits on a barrier, it behaves like a particle and creates solid-looking hits behind the individual slits on the final barrier that measures the impacts.

Like a tiny bullet, it logically passes through one or the other hole.
But if the scientists do not observe the trajectory of the particle, then it exhibits the behavior of waves that allow it pass through both holes at the same time.

Why does our observation change what happens?
Answer: Because reality is a process that requires our consciousness.

The two-slit experiment is an example of quantum effects, but experiments involving Buckyballs and KHCO3 crystals show that observer-dependent behavior extends into the world of ordinary human-scale objects.

In fact, researchers recently showed (Nature 2009) that pairs of ions could be coaxed to entangle so their physical properties remained bound together even when separated by large distances, as if there was no space or time between them.

Because space and time aren't hard, cold objects.

They're merely tools of our understanding.

Death doesn't exist in a timeless, spaceless world.

After the death of his old friend, Albert Einstein said,

"Now Besso has departed from this strange world a little ahead of me. That means nothing. People like us…know that the distinction between past, present and future is only a stubbornly persistent illusion."

In truth, your mind transcends space and time.

Reason Two

Conservation of energy is a fundamental axiom of science.

The first law of thermodynamics states that energy can't be created or destroyed.
It can only change forms.

Although bodies self-destruct, the "me" feeling is just a 20-watt cloud of energy in your head.
But this energy doesn't go away at death.

A few years ago scientists showed they could retroactively change something that happened in the past.

Particles had to "decide" how to behave when they passed a fork in an apparatus.
Later on, the experimenter could flip a switch.

The results showed that what the observer decided at that point determined how the particle behaved at the fork in the past.

Think of the 20-watts of energy as simply powering a projector.

Whether you flip a switch in an experiment on or off, it's still the same battery responsible for the projection.
Like in the two-slit experiment, you collapse physical reality.

At death, this energy doesn't just dissipate into the environment as the old mechanical worldview suggests.
It has no reality independent of you.

As Einstein's esteemed colleague John Wheeler stated,

"No phenomenon is a real phenomenon until it is an observed phenomenon."

Each person creates their own sphere of reality - we carry space and time around with us like turtles with shells.
Thus, there is no absolute self-existing matrix in which energy just dissipates.

Reason Three

Although we generally reject parallel universes as fiction, there's more than a morsel of scientific truth to this genre.

A well-known aspect of quantum physics is that observations can't be predicted absolutely.
Instead, there's a range of possible observations each with a different probability.

One mainstream explanation is the 'many-worlds' interpretation, which states that each of these possible observations corresponds to a different universe (the 'multiverse').

There are an infinite number of universes (including our universe), which together comprise all of physical reality.

Everything that can possibly happen occurs in some universe.
Death doesn't exist in any real sense in these scenarios.

All possible universes exist simultaneously, regardless of what happens in any of them.

Like flipping the switch in the experiment above, you're the agent who experiences them.

Reason Four

You will live on through your children, friends, and all who you touch during your life, not only as part of them, but through the histories you collapse with every action you take.

"According to quantum physics," said theoretical physicists Stephen Hawking and Leonard Mlodinow, "the past, like the future, is indefinite and exists only as a spectrum of possibilities."

There's more uncertainty in bio-physical systems than anyone ever imagined.

Reality isn't fully determined until we actually investigate (like in the Schrödinger's cat experiment).
There are whole areas of history you determine during your life.

When you interact with someone, you collapse more and more reality (that is, the spatio-temporal events that define your consciousness).

When you're gone, your presence will continue like a ghost puppeteer in the universes of those you know.

Reason Five

It's not an accident that you happen to have the fortune of being alive now on the top of all infinity.

Although it could be a one-in-a-jillion chance, perhaps it's not just dumb luck, but rather must be that way.
While you'll eventually exit this reality, you, the observer, will forever continue to collapse more and more 'nows.'

Your consciousness will always be in the present - balanced between the infinite past and the indefinite future - moving intermittently between realities along the edge of time, having new adventures and meeting new (and rejoining old) friends.

Why You Will Always Exist

You've laughed and cried.
And you may even fall in love and grow old with someone, only to be ripped apart in the end by death and disease.

The universe leaves you dead or grieving with a hole in you as big as infinity.
  • Can life really be reduced to the laws of physics, or are we part of something more noble and triumphant?

  • Are we part of a depraved cosmic joke, the product of a vast and ruthless universe?
Through the eyes of science, you're a speck of junk spinning around the core of the Milky Way galaxy, which itself is whirling through the unfathomable blackness of space.

It's all in the equations, you know.
Nothing to get philosophical about.

Nobel physicist Steven Weinberg summed it up best:

The effort to understand the universe is one of the very few things that lifts human life a little bit above the level of a farce and gives it some of the grace of a tragedy.

Can life really be reduced to the laws of physics?
Or are we - as all the great spiritual leaders of the world have intuited - part of something higher, which is more noble and triumphant?

The latter is hard for us to rationally comprehend, since we've had more years of scientific indoctrination than monks get in monasteries.

In Robert Heinlein's "Stranger in a Strange Land," Jubal said we're prisoners of our early indoctrinations,

"for it is hard, very nearly impossible, to shake off one's earliest training."

We've been taught since grade school that life is an accidental byproduct of the laws of physics, and that the Universe is a dreary play of billiard balls.

True, science has brought us countless insights that have transformed our lives.
It's amazingly good at figuring out how the parts work.

The clock has been taken apart, and we can accurately count the number of teeth in each wheel and gear.

We know Mars rotates in 24 hours, 37 minutes and 23 seconds.

What eludes us is the big picture, which unfortunately encompasses all the bottom-line issues:

What is the nature of this thing we call 'reality'?

Any honest summary of the current state of explaining the universe as a whole: a swamp.
And in this Everglade, the alligators of common sense must be evaded at every turn.

Some scientists insist a Theory of Everything is just around the corner.

But it hasn't happened and won't happen until we understand a critical component of the cosmos - a component that has been shunted out of the way because science doesn't know what to do with it.

"Consciousness" isn't a small item; it's an utter mystery, which we think has somehow arisen from molecules and goo.

In short, the attempt to explain the nature of the universe and what's really going on requires an understanding of how the observer - our presence - plays a role.

Our entire education and language revolves around a mindset that assumes a separate universe "out there.”
It's further assumed we accurately perceive this external reality and play little or no role in its appearance.

However, starting in the '20s, experiments have shown the opposite: The observer critically influences the outcome.

The experiments have been performed so many times, with so many variations, it's conclusively proven that a particle's behavior depends upon the very act of observation.

The results of these experiments have befuddled scientists for decades.
Some of the greatest physicists have described them as impossible to intuit.

Amazingly, if we accept a life-created reality, it all becomes simple to understand, and you can explain some of the biggest puzzles of science.
For instance, it becomes clear why space and time - and even the properties of matter itself - depend on the observer.

Remember: You can't see through the bone surrounding your brain.
Space and time are simply the mind's tools for putting everything together.

According to current scientific myth, all your struggles and tears are ultimately in vain.
After you die and the human race is long gone, it'll be as if nothing in your life ever existed.

Not so, says biocentrism: Reality isn't a thing, it's a process that involves our consciousness.
Life is a melody so vast and eternal that human ears can't appreciate the tonal range of the symphony.

Time is the mind's tool that animates the notes, the individual frames of the spatial world.

"There's no way to remove the observer - us - from our perceptions of the world," said Stephen Hawking. "The past, like the future, is indefinite and exists only as a spectrum of possibilities."

You, the observer, collapse these possibilities, the cascade of events we call the universe.

Our consciousness animates the universe like an old phonograph.
Listening to it doesn't alter the record, and depending on where the needle is placed, you hear a certain piece of music. This is what we call "now."

The songs before and after are the past and future.
In like manner, you, your loved ones and friends (and sadly, the villains too) endure always.

The record doesn't go away.

All nows exist simultaneously, although we can only listen to the songs one by one.

Time is 'On Demand.'

"The most important thing I learned," said Billy Pilgrim in Kurt Vonnegut's novel 'Slaughterhouse Five,' "was that when a person dies, he only appears to die. He is still very much alive in the past, so it is very silly for people to cry at his funeral. All moments, past, present and future, always have existed, always will exist."
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