Be good to yourself—even when others aren't good to you.

Be good to yourself—even when the voice in your head tells you otherwise.

Be good to yourself—even when it feels unnatural.

Consciously be good to yourself.

It actually makes it easier, more habitual (and more likely) that you'll do it again next time.

What you do everyday adds up.

Get that momentum going.

Rewire your new normal.

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Telekinesis – A theory that makes it possible


We made rapid progress after realizing that the Earth was not flat, but no matter what evolutionary stage we are at in terms of understanding existence, we could always still be wrong in our interpretations.

I wrote my telekinesis article based on my vision of elementary existence with one purpose only – to help set your mind to enable telekinetic abilities – and not as an attempt to teach science.

To master an ability to influence the kinetic properties of an object, it is imperative to change your perception and understanding of what that object is – what exactly it is you are trying to move!

Lets say I have a pair of plastic sun glasses in front of me – I am planning an attempt to move them across the table.
If I think of it as a solid object, it wont matter what kind of visualization techniques or energy manipulation I try, there will be no result whatsoever.

Now, let’s look at that same pair of glasses on an elementary level.
Molecules with distances between their protons and electrons are proportional to distances of a planetary system – and subatomic particles themselves are also made of energy and information.

If we look at these glasses on an elementary level, they not really existing as a material object, they are simply made up of energy and information – fluctuations of a Zero Point Field.

According to Quantum Theory, particles like electron only forms as one, ones observed, wave changed its properties and receive somewhat fixed position in space, materialized as a particle.

Another way to look at it, as if ones processed with mind their is a record in your mind that control properties of that particle.
My personal understanding is – particle has two components fluctuation of Zero Point Field and a node in your mind that control your personal perception of that particle, its position and other properties in your virtual space and time.

Node and a wave are interconnected, so same node are also contained within a Zero Point Field.

So, there is a glasses in front of me, that is really just series of nodes in my mind that control fluctuations of a Zero point Field, that I perceive as a glasses.

These fluctuations are waves, they have properties such frequency, phase, amplitude, those waves interact with each other forming stream of energy and information that our mind process as reality.

To enable telekinesis, we have to also change perception of what we are.
We are made of the same stuff like the glasses and everything else in the reality we experience are the same kind of fluctuation of Zero point field, on the elementary level we are also just an energy and information.

We are neither as solid or as dense as we like to perceive ourselves.
In comparison to glasses every particle of our body constantly controlled with our consciousness, So on quantum level of reality any body movements, or moving objects conventionally using body parts, are not so different from telekinesis,

Think of it as If I take glasses with my hand and move them forward, On the Quantum level pocket oquantum that controlled with my consciousness that formed my Body are in immediate proximity to packet of energy and Information that formed glasses, ones I touch glasses energy of a glasses and my become coherent, on the level of Information – Transform Nodes that are in control of a particles location of a glasses get parented to transform nodes of my hand.

So I have moved the glasses, my reality changed, to be more exact information of the transform node of a glasses has changed.

I think the most important aspect for us in understanding Telekinesis is to allow an assumption that your consciousness is not limited within your body’s nervous system, it is connected to everything that you are aware of.

Everything you can sense, you should be able focus on and control with your mind.
When I look at the glasses, my consciousness instantly connects to them.

Information exchange gets established.
The more I focus my attention on the glasses, the more I sense them.

The vibration of the glasses becomes coherent with my own, and that object then becomes part of me and no longer feels like a separate object.
Even if I am not touching those glasses, I can sense them like an energy field – the vibration, dynamics and I can also see an aura around them.

If you have that kind of experience, you can influence that object without touching it.
Understanding how to focus on an object is the key factor.

If we just stare at the glasses with our eyes, we will not move them.
Instead, we have to focus on the node inside our minds that forms those glasses.

Everything that is happening in reality is actually happening in our minds.
If we move the glasses in our mind, by changing the values of the transform node, reality will adjust accordingly and the glasses will move.

I am not talking about just visualizing how the glasses move but In order to move them, the entire experience of the glasses should change.
Think of that experience as a set of brainwaves.

By adjusting the frequency, phase and amplitude of those waves, you can change the values of a transformation node and move that object.

Trying for the first time

Everybody fails the first time!
This does not mean anything except it defines you as having an open mind.

Most importantly, the quality of the human mind is being opened to different possibilities.
Only truly openminded people can achieve telekinesis.

So, adjust your mind and start believing that you can do it.
Take a pair of glasses and put them on the table in front of you.

The surface of the table should offer little or no resistance and the glasses must be able to glide easily across the table surface.
Move the glasses with your hand, let’s say 500 to 10000 times.

Do not count and repeat this same move in time and space using exactly the same trajectory, temp and amplitude.
Personally I like to move them outward.

When you do it, only concentrate your attention on how you perceive the glasses inside your mind.
Try not to think of the object moving, just try and experience the object moving.

Remember that it is not a material object!
Focus on your experience, sensing what changes in your mind.

At some point try to anticipate the moving experience with your mind just before you actually move that object with your hand.
If you are in the right state of mind, you will start to feel that the glasses are responding to your thoughts.

As long as you touch the glasses with your hand, it is alot easier to make them responsive.

I recommend that at first you practise getting the right feelings actually touching the objects physically.
The hand has a more active nervous system and is the most receptive to energy and vibrations.

It is a good idea to start by influencing an object while you’re touching it with your finger or hand.
Try telekinetically to move an object while you have one finger on top of it.

Also rolling a pen on top of your hand.
As you advance you can place a pair of glasses on a piece of glossy cardboard, and in this way you can sense the glasses through the cardboard.

When they start vibrating under the influence of your mind, increase the thickness of the cardboard.

Certain Binaural Beats and Stereoscopic Visual Stimulators help to trigger particular Theta brainwave activity that correspond to specific states of consciousness in which telekinetic and other paranormal abilities occur.

(Skarekrow - For binaural beats, 4.5Hz - 6.3Hz is probably your best bet to reach such a trance state imho)

I recommend using this technology as it will dramatically increase your chances of mastering telekinesis by helping you set the right brainwaves.
Once you get a sense of it, you will be able to get there without the help of external stimulators.

Building telekinetic power is very similar to building the muscles!
Exercise daily and remember the results actually come when you rest.

Be creative – try everything!
Whatever exercise ideas come to mind!

Do not think words, think actions!
Believe that you are dreaming, even if you are awake.

In a dream, you can do anything you want, if you know that it is a dream.
Well – thinking quantum physics in the reality you are in is not that different from a dreamstate, and actually allows the same freedom for your powerful mind.

Free your mind and explore the endless possibilities of being human!
Words From The Dalai Lama About The
Mass Brainwashing Of Society


The 14th Dalai Lama of Tibet is constantly receiving a lot of attention, and for a very good reason.
Not long ago, he announced that the prayer is not the answer to the attacks that keep happening worldwide.

According to him, there is no sense in asking God to solve something that we as humans have created.
If we created this problem, we should be the ones to solve it.

These words virtually went viral and people started thinking about the changes that need to be made in order to go back on the right track.

In regard to the Paris attacks and the realities of war, there is an extraordinary piece on Dalai Lama`s website associated with the mass brainwashing on humans.

This is something that people often discuss, particularly when it comes to incidents on terrorism.

“Of course, war and the large military establishments are the greatest sources of violence in the world. Whether their purpose is defensive or offensive, these vast powerful organizations exist solely to kill human beings. We should think carefully about the reality of war. Most of us have been conditioned to regard military combat as exciting and glamorous – an opportunity for men to prove their competence and courage. Since armies are legal, we feel that war is acceptable; in general, nobody feels that war is criminal or that accepting it is criminal attitude. In fact, we have been brainwashed. War is neither glamorous nor attractive. It is monstrous. Its very nature is one of tragedy and suffering,” he writes.

If you stop for a second and think about it, it does make sense.
The powerful organizations and the military, “exist solely to kill human beings.”

As Dalai Lama notes, we are thought that the military is something we should be proud of.
While people do enroll in this service with good intentions and in order to serve their country, they lack the knowledge that this war is nothing but a fabrication.

According to Dr. Michel Chossudovsky, the University of Ottawa’s Emeritus Professor of Economics, the war on terrorism relies on fake premises.

Soldiers have been brainwashed and led to believe that they are defending their country when the enemy itself is financed and supported by the Western military alliance.

As Dalai Lama notes, this is why “we feel that war is acceptable,” as we are led to believe it is a required course of action.

“Modern warfare waged primarily with different forms of fire, but we are so conditioned to see it as thrilling that we talk about this or that marvelous weapon as a remarkable piece of technology without remembering that, if it is actually used, it will burn living people. War also strongly resembles a fire in the way it spreads. If one area gets weak, the commanding officer sends in reinforcements. This is throwing live people onto a fire. But because we have been brainwashed to think this way, we do not consider the suffering of individual soldiers. No soldiers want to be wounded or die. None of his loved ones wants any harm to come to him. If one soldier is killed, or maimed for life, at least another five or ten people – his relatives and friends – suffer as well. We should all be horrified by the extent of this tragedy, but we are too confuse,” he adds.

The extent of this brainwashing is indeed immense, and if we are going to stop the act of terrorism and war in general, it is the brainwashed soldier who needs to be woken up.

It is a human soldier pulling the trigger, it is the human giving the orders to do this, and it is a human being thinking that this is the right thing to do.

Humans are the reason why war exists; we created it, we engage in it, and we prolong it.
If every human refused to participate in military service and war, everything would dramatically change!

“We should feel fed up with the violence and killing going on around us.
If a human being is killed by an animal, it’s sad, but if a human being is killed by another human being it’s unthinkable.
We have to make a special effort to think of each other as fellow human beings,
as our brothers and sisters.”

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Curious...makes sense.
Another reason to keep your perspectives wide.

Psychological Study Reveals:
Open Minded People Live In A Completely Different Reality


Open minded people are very gregarious.
The study, called ‘Seeing it both ways’, was conducted in the Melbourne University.

A hundred and twenty three participants of various backgrounds were examined.
Their character and views were measured.

The test for open mindedness focused on five categories of personality – conscientiousness, neuroticism, extroversion, agreeableness, and the ability to keep an open mind to new experiences.

They then tested who experienced a visual perception phenomenon called “binocular rivalry.”
This phenomenon occurs when each eye is shown a different image, in this case a red patch in one eye and a green patch to another.

Most people switch back and forwards between the two incompatible images, as the brain can only perceive one at a time.
But some people merge the two images into a unified red-green patch.

Most participants who looked at both patches together were the ones who scored higher on openness!

Researchers theorize that open minded people tend to be more creative.
Because these people are fine with keeping their mind open to experiences, learning and perception, they easily create new mental routes inside their head.

Therefore, they develop new ideas by connecting things a normal person would not.
This finding had been mentioned in an old study from 2015 as well.

Open mindedness, therefore, helps individuals attain higher planes of thought and a calmer resting state.
It literally creates a different structure of reality by introducing new elements inside the picture normal people would not perceive.

It broadens the world an individual lives in.
Well...I’ll make this quick since I have to run shortly.
The conference the other night that I was lucky enough to take a part in was a HUGE success.
The topic was using Psychedelics to treat depression/anxiety/PTSD/Chronic Pain/Etc.
There was a group of 4...myself and another chronic pain patient, a therapist who incorporates LSD and Mushrooms in her sessions as well as energy healing.
And the presenter was a native american named Hawkeye Clark (seriously), anyhow he is a Lakota, and a Shaman as well as a Heyoka ( @Wyote ).
We had standing room only....two floors...the floor below us had screens set up broadcasting from the theater upstairs where we were.
They eventually had to turn people away at the door and the line was still around the block.
The fucking ‘New York Times’ was there doing a story on it.
When I was asked to do this I thought - Oh sure, what...40 people max....try 500+.
I RSVP’d to try and find some connections...well I found as many as I could ever probably need now.
I didn’t have any nervous problems or problems speaking in front of everyone thank goodness.
I would have never thought I would end up on a panel on such things, and so completely out of the blue like this was...but I feel wonderful that I was able to possibly help those who are suffering, and that has always been my core mission throughout my life...I feel really blessed. sets us on interesting (and fucking crazy) paths sometimes...I feel like I was able to help people who feel trapped in mental illness when there are things out there that work so so much better than any psyche meds a Dr. can prescribe for certain conditions.
Anyhow...there is a video out there...I dare you to find it.
( @Kgal you can’t play since you already have it hahaha)

Here’s are some semi-blurry photos...I’m the second from the right if you are facing the stage...the guy not sitting on an end.

Panel.webp Panel1.webp Panel3.webp Panel4.webp Panel5.webp
Well...I’ll make this quick since I have to run shortly.
The conference the other night that I was lucky enough to take a part in was a HUGE success.
The topic was using Psychedelics to treat depression/anxiety/PTSD/Chronic Pain/Etc.
There was a group of 4...myself and another chronic pain patient, a therapist who incorporates LSD and Mushrooms in her sessions as well as energy healing.
And the presenter was a native american named Hawkeye Clark (seriously), anyhow he is a Lakota, and a Shaman as well as a Heyoka ( @Wyote ).
We had standing room only....two floors...the floor below us had screens set up broadcasting from the theater upstairs where we were.
They eventually had to turn people away at the door and the line was still around the block.
The fucking ‘New York Times’ was there doing a story on it.
When I was asked to do this I thought - Oh sure, what...40 people max....try 500+.
I RSVP’d to try and find some connections...well I found as many as I could ever probably need now.
I didn’t have any nervous problems or problems speaking in front of everyone thank goodness.
I would have never thought I would end up on a panel on such things, and so completely out of the blue like this was...but I feel wonderful that I was able to possibly help those who are suffering, and that has always been my core mission throughout my life...I feel really blessed. sets us on interesting (and fucking crazy) paths sometimes...I feel like I was able to help people who feel trapped in mental illness when there are things out there that work so so much better than any psyche meds a Dr. can prescribe for certain conditions.
Anyhow...there is a video out there...I dare you to find it.
( @Kgal you can’t play since you already have it hahaha)

Here’s are some semi-blurry photos...I’m the second from the right if you are facing the stage...the guy not sitting on an end.

View attachment 38913 View attachment 38914 View attachment 38915 View attachment 38916 View attachment 38917

Shit man, that's crazy. Congrats on the roaring success.

Wish I could have been there. Sounds like it would have been an interesting night.


This week’s reading list :


Explore The Secrets of the Universe in 100 Symbols with this beautifully illustrated compendium of
100 diverse arcane tools and writings said to hold the key to the mysteries of the universe.

From the Aztec Calendar Stone and the Spear of Destiny to magic circles and Navaho sand paintings, each relic, symbol,
and depiction is presented and analysed in detail to reveal the beliefs and practices of past civilizations from all around the globe.

Philosophers, astrologers, prophets, poets, and artists from every age and culture have whispered
secrets to pharaohs, statesmen, kings, and queens.
In Renaissance Europe, two powerful women -
Catherine of Medici and, later, Elizabeth I of England -
patronized the most important magi of the time.

John Dee's obsidian mirror revealed the future of the nation to Elizabeth,
while Nostradamus divulged spiritually inspired prophecies to Catherine at the Musée du Louvre in Paris.

Organized into three chapters - The Art of Divination; Enchantments, Symbols, and Talismans; and In Search of Secret Knowledge - the book's engaging and informative text brings to light the secrets and intrigues that surround each mysterious object and the obscure arts of the people who used them, and highlights how to decode their signs and symbols.


Over a storied career, Daniel C. Dennett has engaged questions about science and the workings of the mind.
His answers have combined rigorous argument with strong empirical grounding.
And a lot of fun.

Intuition Pumps and Other Tools for Thinking offers seventy-seven of Dennett’s most successful "imagination-extenders and focus-holders" meant to guide you through some of life’s most treacherous subject matter: evolution, meaning, mind, and free will.
With patience and wit, Dennett deftly deploys his thinking tools to gain traction on these thorny issues while
offering readers insight into how and why each tool was built.

Alongside well-known favorites like Occam’s Razor and reductio ad absurdum lie thrilling descriptions of Dennett’s own creations: Trapped in the Robot Control Room, Beware of the Prime Mammal, and The Wandering Two-Bitser.

Ranging across disciplines as diverse as psychology, biology, computer science, and physics, Dennett’s tools embrace in equal measure light-heartedness and accessibility as they welcome uninitiated and seasoned readers alike.
As always, his goal remains to teach you how to "think reliably and even gracefully about really hard questions."

A sweeping work of intellectual seriousness that’s also studded with impish delights, Intuition Pumps offers intrepid thinkers―in all walks of life―delicious opportunities to explore their pet ideas with new powers.


How holographic patterns of information underlie our physical reality

• Includes myriad evidence from a wide range of cutting-edge scientific discoveries showing our Universe is an interconnected hologram of information

• Explains how consciousness is a major component of the cosmic hologram of information, making us both manifestations and co-creators of our reality

• Reconciles Quantum Mechanics and Einstein’s Theory of Relativity by showing that energy-matter and space-time are complementary expressions of information

Our understanding of the Universe is about to transform at all levels, from the tiniest Planck scale to the vast reaches of space.
Recent scientific discoveries show that the information that upholds all of our modern technologies is exactly the same as
the universal in-formation that underpins, pervades, and is all we call physical reality.

Exploring how information is more fundamental than energy, matter, space, or time, Jude Currivan, Ph.D., examines the latest research across many fields of study and many scales of existence to show how our Universe is in-formed and holographically manifested.

She explains how the fractal in-formational patterns that guide behavior at the atomic level also guide the structure of galactic clusters in space.
She demonstrates how the in-formational relationships that underlie earthquakes are the same as those that play out during human conflicts.

She shows how cities grow in the same in-formational ways that galaxies evolve and how the dynamic in-formational forms that pervade ecosystems are identical to the informational structures of the Internet and our social behaviors.

Demonstrating how information is physically real, the author explores how consciousness connects us to the many interconnected layers of universal in-formation, making us both manifestations and co-creators of the cosmic hologram of reality.

She explains how Quantum Mechanics and Einstein’s Theory of Relativity can at last be reconciled if we consider energy-matter and space-time as complementary expressions of information, and she explores how the cosmic hologram underlies the true origin of species and our own evolution.

Concurring too with ancient spiritual wisdom, the author offers solid evidence that consciousness is not something we “have” but the fundamental nature of what we and the entire Universe are.
With this understanding, we can each transform our own lives and help co-create and in-form the world around us.


For debtors everywhere who want to understand how the system really works,
this handbook provides practical tools for fighting debt in its most exploitative forms.
Over the last 30 years as wages have stagnated across the country, average household debt has more than doubled.

Increasingly, people are forced to take on debt to meet their needs; from housing to education and medical care.
The results—wrecked lives, devastated communities, and an increasing reliance on credit to maintain basic living standards—reveal an economic system that enriches the few at the expense of the many.

Detailed strategies, resources, and insider tips for dealing with some of the most common kinds of debt are covered in this manual, including credit card debt, medical debt, student debt, and housing debt.

It also contains tactics for navigating the pitfalls of personal bankruptcy, as well as information on how to be protected from credit reporting agencies, debt collectors, payday lenders, check-cashing outlets, rent-to-own stores, and more.

Additional chapters cover tax debt, sovereign debt, the relationship between debt and climate,
and an expanded vision for a movement of mass debt resistance.

I didn't find any video :(

But I found this....:D’s out there...the video has really bad sound and they edited some parts out so it seems jumpy here and there...
I will post it...perhaps.

Great video - thanks!
I have to say that Set and Setting are a huge part of having a successful time.
For me, 24 hours ahead of time I ditch social media of all kinds....internet, news, etc.
I will go online to listen to lectures that stimulate my mind, or read things that interest me and get me thinking.
I listen to music that I love...I set the intention of what kind of time I will have and what I wish to learn/gain from the experience.
That isn’t to say that there wasn’t times that I was purging and crying...but it was healthy, it was stuff that needed a vent.
I make a playlist of chants, music, binaural beats, guided meditations, etc. to put on at the beginning.
If you are taking it purely to party - I find that to be abusive of the substance that has the ability to help so many people, in such a deep and profound way - with minimal investment of time and no negative side effects (for me anyhow).
It’s kind of like - why if the fuck would I go back on Paxil, or Prozac, or Remeron, or Lithium, etc. etc.
All those ever gave me were terrible negative side-effects.
I credit Paxil with being a huge contributor to my suicide attempt at age 19 when I was put on it.
I hope the stigmas and taboos surrounding mushies will subside significantly and more people can be helped besides myself.
Lots of great symbolism here!

A Modern Odyssey

Animated Short Film

Embark on a visionary journey through the fragmented unconscious of the West, and with courage face the Shadow.
From Shadow into Light.

“No tree, it is said, can grow to heaven unless its roots reach down to hell.”
-C.G. Jung

This film was created with earnest effort, diligence, and sacrifice.
It is an urgent call to growth.

If you are moved by the content, please SHARE.

Written, Directed & Produced by Lubomir Arsov
Original Soundtrack “Age of Wake” by Starward Projections
Composited by Sheldon Lisoy
Additional Compositing by Hiram Gifford
Art Directed & Edited by Lubomir Arsov

Holy hell that was good!
I wish it was a music video or something for some hugely popular song so it would reach people. Might just post this on facebook soon!

Feel free to take anything from this thread you wish.
Or add to it. ;)

It’s interesting because this « appel du vide » reminds me of Sartre when he says that existential freedom is radical and absolute. At any moment t, there is an infinite possibility of choices available to a person that may not accord with what ‘the others’ or ‘society’ may think is best for them. Jumping off a cliff represents such a possibility very vividly. Sartre, I think, would say that the idea of jumping off the cliff is attractive because it gives us an unconscious reminder of how free we really are. And because that freedom so radical, so absolute – it’s almost dizzying to feel it, it induces vertigo.