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Anyone who mentions Ken Wilber, integral theory, and the idea of transcend-and-incorporate has my attention.

For me, this has been a guiding idea since the early ’90s, (from reading Wilber and) because I hated the modernity-lampooning cynical irony of the mid 1990s, which became the doomer ideology seed after 9/11, and the vine that bore fruit after the 2008 “downturn.”

Don’t throw out the baby with the bathwater—pare down, distill, recognize, value, integrate...all quadrants, all levels.

The wild oscillations are swings between points of truth, none more right or wrong—but there is a middle way.

And yes, this playfulness...the wink and smile...let me tell you my story, a story of a fool. Because I know everything, so let me prove it to you by showing you how tiny and nothing I am.

From a personal perspective, we’re all doomed—but I’m not my ego. I am the imp, the sprite, the jester. Let’s play...for a while...because everything seems frightening and overwhelming if you don’t get easy breezy.

Dangerous business, recognize and honor this and that without picking a side (because they’ll pick a side for you if you let them!).

Care enough to let things go. What do you really need? What’s important when you’ve lost everything else? It has to be less than $10.

I’m glad the graphic mentioned the term post-postmodern. That’s what it was called in the early ’90s.

This is the uni-versal hierarchical web of halons ad infinitum. This is the time of the Intuitives. Our time. Won’t you please enjoy the show? :)

This is consciousness waking up, and recognizing itself.


These predominant philosophies seem like rationalisations of predominant psychological angsts.

In the era when people were less constrained by mere survival in rural areas, reliant on authority for guidance, modernism attempted to address angst about personal responsibility, perception, and acquisition of knowledge.

In a time when personal accountability, knowledge verification, and the exploding access to information made people once again subject to authority (the authority of scientific consensus, censorship, law enforcement, etc), postmodernism emerged. When the age of tinkering to figure things out for oneself came to an end, and modernist inventors gave way to researchers, no one could master everything for themselves, opening the angst which arises from being constantly subject to authoritative education: intellectual, and moral: the question of what makes one a distinct individual, among similar individuals came to the fore.

Finally, now that individual subjectivity, relativism, complete independence, and ultimately anonymity has been realised through cynicism about fashion (the hipster effect), and the internet (which reduces one's social value to something akin to clickbait), and there is no measurable threshold to what is considered "having made it", post postmodernism seems to be detaching from reality into the imaginary: the person is whatever he imagines himself to be.
These predominant philosophies seem like rationalisations of predominant psychological angsts.

I think on some level this is pretty accurate, yeah
My first, and totally inadequate reaction is that it sounds like what happens when a necessary yet impossible attempt is made to express and explore explicitly the response to a koan. But that’s probably true of all these sorts of dialectic tensions.

I wonder if it will do any better than it’s immediate precursors at dealing with the problem of Morgoth’s Ring - to use a metaphor that I think expresses the concept powerfully.
I’m glad the graphic mentioned the term post-postmodern. That’s what it was called in the early ’90s.

This is the uni-versal hierarchical web of halons ad infinitum. This is the time of the Intuitives. Our time. Won’t you please enjoy the show? :)

This is consciousness waking up, and recognizing itself.



Great chart, lots of compelling ideas here. I particularly like the leftmost part, which describes how the maturation of a person is a microcosm of the whole of humanity. That's an idea i've been chewing on for a long time, and this is a more detailed version of my own thoughts. I think so much about microcosms, probably too much, but they are truly everywhere, on every level. It is like layers of infinities, fractals. It's extremely obvious to me that we are currently in the era that Nietzsche predicted, as the 'death of god.' It is the era of meaninglessness and nihilism, without guidance. I don't say this lightly, that it is the most unique time in all of human history. For the first time ever, the entire world is collectively lost. A niche is open, but right now we only see it as void. It is the unknown, and humans naturally fill the unknown with terror, in an effort to make it known. But the unknown is also infinite possibility.

The lack of significance in general society today is soul crushing, and most people do not understand-- but they can feel it. symptoms are everywhere, even in the smallest of places. Modern art and postmodern philosophy is worthless in itself, but essential as a part of the pendulum that humanity must always, frustratingly, follow. I think of it as a tide, slowly rising throughout the day. Each wave overshoots, then falls behind, but the water continues to rise. We are still rebelling unconsciously against the old dogmatic ways, and adopting relativism, but we are in an overshoot right now. It won't last forever though, and already I can see little signs of change, as people return to what was rejected in the rebellion, and this time take it voluntarily, adding it to the new, and moving another step towards balance.
For the first time ever, the entire world is collectively lost. A niche is open, but right now we only see it as void. It is the unknown, and humans naturally fill the unknown with terror, in an effort to make it known. But the unknown is also infinite possibility.
