Lol. Epic movie, epic scene, epic Denzel.
I'd totally be a machiavellian cop and end up getting killed by all the thugs I pissed off.
Denzel IS epic!
**makes mental note that digitalbum is potentially corruptable**
Lol. Epic movie, epic scene, epic Denzel.
I'd totally be a machiavellian cop and end up getting killed by all the thugs I pissed off.
This is where I have such a internal pull- I feel bad questioning the evidence because it brings more unrest for the family...but at the same time, it's so important to know what really happened and question the authorities and what they're saying.
wow, i have keyboard marks on my face from where I fell asleep reading that stuff, must be something in the air from the chemtrails that triggers it.
How is you questioning the evidence affecting the families? Or are you talking about the people actually doing it?
We are emotionally insulated from this tragedy, or at least I am. After hearing about Sandy Hook, I could literally feel this anger/sadness begin to swell up in me, but not because I knew anyone, just the sheer, unimaginable ugliness of people that are the same species as me.
I mean, my whole take on this incident is that because of the enormous pressure from China, people scrambled to come up with answers, anything to throw at the media and the victims, but haste makes waste (ok that was corny).
It took TWO YEARS before they finally dragged up France Flight 447 from the belly of the ocean and were able to piece together what happened, and give concrete evidence to the grieving families.
I do think answers will come to light about this incident, but it could well be years. In the meantime, all we can do is look at what is known and speculate.
can you source real tinfoil for me?
The most facinating aspect of this mystery for me is the rapid decent followed by a long flight that went over Malaysia without anyone making a phone call from the plane.
I think the hijackers knew all the loopholes and covered all the bases
About 77 steps past potential.**makes mental note that digitalbum is potentially corruptable**
Can't tell if sarcasm or not.How is that so hard to believe?
Let me ask this question. 240 people or so out of a world of 6 Billion people. Really 240 people is nothing. Im not saying that because I am heartless. Just 6 Billion people is too many to imagine. Without the news in our face every day telling us about these things, we would never even know about it. The reason I have maintained any interest in this story is because no one can find the plane. In this day and age, it is THAT which is the story here in my mind. No one on this forum will ever know or meet anyone having anything to do with this story.
I know heartless. I realized long ago that caring about ones family and friends is hard enough. No reason to bring the rest of the world into it.
Some people swear by those ionizers as a way to cleanse the air of the crap they're putting in the chemtrails
I would like to rule out a non nefarious series of catastrophes before entertaining the notion that it was a deliberate act.
My naivete has always been my most charming characteristic
I know heartless. I realized long ago that caring about ones family and friends is hard enough. No reason to bring the rest of the world into it.
this is my point exactly, without any wreckage or the black box, which can and probably will be found in time, non nefarious catastrophes can't be ruled out.I thought we had ruled them out?
What non nefarious catastrophes could produce all the required results?
You know...if it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck...
About 77 steps past potential.
Can't tell if sarcasm or not.
Lord knows that black ops exist, and it's almost a fact that truth is stranger than fiction, and who the FUCK really knows what goes on in a black op. Those special forces dudes are each literally million dollar investments for the tactical skills and knowledge they possess. Put 'em in a team and support them with intel and live satellite uplink communications, and they really are ghosts. And I'm not saying any of this is involved in this Malaysian Flight, just sayin that in reference to your larger theory, I mean no, it's not hard to believe that some ill wicked shit goes down behind the curtain. I mean Noriega working with the CIA, Enrique Prado, miami mafia hitman turned CIA black ops hitman. All kinds of documented shit. Just leaves you wondering, what shit's going down that we DON'T know about.
this is my point exactly, without any wreckage or the black box, which can and probably will be found in time, non nefarious catastrophes can't be ruled out.
no matter what the voices in your head, i mean on your websites, are saying.
so you will pardon me if i dismiss your attitude as zealous.
To the psychopaths special ops soldiers are just expendable pawns
This is like arguing about horses with mormons
How is you questioning the evidence affecting the families? Or are you talking about the people actually doing it?
We are emotionally insulated from this tragedy, or at least I am. After hearing about Sandy Hook, I could literally feel this anger/sadness begin to swell up in me, but not because I knew anyone, just the sheer, unimaginable ugliness of people that are the same species as me.
I mean, my whole take on this incident is that because of the enormous pressure from China, people scrambled to come up with answers, anything to throw at the media and the victims, but haste makes waste (ok that was corny).
It took TWO YEARS before they finally dragged up France Flight 447 from the belly of the ocean and were able to piece together what happened, and give concrete evidence to the grieving families.
I do think answers will come to light about this incident, but it could well be years. In the meantime, all we can do is look at what is known and speculate.