Whew, I can imagine that the mosh pit experience is a lot trickier for females... I sometimes feel a little worried when I see small females in the mosh pit, but then it's also just slightly more interesting because of it anyway. Of course I think many people are also automatically on defense for them, which really doesn't detract at all and maybe makes the whole experience more rewarding.
If I had to give a minor gripe it would be crowd surfers... While I always will be slightly sore from nights where the moshing is more frequent and intense, in my experience crowd surfers are harder to be aware of and defend against, especially if they barrel in from behind you. I have taken feet in the face on multiple occasions and had someone's entire weight land right on my back which I was not prepared for at that particular moment. But, I suppose it's all a price I'm all too ready to pay for mosh pits...