Mosh pits! Your reaction/the psychology of it!

A bunch of pre-pubertal retards jumping and screaming over trash music?

No thanks.
I'll do my best to start a mosh pit if I see someone hardcore "dancing." There's just something about a random dude who's taking up space by flailing his limbs about that pisses me off. If I get punched or sidekicked by some moron I'll hardcore-kick them in the knee.

To answer the question, though, I don't mind them but I never get in them. It only starts to bother me when people get shoved into me while I'm watching the band play.
A bunch of pre-pubertal retards jumping and screaming over trash music?

No thanks.
This is actually the attitude that I feel like I'm disposed to really. I mean, in so many areas, people just look like animals. Thoughtless, stupid, careless, and wild animals. I really relate to that, and yet, to let my enthusiasm become unhinged like it can in a mosh pit, and then to feel the good vibes from some of the better-willed moshers, is just a terribly rich experience really unlike what I would expect.
I related to quite a bit, if not all, of your post when I was at my peak of concert experiences. There is likely a correlation between my age, the genre, and frequency of attending the shows, haha. I especially relate to the bit about helping the fallen comrade up -- you nailed it.

These days if I end up at a venue without seats then I'll remain on the fringe and simply dance. I create my own space and if that inspires those around me to groove, I experience a similar feeling to the one mentioned above.
Yeah, starting them is great. One time, I looked right, he nodded to me, I nodded to him, and then our shoulders smashed and we had just started a mosh pit. That was a God Forbid concert.

I like the sense of community I get from mosh pits the most. If someone falls, that person will be picked up in less than one second. I feel like we're all helping each other have a good time.

However, at one of the Hatebreed concerts, I felt like I was going to die. I felt like I was in an ocean of people during a huge storm. good thing I made it to the wall...
During the breaks between classes, which was five minutes, the school halls got so crowded that other people rubbed up against me. I usually smacked them.

I do not like to be touched.
hahaha, I can just imagine that, i bet it was quite fun.

As for mosh pits, never been to one but I think I can safely say I do not regret that reality!

Edit: The only time I like a large gathering of people and wouldn't mind being in close proximity with them is if it is military orientated. I'd know that the guy 3 inches to my right isn't gonna flail out or spend the next ten minutes caressing my bicep with his thigh or something. It has no bearing of my political standing, but again I gotta go back to the wehrmacht and their shimmering ranks of silently proud troopers marching in unison! I think it's the fervant lawlessness of mosh pits accompanied with music that isn't totally to my taste that puts me off.
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