Most Powerful/Painful Human Emotion?

I've been reading a little bit about it, Kierkegaard has some interesting thoughts about that.
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Dissatisfaction. It keeps us rolling along.
Hmm...this is hard. I was going to say shame and loss...but I think those mostly stem from knowing love. The most painful emotion I have experienced is a sense of loss associated with a death..but that loss wouldn't be there if I hadn't had the love for that person. Likewise, I hate feeling shame, but I feel shame because I have experienced someone loving me, and me not living up to that love.

....hmmm.....right now confusion and uncertainly are the emotions I hate!!! Curse you indecision.
By far the most enduring emotion I've ever felt is the vague, unbroken discontent and disinterest that accompanies depression. It's not intense or forceful, but I consider feeling that way for weeks on end my worst and most powerful emotional experience to date. All other emotions I can exert some degree of control over and can rest easy knowing that they'll pass, but this is like a 6-year-old's rock-paper-scissors cheat that nullifies all other options except it's a person.

Laughing = that feeling
Waiting in line = that feeling
Enjoying new music = that feeling
Opening birthday presents = that feeling
Playing with my nephew and niece = that feeling
Compliments from strangers = that feeling
Friend's dog died = that feeling
Electric blanket = that feeling
Disappoint my boss = that feeling
Avoid friends = that feeling
Barista noticed I was gone = that feeling
Listen to an album with my boyfriend as quality time = that feeling
absolutely the hardest one i have ever experienced
“Perfect LOVE casts out FEAR.”

I echo a lot of what everyone has said here. I haven’t thought any of this through…just typing out loud and being random.

Is anger/rage not something that just occurs instantaneously and then passes? Can anyone actually be angry ALL of the time?

What kind of emotions would a person experience from being physically tortured or someone recovering from post-traumatic stress disorder?

The fact that we feel these positive/negative emotions mean that we have the ability to do something about them? I live and breathe emotions and can’t imagine not being in the present and to not ever feel.

So, what about the absence of emotions ie psychological dissociation?
Grief stems from love, but there are different griefs. The rejection grief is greater than the death grief I think, you can love someone forever who had died, but if they have rejected you, you don't even know what you should feel.
Grief stems from love, but there are different griefs. The rejection grief is greater than the death grief I think, you can love someone forever who had died, but if they have rejected you, you don't even know what you should feel.

So you would rather lose love that you had, rather than lose love you never had?

I do agree that there are different kinds of griefs, but the reason why death grief is so monumental is that you have experienced the love and lost it. That love will always be there, but will never be the same.

Losing a love that you never had would seem like much less grief, as you never experienced it, and therefore would never know it's greatness (if there would even be love).
Feel free to get technical and accompany them with specific dynamics. Would you say longing, but longing for something you can never have? Would you say rage is the most powerful...or hate?

The most powerful emotions are love and fear. Love for it's capacity to heal, give, nurture and support. Fear for it's ability to open the doors to all other negative emotions that accompany fear and it's ability to destroy a person. I would say those two determine every other emotions that humans display. They are powerful because they are the root cause of all emotions. Other emotions like hate or anger, etc are just symptoms of fear and they do exhibit great intensity but they are not powerful if you learn to control them.

The battle towards gaining more love and battle to overcome fear are the most difficult things a human will experience.
It is totally subjective.
Where I may choose one thing because of my experiences in life, another may scoff at that because they have no frame of personal reference.
I believe that all emotions stem from Love. Love is the most powerful emotion, and Love is much much much more than an emotion- it is a state, a mindset, an attitude, a way of being, our nature, our True Self. Love is the core of our being, it is the nature of creation. It is the highest state of consciousness, it is Oneness, God. Love is the reason why we exist and why we chose to come here.

The 2 core emotions are Love and Fear. Fear is the opposite of Love. Everything stems from these two states. But even fear is derived from Love, because essentially, all fear is a lack of love- a cry for love.

I wont crap on about this too much as i already have gone on about Love and fear in other threads.

Another thing that i found interesting-
In 'Conversations with God', it talks about the 5 basic natural emotions- Grief/sadness, Anger, Envy, Fear and Love
It says that when these 5 emotions are not allowed to be expressed freely in a healthy way, they become unatural emotions-
Grief becomes chronic depression
Anger becomes rage
Envy becomes jealousy
Fear becomes panic
Love becomes possesiveness

So you would rather lose love that you had, rather than lose love you never had?

I do agree that there are different kinds of griefs, but the reason why death grief is so monumental is that you have experienced the love and lost it. That love will always be there, but will never be the same.

Losing a love that you never had would seem like much less grief, as you never experienced it, and therefore would never know it's greatness (if there would even be love).

You can have love and then be rejected. Think about the agony of divorcing someone you loved who cheated. Even worst if you have kids.

lol yes, i love that scene and that movie