I believe that all emotions stem from Love. Love is the most powerful emotion, and Love is much much much more than an emotion- it is a state, a mindset, an attitude, a way of being, our nature, our True Self. Love is the core of our being, it is the nature of creation. It is the highest state of consciousness, it is Oneness, God. Love is the reason why we exist and why we chose to come here.
The 2 core emotions are Love and Fear. Fear is the opposite of Love. Everything stems from these two states. But even fear is derived from Love, because essentially, all fear is a lack of love- a cry for love.
I wont crap on about this too much as i already have gone on about Love and fear in other threads.
Another thing that i found interesting-
In 'Conversations with God', it talks about the 5 basic natural emotions- Grief/sadness, Anger, Envy, Fear and Love
It says that when these 5 emotions are not allowed to be expressed freely in a healthy way, they become unatural emotions-
Grief becomes chronic depression
Anger becomes rage
Envy becomes jealousy
Fear becomes panic
Love becomes possesiveness