Skin orgasms? What a over-sexualized society we have moved to.
Hmm, I think this society is actually quite under-sexualized. It's just that we exploit and prostitute certain aspects of sexuality leading to the grotesque manifestations we encounter daily.
That said, given that the same brain structures and neurochemistries are involved in both sexual reward and that of the witness of beauty, I don't think it any misuse of language to say "skin orgasm" as a colloquialism.
yes, I love the chills.
orchestral music, choral music,
usually containing more climactic moments...
tension and release
sometimes a very simple sound accompanied by the right visual in a film will do it for me
i suppose it's a process of feeling
it could even be a really well delivered speech,
something universal, communicated so clearly and beautifully
yeah, i think the chills can come when we are deeply moved
music is undoubtedly the most moving language
Why are you thinking the ADHD meds might interfere with the brains ability to make dopamine?