My case that America is not the greatest country on earth...

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C'est la vie
Retired Staff
America is definitely not the best place to live.

The "American Dream" is straight propaganda.

*Pushes Native American out of the way*

America is definitely not the best place to live.

The "American Dream" is straight propaganda.

*Pushes Native American out of the way*


*Smacks NAI* BAD American No cookie!

America is the land of broken dreams...this place suck the proverbial pooch...We have it so good here and we all take it for granted....blah blah blah...Entitlement generation, inflation, care reform...deficit...its such a magical place of wonder and enchantment...*catches the next train going anywhere but here*
To each his own I guess, but I'd agree that the American Dream isn't such. It's disillusionment.
For me, America is the land of opportunity and freedom compared to where I'm comming from. Whereas somebody in need of e.g. social welfare would probably think Sweden is that land.

Hence my favorite saying, "the grass is always greener on the other side."
Heh... ya know, Satya, that Brookings institute article makes a fair argument that the --- ahemmm --- Decline of The Traditional Family ---- is largely responsible for poor quality of life in the U.S. (read points 3 and 4)

... Almost 30 percent of children now live in single-parent families, up from 12 percent in 1968. Since poverty rates in single-parent households are roughly five times as high as in two-parent households, this shift has helped keep the poverty rate up; it climbed to 13.2 percent last year. If we had the same fraction of single-parent families today as we had in 1970, the child poverty rate would probably be about 30 percent lower than it is today.

Among women under age 30, more than half of all births now occur outside marriage, driving up poverty and leading to more intellectual, emotional and social problems among children.

And as for that second one, that just makes the point that we need to rescind voting rights for about half the country. (Now, which half? hmmmmmm.)


(Runs for cover.)

(I am only teasing you!)
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I guess it depends on the perspective (as someone said). In some ways, life is a little easier here, and more is available in terms of quality of life compared to other countries, but the overall social and political climate has changed quite a bit in the last 10-15 years, and many are concerned about the lack of civility and worried about American dream, concerned that it's not as potent as it once was.
Heh... ya know, Satya, that Brookings institute article makes a fair argument that the --- ahemmm --- Decline of The Traditional Family ---- is largely responsible for poor quality of life in the U.S. (read points 3 and 4)

And as for that second one, that just makes the point that we need to rescind voting rights for about half the country. (Now, which half? hmmmmmm.)


(Runs for cover.)

(I am only teasing you!)

Nobody's vote matters. Power needs to be brought back to the state and taken from the federal government. Then the people in a state would actually HAVE some influence...
LOL the American dream is what you make it, if you don't see one, maybe you have no vision and no ambition. I am thinking that's all the problem. But every general needs grunts, grunt away my little worker drones!
LOL the American dream is what you make it, if you don't see one, maybe you have no vision and no ambition. I am thinking that's all the problem. But every general needs grunts, grunt away my little worker drones!

The american dream is a collective idea, individual dreams are completely different.
There is no such thing, only someone blinded by patriotism would believe such a thing.
The american dream is a collective idea, individual dreams are completely different.

BS, the American dream has ALWAYS been an individual dream per person. Pretending it isn't is asinine.
There is no such thing, only someone blinded by patriotism would believe such a thing.

So what would we be blinded by if we hated the country then instead of loving it? Reality? lol
Heh... ya know, Satya, that Brookings institute article makes a fair argument that the --- ahemmm --- Decline of The Traditional Family ---- is largely responsible for poor quality of life in the U.S. (read points 3 and 4)

And as for that second one, that just makes the point that we need to rescind voting rights for about half the country. (Now, which half? hmmmmmm.)


(Runs for cover.)

(I am only teasing you!)

The decline of the traditional family was brought on by the institution of no fault divorce and women leaving home to work. Why would I be offended by that in any way? The proponents that argue that gay marriage somehow threatens the traditional family are actually the ones hurting the traditional family by doing so.
I guess I could go on and on about why I dislike America but I feel if I do I would be quite a hypocrite since I'm living in such place. This country has given me many things which I am grateful for: education, a home, interesting people and overall security. Does this mean that I like how this country is run? No, but at least I can take on someone else's perspective as to why they would consider the U.S a country of "freedoms" when in their respective country all they live for is to survive and not get shot by the mafia or to see violence and death everyday in places like where I was born(Juarez, Mexico). I guess it's ok for people to want to have a haven into where to live even though it might be inaccurate but that's their problem and it doesn't matter how many times we say that America is not what they think of it that's their business. All we can do is to hope the best for that individual and for that person to realize on its own what is a good or not so good environment in where to live in.
BS, the American dream has ALWAYS been an individual dream per person. Pretending it isn't is asinine.

Why wouldn't that be an individual dream without any sort of influence from the nation they are in???

To own slaves, to steal land, is this the American dream???

The idea that America is holy or anything other than another exploitation is complete BS.

I don't hate my country, I am VERY fortunate for where I live.

I would just like the propaganda based ideal of the American dream to actually be true.
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So what would we be blinded by if we hated the country then instead of loving it? Reality? lol

What? Love and hate are completely subjective, therefore "greatest country" is nonsense.

There is no objectively greatest country.
Why wouldn't that be an individual dream without any sort of influence from the nation they are in???

To own slaves, to steal land, is this the American dream???
For some it was. Can you handle that? Or are you just going to judge people from 100s of years in the past without having any real understanding of the era they lived in? Can you look at things logically and clearly without using your emotional anger to taint your argument? trying to pigeonhole a concept into some straw man argument then proclaim its dead is stupid. The American dream has always been about the right to fulfill your destiny, wether that meant being a billionaire or being a simple home owner. It was the right of the individual to make that choice for themselves. The only thing killing the American dream, are liberal socialists who want to make it so you cant fail OR succeed. I say screw that, let people walk on thier own two feet, people who are disabled and injured should be aided, but setting up a system where there is no success or no failure for anyone, just kills me. What a ridiculous system, whats the point to living if you cant drive the sleigh of your accomplishments into a frenzy and establish a new standard for yourself?
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