my existence is taken into question


Do you guys ever get into this strange mental complex where you are unsure of who your are? The internal dialogue goes like this:

Why am I in here, seeing through my eyes, and not in some other head?
Why am I confined to my own perspective?
It seems like there must be no one else in the world, if all I can witness and understand is this.
I wish I could have proof that other people truly do feel, so that my actions are justified.

It's like this strange realization that your entire life and consciousness is all trapped inside your own head.
You're an animal. You're offspring to your parents. You are biological matter, nothing more. When you die, it's over. It seems like you think there is a higher purpose to your life and your consciousness, but there isn't.
certainly. .I get into . . ok I see the color blue. . is that what other people see? which one of us is right? are these things absolutes.or does averyone have the own perceptions of the world around them. .
whay was I born here, now. . why not there. or then. .
does anyone else see and feel what I see and feel. . or is it just me being crazy?
that's the big one for me. . am I jst crazy? but then what is crazy? is it just perceptions that dont agree with minee?
yep I can sepnd a lont of time there in those thoughts. . .
"According to Wikipedia, other people do exist. The claims are missing verifiable source and are being disputed."

The only proof you can get that you are not dreaming your own dream, is that the outside world surprises you a lot. However, when we sleep, we do manage to narrow and cocoon our own minds-actors from our own minds-directors, to the point that we can surprise ourselves - even be shocked. But still, if you compare to dreams, there's simply too much consistency in the reality, to ignore it.

Essentially, you can't know whether it's real, what real means, why is it - especially "why" is an almost completely nonsensical question. It's a waste of time; it's more interesting to study this reality and try to understand its scientific laws, which luckily are repeatable.
You're an animal. You're offspring to your parents. You are biological matter, nothing more. When you die, it's over. It seems like you think there is a higher purpose to your life and your consciousness, but there isn't.

Unless you take the existential stance that humans create their own purpose. Then you are only limited to your imagination.
I believe there is system beyond our physicality (I plan on writing what I think the system is one day, when I have a lot of time) which is what is important, not this base thought/situation of my shell. I am not religious either. I also don't believe one makes the world, one merely shapes part of the flow for a brief time, which can include a shift in direction.

The whole mental thing, I find goes if you open up IRL to people. I ask others of their perception to gauge mine, regardless of my opinion of that person.

This sounds very boastful, sorry.
Take 7grams of shrooms and your questions will be answered.
Do you guys ever get into this strange mental complex where you are unsure of who your are? The internal dialogue goes like this:

Why am I in here, seeing through my eyes, and not in some other head?
Why am I confined to my own perspective?
It seems like there must be no one else in the world, if all I can witness and understand is this.
I wish I could have proof that other people truly do feel, so that my actions are justified.

It's like this strange realization that your entire life and consciousness is all trapped inside your own head.

I've contemplated such many times before. I haven't done it as much recently and it usually ends the same way.. I simply recognize there is nothing I can do to change it. If I'm existing in a false sense of reality.. if everything is just inside of my head.. if everything is simply a part of my imagination and when I die it all disappears along with me.. what does it matter? I can ask why, but there will never be any answers. I merely continue living in whatever existence this is.
I've contemplated such many times before. I haven't done it as much recently and it usually ends the same way.. I simply recognize there is nothing I can do to change it. If I'm existing in a false sense of reality.. if everything is just inside of my head.. if everything is simply a part of my imagination and when I die it all disappears along with me.. what does it matter? I can ask why, but there will never be any answers. I merely continue living in whatever existence this is.
SO much this. I like thinking about it from time to time, but thinking about it won't change a thing. I sort of am in a "don't care" mood. All I know for certain is that I am here. I just am. Everything else is fun to think about, but I don't expect or need answers. I am fine with existing just because.

Not to downplay the question OP, I love knowing people think like this actually because this is exactly the sort of question I asked myself many times when I was younger (lol, like I am old or something). And it is an integral part of the human experience. I feel like I am at the point I just don't want to waste any more thought on it and just live instead of wondering about life and reality.
Do you guys ever get into this strange mental complex where you are unsure of who your are? The internal dialogue goes like this:

Why am I in here, seeing through my eyes, and not in some other head?
Why am I confined to my own perspective?
It seems like there must be no one else in the world, if all I can witness and understand is this.
I wish I could have proof that other people truly do feel, so that my actions are justified.

It's like this strange realization that your entire life and consciousness is all trapped inside your own head.

Hello Ultrauber

Yeah, I seldom do this internal dialogue. It depends on my mood, I think. It's a very very strange feeling and frightening aswell, I can't think too long about it, it's frustrating - there is no answer why I am here, my being, my consciousness. Plus, me compared to the enormous size of the universe: I'm nothing.

Since I read this book (scientific not esoteric!) and got influenced by a friend I somehow confess that there is something that can't be reached by our reasoning - so we invented metaphysics - something like god or the essence of the universe - maybe love or waves or small bits of energy...
sounds weird and esoteric :-( I know but it's worth the thoughts)

maybe consciousness is non-local and we are receiving it like a tv program ;-) actually, thats what some scientists claim... we' will know wheither they are right - because we will die one day - the only thing that is for sure

bye and all the best

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Since I read this book (scientific not esoteric!) and got influenced by a friend I somehow confess that there is something that can't be reached by our reasoning - so we invented metaphysics - something like god or the essence of the universe - maybe love or waves or small bits of energy...


I think I am going to read this. It looks like a good suggestion.

Ultra, you might be interested in Neuroscience. Try [ame=""] The Three Pound Universe (9780874776508): Judith Hooper: Books[/ame]

The information is somewhat dated, but very intriguing.
I had that after taking 10 seeds of Hawaiian Baby Woodrose. In fact I felt that there's an external being controlling my body and seeing through my eyes and I am nothing more than a vessels that holds it. It went away in an hour but I still remember it quite well. Such thoughts cross my mind when I am sober but I never have felt it so physically. Maybe it is all true and we are nothing but toys, I wouldn't be surprised but do we have a choice? We could die but there are no chances that there would be any liberation.

Do you guys ever get into this strange mental complex where you are unsure of who your are? The internal dialogue goes like this:

Why am I in here, seeing through my eyes, and not in some other head?
Why am I confined to my own perspective?
It seems like there must be no one else in the world, if all I can witness and understand is this.
I wish I could have proof that other people truly do feel, so that my actions are justified.

It's like this strange realization that your entire life and consciousness is all trapped inside your own head.
you're either absolutely nothing, or everything that ever existed

your choice
No, I actually like to connect crazy feelings to a long string of other feelings (crazy or not) so no one thing stops me cold but all weaves together, forming a creative dynamism within. Some ideas seem crazy on their own, but connected to others they may have a rightful place.

If you are going to muse, find good stuff to muse on, not junk. Use your time (and your inner resources) well. :)
You're an animal. You're offspring to your parents. You are biological matter, nothing more. When you die, it's over. It seems like you think there is a higher purpose to your life and your consciousness, but there isn't.

What is it that makes you so sure of yourself that you don't even question your own belief of how the system that you've proposed works? this post would be far less pompous and irritating if you simply put a "I believe that" in front of it and refrained from making personal judgements about another's belief system. This is the Philosophy and religion section after all.
no one on this forum exists physically I set this program up a couple of years ago to have light conversation when ever I feel like. New members are just new personalities I enter in to get differing opinions on different subject. I still haven't been able to stop slants glitching.